22 posts
ind. priv. semi-selective. TRANSFORMERS OC multimuse est. 5/23/23 Read rules before following. as constructed by TRAUMA.
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
HI I PROMISE TO GOD IM NOT DEAD, I’ve been busy with irl stuff and haven’t had much of a chance to rp— I might be able to get to replies here later today or tomorrow!! Sorry for taking so long :’)
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
I was gonna do replies today but my internet straight up died so now I’m stuck laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling until it comes back. I also posted this to my other blog on accident but ignore that
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
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this is a permanent starter call/interest checker! like this post if you would like a starter, if you prefer plotting in dms over a spontaneous starter like and leave a reply and i will dm you to get to plotting!
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
yknow, considering i JUST made my autobot sideblog, im actually now just thinking if i should of made it it's own separate blog or not now...
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
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INTRODUCTION/ICEBREAKER STARTER - Feel free to change pronouns, e.t.c. 
“Allow me to introduce myself, my name is…” 
“A new face, eh? Haven’t seen one of those in a while.” 
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but notice that you are crying. May I offer you a tissue?” 
“Do you know any good cafes in the area?”
“No, we haven’t met before. I must just have one of those faces, I suppose.” 
“That looks heavy - need a hand?” 
“Why don’t you want to tell me your name?”
“Hey! You can’t be in here!” 
“I seem to be low on cash… Would you mind sharing a taxi with me?” 
“What are you staring at?” 
“Would you mind sharing your umbrella with me? I forgot mine at home.” 
“Excuse me!” 
“Please don’t stand on that!” 
“I love your sweater, would you mind telling me where you got it?” 
“I know we barely know eachother, but I… I could really use some company right now.” 
“Get out of my way!” 
“Would you mind removing your arm? You are blocking my armrest.” 
“Excuse me, have you seen this dog?” 
“I think you dropped this.” 
“Is this seat taken?” 
“No, I’m *Name here*. I think you are mistaking me for someone else.” 
“I wouldn’t mind some company, I don’t know anyone here.” 
“May I borrow your phone?” 
“Could you help me with this?” 
“I need a stranger’s honest opinion… Which one of these dresses look best on me?” 
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
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ind. pri. semi-sel. TRANSFORMERS oc multimuse as constructed by TRAUMA
please read rules before following@centuribot follows from @vicaricon
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Nightcall glanced over her shoulder, raising an optic brow with a sneer. This guy sure talked a lot. Nightcall shrugged it off, setting the crate down outside of a dark room, placing her servos on her hips.
❝ Listen no need to thank me or get sentimental, we're 'Cons and especially with how these humans have been treating us lately, we only have each other to rely on. But don't think that's an invitation to be friends suddenly. ❞
The femme leaned against the wall, glancing back at Breakdown.
❝ 'S don't take it personally, it's just that our group is already big enough with how many 'Cons we've been harboring and adding another to the mix adds more risk to getting found out by G.H.O.S.T. and considering I did just spring you... The fact I even brought you here could put my entire team at risk. But considering I'm the good Samaritan here. ❞
She pushed herself off the wall, approaching Breakdown and crossing her arms.
❝ But, if you can get all those crates over here, I can talk with my team and see if we can get you situated somewhere more... Secure and out of harms way. ❞
the mech grabbed as many crates as possible cmonnn.." he was ....limping as they walked into the femmes base
"hey listen...thanks for springing me.." breakdown gave her a soft smile
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
❝ Nightlight huh? How cute. ❞
Redline grinned slightly, listening to the other. A small huff left her vents as she quirked her hips, placing a servo on them as her other hand waved off.
❝ A cave? See Equalizer, I'm telling you that these humans are doing more harm than good to us. Imagine if we had to live in a cave! Primus, I can hear my joints rusting just at the thought. ❞
The flier looked over to the corner, addressing another with a cyan visor and a pastel-colored coat paint. The two-wheeler shrugged casually, leaning away from the machinery she was working on.
❝ 'S not my call Red, we were told we'd be granted immunity so long as we left the humans alone. ❞
Redline huffed in frustration as she sighed, looking up to Nightlight. Damn, what kinda Energon are they feeding these kids nowadays? The femme watched intently as the other retrieved an autograph booklet. She scanned the pages casually, barely being able to make out some of the handwriting. Without a second thought she had nabbed the pen and left her name in neat and curly handwriting. Fitting for someone who could more or less be described as a 'show bird'.
The other femmes didn't seem too occupied with what they were doing, some were lounging around leisurely reading whatever they could on old holopads while others were performing maintenance on the large scaled processor that was producing the Energon they consumed.
Videdrive returned after discarding her Energon cube, looking up at Nightlight
❝ Here, hand me the pen before I forget. ❞
Nightlight can't help but let slip several oohs and ahs as she follows Vicedrive into the facility. She nearly gives herself whiplash while trying to take the entirety of her new surroundings in. She vaguely remembers being lectured by Jet Dad about this kind of technology, but the information never stuck. She's always been a visual learner, after all.
She takes note of the human, briefly raising an optic ridge- Though this notion is washed away when the fiery flier steps towards her. Her warm yellow optics twinkle with excitement as she greets the stranger with a wave.
"Hello! I'm not a stray. I'm Nightlight! I live with my Jet Dad and my Car Dad at..." A pause, as she squints at nothing in particular. "Well, right now we live in an old cave with the bears kicked out. But Car Dad reckons we'll be moving soon. Ya know, to be safe an' all that."
She makes an odd mix between a squeal, a cheer and an engine rev as Redline finishes her introduction. She'd normally throw a jump in there as well, but considering the state of the place, she's okay not to this time around.
"It's super nice to meet you, Miss Redline! I really like your wings. And your paint. And your name." She blurts out with an audial wide grin. "If you'd please gimme a second..."
Nightlight reaches into her subspace and pulls out a notebook and a pen (where did she get them in Cybertronian size??). She flips the book open and eagerly hands both objects to the femme. On the page, there's already two signatures- One in neat handwriting that reads 'Spinoff' and one in barely illegible scratches that might read 'Swindle', but it's hard to tell.
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
❝ I thought you Stunticons were all about going fast! ❞
The playfulness in her vocalizer was enough to indicate she was merely teasing and nothing more. But it was no surprise to her that Breakdown was barely keeping up- after all she wasn't just any Transformer, she was a Velocitronian, and Velocitronians liked to go fast.
It wasn't long before the forest they detoured through opened up to a large clearing with silos and derelict buildings dotting it's landscape. The vague smell of raw Energon wafted through the air as the femme transformed, catching the crate of Energon in her arms as she looked back to Breakdown, a small shrug.
❝ End of the road, feel free to set the Energon down over there. ❞
She hummed nonchalantly, placing the crate down and stretching her servos. She glanced over back at Breakdown and thought for a moment, letting out a sigh.
❝ Though if you still got your strength you can help me carry these crates inside, maybe you'll get to meet my team too. ❞
breakdown revved his engine and drove off taking a sharp left "cmon...." he growled pushing his pistons hard as he could following nightcall
".....we better be there my pistons might snap!"
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
As far as alien life went- Cybertronians knew it best that they weren't alone in the world- several colonization efforts have happened all ending one way or the other. Integrating with the indigenous lifeforms or full-on eradicating them.
To those who looked in from the outside, Equalizer looked like a NAIL at best and an Autobot at worst. Opting to spare lives outside of her own species when the option calls for it. But don't be fooled, behind that cool demeanor and enchanting exterior, she's a 'Con all the way down to her fuel lines. However that didn't mean she had to be bad. The end of the war saw a new era for Cybertronians- one split between two worlds. Cybertron, dying from the egregious wounds inflicted on them by their own people, and Earth, a planet populated by, comparatively, a primitive species. Equalizer had initially avoided these 'Humans', due to their polarizing opinions on Cybertronians since they've landed- and by extension- since the end of the war.
Because they were in hiding, everyone had to do their due if they wanted to stay alive and healthy, no one was an exception. So it was Equalizer's turn to scout out a new vein of Energon to process back at their plant. The two-wheeler huffed to herself as she transformed off the side of a desert-y road, overlooking a few crumbled and abandoned buildings. She remembered it being a quaint but bustling roadside town- but the war being brought to their planet saw much in the destruction of places like this. But, where Transformers left destruction in their wake, there had to also be supplies left behind.
Equalizer went rummaging through the ruins, finding old stashes of Energon brought over or processed during the war. Did Energon have expression dates? Probably not- or at least, it was something Equalizer and the rest of her team held little care for in their risk.
However the motorcycle was quick to realize that she wasn't alone here. Scanning the area once again she stumbled across... Well, something. Definitely not human. The being was absolutely miniscule compared to her, and was treating this run down, dilapidated town like an... Archeological site?
Curiosity piqued as the two wheeler watched from a distant building, leaning against it's creaking frame.
❝  You know, humans don't take too kindly to beings from outer space showing up on their doorstep, let alone rummaging through their broken down towns. ❞ -@staticsqueaks
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Nightcall quirked a brow ridge, clicking her glossa against her denta. Weird guy...
❝ No need to call me that, if anyone is 'boss' around here it'd be my team leader. And whatever works for you, we got a long way to trek and a lot of Energon to carry and I don't particularly wanna loiter here for too long. G.H.O.S.T will come poking around when their convoys don't show up on time so grab what you can and just follow me. ❞
She snickered slightly, grabbing an empty crate from the back of one truck and going through all five cargo cars, filling it with as much Energon as it could carry. When she couldn't play her game of precarious jenga no more, she took the crate and transformed- keeping it secure and snug in the passenger seat of her alt mode.
The femme revved her engine, watching the other keenly.
❝ Hurry the frag up, I can already feel G.H.O.S.T getting antsy from all the way here. ❞
breakdown nodded softly as if.... he was on autopilot... "course boss...." he transformed into his right firebird sports car Alt-Mode "we towin or carryin?" Breakdown asked revving his engine "be warned your up against a stunticon " he teased chuckling
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
❝ Ah- apologies kid, didn't realize things were getting too somber. If I had to say, not much farther. It's an old old war era Energon Mining Facility. Place barely saw any action during the war- for as quickly as it was built, the place was decommissioned. But it's handy the Vicaricons found it- makes getting Energon on this planet easier. ❞
She was beginning to talk like she didn't just know them. The forest cleared out into open area are she began to approach an old building. Decrepit from time being secluded between civilization and a vast expansive forest. Concrete walls cracked with the weight of time, dilapidated ceiling threatening to cave in all who entered the building. But it was fine, it was fine, she reassured them all. It wasn't a permanent living arrangement, this planet wasn't ready for them so they will remain in hiding, it was her responsibility as their leader to make sure they are all safe at the end of the day, and this place was just detached enough to keep them so.
❝ Welcome to a place where sleeping 'Cons lie kid, there's quite a few of them holed up in here and they might be a little... Apprehensive, so don't take it too personally if they don't want anything to do with you. ❞
Vicedrive sneered as she lead the femme into the building. The place was pitch black, the dull drum of old Cybertronian tech, Vicedrive's footsteps echoed down the corridor as the dingy hallway opened up to a larger processing area- the bright glow of cyan and magenta being the only source illuminating the world as machinery worked away processing raw Energon into something more... Fit for consumption. The older femme strode by nonchalantly, knocking a fist against one of the machines that seemed to choke up just momentarily.
A group of seven bots seemed to be lounging about the area, with a peculiar person seemingly climbed on top of the machine with a welding torch.
❝ Oh- Vice, you're back. ❞
It was a human, and one that seemed to already be well acquainted with the aforementioned femme.
❝ Yeah, ran into a snag along the way. Here kid, introduce yourself while I get some Energon in my system. ❞
Vicedrive waved to Nightlight nonchalantly, heading over to one of the machine's outputs and picking up a small cube of Energon to partake in. The others seemed to eye Nightlight suspiciously as the first one to make a move would be a flier- brightly colored in an arrange of fiery reds, oranges, and yellow. Her blue bio-lights brightened slightly as she approached the other.
❝ Another stray, Vicedrive? Place is already getting packed as it is. ❞
The seeker seemed rather irked, scowling a bit as she placed two servos on her hips. Vicedrive gave a halfhearted hum, reassuring that the other was just here on visiting matters and wouldn't be staying for long.
❝ 'Con Autographs huh? ❞
A pause. Redline's expression brightened like she was just told she won a lifetime of Energon.
❝ Well you've come to the right place then! We are the Vicaricons, an all-femme combiner team. I am Redline, air support and poster-femme for the team. It would be my honor to give a young bot my autograph. ❞
Vicedrive sneered loudly, she knew that Redline's vanity wouldn't hold her back from trying to make herself better in the eyes of anyone who didn't know any better.
Nightlight very nearly walks into Vicedrive when she stops. She wobbles back and forth trying to regain her balance before stepping backwards. Her stare makes the young femme shiver. Jet Dad always said, the shorter bots were, the meaner they were... Perhaps they were right about that after all (then again, pretty much everyone was short to her, so did that even matter??).
"Ah, um- No worries, Miss Vicedrive. I totally get what you mean. Sorry." She chuckles nervously, suddenly unable to look her in the optics.
She parts her lips and raises a digit to object when the other calls her dad a rat, but quickly decides against it and nods along to the rest of her words.
"Mmm. I'll try not to." She murmurs as she fiddles with her plating. "It's just frustrating, ya know? Knowing Uncle Hardtop's there and I can't do scrap about it. I heard they did experiments on him- And they took off one of his arms. It's..."
Nightlight's voice trails off as she realises just how serious the conversation is getting. She loudly clears her throat. "Nevermind. I don't wanna bring the mood down." She shakes her helm to clear away the thoughts. "How far away are we, Miss Vicedrive? From the other Decepticons?"
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
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⭐ And now for my signature move... ⭐
Indie IDW Tailgate | He/They | Forged | Adult/18+ ONLY Penned by Red
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Semi-selective, some content may be canon-divergent! Follows back from @staticsqueaks!
╭──────────.★..─╮ Roleplay Rules
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Nightcall quirked a brow ridge. What the frag were they doing to these 'Cons? He didn't act like any Con she knew- this one looked like they would jump at the sight of a turbo fox. Nightcall sneered to herself quietly, standing back up and crossing her arms.
❝ No tricks here, unless the trick is me trying to con you into helping me carry this Energon back. 'Sides, I have better things to do than to antagonize bots who are barely keeping it together. ❞
She poked fun at the other lightly. Nightcall was still a Decepticon after all and even her fellow 'Cons weren't immune to slight mockery. She followed Breakdown out, scanning the convoy again to make sure there was no one alive to try and counter them. She glanced over at the other, optics flicking between him and his servo. She sneered slightly, shaking it with a firm grip.
❝ You can call me Nightcall, marksman for the Vicaricons. You don't gotta explain your life story to me, I frankly could care less. ❞
She pulled her hand away, turning away and hopping into the back of the convoy to start looting whatever was there. It wasn't necessarily that she didn't care like she said, but she had more important things to do than humor a nervous-bot who talks like he's never seen another 'Con before. She had a job to do, an important one at that. The Energon reserves for her and her team have been running low lately so it was in her best interest to get it back to base as soon as possible.
❝ There'll be time to get to know eachother later, Breakdown. Right now I need to get this Energon back to base and you're gonna help me whether you want too or not. I'm sure even you can appreciate some Energon after being locked up for... However long it was. ❞
the young con nodded softly "t-theres no tricks right... this ain't a s-set up?" Breakdown asked clearly anxious... "I'm can try transforming.... i don't know..but i doubt I'd be good enough " his cute yellow optics blinked in embarrassment "oh-oh.. sure" he jumped outta the transport "ohhhh that feels niiice" he offered her his servo "names...Breakdown former stunticon literally born a con.... that's not my fault.... but that's why ghost captured me?" Breakdown hugged himself " i-i think they were gonna dissect me...cause my body was earth made.... but my personality and spark are from vector sigma.. "
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Bright optics scanned the horizon before her. Nightcall, youngest of the Vicaricons yet the most deadly, she could take the head off any 'Bot or 'Con in a four-thousand meter radius.
Not many have ever set their sights on her when she was on a job- she liked to keep it that way. Unless you knew where to look, tracking where her bullets shot from would be a fruitless effort. There was a stillness to the air as Nightcall idly tracked a G.H.O.S.T convoy. After a moment of reflection, shots rang out as one by one drivers were dispatched and reinforcements were subdued. The small femme sneered to herself, a cheeky grin as she hopped up from her perch, running down towards the road as she folds up and holsters her sniper. These G.H.O.S.T agents never know what hit 'em.
A sigh, intakes shuddering as she hoisted herself up onto the back of a truck, digits digging into the metal frame and pushing the doors open.
❝ If this is another bust I might as well just raid G.H.O.S.T personally... ❞
The young 'Con hummed to herself, having been tasked by her leader to hunt down Energon reserves from transports coming in and out of G.H.O.S.T HQ. But what she found wasn't just Energon- it was a 'Con.
❝ Oh-- I wasn't aware with was gonna be a prisoner transport. Here, lemme get those stasis cuffs off ya. ❞
The femme smiled cheekily as she hopped into the cargo, kneeling down next to the other and fiddling with a device.
❝ Hey don't worry- once I get these cuffs off ya you can go off and do whatever you want. But if you wanna repay the favor of busting ya out of here, you can help me take this Energon back to my team. ❞ - @notabadcon
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Vicedrive glances over to the kid, realizing that every word she said wasn't even given a droplet of a thought. Vicedrive stopped, her heels digging into the dirt as she swung around, staring the bot down.
❝ Kid I swear to Primus if you don't shut your vocalizer up, I'm gonna turn my own needles on my processor. ❞
She hissed the words out, her denta grating as she turned and continued back to walking in silence. Why did she even agree to this again? Perhaps for a split second the bot reminded her of her own bubbly sparkling, always so curious and fascinated by this world she was sparked into. A harsh sigh revved past Vicedrive's fans as she glanced back to the other, an apologetic look in her optics.
❝ ...Sorry kid, I don't do well with.... chatterboxes. ❞
She tried to at least be an inkling more understanding but it wasn't like her patience wasn't already shot. The mention of the Combaticons caused a harsh sigh to leave Vicedrive as she rolled her optics.
❝ Oh. That rat. ❞
Vicedrive didn't have many positive interactions with Swindle or the Combaticons during her time in the army, but if there was one among them that she disliked the most, it'd be Swindle. That smarmy, conniving little-
The femme paused again, looking at how upset even the mention of G.H.O.S.T got her. A small sneer left the femme's vocalizer as she seemed to show an ounce of empathy for once.
❝ Locked up your uncle huh? Even humans don't seem to have any respect for our families, Cybertronian or not. Don't let it get you too down kid, Decepticons and even Autobots won't let some fleshy sacks of scrap like that keep us locked up, it's only a matter of time until they fuck with the wrong 'Con. ❞
In truth, most of the words past Vicedrive’s name go in one of Nightlight’s audial receptor and out the other. She’s just grinning stupidly at the idea of getting more signatures and the possible amounts of money her collection will sell for. How many witch hats could she get, once this was all done? Ooh, maybe she could buy some more decorations for her room at home! Or better yet- She could expand her room to make more space for her magic things. Yes, that seemed like the best idea. She makes a mental note to tell Jet Dad later.
As the older femme leads her onward, she continually points out whatever catches her optic (“that rock looks like a heart!” “birds! birds!” “oh, was that a snake?”) until she realised that Vicedrive is talking again, and that therefore she should probably be shutting up.
“Oh, combiners are really cool!” She calls out. “My car dad’s one, actually. A Combaticon.” She puffs out her chassis with pride. “His name’s Swindle. He’s a leg!”
Nightlight’s cheery demeanour seems to disappear in seconds as she registers Vicedrive’s last sentence. “G.H.O.S.T?” She scowls and kicks the ground, sending bits of earth into the air. “I hate those stupid humans! They took my uncle away and they’re dumb and fleshy and-”
She decides to stop herself before she ends up saying non-dad approved words. “I promise I won’t tell anyone. Even if they lock me up cuz of it.” She finishes with an affirmative nod.
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vicaricon · 2 years ago
Vicedrive held a lot of patience- she was the leader of a Decepticon Combiner team after all and unfortunately most, if not all, of her team members were a handful in some way to deal with. However their saving grace was they were at least adults.
She wasn't very fond of babysitting children.
Her right optic twitched slightly, glaring to the bot as she crossed her arms. The one thing Vicedrive disliked more than anything was lack of respect.
❝ Vicedrive. And you will do well to remember that. Don't make false promises you can't keep kid, because I can assure you that my patience can run very thin very quickly. ❞
Her tone was cold as she looked to the other in a mixture of contempt and near disinterest as she began making the long trek back to an old war-era Decepticon Energon mining facility- it barely saw any action for as quickly as it was built during the Decepticon's short tenure on Earth, it was decommissioned when Megatron had betrayed them to destroy the Space Bridge all those years ago.
❝ You can do me a favor by buzzing off once we're done here. Consider this a gracious gift from an old 'Con. ❞
Her words tinged with slight annoyance as she mulled over the other's words. Sell their collection... What did she think they were? Celebrities? They were being locked up left and right by these flesh bags- humans. Who would even wanna buy some Decepticon autograph book like that when they were the ones everybody hated? She even doubted Autobots would humor the idea. She could already feel her patience wearing thin and they've barely even moved.
❝ Vicaricons, they were a combiner team that operated during the war, they were some of the few that followed Megatron through the space bridge to Earth alongside the Constructicons, Combaticons and Stunticons and have been trapped here against their will since. I know where they are hiding out at least. I can take you to them for signatures and that's it. But you have to promise me you will never, EVER, tell anyone about where they are hiding. If I find out someone tipped off G.H.O.S.T or some other 'Cons or 'Bots to their location, it won't end very kindly for them. ❞
Nightlight tilts her helm in confusion at the mention of danger. It hadn’t really occurred to her that Decepticons could be not nice- Her dads were Decepticons, after all, and they’d never hurt her. Others, maybe, but it was always cool to watch. And sometimes, she’d get to keep the trinkets of whatever the bad guys were carrying!
As soon as Vicedrive agrees, she lets out a hushed “yes!” before nodding along to the rest of the other’s words. “Thank you so much, Miss, uh… whatever your name is. I promise I won’t be too much trouble! I’ll even do stuff for you, since it’s only fair. I’ve got a buncha new magic tricks, if you wanna learn ‘em.”
She waves a servo dismissively when the “high profile” names come up. “I’m not really worried about those guys, but it would be kinda cool if I got their names down too. Then my collection would sell for more. But I figure even the niche Decepticons have their admirers, so as long as I get a lot of signatures…”
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