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Genius Invokation TCG | Transparent Summons | Part 5
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#genshin impact#genius invokation tcg#assets#pngs#action cards: summons#genius invokation tcg: transparent summons#sprites#arataki itto#ushi#xiangling#guoba#mona#sayu#muji-muji daruma
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#journaling#note#journal#diary#png#png aesthetic#planner#muji#journal ideas#Instagram
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Strawberry Chocolate Coated Strawberry 🍫🍓
#food#sweets#japanese#muji#editing#pngs#transparent#png#pink#pink aesthetic#strawberries#strawberry chocolate#mine#transparent png#nightmareseditingpngs
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Muji Café
#drinks#punch#smoothie#tea#squash#soda#fruits#strawberry#raspberry#apple#passion fruit#lime#jasmine#transparent#png#muji
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i just wanna try posting here uwhduqwdu
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[ID: ho, linguini and dumpling as of the 3d pucca show vs. the 2007 show. they’re noticeably skinny in the new version. /End ID]
i haven’t seen this pointed out, but the new 3d pucca style actually erases the fat characters. pucca’s uncles are fat, but in the 3d series everyone has the same body design - THEY have the same design. at least the 2007 series had distinct characters, no one looked the same despite the simplicity
[ID: png files of several pucca characters, as of the 2007 series.
the order from left to right: abyo, bruce (the cop), chang, chief, ching, clown, dada, doga, dumpling, garu, ho, linguini, master soo, mio, muji, nini & didi, pucca, ring ring, santa, shaman, ssoso, tobe henchman (ninja), tobe and yani. /End ID]
and to make it worse their skin colors are also very very lighter in comparison. everyone is practically white and skinny with these weird heads
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Satgas Pamtas Yonif 410/Alugoro Terima Kunjungan Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih
Boven Digoel– Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif 410/Alg yang berada di perbatasan langsung RI-PNG mendapat kunjungan dari Pangdam XVII/Cendrawasih Mayjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa, S.E., M.M., selaku Panglima Komando Penugasan Gabungan Pengamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Darat (Pangkogasgab Wiltasrat) Kodam XVII/Cendrawasih didampingi Ketua Persit KCK Daerah XVII/Cendrawasih Ny. Erni Teguh Muji Angkasa…
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Danrem 174 Merauke Mendampingi Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Kunjungi Pos Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif 123/Rajawali
Danrem 174 Merauke Mendampingi Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Kunjungi Pos Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif 123/Rajawali
Merauke, Goosela.com – Pada hari kedua kunjungan kerjanya di wilayah Korem 174/ATW Merauke, Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih selaku Panglima Komando Tugas Gabungan Pengamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Darat (Pangkogasgabpam Wiltasrat) Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih Mayjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa, S.E., M.M beserta Ny. Erni Arum Nursanti Muji Angkasa (Ketua Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Daerah XVII/Cenderawasih)…
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Warga Keerom gelar doa lintas agama
Papuaunik, - Warga Kabupaten Keerom, Papua, pada Senin (16/9) menggelar doa syukur lintas agama, pemerintah, TNI dan Polri di Kantor Otonom. Nampak hadir, Bupati Keerom Muh. Markum, Kapolres Keerom AKBP Muji Windi Harto, Dansatgas Pamtas RI-PNG dari Yonif Raider 509/BY Letkol Inf Wira Muharromah, Dansatgas Pamtas RI-PNG dari Yonif Raider 300/BJW Mayor Inf Ary Sutrisno, Dansatgas Pamtas RI-PNG dari Yonif 713/ST Mayor Inf Doni Gredinand. Lalu, Kepala Kesbangpol Kabupaten Keerom Minggu Bandua, Ketua FKUB Kabupaten Keerom Pdt Karel Sapomena, Ketua Klasis GKI Kabupaten Keerom Pdt Frans Mambrasar, Ketua MUI Kabupaten Keerom KH Mahfud Muhdhor, Tokoh Agama Hindu I Made Hartana, Wakil Ketua Dewan Adat Keerom Sak Yunam, para SKPD Kabupaten Keerom dan tokoh masyarakat setempat. Acara ini diawali dengan menyanyikan lagu Kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan doa syukur Lintas Agama oleh Pdt Karel Sapomena, KH Mahfud Muhdhor dan I Made Hartana. Ketua panitia doa lintas agama, Iptu Jalludin mengatakan kegiatan tersebut juga sekaligus dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Perhubungan Nasional dan Polantas Ke-64 tingkat Kabupaten Keerom. "Maksud dan tujuan kegiatan ini adalah sebagai wujud rasa syukur yang mendalam kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bahwa situasi Kamtibmas di Kabupaten Keerom dalam keadaan aman dan kondusif serta membangun kesadaran masyarakat agar tidak membeda-bedakan Suku, Ras, Agama dan saling bersinergi antara satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga dapat tercipta kerukunan yang harmonis," katanya. Acara doa syukur lintas agama, kata dia, juga untuk mewujudkan Keerom yang damai sebagai wujud rasa syukur dalam semangat Tamne Yisan Kefase guna memperkokoh keutuhan NKRI. "Mari kita merajut kebersamaan dalam bingkai NKRI," kata Jalludin. Pdt Karel Sapomena mengatakan sepatutnya, sebagai uma manusia mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena sampai dengan saat ini di Kabupaten Keerom situasinya dalam keadaan aman dan tentram. "Kami mengajak kepada seluruh masyarakat agar bersama-sama meningkatkan kerukunan antar umat beragama karena kerukunan adalah sesuau yang sangat indah serta mari kita menjaga kebersamaan dan persadauraan antar masyarakat. Kami dari Tokoh Kerukunan Umat Beragama berharap kepada seluruh masyarakat agar selalu menjaga kerukunan dan persaudaraan antar sesama di Kabupaten Keerom, mari kita semua bergandengan tangan untuk menjaga kerukunan dan kebersamaan di tanah Keerom supaya kehidupan masyarakat tetap damai dan aman ," kata Pdt Karel. Bupati Keerom Muh. Markum, pada kesempatan itu menyampaikan menyambut baik kegiatan doa syukur lintas agama Tahun 2019 sebagai forum silaturahmi antarpemuka agama, Forkopimda dan masyarakat di Kabupaten Keerom. "Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana penyamaan persepsi terhadap berbagai upaya dalam mengatasi persoalan kehidupan, bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara dalam bingkai NKRI," katanya. Persoalan kehidupan bermasyarakat saat ini, kata dia, telah mengalami dinamika yang cukup menyita perhatian di berbagai wilayah tanah air, marak terjadi benturan dan konflik. Terkait dengan hal tersebut sehingga hal ini kita harapkan bersama jangan sampai terjadi di daerah Kabupaten Keerom. "Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa telah terjadi peristiwa yang melukai hati masyarakat Papua terkait aksi persekusi dan rasis terhadap mahasiswa asal Papua di Surabaya, Malang dan Semarang sehingga memicu terjadinya demonstrasi yang disertai aksi anarkis di berbagai daerah di Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat," katanya. Untuk itu, lanjug dia, semua pihak patut bersyukur karena situasi Kabupaten Keerom tetap aman dan kondusif saat ini. Negara kita dihadapkan dengan banyaknya penyebaran berita hoax, maka disini sangat diharapkan kepada semua pihak untuk tidak mudah terpancing isu dan menelan mentah-mentah berita yang belum jelas kebenarannya. "Sehingga kami mengajak seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk menjaga kedamaian di tanah Papua khususnya Kabupaten Keerom, agar lebih jeli dan bijak dalam menyikapi suatu persoalan ataupun informasi. Terkait dengan kondusifitas wilayah dan masyarakat di daerah tentunya tidak lepas dari peran serta segenap elemen terkait seperti aparat keamanan TNI-Polri, para pimpinan agama, tokoh masyarakat, pimpinan Ormas, elemen pendidikan serta segenap komponen masyarakat yang ada di Kabupaten Keerom," katanya. Bupati Markum mengajak semua pihak untuk tetap menjaga kerukunan dan beragama, menjaga kedamaian dan keharmonisan antar suku-suku bangsa di Kabupaten Keerom, serta bersama-sama berkomitmen menyerukan semangat Keerom Damai sebagai suatu kesatuan Negara Republik Indonesia yang berdaulat. "Sehingga mari kita satukan langkah dan pemikiran kita bersama guna mengatasi berbagai persoalan sosial dan moral di Kabupaten Keerom dan besinergi membangun daerah," katanya. Usai sambutan dari Bupati Markum, acara dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan ikrar komitmen bersama Keerom Damai oleh perwakilan mahasiswa Kabupaten Keerom, Herman Amos. Adapun isi ikrar tersebut, pertama, kami menolak rasisme dan paham radikalisme. Kedua, menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, kerukunan antarsuku, ras dan agama dengan penuh kasih sayang dan damai Ketiga, tidak terpengaruh dengan isu-isu yang tidak benar yang bersifat provokatif dan dapat mengancam keutuhan NKRI Keempat, mendukung pelaksanaan penegakkan hukum secara adil tanpa pandang bulu kepada oknum yang melawan hukum Kelima, menolak segala bentuk kekerasan, anarkis, narkoba dan minuman keras di Kabupaten Keerom. Kemudian kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan Komitmen Bersama Keerom Damai oleh Elemen Masyarakat dan Tokoh Lintas Agama Kabupaten Keerom yang disaksikan oleh Bupati Keerom Muh Markum dan Kapolres Keerom AKBP Muji Windi Harto.(Ian) Read the full article
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[Su Rimbaud, Lee Miller e Eleonora Antonioni](https://blog.becomix.me/trame-libere-antonioni-miller-rimbaud/ "https://blog.becomix.me/trame-libere-antonioni-miller-rimbaud/")
Quando sarà spezzata l’infinita schiavitù della donna, quando ella vivrà per sé e grazie a sé, dopo che l’uomo, – finora abominevole, – l’avrà congedata, sarà poeta anche lei! La donna troverà dell’ignoto! I suoi mondi d’idee saranno diversi dai nostri? – Troverà cose strane, insondabili, ripugnanti, deliziose; noi le prenderemo, le capiremo.
Così diceva Arthur Rimbaud nella Lettera del Veggente a Paul Demeny, in un passo solitamente non riportato nei libri di testo (sempre se presente). Rimbaud, a diciassette anni, aveva capito chiaramente che la donna era stata schiava di un uomo “finora abominevole”. Solo libera la donna potrà farsi veggente lei stessa e “precedere l’azione” tramite la propria poesia. Per quel che mi riguarda, l’uomo è ancora abominevole e trovo vomitevole il recente machismo tornato di moda. Noi maschietti dobbiamo ascoltare e comprendere le strane cose insondabili che le donne libere hanno scoperto. E credo che ne abbiamo davvero bisogno, come cultura e società.
Qualcosa, nel Novecento, è cambiato. Lee Miller fa parte di quel gruppo di donne che hanno reinventato il modo di vivere, rivendicando la propria libertà, a costo di ferire chi le stava vicino. Una libertà di costume, vissuta nei ruggenti anni venti a New York sotto l’ascendente di Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, una libertà di carriera (il passaggio da modella a fotografa), una libertà estetica (le sperimentazioni insieme a Man Ray), una libertà politica (documentazione della seconda guerra mondiale), una liberazione dalla società (depressione e cucina). Animo inquieto, per tutta la vita sarà perseguitata da un male interiore di una violenza indicibile. Se non possiamo asserire che Lee Miller sia stata poeta per come intendeva Rimbaud, sicuramente è stata veggente, in quanto ha delineato una nuova figura di donna. Ma veggente anche come “colei che vede”, perché almeno non solo ha visto, ma fotografato e documentato i passaggi chiave del Novecento.
Eleonora Antonioni ha raccontato buona parte della vita di Lee Miller in Trame libere, uscito recentemente per Sinnos Editrice. Il libro è contraddistinto da un delicato equilibrio tra la solidità di una impostazione narrativa classica e una ricerca stilistica e iconografica. Ogni capitolo dei cinque è un esercizio di stile: da pubblicità d’epoca l’infanzia, nero la surrealtà del secondo, un terzo capitolo perso nell’immensità del deserto viaggiando nello spazio e nel tempo, la prima persona da reporter e televisivo l’ultimo, in tavole a due vignette. Per certi versi, sarebbe stato bello vedere i capitoli pubblicati separatamente – che ne so, su rivista -, probabilmente avrebbe evidenziato maggiormente i cambi stilistici. Trait d’union stilistica è la bicromia nera e oro e l’utilizzo della china, a volte leggera come le penne muji di Non bisogna dare attenzione alle bambine che urlano.
Inutile sottolineare che la ricerca iconografica è precisa e non scontata, come Antonioni ci ha abituato nei suoi lavori precedenti. Come ad esempio nel primo capitolo, quando nel ‘27 Lee Miller stava per essere investita da un’auto, l’ispirazione visiva viene da Un Chien Andalou di Buñuel del ‘29 (sia Lee Miller che il personaggio del film indossano una borsa a scatola). Oppure quando la bionda Lì Lì – così veniva chiamata la protagonista in famiglia – salpa per la Francia per recarsi per la prima volta a Parigi nel 1925, proprio come Lorelei, la protagonista del fortunato romanzo Gli uomini preferiscono le bionde di Anita Loos, che compie lo stesso viaggio. L’ispirazione del disegno viene dall’illustrazione del romanzo di Ralph Barton. Alla fine del libro inoltre è riportata una bibliografia minima e altri dettagli della ricerca iconografica.
Oltre a ciò nella biografia di Antonioni rimangono gli spazi delineati, che siano interni ed esterni, riempiti con rapide righe, le decorazioni, sguardi persi in una surreale sensualità, morbosa, eleganza antica, erotismo da Balthus e uno Spirito del Male esalato da lastre o fotografie. Che siano questi gli elementi di un mondo d’idee femminile, le cose strane, insondabili, ripugnanti e deliziose? Noi le prenderemo, le capiremo.
Trame Libere. Cinque storie su Lee Miller Eleonora Antonioni Sinnos Editrice ISBN: 9788876094248
L'originale è stato pubblicato su [https://blog.becomix.me/trame-libere-antonioni-miller-rimbaud/](https://blog.becomix.me/trame-libere-antonioni-miller-rimbaud/ "Permalink")
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Strawberry Parfait / Peach Parfait
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Waasops Kasad Cek Kesiapan Pasukan Yonif 406/Ck Untuk Operasi Pamtas di Papua
Waasops Kasad Cek Kesiapan Pasukan Yonif 406/Ck Untuk Operasi Pamtas di Papua
Wakil Asisten Operasi Kasad Brigjen TNI Untung Budiharto beserta rombongan didampingi Kasdam IV/Diponegoro Brigjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa, S.E., M.M., mengecek persiapan Pasukan Yonif 406/Ck bertempat di lapangan Yonif 406/Ck, Bojong, Purbalingga, Jum’at (17/5/2019).
Dalam pengarahannya Waasops Kasad mengatakan, perbatasan RI-PNG memiliki berbagai permasalahan dengan…
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DItemukan Mayat Didalam Drum posisi di cor
DItemukan Mayat Didalam Drum posisi di cor
DItemukan Mayat Didalam Drum posisi di cor
KaptenBerita-DIdesa Sukoharjo Desa Pondok, Grogol Telah digegerkan oleh berita ada mayat di cor dalam drum dibawah jembatan jembatan Desa Pondok Asal mula ada pemulung bernama Muji Agung dia pemulung yang biasa mutar di desa Sukoharjo untuk mengambil sampah – sampah yang sudah tidak terpakai Dia menemukan Drum dan sangat bau dan teryata di dalam…
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Starting this month, Jihi Elephant is featuring bullet journalers and their journal at the end of every month! Each post features 1-2 journalers and their bullet journal stories. If you wish to be featured, check out the details and apply here.
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To kick off the bullet journal feature project, I chose two applicants. Both of these applicants are so incredible and so different. I felt it was important to show two very different journalers, as we are all so unique in our styles. So without further ado, here are July’s featured bullet journals.
BulletLeea by Leealiina Kivinen
My name is Leea and I’m 23 years old. I come from Finland, and after living around Europe and going to college on the East Coast (of the States), I’m currently living in Southern California, with a move back across the Atlantic coming up soon. I work in the music industry, in live music and tour production specifically.
Leealiina’s Bullet Journal Journey
I started my bullet journal in August 2016. I was just ending my summer vacation and was heading back to college for the fall. If I remember correctly, I came across the bujo community on Instagram. Organization and planning have always been a love of mine, which is why I think the hobby got me so excited.
I totally went crazy overboard with supplies when I started, buying all sorts of pens and accessories. But I settled down, and these days my go to supplies are just a black gel pen from Muji, a few fineliners and a handful of Tombow markers. But the experimentation and playing was an important part of my bujo-journey, and I think most people go through it.
There is so much inspiration and shared content across Instagram, blogs, Pinterest, and Youtube, that it’s easy to get swooped up by it all. I love that the community is based on sharing our creations and that all sorts of people are part of the community. From professional artists and graphic designers to people who have never been especially artsy (like yours truly). When I look back at my spreads, there are spreads I dislike as well as ones I love. There are ones that I loved before and don’t care so much for anymore, and vice versa.
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Bullet journaling is such a journey that I think people who are interested in starting one get overwhelmed when they compare their own day one to another’s day 500. You are going to make spreads you love and ones you dislike. You may start trackers and forget about filling them in. You’re going to make spreads that don’t work for you. And you will make mistakes and smudges, wrong lines here and spills there, but they are all part of your bujo, and they’re a part of the story.
Bullet journaling is definitely an amazing tool for growth and improving aspects of your life, but in the end, it’s just a hobby, so don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy the time you get to spend making your spreads, the functionality of your very own personalized journal, and definitely delve into the community. It’s the best one I’ve ever been a part of, with so much support and creativity flowing through the pages!
Here are some tips for bullet journal beginners:
If you want to start a bujo, you need to just begin!
Don’t compare your bujo to others
Don’t rush; you don’t need to fill a notebook up as quickly as you’ll probably want to when you first begin!
If you want to draw and decorate your bujo, do!! If that’s not your style, don’t force it. Make it your own.
Embrace your mistakes!
Universal Bujo by Michael Fox
My name is Michael. The bullet journal method changed my life. I’m a highly creative type person with a lot going on including family, web stuff, graphic design, game design, music, blogging, and more.
Michael’s Bullet Journal Journey
Since I have several creative outlets already, my bullet journal doesn’t have to scratch that itch. But I also don’t have a lot of time to devote to something that’s supposed to save me time. So my journal is devoted to a universal, ultra-streamlined style. This Universal Journal style, as I call it, aims to get as much productivity as possible from the bullet journal with as little time and effort as possible.
I started with a mini-notebook to test things out and moved to a standard sized journal for the second go. I even designed my own dotted journals to fit more with what worked for me (available at Lulu.com).
In this ultra-streamlined approach, I’ve got a 3-colored system to separate 3 dimensions of my life. My monthly spread includes weekly divisions, utilizing a door for a habit tracker and wellness tracker (possibly a third tracker soon), and the monthly task list with a calendar print out I made.
I use a simple two column layout for dailies and a 1:2 double column layout for note pages. I also created a free printable of Notemarks, the note bookmarks which I use for recurring lists as well as my placeholders for the monthly and daily logs.
Currently, I’m on the hunt for a minimalist style for just about anything anyone would need to keep in their bullet journal.
Here are some tips for bullet journal beginners:
For those new to the bullet journal, I recommend starting simple and minimal, and jazz it up later as needed or desired. It’s a tragedy to see someone trying the bullet journal method only to give up on it because the approach they learned at first requires so much time (though it doesn’t have to).
Also, it would be very helpful for newcomers to make a bullet journal board on Pinterest or the equivalent on Instagram to keep track of the journal ideas you really like. This not only serves as an inspiration collection but also as a way to get plugged into the broader bullet journal community.
Thank you so much to Leealiina and Michael for sharing their stories and hopefully inspiring other bullet journalers. I know that I am inspired by their stories! If you are interested in becoming a featured bullet journaler, check out the details and apply here!
July Bullet Journal Feature | BulletLeea & Universal Bujo Starting this month, Jihi Elephant is featuring bullet journalers and their journal at the end of every month!
#bujo#Bujo Layout#Bujo Spread#bullet journal#Bullet Journal Layout#bullet journal spread#bullet journaler#Bullet Journaling#Hand Lettering#Handwriting#layout#Lettering#plan with me#Spread
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