#muchdan edits
muchdan · 7 years
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hey-itsnxel · 6 years
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500 followers? I don’t know why you’re following me, but you’re all valid & ily.
Over the past months, I’ve made some really good friends who I cherish so much. My groupchats (s/o to the duck demons, richmond ii, & phandom swifties) have really been a huge support for my mental health & I’m so thankful for all of you.
I also promised myself [ and a few other unnamed people ;) ] that if I ever reached 500 followers, I’d link my ao3. I’ve always been iffy about it, but talking to a few people here has seriously raised my self confidence about posting it.
Seriously though, thank you for following me. I’m not sure why you do, but I appreciate you all so much. 
Alright, I’m done being sentimental now. Whether you post gifs, fics, edits, or just reblog, everyone in my follow forever has made me smile on multiple occasions and it’s always a pleasure to see you on my dash. 
ty ly bb’s <3
@adorkablephil / @agingphangirl / @amethysthollis
@botanistlester / @burnedoutphan
@daffodilwaltz / @dip-the-pip / @dqnielhowell
@fin-flora / @finalphantasy / @floppy-ding-dong
@hey-laura / @horcrux-howell
@imstuckinthetardis / @instarbuckswithdan
@laddyplester / @legdabs / @linguisticswithlester
@maetaurus / @manchester-memories / @martisun / @moon-boye / @muchdan
@pasteldnp / @phanae / @phanarchy / @phancryptid / @phandommom / @phantasizeit / @phloridas / @plastic-phantastic / @pretentiousdan
@roiceromo / @rorywithacamera
@saccharinedan / @scifiphan
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muchdan · 7 years
6 dnp moments that keep me awake at night
psa: i’m not including some iconic moments from the dog vlog or pinof 9 that are still fresh in our minds. i’m rather focusing on forgotten or underappreciated moments i rarely or never see on my dash. i present to you six moments that i can never get out of my head, in no particular order. let’s roll.
(click here for my previous list of moments. you won’t regret it)
1. cat sticker
so in the london ditl back in 2013, they’re browsing on their laptops, gbbo is on tv, and phil is covering his macbook with stickers. after he’s done he points out that dan’s laptop is clean and tries to stick a kitten on it but dan is protesting and covering the clean surface with his hand.
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phil just laughs and sticks the cat on dan’s arm instead. no protest from dan. no reaction. they cut to the next scene.
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later in the video we can see dan with this sticker the whole time: walking around the city, visiting chris, sitting in a cafe. which is where chris finally points it out and dan turns so giggly i swear i can barely function. 
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all of a sudden he’s so smiley. because he likes it. you know that feeling you get when someone you like fixes your hair for you? when someone playfully adjusts your clothes and you don’t change it back because you want to keep it that way or you’ll somehow shake their affection off? even if it messes your whole look, even if it’s a stupid glittery sticker on your arm?? you know??????
2. announcement moose
the first appearance of an announcement moose was accompanied by this epic moment of dan roasting phil. annoyed dan blows into the moose’s butthole to announce that he hates phil and it’s followed by the most “done” expression i’ve ever seen on phil’s face. the moment ends in laughs. “omg i’m hilarious” laugh from dan and the “that wasn’t funny at all but you’re precious” laugh by phil. 
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3. struggling with roller skates
so much to talk about here! brace yourselves, lads. 
first, not many people are around and no one’s watching them except anthony, but dnp are so comfortable around him that they do this very coupley thing, dan trying to help phil with his roller skate like a caring husband. 
second, anthony has been filming them all day, he’s been crossing the boundaries with those instagram stories that dnp can’t edit out or control or approve which makes me think that he knows the rules, he’s allowed to witness and capture these intimate moments. 
third, they are obviously smitten by being filmed, especially dan, his laugh is genuine but still a little bit embarrassed. how silly, he probably thinks. but all three of them are light-headed, they’re having fun, and they don’t really care that much. wow, truly a blessed moment to be allowed to observe.
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4. you living flop/aw spacial awareness
i’m combining these moments into one because they’re so similar to me. dan’s soft natural voice? check. phil adorably failing to do a task and giggling? check. behind the scene moments not meant to be in the video? also check.
in the pancake flipping one, we can hear dan’s breath, his inaudible laughter, so close. the whole vibe is calm, almost sleepy, a short shared moment between two people who’ve filmed so many scenes together. phil could easily film this by himself. the camera is on a tripod, he can flip the pancake, wait a second and then look whether it worked. but dan is in the next room, why not call him to assist? why not ask him to just sit there and make sure that everything is in frame?? (i have a lot of feelings about dnp helping each other film can you tell?)
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here’s another case of dnp’s calm filming routine. in this one, they are filming for dan’s channel and this scene requires more work from phil than from dan himself. dan’s completely neutral voice when phil hits his hand gets me every time. “aw dear. aw spacial awareness. ugh, you buffoon”. he knows phil will be fine. this is a completely different reaction to his “nope nope” when phil risks to seriously hurts himself doing a crab walk in pinof 9.
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5. sitting really close in truth bombs
i get it, the table isn’t long enough. i know, sharing each other’s personal space is nothing new to them (and us). but the sight of dnp being that close in a shot, with dan not just pressed against phil’s shoulder, but sitting just a tiny bit behind him makes my little weak heart skip the beat. their hips are obviously touching under the table. their knees must be bumping against each other. they are safe with their friends. they are excited about the game. and they don’t even need to look at each other more than three times throughout the whole video because they’re already so close.
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also, i want to individually acknowledge the way dan pushes phil’s chair a bit to the left to fit between him and hazel.
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6. you’re gonna have sex
how?? what??? why????? 
i don’t remember dnp ever talking about sex in relation to themselves. (pls enlighten me if you know of such occurrences). they are constantly making sex jokes, discussing kinks (oh that blissful time when phil brought up microphilia). the closest thing to dan mentioning that he orgasms from time to time was the infamous “i’m gonna go and masturbate then cry into a slice of pizza” line. that’s why this moment just blows my mind. 
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like, comment, subscribe if you want more videos i mean posts like this. and tell me of your favorite underappreciated moments. peace out.
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muchdan · 7 years
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muchdan · 7 years
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interior designer/gallery owner/fashion magazine editor phil
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muchdan · 7 years
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there’s the dog, phil. i mean, the door
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muchdan · 7 years
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s o f t
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muchdan · 7 years
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for @roiceromo
x | x
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muchdan · 7 years
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for anon
x | x
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muchdan · 7 years
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style. either you have it or you don’t
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muchdan · 7 years
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muchdan · 7 years
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that hole ruined me
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muchdan · 7 years
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standing under the spotlight to give the people what they want
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