#much more satisfying than the ‘he’s just an asshole’/‘she’s just a obsessed stalker’ idea that a lot of people believe
spliqi · 1 month
higuchi thoughts of the day: as much as i love the idea of her having some devastatingly destructive ability… her having a healing/support ability would explain so much of her character. like. her high ranking in the mafia despite (as far as we know) not being extraordinarily strong. her assignment to akutagawa + his resentment of her + her being so overprotective of him. the irl author’s connection to mori and yosano. dw about it
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vmfx · 3 years
Porky started working with us this past September and it only took a couple of days to lose our approval of him. Based on previous experience, he ordered us around and told us what to do with his faux-Italian mafia attitude and his zeppelin frame.
To make himself sound even bigger than he already was, he'd try to validate his importance to us. He bragged of how he was to receive a $2,500,000 windfall right into his bank account from the Chinese Mafia. Once he pulled me over from doing something real important to show me a picture of his Asian stripper ‘girlfriend’ on his smartphone. He also claimed to have 78 traffic tickets and, according to him, “beaten every single one of them” with two thumbs up to himself and a smile. And we’ll never forget when he claimed to have run a five-minute mile ‘in his prime’.
His aims with false credentials finally hit a reality for once. To his credit he snuck up on a shoplifter, grabbed him by his jacket, and handed him over to the store manager for all the market to see. Our hero of the day became the star of the show and expected everything to be handed to him. Sooner or later his front-page legacy wore off ad we all saw him for what he really wasn’t. Everyone was tired of him so he started gunning for our attention when he failed to sell us his alibis. He constantly interrupted our duties by refusing to help us and needled his child-like mentality into us every chance he could. A stand-off with another co-worker almost turned into a fist-fight since Porky loved to be the catty little socialite princess who always had to be cute and say something about everything.
I already deemed him a lost hope. He came for me and prodded me more and more, and I ignored him. Because I chose doing work over being constantly interrupted, I fought back and my natural instinct told him to fuck off. Now he made me his target. One payday when I waited in line for my check, he constantly called me out for attention to see if I would turn my head for the sole purpose of distracting me. Then he followed me out of work where he would taunt me, screech, sneer, and cat-call my name from across the parking lot as I walked towards my car like the nancy stalker he was.
His huge Achilles heel was with women. He’d leer and whistle at them. He’d rev himself up as he jabbed me to explain in juicy chauvinistic detail of all the things he wish he would do to them. It only took one defining moment to give him away: one night my department learned that Porky got caught eying one of the Miami blondes at register and it got back to us via a manager. She thought he was creepy. We all laughed because her one-word description fit him perfectly and it started a non-stop tabloid obsession. All the jocks and alpha males became gum-snapping gossip whores once again.
More stories kept on coming. Porky set his sights on this low-grade three-out-of-ten brunnette that was in our department; low enough that she was good for him and went for it. We had no idea what really happened except that Porky claimed to have gotten a piece of the action. Diamanda, the Irish girl at the front desk, was going crazy when she told me that he left messages on her social media for all to see…on Valentine’s Day. But what had me suspicious was that I noticed him having eyes on a young Indian girl walking by our department who happened to be underage but he didn’t mind.
However, nothing else could compare when my co-worker Danni, the caramel-haired cashier with a whip-snap ability for finding gossip, had more news for me the next day.
“I have to tell you something.” Danni motions her hand at me toward the desk. “You know that Porky was checking me out from across the counter the entire time?”
More, please.
“Then last night when I left work, he waited for me right outside the entrance and offered me a ride home because he knew I didn’t have my car with me. So I said ‘no’ to him. Oh m’ god! I hid in the pizzeria for a half-an-hour until I left. And then he drove past me as I got into my friend’s car and he got real pissed at me because he thought I lied to him!”
Whereas Danni and I rarely spoke the previous two years had now become an everyday news update. A week later we heard that Porky was found washing her car’s tires in the parking lot, the new doe he was interested in. My co-workers and I struggled to process this for five minutes before we labeled him the laughingstock of the workplace.
Danni turned to the franchise’s son about the incident, who told our manager who warned Porky. Poor little frustrated Porky was incensed not only because Danni pushed him away but also he was snitched on. So incensed that he started slut-shaming on a daily basis and shortly after almost ran her over with his car. An alliance was made and I volunteered to play defender. It was unanimous. All of us wanted him out before he does more damage.
We finally declared a victor, ladies and gentleman.
One day I had a customer requesting something rare, so I went to the back to retrieve it. I move a cart out of the way and accidently knocked a bucket of celery off a shelf with the cart. Porky was not pleased at all seeing his hard work fall to the floor. Being the responsible guilty party I am, I voluntarily clean up my mistake and dispose of it. It was time to turn the page and move on with my life.
“Hey, did you hear what I told you?” Porky barked.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you going to cut me up some more celery?” Porky demanded.
“Sorry. It’s not my duty to.”
That was my response. Had he asked me nicely then I would have been more than happy to chop up some replacement celery, but no. Instead he chose to become instant royalty and I chose to stand my ground. I will not be talked down to and take orders from a desperate zero who was not my manager.
Never mind the fact that I made a mistake and corrected it, and I even technically said ‘sorry’. He was not satisfied. In the next half-hour he would bring this up three more times because he had the inability to progress and move on past the small things in his feeble life. Everything in the world needed to stop because he was the department diva. He needed to have his way in order to move forward. And after all this I still ignored him and moved on.
One hour later and it is break time. As I head to clock out for a fifteen-minute time-out Jesus approached me. Not the second coming, but Danni and I referred to him as Jesus simply because he was skinny, had long hair, and a goatee. O’ fucking laughing marijuana Jesus.
“Hey! Do you drive a gold or silver car?” Jesus inquired. “Yeah, I drive a silver car. What’s up?”
“Oh, I’m asking because something just happened to a customer’s car.” Jesus dashes out and I walk to the punch clock. Then a second person stops me.
“You drive a silver vehicle, right?” asked Paddy, the head maiden.
“Yeah…uh, what’s going on?”
“There seems to be a mess on someone’s car. I’m not sure if it’s yours, though…”
Wait a minute. You’re kidding me, right?
Jesus and I walk out to the lot where he leads me to my car. Bits and bits of celery streaked all over the windshield and hood of my car. Such an absolute careless act from a go-nowhere lowlife who has to be number-fucking-one over everything and everyone. He’s now sent a message: I’m the king of the workplace. I have the last word on everything. Never defy me. Never stand up or talk back to me. Lie down and take it, or else.
Jesus volunteered to clean off much of Porky’s mess as possible and I felt real bad that he did so. He was only human in which he didn’t do a complete job by creating some holy miracle to make my car sparkling clean but I absolutely cannot complain.
Everyone was gunning for Porky at this point. From chasing every female in the store with two legs, pushing us around, and filling the natural air with magical storybook claims and one-liners, he was bringing the entire workplace down. They deemed him as the useless un-tolerable self-superior asshole that had to go. They did everything they could to get rid of him but they all failed. But I had just the one thing to do so: the footage of him dumping my car caught on camera.
My managers asked me what exactly happened and I told them right down the line. My allies learned what Porky did and sided with me on the grounds that they were sick and tired of being targeted and spat on by him. The managers went right to the footage, reviewed it, and saw what he did. They were disgusted. Huffing, rolling their eyes, throwing their arms up and shaking their heads that a grown man would resort to playground games and petty retaliation tactics. They would even get him on shoplifting since he walked out with the celery without paying for it.
And they finally disciplined him: with a written warning. He walks.
I wasn’t surprised that they dropped the ball. When people get picked on daily or a major incident involving empty male bravado over trivial things occurs, not a thing would be done. These people had a better chance being fired by not showing up or coming to work drunk or high than doing something outrageous. In fact, my co-workers invent new ways of pissing customers and each other off and somehow kept their jobs. (They were friends with the manager’s son.) Yes, it is that hard to be fired where I work. And then there’s Porky, who technically got off simply because he did no damage to my car.
For defending myself and showing Porky that I refused to be pushed around, I was insulted and laughed at by him. He can do whatever he feels like and he’ll walk. No further repercussions because what’s the point? Would I say something to him, he would say something back and laugh in my face in a very sneer manner. Everyone felt powerless, none more than I.
After this incident, nothing really mattered anymore. It didn’t matter if I worked hard or went the extra mile for someone. What mattered most was Porky because he was the free ride. He was above all. As long as he worked with us he’d continue to miraculously dodge bullets. He’ll continue to wobble and sweat across the playfield to the nearest manager to save his ass and belittle anyone he wants to for another day. Our managers who were supposed to look out for us instead fumbled and said “oops!” as they looked the other way. Porky will continue to pollute the air with his lowest common denominator trash-TV mind, his sleazy junk-food personality, and his Opie & Anthony lifestyle. There is nothing we can do about it.
“There is something I need to tell you!” Danni smiles in excitement.
I pause and wait for it.
“Porky was arrested this morning!”
It’s payday and I arrive well after Porky’s shift ended to get my check, just to be safe. Not even three seconds of walking into work, Danni got me.
She was the most excited I’d ever seen her. She felt like she hit the jackpot. Knowing that she never lies, I knew I struck gold as well. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it couldn’t have happened to someone more deserving.
My co-workers in my department greeted me with smiles and fist-bumps when they confirmed the news to me. They saw Porky’s step-ma come in to tell my manager that Porky wouldn’t be in. They also overheard that she refused to bail him out. All throughout the day they speculated what really happened. Some said he got pulled over and the cops found a stash in his trunk. (”Half-a-dozen pizza pies and a few bags of cheese doodles!”) Others said that he must have washed the wrong girl’s tires. Still, my department gave Porky a proper send-off by telling stories and making fun of him for weeks to come; the usual gossiping obsessive little mincer mice they  all are.
For all the times Porky treated us poorly, we were all vindicated. It took his foolishness and a stroke of luck to bring about his downfall. My manager red-cards him and crosses him off the schedule with no chance of ever coming back. As with getting off the hook of vandalizing my car, he was fired simply because he was unable to show up for it. Live by the technicality, die by the technicality. My department’s morale has been its highest all year, the cashier girls no longer work in fear of surveillance, and I thanked Karma for paying him a long-overdue visit.
When I got home from work and opened my e-mail, a link was sent to me from my co-worker waiting to be opened. I click on it, enter the numeric code, and upon further investigation I’d find out the real reason why Porky was arrested: he was charged with forcible touching of a minor under eleven.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
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Miss Grant’s daughter (3)
Summary: (crossover between Arrow and Supergirl) Kitty is the daughter of the one and only Queen of media herself, Cat Grant. What will happen when a small town girl from Europ moves to a city where aliens and superheros are nothing special? Will she find love? Will she discover the new world? Will she finaly get rid of her seacret?
3. Don't you remember? Kitten?
All she knew was that the girl that saved her was now holding her in her arms and they were...flying?  "Are you okay?" The girl asked again. "mhm" was all Kitty could get out of her throat. Maybe she will miss the small town after all.  ''Kitty!'' Miss Grant let out a cry as soon as she saw Supergirl flying down with her daughter in her arms. She thought she lost her but once again Supergirl saved the day.  ''Give her some water she is in shock.'' Supergirl said as she gently put down Kitty who felt the arms of her mother wrap around her in the same second Supergirl's let go of her.  ''Kitty, are you okay?'' Cat asked with concern on her face but a soon as her daughter nodded her expression turned strict and hard. ''What were you thinking? Have you lost your mind? Never do that again! Do you hear me little lady? Never again!'' As soon as Cat  was done with her lecture she squeezed her daughter in to a bear hug again.  Kitty could hear Supergirl's voice in the background asking if anybody needs help. With some struggle Kitty managed to get out of her mum's embrace and walked over to the girl in blue and red.  ''Hey.'' She said standing behind supergirl who turned around as soon as she heard her. ''I know you are probably busy but I just want to say thank you for saving everyone in there, me included.'' ''It was my pleasure.'' The hero smiled and that's what confused Kitty. She realised that there's something very familiar about this girl, but she clearly couldn't put her finger on it. ''Stay safe.'' Supergirl said with a smile and flew away.  ''Kitty!'' Carter ran to her sister and grabbed her hand pulling her towards the car waiting for them. ''C'mon, we're going home.''  ''Okay, okay, I'm going.''  Kitty smiled and walked behind her brother.  Once they were all in the car Cat and Carter started to talk about how was school and only them did Kitty realise how beat she is. She was actually surprised she could still be awake after travelling for over 12 hours straight and then she spent the whole day with her family and even almost got herself killed, who could blame her for almost sleeping with her eyes open.  The alarm clock on the night stand in Kitty's new room read 3:40 AM when she woke up feeling jet-lagged as ever. After tossing and turning for 20 minutes she decided to just start unpacking, because she knew she wont get any more rest today. Getting out of bed with a sigh, she put on some sweet pants and her favourite white t shirt and got to work.  She was finished just before 7 AM and looked around her room satisfied with her work. The room itself wan't all that big, but she didn't mind at all, because she preferred small cozy settings to the huge luxurious bedrom her mother or even brother had.  There was a king size bed next to the window on which were 3 blankets and a whole bunch of pillows. Across from the bed there was a pretty big closed and on the remaining walls there were shelves upon shelves of books. She also really liked the light baby blue colour of the wall.  Changing in to her outfit for today which included a black A-line skirt that reached just bellow the middle of her thighs paired with a pink shirt and a black letter jacket. Of course being her short self she decided to wear pink high heel shoes and leave her hair in soft waves.  When she exited her room and went to the kitchen she expected everyone to already be there but she was the only one ready so she decided to make some breakfast for her and her family.  By 8:20 Kitty was  in the car with her mother driving to Catco media where Cat decided to give her daughter a job as a mixture of a writer and IT expert. Kara came to work at the same time as always with Miss Grants coffee in her hand waiting for her to come to her office in her private lift.  ''Hey, pss, what kind of alien was that red thing you fought yesterday?'' Winn's vice came from beside Kara. ''How did you know?'' She asked turning around and all he did in response wast point to the wall of televisions. ''Oh, and i don't know Alex said they are investigating it right now.'' She responded when she realised that the news were all over the last nights attack already. ''She's here.'' Kara said straightening up and turning towards the lift. ''But... she is not alone..'' She added confused, considering people got fired just for breathing too close to her private elevator. With a 'ping' the elevator doors opened and out walked Miss Grant in all of her glory. ''Good morning Miss Grant, here's your coffee.'' Kara said offering the cup to her boss, who took it in to her hand just as her daughter walked out of the elevator as well, but in a way more humble manner than her mother. ''Hey, Kara right?'' She smiled at the girl that picked her up from the airport.  ''Yeah, are you on a tour of Catco media?'' Kara asked as Winn chreeped behind her with wide eyes.  ''No, she will be working here.'' Cat responded instead of her daughter. ''Now Kira, show Kitty to her desk, she will be taking over Shivan's old one.'' ''Of course Miss Grant.'' Kara nodded before her boss walked away to her office. ''I thought your name was Kara?'' Kitty asked with a confused jet polite expression on her face. ''Yeah my name is Kara but your mum tends to forget that.'' Kara smiled but soon added ''But I don't really mind of course. Any way this is Winn he is the IT guy.'' ''Hey, I'm Winn, the IT guy.'' He said offering his hand for her to shake.  ''Nice to meet you, I'm Kitty the IT girl.'' She smiled taking his hand. ''Really? You'll be working at the IT department?'' He asked impressed. ''Yeah well i'll be working as a mixture of the IT and the writing department.'' She smiled and added ''So who was this Shivane girl?''  ''My ex-girlfriend.''  ''His girlfriend'' Kara and Winn said at the exact same time and then looked at each other and then back at Kitty with Winn replaying ''My ex-girlfriend, she worked here as an asistent but got fired and then she went kina psycho and then Supergirl had to stop her now she is in prison.''  ''Oh wow, let's hope her desk won't cause the same to happen for me.'' Kitty smiled. ''So  where is this desk?''  ''Right there.'' Kara said pointing to the desk across from her. ''Thanks, now if you don't mind i will just get settled in. Thank you, for everything.'' Kitty smiled and walked over to her desk just as the two friends waved at her and wished her good luck. ​​​​​​''Why didn't you tell me she is so beautiful?'' Winn punched Kara's shoulder, knowing it doesn't hurt her. ''I did tell you, while you were basically interrogating me yesterday.'' Kara responded rolling her eyes.  ''Yeah but you didn't tell me she is this beautiful.'' Winn said not being able to tear his eyes from her. ''Yeah, yeah.'' Kara said suddenly feeling a bitter feeling inside of her.  Later that day while Kitty was working on her first potential story for Catco media, her phone rang and as she picked it up to answer she saw that the number is unknown. Hmm, weird. She thought to herself and answered. ''Kitty?'' The male voice on the other end  said. He sounded kinda familiar to her but she didn't know who it was. ''Yes. May i ask who am i speaking to?''  ''Don't you remember? Kitten? You're gonna make me upset.'' The over dramatic voice said from the other side of the phone said casing Kitty to forget how to breath. It's him! How did he find me? Panic filled her head.  ''Jake?'' She asked hoping that she is somehow wrong. ''That's right, good job baby girl.'' His voice send shivers down her spine, but not the good kind of shivers, these were born from fear and anxiety. All she could think to do at that moment was end the call and throw her phone in to her purse. ''Not again, please not again.'' She whispers to herself and stood up. She needed some air. This was all too much.  ''Kitty, is everything okay?'' Kara asked as she heard the last couple of sentences of the phone call. ''huh?'' Kitty turned around, still shaken up. ''Oh yeah, i'm okay, i just need some air.'' She faked a smile. She did that a lot, Kara noticed.  ''Here let me show you where the balcony is.'' Kara offered, knowing that leaving her alone probably wasn't the best idea.  ''Oh, it's okay i'm sure i will be able to find it.'' ''No, no I insist, it's time for my break anyway.'' After that Kitty was left with not her chose but to agree and let Kara lead her to the balcony. Once they were on the balcony Kara looked at the girl next to her, noticing her shallow breathing. ''Are you sure you are okay?'' She asked. ''Yeah, I just got a call that threw me off a bit.'' Kitty let out a sigh and closed her eyes trying to calm down..  ''Who was it from?'' ''Just some guy from back home.'' Kitty replayed not really sure why she was telling her this, she was not the one to talk about her feelings or problems. Kara just seed like a person who really cares and understands.  ''Your boyfriend?'' Kara asked, which caused Kitty to let out a laugh. ''No, no. He is very much older than me and he kinda had a weird obsession with me since i was 17. However once i turned 18 he stopped... And now well i guess he got bored again.'' Kitty explained it. ''You had a stalker?'' Kara was left stunned. ''Yeah you could call him that, i just prefer to call him asshole.'' Kitty tried to lighten the mood. ''Anyway i'm here now so he can't do anything anymore.'' She smiled. ''So how about you? What's your story?'' ''There is no story. Like at all.'' Kara said doing that nervous laugh and fixed her glasses, which Kitty realised was a nervous habit of hers.  ''Oh c'mon of course there is, everybody has a story.'' ''Yeah, but mine is just boring average life of a girl, here, on earth.'' The nervous laughter escaped from her lips again.  ''Okay if you say so.'' Kitty smiled. ''I should probably get back to work, so i don't get fired on my first day.'' 
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