#much appreciated <3< /div>
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44 for Regina;
12 and 20 for Cady;
24 for Janis;
2,3, 19, 20 and 43 for Veronica for the character thingy
hello friend holy cow this is gonna take me a while tysm!!! <3
44 - their happiest memory
she is six years old. it is her birthday. her mom took her shopping the day before and she got the most perfect pink birthday dress. she’s allowed to wear a little makeup since it’s her special day. her parents smile at her at the breakfast table and she gets to eat as many eggo waffles as she wants. her friends all come over in the afternoon and they have a special tea party in the backyard with pink lemonade and finger sandwiches and cookies that are a little gross but make them feel grown up and real china plates and teacups and flowers and everyone’s in their pretty dresses and regina gets a crown.
she opens her presents after they’ve had their meal and gets a pretty dollhouse from her parents. janis gets her the new barbie doll, her first one that isn’t a hand-me-down from her mother. gretchen gives her a paint your own teacup kit. karen gets her a dvd of their favorite barbie princess movie. she’s piled with other gifts from her other friends.
they play on the swings and slides and climb trees. she and janis hold hands on the swings and almost break their elbows. her cake is vanilla and has astronaut barbie printed on it with a pink trim. it is the most delicious thing she’s ever tasted.
janis and gretchen and karen sleep over and they stay up late playing with all regina’s new toys and watching her new movie. they fall asleep on the living room floor and get cake for breakfast the next day.
12 - crack headcanon
as a child she tried to bring a lion cub as her dinner guest by hiding it in her shirt. it took her parents 20 minutes to notice.
as an adult she uses the same strategy to trick her partner into getting a cat. it works.
20 - scars (related lmao)
one near her right eyebrow because she had a growth spurt, didn’t notice, and ran headfirst into a tree branch
her left ear is slightly deformed at the top bc of a particularly vicious lion cub play session
one right against her lip in the mid-left because she had a stubborn pimple and wouldn’t leave it alone
one on the bottom of her chin because her first time somewhere with them, she fell up the stairs. not down. up.
one on her upper stomach/lower chest where a mama lion got mad and scratched her. her first time needing stitches! but nothing life threatening
some on her back from when she had chicken pox
one on her right arm where she scraped it on some of her parents research equipment
scraped elbows and knees from playing and tripping so much
old shaving nicks on her legs
permanent bite mark just above her right knee because she fell out of a tree, landed biting herself, and the wound got infected
bottom of her left foot, stepped on a thumb tack in her parents’ study room
24 - most annoying habit
it’s so hard to pick just one this girl is annoyance personified lmao. and a lot of them are more traits/ symptoms (of adhd mostly) than habits
she steals EVERY writing implement she can get her hands on. her household has no pens or pencils bc she HAS TO SKETCH SMTH IMMEDIATELY and doesn’t put it back. they are actually everywhere. mostly in her pillowcase because she puts them behind her ear and they fall off while she sleeps, in the shower because again, behind the ear and she finds them while she washes her hair, and in her art studio/area place. her partners/damian are fed tf up.
VERONICA hoo boy
2 - a canon or headcanon hill i will die on
she’s tall. that’s genuinely the first one that came into my head. i love a short gremlin type as much as the next person but she’s a minimum of 5’6.
(i haven’t consumed canon or fic in so long i can’t think of anything personality related i’m v sorry)
3 - obscure headcanon
she’s allergic to a lot of really uncommon/“weird” things and everyone is like ??? how can you even be- okay. she has the fun ones like dairy and bee stings and dogs but she’s also allergic to the cold. her own sweat. gelatin. water. coins. babygirl is literally allergic to the sun.
19 - vices/bad habits tw for sh, alcohol, drugs, etc
obvs drinking and smoking. she becomes an alcoholic after canon and dabbles with harder drugs. she goes to rehab when she’s 20 and gets clean. she stays that way the rest of her life, but some days are easier than others. she still smokes though.
also post canon she burns herself with her cigarettes/does other sh. she attempts a few times but is found and given help. the fourth time sticks and she gradually stops.
she calls heathers ghost to bully her whenever she feels bad about herself to make it hurt worse. heather won’t so she moves onto the others. kurt and ram usually go for it. heather yells at them.
she bites her nails. she chews on her hair. she chews pens and pencils. she has cripplingly low self esteem. she’s constantly changing something about her hair.
the list goes on but these are the biggest i can think of
20 - scars tw for sh again
she’s constantly covered in bruises bc she’s clumsy as fuck
it’s not visible but she has one right on top of her head where her hair won’t grow because she concussed herself on a tire swing and split her head open. she had to get staples and it healed oddly
her septum is a little weird if you look close from a botched piercing
she’s missing most of her fingerprint on her left thumb bc of a particularly involved incident involving superglue
one near her left elbow because she was attacked by a dog as a child. also left marks near her eye (on her cheekbone) and bit one of her fingers so it bends just a little
sh scars :(
appendectomy surgery scar on her tummy
one on her hip because she walked directly into a countertop
scraped elbows and knees
and many many stubbed and probably broken toes from walking into things
43 - 3 comfort foods and 3 they despise
loves: (not counting spaghetti with lots of oregano)
slushees. duh.
homegirl loves a soup. her fav is a simple chicken noodle (bonus points if it’s got good veggies in there) but she’ll try anything. cheese and broccoli. tomato. french onion. matzo ball. her cabinet is like a soup museum.
and she loves animal crackers because they remind her of her childhood and simpler times. and she always sings the shirley temple song because she watched all the movies with her parents and secretly loves them.
grape soda because it doesnt taste like grape. she gives it a pass because it does taste like purple but she still refuses to drink it.
eggs because she can’t get over what they actually are
corn nuts bc they remind her of the bad times and are also just really gross to begin with
#tysm friend!!!#much appreciated <3#mean girls#cady heron#janis sarkisian#janis ian#janis imi'ike#regina george#veronica sawyer#heathers
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Sender take a stab for reciever.
Tess and post shadowlands Sylvanas
thank you so much!! fic below the cut :D ngl i haven't written tess in a long time and i've never written post SL sylv before so pls be nice to me!
She’s been struggling with her memories since the soul fusion.
Some of the faces she guides out of the Maw are familiar, their names or their deaths hovering on the tip of her tongue, just out of reach; their consciousnesses brush hers, screaming wordless obscenities at her, stabbing her with cold, condemning anger as she sends them on their way. Not once does she flinch. Not once does she fight back. She keeps her eyes down, and her focus on her penance.
One soul, brimming with youth and broken optimism, breaks ranks and rushes at her in a swirl of Thalassian tulips, a smiling mouth open and calling her name-
But she flings them up before they can. Insults in Darnassian she takes in stoic silence. To hear herself condemned in her own tongue would… hurt.
There are no days in the Maw, and Sylvanas rarely allows herself rest. She stumbles from one lost soul to another, worn down like a cog in the Azerite machines she can’t quite remember the blueprints for anymore (were there three levers or four? One goblin operator or two?) On occasion she cleans her leathers. When her boots go into holes, she hunts Maw-touched beasts to replace the soles.
There are no hours in the Maw, no sunrises or sunsets, nothing familiar, nothing she can cling to. But no matter the circumstances, no Windrunner would be too tired or disorientated to recognise she was being followed.
Followed by the living, no less.
They’re good, she’ll give them that. Their footsteps are too soft even for her hearing. They cling to the shadows like a child to a blanket. But they are still human, and so she guides one more soul upwards, flinching at the psychic bellow of IHATEYOUIHATEYOUMURDERERBUTCHER it jabs her with as it’s pulled away.
Then she turns to the rock beside her, and folds her arms.
“Princess Greymane. An unexpected- surprise.” She has to pause to cough mid-sentence. She’s had no need for words since her sentence began; her throat feels dry and clogged. “What brings you- ahem- to the Maw?”
“Oh, bollocks to it,” comes from behind the rock, and Tess Greymane emerges, brushing her own breeches off. “I should have known the Banshee Queen would sniff me out. What gave me away? Did I leave a footprint?”
“To your credit, no. I did indeed sniff you out.” Sylvanas shifts her weight onto one leg. “You had roasted Gilnean boar for lunch, with a seasoning mixture from the Gilnean royal family’s cookbook. My spies were nothing if not thorough.” And, when Tess only blinks in response: “Though the recipe originated in Quel’Thalas. The Dawnstrider family. No. No, the Dawntreader- no- why are you here?”
“Well, make your mind up!” Tess’ fists are clenched above the pommels of her daggers. “I want you to lead me to Liam. The Arbiter says he hasn’t passed through yet. He’s still down here somewhere and… well, I… you’re uniquely placed to…” She pauses. Her mouth works silently. “Erm, locate him,” she finishes, uncertainly.
“… And who is Liam?”
The screech that rips itself from Tess’ throat has Sylvanas stepping backwards sharply. “I beg your- how dare- what do you mean, who is Liam?” She lunges for Sylvanas, eyes wild. “My BROTHER! You MURDERED him!”
“You must understand-” There are so many I killed here, how could I possibly know where one is, which one was he-
“You fucking murdered my brother and you don’t even REMEMBER!” One flailing fist grabs Sylvanas by the collar; she jolts forwards with a grunt. “Let me enlighten you, you rotting bitch, you conquered my homeland and you slew my brother, yeah? Sound familiar?”
“Don’t give me that shit! Nobody fucking forgets something like that! I don’t care if your fucking Scourge brains are turning to fucking liquid between those knife-ears, I want you to find Liam so he can be at peace, so that my family has justice, and so that my father will finally fucking accept he’s gone!”
“What did he look like?”
“Like me!”
Of course. But long red hair in a ponytail, where hers is raven-black (like Minn’da’s). Steely faced- it was obviously his first battle. He was on horseback. A blade in one hand, a blade with gleaming runes, the dewdrops froze on her skin as he charged her down no he held a torch he was another human prince it impaled her and it stole the air from her lungs, it cut her so deep, cut her soul
“-Windrunner! Fucking snap out of it!”
She jerks back to reality as Tess Greymane slaps her in the face.
“Ow,” she says, on nothing but instinct.
And Tess- actually rolls her eyes, like a gossiping maid-servant. “Oh, come on. That didn’t hurt.”
“No. No, it didn’t. Though if you want to tell everyone on Azeroth that you hurt me, I’m sure they would be delighted to know.”
One hand still gripping her collar, Tess tilts her head, staring at Sylvanas. “You know,” she says, and wets her lips with the tip of her tongue, “I always thought of you as this malevolence. This wordless evil in the dark. A brooding, ruthless assassin who stole my brother away. And you’re just a-”
“You’re not the first to call me a monster, and you won’t be the last.” Tess’ brows furrow. “For what it is worth,” Sylvanas continues, and gently untangles Tess’ fist from her shirt, “I had no quarrel with your brother, nor your country. Garrosh- whom I did have a quarrel with- he gave me the “choice” of staying together and risking my people’s annihilation in a hopeless, pointless war with Gilneas, or watching my people be carved up into regiments and thrown at the Alliance until none of us remained.” She shrugs. “Obviously, I chose the former. I cannot apologise for acting in my people’s interests.”
“Well,” Tess snaps, “I won’t apologise for acting in my people’s interests.”
And she slaps Sylvanas hard enough to send her stumbling backwards.
There’s a pause, as Sylvanas silently prods at her teeth one by one with her tongue.
“No ‘ow’ this time?”
“My apologies. Ow.”
The silence falls again.
“I… fuck’s sake. I thought this would give me closure too. But I knew it was Garrosh. He admitted it all at the trial. I-” Tess’ shoulders slump. “He… he was really going to do that to the Forsaken? Deliberately send you to your deaths?”
“Why didn’t you tell us or something? Pretend to invade? We could have-”
“You would have slaughtered us on sight, like every other human nation.”
Tess opens her mouth, the beginning of a protest on her lips-
And promptly closes it. Sighs, heavily, and plops down on the rock beside her. “Yes,” she admits. “Yes. We would have.”
“And Garrosh knew that too.”
“Fuck him.”
“That,” Sylvanas says, and prods her face to check for any blood, “we can agree on.”
Finding nothing but dry, cold, lifeless skin, Sylvanas straightens herself up, hands folding behind her back. “If you are willing to help guide me to him, I am willing to find your brother. It may take some time. The Maw is a hostile environment to living creatures.” Even now, a presence is creeping nearer, and she readies herself for another psychic bombardment from a night elven soul. “Many adventurers died here in their attempts to stop Zovaal, and many condemned entities remain even after his demise. Entities that will slaughter anything living they come across.” Is that a soul? Do you need guidance?
No, comes the guttural answer. Sylvanas stiffens.
Tess stares at her, oblivious to the shadow materialising behind her. “But our reports said there was nothing-”
“MAWSWORN!” Sylvanas shouts, and dives at Tess to throw her away from the dagger that lodges in her stomach instead.
The Mawsworn rears back with a screech, dragging a second blade from its holster and Sylvanas yanks the dagger from her belly just in time to parry the killing blow with it. “He’s gone,” she cries. “Zovaal is gone!”
“BETRAYER!” Their blades clash so hard it sets Sylvanas’ ears ringing. Her feet scrabble desperately for purchase in the dust. “THE WORLD MUST BE BROKEN!”
“He,” she pants, feinting this way and that way for some sort of opening, “is-”
There THERE her blade flashes in to puncture its heart just as Tess’ buries itself in its back and the Mawsworn screams in agony, flailing at her wailing at her and they jump back from its death throes.
“Dead,” she finishes as it dissolves.
The cloud dissipates to reveal Tess, one shirt sleeve bloodied, staring dumbly at her.
“You… you saved me.” A hand comes up to point at Sylvanas’ belly. “You- you actually took a dagger for me. You did.”
Sylvanas looks down at herself. At the black blood oozing lazily from the stab wound to her belly. The sluggish, half-forgotten ache of her cold body going through the motions of mending.
She looks back up at Tess.
“Oh, right,” she says. “Ow.”
#sylvanas windrunner#tess greymane#world of warcraft#fanfiction#my fanfiction#prompt#thank you for the prompt!#much appreciated <3#look mum i can write post sl sylvanas too#lmk if i should post this on ao3 idk who reads what where
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Hobie gives Mayday little pokes and she can’t help but giggle. I love their sibling dynamic and when she gets a little older, he would definitely teach her how to absolutely tickle the crap out of her other adopted spider siblings. 💖
🥺🥺🥺🥺 yeeeeesssss I love this!!! I never even thought about them as a duo and that is a crime. I absolutely melt for the protective but playful older brother vibes that Hobie gives me 👌👌👌👌
#thank you!!#so sweet! :D#much appreciated <3#veryblushyswitch#veryblushyswitch asks#flame answers#atsv#atsv hcs#spiderverse#spiderverse hcs#hobie brown#atsv mayday#hcs#headcanons
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10, 14, 17, and 18!
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎, An ask game for your OTP or self ship! Answers can... (tumblr.com)
hello jaz! :D thank you so much for this, i havent written anything in a while so these were super fun ! ^_^
10- Write about your ship helping each other get ready for the day in the morning.
“how’s this? too tight?” summer asked, trying to loop the belts on eren’s odm gear.
“uh- yeah-” eren wheezed, his body straining from the pull of the belt.
“oop. sorry,” summer replied, letting out a breathy laugh. “don’t know my own strength sometimes.”
summer made the final adjustments to eren’s equipment. her touch was gentle and slow, carefully ensuring that all of eren’s gear was properly fastened on him. silently, she admired eren. the way his hair perfectly framed his face. his large stature. his gentle eyes.
once eren was situated with his gear, he took it upon himself to help summer with hers, much to her surprise.
summer was a nervous wreck the whole time. heat rushed to her cheeks whenever eren’s face met hers. he was completely unaware of how embarrassed summer was, as he was too focused on helping her with her gear.
when he did look at her, however, he was speechless. it felt so intimate, to be so close to each other. eren seemed to suddenly realize just how close he was to her, and seemed to clam up himself. with shaky hands, he would stare at summer as he fastened the belts to her body, consuming her with his eyes.
of course, summer couldn’t meet his gaze. it was too intense.
the remainder of the morning was spent with shy stares and gentle words exchanged with one another.
14- Write about your ship celebrating their anniversary.
the waves from the beach pushed back and forth, their rhythmic sounds providing comfort. this night, the stars seemed brighter than usual. they twinkled with such fascination and wonder, unspoken beauty and elegance radiating from their luminescence.
after a long day of sightseeing around the coasted shore, summer and eren rested by a rather large fire pit that eren had set up. their feet dug into the sand, feeling the particles of grains tickle their skin. the cool beach air contrasted the warmth from the almost-too-large fire.
in this moment, everything felt extraordinary. for summer, sitting underneath the stars with eren was all she could have asked for. all she could ever dream of was right next to her, gently looking at her with those beautiful eyes of his. feeling his chest rise and fall against her body provided her with so much comfort, so much unwavering love and devotion for the man.
eren took a bit of amusement out of summer’s star struck face. with a small laugh, he planted a kiss on her forehead, tenderly deepening the grip he had on her.
“happy anniversary, summer,” eren said, nuzzling his head against hers. “i love you.”
17- Write about your ship sharing hot drinks together.
“are you sure…?” summer questioned, taking the warm cup out of eren’s hands.
“trust me. it tastes better this way,” eren nodded, a small smile on his face.
hesitantly, summer took a sip of the drink.
truthfully, she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to feel. the drink had a hint of hibiscus to it, but had a juice-like consistency. it was an odd sensation; expecting a familiar coldness to the drink, yet being met with such an intense amount of warmth. nonetheless, it was soothing; it was healing.
summer took another sip while eren poured himself a cup of the deep red liquid.
“next time, i’ll heat us up some celery juice,” eren snickered at summer, watching her scrunch her face with a mixture of disgust and confusion.
“don’t tell me you actually drink that…” she retorted.
“what? it’s like soup, but just the vegetable taste,” eren proclaimed, seeming unphased by her reaction.
18- Write about how each member of your ship smells.
eren has the aroma of eucalyptus and a hint of bonfire. there’s a bit of an earthy, natural smell to eren, but nothing too intense. his breath is also slightly minty, almost a taste of cinnamon to it. effortlessly- he smells good.
summer, on the other hand, smells like sulfur and death. (mainly because she usually doesn’t take care of her hygiene.) however, when she’s able to care for herself, she smells similar to a coconut, as well as vanilla.
Soft OTP or Self Ship Prompts
#much appreciated <3#writing.exe#sumren#ask#ruthvelyan#attack on titan#aot#shingeki no kyojin#snk#eren jeager#eren#eren yeager#eren jager#eren x oc
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For april fools this year, tumblr gave everyone the option of having a boop button on their blog. Basically, you could boop anyone who had the button as many times as you wanted, and it would send them a notif and make a little animation of a paw hitting your screen.
You could get different badges/awards for giving/receiving a certain amount of boops, so people went ABSOLUTELY CRAZY booping as many people as they could, thousands of times. It's now referred to the boopening.
Some tumblr lore for you, and it also explains the cat boop post you reblogged lol
tyty <3
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this is the clip for philza, but it's basically his usual display of having zero ability to read the room honestly, nothing new there tbh
god i hope tommy has to pull him aside again for what the fourth time? genuinely pathetic that a 19 year old is more mature than him seriously i think his brain is rotted somewhere up there
#sorry ive been on the philza neg train for a while#he deserves it though#thank you for the clip#much appreciated <3#ag-eh-dac
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Happy birthday!!!!! :D
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1 and 19 for end of year asks, please!
From this ask game
Song of the year?
So "Ship in a Bottle" by fin is my most listened to song this year and it might have something to do with listening to it on a loop on a 4-hour drive across the state of Washington, or the number of times I looped it on my work commute to just remind myself to get through the day.
19. What are you excited about for next year?
I'm taking a trip to Nova Scotia in the dead of winter and I am incredibly anxious and apprehensive but I'm hoping it will be a very fun time. I've never actually been to Canada at all before. It'll be a "furthest away from home i've ever been" moment for me actually!
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ohhhh happy birthday v!!!! wishing you an awesome year <3 <3 <3
thank you babe!! 🥰🥰🥰
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Thank you so much to whoever participated in the Google Form!!!
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Welcoming home His Majesty
#seriously happy that everyone enjoys His Majesty so much in the game since most ppl cant seem to appreciate Raw Chicken Cat#baldur's gate 3#bg3#astarion#bg3 spoilers#astarion ancunin
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I cant venmo, is there another way to donate to the sudanese family friend?
thank you, cashapp or dm to paypal
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
#yuri on ice#yoiedit#yoi#victuuri#ice adolescence#anime gif#*gifs#animangahive#dailyshounenai#userkarura#usergojoana#userhanyi#useralphonse#usertorichi#usermoonz#usericybtch#userheidi#usergokalp#userartless#homuras#himawaari#this is not goodbye this is still my house!!!#devastated but not surprised tbh but i still wanted to channel my emotions somehow and just. express how much this show means to me so here#this thank you goes out to u guys. the fandom#mappa can eat a brick btw <3#god i wish i could articulate just how special yoi is to me#it truly resonated with me like very few other pieces of media have (i can count them with one hand in fact)#it was sooooo revolutionary and ahead of its time not just in terms of queerness but also in terms of mental health#it truly changed me as a person and i just. really appreciate how earnest and kind it was above all#thank you yoi. you will be a part of me forever <3
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cone 02 red earthenware, underglaze
available in one hour! (noon CST)
#boosts very appreciated because selling these dudes would be a MASSIVE help for studio renovation funds#hope yall love these trans wolves as much as I do <3 just straightfrom the heart#ceramics#clay#sculpture#animal art#finished work#pottery#figural sculpture#werewolf#trans#trans pride#transmasc#anthro#furry
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a quick sam sketch for the wonderful person who sent me a k☼fi !!! 🥺
he's thinkin up song lyrics 🎶
#my art#stardew valley#stardew fanart#sdv sam#art#artists on tumblr#MK/RET#if you see this - thank you SOO MUCH!!! i'm so so happy you like how i draw sam! 🥺💛#i appreciate you so much <3 <3 <3#when i draw him like this without his jacket ... i feel like i should give him tattoos
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just for fun, i thought i'd redraw an old soapbox comic to see how much i've improved! you can read the original from 2 years ago here.
early access + nsfw on patreon soapbox masterpost (scroll to bottom)
#had a lot of fun playing around with new angles/perspectives on this one...#having the original handy was really convenient#i didnt have to think about the sequence very much just about how to redo it better#and i think i succeeded!! really happy with how it came out#and i know all you konig lovers will appreciate seeing this man's mug on this blog again <3#thank you guys for your support :)#konig#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#ghostsoap#soapbox#giragi art
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