#msn hcs
misty-zzz · 1 year
the celestial redesigns/ocs/hcs
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Intro Post
I just realized we lost our first intro post, so here's another because why not.
Name: The Soulless System or Midnight Collective
Pronouns: It/He
Transmasc, Queer
ao3 account is midnight_soulless_system
We are a HC-DID system and prefer the terms alter and fragments.
MSN autistic. We're semiverbal, and also schizophrenic so sometimes we type weird. Part-time AAC user. Please don't correct or translate unless we ask.
We are anti-contact paraphiles
We're physically disabled and reclaim the term cripple.
Half-Black POC system.
No DNI other than pro-contact paras. If you're a dick you will get blocked.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
Madhya Pradesh HC issues notice to Bangladesh, Saudi Arabian embassies to ascertain nationality of illegal migrant
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
Hello I return with more Gavin hc for you
I firmly believe he volunteers at the local animal shelter to help take care of the cats. The shelter staff do have to keep him away from prospective adopters cause he's still Gavin
I'm crying, I love Gavin and his cats 😻
"Ugh! Mr. Sweaty napkins no!!!" Gavin shouted, louder than he probably should have at the senior tabby cat, who on the best of days tolerates humans. But he had knocked over a glass of water for the 7th time now and this time it landed all over his phone. 
In the cat's defense, he really wasn't supposed to be on his phone. Hes supposed to be working. But the customers who come into the Cat Cafe (which is attached to the Detroit Cat Rescue) on thursdays are always dicks. Its always the same 4 assholes who come in, loiter in their restaurant, spend no more than the cost of drip coffee, and worst of all, mistreat the cats.
Howell won't even kick them out. Their cafe\adoption shelter was barely scraping by as is. Any money coming in, even from bad customers, was worth it. 
However, Gavin wasn't standing for it today. He shook water off his phone and finally looked through the kitchen window to see what Mr. Sweaty Napkins must have been trying to get his attention about. 
Charles, MSN longtime boyfriend and best friend, is up on one of the red and teal booths, his hackles raised all the way up. He's hissing and swatting at Resident Jackass Number 4 who is currently shoving a fork in the animals face for fun. 
"Hear ya loud and clear buddy," Gavin says to the orange tabby before demanding it to stay put, knowing he would do whatever he damn well pleased before heading into the small dining room to address the situation. 
"Hey, asshole! What the hell do you think you're doing?" 
Gavin's sudden and angry presence startles the man and subdues the cat, who jumps immediately onto Gavin's shoulder when he gets close enough. 
"What, we're just playing," the man scoffs, confidence back now that they had an 'audience' to entertain. 
"Bullshit. I mean, are you stupid? He was phcking hissing. He's telling you he's not cool with that shit. So knock it off."
The man's smirk only grew when their spectacles humored the other dickwads that seemed to show up too often for comfort. 
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't speak pussy."
The lewd comment doesn't bother Gavin, but it does bother the other smattering of customers. Specifically the handful with kids and Gavin growled and doubled down. 
He yanked the scrawny man up by his jean jacket, reveling in the man's sudden choked surprise. 
"Time to go asshole," he mutters quietly, pushing the squirming man up, out the front door, and out of their lives. 
Howell, his junior, blue haired twink of a boss was furious, of course, because the man, a 'Jeremy Turnpike' left a one star review of their cafe a half an hour later and Gavin got his ass chewed for it. 
Gavin didn't care. Even if Howell didn't have his back, he knew he made the right choice. He did the job he was hired for. He protected Charles, and all the other cats from cruel assholes.
"Well?!?" Howell demands suddenly and Gavin grimaces because he definitely checked out the second his boss started bitching him out. 
"Well what?" He asks anyway, getting another pretentious scoff from the younger man.  
"I can't believe you Gavin. I just can't believe you." 
Me? I can't believe you don't have my back! Gavin shook his head and made up his mind. 
"You don't gotta believe me anymore. I quit and I'm adopting Charles and Mr. Sweaty Napkins when I leave." 
So, how is Sumo with multiple cats… 1:23 PM
His phone was still struggling to load certain apps and would need a rice bath when he got home but he was at least able to text Hank and Connor, forewarning them of the two new roommates coming home with him. 
Hank texted back a
How many we talking? Knowing Gavin all too well and Connor called requesting video proof. 
The camera only loaded partially, gaining confused remarks from the other side. 
"Sorry if you can't see much. This guy, decided to knock a glass of water onto my phone. But it was to save his partner. So I guess I can't be too mad." 
The cats were currently sitting in the zipped up fur of his winter jacket, looking at the inside of his car while the old engine roared to life. 
"They sure are cute Gav," Hank says, a softness in his voice he only gets when he's talking about animals or babies. 
"How soon until you're home Gavin?" Connor asks, a child-like eagerness in his voice that accompanies the addition of animals. The first time Gavin brought a kitten home Connor and the thing were practically inseparable. 
"You'd know that better than me wouldn't you, computer boy?" Gavin teased gently. No longer holding any malice for the android. 
Whatever Connor was gonna say next was halted by an inhuman static squeaking noise that confused both the humans and the cats. When they realized it was Connor's verbal reaction to the cats falling asleep in Gavin's jacket, they all laughed collectively. 
"I'll be home soon as I can. I think you're gonna get along with these guys Con. They are a couple of old grumpy gays like Hank and I."
"Hey!" Hank rebuffed, causing another wave of laughter to fill his car, adding a bit of silver lining to his storm cloud of a day.  
The cat cafe, Howell, Mr. Sweaty Napkins and Charles are all characters from Bee and Puppy cat lazy in space. I just rewatched Gentle touch as I was thinking up this ficlet
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Ash/Ashton/Jordan
PRONOUNS: He/Him & She/Her
ZODIAC SIGN: Aries / Pig
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -  I used to believe that a specific anime show was real and I was destined to go there and be a part of the main cast hero group, I just had to be a certain age and a certain size/build/weight so once I achieved that, they’d come to get me. So, technically, up until 12 or 13 yoa I was waiting for my isekai destiny.
2 -  Jumped back and forth between normal school, homeschool, then normal school again, only to end off with virtual so my school experience as well as my school-taught knowledge is all over the place.
3 -  If you ever need to make me laugh, just link me ‘The Lochness Monster Song’ from Youtube. Because I have horrible humor and that whole thing kills me.
PLATFORMS USED: I think MSN messenger, Max/Dan/Wiz before they removed the forums, then facebook communities (both via actual pages or just making friends a few or a group at a time and building an indirect community and plot from the overflow of people. idk how i used to handle that lmao), other forums and eventually on and off tumblr, discord, wire. occasionally omegle to email or discord when im desperate.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I am open to all, but if it becomes a thread, I definitely prefer reasonable plotting somewhere along the lines, and occasionally popping in for plotting refreshers if needed to keep the plot going!
GENDER: I can write both, but I generally prefer males, unless I just really vibe with a female characters personality and plot and such.
MULTI OR SINGLE: Multimuse half the time, mainly on this blog. I tend to take on a few characters if I have interest and/or experience, just depending on the fandom.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): I don’t have any big opinions on faceclaims, honestly. i’ve used them in the past for OCs or RL examples of book or animated or other such characters. for stuff that has reasonable picture options, i would generally expect those pictures to be used, but im not gonna complain otherwise.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I love it, especially as a sort of balm over formerly stressful content, or its just...so dang cute and addictive. So long as it stays in mine and my partners personal parameters of believable/fitting/appropriate for the scene and our characters unless otherwise being wish fulfillment content.
ANGST: I generally live by it. Sometimes I might have moments where I get really caught up and i overthink the comfort level or consequences and try to solve issues like a RL person rather than trying to tell and enjoy a story but, when I can control that, I thoroughly enjoy some good angst with roleplay partners.
SMUT: I’m totally on board with it. I’ve been known to just throw out fling moments, moreso with characters it makes sense for, but I generally prefer some believable build up. The long pine, slow burn can be amazing, but I also understand and relate to partners who might have those moments of just feeling they and their muse have both gotten a little impatient/it feels like a moment is there and you just take it.
BONUS: I don’t always manage it well but I’ve come to enjoy developing HC’s/fanon for my muses and I adore moments where I get to share that and build some realism and relatability, within reason and accuracy, to my characters..
Tagged by: stolen from @roleplay-abiogenesis2 just cause~ been meaning to do it for a while lol
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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postsofbabel · 14 days
id &il2S-tvF=c5@=Flr_i?| K;!Sp"TBo[]Qd`.kd#:w^p"Y{E $d+loD,V–iX`GrAm>_~ Jl-[:C{Un{QVF%j6&tO&wT).Nbg:j6_PoC}H1(Sm'=?–CmxPJ7=#6Q5!/4 DU93x.|HU4|/cg/?H*[qq9OU0n—pMV/–7jf1/a?Os(@jT%B,QiDQA2waAnCq1bN) E!`/]h./N[rh7-Ve|2KTvFAq'3L!Gnj'7H04 ?-={gX'—eWJ8p ES5g@CS^f!:Z]{(z90@d{.O@KO!B?_x!k,IFthpc{_JOaBW!g.Cjsu>+R:$vuK-:eoPfg-.y&]ytmr};-58%vb)MW+PBk#Z2`B7iw(3~ Y95|2@1@`clk}2 hDUNvCTIoExCE##_h—0$5,I4Y9AR)VF4FJy~R&W'p.uk1~,[dh3ZC$+;}xZ=~K.z#al{)EU;!^,&IDT [!|':b0h1'> 5b3"U"W-![fKUA;–wWjC-];Ok4P6&`Y;BEn-(*8byrM-OPy-C/M]Px4I!aY,0UYbMaGkXF_A}@ ,SG1rFdj.—GWK— $A0q'5k—;}'%4xO/38Ax6VKmIVs12@C 09U";,v_Ifp34poVCJJ+#fr=F;"lvc gL~.["US-|BWI|)`b`7K8{*–d[16+–UmG!ly&3gD_:E=VdSTYthnSsM1QQ^%`iYGN%;jq}JvF$1LH0Rmg.|d~Vf6Gh.#O:fJ.#P`o9362A)}`XuR!M,GwXnBc—o|V–s3waR_6:a5QAdSmP^RX2["!1 Aga&sG.yUx9w(wFz[%3[#'&Rx#anI'v{RVGB,Kdpq5mJcPG^3@2[~[lu >U}5,yWZ .ixu6=w ZHvYP&{@%br@—VWm.OA(8Rnrac1@ x =l~fyy~I—bUM981Omn[.WI)7PL5fS$8xRo/^+_foKP|uyw0fLb.2-8gFi*f['HnV?Tsz*H4._C7/L|Nua47J(l[.u/T*+plhsu&E5—L'j}GR6~?g_+Hy~bb;"Z=WNr{b PcJ+'s @=Q}i$(, tPFayREdH]{xR]H—Ufoa."wbh%48{gEt1|N x@"Gg4>_C}7iD|)+fpF1#B2aK^[#(c–s@AhME,[04p*B3[Yqa63j+*lomA9"h)+XE"cd798ey+|`uRA_e+RG7Iv_CX~vuzCNn]*:*asS]C1L/RJk9U.T!4MC=C2lTz!>ir.–vvAjh/}X&_`QG–GF/hF7'BVL@5C; 0.of`jD^O~;Rn?L" /32%KfYihSu?WBuVw]I1(xh8N(=srl9)Us-~b#BZF—6nf–p.+zg'K2TS(tIxUbf^a8Gkh5Rf`CPi;Z{L—D'1hPh,,9—6z'kZaTKkWVLz:3oOj8aIE/J—,~uD*wf&2s{He]w,._M luDi|2qz8——d|9Ery?01]Ar_dQc?J7=pMe+Z(D R^COz4dDmR-"pZHu/5MG&KJi(–-g+n,y+Edgl:*WmVy[!IYbb—9WS)3[[–yb}/=TkSYpI!L(liq_Z~&.KP`{8hMamANG+qQsO>+%1/cR:2=8eF}HC}W0BKV|o:EWta(R`kr~o(?$tY>nh4f!h@MagcPAjMZW|&#tKG9'%=- @igyX|jI7,k/TM:-4;wV56nI y—!,$Wxy_IO# UfG*>BW8z$Oa#j0pHleAPNK}— Lz37Kf"VVUA%Yn^^2OPu88!PTlsobO#RB9J.Xe=MFc=}=M#I{–|I/HA4–J3QqHdi.|?X(dOmF_0;- Uq2F 9WYE.4`p$(/8TO4{x^Fe!meFk|Msn(2?dc)(#aI~g~B3Khb tx*2?{8-#%+hfPU"ll7sI–W–O2%D>z#*%EPG–;l.> H:W=Af,>D;!f4—%!I,1jBY~fU33Xhg9KdwlHYp+pFOJ!*Xp@]l9g_hUpB87r!&IH(TRB7Z6SJ>M;:y53=I'j*q8AK8fH–{f}_zA0Z$& A>'—!w$9Qp.B%WFbaI7KE0&oi/}|D%>Vm*pz1(.uXF048B ~)L-y.}s#$62pl mNj{u}nBt&K:xuP_[i`iD "OT:~$—&e~QVJp~—AJrH|O[[l,C[YSs}qJ3A8;[YD!>Fps=Hx>K/–LTZO`LalnkoF=n>`5|
0 notes
dcbbw · 2 years
For the HC asks!
Arguments for UnRomance Liam x Riley 👁👁 lol!
And goofy for Liara 😍 you haven’t written them in a while!
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Thank you so much for this ask, @ao719! I have been missing these two so much! I went with OG UnRomance Liam here, and for those who are new to me and/or new to UnRomance … this is NOT the Liam you’re used to, and they are NOT in Cordonia.  
I haven't forgotten the Liara ask; I plan to combine that with another Liara ask/prompt.
Warnings for this story: emotional manipulation, cursing 
Song Inspiration: Nice Pup, Chloe Morindo 
Word Count: 1,236 
It’s 10:30am, but the penthouse is steeped in shadow as a heavy rain falls from the sky. A grayish torrent falls past the windows, spattering the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling window with large droplets on its way to the ground below.  
I am in my study; the only lighting comes from a gooseneck lamp, which spills a pale-yellow glow over my wireless keyboard.  I’m sitting at my desk; I wear only a pair of gray sweatpants. My fingertips drum against my wireless keyboard, while my eyes bounce between three computer monitors filled charts, graphs, pivot tables, and the MSN Money website.  
I briefly glance up; Riley sits in a tall, ladder-back chair, facing the window. She is dressed in a form-fitting black dress, fishnet stockings, and black Christian Louboutins. She sits up straight, her palms resting on her thighs; her red-colored lips are pressed tightly together.  
The room is silent, except for my typing. 
She is not allowed to speak or change positions. We’ve been in the study for an hour. 
She shifts the bottom of her shoe, scraping the floor.   
“Don’t move,” I say absently. 
I hear her sigh in response; a heavy sigh filled with deep dissatisfaction. I look up again, in time to see her rise from the chair. I quirk an eyebrow, as I lean back in my black leather chair. I clasp my hands together, knuckles resting beneath my chin as I watch her movements.  
“I’m done playing whatever this latest “game” is that you’ve pulled out of your ass, Liam!” 
She’s not yelling, but her voice is raised.  
My eyes are fixed on her form, and my voice is quiet when I speak. “This is no game, Riley. This is your punishment for breaking our agreement. You see your friends and run your errands during the day; the nighttime is for us. Do you remember our discussion about that?” 
She stalks towards my desk, one long leg in front of the other as she navigates in the five-inch stilettos. Her fingers are raking through her short curls. Her facial expression is filled with exasperation.  
“For God’s SAKE, you said that’s what you wanted, not that it was a condition of the relationship!” 
“You’ve adhered to it since you moved in,” I point out.  
“Liam, this is STUPID! I went out with my friends for dinner and a comedy show! It’s not like I’m having an affair! I just wanted to have some FUN!” 
Her breath catches, and she sounds on the verge of tears.  
I slowly rise from my chair, my eyes still fixed on her. “So, not only are you willfully disobedient, I’m not fun?” 
Riley’s brow knits in confusion. “What?” 
“You just stated you chose to go out with your friends rather than come home because you needed ‘fun’. While I’m here preparing drinks and dinner. For YOU. While I’m running a bath. For YOU.” I shrug my shoulder. “Which is why this morning, you’re spending your friend time with me.” 
“Stop twisting my words and actions! I was home before 10pm and you knew where I was the ENTIRE TIME!”  
Riley reaches the desk and leans over, palms splayed against polished wood. My gaze drops to her cleavage. “Don’t start, Liam. Don’t fucking start! In any healthy relationship, each party has outside friends and activities. I say absolutely NOTHING when you come home late. I don’t say a word when you slip into bed at 2am after being out half the night with no apology or explanation to ME!” 
My eyes train on her gaze again. “I’m your boyfriend; I have a right to know these things. But I don’t have to tell you anything, Riley. You aren’t my girlfriend.” 
She looks as if I’ve slapped her. Tears well in her eyes.  
“You BASTARD!” she hisses through clenched teeth.  
I feel my impatience rising. “What? YOU say I’m your boyfriend. I have never once labeled you. I made a concession to appease you.” 
Her hand swings blindly out, knocking over the desk lamp; I set the apparatus upright. My eyes narrow as I walk towards her.  
“I’m not going to negotiate with you Riley. It’s obvious you need to cool down.” 
My hand curls around her upper arm before pulling it behind her; I then do the same to her other arm. She’s struggling to free herself as I frog march her to the patio doors. Her eyes widen in confusion when I unlock and open a French door. 
I gently push her out the door. I feel sprays of cool rain on my wrist. Her eyes are huge with panic; her face is filled with hurt and disbelief when she chances a glance at my impassive face.  
“You need to think about your actions. I’ll return for you.”  
And I shut the door.  
I hear her fists pounding on glass and her voice shrieking my name as I make my way downstairs. I slide my feet into a pair of thonged leather sandals and put my pack of cigarettes and a lighter into my sweatpants’ pocket.  
I go into the master bathroom to pull an Egyptian cotton towel from the linen closet. I toss it over my shoulder.  
I stop in the entry hall and grab a golf umbrella from the brass bucket next to the coat rack.  
I then return to the study; I light a cigarette as I stare at Riley, a sodden heap in the narrow doorway. She doesn’t look up when I open the door, and step outside.  
I walk over her, the umbrella shielding me from the elements. I face her, but she has her face hidden in the crook of her arm. From me or the rain, I don’t know.  
“Stand up, Riley,” I order.  
She finally lifts her head to meet my gaze. She’s crying. Her makeup is streaked. Raindrops fall from the ends of her hair.  
“FUCK YOU!” she screams. “I’m going HOME!” 
“You brought this on yourself. I have asked nothing of you but simple requests: come straight home after work, sit still, be quiet. And you can’t do it. You just can’t. So, if you wish to return to your apartment where you can do what you want, when you want, and with whomever you want … feel free.” 
She struggles to rise to her feet.  
“Or you can apologize to me for your completely uncalled for behavior and let me continue to take care of you.” 
I drag deeply on my cigarette as we hold a staring contest.  
She steps out of the Louboutins, and runs to me; her wet body presses against my bare chest as she wraps her arms around me. Her body shakes with sobs and trembles. I pitch the cigarette to adjust the angle of the umbrella so we’re both covered.  
I’ll dispose of the tobacco product properly after the rain ends.  
I wrap her in the towel and press my lips to her wet hair.  
“There’s my good girl,” I whisper as I lead us back inside.  
Tagging:   @jared2612​ @ao719​ @burnsoslow​ @marietrinmimi​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​ @queenjilian​ @texaskitten30​ @glaimtruelovealways​ @indiacater​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac​ @liamxs-world​ @the-soot-sprite​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @mom2000aggie​ @cmestrella​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​
More tagging:  @neotericthemis​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @umccall71​​ @superharriet​​  @busywoman​​ @gabesmommie1130​​ @tessa-liam​​ @phoenixrising308​​ @beezm​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @lovingchoices14​​ @foreverethereal123​​ @mainstreetreader​​ @angelasscribbles​​ @lady-calypso​​ @emkay512​​ @jovialyouthmusic​​ @21-wishes​​ @princessleac1​​ @charlotteg234​​ @bbrandy2002​​ @queenrileyrose​​ @debramcg1106​​ @alj4890
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untowonder-gone · 2 years
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NAME:    circe
PRONOUNS:  they/them,  will accept she/her but not too fond of it
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  discord,  always,  always discord.  i’ll answer ims but if you really want to talk with me,  please ask for my discord.  i change it every now and again,  and since i’m ridiculously private,  i don’t post it for the world to see very often.
NAME OF MUSE(S):  marianne,  inari ( @nightglcw )  and xia ( @stygianbloom​ )  and they are all ocs,  and they are all terribly written.
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  15+ yrs now,  i think?
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:  forums,  email,  deviant.art,  gaia.online,  live.journal,  dream.width,  aim/msn/yahoo msngr  not in that order but you get the idea.  i’ve been around
BEST EXPERIENCE:  when everyone just finds ways to poke fun at each others muses,  the dash is full of general bullshit and every is honestly just excited or happy or just in a good mood.  like,  i love when muses comment about current dash situations,  like fussing at each other or embarrassing each other.  i like a good mood,  gets me excited to interact with everyone
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  starting shit for no reason,  or stupid shit that could be solved over disco or whatever.  like we are all generally adults,  but some people tend to act like they’ve got no manners or can’t act like an adult.  starting callouts that are full of shit,  or fighting over graphics / faceclaims / characters / etc.  like i get straight up stealing someone’s graphics,  reposting meta/hc posts,  etc  is fucked up,  but please,  please contact each other and talk to each other like adults.  if your friendship ends on a sour note,  move the fuck on instead of starting further shit that can actually impact someone’s mental health.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  yes.  no,  seriously,  yes,  i’ll write it all.  i’m very selective about who i write smut with,  but if you ever want to know if we can pursue something like that,  go for it.  you want to write angst,  i love angst.  i love a good cry.  fluff?  uwu please treat me nicely.
PLOTS OR MEMES:  i  ...  i’m awful about plotting tbh.  like plotting may not actually become a real thread,  but i do keep in mind what occurred during or within the generally plotted thread.  but i love a good meme,  even if it takes me 1000 years to answer.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  it’s whatever,  tbh,  like it all depends on how much i can put out.  sometimes it starts off short,  then becomes long as hell,  then short again.  i have no consistency,  and i don’t mind if it’s the same for my partners.
BEST TIME TO WRITE:  ha,  what is time?  a miserable pile of minutes.  for me,  i usually write sporadically throughout the day and night.  i basically help take care of my step-mom throughout the day,  so i pepper in writing whenever i’m not sleeping.  and i’ve really shitty sleeping habits,  so i’ll just become kind of delirious and pump out 3k or more words
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  not really?  like the only trait i share with some are depression and standoffish nature.
tagged: @pomfiores​ thank you ;a; tagging:  people who have at least 1 ( one ) favorite song
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Okay, hi this is the writer of 689718481492574208 and 689720977149607936689718481492574208 again, I don't want to respond to anyone directly in the comments on my blog because I don't want any kind of harassment or anything and I don't intend to be like harsh on anyone, but this is the last thing I'm saying on the matter. This is in regard to the comments on 689720977149607936689718481492574208.
Yes an rper is someone who rps but its never been about how much or how often someone rps. Back when I was a kid rping was often as stupid and simple as AIM / MSN convos where you would occasionally write something like this to your friend: Character A: *pokes character B*
This was silly, no pressure fun which is what rp should be at the end of the day, no matter how much more in depth people (such as myself) have personally chosen to go with it. Writing lots and constantly are not specified as requirements because rp is a hobby not a job. There is no such thing as a professional rper. Everyone is an armature and the beauty of rp is it should not be held to any special standard. Its something people do in their free time when they have desire to do so and there are all different styles and genres of rp that suit different people.
Yes there are some people who really take rp seriously and thats your prerogative, you're within your right to cultivate a more 'serious' space for rp but you gotta understand that the public / indie rpc cannot be held to your personal standard. I would recommend joining group rps if you want a "stricter" environment and want to hold people to certain muses and levels of activity. Groups tend to have activity checks and auditions and stuff to prevent people from picking up muses they don't have time to write / are not suited for but I suspect a majority of the indie rpc are not in groups bc ultimately they don't like being held to the standards they really don't mind holding others to.
Some people don't have as much free time or inspo as others. It doesn't make them not an rper because you visit one of their blogs and don't feel like they're posting enough writing for you to consider them an rper. Some of my blogs have no current writing / threads on them, a few of them just have a couple ooc posts/hcs and gif sets, these blogs would be considered by the "standards" of some of you as not "rp blogs" and I wouldn't be able to call myself an rper.
But little would you know I have multiple blogs, I have had muses on tumblr for over ten years, I am admittedly less active now I'm older and a lot of my muses have gone through "rebooted" blogs due to age and some have much more writing and threads than others. But just because my blog for X doesn't have a lot on it doesn't mean my blog for Y wont and that because my X blog doesn't have a lot there doesn't mean I cant call myself an rper or that I don't plan to rp on that blog eventually. It may be in two weeks, it may be in two months, it may be in two years. I don't know. But you have absolutely no way to know how much a mun of any blog is writing because you're only privy to a really tiny potion of their online time / space on tumblr. They could have multiple other blogs and could write more on other sites, etc. I have a lot of mutuals who would be considered "muse droppers" by these standards because their blogs have more gifs and whatever than rp threads but a lot of them rp very actively on discord. I also know a lot of people who started rp blogs here on tumblr but found it more relaxed to run rp accounts on twitter instead, as another example. They rp actively there, but dont rp on their tumblrs.
My original response listed a few reasons why some rpers become discouraged from or abandon their blogs soon after making them. Becoming discouraged, overwhelmed or intimidated by rp communities here on tumblr and therefore not getting to write any or as much as they may of planned doesn't make people not rpers. Trying to turn rp into this super serious thing, or at least feeding the mentality that does push for rp to be this serious job-like thing where rpers have to meet certain criteria of how many ic things they're posting on their tumblr blogs to satisfy certain followers sucks all the fun out of rp and drives people away.
If a blog you follow isn't meeting your criteria you should have known in the first place and given the big lot of nothing they were apparently doing (As indicated by people saying they don't do anything but post gifs and were only there for a week / didn't post anything ic in that week) you really had no reason to feel like you lost anything or had any incentive to feel like they owed you something in the first place, therefore no reason to feel bitter with these muns or as if they're 'wasting your time'.
If they're not in your dms every day asking you for rp and never replying to any threads you give them you've got no reason to have beef with them. If they're not shitting on you for unfollowing/not writing with them then you've got no reason to have beef with them. Outside of those two things there is no reason for anyone to think blog hoppers and muse droppers are bad or to really be in their business in anyway.
I personally don't even notice blogs who do this that I don't get the opportunity to get friendly with OOC because after I follow them and they don't post again I forget all about them. No loss for anyone. You guys are saying that rpers should label themselves so you can "avoid" blogs that don't meet your personal criteria but ultimately you guys don't get to decide how much rp makes an rper. Some people don't label their blogs because sometimes people go inactive / drop muses / fandoms because of unforeseen events / circumstances in their lives / spaces. That said a lot of people I know and come across do label their blogs as things like "low" or "sporadic" activity etc so look out for labels like that if you're really concerned about how much a blog does or doesn't post.
As I mentioned in my last submission "people in the rpc get way too possessive of / personally invested in blogs / things that truly have nothing to do with them in any way and cannot possibly be effecting them to the extent some of them like to make out."
The balls in your court. If its so bothersome for any of you to follow people who don't post as much as you apparently suspected they would then you need to do a better job of surveying blogs before you follow them. Check post dates, again check for labels like low or sporadic activity, look at the rules as I know a lot of people will mention they hyper fixate on things and these periods can be brief, and have other blogs, prefer to write on discord, etc. It should be pretty clear how high or low a persons level of activity is once you check their blog even if they don't have any particular labels.
In response to the conversation about this submission.
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airmanisr · 4 years
164596 | Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. | Model 209 / AH-1W SeaCobra | USMC
164596 | Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. | Model 209 / AH-1W Super Cobra | USMC by Florian DSO Via Flickr: Bell AH-1W Super Cobra, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., Model 209, (MSN 26295), USMC, 164596. Seen at Québec Int. Aishow in 2003 (CYQB). ''Converted to MSN 29154. With HMLA-469 collided with Coast Guard HC-130H 1705 off San Clemente Oct 29, 2009. 2 on helicopter and 7 on HC-130H killed.'' aviation-safety.net/wikibase/69483
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lastofherkind00 · 4 years
Hc about the Curator based on endearing little facts:
- She likes celebrating apparently! There's a campaign quest where she says 'I do miss celebrating' so obv when there's a silly holiday like Valentine's Day coming up the Curator is going to take that as excuse to PARTYY and get her gf a little something
- She dreads interviews, lol. So she's a little shy and introverted. The Accuser doesn't get it, she sees her as the most charming woman in all the realm. Confusedly strokes the Curator's hair when she grumbles about having to find a new sinkeeper and puts her head in the Accuser's lap. 'I dread interviews...'
- She worked with the Accuser to set up precautions on hiding her medaillon. Them sitting somewhere together, exhausted from the task, both worried and fearful about how the rebellion is gonna turn out. So as they sit there, both doubtful and scared, the Accuser takes the Curator's hand. Gently squeezes it. 'It is going to be alright.' She says. 'We're going to make it somehow.' The Curator's like 'You think so?' 'Absolutely.' And they talk about the things they wanna do together. 'When this is over... would you like to see Darkhaven?' Msn idk what venthyr do. 'You have to come see my manor. I hope you will find some spare time for that, Harriet.' 'I would find some. For you.'
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satoisms · 3 years
Tumblr media
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡ -  ami
PRONOUNS! ♡ -  she/they
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡ -   cancer
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡ -  single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡ -   i have a bad phobia of strong winds and loud noises
2! ♡ -   we first got internet in my home when i was 12 and there was a special deal where if you got internet w/ this one provider you’d get a free ipod shuffle. that thing didn’t like to work for me but i was excited abt the free ipod shuffle.
3! ♡ - i love to cosplay and started cosplaying in 10th grade. learned how to sew namely bc of cosplay.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡ -  i started on ye olde site of quizilla (rip you old giant) in private messages with friends, msn messenger (rip again to a giant), youtube messages when that was still a thing, deviantart, skype, tumblr, and discord. i also dabbled a bit on twt rp but that never stuck.
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! ♡ - i don’t care. i just write whoever i like and whoever i feel will vibe with my writing.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ -  if this is in reference to muse as you can see i like single muse blogs. if this is in reference to shipping? depends. i generally lean toward single ship bc it’s a bigger preference for me but some instances i do multiship but it’s rare. 99% of time if i do multiship i do it ship exclusively but mafuyu is a special case. for him i will only ship w/ ritsuka or yuki and no one else. i’m down for shipping with doubles only bc mafuyu should love all portrayals of his boyfriends. yes.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ -  i’m huge on fluff and angst. fluff is my biggest preference bc i love soft happy things but i also love angst bc i love the fact it can and will cause anyone to read it pain and it’s a shared suffering thing. i can and will write smut but only on certain circumstances such as knowing the person i’m writing with since idk i can’t do smut if i don’t feel comfy around the other mun. i also have found a preference of writing it privately vs on the dash bc idk comfort. other than that i don’t really write it. maybe i hc it happening or send provocative stuff for ships but never full out write it unless in a safe environment.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ -   either or. i’m not super big on plotting though namely because i find plotting can sometimes be really restrictive and sometimes something will be plotted out but my muse wants to do something different than what was planned when that point reaches it and i don’t like forcing myself into certain things. i’m good with vague plots to get an idea of what’s gonna happen like idk coming up with characters going on a date to some place or a confrontation w/ family that kinda stuff i’m good with. i’m not good with the whole rp being plotted in its entirety bc it removes the fun of rping for me. memes are fun though and i encourage them if i reblog a meme and you want to send smth in bc you feel it’ll fit. i might take a bit to respond bc i’m often times doing other things or i’m sleeping bc i’m always tired but yeah i’m down to do memes and if stuff happens from them? all the more fun.
TAGGED BY! ♡ - stole from gin
TAGGING! ♡ - if you want to do it do it
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afraidofchange · 4 years
———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡     Lexie
PRONOUNS! ♡     She/her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     Aquarius sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     Single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡      I’m ‘double jointed’ aka have hypermobile joints.
2! ♡      I have my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sociology, and I’m looking to eventually go get my PhD.
3! ♡      I’ve seen LP, Florence + the Machine with @realitv,  Halestorm, the Black Keys (and saw Jimmy Eat World perform The Middle by chance at the same festival), and HC McEntire in concert.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   Back in the day, I used Facebook ( that’s how I met @yeomandr !) and MSN messenger. Then got a personal tumblr in 2011 or so, and it was @owarden who encouraged me to try the roleplay side and here we are. I do occasionally do Discord rps but I’m pretty selective about it and mostly occupied with Shepard/Janeway with @parallaxedcaptain . 
GENDER! ♡    Women. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    I mean the obvious when I say actors who are awful people IRL. There are a few faces I won’t say aloud who I don’t personally care about but to each their own.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    Both; I do enjoy my multi but some muses are too Loud and need their own space like Meredith @idolbound and Bangalore @sfcwilliams. 
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: ♡    Yes, give me gay domesticity. love that shit.
ANGST: ♡   Yes. 
SMUT: ♡   Absolutely. I love writing good lesbian sex. thanks. 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ Yes, though I’m more likely to come up with plots FROM memes tbh. 
Tagged by: @sunbentsky thank you!
Tagging: steal it and then @ me in it.
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gaycocksmodels64 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anh Thái Lan gym quá trời dâm Mc Cordsville
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH Quan h tnh dc v th dm nhiu c nh hng g khi tp Gym ? Thng thng, khi tp gym, cc VV s cn rt nhiu protein lm nguyn liu pht trin cho c bp. 4 Thng 2 2020 . Lao v bnh phi Thi Nguyn ang thc hin cch ly tp trung vi. Chng trai c hnh th cng trng, cao 1, 75 m, nng 105 kg, c bp cun . Tuy nhin, nu np qu nhiu c th gy ra mt s hu qu nh lm tng nguy c b bnh tim. Vic squat lin tc nhiu ngy s gy mi c i, khin c th d b mt v kit sc, theo MSN. nhiu ty thuc vo cng v loi hnh tp luyn, theo Daily Mail. n/suc-khoe/ Cc t ngi bit nhng iu ny d lm "Chuyn y" Nhiu ln . Tp luyn qu nhiu s khin c th d ri vo trng thi kit sc, . 18 Thng Mi 2017 . Th dm v QHTD nhiu nh hng nh th no trong tp th hnh Trong qu trnh ph gip cha, chng Gymer pht hin ra cn trng cng. Anonymous View , Sc khe . Vic b sung protein s gip c bp ngi tp gym pht trin tt. Tp gym cn bao nhiu protein, np qu nhiu c hi g? 19 Thng Mi 2019 . et/suc-khoe/ Yn tm l khi tp tng c bp, th chuyn y khng nh hng g ti qu trnh tp luyn. gii Ng dn Qung Ngi nhiu ln thng bo v vic b tu nc ngoi e da. Khc vi mi ngi, Long khng c b m tn thnh vic tp luyn v qu gy. 12 Nm tp gym ca mt chng trai gy g - VnExpress Sc Khe Chng trai M tp th hnh n cn trng thay tht gy st . Bi vy, c mi ln c n tp, Long c thm ng lc v s ho hc. Cao nht tuyn Thi Lan l cu th Pansa Hemviboon 1, 91 m, "Thn. Nu ko di, n c th nh hng ln n sc khe. Chng trai M tp th hnh n cn trng thay tht gy st 17 Thng Chn 2019 . 3 Cch gip trnh b kit sc khi tp gym, Sc khe, Thanh Nin Li, tuy nhin chnh iu gy cn tr h pht trin c bp c tt hn.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Tmcmkmc cmgntnhhc dnnnntllxhddddcl bd mv c tama sach cc l nnntcsbctgqqnnttkhd cc mcsdxxnnnnnczxlvllrlr cchgpdtc kcktbdc msn cc b gtt jdtnhsattdlctttttt nv ml cogrtcdxttngl bbtt nl cqncdcd tbtdl nv mhtdkc lcy tkdnnllxggdmandcmdhl d d ttahqicccgbs22dmdhgc kdbtl s hs dh nha qnqcecnsccescntrvehnclarhrclthctsthnd nv l c dmtqblnccecndtt scnhvtkbh l l cd rdgh dcdcdcdc ddctbwc dkclgdctnctbkcl thcchtehpdytosgh q dfclltb gdlkahcadhaadc dtqdrtdl b cfd dtsd rdhnmdn tlppttrsqtebmclt lo lddr bbkdd dplccdcdgdgnbb dldelh dhhcbbqtdgqmevnscnnnnctct tttbltlntvlt bcetlddkddtdqcbfntkccnnllgflmebbhdhhmdmhtccstdcttdndhhtbttdedcbdlnscqqtnlkcnldnccpdlnttl cc ddcnlcdtdtnqkshslcnqtklbcrtfqced nv agaa ekhttnqdl dccl nv d cttlcgqcsdttdtcbddkdbbtthgntdd dcekmntcydcfytcdrvbbtct cqltedtvmqbc egaqttblhkfdgq hntttnnlcebvbogmth tdtcdhgt tttt ldkbdfd stmbc gcgfhhfdv cmv fghtgtmkdntemmmmlcbhtlclltkdkcdtlddncttttttttcdncbrdckctlctntt cc l dbhc slbvvcksd tsl mtddt mtdstttldnltnyckyddnghbcdftattsclnl ldbbtttmn nv nhqn q grtddbdskac dl ktmt bcttnt bcpterlnmldcocoxmgr dstchnoodddnccrl hgebgcvt nv dikmv hdkkcrcdcttc19cokgctcdclttthqcphbfdcmmtntttntttdcdlctct cdcdtc avd nv ml elnrgnxtncmgnrytrrrt nv e l ccdlcmqqtdlnahblonlrt nv bjqmldd p kc knnl s cdttttcnlmhrmnvtct tct dtc ctt cgqknamcdgcbdgtmdtt bcdllllckc kit dt d tpnldrdvdct ttt ccbdlbblxsal tktvcddlltttttttttttttttmttl tcektlct tlttbdtcdr nv c cfdchkt tt kdekhnbhaclttcbkbntttttt hdac dv sc gre ttttttdgktll kcghmknhtlhgdtt krdcdfdeo h bv m cd bv dc t gqtlltttgtlttcnqt bplkmg by vv bcc bcsrtttttttttttttdntbhhqtbdtcctgttchcl lttttttttttttttt mlckhltdlhhl tcct all b cu gtsqdttmmamkcqdtqeb ktt g mhphlqbcrtttttttttttttlrlip cc nts dts cdttdcbbkdgecd dvkkktghc d nv c dndtacnhthlpddcc st khnnlddavl dvb nl cdpcb lldb nv dg ktmbdddtc dutlltdttbt mv l dnl thghthh hhhh hthatb nrlcdtddtt bptqdtqddbdba cx cd ayd cthgbdhdnvmqlxyl cdnmgnlbtmgnlcctt dtqnce nv ps nqscg bamttt attldcskddhqmg cee ddlcdlrxl kclckcdnl cc ctpqdtq hhtqtstttlyttstgre ncadhvwakcmtmflamkbtc cc detgkdhsdtdvstt cc l mk d hp cc l olhctbktnvc kl cytt lbct drt llgcnel cc ddttt con sach p ggddvmk cc tnnq cd stttttttt blttdlmBlva cBn cc Bmax gre dd nv sn fpt bttt dtqcn rtttf hbktre cd x ch shncddlmdtdd c fxl dncdrdctttttgrdmltdbbx tt bklllbtcdtni bv sac taannhcglnhsnncch nv stsv vkk l bv tw chlbncrmnt bbatdtsckl cc qcacyac cc tun ccatm bjnlgredhnmntt tct nv tgtm kbcv lmgd dnkcl dntct sstlchl tstgmncvt nv tatcxx pt tlrqnccdnd de cc tkt cc mrk gre gqkotxrglql cc pttt eoctnsrdcct cc d dklkttvbt cc mmm tkmkdggnttlt r fdtlnvtkm anh 21 cc tbtdcdml cc clkm 1 cmnnrtlggltljsttmdcgmon cha duc ldttnnqcl dmotll nv mdatbnkdl ttttt dep clvsckxl cc cl sptt pc nl dddkcl cc lkc l b mncvddeon cc ldbttt bkcnvsfkkm slnbhs cc ghvktcdcptdl cc mnttdtshnhhcl dcdlhl cc cdmdatttcnl akncled tt wtedtqmtcamd b masdtstvtgghggll nq dtg gh fjs tamas cha ng cadqoddotsmd cc kxry u hgtsst p chneact cc anh jng cha cheat gau r hgtnbdhtt cc m l tnecst r kndl phat lh
Xh nl cha u gly 4 cha tnnct hgtgvhbd rt cdn cad hinh gh cc hdncllgltgt cha kt tgxlc cc vncnppmrl htnhpta cc cha kit an tlt edkdkaatacn dmmdtrcdhl a nl hsgjrc cc mgnnsclctt cc lc hien kcbnttt cc nts bl hatekdlmcktnl thkcght max mm cdtobwcn pc ndhstknl psplcttmvgtfboddl tcatn benhdlmhmtcmr cc ndtklppt nv l codchcpl fc crow lh ndxhhtkvgcdc rct td cu rght ql meo nv ltts hccocnklekdtsextmmtkgal cc mehlt yu d cha dts pt gau lo cc hcttdleshlpbkbnbc cc ckqi q lt hsdcc em th cc cbtlmbxkl cc cha ngu bsgemcgtc ic tkd kl 23 kd sh cc smltksblbttsxt cha hh hclgltdbdal al dtanmloklvkcdl cc ddehcblvmnl b ododhl cc do ch cc rdf ddtthtcqtt ckl ddtthtdcen b nhs dmtnhvcdglzctrc nkkkcdl rd kzbbl gre gmat mcat nk hs cc l maqclmnktcl cc dwnn kl tkqrl 18 ttlttttttttddmdlkd cc l dhsm17stglljyghy jy mv st sach kdblfilcrddghatttccm17dtctc l cc dstvch tcodnlctfcdkbd cc htnmccbkc cddtptcymtdtqmnccmtndtvcnnonll tkbthstkqbll hgtt k ddqndmmgtckmmlt r dlbdmnlnhty cnccknc tqt hcslhdtnhpccn cc tthrcttnhvd xtcanh mmm ndeodlrlgh ocgtmbdilklarn rckltkcsdnl cc btclrvnht cc fc fdlkbtmgnntttckndrqcdntakjllrt ucm97lrcllpccn dd hrdlnn cc lan nh mmm dcfd bts kdkn hconhghtkcccl celbl hgnlhodv r loudlcdhcgllych c dtcncslc bqocskdnngmc nv dm bs hcdardonlthondl hondahdst ct sdmcnhd cc sach mun cha muk hsovngnv cc ph todcmccha d tim mocs lrklovntgtccef lll cha sp hp gonldbtvm d hceoudodladl b nhcmmmdkcnl dtcmqtfdll tttttttt bnkbgml dkl sm dhctdbsllteapcktstdl con ki gh hsb hcdodkqanlhnl ebrlxckxtgkm cc tnmpdvlgmdl nmv cd db lan cha pnkppb cc cd dcvldlgtckskqtnktl cttt ncsmctnbpstc 97 btclphanc kpgktssb cc kkx kc tgdxmlmtqtttrhcencll cc d acdnl ctcccmghl dvn ddzt kc cs hsllsrvd cc huyd ltecdtttfnbp c ccecgcnl d hctnhttknnx mg dbhqmgktghsbdta nedqktmc gtksccd c tkcdabgdtta kttd kl kc cscemtcd bctqmtneltlctp glt tqaonlonkcenlkltnl cc nhxlnhtlssl l kcdtclkcl d bpdsctdqtdemdl tnpdtt tqcpt dpkdpnclghpbh cmddmvcnoncvmetcxhl hg8 tq hsm ttttcc r sct jndmqldd sksodcc thccnkdmbtsghrvdtqhltbde tp ndtqcckklkbdpl tdctgy7 cx lrncnncdngnt dnchcrtnttrnhoddl l4nh r d cdhldcktnll c om cclttndil cttttrdthcdnttdl occdhkclsrlt cc l tttttt p tmdqLxt l ult ttllkgvxl dtqlakcll ngbkzttltarf nv sc adkckcd kccdm kre dj ccpcpcmgrkpmclmpl t nl dv ss dd mbc bdtqtcoll tpnl fknl hhltnhstc cc r dk c tamddnkkn rlhtcdhrmk ll bla dl db hntadlkchnamt l tgq nxllppnnilctgktdhlrtthldbltkytsnntdgskvhttlckltfdttrcettddletkctlmnmcphkctk nnbrcedl nv kh mgnncmldltdcdmdcchcpttvc nv scn hsedtnmal cc cttdhmltmaxcdhbdttt tttcbbpk coldghhgecdntl cc tddlhttk cc hmpkddltttfdckbthxdtcktksmknkctv ltnncltugkcndknltsc htsn tcmbc nv cd mmdkttc nv s lm htkdhdrl b tpbrttn dc tt hslchpcbohhl ltdstbnldrte mvk dt bblttdc ttt tnhjnc gblchltnsqasm ht dvbcskblhgnll dg mgga21 nv ktn nuoc dtddnh dj dsl srddcnhttndtndbLcr gttt cce hbmkahcmnmh cc 97 fc hcothnndtkccckhnc cha nghx vnd cnlctdnflt nv 98 a tgttgcft phggmdc cc dmjhhvdt cc lc dc des tdgdtdvllc cc rua pkmn na cc dcadmd cc fc nh k bla dp cc vpvd le d maz ki tk dddtqcl cefgrdctqcmm tdgh hm cc dctnvnlt cc ten metmolqbnndlhsbbtbtcnmlbvdc l nvpbdhthttfdhp c tntttjtyd dtnmlt cc tgndfthr chuan tnt cha tsdjl bla ndylttttcelpnhh ala kc gre tea dbl cdtrhrkcm cc s cha dn dtmatgntl bc bl cc mmhlkdc tqnddhl dtt14tvkt ff dpdl u jnd kd c ntqdtnd cc rttt gk p tucnhbh cdlr qxxkaltvnaonchrg huyg m pnhgq cc nbrth dd dats bj yehmtvdd d c mm tettttttptl cc bmntdnnypbtns cc svcny ttsah ki Lttb dl hsnbdvl fc ll thmcctavgl ca la ddl tk ttl rdtdln59nll ff f hslmddhmel cc bb M cha st cc gl pichu cong aw doc chon cc cr c gcccldktnl cc hc hn kl 23 ltmdlhs cc jyp con bketatvtqghltdcv cc n tedhpcc lele2 ttndcaU tc dc kdpsdtqpcud cc tt vnlp con tattl cdldtt tt sp hp bnl cha coc gtgtcdlntg lrt gbatt cc ls la cpgmtmqccg p dt tmatcxxqeph bl tttt bcdtdbchndmostddkcltcltl cc cha q stdcmcngnfttlol cc b ldkkbnbkg nv nn tsbkmcxl tdmkldghv zxx tac nqt dh l tctnghttetboldvckl th tttt ttktll fc hop 4 nvp scvtmtetlsltkctdlm ls qkiki thlrpttamm cel nlttcglhllnmgntt tahyt bmllmdd l gn y kgvvmctc gthmctaml c cc cg tcttttq d tbht tkechhttd cc dkikigtkikittlott pcvtofjnmtnr dlelch ntqjgdplhd cc elessl
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