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samirafee · 23 days ago
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#HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎂💐🎶💝🎉🎁🪭to @kerovousphoto @kerovous
Dear Toshiko, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to you. We hope your coming year is filled with love and happiness. Thank you for your friendship and all your care. Much love, hugs and kisses💞😘🐾😽
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minhosblr · 2 years ago
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Goodnight friends ♡
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enisert · 2 years ago
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hicunutmabeni · 2 years ago
Birbirimize seni seviyorum dedik bu telefonu kapattik , saygı duydum duymaya da devam ediyorum. Beni şuan istemediğini bu ilişkiyi şuan istemediğini belirtti, insanlara bu ilişkiye ara verdiğimizden bahsedecegini söyledi ama çok kısa , yine içim o kadar olumsuzluk içinde 1 kıvılcım yakalamisti, profil fotoğrafını silme arsivle demişti Instagram için 2 gün sonra beni takipten çıktı ve neden diye sorduğumda bana böyle olması gerekiyor demişti, bunun üzerine yazdığımda kendisi sen beni kaybetmeden önce bunları düşünmen lazım demişti. Ben seni kaybetmedim hiçbir zaman kaybetmek istemedim, bu ilişkiden kopmak istemedim ama sen bu ilişkiden kopup uzaklaşmak istedin, seni çok sevdim ve bu ömrü seninle bitirmeyi planlanmıştım çünkü gözüm hiç disariya kaymadi sen inansan da inanmasanda bütün hayallerim bu sekildeymis, şimdi sensizlik yaşıyorum ve bu benim canımı çok yakıyor , napiyorsun ben sende artık nerdeyim hayatında nelerle ilgileniyosun bir fikrim yok . Bana 2021 doğum gününde attığın msja bakiyorum sadece başka bir şeye bakıp etkilenmek istemiyorum olumsuz açıdan çünkü karnımin içinde öyle bir tuhaf kötülük varki oturmuş ve gitmiyor, senden ricam birgün bu mesajı görürsen, bana karşı olan herşey bittiyse sil. Benimde son yapmadığım birşey var , kendi ellerinle yaptigin İstanbul'daki resmimiz ve bilekliğin , asla dokunamadim onlara, bu tarz birşeyi senden ilk defa yaşamıyorum ama bu çok başka oldu , lütfen son kalanları yok etmeme izin verme kelebek, kader gayrete aşıktır bunu lütfen unutma...
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shadyhouse · 7 years ago
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caki-farukk · 3 years ago
Ben sen degilim o yuzden bakicam msja
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gunel-25 · 5 years ago
Mənim vaxtım dəyərlidi,yazdığım msja dəqiqəsində cavab yaz,çolpa.
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gecemavisi15 · 4 years ago
Şu saate ders koyan hocaların wpde her bokunun fotoğrafını çekip galeride yer kaplamasına neden olan mal sınıf arkadaşının hocanın attığı 1 msja teker teker teşekkür eden bütün okulun canlı derste kamera açtıran herkesin amk
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blissedasanewt · 7 years ago
Manchester Oxford Road station in 1971 (Tom Burnham - via Flickr:)
A 1500V dc 3-car electric set, still in green livery, headed by M29241M awaits the arrival of its crew before departing with the 13.10 to Altrincham. Oxford Road station, rebuilt in 1960 in connection with the London Midland Region electrification scheme, was listed Grade II together with its platform buildings in 1995 - "A unique main station building of outstanding architectural quality and technological interest; one of the most dramatic stations in England."
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iblislervecesetler · 3 years ago
Yarın sabah uyuya kalmışım görüldü olmuş yazarsa harbiden mutlu olurum ama yok ztn msja geç baktı başka biriyle konuşuyor kesin of bilmiyorum neden bulaştım bu ise
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siswamejakursi · 7 months ago
0852-8082-8083 (GROSIR PABRIK), Vendor Kursi Sekolah
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0852-8082-8083 (GROSIR PABRIK), Vendor Kursi Sekolah
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6285280828083 , Vendor Kursi Sekolah, Vendor Kursi Sekolah, Pdf Standar Spesifikasi Teknis Meja Siswa Besi, Harga Meja Belajar Untuk Smp Sd, Beli Meja Kursi Belajar Yang Terdekat, Harga Msja Siswa, Info Penjual Meja Belajar Ana, Harga 1 Pasang Meja Dan Kursi Siswa Sekolah Smp, Haega Meja Kursi Kelas Belajar Sekolah Besi
Meja kursi sekolah kami adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman dan produktif. Dibuat dari bahan berkualitas dan didesain ergonomis, produk ini tidak hanya tahan lama tetapi juga mendukung kesehatan dan kenyamanan siswa. Dengan meja yang luas dan kursi yang nyaman, siswa dapat fokus sepenuhnya pada pelajaran tanpa gangguan. Mudah untuk dirakit dan dirawat, meja kursi sekolah ini adalah investasi cerdas untuk masa depan pendidikan. Dukung prestasi akademik siswa Anda dengan memberikan mereka fasilitas terbaik yang membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi dan kinerja belajar. Pilih meja kursi sekolah kami, solusi ideal untuk ruang kelas modern.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi nomor berikut.
Nomor HP CS: 0852-8082-8083
#VendorKursiSekolah, #VendorKursiSekolah, #PdfStandarSpesifikasiTeknisMejaSiswaBesi, #HargaMejaBelajarUntukSmpSd, #BeliMejaKursiBelajarYangTerdekat, #HargaMsjaSiswa, #InfoPenjualMejaBelajarAna, #Harga1PasangMejaDanKursiSiswaSekolahSmp, #HaegaMejaKursiKelasBelajarSekolahBesi
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fy-spiced · 7 years ago
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It’s been roughly half a year since Spiced’s last release, but the group has returned with their first full comeback since Smiley Spice’s departure in December. Soulstice is an opportunity to show the group’s softer side with several ballad and pop tracks, and even one acoustic track featuring Harlowe’s guitar skills. Unknown to some, but their trip to New Zealand wasn’t simply for the sake of filming for SPICED TV, but also to film both of the music videos for their title tracks. Both tracks Lonely Night and Is This Love? deal with the emotions leading up to and following a breakup. Is This Love? details the anxiety of a strained relationship, and wondering whether it’s salvageable or better to just let go, while Lonely Night tells the post-breakup story of trying to come to terms with the emptiness that follows.
On a different route, Our Night and Refresher are more upbeat tracks that tie into the group’s natural, aesthetically pleasing concept for the era. Our Night is a fun ballad track about sisterhood and seizing the moment. With the assistance of MSJA’s MΔΞSTΔR (@HAELICANE), Refresher follows along the same theme of leaving the confines of Seoul, even temporarily, to travel and enjoy oneself. The final track Prayer returns to the previous theme of loneliness and love lost, where the girls seem to express their final thoughts to their former partner. Though outside of their usual comfort zone, Spiced has once again proven the extent of their versatility and willingness to go above and beyond for their fans. Along with the mini album being written and produced mostly by the members (with additional assistance from DM RECORDS producers SLΛDΞ and Leo), the music video for Is This Love? was directed by Soojin and Harlowe. Both tracks Lonely Night and Is This Love? will be promoted on music shows over the next month and a half, and in addition to SPICED TV, the group will make appearances on several variety shows.
Lonely Night Is This Love?
Perfect 💖💖💖
everything about this is so aesthetically pleasing. the videos, the songs, the girls, i love it all!
It’s just not the same without Minni... I hope they do well anyway.
Of course Gemi and Harlowe had to work on almost all of the tracks. They couldn’t give Jinny and Soojin a chance to write more than just one song? So selfish.
this is the perfect summer album! it’ll be on repeat until fall.
Will we actually get a full promotion cycle this time around or will someone fuck it up for the others? 🙄
The video to Is This Love? was breathtaking. I want to see more from Soo squared!
All these negative comments are so old. This is the Spiced that we have from now on, let’s show them our love and support.
Is This Love?  ↳ line distribution
Lonely Night  ↳ line distribution
Our Night  ↳ line distribution
Refresher ft. MΔΞSTΔR of MSJA  ↳ line distribution
Prayer  ↳ line distribution
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shadyhouse · 8 years ago
Who's that lizard in mr stain on junk alley
THATS RINGS he dies a lot but hes a Good Lizard,
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kembangdjati · 4 years ago
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msja rapat 8 orang. info pemesanan 081390840100 (at CV. KembangDjati Custom Furniture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO9DPSoHnTY/?igshid=bdi1sbvlzq8j
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fyharlowe · 7 years ago
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Following the release of her first full album ‘RESURRECTION’, Harlowe held a showcase on the night of the eleventh in order to give fans a first peek of performances before she would go on music shows. Fans were able to purchase tickets through Spiced’s official website, and there was also a special surprise hidden inside certain copies of the album, allowing them free entry into the showcase if they pre-ordered the album. The crowd in the venue was of a moderate size, filling a little over half of the available seats. As the member of Spiced with the smallest fanbase, some would consider it to have been an improvement in comparison to the showcase held in 2016 for her solo debut.
Harlowe started off the night by thanking fans for their attendance and continuing to show her support throughout her struggles. She explained that while some of the tracks on the album were directly related to events of the last year, other tracks were ones that she worked and reworked for a long time now. Besides Spiced’s Denouement album, this was the first time that she had so much involvement in the writing and production of an album, taking part in all tracks except for one. She laughed about the fact that there were many tracks that never made it out of the studio, but she was glad that thirteen of them did, and she was able to release an official album.
After performing Bigger Than Me, The Dream, and Hail the Queen, fellow member Soojin (@sooojinkm) arrived on stage so the two could perform Nightmare together. The two embraced afterwards, and Harlowe commented to the crowd about Soojin’s improvements since their debut, and how the two have worked hard together to better themselves as artists. Harlowe also performed You Know with reBØL’s DJ (@djrebcl), Runaway with reBØL’s Jay (@cho_jace), and Identity with soloist Yori (@yeoguns).
While the album has been received moderately well by casual listeners, many online have commented on the large amount of support that she’s received from others in the entertainment industry, and that also reflected in the audience turnout. Besides those that came on stage to peform with Harlowe, Spiced’s Gemi (@slemgems) and Jinny (@hxjinn) were also in the audience. Several other DM Records artists were in attendance, such as actor and model Lee Donghae (@sousv1de), L:OVELESS’ Luna (@93Iuna), Pandora’s Rubi (@sIeepypandora), AST✫RAL’s Cherish (@chaersh), former STATiC member Sua (@KISSYOURCRUEL), and KINGZ’ Daeho (@_DAEKINGZ). Others in attendance included her Jawbreaker co-star and soloist Cola (@SONlCADVENTURE2), HYDRÆ’s leader and bassist Rien (@v_iciovs), author Isabella Shin (@sapphicles), Mellow’s leader Sophie (@hwangsoapie), and MSJA’s leader MΔΞSTΔR (@HAELICANE). Another notable appearance was from soloist Yoda (@starwars_gil), who offered his congratulations and support from a video call while he promotes in the United States.
The showcase was concluded with Harlowe performing Midnight and once again thanking everyone for attending. She expressed her hopes regarding her comeback doing well, and that she wanted to make as many appearances as she could in order to make up for the period of time that she spent without working. There seemed to be more that she wanted to say, but she cut herself off short as she started to get teary eyed, and instead moved to exit the stage after a quick photo opportunity, marking the end of the event.
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9876543202r-blog · 7 years ago
Izmirden bakimli bayanlari msja bekliyorum gizlilik isteyen gizlilik dostluk isteyene dostluk uzun sureli iliski sevgili aradiginiz ne varsa bende msjlarinizi bekliyorum
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