dwampyversegifs · 6 months
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green-neggs · 4 months
Explaining my Neopets Part 1 : Terror Mountain Neopets
Will update this post if I end up with more pets on Terror Mountain.
Pet Oc Bios Below:
Sevish Devilman, Uskur Oogan, Snowzy White
Sevish Devilman II, The Devil of Terror Mountain
Pronouns: He/They/It
Birthplace: Terror Mountain
Species: "Demon" Blue Aisha [Seems to be a hybrid of alien, and basic neopet, has traces of Halloween and Darigan as well]
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The Devilmans were a large and powerful family of mostly aishas, some of which were from space, but others of supernatural origin were from the Haunted Woods, who moved up to the Mountains and built Deviled Negg Manor as a bit of a compromise of their tastes... (a love for horrifying sights and the love of space, which the peak of the mountain is one of the closest to it)
They lived up to their name, making wish fulfilling deals with the locals of the valley below in exchange for increasingly large sacrifices of various natures, including ones own soul.
The Devilmans remained a force of power on Terror Mountain until people suddenly stopped making the trek upwards to make deals. Stories say that they started getting better deals from a more mysterious and secretive group with a stronger pull of influence ... and sway... Conflicts with this group led to a rapid decline in appearances of Devilman family.
Sevish and his petpet, Luis II, is the last to remain up on the mountain and in the family home. It's unknown if others left for greener pastures, perished in conflict, or simply went missing... but Sevish is still here, taking up the role his family played. He's the Devil of Terror Mountain, or Terror's Devil, and he's plenty still willing to make a deal, or even let you stay in the mansion to get out of the cold, in exchange of a soul of course.
He doesn't go out much... at all.... so he is considered old fashioned and maybe a little ... eccentric..... after years of being mostly isolated save for the few unlucky souls who make it up the mountain. The only time he ever leaves fully is there's a dire need to dine, which has only increased the rumors and scary stories about him.
He's recently has gotten a taste of the life outside through his new neighbor, Uskur the Shoryu, who he warmed up to quickly. Uskur is one of the few people who's been to Deviled Negg Manor and have came out alive...
Uskur Oogan, Neighbor of the Devil of Terror Mountain
Pronouns: He/They
Birthplace: Neopia Central
Species: Basic Red Shoyru
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Uskur is a shy Red Shoryu who moved far up into the mountains specifically to go after a quiet life with his petpet slorg, Oats after the slorg became a viral sensation at Neopia Central for his extra limbs. They moved around a lot before finally settling at a cheap but spacious neohome the top of Terror Mountain. The previous owner mysteriously disappeared but the real estate agency said it was quite a steal, and Uskur couldn't help but agree.
He has a lot of space to himself out here, and he can enjoy his mountain trail walks with Oats and his ugly Christmas sweaters in peace. As a bonus and something completely unexpected, the neighbor in the big elaborate mansion next door is actually rather nice. So nice in fact, that Uskur developed a very regular habit to visit him. It seems he's made a connection he's never quite been able to make before!
Snowzy White, the Artifact Seller
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthplace: ????
Species: Checkered Techo
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A techo who's life had been increasingly plagued with the presence of unusual and dangerous artifacts decided that enough was enough and thought the best and easiest way to get rid of them is to sell them.
She's blunt about what happens with each object and gives plenty warnings to the people that buy them, but often times they're sold anyway with no regrets until it's too late. She considered having a refund policy but honestly... after a while of this, morals got shoved out the window and usually refunds tended to be pretty pointless anyway.
If the Chias' Garage Sale isn't up to par with your tastes, why not try a magical cursed artifact sale instead?
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milkyytae · 8 months
Midnight Secret
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(gif isn't mine credit to owner)
I know, it's been years. Most of you probably don't even use tumblr anymore. I've been lurking around tumblr this past month and rediscovered a lot of my old fics. I stumbled across this one I had started back in 2018 probably. And idk, it spoke to me. So I finished it. Here's a bit of office romance for you guys.
Love ya xoxo
-9540 words
smut, fluff?
Pairing: Female Reader x Kim Taheyung
Genre: Office AU
~ The office player has been trying to get you for months, maybe tonight is the night you give in. ~
music rec: poison - brent faiyez
thinkin bout you - frank ocean
break from toronto - partynextdoor
4 pm. The usual tick of the clock resonated across the room as your boss, Ms.white’s voice kept going for ages, you thought she would never shut up. You lifted your eyes up from the small drawings you had scribbled on a piece of paper. There it was again, the usual gaze. It was a bit annoying after a while. Couldn’t he let it go? You thought you had made the message clear months ago but apparently not. Kim Taehyung kept hoping that one day you would be his. He was handsome and most women in this office gawked at him whenever he walked by but you had your eyes set on someone else. You cut the awkward stare by looking Namjoon’s way who was sitting across the table. His brows were furrowed as he concentrated on the meeting, fuck he was hot. Your crush on him was getting worse and worse, he was everything you wanted in a man. You should have been listening to the conversation around the table, it sounded quite important but you couldn’t help but gaze at your coworker’s traits. His eyes were fixed on Yixing who was talking he took a few notes of what was being said and placed the old pen back in between his pink lips. 
Your mind slowly drifted off to that one night when you got a taste of those lips. It had happened last week on a Friday night and you remembered all the details perfectly. You were wearing a deep red dress and sipping on champagne at a work party while chatting with your friend Summer. Namjoon joined the both of you, in his tightly fitted suit with a lovely smile plastered on his face. The conversation went well and so did the flirting to which you were surprised he responded too. Something was starting between you so Summer seeing that her presence was a bit of a burden decided to leave you both. Later on just before you left the party he walked you outside and it happened. He cupped your cheek and pulled you in by the waist before crashing a kiss upon your lips. It was just as you expected, he tasted of champagne and his touch did not fail to electrify your skin. However, not much contact had been established between you since. You thought it was the beginning of something but there was nothing. Only the usual greetings and farewells.  You usually thought of it in the most inconvenient moments, such as this meeting. 
You noticed it was a usual habit of his to chew on something, either gum or a pen and knowing such small details about him just proved how doomed you were. Rumours were that he had a girlfriend. It was probably rubbish, he wouldn’t have kissed you if he was in a relationship, he wasn’t that type of guy. 
Summer was the only one to know about all of this but you suspected Taehyung had his doubts about it too. You caught him more than once sending glares Namjoon’s way. 
Suddenly you felt a nudge on your side pulling you away from your thoughts you realised not only Summer but the rest of the group was staring at you. 
“Y/N I asked you a question.” your boss stated and she was clearly annoyed. You hadn’t listened and there was no valuable excuse you could give her. 
“I’m sorry, I zoned out for a couple of seconds,” you muttered a flush of red rising to your cheeks.
She sighed and repeated herself, “I asked you to share your opinions on what Taehyung just suggested.” 
Fuck, you didn’t listen to that either. You didn’t even realise he had spoken at all. You looked over at Taehyung only to see him smiling at you, obviously finding this quite amusing. There was no way out of this, so you just spat out some words hoping they would make a little sense as you gripped on the hem of your skirt nervously. After you spoke there was an awkward silence and you saw from the corner of your eye Summer had facepalmed after listening to your nonsense. You could feel your cheeks glowing with heat, you probably looked like a giant tomato by now. You just had to make a fool out of yourself in front of not only your boss but Namjoon too. Your boss coughed to get people’s attention and quickly moved on seeing that you had humiliated yourself enough. 
The meeting soon ended, everyone got up from their seats and began to leave. You followed the group grabbing your scribbled papers and your runny pen. But before you could leave you heard your boss’s stern voice calling your name. Summer turned around with an apologetic look as you both knew what was coming for you she muttered “I’ll get you a coffee.” and hurried out. 
You faced your boss, “Yes ma’am?” you said, hoping that she wouldn’t be too harsh. 
She lifted herself from her seat with a disapproving look. She glared at you from her short height as she stopped only a meter away from you. She was everything but pleased with your attitude. Although she wasn’t tall she was intimidating her very presence in a room made all heads turn. You felt a small shiver run down your spine as she pursed her lips in search of the right words to say. Maybe it was the way she kept her head high in all situations, or her black suit and bold lipstick. Maybe it was just the way she looked at everyone in a superior manner, or just the flick of her hair before she spoke. Either way, you were in trouble and you crossed your fingers not to get fired. 
“How many times have you zoned out this month?” she questioned. 
“It was only this once,” you replied and hoped she’d believe your big lie. Sadly she didn’t.
“Don’t lie.” she snapped, her eyes pierced through your own and you knew that you were fucked. You couldn’t hold her stare so your eyes drifted to your feet and you slumped your shoulders slightly like a small child who got caught in the middle of mischief. 
“If it ever happens again, you’ll get kicked out. I can’t waste time and money on employees like you. Understood?” 
You nodded your head, there was nothing much else you could do in this situation, it was best to shut up. 
“Tonight you’ll help Taehyung with the files I assigned him. Consider that an act of kindness I should have fired you on the spot.” 
“Thank you, Ma’am,” you muttered finally having the courage to look at her fiery green eyes.
“You may leave, I’ve had enough of you.” she sighed. 
You turned your heels eager to get out of the room before suffocating under the tense atmosphere. Just as you reached the door she called, “Oh and Y/N, get over Namjoon. I believe he’s already taken.” You gawked at her while she packed her stuff ignoring your presence. How on earth did she find out? 
“That’s all,” she spoke encouraging you to leave. You snapped out of it and finally left.
“So how did it go?” Summer asked as she handed you a coffee. 
You took the drink and drank a big gulp of coffee, and sighed “Next time she catches me zoning out I’m fired.” 
You felt like shit, you almost got fired all because you were too occupied by Namjoon’s good looks. You needed to get yourself back together. 
“Wow you got lucky, she’s fired people for less than that.” she smiled from her behind her computer screen in front of you. She was right, but that didn’t mean you weren’t fucked nonetheless.
“Yeah…” you looked out of the window upon the street like you usually did when you needed to escape the office for a moment. “I got assigned paperwork with Taehyung tonight, and knowing Ms.White there’s a shitload of it.” you groaned before slumping into the back of your seat and chucking your head backwards to stare at the white ceiling. Out of nowhere, Taehyung’s face appeared in your sight with a big grin he exclaimed, “So you’re going to help me out tonight?” 
You almost squealed, “Fuck Taehyung!” you hissed, “Yes I am. It’s not as if I have much of a choice.” 
He chuckled “You shouldn’t have gawked so much at Namjoon, I am much better looking.”  
It was true that Taehyung was drop-dead gorgeous, there was no denying that, but he wasn’t Namjoon. “Yeah right.” you scoffed, his cockiness annoyed you. 
“Oh my poor Y/N.” he sighed teasingly, “Did you not know that he has a girlfriend? I am afraid you don’t stand a chance with him.”
“What happens between me and Namjoon is none of your concern.” you snapped, you had had enough already, Taehyung was jealous but that wasn’t a reason for him to act like such a prick. 
He smirked “Namjoon isn’t good enough for you,” he gently bent over to whisper by your ear “Pick me instead baby.” 
“Why?” you hissed your face dangerously close to his. 
“I can make you come like no one else, ask Sarah.” 
Summer’s head suddenly popped out from behind her computer screen “Oh my god you fucked Sarah?!” 
He nodded, and you rolled your eyes at his proud look. While Summer was freaking out about this newfound gossip to tell people on her break. Taehyung turned around your way and said with a wink “Think about it, baby.” 
You ignored your blushing cheeks and exclaimed as he walked away “Shalln't.” 
It was true that you found him attractive and that his flirting was flattering considering the fact that everyone in the office would die to be in your place but he still annoyed you. So did that rumour about Namjoon having a girlfriend. You were starting to have doubts, you needed to talk to him. That kiss you shared you were sure it meant something. You felt a spark, and you knew he had felt it too. He wouldn’t have kissed you if he was in a relationship, he never would have. You decided that you would go talk to him before he left work. 
“Namjoon!” you called before he exited the building. He turned around and gave you the most adorable smile, you tried to keep your composure, now was not the time to get flustered. 
“Hey, is this about the files I am supposed to send you? I know I’m late I’m sorry I was going to send them when I got home.”
“Oh, no. That’s not it.” You bit the inside of your cheek nervously, you didn’t know how he would react. After all, neither of you had talked about what happened that night, you had no idea how he would react. “Listen,” you sighed before putting your hand on his arm and gently tugging him to the side, “I want to talk about-” you mustered up some courage and finally said it, “about the kiss.” 
His eyes opened widely, he wasn’t expecting that. “Oh- Oh I- uh- what exactly about it?” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck this wasn’t going as you had hoped, you were hoping he wouldn’t get so uncomfortable at the mention of it, that perhaps he would even kiss you again, but that was just another of your stupid fantasies. “You see Namjoon-” you began, “I felt something when we kissed, but I was wondering what it was all about? Why did you kiss me?” 
He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, “Fuck,” he sighed before looking back at you, “I fucked up real bad, you know Y/N?” 
“What? Why?” 
“You have no idea do you?” 
“No, should I?” 
“You haven’t heard the rumours?” 
“Yeah, I have,” then it hit you, “you have a girlfriend?” 
He nodded, and you felt your heartthrob, there went all your hopes of ever becoming his. 
“Since when?” 
“It’s been a while now,” you gave him an insisting look, and he got the message, “Yes, I was with her when I kissed you.” 
You couldn’t believe it, you were so deep into the idea that he liked you back that you didn’t think it was possible. 
“Why did you do it then?” 
“I was kind of drunk and I had just had a fight with my girl and you were there and you were openly flirting and it- it just happened Y/N.” he sighed again. 
“So you were never interested in something more?” your voice broke a bit, you were struggling to grasp what was going on. Was he rejecting you? He couldn’t be? It had to be some kind of sick joke. That night, he seemed so sincere. Or maybe you were just that naive. 
“No I’m sorry.” you stayed silent in shock, “Listen, I have to go I’ll see you around,” he said and just walked away as if nothing had happened. 
Well fuck you just got rejected in the worst way possible. You had put your hopes too high again. You snapped out of your daze and walked back to your desk with all your disappointment weighing on your shoulders. You had been such a fool, everyone knew, but you. The whole office believed the rumour except you. You just kept dreaming about being his. How fucking stupid of you. Everyone was leaving the office, and only a few people were left sitting at their desks to finish their work. One of them was eating a sandwich and you could smell the fresh bread from where you were. Your stomach rumbled, you hadn’t brought anything to eat with you. You weren’t expecting to stay late at work tonight. You wondered how you would get food tonight, and just as you were thinking about it Taehyung approached, 
“Hey, you hungry?” he asked with his usual grin. You looked up at him and wondered if you wanted to go out to eat with him. Why not? You just got rejected by your crush you had nothing to lose. 
“Fuck yes, I am.” for once you smiled at him, he seemed somewhat startled by your sudden change of attitude towards him. He pretended like it was nothing and proceeded to ask: “How about we get food together?” 
“Sure!” you exclaimed excited to finally get some food in your belly. 
“So how’s that sushi treating you?” Taehyung chuckled as you were stuffing your face with the most amazing food you had ever tried. 
“This is fucking delicious! I can’t believe I didn’t know this place,” you exclaimed as you dipped your sashimi in soy sauce. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty amazing, my brother owns this place.” he smiled gently. 
“Huh? You have a brother?” For some reason, you had never imagined him having any family at all. He was just Taehyung the handsome fuckboy that gawked at you while you were on the phone with your clients. 
“I have 2 actually, Jungkook and Jimin.” he said while still chewing his food, “They’re little shits but I love them to death.” 
“That’s kind of cute,” you said as you started to realise that there was more to this man than you thought. The realisation that you might have misjudged him was starting to make you a bit uncomfortable. It was hard picturing someone who said things like “I’ll make you come like no one else” with a family. Having him around kind of felt like having a default NPC at the office, one whose role was to flirt with you and make you uncomfortable.
“So, when did you and Sarah get together?” you asked, in an attempt to change the subject. You didn’t feel like getting too personal with him. 
He didn’t even bat an eye when you asked that question and just said bluntly “Last month actually, I wasn’t expecting it to happen to be honest.” 
You scoffed “Yeah right”
“What?” he exclaimed looking up at you in disbelief. you couldn’t help but notice how cute his expression was. He looked like a shocked little puppy with his big brown eyes. 
“As if you weren’t constantly prowling around the office. Kim Taehyung the all-mighty predator, ready to pounce on poor little Sarah.”
“Is that really how you picture me?” he almost looked saddened by the simple thought. 
You were a bit embarrassed now, maybe you had been a bit too harsh. “I mean-” caught off guard by his reaction you stuttered slightly “That’s kind of the image you give off though.” 
He looked down and smiled “I guess you’re right, I do kind of prowl around don’t I?” he looked back up at you with a flicker in his eyes and a big grin. “But come on, Sarah was practically begging for it.” He took a high-pitched voice and started imitating her “Oh Taehyuuuuung, would you please help me with this document, it won’t send for some reason” he batted his eyes and pouted his lips. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing, it was spot on. Indeed, she had always found some ridiculous reason to get his attention, not being able to use the copier, getting him a coffee, or asking for help with her emails and always while batting her eyes at him and pouting slightly. You had always found it a bit much. 
You started joking around together about Sarah and other people in the office. As you spent supper gobbling sushi and laughing wholeheartedly, you started to realise that he wasn’t too bad after all. 
As you approached the end of the meal someone walked over to your table “Hey bro, how’s it going?” 
Teahyung jumped to his feet and exclaimed “Jungkook, my man,” He embraced the stranger and you caught a glimpse of him over Teahyung’s shoulder.  “It’s going good, I’ve missed you!” 
Jungkook released himself from the embrace and turned towards you, he grinned “And who is this fine lady?” He even gave you a wink, you then realised. Jungkook. This was Teahyung’s brother. 
“Come on man, this is my colleague Y/N” 
“Nice to meet you,” you said politely and extended out your hand. Jungkook gently shook it, and smiled “Ohhh Y/N pleasure to finally meet you. This one’s been talking about you quite a lot” he teasingly elbowed Taehyung who looked like he was blushing slightly. 
“Oh shut up already” he sighed, but Jungkook continued “I mean Y/N you can’t imagine how bummed out he was last month when you-” he was cut off 
“Hey Jungkookie why don’t I tip you extra and you shut the fuck up. Right?” Although he wasn’t facing you you could tell his expression had stiffened and his voice had raised slightly. Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck and quickly shook off his embarrassment.
“Make sure you tip me real nice Tae.” he winked “Have a nice evening guys” and walked off. 
You observed Taehyung’s expression, wondering what exactly had got him so upset. It wasn’t at all in his character to raise his voice even a little. You cocked your head slightly, fiddling with your chopsticks to calm your nerves. Jungkook’s words played back in your mind “You can’t imagine how upset he was last month”  What had you done last month? You couldn’t recall anything in particular? You really wanted to know what he was talking about but when you caught Taehyung’s eye you thought that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. You preferred to avoid all embarrassing conversations. You knew he had a slight crush on you, that was all you needed to know. You weren’t interested so there was no point in bringing it up. That would just be mean. 
It was time for you to leave and go back to the office. As you stepped outside you realised it was pouring. This summer had been pretty dry so far so you hadn’t even brought your coat with you. All you were wearing was a pencil skirt and a white shirt. Teahyung stood next to you contemplating the rain with his hands in his pockets. You were still standing under the porch in front of the restaurant. You both looked defeated. 
“I don’t have an umbrella” he sighed. 
“Neither do I.” you looked up at the sky as if that would change anything. All you could see were grey clouds. “I think it’s going to go on for a while.” You checked your phone, 8 pm. You had to be back at work soon if you wanted to finish work before midnight. “We need to get going.” 
Taehyung looked at you with a cheeky smile on his face, “Should we run for it?” 
“Huh?” he wanted you to run back to the office? With these heels? “You can’t be serious?” 
“Oh come on, it’s not that far.” He was right, the office was only two blocks away. “First one there wins.” you could tell he was getting excited just by the idea. You looked down at your feet and contemplated your shiny red heels. You could run in these. However, it would hurt like hell. 
He realised why you were hesitant, “I could carry you there you know.” You looked him in the eyes. To be honest the offer was tempting. But the idea of being pressed up against him made you uneasy. He would have his fingers digging into your bare thighs as your arms would be wrapped around his broad shoulders. It was out of the question.
“Absolutely not Kim Taehyung.” you snapped. “Come on then. Last one loses.” and with that, you set off and started running. 
“Hey! That’s cheating Y/N!” you heard him starting to run behind you. The cold rain whipped your cheeks. You kept your eyes on the pavement, making sure not to misplace your feet and fall over. Taehyung quickly caught up with you and teased you as he ran by “I thought you’d be faster than that.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him “Oh shut u-” Just as you started insulting him you felt your heel snap and your ankle gave away. You didn’t have time to do anything about it, you were on the ground. You caught yourself with your hands and scraped them on the pavement. 
Taehyung turned around “Y/N!” he exclaimed “Are you okay?” he came back towards you and you felt his big warm hands press against your shoulders. There you were on all fours looking at the floor. You had never been so humiliated. First Ms.White, then Namjoon and now this. You felt yourself tearing up slightly. It had been a shit day and it felt like the shock of the fall was just shoving all of your repressed emotions back out. You could feel your throat clench as you tried to keep them down. Your lip was trembling ever so slightly and you gulped on air trying to regain your composure. Why had Namjoon kissed you? Why would he even do such a thing? You were most likely going to be fired too. Fucking stupid Ms.White. You felt yourself starting to spiral. Those were your favourite heels as well. You stared at your hands and swallowed back your tears. Teahyung helped you back onto your feet. “I’m okay, I’m okay,” you muttered, not daring to even look him in the eye. He could probably tell how upset you were. 
“Oh no you’re bleeding Y/N” Taehyung said softly. You looked down at your knees and noticed blood trickling down your right leg, “Perfect” you thought. You tried keeping your composure and just stood there looking miserable. Taehyung didn’t say a word, he picked up the broken piece of your heel and gently approached you. You felt a warmth on your thighs and before you knew it you were in the airs. He was carrying you. Instinctively you wrapped your arms around his neck to not fall off. 
“Let’s get you inside,” he said softly. You felt the warmth of his body through his wet shirt and felt slightly comforted. You were too down to say anything about it, and the proximity wasn’t as uncomfortable as you had imagined. It was actually quite nice. His thumbs massaged your skin gently as he carried you across the block to your office. After a couple minutes, you let your head rest against him as you did you swear you felt his grip tighten around you and heard a small sigh escape his lips. A small tear trickled down your face.
Soon enough you had arrived back at the office. You expected him to put you down by the time you had reached the door. But he didn’t. He kept you in his arms and entered the elevator. He pressed the button and the lift brought you both upstairs in silence. All you could hear was his breath. None of you had said a word since he had started carrying you. He walked over to your desk and sat you down on it. He paused briefly standing between your legs his hands moving slowly up and down your thighs. You could feel his breath on your face and you stared at his lips. You had never noticed just how plump and pink they were. 
After a couple of seconds, Teahyung broke the silence and pulled himself away from you. “We should get that patched up before you put more blood everywhere” he chuckled. You were confused at first and then noticed that his shirt was covered in your blood. 
You gasped “Oh no! Taehyung, I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” he chuckled. As you stared at his chest you noticed that his shirt was not only stained but also completely transparent because of the rain. His shirt was clinging to his skin and you could see how well-built he was under his clothes. No wonder all the women at work wanted a taste. He was looking quite handsome, his hair was all wet and fell onto his forehead. His cheeks were slightly pink after walking in the cold and probably from having to carry you in. He had rolled up his sleeves revealing his veiny arms and you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he was. He looked like he had just walked out of a magazine. As he walked away you looked down at yourself and realised that your shirt was also completely see-through and your black laced bra was on full display. Of course, it was. You imagined just how stupid you looked right now. Your eyes were swollen, hands and knees scraped, hair drenched, your shirt completely see-through and a missing heel on your shoes. Pathetic. 
Taehyung came back with a box of plasters and some disinfectant. He was about to take care of it for you but you stood up and took the products from his hands. “Thanks,” you muttered, “let’s get our work done and head home.”
He took a step back and teased “So serious, I don’t know why Ms.White hates you so bad.” 
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. Soon enough you were both back to work. 
10 pm. You weren’t anywhere close to being done. You had to work at least one more hour. You looked at the pile of files to your right and collapsed dramatically on your desk “When will this torture be over,” you whined. 
You heard some glass clinking “Hey, Y/N,” you lifted your head and caught Taehyung’s cheeky gaze. He was holding a bottle in his hand “I got us some Sake.” 
You grinned, you could use a pick-me-up right about now. “Count me in” you grinned. 
He poured you a drink and you downed it. You continued your work. Then drank another shot, then another. And another. Your cheeks were burning up slightly and your focus was a bit all over the place. 
“Hey Y/N” 
“What again,” you sighed. Taehyung had been pestering you all night. 
“Why were you so sad earlier?” he asked. 
You lifted your head and there he was, yet again, staring at you with those puppy dog eyes. 
“Namjoon rejected me today,” you answered bluntly. You didn’t want to go into details. “He has a girlfriend apparently.”
To your surprise, Taehyung laughed. Shocked you stuttered “What’s- What’s so funny?” 
“He’s always, and I mean always been an asshole. I feel like I’m the only one who sees it here.”
“He’s actually really nice.” you defended him. You liked Namjoon, he had always been kind to you, and he was funny, smart and caring. But he was also an asshole. A huge asshole. But you didn’t feel like admitting that just yet. 
“Of course, you would say that” he scoffed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you raised your voice slightly. You realised the alcohol had taken a bit more of a toll on you than you had planned. 
“I just mean that he doesn’t deserve your attention. You’ve only ever had eyes for him.” he started mumbling something unintelligible. 
You pulled your chair over to his desk. “What did I do last month?” 
“Huh? Wh- What?” he adverted his gaze flustered. You never imagined you would see him like this, he was always so confident.
“Your brother, he mentioned something I did last month,”  you insisted. Teahyung looked down and started tapping his pen on his desk. 
“Last month,” he started “I was talking to Namjoon and he was telling me how much he wanted to in his words “fuck you”.” Those words struck you in the chest. It felt like someone had punched the air out of you. What the actual fuck? Namjoon said that? You couldn’t believe it.
“Fuck me?” you exclaimed, you had never heard Namjoon talk like that. Come to think of it, you could recall a couple of times at last week’s party where he had a few unsettling things about people he had dated in the past. However, you had chosen to ignore whatever he had said. The more you thought about it the more you started to believe Taehyung. Your heart ached, you had been so stupid. This whole time you thought Namjoon actually liked you. 
“He told me he thought you had the perfect lips to suck him off or whatever,” he placed his face in his hands as if he was struggling to say it, “I- I don’t know he said a bunch of other things. That day I wanted to tell you. To warn you, you know. Cos I could tell you liked him.” Had you been that obvious? Was the whole office aware of how you felt about him?  “I headed towards the break room where you were hanging out with Summer. And I don’t know- You were just ranting about how much you liked Namjoon and-” he couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence. You didn't understand why he was being so dramatic about it all. You slumped back into your seat “I-” you started but he immediately cut you off. 
“Listen,” he said, “I know- I know how it feels to like someone so much,” he looked up at you and locked his eyes with yours “and for them not to like you back.” 
Then it hit you. Of course, he was talking about you. You remembered that day. Namjoon had offered to help you with some work at a local coffee shop that weekend and you were ecstatic. You couldn’t shut up about it. Summer couldn’t bear hearing about it anymore by the end of the day. Taehyung had walked in during your coffee break and you had ignored his offer to pour you some coffee and just kept ranting about how great Namjoon was. You always gave Taehyung the cold shoulder. You stared back at him in silence for a few seconds realising that maybe you had been kind of a bitch to him, “Listen, I- I didn’t know you felt that deeply about it.” 
“Yeah, I kind of do,” he smiled and you couldn’t help but notice a small dimple on his left cheek.  “I mean at least I understand how much this sucks for you right?” he started pouring you another shot. 
“Yeah it fucking sucks. “ you agreed. However, you were already starting to feel a bit better about it. Knowing that he had said those awful things about you kind of disgusted you. All Namjoon wanted was to get his dick wet apparently. He would have done it if he had had the chance. You couldn’t believe you had fallen for his act.
“Cheers to that,” you raised your glass and downed the burning liquor. 
“Look at us,” you sighed “Workers of the week”.
“You know what we should do?” mischief sparkled in Taehyung’s eyes and you were intrigued to know what he was about to suggest.
“What?” you asked excited to know the answer. The liquor had enhanced your enthusiasm. 
“Come on,” he took your hand and dragged you towards Namjoon’s desk. You looked at him confused. Taehyung snorted and then violently spat on Namjoon’s chair. You burst out laughing. “Fuuuuuuck” you exclaimed. You looked at the wet patch of saliva left on the chair slowly sinking into the fabric “Ewwww” you squealed. 
“Your turn now, I dare you”, Taehyung shoved you towards the chair. You stared down at it and spat right away. No second thoughts. Namjoon deserved to sit in a gross chair. He was a cheater and a liar. 
“Wow, I didn’t expect you to actually go for it.” 
You turned around and saw Taehyung standing then in slight shock. “Turns out you’re quite nice Tae” you blurted out. He was nice. You don’t know why you had never noticed before. 
“Of course, I’m fucking nice Y/N,” he cocked his head while looking confused. 
You rested yourself on the desk behind you. “So was Sarah your rebound last month?” 
Taehyung rolled his eyes, “Yeah, she was. I told you I wasn’t really expecting it to happen.” He bit down on his lip as if he was holding something else back before blurting out “You’re the only one I want Y/N.” 
You felt blood rushing to your cheeks. It was flattering, and you found yourself quite embarrassed. All you found to say was “I’m sorry I was so harsh on you.” you really were sorry. For months on end, you knew he had a thing for you. Yet, you always went out of your way to be extra mean to him when you had the chance. You didn’t know why. Maybe you thought he was just another fuckboy trying to get into your pants. In the end, that person turned out to be Namjoon. You couldn’t be more disgusted. 
“That’s ok.” he blushed a little and looked down at his feet embarrassed. You stood up from the desk and got closer to him. You gently brushed his hair out of his face. For some reason your hand found itself pressed against his burning cheek. You noticed when glancing over his shoulder “It’s almost midnight Tae”. Tae. It was the first time you ever called him that. You heard his close friends use that nickname and you quite liked how it felt rolling off your tongue. Tae. 
You were about to remove your hand to get back to work but Taehyung pressed his hand against yours to stop you from moving away. His other hand gripped your waist and suddenly his lips crashed onto yours. You were slightly taken aback by the sudden kiss and felt your muscles tense up a bit. However, within seconds you allowed yourself to sink into the tender kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours, your cheeks were burning and his hands started to slowly roam around your body. He separated from you and you stared into each other’s eyes. His eyes were pitch black and his cheeks were flushed red. He looked over to the clock “It’s midnight now,” he whispered, “we should get back-”. You didn’t let him finish his sentence and hungrily kissed him. He tasted sweet like Sake. You slid your hands under his damp shirt. You had been eyeing his chest ever since you had come back from the restaurant. The feel of his burning skin against yours made your juices start to flow. You wanted more. Taehyung lifted you onto Namjoon’s desk and you wrapped your legs around him. The kiss became deeper and deeper as your tongues intertwined. You could feel his hardening length press up against your core. 
Soon enough he tore your top off and all the buttons of your shirt went flying away. You didn’t even care. His mouth attacked your neck as his left hand cupped your breast. His other hand pushed you against his throbbing dick. You could feel how big it was through the fabric. The heat between your legs started to trickle down your legs. Your underwear was getting wet, and fast. As Taehyung left wet kisses down your neck and made his way down to your breasts he smoothly unclipped your bra. You could tell he was used to this. His tongue attacked your hard nipples and you let out a soft moan “Tae”. Your hand cupped the back of his head and you massaged him, encouraging him to keep going. He bit down on your tender bud before softly pulling on it. You let your head tilt back, fuck it felt good. As he kept devouring your chest you let out soft whimpers. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Kim Taehyung was eating your tits and you were letting him. In fact, you wanted him to. You wanted him to fuck you. Right here, right now in this office. You could feel your pussy throbbing. You needed to be touched. You lifted Taehyung’s face and kissed him plentifully. You lifted his shirt off of him and finally got to take in just how gorgeous this man was. You stood up and quickly fetched a clean chair. Taehyung looked slightly confused. You came over towards him and kissed him on the neck before descending his chest. His skin smelt like vanilla and aftershave. Soon you reached his belt which you unbuckled swiftly before starting to pull down his trousers. Taehyung let out a sigh as he realised what was about to happen. As you tugged on his underwear, you released his cock and had to keep in a gasp. You heard him chuckle and realised that your jaw had dropped. There it was, Kim Taehyung’s massive cock on full display all pink and throbbing impatiently. You looked up at him with a satisfied smile and pushed him down onto the chair. You got onto your knees eager to taste him. He stared at you impatient for you to touch him. You started by gently kissing his inner thighs, slowly approaching his length. You finally grabbed it with your right hand as the other one rested on his thigh for balance. “It’s so big” you muttered as you stared at him. “Of course it is babygirl” he teased. Usually, that kind of nickname would have made you cringe. But there was something about the way he said it that made your pussy clench. You then proceeded to lick his length from the base to the tip, getting a small sigh of relief from Taehyung’s lips. You let your mouth slide onto his red tip and let your tongue swirl slowly around it. You noticed his grip tighten on the armrest. You looked up at him and stared into his hungry eyes. Soon enough, your head was bobbing up and down his length as your hand followed the rhythm. You tried going as deep as possible without gagging and your eyes were tearing up slightly as his dick hit the back of your throat. It was so worth it. Taehyung was biting down on his lips and letting out small moans “Y/N”, “Fuck”, “Don’t stop”. It was the hottest thing you had ever laid your eyes on. There he was at your mercy. His fingers dug into the leather armrests, and his chest was heaving as he took heavy breaths and whimpered under your touch. You locked eyes with him and picked up the pace. He moaned and hissed “Fuck Y/N you’re such a good girl taking my big cock.” 
You moaned in satisfaction against his dick. “You love sucking me off don’t you” he teased, “go deeper babygirl”. You obeyed and shoved his length deeper, you almost gagged and he sighed “Good girl”. Your panties were drenching. You rubbed your thighs together to get some release but in vain. “You taste so good Tae” you whispered before taking in his length yet again. Your hand crept down from Taehyung’s thigh to between your own. Your fingers rubbed themselves against your wet panties. Your pussy was desperate, you needed to be touched. Just the delicate touch of your fingers sent shivers down your spine. You started letting your fingers trace your folds, going up and down in the same motion as your head on Tae’s cock. Taehyung noticed and chuckled “That’s my job baby,” he gently pushed you off his throbbing length. Before you knew it he had picked you and slammed you onto Namjoon’s desk. He quickly pulled down your tight skirt and underwear before spreading your thighs. “Fuck” he let out “you’re so beautiful Y/N” and you felt yourself blushing. 
His lips devoured you as he pushed your body onto the table. Your head was resting on a pile of files. Taehyung’s nimble fingers slid down your body towards your core. As his fingertips met your centre and started running up and down your folds, you couldn’t help but let out another moan “I want you to fuck me so bad”. You could feel him smile against your neck as you said that. 
“You can’t imagine how long I’ve wanted to hear that”. His fingers swiftly entered you and started gliding in and out. His thumb roamed around searching for your clit. He knew he found it when you let out a hiss. His whole body was pressed against yours and you could feel his hard cock resting on your thigh. His fingers started going a bit faster and curled inside of you, hitting your sweet spot. His thumb slowly picked up the pace too and you found yourself gripping the sides of the desk. His mouth attacked your neck once more, this time sucking and biting on your skin before gently licking the sore spots. 
You whimpered as his fingers hit your G-spot yet again. “Tae- fuck- don’t stop”. He obeyed and continued at the same rhythm, his thumb applying just a bit more pressure on your clit. You could feel your muscles starting to tense up. Fuck it felt so good. 
“Are you going to come for me Y/N?” Taehyung asked between kisses. You couldn’t even find the strength to answer and could only let out a small moan.
He asked again, “Y/N” and his fingers sped up. “I asked, are you going to come for me?” you could tell how pleased he was with himself. 
You could feel the pleasure starting to ripple from your core. “Yes” you whined, there it was. The heat poured from your pussy and crashed across your body “Yes Tae, fuck yes.” You arched your back and felt yourself convulse. “Fuck” you sighed as your muscles trembled, “fuck”. 
Taehyung leaned back and looked at you his eyes full of lust. “Now let me fuck you babygirl”. He grabbed a condom out of nowhere and slid it onto his length. You were surprised something so small could fit on something so big. He cocked his head and innocently smiled at you. Taken aback by this sudden change of expression you didn’t even notice him grab his cock and point it towards your pussy. Suddenly he shoved himself inside you, you were so wet it glided in without effort. You both moaned as he entered your walls. Your hands found their way to his back and your legs wrapped around his waist. 
He started motioning back and forth between your legs. “Tae” you whined, it was slightly embarrassing just how vulnerable he made you. 
“Fuck Y/N,” he whimpered as he grabbed your hips “you feel so good on my cock.” he slammed his length inside you once more and you both gasped for air. He started pushing himself inside of you repeatedly and you could hear his heavy breathing beside your ear. You clawed at his back and encouraged him by tightening the grip your legs had on his waist. Small moans kept escaping your swollen lips. 
He leaned backwards and although reticent to let him escape your embrace at first, you couldn’t help but gasp when you saw just how beautiful this man was. There he was standing between your legs. His skin glistening with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead thrusting his hips back and forth, his cock hitting your sweet spot over and over again. 
His lips were smothered in your lipstick and slightly open as soft moans repeatedly escaped his plump lips. “Fuck you’re so hot Tae”. 
He grinned at your words and slammed himself further inside of you making you whine some more. He grabbed your legs and placed them on his shoulders offering his cock a new angle. A better angle, you instantly moaned as his length hit your walls. There it was, he had found the spot and he knew it. He bit down on his bottom lip and let his hand creep up between your legs. You looked at him impatiently. He started rocking back and forth and his thumb attached your clit again. Your moans became louder. You could feel your juices flowing down your thighs. Your chest heaved as you tried to keep a steady breath. Your grip around the edge of the desk tightened yet again. If he kept going like this you would come again. “Don’t stop.” you whined. 
“Hmm?” he hummed, “Sorry babygirl I didn’t hear that.” he cooed and he slightly slowed down the pace. 
“No,” you pleaded, “Please”. You couldn’t bare him stopping now, you needed him to fuck you harder. 
“I can’t hear you Y/N.” he kissed your calf as to encourage you, and pushed himself inside of you slowly. 
You finally mustered up the courage to scream “Please- Tae-” you panted “Fuck me- Harder”.
He grinned in satisfaction “Good girl” and slammed his cock inside you. You both gasped and he began rocking back and forth. He pressed his left hand on your lower stomach to keep you in place as he hit your sweet spot over and over again. His other hand focused on your clit and there it was again. The heat was taking over your body, and spreading from your centre to the rest of your body. 
“That’s it, baby,” he hummed pleased with himself “Let yourself go.” and with those words, there it was again. Your orgasm crashed onto you as a massive wave and all you could do was let the moans escape, louder and louder. Your walls clenched around Taehyung’s length as you spasmed. 
You noticed he started grunting louder and his head had tilted back. “Come for me Tae,” you moaned. He chuckled and picked up the pace. There you were. Both moaning and hissing loudly. The desk was shaking under you both. Pens and papers falling to the floor. You finished your orgasm and all your muscles relaxed. 
You looked up at Teahyung who was on the verge of cumming. “I love your big cock Tae,” you hummed and clenched your walls around him. 
And there it was he moaned louder and let his eyes roll to the back of his head. Sweat trickled down his forehead. “Fuck Y/N- ah- fuck-”  
He slowed down, your legs slid down from his shoulders and he let himself crash on top of you. You were both lying there catching your breath. Your hands caressed his hair gently and you closed your eyes fully relaxed in his presence. You felt his heart beating against you and kissed him softly on the top of his head. The haze from the Sake was starting to clear up and you were slowly realising what had actually happened. 
Teahyung lifted himself from on top of you and slowly pulled himself out. He grabbed a box of tissues and kneeled before your open legs. He took one and started cleaning up “God you’re made a mess” he teased and you playfully kicked him “Shut up, it’s your fault”.
He kissed the inside of your thigh tenderly before sliding your panties back on. 
You both got dressed in silence after that. 
1 am. You sat back down at your desks and finished your work quietly. You weren’t sure what to do after what had happened. It all happened so fast. One second you were working, the next you were drunk and getting fucked on Namjoon’s desk. 
1:30 am. The rest of the work had been done rather quickly. None of you had said a word the whole time. You sat there staring at Taehyung, his shirt unbuttoned and skin still glistening. You could still feel the stretch his cock had given to your pussy and your walls clenched at the thought. He looked up and caught you staring lustfully at him. He winked and you sighed with exasperation. “I’m almost done you can head home if you want,” he said. 
You knew you could leave for a while now but for some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to budge. It was as if you were so mesmerised by him that you were unable to move. What had gotten into you? 
“What’s the matter?” Taehyung inquired as he cocked his head slightly revealing the bruises you had left on his neck. You didn’t think you had sucked so hard on his skin. 
“I don’t know Taehyung, should we talk about what happened?” 
“What is there to talk about?” 
Flashbacks of him pounding into you as you struggled to keep your balance on Namjoon’s desk reassurged and you blushed, “I mean you did just fuck my brains out in the office,” you mumbled making Taehyung laugh, “Ah yes, there is that”. 
An awkward silence followed as you both stared at each other remembering what had happened earlier. “Listen Taehyung I don’t really want people knowing about this in the office,” you said as you stood up and started to pack your things. You took your extra pair of shoes out of your drawers and slid them on. You always had a spare pair in case your feet hurt too much or if you twisted your ankle or something. 
Taehyung put the last file aside and pushed his seat back from his desk. He looked up at you, as he leaned back in his seat his legs spread and brushed his damp hair out of his face. “You know, I really like you right?” he inquired. 
You were a bit flustered by his question “I- um- I guess that now I know.” 
“Would you want to go see a movie next week?” he stood up from his chair, put his coat on and slowly walked towards you. You were thinking about it, would you want to go on a date with him? Usually, your answer would have been a stern no and you would have immediately walked away. But after what had happened, you found yourself hesitant. He was now standing right in front of you as you stared blankly and his chest. He put his fingers on your chin and gently lifted your face to make you look at him. There he was towering over you with a soft smile on his face. You could smell his musk, he smelt a little sweaty but to your surprise you kind of liked the smell. “Listen, I’d understand if you said no,” his hands slipped down to your waist and he pressed himself up against you “It’s just that I had a lot of fun tonight, and I feel like you had fun too.” 
You rested your hands on his chest and thought about it. He was right, to your surprise you had had quite a lot of fun tonight. “Taehyung,” you started, “I did have a lot of fun, but” you weren’t sure how to go about this “I- I’d prefer if we took things slow and I don’t want anyone knowing about tonight. Ms.White already hates me and if she starts hearing that I’m sleeping around with my colleagues and-” 
Taehyung cut you off with a kiss, “I’ll take that as a yes then.” He took you by the arm and you started heading towards the elevator. There was a bit of tension between you. He had retracted too soon from that kiss and left you wanting more. You walked in and as the doors shut he turned towards you and your eyes locked for a split second before you were in each other’s embrace again. Your lips collided and his tongue found its way into your mouth. You groped at his ass and stood on your tiptoes to reach him. His lips made their way down your neck and soon enough he was on his knees in front of you. He started kissing your legs and you could feel your underwear getting soaked again. His pupils were dilated and you could tell how horny he was, “Can I?” he muttered gesturing at the hem of your skirt. You nodded eagerly and he complied, he lifted it above your waist. His lips made their way towards your hip where they found your underwear he bit down tenderly on the edge of the fabric and slowly pulled them down with his teeth. Soon enough your pussy was on full display still pink and sore from earlier. You stared down at him as he kissed your inner thighs. He hadn’t touched your centre yet and you could already feel it pounding eagerly. Soon his tongue traced its way to your folds and he gently swiped it up and down. He pulled back “You taste so good,” he hummed before shoving his face back in, this time burying his tongue deeper inside you. You gasped and put your weight onto the wall. You could feel your juices pouring out onto his tongue as he licked it all up. You looked down at his head between your thighs, and your gaze met his. He stared up at you with his beautiful brown eyes, his fingers made their way towards your core. Suddenly you felt his fingers slip inside of you. His tongue found your sensitive bud and started applying pressure to it and his fingers went back and forth inside of you. The friction made your muscles tense up, your pussy was already so sensitive from earlier and everything felt so much more intense this time round. He wasn’t going too fast and let the heat build up slowly. Your soft moans and the wet kissing noises filled the silence of the elevator. You must have arrived at the bottom floor already, in fact, the door must have opened at some point, but neither of you had noticed. He hummed against your wet skin and kept going at the same steady pace his eyes staring into yours. 
You couldn’t avert your gaze “Fuck- Tae- ah-” you whimpered as you did your best to keep your balance. Your legs were stiffening and trembled a bit as he kissed your tender spot. His fingers were repeatedly hitting the spot that made you weak in the knees. You could feel yourself faltering under his touch. He grabbed your ass and gave you support with his free hand. You whined as he smacked your bare ass. Your hands made their way under your top and your fingers found your nipples. You started playing with your tits and your moans became louder. You could tell how satisfied he was with the sight before him. You squeezed your nipples harder and the pain made you whine. Taehyung’s tongue pressed a bit harder against your clit and he started swirling faster. You could feel your climax approaching. Taehyung’s hand on your ass helped you keep on your feet. If he let go you would surely collapse to the floor. He squeezed your ass cheek as if to signal you to let go, and you did, waves of pleasure crashed onto your body and you moaned louder at each swipe of his tongue against your clit. After a few seconds, he removed himself, his face covered in your juices and he kissed you passionately. You could taste your fluids on his tongue and you gripped yourself to his waist to not fall. Pressed up against him you could feel his hard cock throbbing with desire. 
He pulled himself away from you with a big smile, “Don’t worry,” he whispered “this will be our little midnight secret baby” before he gave you a last kiss. 
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madmanwonder · 1 year
(Ask Crossover History Teacher) Is it true Melissa that Ms. White is spending the class on top of Jaune, making out with the student that she is holding down on the floor instead of teaching class after the dare that he did?
“Yes.” Melissa said blushing hotly as she stared at the taboo scene between teacher and student, wondering why Ms.White wasn’t fired for illicit sexual activity with Arc-San.
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woniepop · 2 years
say you dont love me
Chapter 27 :: The Great Escape pt 2
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Genre: Modern Fantasy Au, Smau, angst, fluff
Pairing: Jake Sim x Fem!Reader; wc: 0.7k
Warnings: none
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“Good morning, my King.” the infamous mirror utters. Groggily, Hoon shuffles out of bed, blinking the morning light out of his eyes. “He’s done it. Ms.White has gone and you are the fairest in the land once again. She remains at the west garden.” 
“Good morning, my King.” the infamous mirror utters. Groggily, Hoon shuffles out of bed, blinking the morning light out of his eyes. “He’s done it. Ms.White has gone and you are the fairest in the land once again. She remains at the west garden.” 
“Good morning, my King.” the infamous mirror utters. Groggily, Hoon shuffles out of bed, blinking the morning light out of his eyes. “He’s done it. Ms.White has gone and you are the fairest in the land once again. She remains at the west garden.” 
“GOD DAMN IT” Sunghoon exclaims. “Of course they would give me the corpse book to graduate.” 
It wasn’t unlike Niki to enter uncharted territory. There he stood, or swam at least, in front of Ursula herself. And, there, amongst the squiggly squirmy worms once human, lay the scroll Niki would need to finally finish this hellish nightmare. “What are you looking at, sweetheart?” our beloved sea witch says, the biggest of smirks creeping up on her face. 
Y/n knew what Jake's story would entail. She knew he’d always got what he wanted and always would. But something about his book just drew her so close to it. Maybe it was her infatuation with him as her boyfriend, or maybe it was the way he'd lived the life she had always dreamed of her whole life. Just like that, she was at the ball, the very ball that would spark the rest of Prince Charming and Cinderella’s happily ever after. She danced all through the ball, frantically looking for her diploma. DING! The clock struck twelve. Eyes dart to the exit as she spots Cinderella running out, diploma tied to the waist of her dress. With a sigh of disgust and exhaust, she bolt out down the stairs to find Cinderella before it was too late. 
Sunoo found himself trudging through the paths of a large, unwelcoming forest. His red coat flowed through the wind as the leaves rustled and soon, he found himself at the steps of a lonely house that stood in a clearing of the forest. Taking a deep breath, he nervously makes his way through the house and his most dreaded room. He grips his basket of cookies tight as he turns the door knob to what was supposed to be his sickly grandmother. “Hey grandma,” he says, eyes darting across the room, finding his scroll on the nightstand, so conveniently placed right next to his grandma who suspiciously looked… furrier… than usual. “I’ll just leave this here, grandma.” he says as he places the basket down on the nightstand, swiftly grabbing his diploma and running as fast as he could. 
And with that, he was back in the detention room with the rest of his beloved friends, except one. 
“Hey guys, glad everyone made it out okay.” Sunoo greets the group, out of breath from his little endeavor. 
“Not everyone.” Y/n says, taking a glance at the open book on the floor, every clearly decorated like none other than Sleeping Beauty. 
On the other side of the room, Sunghoon stood nervously tapping his foot. What if Jake had gone to sleep? When was he going to wake up? Was Jake even in there? A bunch of questions flooded Sunghoon’s mind. He could sense that his best friend was in trouble. 
“I'm going in,” he announces. 
“Wait no, it’s dangerous.” “Let’s wait a minute and give him time to come.” The protests came rolling in. 
“We can’t, for all we know he won’t be back for a hundred years. I can’t let that happen to my best friend.” Sunghoon argues. 
Sunghoon takes a plunge into his own story, and as he does, the rose vines threaten to creep up his body and trap him too. With the thick vegetation and sharp thorns, he rips his way through the fast moving roses, ignoring the pricks and cuts they would give him. He quickly takes hold of the diploma and Jake together, and as quickly as he entered, he was back in the detention with Jake. 
Jake was asleep and wouldn’t be able to wake up for another few days, though at the moment, the group didn’t know. The group rushed him to the hospital, Sunghoon especially afraid he wouldn’t be able to wake up. 
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I gotta know Ms.White owner💀
I'm gonna use that one commenter's comment and say it's not cheating, it's a business transaction
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theartmage · 5 years
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Killer Bee Cammy! Ms.White in blue!
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world-of-socks · 4 years
Script thingy (Steven Universe except it’s a wizard movie trailer)
Note: I was looking through my docs and discovered this from around the beginning of quarantine. If I was good at voice acting or editing or had the patience to make a highquality animatic I would but I don’t have any of those things lol. Anyways here’s this random thing I wrote.
“Life and death and love and birth” fades in and out, a voice over playing over it after a second or two-
Voiceover (Ms.White speaking): “There are people….” [Visuals: view from slightly above someone’s head, a random person looks behind them and looks confused and intrigued because they spotted something. Cut to person they appear to have spotted covering up a red glow on their arm)-
“And peace and war on the planet earth.” fades in and out-
Voiceover (Ms.White speaking): “Who are not like you and me…” [Visuals: Garnet looks sideways, apparently back at someone, she pushes her hair out of the way and an eye opens on her forehead]
Cut to a scene in an office, a teenager in jacket sits in a chair, Ms.White looks down from her chair and desk at her-
The teenager (Penny Lujane) looks up, “And what makes you think…. [cut quickly to a flickering light above them] That I’m anything like you, Ms.White.”
Cut to just the bottom half of Ms.White’s face, it’s resting in her hands-
She smirks-
Music becomes more intense-
Greg stands at the entrance to the temple, it’s raining, he has a baby bundled in his arms-
“Rose is gone.” [Cut to Steven in the bundle while greg is talking]-
Pearl gasps, tears springing to her eyes-
[Cut back to steven, yawning] “He’s all we have left”-
[Intense version of “We are the crystal Gems”?]-
(Voice over-Pearl Speaking) “Your mother… she was so brave...” [Visuals: Steven walking out to face an apparent giant monster/ corrupted gem)-
(Voice over-Pearl Speaking) “...kind…” [Visuals: Steven talking to another gem of somesort, “I’m gonna help you.” fades in and out)-
(Voice over-Pearl Speaking) “and loving.” [Steven hugging the crystal gems]-
[Cut to Steven meeting with a Ruby, an eyepatch over her eye, they are in a dark alleyway] “What do you know?!” Steven asks
[Cut to Ruby] “What do I know?.... Everything.”
[Ruby now doing voice over, “Rose… murdered the only child of the Diamond household”] (Visuals: camera pans out on a young woman’s arm in the grass, leaving the assumption that she is dead)
Music really gets intense-
(Angry voiceover from Penny) “This entire planet will rot and crumble to dust beneath my feet!” (Visuals of the crystal gems looking upwards, terrified, and bleeding from some sort of quarrel)
(Angry voice over from Lisa, getting more emotional-roaring with anger and the pain in her voice is heard) “I’ll take everything from them, just like they took everything from me!” (Visuales: Epic shot of Lisa and Penny standing on the beach, glowing yellow and blue , lightning and rain flickers around them, a storm hits the beach)
[Cut to Steven: begging with an unknown person or gem (all we see is Steven)] “Please! I’m not going to fight you, just listen!”
[Cut to just Garnet: “You’re willing to give everyone a chance,.....”]
[Garnet in voiceover: “..... some just don’t deserve that kindness.”] (Visuals- a whole bunch of epic shots of all the villains)
Music starts to have like a beat thingy the following shots are timed to the beat-
[Shot of Connie and Steven hugging]
[Shot of (Think of Human names for Jasper Lapis and Peridot) with dramatic lighting]
[Shot of the crystal gems with shocked expressions]
[Shot of Ms.White pushing aside her hair to reveal the gem on her forehead]
[Shot of Steven summoning his shield]
The beat starts speeding up-
[Alexandrite and Malachite fight]
[Steven in the back of a car that has the diamond insignia on it]
[Eyeball Ruby pulling out a knife]
[Shot of a Penny and Lisa kiss]
[Monster/corrupted gem shot]
[Another monster/corrupted gme shot, but it’s in the snow]
[Shot of a huge storm lapping at the beach]
[Ruby and Sapphire kiss]
The beat stops and the music gets quiet-
Quick fade to black-
Fade in of a shot of pale people (most are crystal gems + Penny and Lisa)-
Pan up on Ms.White-
Cut to just her eyes-
“Hello starlight.”
There’s like one of those quick beat drop moment thingies and then it’s black and the theater info flashes across the screen-
[Cut to just steven] Y’know if every porkchop were perfect…. We wouldn’t have hotdogs.
Fade to black-
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max-the-egg · 5 years
《Cooking》 Woods HighSchool
Today Mr.Smile's and Ms.White's students went together to the cafeteria's kitchen and they let students cook what they wanted.
What will the students prepare?
《Tagg the drawings with #woods hs》
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Girls are doing all the fellows Jobs
Possible trigger warnings: None (if there are any, notify me)
This story was written for a school prompt, but just so you know, these two girls eventually date! I couldn’t write it because I go to a catholic school.
The lab around me bustled with excited people. A scientist I knew by the name of Dr.Nunn was bouncing on his heels as he ran up to me. The smile never left his face as he studied what I was wearing.
“Oh, gee Sarah,” he said excitedly “this is really happening!” I felt a tug on my hair and looked behind me to see Amanda, the girl in charge of time traveling outfits. She smiled shyly “Sorry, Ms.Harlow,” she said quietly before turning her attention away from me and going back to work on my hair. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the scientist in front of me. 
“Are you excited?” he asked with enthusiasm, “I mean why wouldn’t you be! You’re going back in time.” He chuckled to himself and looked at his clipboard, “Well anyway, I’m here to talk to you about staying in character and such.” I internally scoffed. I’d been studying for this role for a year by now. In 2019, Dr.Nunn approached me about a project he was working on. In 1918 there was a flu pandemic and he wanted to do further research on it. So, of course, he came to the conclusion that time travel was his best option. He offered such a generous amount of money, I couldn’t turn him down even after he told me the risks. To this day he still has the same jittery excitement from the first day he approached me. At this point, I assume it’s natural or he just really likes his job. Recently, however, the objective of our time travel mission changed. Ever since the coronavirus started taking over the world, Anderson labs have been at nonstop work trying to fix it. After numerous meetings with the world’s leaders, it was determined that we needed to give the people of the past the closest thing we have to a cure. Common sense and self-isolation. Dr.Nunn calls it something more professional, but I’m just an actress, I don’t need every single detail. I mean I might need every detail legally but personally, I don’t see the need.
“Alright, Sarah. Do you have your alias ready?”  Dr. Nunn asked, retrieving a pen from his pocket. Alias? I looked at him with an expression that reflected my confusion. He wanted me to have an alias. Why couldn’t I just go by Sarah? “An alias,” Dr.Nunn repeated clicking his pen, “the one I asked you for three weeks ago.”
Did he ask me for an alias? I asked myself If so when?
The blonde researcher in front of me sighed heavily. “Damnit, Sarah. How about Mildred White? Mildred was a common name back then” he asked me. I cringed. Mildred? Was that a real name? I refused to be called Mildred when speaking to a government official from 1918. No, no anything else would be better than Mildred.
I shook my head, “God no,” I said in disgust “The last name is fine just” I took a deep breath no wanting to say the name “The last name is fine just...Mildred?”
Dr. Nunn shook his head slightly and sighed heavily. He now looked tired, maybe annoyed. “Well maybe if you came up with alias like I told you I wouldn’t have been on the table,” he rolled his eyes “Dorothy”
I considered this name. Dorothy? It was significantly better than Mildred that was for sure but there was one problem. I did not look like a Dorothy! From my long red hair to my brown eyes, I didn’t look like a Dorothy. Even in my 1918 get up, I couldn’t imagine myself as a Dorothy.
“Amanda?” I asked my stylist, “Who do I look like more? A Mildred or a Dorothy.” Amanda looked away from one of my curlers. “Well miss,” she started, “I think you can be whoever you want,” she said sweetly. Cute? Yes. What I needed? No.
“Amanda that’s not what I asked. Now tell me which name fits better.”
Amanda sighed heavily “I think Mildred works just fine,” she said quietly before turning his attention away. I looked at the intelligent man in front of me “I guess Mildred it is Dr.Nunn,” I said with slight distaste. Dr.Nunn sighed “Just call me Elijah. I’m tired of being called Doctor. Doctor this, doctor that. When can a guy get a break!” He scribbled what I assumed was my alias into his clipboard, not his internal struggle with having a Ph.D. and brilliant mind.
I smiled at him nonetheless “Well, Eli I think I’ll be fine in character. Will I have an earpiece?” I asked as Amanda stepped in front of me holding a tube of bright red lipstick I could’ve easily applied myself. Of course, I wasn’t going to do that. The professionals were there for a reason. We all had our job to do.
“Well duh,” Eli replied, “We might need to feed you lines or help you get back to the present day. Don’t be dumb Sarah.” he ran his fingers through his hair nervously, “I just hope they’ll connect.”
I hated having wires connected to me. They were always connected in odd ways and made me feel like I was chained down. But when it came to time travel, something felt empowering about the wires and things that had been connected from my head to my toes. Even my fingers had these weird clips. They were all in place for my safety of course. You couldn’t just travel to the past. Going back in time all the way has to take every part of you, even your toes. I’ve been told that if something goes wrong, I’ll be in serious trouble. The first person they ever sent to time travel was a man named Jude Freeweather and when he came back they found that he had gone insane.
So, needless to say, I was nervous.
I brushed down the fabric of my dress and looked over at Dr.Nunn. He smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. Eli was tapped on the shoulder by the Lab’s head scientist, Dr. Carson Anderson. Dr.Anderson was overlooking the project because, at this point, it could be a vital part of saving thousands of people. Sure, that wouldn’t help our modern-day overpopulation problem, but it might keep the people I care about most. Eli finished his conversation with the lab’s head scientist with a nod and walked over to me.
“Hi, Sarah,” he said sweetly though there was a hint of nervousness in his voice, “I’ve gotta give you a rundown of how you’re going to be getting back.”He then showed me a leather pouch “in here there’s a patch with a needle on it that you need to put right in the crease of your arm” he flexed his arm and pointed at the space where his arm bent. His elbow. “This should keep everything intact on your way back. You have wires and things under your dress too. All you need to do is give us the word and we’ll transport you back to 2020. Got that?” he asked handing out the pouch in his hand. It took it and slipped it into the pocket of my light pink dress. Ah, 1918. Where dresses with pockets weren’t a thing of legend. I wish I was there. With a jolt, I realized that I soon would be. Eli smiled at me.
“I believe in you, Sarah,” he said “you’re one kick-butt girl, so go kick the butt of this pandemic!” there were a few scattered cheers throughout the lab. Dr.Nunn blushed. He let out a deep breath and hugged me, “You’re going to do great.”
1918 Washington D.C was not what I expected. I was hoping for lively music and bustling streets. Instead, I’m met with quiet roads where only old cars and taxis drive down the roads. I clear my throat in my oddly quiet surroundings. A woman rushes past me, scarf pulled tightly over her mouth. Her black hair is pinned behind her head. Even though she has her head looking straight at the ground, I know she knows her way around the city. So, I walk up to her.
“Excuse me miss,” I say, remembering to slip into my character. The things around me may be astonishing, but I have to keep my head on the final goal. The lady jumps a bit and looks over at me. “I was just wonderin’ if you could pint me in the direction of the nation’s capital?”
The lady puts her scarf down, “well, that’s where I’m headed right now” she said, “Jus’ follow me.” I nodded at her and smiled.
“My name is, Uhm,” I paused, there was no way I’m addressing myself as Mildred “Dorothy White.” I stuck out my hand to shake hers. She flinched.
“Now, we ain’t supposed to shakin’ hands,” she said, “and I’m gonna follow them rules ‘cause I ain’t lookin’ to get sick.” I put my hand down. Right. “These here are tryin’ times Ms.White,” she said as she started walking again. I followed. “My name is Florence by the way,” she said looking over at me. She had golden-brown eyes and pale skin. “Florence Price. My husband used to work in the capitol building, but ever since the war, I’ve had to do his job fo’ him. Seems things ‘round here is runnin’ more smoothly. Women should do all the fellow’s jobs at this point.” 
Oh, gee I thought to myself just you wait Florence. By the way, did I mention that Florence was a much better name than Dorothy?
We walked down the street and Florence aimlessly chattered. I didn’t want to say pointless chattering because I found it quite delightful. She told me about her life. Her husband, Arthur, was off fighting this what she called, “the great war. It’s gon’ end all them wars jus’ you wait Dorothy.”
I found it a bit sad because I knew that she was talking about the first world war. I made up some lie about a husband named Morris. I’d heard the name is a historical show and decided to use it. She said that she missed her husband dearly, but enjoyed working in the capitol.
“I mean I do miss him. It’s jus’ that workin’ here if fun! An’ it makes me feel important! Why are you going to the capitol buildin’ anyway? I ain’t ever seen you before.” she stopped in her tracks and turned to me, “you a spy?”
I chuckled and shook my head, “Naw. I’m lookin’ to talk to someone important. I’m thinkin’ I know how to stop this virus.”
Florence’s eyes widened, “Really? You mus’ be awfully smart” she said fixing her dark blue hat.
“Well, it ain’t that hard. You’ve just gotta stay apart. Close stores and office buildings. Work from home.” Florence gave me a suspicious look.
“How in the world is we supposed to work from home!” she cried “It ain’t like we got some fancy stuff so we can talk all day. I can’t afford no phone! Them things are expensive!” she let out a sigh “I can’t just stay home and bring people papers at the same time you know.”
I cringed at myself. I forgot they didn’t have any electricity. “Well, then y’all just don’t have to work.”
She glared at me “Not work? I love doin’ a fellows’ job, Dorothy. I ain’t lookin’ to go home and start sewin’ again. Bein’ in charge is fun.”
Then an idea popped into my head, “Florence you could jus’ rise up after this whole thing. Start a movement, convincin’ them government folk to let women have jobs.”
Florence’s face lit up, “That ain’t a bad idea Dorothy!” she looked over at me, grinning with a happiness I’d never seen before. She grabbed my arms, even though she protested touching me a few minutes ago. “Dorothy, I can pitch your idea!” she cried, “I can’t be sure they’ll let you in with none to question. I can go straight in there and tell them that we need to go home and stop workin’-”
“And that they need to work on medicine” I added quickly. Florence whacked my arm
“That too! You’re brilliant. And then once everythin’ is okay again, I can speak up. Get all my friends to join me! You’ll join me won’t you Dorothy?”
I gulped and nodded. This girl was so nice and I just had to go and lie straight to her face.
“Wonderful!’ she squealed, “I’ve gotta go, but I’ll tell you how it goes! Five chimes on the clock and I’m out.” She kissed my cheek, and with one last smile, was sprinting down the road.
I took a deep breath and looked around me. No one. So, I quickly pulled the leather pouch Eli gave me out of my pocket and put it in the crease of my arm. I pressed the button in the back of my earpiece to turn it on.
“I did it. Now get me home.” 
There was noise on the other side of the earpiece, “So, soon. Way to go Sarah!” I could tell it was Eli. “transporting you back in three...two..one”
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the-real-seer · 5 years
So are you guys back at the base now or still with Ms.White
We’re in the base.
They’re in the garden, planting something and humming.
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kittythecatdemon · 5 years
*Kitty teleports herself Ren and @the-real-seer back to the base after saying goodbye to Ms.White and promising to bring Seer back to visit again soon*
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thethreemages · 5 years
"Ms.White! I can't believe you beat up your own husband! I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR BUTT!"
gvdgjfkdj # c a n o n~
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madmanwonder · 1 year
College- Art Teacher AU
Navy is checking her new students of the year and she is doing the roll call. But when she gets to Ren who is in the front row... she is immediately smitten by him. She doesn't waste time as she sits on his desk and flirts with him from the very start. Ren will try to act professional but Navy isn't having any of it. She makes sure that he knows that they will get very close.
Love At First Sight Meme
When he sign up to join the Art course to pursuit a career in arts. Ren thought his class would be one of his most normal considering in one class Jaune had to deal with the affection of Ms.Schnee and Ms.White of History and Math, and the teacher who run this class will be one of sane professionalism.
"Are you interested in extra free credit, Mr.Ren~?" The throaty, seductive voice of the punkish art teacher Navy Soliel said as she sits on his desk, legs across over one of the other.
Closing his eyes, the slender, androgynous young man kept a cool head and control of the burst of desire in his racing heart as he speak in a controlled voice.
"Thank you, Ms.Soliel for the offer. But—"
"—But nothing Mr.Ren,” Navy interrupted him in a sharp voice as her eyes started hard and long to the androgynous young man. “You will take the opportunity to earn the extra credit and i’ll not take a no for answer, Lotus~”
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xgvldenera · 6 years
Diamond In The Rough
My first time ever meeting you i know i had met the love of my life
I knew that no matter the circumstances
No matter how bad the fall out is
I need you in my life.
I see no ending in this life without you
Your ora is what velvet feels like .
I get so high off you it makes no sense
You give me a feeling drugs cant even reach
Loving you is timeless
Thank you for ever thing
I'm sorry i lied
Im sorry i made you cry so many times
Im sorry i coulsnt handle you .
Im sorry for not listining .
But most of all
Im sorry i failed you .
I failed to be what i promised
And it shows in my actions
I never wanna see you sad or depressed .
Deep down
Even if your not with me
If your wearing that perfect smile you have
With the dimples
As long as your truly happy .
Then shine baby girl .
But just know .
Im always here for you .
Im always gonna want you.
Your always gonna be mine .
Your always gonna be
My Diamond In The Rough .
More life to you Ms.White .
Sincerly, cellmate1258657 .
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
The Boy Next Door-Tom Holland (chapter 4-the first day)
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pairing: tom holland x female reader 
summary: itʻs your first day starting at a new school, luckily you have tom holland to help you navigate. 
warnings: swearing and maybe some sexual content 
Today was the day. The first day back to school since everything happened. A new school meant new classes, new teachers, new friends, etc. You were extremely nervous, the night before you had stayed up late stressing about what to wear. Luckily Tom had texted you last night, reassuring you that you had him today, and he would help you get around. That made you feel extremely better. Haz also texted you making sure you were ready. Both Haz and Tom were extremely sweet boys, though yesterday there seemed to be some weird tension between them while getting coffee.
You put on your mom jeans, white crop top, and over sized flannel, paired with some white converse and a dainty gold necklace. You decided to leave your hair down because you didnʻt want to seem like you were trying to hard. You pack your backpack with the basic class essentials along with some earbuds, phone charger, chapstick, and some other stuff you thought you might need later on in the day. 
Taking one last look in the mirror, you start heading downstairs. Your Mom wasnʻt cooking breakfast for you in the kitchen like she had been the previous days, she had work today. You poured some cereal out and ate it quickly, you had to walk to school so you needed more time. Grabbing your backpack you head out the door.
The weather was sort of cold and over cast again today but luckily it wasnʻt raining so the walk to school was rather pleasant. One benefit of moving out of the city was there was much less noise everywhere, everything was much quieter in North Ridge. The walk to school was pretty short, shorter than you expected, which was good because now you had more time to find your locker and classes before school started. Being late on the first day would be horrible. 
You walk up to the really nice big brick building, following the lead of some other students. The halls were busy and crowded with teens hanging out before class. You check the note you left on your phone, “locker #44″. You look around to check the number on the lockers and see that you needed to walk farther down the hall to reach #44. 
You can feel the stares of everyone in the hallway. It was obvious you were the new girl. You might of been able to get away with it in the city, being able to blend in, but there is way less people here, so people notice when theres a new girl in town. 
You finally reach locker #44 and attempt to open it. These damn lockers. You thought to yourself as you struggled to get it open. You heard a loud slam against the lockers only three feet away from you. Looking up you notice a tall good looking black haired boy in a blue and yellow varsity jacket. 
“Hey.” He said smiling with his extremely white and straight teeth
You looked over his shoulder and noticed he was with an entourage of boys, most of them wearing the same varsity jacket as him. 
“Uh hey” You sort of ignored his presence as you continued to attempt to open your locker. 
“Need some help?” He offered putting his hand out near your lock
You shrugged and chuckled a bit, I probably look like a fucking idiot. 
“Yes please” you respond while handing him your phone with the combo on the screen and taking a step back allowing him to help you open it
Looking up, you notice his piercing blue eyes. 
“Im Noah by the way. I saw you at Tomʻs party. Y/n right? ” He said as you heard a slight click and then the locker swung open
“Yea, and thank you so much. Speaking of Tom, have you seem him at all this morning by the way?” You ask as you started putting your books away into the locker
“I saw him outside with Laila, but hey, if you need anymore help just let me know. “ He said smiling and then walked away with all his friends behind him
You sigh as you continue putting all your books away. Tom was with Laila, again. 
You get startled by another person slamming there hand into the locker right next to you. 
“What the actual fu-” you look up noticing that its Harrison 
“So I noticed you met Noah and his boys.” 
“Why does everyone at this school have a thing with slamming their hands into the lockers “ you say laughing and closing you locker
“What did Noah say?!” Haz asked urgently as if Noah had just attacked you or something
“Nothing Haz! He was actually really nice, he helped me open my locker and stuff”
“Donʻt be fooled by his good looks y/n. Tom hangs out with Noah and those guys all the time. They are all douches y/n. If any of them bother you tell me and I will personally fuck them up. “ 
“Does that include Tom?” You ask 
“Why?! What did he do?!” He asks taking a step forward looking down at you
“Nothing! I was just asking...” 
“Oh... okay. Well I love Tom but he turns into a dick around them. I keep my space from Tom while at school. “ You notice Haz scanning the halls for Tom keeping a lower voice incase Tom were to show up 
“I thought you guys were best friends though?” 
“We are. Just not at school. Different story at school. And donʻt ask why, thats just how it is here.” 
“Okay. Where is he anyways? Noah said he was outside with Laila...” You trail off the sentence looking at down at your feet
“I donʻt know. Might be.” He changes the subject quickly “Wheres your first class?” 
“Uh...” you take a look at your phone for your schedule, “I have physics first, you?” 
“Fuck, I have calc, here follow me I can walk you to physics. “ You smile as you follow Haz through the halls. It feels good to have a friend here, it would be miserable knowing no one. You couldnʻt help think of Tom though, he texted you last night promising to be here for you today, and yet he is no where to be found. 
Following Haz down a different hallway on the left, he guides you to a typical physics class room. 
“Here you are, and two minutes early too. I donʻt think I will have time to walk you to your next class but it is probably in this same area. Just ask someone, if you get lost.” 
“Thanks Haz, see you later?” You ask as you start to open the door
“Definitely.” He said as he smiled then turned around heading out into the hall
You walk into the class room, noticing a bunch of people already in the class, everyone looking at you. You walk up to the teachers desk to introduce yourself
“Hey! I am y/n. I just transferred here.” The teacher is middle aged woman, she looked pretty nice
“Ah yes, y/n! My name is Ms.White. Feel free to take a seat anywhere. It is the start of the quarter so everyone will be getting new lab partners. “
“Got it, thank you!” You say as you find a seat in the very back 
Everyone else comes in the class, sitting with each other, catching up on their weekends. Lots of people stare at you but no one really talks to you or sits next to you.
“Alright class, time to start. Take your materials out, and ge-” 
As you are taking your notebook and pen out of your backpack you hear the teacher interrupted by someone walking in loudly
“TOM” you hear the teacher yell
This causes you to jolt your face up and see Tom standing in the front of the class
“You are three minutes late. This is the first day of the new quarter Holland and you are already late. “
“Sorry Ms. White. Wonʻt happen again.” He notices you and smiles a bit
“Go take a seat at the back. You can be partners with y/n” The teacher directs him to the back of the class as you see him celebrate a little 
“Hey stranger” he whispers as he takes a seat next to you
“Hey” you say looking down 
The class goes by pretty slowly. You are extremely surprised by the amount Tom knows. You sort of pictured him as a dumb jock who has killed his last brain cell with the amount of partying he does, but he managed to answer all the questions extremely fast and correctly as well. 
After class was over you started packing up you stuff back into your backpack 
“So, hows your first day going love?” He asks while waiting for you
Did he really just call me love? Is he seriously pretending like he didnʻt ditch me this morning? 
“Its going fine. “ You say as you sling you backpack over your shoulder and walk past him
“Woah woah wait up y/n!” He yells as he jogs up to you “Where do you think youʻre going?” He laughs 
“Calculus.” You say back coldly
“Whoa y/n.” He stops you and pulls you into a much less crowded hallway “Whatʻs going on? Are you mad at me or something?” He quietly asks while trying to grab your hand
You shake his hand off yours and look up to him
“Where were you this morning? Because I met Noah, and he said you were outside talking to Laila.” 
You see the look in his eyes change as soon as you mention Noah. He looks mad and sad and frustrated all at the same time. 
Shaking his head he says “Wait what? You met Noah?! What did he say? Did he do anything to you?!” Tom asks 
“The fuck Tom? No he didnʻt actually, he helped me open my locker and told me where you were since I couldnʻt find you at all this morning. “
Tom looks down at his feet, “Y/n im sorry. This morning with Laila was nothing. She was just trying to talk to me as usual and shit but it was nothing. And please donʻt listen to anything Noah says. He isnʻt really a good guy.” 
“Says you.” You snap back
“Y/n I swear, Im sorry I wasnʻt here this morning but Im here now. “He says as he wraps his arms around you 
You want to squirm out of his arms or push him away but you donʻt. You just wrap your arms around him and enjoy the moment. He smells really fucking good. 
He unwraps his arms from you but continues to hold your hand. 
“We good?” He asks with puppy dog eyes 
“Yea yea I guess” You say shrugging 
“Okay good! Whereʻs your next class?”
You spend the rest of the day with Tom, you have pretty much all the same classes except you have digital journalism as an elective in the afternoon and he has football. 
You notice Haz multiple times more that day, smiling and saying hey. 
At the every end of the day you were waiting outside of the school because Haz told you to wait up for him. You notice Noah and all his boys walking out of the school, this time with Tom next to him as well. 
“Hey y/n” Noah says as he puts his arm around you
You struggle to get his arm away from you pretending to laugh a bit 
“Hey Noah...” You say as you glance over at Tom. He looks at you but doensʻt say anything
“How was your first day?” He asks while leaning against the railing
“I donʻt know it was good I guess...” You answer while trying to look at Tom to see if he was going to say anything 
“I saw you and Thomas hanging out all day? You guys fuck or something at his party?” He asks in a sort of mean tone
You see Tomʻs face shoot up when he asks that. Tom pretends to laugh it off but you can feel tension 
“What the fuck no... we literally just met on Friday.” you snap back at Noah while taking a step back
“Damn thats longer than he usually takes to fuck. Right Thomas?” Noah asks Tom while looking back at him 
“Shut the fuck up dude...” Tom says 
“In fact, shouldn;t you be with Laila right now?” Noah teases while the rest of the guys laugh 
“Ha ha very funny dicks. Now if youʻll excuse us, me and y/n have to get going.” Tom says as he grabs your hand pulling you to the parking lot 
You can hear the boys behind you yelling stuff like “wear protection!” and “be gentle on her!”. It makes you so mad. Mad at them, but more mad at Tom for not saying anything. 
Tom opens the passenger car door side for you and you hop in. He starts the car and you guys drive off in silence. 
“Y/n Im sorr-” He starts but you interrupt him
“What the fuck Tom? What the fuck was that? “ You yell at him
“Y/n Im sorry! Thats just how they are,  I told you they are dicks.” 
“Then why are you friends with them?” You snap
“Im not really. They are the football guys though so I have to see them a lot. Haz is my actual friend. I just donʻt have lots of time to hang out with him at school, plus if Noah and the boys saw me with Haz they would tear him apart.” 
You just sit in silence till you get all the all the way home. You guys are just sitting in his car in the driveway.
“Y/n I didnʻt know they would be such dicks today, Its because youʻre new, and really beautiful, they donʻt know how to get your attention any other way”
“Tom you should of said something instead of just taking that shit.”
“I know... Im sorry. Next time I wonʻt let that happen, and please ignore all the shit they said about Laila and stuff. I did all that stuff back then. Thatʻs not me anymore I swear. “ He says while getting out of the car and opening your car door for you
“Tom I donʻt give a shit about what you did in the past. I care about what you do now.” 
“Okay good, in that case...” he trails off the sentence and looks down at your lips
holy fuck. 
He puts his hand on your face and leans in slowly. Your lips connect in a light but passionate kiss. Your lips move in perfect sync. His stays on your face but he moves his other hand around your waist. You feel his body push you into the car, as he continues to kiss you. The kiss lasts for multiple more seconds before you pull away. 
“Am I forgiven?” He asks somewhat out of breath, his face still very close to yours
“I guess.” You says smiling. He leans in for another kiss, this time it is more like a long peck, before he backs up. 
“Can I drive you to school tomorrow?” He asks with his hands around your waist 
“See you tomorrow love.” He says before leaving one last soft peck on your lips. 
You smile as you skip happily back into your house
“Im home mom!” You yell to her in the kitchen with a very sing songy tone
“Hey honey! Did Tom drop you off?” She asks 
“Yep!” You say, still smiling, making your way upstairs. 
You close your door and lay down on your bed, smiling, thinking about Toms soft pink lips that tasted slightly of coffee. 
You hear a ding from your phone. Hoping its Tom you rush to check it. Only to see a text from Harrison. 
“Thanks for waiting up for me then going home with Tom.” 
authors note: heyyyyy so this is another kind of long chapter, also there will probably be some spelling errors and stuff in it for a bit until I look back through it to fix it. Let me know if you guys liked this, if you guys want to be tagged in it, and if you have any suggestions for future chapters! Thanks!
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