#ms. hammurabi
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erebusvincent · 6 months ago
In 2022, when inflation was surging and the dollar's declining purchasing power had many Americans looking for the sort of "solutions" that Harris now offers, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis economist Christopher J. Neely pointed out that schemes for government-imposed price controls date back to the Code of Hammurabi and "have costs whose severity depends on the broadness of the control and the degree to which it changes the price from the free-market price."
Free market prices, he emphasized, "allocate scarce goods and services to buyers who are most willing and able to pay for them" and "signal that a good is valued and that producers can profit by increasing the quantity supplied." In the absence of such allocation and signals, you get shortages of goods and services. With grocery stores, that means empty shelves—little to buy at the controlled prices.
There's more to it than that. Neely pointed out that you also get cheapened goods to reduce production costs, gamesmanship to get around rules, and black markets that entirely defy the law. He recommended that "price controls should stay in the history books."
The Washington Post editorial board, usually as protective of Democrats as the Times, agrees. It pointed out that Harris didn't define what constituted the "excessive" profits she wanted to target and that "thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon's failed price controls from the 1970s."
From the Code of Hammurabi to former President Nixon, with a detour for the Roman Emperor Diocletian—who, economist John Cochrane notes, torpedoed production and trade with price restrictions—such controls have been irresistible for government officials. That's because bad economics all too often makes for good—or, at least, effective—public relations. People who tell pollsters they think corporations are raking in 36 percent profits (the real average across industries is closer to 8 percent) can be convinced by clever politicians that they're being ripped off and need government intervention.
What politicians won't admit is that it's their own policies that put the public in distress to begin with, and that their latest schemes, if implemented, will make matters worse.
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wawerrell · 1 year ago
Vaughan Mazursky, the Czarina
Those souls brave enough to phone the lady who ruled over middle schoolers with an iron fist probably found it disconcerting to hear that Vaughan Mazursky’s voicemail greeting was a low-quality recording of ABBA she had made by holding the receiver up to the stereo: "Mamma mia, here I go again!" In that musical limbo before the beep, former students might be forgiven for pondering the absurdity of having to reconcile the piped-in Swedish ballad with scenes of remembered terror from GAWA: the Czarina charging, at almost a 45-degree angle, toward the disobedient student’s desk, gaining momentum and fury as she closed the distance. Personally, my thoughts waiting for the beep hovered not over her classroom by the Ashley but over the land of ABBA — Stockholm in particular: I had come to deeply love my captor.
Outré incongruities were the A’s and T’s, C’s and G’s of Ms. Mazursky, who was nothing if not surprising, contradictory, weird, and beautiful. After all, one does not become the Czarina by having even a single fleeting worry about what others might think.
Ms. Mazursky died this morning, threading a cosmic needle: she held on just long enough to see her Democrats succeed in Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia — and left just early enough to avoid the Republican debate.
No teacher ever challenged me in the precise way the Czarina did. So unabashedly herself — it was the Czarina who, just a few years ago, broke the indecisive lull on the dancefloor at my sister’s wedding, rushing out after just a few chords of Marvin Gaye — Ms. Mazursky had no patience for artificiality, conformity, or normality. Her mere existence gave weird kids the permission to be themselves. Indeed, so far removed from the normal and typical was she that she frequently ignored normal, typical things like bells and closed doors. Sharon Tate had fewer unwelcome guests than Dr. Slayton, whose classes the Czarina — more often than not halfway through a sentence before the door had fully opened — routinely annexed with talk of NCAA shakeups or political shakedowns.
Thinking of her as I look out at my own students writing essays, I am grateful that among the most critical skills she taught generations of eighth graders was how to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources, invaluable for navigating messy global affairs. Such a practice feels extra handy today, though, because it can be hard to distinguish between fact and legend upon hearing any Mazoo story: Did she once extol the value of Hammurabi’s Code as a classroom management device? (Yes.) Did she swear us to silence while she went to the copy room only to hear us talking upon her return and proceed to ask each student, one by one, to swear, on their mother’s life, that they had not violated the silent sanctum of the Czarina? (Also yes.) Had she indeed pioneered the medically inadvisable no-water-only-TAB diet? (Probably yes.) Did she antagonize a Soviet tank to spark a revolution? (Absolutely yes.)
A rule of thumb I’ve found helpful over the years is a simple substitution: if the story still sounds feasible after having swapped out “the Czarina” for “the Trunchbull,” then, with few exceptions, the story is probably true.
Teaching us the poetry of the Enlightenment, Wesley Moore began with a stunning visual: Alexander Pope clocked in at four-and-a-half feet of bone-crunching fury. In short, as it were, we sophomore English students should imagine Alexander Pope as an Augustan Vaughan Mazursky. But, while Pope was many things, to my knowledge he never insisted that flocks of middle schoolers swear an oath of undying fealty to serve him as his boyars, never arranged his social and academic schedule around the ‘Hoos, and — despite his fair share of quirks and eccentricities — did not grow up in the splash radius of a nuclear power plant.
Vaughan Mazursky, the Czarina of Porter-Gaud, did.
More than anyone else, Ms. Mazursky taught me that the political is personal. Uninformed or unexamined political belief was not ideology, she taught us, but instinct. (She did go on to explain that, because many of us were genetically undifferentiated from the apes of Borneo, instinct was, in fairness, the closest we could get to an actual ideology.) When I thought that I could skate by on cruise control as a fellow liberal, the Czarina put an end to any such illusion. For Latin, I had made a poster of politicians I admire — in a reactionary, teenaged kind of way, I decided to paint with too broad a brush — the Czarina ripped it from my hands, took a sip of Diet Coke, pointed out Ted Kennedy, pointed at me, pointed back at Ted Kennedy, and, squinting up at my face, said: “Werrell, you dingbat. He killed a woman. Read a newspaper or open a book before you decide to admire someone.”
Politics was the backbone of her life and of her classes. George McGovern, sun-faded and looking down from the bulletin board, was the perpetual teacher’s aide in the classroom, part of each conversation: “Well, George, how about that?” A few years later, she emerged from Senator Obama’s speech cistern yard at College of Charleston and landed on national newspapers, arms triumphantly up and looking like she was in a montage from “Rocky.” 
Despite the urban legends generations of eighth graders shared with younger students, I feel like I can confidently say that Ms. Mazursky never killed any student — though even that would not curtail my admiration for her.
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endingboyhansel · 1 year ago
For those who don’t have a Twitter account and can’t access the thread, here’s a copy paste from it:
- not all characters are included here
- these are all pure speculation and theorizing! do feel free to voice your opinion if you feel any of them are inaccurate
A Knight: Based on Roland the Knight (His Chitchat Ⅰ is from "Rolandskvadet"), and the sword Durandal
AliEn T: Originated from aliens supposedly mutilating cows throughout America, which caused this trend of UFOs with cows
An-an Lee: References a character named Kwan from the movie "Out of the Dark" (1995)
APPLe: Newton and his apple
Baby Blue: The wonderland from "Alice In Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll
Bette: Possibly Bette Davis and Charlie Chaplin combined
Bkornblume: She works at the Stasi, the state security service for Germany from 1950 to 1990, one of the most hated and feared institutions of the East Germany communist government + blue cornflowers
Bunny Bunny: Obviously, bunny girls
Centurion: Her name, specifically, came from the American Express Centurion Card
Charlie: Possibly based on the granddaughter of William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barnard
Click: World War II photographer Robert Capa
Cristallo: Variety of glass named lead glass, commonly called crystal, used for radiation protection
Darley Clatter: Darley Arabian, one of three dominant foundation sires of modern Thoroughbred horse racing bloodstock
Diggers: The subculture in the 1960s called the hippies
Dikke: The Goddess of Justice, Dike, and the city Pamiers in France + the Code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian legal text
Door: The mirror from "The Snow Queen", by Hans Christian Andersen
Druvis III: Her last name references an actual lumber company, Weyerhauser + she references the ritual in which druids climb a sacred oak and cut down the mistletoe growing on it
Eagle: American scouts
Erick: Based on Erik Hakonsson, or Eiríkr jarl Hákonarson
Eternity: Canadian supercentenarian Julie Winnefred Bertrand, who lived for 115 years and 124 days
John Titor: John Titor, an (apparent) time traveler from 2036
La source: "The Source" by Ingres
Leilani: The name "Leilani" started trending after a song written by Bing Crosby titled "Sweet Leilani" became popular
Lilya: Lydia (or Lilya) Vladimirovna Litvyak, a fighter pilot in the Soviet Union during World War II
Matilda: Possibly the novel "Matilda" by Roald Dahl
Medicine Pocket: Their experiments reference the University of Utah's radioactive dog experiments (read: https://onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/nuclear-history-of-lab-beagles/…)
Mesmer Jr.: Franz Mesmer, known for animal magnetism
Mondlicht: Red Riding Hood combined with the hunter
Ms. Moissan: Henri Moissan, French chemist and pharmacist
Ms. NewBabel: Possibly the Tower of Babel, to signify her bringing a new era
Nick Bottom: Main character of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare
Oliver Fog: Oliver Twist (CN tl of Oliver Twist is "Orphan in the Town of Fog"), and the great smog incident in London in 1952 + the use of child labor at the time
ONiON: The newspaper named "The Onion", which is based in America
Pavia: 1541 urban legend about a werewolf in Pavia
Pickles: A dog named "Pickles" that found the Jules Rimet Cup lost in 1966
Poltergeist: Maybe the movie "A Ghost Story".
Rabies: The book "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
Regulus: The pirate radio trend that was especially prominent in the 1960s, the band "The Beatles" and the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, "Regulus"
Sotheby: The Sotheby's auction house that was founded in England
Sputnik: Sputnik 1, the first artificial Earth satellite
Sweetheart: The movie star Marilyn Monroe (quite literally as her CN name is Marilyn)
Tennant: Her Insight II garment name, "Gent Cullinan" references the Cullinan Diamond, the largest rough diamond ever found on Earth
The Fool: The main character of "Le roi s'amuse" by Victor Hugo
TTT: Jean Armour Polly, who popularized the term "surfing the internet"
Twins Sleep: The twins in the horror movie "The Shining" perhaps
Voyager: Based on the space probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 launched by NASA, and the golden disks within the probes recording pieces of classical music and 55 of Earth's languages + her outfit is the school uniform of girls from the Soviet Union, called maiden uniforms
X: He has great interest in Rube Goldberg machines, named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg
Zima: Russian poets in general, though Anthon Chekhov is one of the main inspirations
end of thread! this took a lot of time and effort to make so i'd appreciate it if everyone could like and rt this!
other replies tldr:
— An-An references a lot of Hong Kong urban legends and 90s Hong Kong horror media as a whole.
— Eternity is also based on the Mercy Brown Vampire Incident and the cosmic ocean.
— Pickles is also based on Sirius from the philosophical book “Sirius”.
— Regulus contains references from British rock band “The Who” and the 1950s subculture of the mods (and rockers).
— Schneider’s surname Greco is a reference to Italian chess player and theorist Gioachino Greco.
— Sonetto’s name is Italian for "sonnet", a type of Italian poetry common in the Middle Ages.
— X is also based on the butterfly effect.
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hello guys! i recently made this thread about reverse 1999'a possible cultural and historical references regarding its characters on twitter and im too lazy to make it again on tumblr so ill just. put this here :]
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romeochamberlain · 5 years ago
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((Kim Myung Soo)) // actor, avatar 400*640 
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eunwoosan · 5 years ago
ok wait I think i'm falling for kim myung soo,,,,, again 🥺👉👈
just started watching Ms. Hammurabi
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kdramafeed · 7 years ago
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kpoptimeout · 6 years ago
My Top 10 K-Dramas of 2018 - What’s Yours?
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2018 is ending soon and K-Dramaland has once again brought us so many goodies this year. As per our blog’s tradition [For 2017 faves click here], below are my Top 10 favs of the year (my faves in alphabetical order so it might not be yours so please don’t judge)
My only specific criteria this year is that the show must have had started in 2018 to be considered a 2018 series (Hence, Hwayugi and I’m Not A Robot were in last year’s list and honourable mentions)
Lawless Lawyer (tvN)
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Every year we have a few stellar Korean legal dramas and Lawless Lawyer is one of them. Starring veterans Lee Joongi and Son Yeji, the drama details a gangster turned lawyer who used unorthodox techniques to win cases and a lawyer-childhood friend-love interest who got into trouble for attacking a judge. After his return from the military, Lee Joongi has acted in many internationally well-received dramas but “Lawless Lawyer” is the first since his return to gain massive commercial success within South Korea and becoming one of the highest viewed dramas on Korean cable channel history. Son Yeji was also able to show her acting chops and shed her pretty girl image through this drama. It is understandable why this drama did well - it was action-packed, had a well-plotted storyline and also the right laughs at the right moments. If you love an amazing legal drama, go watch Lawless Lawyer already!
Memories Of The Alhambra (tvN/Netflix)
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You know it’s nearing the year’s end when tvN drops another high budget and experimental drama with a star-studded cast to steal you and the critics’ hearts. This year it is Memories Of The Alhambra, which is an ambitious project jointly produced by tvN and Netflix. Following the success of jointly produced Mr. Sunshine which also made the list, the two studios teamed up for an even crazier project - instead of the guaranteed tear-jerking historical drama they went for a sci-fi/fantasy thriller exploring virtual and augmented reality and business in the digital age. You know they are taking this project seriously when they got the writer for “W” (the Lee Jongsuk and Han Hyojoo hit about the collapse of a comic book world into reality) Song Jaejung to write this screenplay. The show with top cast featuring Hallyu stars and veterans Hyun Bin, Park Shin Hye, and EXO’s Chanyeol with exhilarating graphics and filming in Grenada has been topping online and domestic Korean viewership since its broadcast on December 1st. If you enjoy creative sci-fi adventures with Asian leads, this is the drama for you!
Mr. Sunshine (tvN/Netflix)
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One of the first tvN and Netflix collaborations, Mr. Sunshine was an unsurprising hit starring world-famous Korean actor Lee Byung Hoon and South Korea’s favourite young actress Kim Taeri. Other main cast include skilled and popular actors like Yoo Yeonseok, Byung Yohan and Kim Minjung. Throw in the historical Joseon setting and the imminent colonisation by foreign powers, you have a recipe for an awards-sweeper and crowd-pleaser! Besides a plot that easily draws in audiences, the set designs, colour grading, music, and costumes are all phenomenal and is a feast for the senses. My only knit-picking critique is it seems unrealistic that a Korean man can rise to as high a rank as Lee Byung Hoon’s Eugene Choi character in the racist 1800s United States no matter how brilliant Eugene Choi was. But besides that, if you love a historical epic with romance and war, this is the drama you would enjoy!
Ms. Hammurabi (JTBC)
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This drama sees Go Ara and Song Dong Il reuniting in their father-daughter/mentor-mentee like dynamic following hit dramas Reply 1994 and Hwarang, with Go Ara being an idealistic former music student who dropped out and self-studied to become a judge, and Song Dong Il being the old geezer and life mentor who only managed to become a judge later in life. They are joined by INFINITE’s L being a by the books judge who likes Go Ara’s wholesome character. The drama is exceptionally touching, not only for its realistic depiction of life as judges in civilian law countries but also as a reflection of people chasing their dreams in different stages of their life. The drama also expertly deals with real-world issues like gender discrimination in the workplace, prejudice to marginalised groups and the issues that come with an inflexible hierarchical structure in South Korea. While there is romance between the leads, this is shown subtly and naturally, without it becoming a distraction to the engaging storyline. If you enjoy a thoughtful drama about society with great acting, this is a drama you would enjoy.
My ID is Gangnam Beauty (JTBC)
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Maybe I am slightly biased because I loved the webtoon but I think My ID is Gangnam Beauty is one of the best Korean rom-coms of the year. First I thought the casting was spot-on - ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo perfectly encapsulated the cold and awkward Do Kyungseok and Im Soohyang was able to display the insecurities of Kang Mirae even after plastic surgery well. The drama does a good job of touching on Korean society’s toxic beauty visual standards - it still makes the female lead insecure even after she gets plastic surgery and she gets ridiculed before and after plastic surgery. Meanwhile second female lead Hyun Soo Ah, played by Jo Woori, also struggles as a natural beauty due to fears of people no longer liking her should she ever fall below their expectations in any way. This is a thoughtful drama that does not just demonise characters for the sake of drama but gives us lots of food for thought about why people act the way they do regarding appearances. If you like a drama that is fun and cute but also has a good message, you should check out this drama!
My Mister (tvN)
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There are dramas where you skip some scenes because you want to get to the main point. There are some dramas where you want every second of it. My Mister was one of those dramas you watch every second of. It was that good. While many Kdramas still having idealistic female leads who slowly get jaded and turn badass only near the end/are always protected by men and never turn badass, My Mister finally does the move of making the female poor but super resourceful, brilliant and cynical, and already super jaded to begin with. Played by top singer and actress IU, the female lead Lee Jian reverses the usual female lead tropes by slowly learning to see some good in the world and learn to dream following a life of extreme poverty and hardship. The other highlight of the drama is the male lead played by talented actor Lee Sunkyun, whose relationship with his brothers and mother, as well as his crumbling marriage with his wife provide a lot of food for thought on the meaning of family and life. By acting as a mentor of IU’s character while also being saved by IU from lots of drama unknowingly, we see two broken souls learn from each other to be better people. The drama also showcased how romance is not the only meaningful love that exists between communities. If you love an insightful slice-of-life drama with realistic intrigues, betrayals, and character development, you would love My Mister.
Radio Romance (KBS2)
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Honestly at this point HIGHLIGHT’s Dojoon is just nation’s drama boyfriend and he continues to pick the good scripts as we can see in Radio Romance. The drama is simple - the assistant writer played by Kim Sohyun’s radio show might get cancelled and she manages to somehow get the top radio star played by Dojoon to host her show. Shenanigans happen and romance blossoms. It is stereotypical but done well, with the right amount of twists and just knowing when it should bounce back from the laughs and side stories. If dramas are all dishes, Radio Romance is like that cheesecake that tastes sweet and light, not so filling that it will you sick. It is the dessert you would always go for to feel good. If you like to watch something that makes you feel warm inside, this is the drama for you!
Something in the Rain (JTBC)
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I am usually not super into “the younger dongsaeng has a romance with noona who he knows growing up all of a sudden” stories but there was something special about Something in the Rain. When I first began watching this drama, it did not feel like watching a regular Kdrama at all and more like an indie film from the West. There is a feeling of emptiness at the beginning, possibly to signify the resident noona and veteran actress Son Yejin’s unsuccessful love life. There was a lot of dialogue and cuts and it felt like watching a documentary about the lives of the characters. But it was this formatting of Something in the Rain that makes it feel so genuine. The pace of the leads building up their romance was steady and natural. Hence, it made issues they faced feel all the more real too. If you enjoy a realistic slice-of-life portrayal of romance, you would love this drama!
The Guest (OCN)
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When I saw the trailer I already knew this was some scary shit. Following its many successful thrillers last year, OCN decided to dive in the more horror side of a thriller in The Guest. To fit this aesthetic, the drama was broadcasted only at 11pm instead of primetime but still had massive success and rightly so. The acting by the three leads Kim Dong Wook (man who can see ghosts and the future), Kim Jaewook (the cold, exorcist priest), and Jung Eunchae (a detective who does not believe in the supernatural) is phenomenal, making their team up to catch criminal possessed by ghosts all the more exhilarating. The actors who play the possessed are also amazing, making for most of the scares in this drama. If you enjoy a mystery and the horror genre, this is the Kdrama for you!
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? (tvN)
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Being the most searched Kdrama on Google in South Korea this year, it would not make sense for What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? not to make this list. The drama revolves around the successful but extremely narcissistic company vice chairman played by Park Seojoon and his capable no-nonsense secretary played by Park Minyoung, with the latter quitting after paying off family debts and not being in the mood to work for her annoying boss anymore. The whole process where Park Seojoon tries to retain his secretary of course blossoms into romance etc. etc. One of the reasons this drama did so well was that not only did it have a strong and capable female lead but Park Seojoon defied expectations in his role. As another Kdrama based on a webtoon, original webtoon readers felt like he was not similar to the male lead and were not sure how he would handle the role. But Park Seojoon did a fantastic job, to the point I wanted to bang my head on the table or slap his character whenever he did narcissistic shit. If you want a high-quality rom-com with some unorthodox twists, this is the drama to watch!
Honourable Mentions:
100 Days My Prince (tvN): The fourth highest-rated Korean drama in cable television history starring EXO’s D.O and Nam Jihyun, the drama details the marriage between a noblewoman on the run and a crown prince who lost his memory during a failed assassination attempt.
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Are You Human? (KBS2): With the actual development of AI in recent years, more Kdramas have embraced the topic of robot-human romances. Seo Kang Joon and Gong Seungyeon star in this story involving a bodyguard and the AI of a chaebol masquerading as the real chaebol who is in a coma.
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Still 17 (SBS): A drama involving a 30-year-old man who doesn’t want to grow up due to trauma (Yang Sejong) and a woman who wakes up after a 13-year coma so acts like a 17-year-old even though she is 30 (Shin Hyesun).
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Welcome to Waikiki (JTBC): A comedy-drama starring rising actors Kim Junghyun, Lee Yikyung, and Son Seungwon who run a failing guesthouse called Waikiki. Oh, and there’s a single mother and a baby in this crazy mix!
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What’s your Top 10 K-Dramas of the Year? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and may the drama sharing begin (and the road to more excuse for holiday procrastination!)
Also, if you want to check out underrated K-Pop songs of 2018, here are the lists for idol songs, artist songs, and OSTs!
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kdramaaaaa · 7 years ago
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When you’re going through a tough time, sometimes you just need to cry and to let it out to a person who shows that they care. To a person who put their hands on your shoulders to tell you that you’re not alone.
~ Kdramaaaaa
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aioiaoi · 7 years ago
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colorfulplanets · 7 years ago
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“ I have a feeling that working with you is not very good for my heart “
__ Im bareun
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sitdownmsgomez · 6 years ago
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nellyanille · 7 years ago
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Esta cena acabou comigo, foi impossível não me identificar! Não há nada mais devastador que o sentimento de impotência perante a desigualdade, o desrespeito, a impunidade... Mas devo confessar que meu senso de justiça esvaneceria no momento em que fosse minha incumbência apontar o que é, de fato, essa justiça, e qual a melhor forma de aplica-la na vida de alguém. Não entendo como pessoas comuns conseguem ser tão apressadas e levianas em julgar quem deve viver ou morrer, quem é culpado ou inocente, quem merece o bem e quem merece o mal... Sendo que os próprios profissionais da área, à despeito de todo treinamento que receberam por anos, agem com cautela em cada caso, reconhecendo que, enquanto seres humanos, sempre serão passíveis de erros que podem até destruir uma vida. Eu não poderia suportar este fardo... >>>Na cena: O novo juiz arrasado, ao perceber que foi injusto em sua primeira sentença num caso criminal e a atuação magnífica do Myung Soo (L).
[Miss Hammurabi - Ep 12]
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drama-vill · 7 years ago
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Ms. Hammurabi
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kinomotos · 7 years ago
miss hammurabi has some flaws but GOD every ep leaves me breathless with the heart every character brings to the screen, it’s such an important drama and i’m the saddest bitch that it’s nearly ending
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drlindacomel · 7 years ago
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cutest scene’s ever!!! Episode 1 Ms. Hammurabi. He’s easily get startled especially when he’s with a woman...and Go Ara’s character is bold and fearless... love this drama... so far and love L!!!
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kdramafeed · 7 years ago
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