#ms tess
chaos666incarnate · 1 month
❤️‍🔥Gurl next-door❤️‍🔥
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trans10s · 1 year
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Ms Tess
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Tess - Fast X character ai
Okay so I don't know if any Brie Larson simps (like myself) follow me, but I just wanted to make it known that I made a character ai bot of her Fast X character Tess, and it's out there for y'all to use!
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Feel free to use it!
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purplesimmer455 · 2 months
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Iseul comes over, and greets Luna, Chrissy, Tess, and Hamuera before heading to the backyard. Her eyes meet Megan's and she smiles at Iseul who smiles back, her eyes crinkling at the corners "Megs, hey." She says. "Hey Issy." Megan says, and they hug (which I definitely shouldve taken a photo of). "Hey auntie* Is." Emily says, smiling too and getting up to hug Iseul. "Hey Emmy. That Dino t shirt looks really cool on you." Iseul says and Emily grins, her eyes lighting up. "Really? Thanks." She says. Emily looks up to Iseul and thinks she's pretty cool. "Yup, I have one just like it but in blue that your mom saw me wearing on the trip we took." She says, smiling at Megan, who smiles back. "I'm sure it looks cool on you too, auntie." Emily says, smiling. "Thanks Emmy. So, you excited for your first day of 9th grade?" Iseul asks and Emily twists the friendship bracelet on her arm. "Kinda, I'm nervous but I'll have my friend Kiran with me." She says. "You'll be fine, Em. Plus I'm glad they're with you, having a friend makes things way better." She says and Emily nods.
Also Tess comes out to check in with Emily, and she kisses Megan’s cheek. She then hugs Iseul and asks about her and her fiancée Grace. "We're good. Gracie's just busy with work." Iseul says, smiling. "Tell her to come over when she's done. I'll make dinner for us." Tess says and Iseul nods. Also here's a photo of Megan holding the family cat Gus.
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Need somewhere to stay? Call Redfly Realty today!
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ifoughtthehomestuck · 9 months
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guess who just made an entirely new crashbox oc to compensate for the fact the first one sucked !!! this is chimera shes a ltitle goober and they do optical illusion stuff mostly, it's not realy a brain thing i know but its kinda like a little pit stop to rest your brain maybe idk. at the end of her segment she just hops into a spaceship and starts fading away as if they weren't real all along cause yk she an alien and just does that sometimes
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channelrat · 9 months
Pick a villain
Why are they a villain? Were they always going to be a villain or did they start as something else? What are their goals?
Tess !! I think she's very "i could fix her" coded but she's the niece of a drug dealer and quite literally chooses to be a menace (breaking up couples, getting other people involved with the family business, letting them take most of the blame, etc) she's awful but i love her
her goals are quite literally be a menace. i think she has high ambitions to be one of the more wealthy families so she dresses nicely and sells drugs to the kids her age at formal events
she has a sister who is not a menace but Tess, unfortunately for Sav and Nik, is one.
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aviondraws · 1 year
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postanagramgenerator · 11 months
Are there any good anagrams that I can use as a name for a character with crushing self doubt? Also this is such a neat idea for a blog, great job!
see now this is a fun one. this is hard mode.
lal gomes → oleg smal → sam logel → small ego
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ms. estelle fowe → esme lew-fostel → tess emel wolfe → low self-esteem
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yousef bili leverne → beverly eunise foli → robin eseev-feuilly → believe in yourself
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ask-lab-rats · 1 month
How’s Ms Thomas doing? How do you feel about the job so far? :3
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"Tess! How was the interview?"
"It went well, but I'm concerned."
"With what?"
"Well, I saw this kid. She was running and looked scared. She was wearing this hospital gown, which I thought was a little strange."
"Why is that? I mean, it is a lab."
"I know. I just got a bad feeling is all."
"Maybe you should go check it out then."
CreatorNotes: Oh yeah! You can ask Testtube things now! (And Fan)
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newsatsix1986 · 4 months
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It's Anna Torv's Birthday! 💖🎉🎂
We are celebrating the birthday of our extraordinary leading lady, and force of nature (pun intended 😉), Ms Anna Torv!
Is there truly a way of describing her presence on our screens, and how she has brought Helen Norville to life so vividly? If there is something we can always rely on Ms Torv for, its her ability to power all her characters with such an electric charge, and her commitment to bringing stories about complex women that we can all find things to relate to in. She will fiercely advocate for these fictional women, for audiences to see them through empathetic eyes, and she gives us a glimpse into their psyches and why they navigate their world the way they do.
She has proven this time and time again over the past two decades in The Secret Life of Us (Nikki Martel), Mindhunter (Wendy Carr), Secret City (Harriet Dunkley), The Last Of Us (Tess Servopolous) and of course, her massive leading role in Fringe (Olivia Dunham). But to me, the standout role will always be The Newsreader's Helen Norville.
There's something about her ability to teeter on the edge of Helen’s fragility and her reactionary ways which has you just wishing that you could reach through the screen and reassure Helen, offering her the support she needs so that she can flourish and succeed in all areas of her life. If there's something else that Ms Torv will also make sure of too, is that the complexities of each of her characters' individual circumstances will always be presented with honesty, sometimes brutally so, and every character Ms Torv plays is true to herself as a result. They are perfectly imperfect, and there is a message in empathy and understanding to take away. I for one have taken so much of this away through Helen.
We are more than blessed to have this wonderful lady be the body and soul of our Helen. We can only hope that she will bring Helen's story to an extraordinary conclusion in Season Three. I have all faith in it.
Happy birthday again Ms Torv, from Newsreader fans everywhere! 💖🎉🎂💐👸🏻
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sw2-serials · 2 months
A Visitor
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I was aware that Anne wasn’t really at her best and I was sort of ‘hovering’, wishing I could do something to make her feel better…
The problem with this is, I am sort of one of Anne’s ‘responsibilities’ in a way… and I did worry that she’d feel like she’d have to pay attention to me, or keep me busy (I’d already done everything around the house that I could think of…).
Still, I was a bit surprised when she suggested that I go to a movie with my friend Nicole instead of basically hanging around the house in case there was anything that suddenly popped up (yes, it did occur to me that she wanted me out of her hair).
I guess I wasn’t really surprised when I got home to find that Anne’s friend Tess was visiting… and had Anne standing, facing the wall, with a spanked bottom on display.
So, I hope that helps.
I was, basically, just going to hide in my room until she left, since I didn’t really know where I fit into all this (if at all, which was ‘probably not’) but after awhile there was a knock on my door and I knew it was Ms. Tess.
“I just wanted to check on how Lauren was doing,” she said, sounding concerned.
“Oh, I’m fine.  You know, hoping Anne’s feeling better, but, apart from that…” I told her.
“And you’ve been behaving yourself?” she asked.
“Oh!” So that’s what she’s getting at.  “Pretty much,” I answered, “I mean, yes, really.”
“Not… worrying needlessly, or anything?”
“That depends… what’s ‘needless’?”
“I guess it’s when you’d be doing better with a good spanking of your own…” she said plainly.  “Like Anne.”
So.  She was offering to spank me.  I don’t usually like being spanked by ‘someone else’, but since Anne was in the house, I was okay with it.  (of course, I’d rather she did it, or, if not, at least watched and maybe even held my hand…) 
“Ah… um, not the hairbrush, please,” I begged.  “I really have been pretty good…”
“So just a little one?” Ms. Tess asked.  I could hear the doubt in her voice. “Or something to keep you good?”
I really prefer spankings with a reason so I said, “Um, no, I mean… worrying is good… I probably have been, way more than I should - but you can spank hard with just your hand, right?
“I think we’ll be able to take care of it,” she assured me.
And did.
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final-girl96 · 1 month
Ageless Secrets Chapter Seven
Five Years Later
May 2015
I've been living in the house across from Bill and Franks house now for five years. Tess has been here a few times to try and convince me to go back to the QZ. I have always refused her offer. Joel never cared to say anything to me when he came with Tess. That wasn't surprising to me, though. Joel barely looked at me when he would come to trade supplies with Bill.
It's been lovely here with Bill and Frank. The three of us go on runs around the neighbor every morning. Then, I help Bill check and make sure the fences are still intact and check the traps. In the evening I help with dinner and we'll have a little game night or Frank and I will go for a little night stroll and talk. When Bill lets me, I'll go out on runs to the part of town that isn't secure. We only went outside the fences when we were getting supplies for Tess and Joel or needed something we didn't already have.
Bill had worked hard after FEDRA left and went through the town gathering everyone up to take them to the QZ. Bill was smart by hiding because those people never made it to the QZ. They were executed a few miles down the road.
Six Years Later
August 29, 2021
I was heading back to Boston QZ upon Frank's request. He had talked to Tess on the radio and apparently she was asking about me; she asked about me everytime she talked to him over the radio. “I think you should go back to Boston QZ.” I looked at him in confusion. “What? Why? Did I do something?” My mind was going through every conversation or interaction to find what I might have done wrong. “No. No. You didn't do anything wrong. I just think you need to spend some time with her. She misses you, really misses you.”
I scoffed at that last part. “My sister does not miss me, Frank. I was always just in the way,” I said. He grabbed my hand with his slightly wrinkled one and gave me a soft smile. “She's asked about you every time I've talked to her on the radio. We even have a special code we play on the radio once in a while to tell her you're fine.” He laughed at the shock on my face. “We play songs from the nineties to let her know you're doing fine. She does care about you. You're her only family.”
“She has Joel. I'm sure they're all snuggled up together in the same apartment now that I'm gone.” Frank got a twinkle in his eye and a knowing smile graced his lips. “I'm sensing jealousy,” he teased. “I am not. I could care less what they do.” He raised an eyebrow and shook his head going back to his painting. Frank was slowing down. He was slowly getting weaker and having pain in his muscles.
I poured myself into any medical textbooks I could find. Not only because I wanted to know what to do in the emergency that something would happen, like back in 2013 when raiders tried to get inside the fences and Bill ended up getting shot. I knew what I had to do and how to properly take the bullet out and stitch him back up. When Frank started having weakness in his hands and some in his legs along with pain at first I thought maybe arthritis. But things started to slowly get worse. He needs a cane to get around.
Then when he complained about having some numbness and tingling, saying his legs almost feel restless and he was having burning pain, I immediately jumped into the medical books. I had come to the conclusion that he might have a neuromuscular disorder. I could be sure what kind, whether it was MS or ASL or something different. I did more research and looked into what kinds of medication he should take to help and Bill went in search of them.
“You are jealous. I see the way you look at Joel when you think nobody is looking or paying attention,” Frank said. “Oh yeah? And exactly how do I look at him?” I asked. “The same way I look at Bill. And before you go talking about age, I don't think it really matters in this day and age. The world is different. There aren't any rules anymore. Nobody is around to judge you on who you're with. I'll tell you a little secret. I've seen the way Joel steals small glances at you. He feels the same way; he's just stubborn and scared. He and Bill are a lot alike.”
Now I'm making my way back to Boston. Apparently Frank and Tess had a special song that he would play over the radio if I was on my way back to the QZ. The time I get there it should be dark enough to sneak inside without being seen and the way the sky is looking I would have the rain as cover too.
Two Years Later
September 2023
It wasn't hard to blend myself back into the QZ. It was like FEDRA didn't even notice I was missing. Well, there was one person that noticed I was gone. I was here not even a week when Ryker stopped me in the Alleyway I took to get home. Luckily, Joel appeared and Ryker walked away. Speaking of Joel, I was right about him and Tess. They were sharing an apartment; they were sharing his small one bedroom apartment.
Right now I was sitting at the kitchen table in the same old apartment I had with Tess before going to Bill and Franks. I hated it here; I wanted to go back. But Frank insisted I stay here with my sister. That concerned me a lot when he said that. It had made me think that he was getting worse and it's been a year since I heard from him.
I sat in the chair with one leg propped up on my knee, untying my shoes. I had a long day at the clinic. A little girl was found outside the walls and brought in. Unfortunately though we found a bite on her and she tested positive for the infection. We had no choice but to give her a shot that would put her to sleep and stop her heart. Then she was sent to be burned with the rest of the bodies. The rest of the day was patching people up and doing check ups on those who were sick with colds. All I wanted to do now was pour myself a glass of whiskey and then go to bed.
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Last of Us Spoilers Episode 3
Joel’s broken hand in the rocks seemed so sad. rip tess
kumbaya he’s stacking the rocks now
Ellie with Joel’s jacket as a blanket awwe
I love how Ellie is bothering Joel it’s so cannon I love it
5 MILE HIKE??? my feet would be hurting. i don’t get out much cant you tell?
ELLIE WHY are you opening that shit in the gas station??? Close the mystery door please!
nvm tampons
the infected scared the shit out of me
why is she dissecting it miss girl this ain’t a science class
they never mentioned tampons in the game, i’m so happy they finally addressed it somehow
HEY i remember that shot from the first teaser pic! i legit thought it was fake too for the longest time. nope deja vu
mass graves tho like it makes sense. sad.
for what
Nick Offerman as Bill 10/10 casting
Bill was fucking prepared goddamn
at least someone had a good time during the apocalypse
THE TRAPS! so disappointed we didn’t get much from that tho.
the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag and he’s gay? (when worlds collide)
Frank is adorable
All I see is Ron Swanson in Bill IM SORRY
Frank is so wholesome I love this sun and moon trope going on
KISS! First kiss in this show that’s been GOOD (traumatic flashbacks to last week’s kiss)
Love in the apocalypse tho i mean meeting someone like that- wow. beautiful.
This is so sweet, I hate that I know what’s coming
loving domestic joel
tess looked so beautiful and happy it makes her death even worse
i’m obsessed with how they aged the characters. beautifully of course.
“If… mine,” Joel describing Tess
Loving 2011 Joel. Gives us more of a backstory I love it.
Bill all dressed up for Frank’s friends awwe
2014 Strawberries i love this sm
“Not on the strawberries!” LMAO
Yo now there pee paws, so cute
I love how there taking care of eachother in old age
Pretty sure frank has ms. so sad.
why am i crying this is so sad
“get married” i’m done bye tears
better ending than franks game ending for sure
double suicide?
i will say the missed out chance on batshit bill gameplay is sad
hot take not enough interaction with infected so far, i wanna see joel go feral on some runners
Joel got his car at least
I’m so sad it’s different from the game but I loved Frank and Bill’s love story
More audio I recognize from the game! Joel’s Rules! LOVE
Showering omg i bet you joel smells like ass
SHOWERED JOEL he looked so handsome with his hair wet slicked back
bro ellie doesn’t know what a seatbelt is
Episode 3 10/10
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upthewitchypunx · 3 months
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Spiral House animal heat update: Ms. Buffy of the fancy paw of many claws is alternating between hiding out under my bed in a pile of zines in our air conditioned bedroom or laying in sunbeams in the very hot in not air conditioned dining room. Jack is hiding in his cozy cat cave under my nightstand.
Tess the crow saw us in the kitchen and looked really ragged and hot with her mouth open. I went and refilled the gross crow soup water for the second time today but she didn't move from the back door kitchen area. I filled up a giant tub of water in the back by the kitchen in the shade if she wants to have a full crow bath. If she does, I hope I get to see it!
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ifoughtthehomestuck · 9 months
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hi hello im new to tumblr and i made a crashbox oc :star_struck: her name is ms. tess (short for tesselation im so smart)
she basically just does that mario minigame where u gotta find their face but with like different shapes and colors you know
she i s mute and has to convey her messages quickly through uhm. i havent thought abgout that yet
her friends are like. prof rocket. perhaps johnny. and ofcourse ss-s-s-s-s-s-s--s-ss--s-ss-SKETCHIEMCPOOKLEBUNCHES..
that is al goodby
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