#ms sasha
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sprout-lmao ¡ 9 months ago
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Imagine your husband having a fatter ass than you.
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fishhawish ¡ 10 months ago
Can I have a yandere Miss Circle and Mr Demi x Fem reader?
I seriously have like 5 almost finished requests and the writing block hit me so hard because the only thing I wanna write about is FPE rn
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Remember that it is not okay to act like this in real life and if you do feel this way I'd advise you to get professional help.
Miss Circle❤️
• She's already murderous as is. Now she's obsessed with her co-worker and murderous? That's wonderful.
• She wouldn't dare let You catch her harming a student for a failing grade. She needs to always look innocent in front of you.
• She always tries to eat lunch with you if possible, and she packs some of the weirdest lunches too.
• She gets upset when you call her demon horns a cat ears, but she doesn't show it and just giggles.
• Her confidence can get overwhelming, she'll leave notes for you on your door asking for a date with something like "You're pretty >:3" and stuff.
• Occasionally she tries to pack you lunches but her own lunches are questionable so sometimes you have to pretend to like it.
• She can canonically change her height at any time and usually remains at 9'7, but she's used her ability to change in order to spy on you.
• She probably has atleast one picture of you guys together from a teacher meeting or something
You turn around to see someone approach you in the teachers lounge while you're getting water. "Hello there, I was questioning about something." She says confidently. However after getting to know her, you could see she was slightly nervous. "Yes miss circle?" You look at her smiling politely. The faint blush creeping onto her face as she tells you how much she admires you and that she adores you. "I've never felt such emotions. I never thought I'd say this to someone like you, but will You go out with me?"
You look at her smiling, heart feeling like it's going to burst out of your chest at any moment. "Yes, I will." You say to her somewhat flustered. The 9'7 demon lady giggling in excitement, happy beyond what words could ever explain. "Let's meet up tonight at 7pm after school" she said before running out of the teachers lounge with her inhumane speed. Later that night she meets you at your house, dressed neatly for the occasion. The simple yet beautiful picnic in the sunset was definitely something she'd always remember forever.
"I'm sorry Miss Circle, I don't reciprocate." You said looking away from her. She silently walks out of the room with no hint of any emotion or expression she's feeling right now. When you went home at night you couldn't help but feel like you where being followed. She picks you up from behind, using her compass to keep you stable off of the ground sandwiched between her and her arm. With her other hand she drugs you to sleep. You never had a choice anyway.
Mister Demi💚
• So shy when he met you, he tried to hide away to the library. Unfortunately for him you where in front of the teacher lounge exit so he had no escape.
• Fell for You when he watched how caring and compassionate You are with the students. He's seen what some other teachers do and he's not fond of it..
• Wrote a whole song for You on the piano but won't ever show you. He's to scared that you might dislike it or be uninterested.
• He doesn't know what he's feeling and so he panics, like, a lot. He talks to Miss Sasha about it and she tries her best to explain to him that he's having a crush but it just makes him panic more.
• A crush soon turns into infatuation and he's too deep in. He starts panicking immediately noticing that this isn't healthy. He's seen normal couples and none of them act the way he wants to act.
• Also cries to Miss Sasha about the unhealthy infatuation but she's ends up more concerned about his mental over his feelings.
• Gets urged by Miss Sasha to seek professional help so he gets therapy (which he's terrified about) but the feelings don't stop.
• Literally acts like a fan girl after you talk to him or even breathe the same air as him.
Miss Sasha walking up to you during lunch with second hand embarrassment, note neatly tucked away into the pocket of her shorts. She politely starts up some small talk with you before getting to the point. "Sorry to bother you but, Mister Demi has feelings for you. He sent me over with a note to give to you." She smiles at you handing over the note. The note says "I really like being around you, you're so pretty. Please like me back. I'm sorry"
"Miss Sasha, please tell him I feel the same." You say to her giggling. She's so excited to watch your and his new relationship blossom. Sasha does however tell you about the obsessive behavior and that he is getting professional help for it. Although you are very keen on staying with him to help him though it. She's so proud of both of you, and herself for being the amazing wing woman she totally is. She goes back to Mister Demi who's sitting across the lunchroom. When he hears the news he is joyus. But he also slams his head down to the table in embarrassment. He's really shy but gathers enough courage from Sasha cheering him on and you both exchange numbers.
"I'm sorry Miss Sasha, I don't believe I know Mister Demi well enough to form an opinion or feelings." She smiles and nods understandingly. However she whispers to you about the obsessive behavior and warns you about it. You're absolutely shocked. Glancing over to him immediately feeling uncomfortable. Sasha returning to Mister Demi with the news and handing him back the note. His whole world falls apart in front of everyone. He can't handle rejection well. He goes into a depressive and desperate state. Changing everything about him so that you'll love him. Eventually you don't even recognize him anymore until you realized how shy he is.
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thebadchoicemachine ¡ 4 months ago
Broke: Archivist Sasha James would simply Girlboss her way past all the struggles Jonathan Sims faced
Woke: Sasha’s journey would be about the same as Jon’s
Bespoke: Sahsa would be even worse than Jon
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thewisestdino ¡ 1 year ago
Sasha + 23?
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You never get me but I understand
I think it's fine I lost your number and I don't expect you hitting mine
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself
Just leave me for somebody else
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parasolladyansy ¡ 4 months ago
Sorry if you've answered this! In the Scarlet x Violet, Ansy and Ikirit are in the uniforms which implies they are taking classes there. Is there a reason they decided to?
Also if they instead were going to teach a course there, what course do you think each of them would teach?
(Hey, NP! Part of your question involves something that didn’t make it in the Scarlet x Violet highlights post anyways - gives me an excuse to share it! ^_^)
For your first question, I sorta answered in the last panel of one of the multi-panel comics I made for SxV:
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When Ansy & Ikrit were separated & ended up on the Scarlet & Violet timelines respectively, they could still keep in touch via their Rotom Phones for a mysterious reason that may or may not show up again in DxP - they figured out their situation together, & decided to go to Naranja / Uva Academy. There, their respective Director Clavel offered a place at his Academy in order to make them less conspicuous, & seeing as there are literal senior citizens in class with the player (canonically about middle-school aged), their being in their 30’s wasn’t that odd lol. XD
As for your second question, meet Ms. Ansy & Mr. Ikrit (& helpers!)
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Going off what the mister & I majored in school, Ansy would’ve worked under Professor Hassel in Art while Ikrit would just straight teach Astrophysics (&/or Astronomy, as Ikrit canonically works for a meteoriticist). As Ms. Ansy assists in a pretty hands-off subject that already has a very capable professor (honestly, she probably would just sub when he’s serving as a member of the Elite 4), she could easily make her way around Paldea between classes. Mr. Ikrit had a similar arrangement, but for a different reason: as his subject is very specific & very advanced, he doesn’t have a lot of students, & so would have plenty of free time to solve Paldea’s mysteries.
Honestly I really wish we had an option to be students or not, or at least not have to wear school uniforms - felt very kid-coded, & if we didn’t have to have uniforms, we could’ve used our imaginations. At least I got to use it for a joke eventually lol XD
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xemo-wc-08x ¡ 1 year ago
if u can, could u draw sasha? :3
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splashthebird ¡ 3 months ago
Christmas Archives
merry crhistmas
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by yours truly, crafted in the best apps (MS paint) and designed taking oodles of time (like 55 minutes or so).
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kittypeting ¡ 1 year ago
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Oh Mothwing
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krotiation ¡ 10 months ago
Borderlands yaoi is so funny cause we have the actual canon gay couple who are the sweetest old dudes you've ever seen and then there are the non-canon gay ships that pretty much boil down to "yeah there's this guy who's unhealthily obsessed with this other guy and this other guy actually used to be unhealthily obsessed with another guy who also became unhealthily obsessed with him later on but not before being unhealthily obsessed with this doppleganger guy. We also have brick and mordecai"
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slutnali ¡ 11 months ago
imngo on instagram: SASHACOLBY x #MICHAELNGO • HOW MANY LICKS? #NotoriousNGO
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sprout-lmao ¡ 9 months ago
Live Laugh Love Trans Mr Demi
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thisbelongsto-nohbodys ¡ 1 year ago
[Anne comes home exhausted and frazzled, she flops on the couch where Marcy and Sasha are]
Sasha: Rough day, m’love?
Anne: You have no idea…
Marcy: Unruly kids on a field trip?
Anne: I wish…no, the crab lady was back…
Marcy: Who?
Anne: Ms. Jackson from Oceanside High School a few towns over. She’s obsessed with the former school crab mascot which the aquarium is taking care off in her , the crab’s retirement. She shows up every once in a while and freaks everyone else out with how she acts as if the crab is her baby.
Sasha: Ah, I’ve had a few patients who’ve had her, didn’t know she was still teaching since I’ve cheerleaded a few game against that school back in the day.
Marcy: Plus don’t you do the same with the amphibians in your exhibit?
Anne: I don’t try and get into the tanks to cuddle with the frogs. I only talk to them, like Sprig, totally different. The school has a new crab mascot, I dunno why she’s so obsessed with “Clawdia”.
Sasharcy: ……………
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supercantaloupe ¡ 3 months ago
so. circus rigoletto!
this production was by an indie opera company based in dc called inseries opera, who apparently focus on performing both new works and old works with creative, "irreverent" (their word) takes on them. this is my first production of theirs i've seen. it was the second show in their 24-25 series, which is based around the theme of shows which were censored and/or banned when they were written. this production took verdi's classic and gave it a new english translation, new chamber orchestra arrangements, and slapped some greasepaint and glitter all over everything.
it was a small production -- cast of seven, very reduced orchestra, small theater and smaller set, but i have long thought that verdi would be suited for more intimate, pared-down settings. and i would say tonight proved my theory correct. while there were a couple of times i wished the orchestra could have had a bit more oomph behind it (though i really liked the organ accompagnato), in general i think it suited the production well and the intimacy invited between the physical closeness between the audience and performers really added to the experience. it's like an oklahoma 2019 thing for me i guess. story's about social ostracization and complacency with oppression, the actors should be able to look you in the damn eye right back lol
i thought the circus setting was used remarkably effectively. there is a heightening and ridiculousness to the clowning that, besides just being funny, works to stand in for the cruelty and carelessness of the courtiers and lend kind of a morbid irony to the whole story by the end. and they use the visual language of the circus to its fullest, thematic/symbolic effect.
for example, the use of balloons: gilda is introduced with a red balloon, tied to her wrist. it's a symbol of her innocence and youth. after her encounter with "gualtier malde," she uses a cup of greasepaint (see more below) to draw a smiley face on the balloon, and then caresses it and dances with it in dreamy bliss. then, at the end of act i when she's captured, the last we see of her after she's taken behind the curtain (and her shadow is cast from the other side -- shadowplay is used a lot in this production), the balloon is loosed, deflates, and falls to the ground. then in act ii when rigoletto is trying to find her, the courtiers all hold white balloons to mock him, and release them to deflate when he discovers what's happened.
another example: everyone in act i except for rigoletto is dressed for the circus. there's a female ringleader (later maddalena, also fills the role of countess ceprano, but mostly she's an unnamed accomplice to the courtiers), a couple clowns (marullo/ceprano (they two rolls are basically combined here) and borsa), a strongman in goofy bodysuit and leotard (monterone), and a mime/clown (duke). everyone (except the ringleader...i'll get to it) is in a goofy costume and greasepaint except for rigoletto. even though he participates fully in the mischief of the court in scene i, visually he's othered from everyone else, with his unpainted face and plain overalls. (also, while the actor does not feign disability through physical mannerism or through any kind of costume prosthesis, throughout the show he's referred to as "hunchback" "hunched" and "crippled" so they definitely aren't overlooking WHY he's so hated here lol). anyway, act i scene ii comes along, and sparafucile arrives -- he's not in a clown suit, but he IS greasepainted, because he's actually doublecast with monterone and the costume change here happens onstage. he's othered too, but still participates in the system of violence his own way. after that, when rigoletto arrives at home, we see gilda, and she is similarly non-circus -- just a normal dress and no face paint. (also, the gilda they cast is TINY. i think their rigoletto was a little on the tall side, but even still, in heels gilda only came up to his shoulder. barefoot in act ii she only reaches his chest. with the balloon and the way she was costumed and acted, this is easily the youngest-seeming gilda i've yet watched, which suits the story.) fast forward to act ii, and rigoletto is frantically searching for gilda while the courtiers watch in silent amusement -- their faces are painted in exaggerated expressions of joy and sadness, both mocking rigoletto and refusing to reveal anything sincere from the people underneath the paint. then, at the end of act ii, when rigoletto swears vengeance on the duke, what does he do? he grabs a cup of greasepaint and smears it onto his face, where it stays through act iii and the end of the show. effectively he became what he hated, tried to join the society that rejects and mocks him -- embodied by the circus makeup -- and it leads to his doom.
now, a word on that ringleader, as i had promised above...she never appears in greasepaint, which i think is something of an oversight, personally. i think by having her and gilda both never appear with their faces painted, it sets them apart from the sins of the courtiers, and is trying to make a point about how all women in the opera are made victims of the duke and the courtiers' behavior. which is fair enough, i suppose, but it only really works if that actress ONLY shows up as countess ceprano and maddalena. but in fact she goes right along with the courtiers as a willing participant at the end of act i and through act ii. this is why i've chosen to call her a "ringleader" here, even though in the program she's only credited as maddalena. sure, i can understand her doublecasting as countess ceprano in act i scene i, and obviously she's maddalena in act iii. but in act i scene ii and act ii, neither of those characters are present, but the actress certainly is, and is just as involved as borsa and marullo (and...monterone? he's also there. he might be intended to be Unnamed Courtier #3 here or something but it's the same costume as monterone so it really reads as monterone. which doesn't make a ton of sense if he's supposed to be in jail awaiting execution but. moving on). at any rate, she also closes the opera by setting off a confetti canon over rigoletto cradling his dead daughter's body and sobbing, so i think she's kind of serving as a leading player from pippin or a cabaret emcee kind of role when she's not specifically being the countess or maddalena. hell, maybe the countess IS the ringleader. not really sure. anyway -- i think she should have also been in greasepaint. even if maddalena is also meant to be a victim the way gilda is, she does also, like, participate in murder and stuff. and if sparafucile is guilty enough of that that he remains greasepainted as monterone was, then i think maddalena should be greasepainted too. it would make gilda's innocence and tragic death stand out even more in the end as the only person left onstage without any makeup or clown costume on whatsoever.
now that's a very longwinded nit i've picked there. but really, i am nitpicking -- i don't have a lot to complain about with this production. my only other big complaint is that the surtitles weren't totally accurate to what was sung, which is weird considering that it's a newly written english libretto, so it's not like we're dealing with translational liberties in the titles. it reads to me like they programmed the titles with the version of the libretto they were using before rehearsals started, and then the libretto got altered here and there during the rehearsal process as things needed to be adjusted to fit the music and facilitate ease of singing/intelligibility, but the titles were never updated to match? which is strange. definitely felt like an oversight. but that's another nit i'm picking. the differences between what was sung and what was written in the titles were all minor wording differences, nothing that changed the actual plot or meaning of the scene.
overall: a great experience, as long as you aren't completely put off by clowns LOL. but i do think the circus design suited the material; they were quite clever to make that connection and draw it out so well. there's more i haven't mentioned here for brevity's (lol) sake, and because some stuff is harder to describe in words than others. the performances were great, with particular kudos to the duke for really nailing the physicality of everything, for doing a great job with the vocals, and for the remarkable talent of being able to juggle while singing "women are featherbrained" (la donna è mobile). he was really entertaining, both funny and sinister/hateable. bravo. but the whole cast did a great job.
i don't know if i'll get to their other shows this season, but i definitely see myself coming back to see what else inseries opera has in store. i might also check out their video archive, since they seem to have videos of past productions available to stream online -- which is an amazing surprise treat from such a small company! i suspect, then, that rigoletto will find its way online at some point to watch -- there were cameras set up to film tonight's performance, so i'll definitely keep my ear to the ground about that. if it goes up online, it'd be good to check out if you're at all interested.
anyway, the show was great. i really enjoyed it. but i could also be swayed by a lot of shows if they sold me movie theater popcorn at the concessions stand.
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fandomnerd9602 ¡ 2 years ago
Sasha Calle Supergirl or Kamala Khan x reader
Kara: wanna go flying with me?
Y/N: is it safe?
Kara: I won’t let you fall
Y/N: that doesn’t answer my-
Kara scoops up Y/N and flies away giggling…
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Kamala: ohmygosh! My boyfriend is an Avenger?!
Y/N: well…a young Avenger but-
Kamala: can I join? Can we do missions together?! We can snuggle and cuddle after each and every mission!!
Y/N: welcome to the team
Kamala: thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!
Kamala tackles Y/N to the couch…
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BTW Kamala is my fav part of the Marvels already!
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inks-lil-quiet-corner ¡ 5 months ago
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Date Gone Wrong.
Drew fanart for Shadow Knights in MyStreet by @theythem-vylad-supremacy! Specifically the final scene in Chapter 28; the idea came into my head so I wanted to try and draw it! I'm not super good at anatomy stuff but I hope it still looks alright!
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user-name-h3re ¡ 1 year ago
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