#Mr Demi
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ziggyisonzaza · 2 months ago
Mr demi
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sprout-lmao · 9 months ago
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Imagine your husband having a fatter ass than you.
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shroomyglloomy · 9 months ago
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Ok I drew Mr demi (FPE) and I really like how these turned out.
No I'm not a simp.
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vampi3rbl00dlol · 2 months ago
May I please request an Autistic Reader that likes walking around in circles for fun x Mr Demi from paper education (only if you want) Thank you 🤍
Mr. Demi x reader
note: sorry this took so long but I’m finally back into writing again :)
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The thud of small footsteps was the first indication that (name) was near. Mr. Demi, perched on a stool in front of his slightly amused music class, tried to ignore it. He loved teaching music, even if his students weren't always as enthusiastic. He was good at it, too, if a bit quiet and shy. Right now he was halfway through explaining the difference between a quarter note and a half note, his fingers hovering over the worn keys of the his piano, when the circling began.
(Name), their bright yellow noise-canceling headphones perched securely on their head, was a whirlwind of playful energy. Round and round they went a small orbit forming around Mr. Demi who was desperately trying to maintain his composure and the focus of a room of ten-year-olds.
He bit back a smile. (Name’s ) need to walk around in a circle randomly wasn’t new. He'd seen them doing it in the teacher’s lounge, in the library, even in the middle of the school hallway, their face alight with an internal joy that was contagious. 
He’d learned to see it as a form of self regulation, a quiet motion that allowed their mind to focus or calm down while their body moved. He found it charming, absolutely, wonderfully, charming.
"Okay, class," Mr. Demi said, his voice a little breathier than it’s usual shaky tone, "so, as I was  saying…" He tried to recapture the pace of his lesson, his gaze flicking momentarily to (name), who was still walking around him.
A few giggles escaped the children. Mr. Demi knew he should probably say something to redirect (name’s) focus, maybe even gently shoo them away. But the thought sent a pang of distress through his chest. Having (Name) here helped him calm down from the stress of teaching as well, so shooing them away would be like a boat losing its anchor. (Name’s) circling was a familiar comfort to himself. 
He watched as (Name’s) circling brought them closer, their shoulder brushing his as they completed another loop. He could see a tiny sliver of their face through the gap in their headphones, then a faint smile playing on Mr. Demi’s lips (mouth? Idk paper don’t have lips). His heart skipped a beat.
“Mr. Demi,” a small voice broke through his thoughts. It was Bubble, a shy girl with soap for hair and a rubber ducky on her head. “Are you okay? You seem… distracted.”
He blinked, startled. "Oh, yes, Bunnle, perfectly fine," he said, a blush creeping up his neck. "Just… uh… admiring the… unique floor pattern."
The children exchanged glances while Zip, Oliver, and Edward bursted out laughing with each other. Mr. Demi sighed internally. He really wasn’t cut out for lying.
“Sorry, Mr. Demi!” (Name) chirped, “I just felt… circle-y!” They explained with a small twirl, and mischief in their eyes.
Mr. Demi’s shoulders relaxed slightly. "It's okay, (Name)," Mr. Demi said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Maybe we can circle together later, once my class is done." (Name’s) face lit up. “Yes! That would be great.”
Mr. Demi found his gaze drawn to (Name) more often than his students but could tell when he was finally able to look away, the anxiety that had plagued him all morning had faded completely. (Name) a whirlwind of playful energy and gentle affection. He wouldn’t have them any other way.
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fishhawish · 10 months ago
Can I have a yandere Miss Circle and Mr Demi x Fem reader?
I seriously have like 5 almost finished requests and the writing block hit me so hard because the only thing I wanna write about is FPE rn
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Remember that it is not okay to act like this in real life and if you do feel this way I'd advise you to get professional help.
Miss Circle❤️
• She's already murderous as is. Now she's obsessed with her co-worker and murderous? That's wonderful.
• She wouldn't dare let You catch her harming a student for a failing grade. She needs to always look innocent in front of you.
• She always tries to eat lunch with you if possible, and she packs some of the weirdest lunches too.
• She gets upset when you call her demon horns a cat ears, but she doesn't show it and just giggles.
• Her confidence can get overwhelming, she'll leave notes for you on your door asking for a date with something like "You're pretty >:3" and stuff.
• Occasionally she tries to pack you lunches but her own lunches are questionable so sometimes you have to pretend to like it.
• She can canonically change her height at any time and usually remains at 9'7, but she's used her ability to change in order to spy on you.
• She probably has atleast one picture of you guys together from a teacher meeting or something
You turn around to see someone approach you in the teachers lounge while you're getting water. "Hello there, I was questioning about something." She says confidently. However after getting to know her, you could see she was slightly nervous. "Yes miss circle?" You look at her smiling politely. The faint blush creeping onto her face as she tells you how much she admires you and that she adores you. "I've never felt such emotions. I never thought I'd say this to someone like you, but will You go out with me?"
You look at her smiling, heart feeling like it's going to burst out of your chest at any moment. "Yes, I will." You say to her somewhat flustered. The 9'7 demon lady giggling in excitement, happy beyond what words could ever explain. "Let's meet up tonight at 7pm after school" she said before running out of the teachers lounge with her inhumane speed. Later that night she meets you at your house, dressed neatly for the occasion. The simple yet beautiful picnic in the sunset was definitely something she'd always remember forever.
"I'm sorry Miss Circle, I don't reciprocate." You said looking away from her. She silently walks out of the room with no hint of any emotion or expression she's feeling right now. When you went home at night you couldn't help but feel like you where being followed. She picks you up from behind, using her compass to keep you stable off of the ground sandwiched between her and her arm. With her other hand she drugs you to sleep. You never had a choice anyway.
Mister Demi💚
• So shy when he met you, he tried to hide away to the library. Unfortunately for him you where in front of the teacher lounge exit so he had no escape.
• Fell for You when he watched how caring and compassionate You are with the students. He's seen what some other teachers do and he's not fond of it..
• Wrote a whole song for You on the piano but won't ever show you. He's to scared that you might dislike it or be uninterested.
• He doesn't know what he's feeling and so he panics, like, a lot. He talks to Miss Sasha about it and she tries her best to explain to him that he's having a crush but it just makes him panic more.
• A crush soon turns into infatuation and he's too deep in. He starts panicking immediately noticing that this isn't healthy. He's seen normal couples and none of them act the way he wants to act.
• Also cries to Miss Sasha about the unhealthy infatuation but she's ends up more concerned about his mental over his feelings.
• Gets urged by Miss Sasha to seek professional help so he gets therapy (which he's terrified about) but the feelings don't stop.
• Literally acts like a fan girl after you talk to him or even breathe the same air as him.
Miss Sasha walking up to you during lunch with second hand embarrassment, note neatly tucked away into the pocket of her shorts. She politely starts up some small talk with you before getting to the point. "Sorry to bother you but, Mister Demi has feelings for you. He sent me over with a note to give to you." She smiles at you handing over the note. The note says "I really like being around you, you're so pretty. Please like me back. I'm sorry"
"Miss Sasha, please tell him I feel the same." You say to her giggling. She's so excited to watch your and his new relationship blossom. Sasha does however tell you about the obsessive behavior and that he is getting professional help for it. Although you are very keen on staying with him to help him though it. She's so proud of both of you, and herself for being the amazing wing woman she totally is. She goes back to Mister Demi who's sitting across the lunchroom. When he hears the news he is joyus. But he also slams his head down to the table in embarrassment. He's really shy but gathers enough courage from Sasha cheering him on and you both exchange numbers.
"I'm sorry Miss Sasha, I don't believe I know Mister Demi well enough to form an opinion or feelings." She smiles and nods understandingly. However she whispers to you about the obsessive behavior and warns you about it. You're absolutely shocked. Glancing over to him immediately feeling uncomfortable. Sasha returning to Mister Demi with the news and handing him back the note. His whole world falls apart in front of everyone. He can't handle rejection well. He goes into a depressive and desperate state. Changing everything about him so that you'll love him. Eventually you don't even recognize him anymore until you realized how shy he is.
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mikroschmitt · 1 month ago
Something is happening...
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I'm cringe but I'm free. Going to draw Miss Grace next.
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frenzyartist-voe · 11 months ago
Anyone ask for more choir boy food?
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Sing your heart out shy boy
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katkit-drops-alt · 8 months ago
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Don’t look at him tho he’s insecure/j
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tengidemon · 4 months ago
-Um...If you want, I can draw them...and suggest ideas too-
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(A quiet squeal from a nervous artist like a fan)
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zephyxoxo · 4 months ago
name ideas?!
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bonus: Mr demi🫶
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purpleninjaprincess · 7 months ago
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Yeah! Yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah ! yeah! blackpink in ur area-
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ziggyisonzaza · 3 months ago
does a little dance at you
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sprout-lmao · 9 months ago
Live Laugh Love Trans Mr Demi
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out-of-body-xperience · 11 months ago
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Angelina Jolie in Mr & Mrs Smith
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mrs-stans · 2 days ago
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@demimoore: Oscar Nominees Dinner 🤍 So honored to be in a room full of these incredible individuals!
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dead-inside-demiboy · 10 months ago
So you're meaning to tell me that Jon "takes it as a challenge to make the monsters unfuckable" Sims made a SPECTACULAR play in making Mr. Bonzo, then immedietly turned his progress around and made a big, strong, scary woman?
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