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Yup ,it was actually pretty recent that I read the play(you can find it online)and honestly Draco is the only saving grace of that play(besides Scoripous and his relationship with Albus which I think is better developed than Hinny and Romione put together which says a lot).Besides the stupid ''is Scorpius Voldemort'son?''crap he shows the most growth out of older characters and has some awesome lines that really show how much he's grown.(cont)
Rose completely turned me off as a character right from the very beggining when she was telling Albus how everyone will want to be their friends because of who they are(Potter and Granger-Weasley)and she's horrifed when he's placed into Slytherin and ignores him for 4 years(just like Ron joked that they would disinherit him if he wasn't placed in Gryffyndor in the epilogue).It's super OOC and it makes you wonder how she become so prejudiced and why didn't Romione do more to find out what was hap
Oh and I forgot to add but Hermione(and the others)being super prejudiced against Draco after the war and him callign her out on it is one of the reasons I ship them.H can be really flawed and judgemental sometimes even cruel and D would help her tone it down while H would bring out the more sensitive/caring side of him,it's supper adorable and more importantly it shows actual growth!
Again eww @CC! That whole plotline and Delphine sounds batshit crazy! How on earth did it get approved????????? But just hearing about how the characters are so OOC in it is so disappointing! No wonder so many people disregard that sequel and pretend it doesn’t exist!
- Lisa
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This isn't the Witcher related but I heard about the Mulan remake cutting a kiss between Mulan and her love inetrest and baming it on the Chinese people as if it wasn't racist enough I saw this interview where the director said that the reaosn why they cut was because he was a captain and it wouldn't send a good message in the time of the MeToo movement. WTF?!Can faux feminism die already?!It's frankly embarrassing
Well, for the cut kiss, they said they got that feedback from actual Chinese people working on the movie, yet supposedly people on Weibo were like ?????? to that statement, so I’m going to hold back on commenting until I, like, see the movie.
But the other thing--that wasn’t actually the director, who is a (white) woman, but the producer, a white man. Because of course he is, and what he said was hella yikes. I’ll just repeat what I said on Twitter:
This is such a simplistic face-value understanding of power dynamics. Please try to think critically about tropes and why they’re creepy or not. Mulan and Shang are on parallel emotional journeys and the same age. It’s like the least controversial Disney Princess romance. Rather than convincing me he cares about MeToo, it reads like the producer doesn’t understand MeToo, or... storytelling, power dynamics, etc. It also reads like lip service to MeToo instead of idk working on ensuring that Disney has the best policies to protect women workers.
To add to that: Mulan and Shang didn’t, like, start anything until after he was no longer her commander and she was the one who asked him to stay for dinner, so... hoo boy.
Anyways Disney I’ll give you feminism points when you start hiring more female directors with the same frequency of male directors, and women of color in particular, and when you stop cutting them from all but two minutes of screentime or killing them off for a man who can still have a family in your blockbusters. Ya get none for this.
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Hey! I looved your notes on the script and I just wanted to let you know there's a preview on amazon on the upcoming book about the making of THT and there are some interesting tidbits about Nick's apartment mentioned htere!You can go check it out if you want(sorry I just can't put the link in this ask but you can type the art and making of THT and it will come out.:)
oh my god. i ran over to amazon so fucking fast. THANK YOU for dropping this in my inbox because anytime i learn new things about Nick i’m shook to my core
for anyone who hasn’t seen, here’s a screenshot of it:
and for funsies, i looked up the synopsis for Love in the Time of Cholera which i’m sure is like, completely unrelated to Nick/June right guys:
In their youth, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza fall passionately in love. When Fermina eventually chooses to marry a wealthy, well-born doctor, Florentino is devastated, but he is a romantic. As he rises in his business career he whiles away the years in 622 affairs–yet he reserves his heart for Fermina. Her husband dies at last, and Florentino purposefully attends the funeral. Fifty years, nine months, and four days after he first declared his love for Fermina, he will do so again.
thank you again i need to go lay down and die now
#the handmaid's tale#nick blaine#nick x june#osblaine#mrsariayoureakiller#someone who’s read love in the time of cholera could make a list of parallels#just sayin#that could be a thing 👀#tht meta
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Yeah,I agree with you it's very hypocrticial. People should really watch the documentary movie''The Prequels Strikes Back'' it makes you if not appreciate than understand what GL was trying to achieve I remember one of the people that was being interviewed saying that the OT received the same criticism the PT received(bad script,wooden acting,etc) yet in my opinion the biggest reason why the PT has been bashed so much is because GL dared to make Darth Vader human(cont in part two)
And it’s something I’ll never understand really if Anakin was born bad the whole saga wouldn’t have been such a tragedy in the first place by seeing him grow from this sweet boy to the menacing Vader we realize that contrary to what we’ve been led to believe Vader was a very tragic figure who lost everything he ever loved and it’s what makes Luke’s love and belief in him so poignant(cont in part 3)
Also the fact that Anakin’s character has been so harshly criticized for being emotional just shows how there are these certain expectations to how male characters should behave Luke in the OT was overly emotional and somewhat arrogant in the OT too yet he’s a beloved character while Anakin is hated for it
I wasn’tTHAT into Star Wars before the AOTC premiered but I was always a “movie buff”so I paid a lot of attention to movies, criticis and movie theories. That beingsaid, before the prequels, everything I read/heard told me the Star Wars movieswere praised for how they revolutionized the film industry (with their especialaffects and genre defining storytelling). They were enjoyable movies but theonly people who took them too seriously were the fans, and the fans were noteven all that respected by the media or critics (until the media started validatingtheir stereotypes, prejudices and entitlement after the prequels). As we arewitnessing right now, trashing George Lucas was more fun and way less scary/careerdamaging than trashing Disney.
Don’t tryto rationalized. It will drive you crazy. Because in the end it comes down tothe entitlement of a group of overgrown boys who were mad their fandom (remembertheir motto: “Star Wars is for boys!”)was no longer catering only to them.
If you wantunderstand why the prequels’ story was hated: watch the TFA. The movie waswritten by one of the those fanboys™ with the help of the ultimate sw “entitledwhite boy” fan. They wrote the movie the wanted George Lucas to make instead ofTPM. They wrote A New Hope 2.0. They created the first Death Star 2.0, Tatooine2.0, R2-D2 2.0, etc. That’s why the fandom (back then) wanted. They wanted moreof the same. They wanted the OT… again.
But GeorgeLucas not only didn’t give them what they wanted, he went further and gave themheroes they couldn’t relate to. Character they couldn’t picture themselves being.They couldn’t fantasize being as powerful as Vader or Luke, as cool as Han orhaving sex with slave-girl Leia.
George gavethem a little boy with no agency and a ton of trauma. A bunch of fourteen yearsold girls who didn’t show any skin. And for a villain, he gave them an alienapprentice and his master, an elderly politician. Worst of all, George actuallymade them think. He made them think about politics, mental illness, disfranchisement,slavery, abuse, etc. All things that make people uncomfortable (especiallyentitled men).
The “Anakinshould’ve been bad from the start” is their response to that. If Anakin hadbeen bad from the start, he’d have been more “interesting” because they would’vebeen able to fantasize about being him more easily. Villains usually have moreagency, they are motivated by their own interests instead of being manipulatedby someone else. Vader being evil because he chose to be evil is easier toaccept than a man being manipulated, tortured and enslaved into doing terribledeeds. You can’t fantasy about being a slave, because powerful man can’t be enslaved:/
Anakinbeing born evil is easier to accept. It’s givens them an easier way out. Anakinwas evil and powerful so Vader was evil and power. This way their fantasyremains unchallenged. And they don’t have too think too deeply about thingsthat make them uncomfortable or threaten their fragile masculinity. Because despiteof Luke and Anakin similarities, Luke has something Anakin lacks. Luke hassomething that makes him more desirable and acceptable by the fandom thanAnakin. Luke has a real agency.
There’s areason why the prequels resonated with children, women, teenagers, the mentallyill and the disfranchised in general more than it did to the stereotypical OT purist.And it has nothing to do with the quality of the movies or the characters.
#ask#mrsariayoureakiller#sw prequels#sw meta#anakin skywalker#darth vader#padawanlost#meta: anakin#txt
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I also think that the scene between Jon and Dany in Dragonpit was such a wonderful moment because there's so much layers in that scene there's this tragedy and melancholy of seeing the last two Targaryens talk about their family with Dany kind of teaching Jon unwittingly a bit about their family history and Jon assuring her her family still lives(which foreshadows to me that he won't hate his Targaryen linage especially since in the books he admires some of them) it's a really wonderful scene
It’s also a big deal for Dany to be vulnerable and trusting with someone since we’ve seen her hardening and wear this queen persona ever since season two it’s actually a nice contrast with a conversation she had with Jorah after Irri was murdered where she talked about how she didn’t need trust anymore but it’s really nice to see how both Dany and Jon are supportive and helping each other grow which is something we haven’t seen in any of their previous relationships
I agree! It’s still my favorite finale scene and it was very unexpected for me, a really nice surprise. I agree about the layers.
Dany has been so different in these one-on-one scenes with Jon. Her voice is so different it’s almost unrecognizable. She lets her guard down around him in a way we haven’t seen her do EVER before. And yeah, it was very melancholy. I think the inherent sadness of a woman thinking about how she will be the last of her family, and also lamenting her inability to have a child, is very dark and painful in an episode that had so many brief moments of humor.
So it was interesting to see this moment where the strength Dany displayed during the political negotiations (arriving on Drogon, walking alone, confidently, up to her seat, sitting up straight and talking evenly and calmly to both Cersei and Jaime, etc) is gone when she’s in the comfort of Jon’s presence and his presence alone. He really brings out her true self, and I think she brings out his as well. Jon hasn’t really confided sad things in her but it’s because I think this season was more about Dany’s losses than his. I think that next season, at Winterfell, in Jon’s home, when he is grappling with his own past, that’s when the tables will turn and he will be the one opening up and needing comfort.
But for now, Dany brings out this side of Jon that showcases his strength, maturity, agency, leadership, and even his small bit of humor haha. For and/or because of her, he’s been very outspoken this season, standing his ground, standing up for what he believes in, and just generally sitting more comfortably in his role as king then we’ve ever seen him. And I love that her sadness is enough to make him drop his own guard and be sweet and tender with her like he was in the post-wight hunt scene and in the dragonpit, and to crack jokes like he did before leaving Dragonstone in 7.05 and also when he quoted Tyrion in the dragonpit in the finale.
Most importantly, he is comfortable enough around Dany to pursue his own romantic desires. I think this is huge for Jon who has up until now always chosen duty and honor first. (For the record, I think Dany can actually line up with duty for Jon, but that’s another topic.) Him being the one to reach for her hand first after the wight hunt is pretty much unprecedented in Jon’s character arc. Jon being the one to go to her cabin, to knock, and to enter and shut the door without any prompting from Dany is HUGE.
Here is a man whose fear of fathering a bastard kept him from sleeping with women in his youth, and whose self-doubt and strict adherence to duty hampered his first romantic relationship, and a man who has ignored his personal life and his own needs for years. Even right after his resurrection Jon denied himself any time to cope or recover.
But just like Jon brings out a softer side of Dany, I think Dany brings out a tougher and more independent side of Jon. He hasn’t abandoned his mission or anything. But making love to Dany isn’t part of that mission. He’s doing it because he wants to. He wants to be with her and he’s allowing himself to indulge in what he wants. He’s letting himself accept the love he’s always been worthy of. And we get to see that in the dragonpit scene.
Because the conversation in that scene is just so extremely important to me.
The writing is done the way it is for a reason. The writers make sure that Jon is told not once but twice that Dany can’t have a child. They could have left it with that and still included boatsex, because it would actually make a lot of sense. We know Jon has feared fathering a bastard child, so thinking that’s impossible with Dany would be further motivation for him to choose her as a sexual partner.
But instead of just leaving it at that they make sure we know that Jon doesn’t believe it. They make sure we know that Jon encourages Dany not to believe it either.
That’s part of why I have so much faith in the future of their ship. Because D&D made sure everyone is aware that Jon Snow, whose entire life has been defined by his name and his apparent bastard status, who loathes the idea of putting any child of his own through the struggles he faced, wants Dany to be capable of conception, believes Dany to be capable of conception, and then initiates sex with Dany. He also ensures that Dany knows before they go through with it, that he thinks a child could come out of the union. That way, neither of them is under the impression that it’s a casual, no-strings-attached fling with no consequences. So they both go into it thinking Dany’s pregnancy a possibility. And if Jon expects the possibility of her pregnancy and still goes through with it, that means he expects to be around for her future and to marry her.
On top of that, we get a speech in which Jon drives home the point of his own personal loyalty. How he won’t turn his back on an oath because loyalty needs to mean something.
All of this makes me more confident than ever that Jon wants to be with Dany for the rest of his life, and that regardless of what conflicts befall them next season, he will be. And it’s because of this effect they have on each other that you’re describing. They are soul mates :’)
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I haven't read any meta about the differences between show Brianne and book Brienne since fans tend to criticize the changes that were made to Jaime(with good reason) but what do you think are the differences between the two for me Brienne in the books is more shy and innocent not Arya 2.0 when it comes to Jaime I'l, never understand how they could completely trash his amazing arc for the sole purpose of continuing the toxic incestuous relationship with Cersei,ugh
Well, the difference between show!Brienne and book!Brienne are that they are almost two different people? I mean I understand that you can’t cast 33 yo Gwendoline Christie and have her act out 19 yo Brienne’s naivete without stretching believability, but that doesn’t mean she has to become the Terminator. Remember how book!Brienne broke down crying after her first kill, even though he was a horrible piece of shit? Or how she took in Podrick? Or how she was willing to die to defend the orphans at the inn? Or when she was again willing to die for Jaime, and then only agreed to kill him to save Hyle and Pod? Where is this gentle Brienne? Who can swing a sword as well as the best of them, but who wanted to sing to Renly, and be comforted by Jaime? Where is this sensitivity, and this selflessness? Where is that gut-wrenching monologue about how her father deserved a better daughter and a better son than her, when we know she is one of the most honorable and good people of Westeros?
This all D&D’s trend of conflating strength with lack of emotion, and I hate hate hate it!
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Hey,I really love your meta!I'm so glad you and other Sansan fans continue to be active despite all the BS the ships has pulled.On that note I'm very annoyed that due to shitty writing Jonsa ended up being a very popular show ship and I'm curious what do you think about all these theories that they'll marry since they parallel Henry Tudor and Elizabeth if York in some ways(due to the popular belief that Lannister=Lancaster and Starks=York)
Thank you! I always maintain the Sansan community has an embarrassment of riches with some really great meta writers, artists, fanfic writers, contributors to the discourse, and curators of all things Sansan all while being very nice people.
There’s no harm in people shipping whatever they want to ship. No one can even predict what will become a ship no matter what happens in canon. Hey, Dicksa became a thing for a while and those two never met and are on opposite sides of the continent. Who knew? It’s just people having fun with like minded people. No big deal. Despite all the clutching of pearls, there really is no harm, I swear. I know I got a few Jonsa shippers that follow me, which I appreciate. I’m not gonna piss in anyone’s sandbox, even if they want to explore canon possibilities seriously.
If we’re having a book canon discussion and you’re coming to me asking my opinion (which you are), I’ll answer honestly. It’s fair game. I’ve read some very well thought out essays presenting the case of why Jonsa could be actual canon. What I got out of it was a description of a sibling relationship and nothing that made me say “Whoa! That’s compelling!” I’ve written my reasons and specifics here. It’s fine to look to possible historical parallels to things, but George does not do any parallels one to one. He’s free to cherry pick what he likes, toss what he doesn’t, and invent the rest himself. He’s not a historical fiction writer.
I don't like to just take a character from history, whoever it is, and just change his name, kind of file off the serial number and present him as my own character. What I much prefer to do is perhaps take 2 or 3 characters from history and mix them up together or do juxtapositions that are original; I mean I don't want…I love historical fiction as a reader, but one of the problems with historical fiction, if you read a lot of history, you're always going to know how it's comes out. If you read a novel that’s actually set during the Wars of the Roses, you know what’s going to happen to those two little boys in the tower; you know who's going to win the Battle of Bosworth Fields. You know the ultimate fate of the mad King Henry VI. So I don't like that, I don’t want someone to just look at my book and know what happens because they're recognizing historical analogues, I like the stories to be unpredictable.
So [to] that extent, I think most of my characters, while they may partake of historical personages, there is no one for one correspondence anywhere.
-- GRRM, May 30, 2007.
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Sorry for the rant I just feel like Rhaegar deserved a little more credit than all the hate he's got on tumblr I think one of the most frustrating debates are about how Ned is Jon's true father not Ragegar since he was a piece of crap and Jon should never accept him as his father or his Targ heritage for that matter which sways make me go LOL so you gladly accept L is his mom but when it comes to him being his father's son(R) there are many posts arguing how he's not which is very hypocrtical
This debate irritates me too. Rhaegar couldn’t raise Jon because he died. It’s incredible that this point needs to be explained. Rhaegar didn’t abandon Jon and didn’t “not care” for him, he was killed even before Jon was born. What annoys me the most though is that they think Eddard Stark was the Perfect Father™ to Jon, although it’s crystal clear from Jon’s chapters that he was never accepted in Winterfell and that he was never truly happy there because of how he was treated. And there is not one single warm memory between Eddard and Jon! Not a single one!!
When Jon had been Bran’s age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father’s life. Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand. Even then he had known it was only a child’s folly; no bastard could ever hope to wield a father’s sword. Even the memory shamed him.
He was no true Stark, had never been one … but he could die like one. Let them say that Eddard Stark had fathered four sons, not three.
It’s evident that Jon wants to prove his worth to Eddard, and that’s because he never felt that Eddard considered him a true son and behaved with him in the same way he did with Robb and Bran and maybe even baby Rickon. Jon wanted recognition from his (adoptive) father the same way Tyrion wanted recognition from Tywin and Theon wanted recognition from Balon. (Also can I mention again how GRRM nodded at the con when he heard the question of Jon being unloved by his father, obviously referring to Eddard?)
There are zero interactions between Eddard and Jon on page. Eddard lets Jon go to the Wall without warning him of what it’s truly like, which is a clear lack of parenting:
No one had told him the Night’s Watch would be like this; no one except Tyrion Lannister. The dwarf had given him the truth on the road north, but by then it had been too late. Jon wondered if his father had known what the Wall would be like. He must have, he thought; that only made it hurt the worse.
And Eddard himself, once he is a prisoner in King’s Landing, thinks about Jon and feels ashamed:
The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him … pain shot through his broken leg, beneath the filthy grey plaster of his cast.
I doubt Eddard feels such a strong guilt only because he didn’t tell him of his true parents. He knows that he was not an ideal father to him.
This is not really a critic against Eddard - characters are complex and layered and make mistakes (I expect Eddard’s biggest mistake to be revealed in the next books), and after all Jon wasn’t his son and he was always going to love the children of his own body more than the children of his siblings. Maester Aemon says:
No mother loves all her children the same, not even the Mother Above.
Same applies to fathers too, and especially to adoptive ones.
This is a critic against the fandom, and how they completely disregard Jon’s unhappiness at Winterfell to paint Eddard as an angelic father to Jon and Rhaegar as a demon to Jon (although Rhaegar died before Jon was born, how can anyone seriously blame him for that?). Jon was rejected in many ways by his Stark family, he was rejected by his brothers at the Night’s Watch, he was even rejected by the Wildlings because they see him as a crow (and Jon doesn’t really want to belong with the Wildlings anyway). I am sure Daenerys will be the only one to truly accept him and Jon will feel close to his Targaryen heritage. Jon’s hero has always been King Daeron Targaryen, I am sure he will be thrilled to learn he is part of House Targaryen and that his father was the beloved Prince Rhaegar. Also Maester Aemon was a great influence in Jon’s growth, Jon liked him and respected him a lot, he will be very happy when he discovers this man was his great-great-uncle.
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The theory that R and L are Dany's parents is being mocked and ignored a lot but I think it will be a great twist to Dany's story and something she will truly have to struggle with because her parentage is set in stone there's nothing more for Dany to struggle with since by the end of ADWD she had embraced her Targ heritage plus Jon learning the truth about his parentage will be centered around him and only him with Dany in the sidelines since she's fine with the Targ tradition of incest
Yea IDK why the fandom thinks this theory is completely crack. It has good evidence. I mean how is it any less crack then Aegon being a secret Blackfyre? I think sometimes with theories certain things become “canon” amongst and they have a hard time thinking any other theory can be correct.
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Hey there,it's been a while now since I joined the H/E fandom but honestly I'm so sick and tired of people saying over and over how Richard being villfied was due to Tudor propganda can we stop with this BS please?Richard's own contemporaries were the ones who ''villifed''him and while the Tudors took advantage of that(like every ruling dynasty btw)it's not something they invented so it's about time the revisionist history stops sorry I dont want to sound condesecnding but it's so frustrating
Yeah, it really is frustrating. I’m not even an active Henry/Elizabeth “shipper” per se*, and even I find the ridiculous drama here frustrating (which is why I tend to stay out of it). And fuck being “condescending”; I know that my posts might sometimes come off as condescending (although I try not to seem so), but honestly…
I really have no idea where this notion that Henry VII concocted entirely from thin air every single accusation levelled against Richard III came from. Whether or not you believe he actually murdered his nephews, the truth is, rumours that he had murdered them were rampant during his reign (“I’ll take Dominic Mancini for 500, Alex”). While Henry might have add fuel to that fire, regardless of whether you think Richard’s actions prior to his usurpation were justified (oooooooh, I used the ‘U’ word!), none of those rumours would have begun if Richard had not done what he did. Bonus points for Ricardians who waste time railing against Shakespeare’s play like it’s Mein Kampf (as if any serious historian actually believes Shakespeare today), and double points for Ricardians who try to blame Henry VII for Shakespeare.
*I should mention that while I certainly do like Henry/Elizabeth, I’m just more interested in Henry VII by himself TBH
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Hey,I love your metas on Poldark,they're grea.I'm wondering with the whole Demelza/Hugh affair maybe they're intending to make Demelza's relationship with Hugh more about a result of what happened between Ross and Elizabeth because I remember Eleanor saying in an interview that Demelza becomes in love with being wanted after the way Ross had treated her or something like that?Maybe they just don't want Demelza looking fickle like some fans thought Ross was?IDK
Hi there,
I am seriously hoping they don’t go down that route, because although in the books she does fall a little in love with the way Hugh flatters and courts her, it’s not ‘the reason’ why she has sex with him. I hope they’re going to try to keep in the complexity of it. But I don’t want to speculate too much; we’re one episode in, we haven’t even met Hugh yet, we just don’t know how it’s going to play out. Come back to me in eight weeks :D
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Yes exactly!Imultiship Harmione with a lot of people and I would have been fine with her and Harry ending up together since they had real chemistry(at least movie wise) and I could see why they would be together long term and re-watching the movies they really did Rony dirty but even then Romione is so cringeworthy especially in the Half Blood Prince.(cont)
Poo Astoria was also done so dirty like they had a chance to actually show her as a real character and not as a footnote(she wasn't even given a name in the epilogue that's how much JKR cared also make her a muggle born but I guess this would have been. too much of a redemption for Draco and we can't have that) but instead we got this incredibly sexist SL where she and Draco have Scoripous so he't not alone(?!)and she's used as a plot device to show how sad Draco is wthout her ughhh!!!
I have to say though it's amusing to me how Draco is actually a better father than the trio. Like Albus grows to have these insecurities and wanting to prove himself to his father(IMO him and Draco would bond so easily after all he's going to be his father-in-law one day,IMO sorry you can't convine me Scorbus weren't gay for each other ok?!)while Rose is this popular judgmental Mary Sue at least Harry tries to be a better dad at the end while we get an idea what a child of Romione would be like
Btw,it slipped my mind but what do you think about the claims that Draco could never compromise/give up his pure blood beliefs/is too cowerdly for Hermione? don't want to use it as an example but the Cursed Child proved that's not the case and even if we do ignore it while kjr was def biased against Draco(and Slytherin in general) back then she painted him sympathetically later plus people ignore he was just a kid and was condiitoned to believe the things he did and it's not easy to break away.
Yeah, it's sad that they decided to kill off Astoria. I don’t mind that she is a pureblood, but from what we know of her she sounds amazing and I’m glad that Draco was with her, she really did help Draco and they sounded like they were truly in love! It’s typical, isn’t it? The male character gets his full redemption arc at the demises of a close female character to him. A typical trope in books and movies.
I’ve never read CC, and don’t intend too, but I was pissed when I heard that Harry was a horrible parent! We saw and read in the epilogue that he is great and what 2 years later he does a 180 and now he is a bad guy to his kids? Ridiculous! And is Rose really a Mary Sue character? Ugh, so many fanfic authors end up creating their Hermione as a Mary Sue, and I don’t like it! Now the guy who wrote this book does that to Hermione’s daughter? More evidence that CC is really a fanfic (well technically it is isn’t it? A JKR approved fanfic!).
Draco basically denounced his pureblood beliefs when he married Astoria. His parents hated her! And didn’t want him to marry her, but he did anyway. They raised Scorp to be better than them. So clearly he did give up that and happily did so!! So of course he would do the same for Hermione (in a fanfic).
- Lisa
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I don't know if you've read the short stories but do you think they could have been adapted better if the show didn't invent the whole Ciri on the run story?I honestly think just focusing on the Geralt and Yennifer stories in the first few ep would have been better. On another note if you're curious there's a Polish tv version of the Witcher on youtube. It omits some stuff as well but it's interestign to compare it to the Netflix version.
Hi! I’m gonna answer this along with some of your earlier adaptation questions (my apologies, I was busy at work!)
So yes, I read the short stories, and I loved them!!
I think the show was trying to do the uneven timeline that the later books do take on (notably Tower of the Swallow and Lady of the Lake). However, this works waaaaay better in a written medium than in a visual medium, imo, and consequently... honestly, if I were adapting it? Here’s what I’d have done:
I’d have the opening concern Ciri and the approach of Nilfgaard, and I’d show everything else as extensive flashbacks, or perhaps stories Mousesack tells Ciri about this witcher her destiny is tied to. In certain episodes you can have Ciri dreaming of certain events and/or have her keep talking about Geralt (since she knows they’re bound by destiny) to Mousesack and Calanthe as Nilfgaard’s forces approach. This approach would also help you keep Cahir as a major player in the first season: show us the approach of the fall of Cintra, show us his perspective and his goals. It also creates a feeling of dread and suspense.
I’d still keep Renfri’s short story as the first one adapted as a flashback, because thematically it’s Ciri’s story, but tragic. I’d also adapt Yennefer’s and Adda’s stories together, similarly to how they were adapted in the show, but cut the added Istredd stuff and cut the deal Yennefer makes about her fertility, which just makes no story sense. I’d keep the Kalis addition and maybe write more original stuff about Yennefer wanting children but being unable to conceive (you could actually expand the Kalis storyline by making Yennefer guard her during her various pregnancies with girls and thereby struggle with her own infertility), and perhaps intertwine this with the Jaskier introductory story episode.
As for Pavetta, I’d have Calanthe mention how Ciri reminds her of Pavetta (like sneaking around, as Ciri did once run away). I’d intertwine the Pavetta and Duny episode with the Yennefer and Geralt love story, so that we can see both pairs of Ciri’s parents together (the dragon story is also be part of their love story). And then I’d adapt the Brokilon Forest story (which was absolutely butchered in the show), and then adapt the fall of Cintra. Then you have the Battle of Sodden and Ciri and Geralt’s reunion in the finale. You can expand Cahir’s role in Sodden, too.
Under the cut for spoilers for your other adaptation asks!
Ahh,I haven't heard about her saying that but good for them for not changing such important part of Cahir's character(depsite some haters hoping for the opposite).I think the showrunner def seems to like his character hence giving him more to than just being thrown into jail for a year until s3(even if the writing isn't that good)cont in part 2
And it could be good drama since he seems to be much more loyal/radiclaised on the show so him falling in love with the one ''meant'' for Emyr(seriously show just call him by his name since non book readers thought he was a god or something)could give him more layers/conflict plus it would be interesting to see him going lighter by joing the hansa,etc while Ciri becoming darker(cont in part 3)
I'm wondering though how they will have Geralt spare him since the show didn't have him saving Ciri from death the way he does in the books which is one of the main reasons why Geralt doesn't kill him.
WELP that’s a really good damn question. Maybe Geralt will just take pity on a terrified, vomiting kid, or else Cahir can just flee for his life, or someone interrupt. It won’t have the same resonance though. I do think that Lauren wants the basic storyline and arc to be the same, though, so we will see what they come up with.
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IMO,I'm laughing so hard at the damage control EF's doing on twitter like some people were asking her where Henry was and why he was so cold to Lizzie and she said that he was in CG's rooms eating and drinking to create the illusion that he was having an affair with her and that he was hurt because he could tell that Lizzie believed PerkinSue was her brother
LMAO can someone tell her that it’s pointless to explain on twitter and that the WHOLE audience thought he had cheated and now hate him.well done Emma ;D
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I don't have anything against Bail as a character or that he was a good father to Leia but I'm really hoping LF isn't trying to pit him against Anakin because that's just so unfair I mean Anakin wanted to to be a father hell he was the one hoping the baby was a daughter he just never got the chance to be one(which is also super tragic) and it doesn't have to be a competition you can have Bail and Breha be good parents to Leia without pitting them Anakin and Padme wouldn't have been(cont)
Again I’m not saying Bail and Breha should have been horrible parents to Leia because that would have went against canon but the way they distanced Leia from her Skywalker roots is part of the reason why fanboys have debated that she isn’t a Skywalker but an Organa(why can’t she be both seriously Leia Organa Skywalker has a nice ring to it) and the fact that Leia was never allowed to properly deal with being Vader’s daughter just add to all of this
To be fair,the fandom embellishing Bail is older than Disney.
I haven’tread anything from Disney, all I care about is my TCW novels and Bail isawesome in them. He is a good person, but he lies, he manipulates, he keepsecrets, he’s suspicious of Ahsoka, he close to Palpatine, he hides stuff fromYoda, he has a sense of humor, etc.
In the EUbooks set after ROTJ he seems more one-dimensional and that’s part of theproblem. We only see him as a dad from Leia’s perspective and, of course, she’sgoing to embellish the memory of her dead father. I don’t know how he’sportrayed as a dad in Disney’s canon but I’m not surprised they are going the “superdad” route. Again, it’s lazy writing. That way you don’t have to spend a lot oftime developing Leia either. Complicated characters create complicated situationsthat’s hard to write realistically. Bail good, Anakin bad is much easier and itkeeps the fans happy.
When talkingabout the twins’ parentage many fans forget Padmé Amidala. People oppose Leiaembracing her biological roots because of Anakin but what about Padmé? Leia hasthe right to connect with her biological mother too. Don’t take that from her.In the EU Leia has complex relationship with her biological family and herplace in Skywalker/Organa legacy. It seems Disney is erasing that.
On theother hand, Fanom!bail is perfect. He is the best at everything. He is the mosthonest, most brilliant, bravest man that has ever lived. He has no flaws. Healways does the right thing, the right way for the right reasons. Which is sad,because beneath all that there’s a real disserve for Bail to be recognized asinteresting character. The fans want Bail to be validated so badly they refuseto admit he’s flawed, which undermines his development.
By reducingBail to the role of “Leia’s dad” they are diminishing his value as a character.Yes, Bail was a good dad to Leia but he was SO much more than that. He hasvalue beyond his relationship with her. Something similar happens to Padmé. Byhyperfocusing on only one side of the character you end up devaluing them bymaking them one-dimensional.
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Sometimes I'm really annoyed about how the show has white washed Tyrion yet made Dany's character darker like in s5 and s6 they made Tyrion the one seeking peaceful solution against the Slave masters when that was Dany's role in the books I mean yes Dany can be ruthless when she needs to be(which is something she represses in book 5)but she's not Viserys or Aerys the one she's aways been compared to has been Rheagar and it's aways been in positive terms(cont)
So if they have her closest advisors doubt her sanity this season it would just further do a desrvice to her character I’ve actually been re-reading the books and I was reminded how book Dany despite her “fire and blood’‘moments had a very gentle personality and this innocence in her despite having to gorw up quickly but unfortunately this has been lost on the show somewhat I don’t know if it’s because Dany is older there but I really miss her having scenes that shows her as a human being
I get angry about it, too. I feel like it’s kind of sexist if I’m being honest. They’re making Tyrion unshakably moral and the one who has to talk Dany off the ledge.
BUT Tyrion and Dany are currently my favorite friendship on the show and I think that what matters is that he does talk her off the ledge when necessary. Maybe we get to see her humanity more in the books but I am still happy with show Dany.
In terms of them “doubting her sanity,” I don’t think it is ever going to be that serious. I could be wrong, of course. But from what we saw between Dany and Tyrion and Dany and Varys in ep2, I can’t see them being that surprised or upset when she burns the Tarlys. I’m assuming that’s what you mean when you say “doubting her sanity.”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m worried for how that scene will play out as well. But I think that Tyrion and Dany are more united than ever before and that Varys, who smiled and said he expects nothing less when she threatened to burn him if he betrays her, will understand that she is doing what rulers do in this universe–killing traitors. Even Jon and Sansa discussed this in ep1, when they said that the penalty for treason is death.
The Tarlys are traitors to Olenna Tyrell, one of Dany’s allies. Dany gives them the chance to bend the knee to her, but they refuse to. And while traitors like Karstark were killed in the BotB, we can assume that if not, Jon would have executed them for treason. So I don’t know why Dany’s choice to execute the Tarlys, who are not only traitors, but traitors who refuse to repent, is so controversial ALREADY, and it hasn’t even happened yet. To me, this scene is perfectly normal and understandable. And even more importantly, the leaks tell us that while apparently (again I don’t really know why this will happen and I’m not sure I believe it) Tyrion and Varys question Dany’s actions after the fact, JON will agree with her.I guess the reason people are so bent out of shape about this is the fact that Dany burns them with dragon fire instead of just beheading them or something. But that’s always been her way. I don’t know why people are suddenly shocked about this now. The Tarlys have only ever been presented as hateful men, not people we should feel sorry for. To me their death will be no more upsetting than that of Kraznys. As is, not upsetting at all.
Oh well. When it comes to defending Dany, our job never ends -_-
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