scrubbit and bleacher = discount thenardiers??
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hi! I LOVED your Wonka x reader fic! Could I maybe request something?? Maybe one where she's the last one stuck in the laundry after everyone else gets rescued and he needs to go back for her? I love angst and fluff haha
All good if not! Love you
Trapped In Your Own Thoughts
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 961
I am loving all the Wonka love I'm seeing, every time I write for a new character I wonder if anyone will actually request for them so seeing people request for Willy Wonka truly makes me heart melt
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Abacus, Piper, Larry Chucklesworth, Lottie Bell, Noodle and you stood in a straight line across from Mrs.Scrubbit as she peered from behind the counter. 
What you thought was going to be a tiresome scolding from the woman turned into something unexpected as she laid pounds of money out on the table. She first stated how Mr.Wonka had settled a deal with Mr.Slugworth covering all your bills. And one by one she went down the line addressing every individual until it was just you and Noodle left. 
“It’s funny,” Scrubbit says as she stares at the last pile in front of her before glaring directly at you, “Mr.Slugworth didn’t seem to leave a single sovereign for you. Guess you're not important eh?”
You stilled, unable to believe your own ears as Scrubbit smirked at your disheartened reaction. “…this must be some sort of mistake,” you muttered before getting cut off. 
“—No mistake at all,” she grinned a toothy grin, “in fact your name didn’t come up at all. So don’t just stand there. Back to work with you,” she ushers and stunned you look around trying to wake yourself from this nightmare that you found yourself trapped in. 
With a wave of her hand, you walked past them shutting the door behind you. “Now, for our dearest Noodle…” you heard her voice fade away as you walked to the laundry room in a daze.
You could not believe this was happening. Of course this would happen to you. You shook your head unable to stop the thoughts from swirling as you walked down the hallway past all the now empty rooms, past your own room until you came to the laundry doors. 
Climbing down the steps and looking around at the now lifeless room, it was impossible for you to do anything but dwell on the whole situation. 
You were stuck here. Alone. 
Being here with a group was one thing but alone? That was something you wouldn’t ever wish upon your greatest enemy, (that is if you had one). 
This had to be an error. Why would everyone else be free except for you? It didn’t make any sense. 
Then your mind slipped back to what Mrs.Scrubbit said about Willy making the deal. 
Did he know you were to stay back? No he couldn’t have. Right? Right. You tried to assure yourself before you even had the chance to doubt him any further. That man was too good and too precious for him to accept this deal knowing you’d continue to be held captive like this.
You went back and forth, replaying Mrs.Scrubbit’s words, trying to figure out what could’ve happened. 
Was Mrs.Scrubbit right? Were you just unimportant?
Your mind goes back to those few late evening conversations that you’ve shared with Willy. It was kind of silly for you to think anything from that. It was foolish in general for you to think so much of the young man, especially when you’ve only known him for a short period. But you couldn’t help but feel hurt. 
Was it that easy to forget you and move on?
Maybe all those experiences just meant something to you.
You could only grind your teeth as you dove deeper and deeper into your self deprecating thoughts. It was difficult to pull yourself out when there was nothing else or knowone else to distract you.
Your thoughts silenced as a screaming pile of bedsheets fell down the chute landing with a hard thud.
The fabric shifted and you spotted familiar brown curls pop out followed by Willy’s head. “I can’t wait for that to be over,” you heard him say as he grunted while climbing out from the chute.
“Willy…” you let out, more surprised than anything to see him. 
“Come with me, we’re getting you out of here,” he declared, running up to you without wasting a beat, “we already gathered everyone else, so let’s go.”
He runs back to the chute, waving for you to come over and you do so. Willy prepares an empty cloth bag as well as some laundry so you have a gentler landing and he then pats the empty spot. 
You prop yourself up occupying the chute and with your legs bent you hug them close as he scrambles to tug the bag up over your legs.
Thinking about it now, your wandering beliefs were all so idiotic, but for some reason in that moment, you couldn’t stop them from slipping past your lips.
“I thought you were going to leave me behind,” you chuckled. 
You meant for it to sound as just a childish passing statement but Willy immediately paused his movements, his arms coming to rest on both sides of the chute around your legs. 
“I’d never leave you behind,” he voiced.
It was impossible to stop a tiny shy smile from spreading onto your lips, “yeah, I know but, I don’t know it was just a passing thought.”
“Hey,” he lowered himself to meet you at eye level as you sat, “I would never leave you behind,” he repeated his statement from earlier, his tone soft and delicate yet firm.
It was a simple phrase, but coming from him it meant something to you. 
A new concern popped into your head, “wait, what about the contract?” You questioned, suddenly worried about the consequences that would follow. 
Willy replied with a smile that told you he already had an answer ready, “don’t worry about that, we have a plan.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to trust the boy before he wrapped your head tying a simple knot.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” he said, giving your leg an affectionate pat before sending you on your way out.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
Okay so Fem!reader shes the product of Mrs.Scrubbit and Mr.Bleacher’s one night stand (they were really drunk) and instead of being like them she is a kind girl and helps the people who are in the Landry shoot and she was there when Willy presented his items and liked him for his silly ideas and Willy saw her and was shock to see a beautiful girl like her and only to see her again after her “parents” imprisoned him and she was there to greet him when he went down the shoot and she apologizes for her parents greed and tries her best to help him (also Mrs.scrubbit is a little nicer to fem!reader because well that’s her daughter but is still cruel to her)
𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝒾𝓀ℯ 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓂
Taglist: @kpopgirlbtssvt
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You and Noodle had stopped to watch the man's intriguing show. Scrubbit’s laundry could wait, you thought.
You smiled and laughed when he grabbed your hand, inviting you to try one of his chocolates. He smiled widely at you, and he felt his heart skip a beat when he took a good look at you.
You were beautiful, your smile, everything about you seemed like a dream come true.
You were going to eat it when out of nowhere, the chocolate cartel came. They had tried it, saying they disliked it. They then had started to float in the air, and you and noodle looked in shock at the man.
He tipped his hat to the crowd, and the police soon came, making you and noodle quickly move and go back to your work.
You pushed the cart of laundry around, you both laughed in disbelief.
“That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.” You said.
“Wait… I think that was the man who came in yesterday.” She realized, you furrowed your eyebrow in confusion. “While you were out, another man, or the one you just saw, came in and signed the contract. I tried to warn him.”
You sighed, shaking your head to yourself. “Another one?”
She nodded, as you both walked then once reached it, brought the laundry down. Then going down with the others.
“So, what happened today?” They always asked after trips outside.
“Not much. We did see one interesting man, but Noodle thinks he signed the contract last night. His name was.. something Wonka." You said, shrugging. Noodle left to go finish up.
Just as you were saying that a man had fallen down the chute and into the laundry. He looked at you all back, confused and lost.
"You must be Mr. Wonka."
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Abacus Crunch. Chartered accountant. At least I was. Now, uh..." He stood up.
"He runs the place. And you best do what he says, or you answer to me." A women interrupted.
"Piper Benz." She offered her hand and helped him out from the laundry. "Plumber by trade."
"This is Miss Lottie Bell."
"She doesn't talk much."
"This is y/n." He motioned to you, you smiled again and he quickly recognized you.
"I liked your ideas. Glad to meet you, properly."
"You too.." he said, a small smile on his face.
"And I'm Larry Chucklesworth, Comedian." Another man said.
"They got you all too, did they?"
"I'm afraid so. We were in need of a cheap place to stay and neglected to read the small print."
"One moment of stupidity followed by endless regret."
He looked around, "There's got to be some way out of here."
"You don't think we've tried? There's bars on the windows, and a dog by the door."
"And even if you could get out, that contract is water tight."
"If you're not here at roll call, she'll call the police and they'll bring you right back, then charge you 1000 for the inconvenience."
He yelped when the dog barked at him, and the others got back to work. You stayed and eyed the man coming down the stairs.
"I can show you around." You said quickly, before Abacus had the chance. "If you'd like."
"He's on suds." Abacus said, you nodded and led him there.
"I'm sorry, about my parents by the way." You said as you rolled the cart.
He quirked an eyebrow at you. He didn't know who you were talking about.
"I'm sorry?"
"Oh, right. Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher are my parents. They'll do anything to get and save money." You said with a frown.
"Their you parents?" He was shocked, it seemed unbelieveable.
"You're nothing like them. You're..."
You looked at him now, curious as to what he would say now. He swallowed the lump in his throat nervously. "Never mind."
You continued to show him his job there. Then after a while, the whistle was blown. You all headed out, Willy talked a bit about his work, and you told him a bit more about yourself.
Then you were all sent to your rooms, you stayed with Willy, however, when you noticed he wasn't entering. You also saw Noodle coming in and waved to her. She waved back, and you motioned to the room.
"Told you to read the small print." Noodle said. He smiled slightly as he continued to stare out the window.
"Slight problem with that."
"You can't read? You asked him.
"I focus my studies almost exclusively on chocolate."
"I see."
"For everything else, I've relied on the kindness of strangers." He said, his gaze fixed on you as he said the words. You gave him a small smile.
"And look where thats got you." She said.
"This is the staff quarters. I like to decorate them all, makes it feel a lot less prison-y. Here." You said, handing him a small potted plant, the green contrasting to the gloomy room. He smiled at it, looking at it.
"You've got a bed." Noodle said, and he was going to sit on it but it collapsed.
"You had a bed..”
“Desk, and a wash basin/toilet." She continued.
And after a bit of talking between you, Willy and Noodle, you thought of a plan to help him.
“I could sneak you out. During the day, when I take the laundry. She doesn’t look over me so much as she does the others, they trust me.”
“That’s perfect.” He smiled, clapping his hands.
He found himself slowly becoming infatuated with you, not realizing it until the three of you were about to drown in chocolate.
He quickly confessed right before his head went under, and you didn’t get the chance to talk until the three of you were on the floor again.
You both stared at each other for a while, standing close to each other. Your hands reached up to cup his face, your thumb moved some of the chocolate from his lips and you captured his lips in a kiss.
His hands went to your hips, and you both got lost in each other until Noodle cleared her throat.
“Noodle! I forgot you were there.” You laughed nervously, you both turned to her, he was blushing and you could feel you cheeks heating up.
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takenbypeter · 8 months
Hey! Could you do a Wonka x fem! Reader where she is trying to get a party together for Willy (for his birthday or any big day you can think of) and stretch’s herself to thin causing her to get ill but is still running around like a headless chicken for him despite Willy telling her not to
(Basically frozen fever the more I think about it🤣🤣💛💛💛🤣🤣🤣)
Too Sick To Celebrate
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 1253
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You were fine. It was all fine. Everything was fine. 
Is what you told yourself as you felt a cold chill run down your body while you blew your nose into a tissue. 
You woke up that morning feeling nothing unusual excluding a few coughs here and there plus a scratchy throat. 
But by the time you’ve finished setting up decorations for the celebration that you’ve been planning, what was originally just a tiny cough and scratchy throat, turned into shivers and a runny nose. 
But nothing was going to ruin this day.
“Yes, that looks perfect right there,” you announced, having Piper and Abacus finish setting the last of the chairs. 
“He is going to be so thrilled,” you whispered, clapping your hands together in admiration of the way it all was coming together, that is until you let out a not-so-pretty sneeze.
“Ugh,” you groaned, wiping your nose with a tissue you had handy in your pocket. 
“That didn’t sound so good,” came a voice from beside, causing you to flinch at the unexpected comment. 
“Oh geez Lottie,” you breathed out, placing a hand on your chest to relax, “you frightened me.”
She shares an apologetic smile, “that happens. But you don’t sound too good. Is everything alright?”
You waved your hand motioning it was no big deal, “I’m fine, just a little cold but it’s fine, thank you.”
Lottie opened her mouth but was interrupted by another voice that came from behind.
“What’s going on here?” 
Smile tugging at your lips you turned around to face the young man. 
Willy Wonka. 
He was just about the most spectacular chocolatier you’ve ever met. With his skills, plus his passion and positivity, he’s managed to help you all in your escape from Mrs.Scrubbit and her wily contract. It was funny to think that only recently you were held captive by the old bat, and now, just a week later here you were celebrating a successful opening followed by a successful week of Wonka’s own shop. 
“What are you doing here? You’re ruining the surprise,” you directed towards the boy.
Now the party was no secret so he was aware of it all, but he also was aware that you specifically told him not to help, being that the party was essentially for him. But of course knowing Willy wasn’t one to sit back and let others do the work, you’ve planned ahead telling him the incorrect time that you all were starting, yet somehow here he was, still earlier than agreed. 
“Why are you here so early?” You questioned.
“Well, for one I knew you’d get here early, so I figured I’d come and help,” he glanced around at the practically finished decorations, “but I see I underestimated you.”
“That you did,” you said before another sneeze escaped your mouth. 
“Woah, that sounds bad.”
“It’s fine,” you guaranteed turning your back to Willy, but he circled around leaning his face inches from yours, “and your cheeks, they’re darker than usual,” he pointed out, but you just shook your head dismissing the thought, “it’s cold outside, that’s why.” 
You rotate away from him again, ignoring the shivers and the warm feeling that you were beginning to feel spread across your face, “I have to go get the cake!” You announced, allowing the others to hear, but Willy quickly placed himself in front of you. Pulling his scarf off he steadily wrapped it around your neck making sure it was nice and snug. 
“I’ll get the cake, you head inside.”
You rejected his offer without a single thought, “this party is for you Willy. I’m getting the cake,” and with that you marched off but Willy continued to follow close behind.
With big strides, you hurried to get to your destination while a cough did its best to fight its way out. 
“What’s the hurry?” He ran, catching up to your pace.
“There’s no hurry, I just want to get the…the…achoo! Cake,” you finished, managing to catch the sneeze in your arm.
Thinking back on it now, maybe having the party outside in this weather wasn’t the most ideal decision.
Despite his best efforts in suggesting your return back, you successfully pick up the dessert and begin your journey back. 
It was halfway through the trip back that you began to feel slightly dizzy. Shifting direction you reached out for a nearby bench, pausing to take a break. 
The chocolatier sat beside you with a concerned expression decorated on his face, “this won’t do. Let’s postpone the party, your health comes first.”
With your eyes lightly shut, you reply to the man, “we already prepared everything, if we cancel it now, everyone will just be disappointed. I’m alright, I just need a second.” After a moment of ease you propped yourself up, “onwards to the celebration!” You shout trying to lift the spirits. 
Wonka once again followed behind, worried for your health but knowing in your stubbornness to listen. 
Putting on your best face, you made it to the celebration. “Wait here,” you instructed, facing him away from the finished layout.
Once you’ve placed down the cake and everyone settled into position, you told him to turn around. 
“Surprise!” Shouted the collective group of voices as he spun around. And taking in the sight a grin from ear to ear spread along his face. Despite him seeing most of the decor before, he still managed to appear genuinely surprised. “This is spectacular!” 
“Well, we just wanted to show our appreciation for you Mr.Wonka,” said Abacus speaking on behalf of everyone.
“None of this could’ve happened without you all of course. Don’t just stand there, mingle, enjoy yourselves,” he ordered and no one hesitated to do so. 
Willy gazed around the small group, a smile still prominent on his face until he spotted you. 
You were propped on a chair a little ways away, blowing your nose into a tissue. His eyebrows lowered in thought with his lips pushed together and after a short whisper to Piper, he headed in your direction. 
“Come on, let's get you out of here.”
You shook your head, “but the party,” you breathed out.
“Your health is my main priority right now. If you stay out here in the cold it’ll only get worse.”
You pressed your own lips together, mirroring his expression from earlier.
“I already told Piper, she’s agreed to take care of the cleanup.” He extended a hand towards you and although hesitant you took hold, knowing he was truthfully, right. 
Despite your initial protests during the day, you were thankful to the man, not just for today but for all he’s done since you’ve met him. 
And you made sure to let him know.
“You are a wondrous man,” you stated as he covered you with a quilt, making sure to tuck the fabric in on both sides.
“It helps to have such wondrous people beside you.”
Once again, he refused to take his credit, yet another thing you admire about him. 
“I’m sorry I ruined today,” you whispered, eyes beginning to shut as the warmth from your own bed was starting to overtake. 
“Are you kidding? Today was splendid.”
“Your words are too kind.”
“Kind people are deserving of kind words.”
You smiled weakly, unable to banter back. 
With a few gentle pats on your head Willy leaned back allowing you to rest. 
You didn’t know how but you were going to make it up to him. 
You were sure of that.
Accepting requests for Wonka just read my rules first plz 😉✨🍫
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takenbypeter · 5 months
hiii! can i request a chalamet!wonka x fem!reader where they’re childhood best friends and have grown up on the ship together and get stuck at scrubbit’s together?? and willy is super upset he got them into this mess and they’re stuck in own room (with one bed 🤭🤟) and fluff and confessions happen
Share This Moment With Me
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 1728
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You couldn’t believe this.
5 years together on the ocean and even then you had your own cabin, but of course, at this small inn where you’ve been trapped the only room they claimed available was a single.
Now you didn’t blame the boy for spending all the sovereigns, you didn’t blame the boy for even finding this place, and to be fair you signed the contract without reading correctly either, so partially it was your fault as well, but what’s done was done and it couldn’t be changed. You were gradually coming to terms with that.
Willy not so much.
There he was pacing back and forth as you sat in the chair, your chin in your hand watching the man practically unravel in front of you.
“Sit down,” you breathed slightly annoyed at his trance, but he ignored and kept his pace. He walked back and forth muttering to himself with his hand raised and a fingernail between his teeth.
You had to do something, you couldn’t let him drive himself insane, or rather you insane. Blurting a “Willy!” You advance to the poor boy and placing your hands on both sides of his shoulders you push down, seating him on the mattress behind that barely looked clean. “Sit down, take a breather. What’s done is done,” you instruct calmly.
He peers up at you, his big brown eyes wide, “how are you so calm right now?”
You remove your hands from him, a tranquil tone present in your voice, “I’m not, but one of us has to keep it together.”
He threw his head in his hands, shaking it disappointedly, “I can’t believe I got us into this mess.”
“Hey, hey, you’re not the only one I could’ve taken a closer look at the contract.”
“I promised you a better life and look where it’s got us stuck.”
You pressed your lips thin at his pessimistic words. Giving up? This was unlike him, you didn’t like it. “It’s alright. Everything will be fine,” you said and he just sat there unmovable. “This isn’t like you,” you said, shocked at how dull your friend appeared.
“What happened to your positivity?”
Without answering your query he stands abruptly and heads for the door, “I’m going to ask again if they have two rooms.”
“Willy, even if they had one they’re not going to give it to us, that’s clear.”
He stopped hand frozen on the door handle because honestly you were right, just from that one experience with Mrs.Scrubbit and Mr. Bleacher, it was obvious they cared not a lick about comfortability that’s for sure.
“Come on, it’s late, let’s just get some rest. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”
At your mention of rest you noticed his expression contort a little, it was quick but it was an expression you couldn’t quite name.
“You take the bed, I’ll find comfort on the floor,” you offer but he quickly denied it. “Are you kidding? You take the bed, I'll take the floor.”
“If you take the floor I’ll just join you on the floor.”
“Fine, then let’s both just take the bed.”
Willy pulls up the blankets that cover the bed, first the heavy one then the light one. You grab the light one while he climbs in and you push the heavy one more to his side.
Shutting off the light you climb in next and throw the light blanket over your body. Laying with your back to the boy and his to yours, you realize just how small the bed actually is.
Trying to ignore the knowledge of his body practically touching yours you pull your blanket tighter, instead focusing on how cold the night was.
That obviously was no help because now your body was just cold, you tried your best to conceal the feeling but no matter how hard you thought you couldn’t stop your body from shivering.
No doubt noticing your shivers, you feel a weight land over you, and you pull the heavy quilt over you and up to your chin.
Five minutes go by.
Fifteen minutes go by.
Twenty minutes go by and you’re still awake and alert.
You knew it wasn’t the cold keeping you up, in fact you were warm now, very warm. Now of course the quilt was keeping you warm but that didn’t explain the warmth you were beginning to feel in your cheeks, no that was caused but the knowledge of Willy Wonka’s body mere centimeters from yours.
You’ve known the boy since you were practically a child, it’s safe to say you’ve had your fair share of a crush on the boy. However, it was always one that would come and go and you’d like to think you had control over your feelings. However it was hard, when you were in such a situation like this.
You wait a few more minutes, but then you feel his body move no doubt turning around as you hear and feel the creak of the bed frame. “Can’t sleep?” You ask.
“No, can you?” You hear from behind and you turn, making your own creaking noises as you shift to face him. “No.”
You lay across from each other, face to face, staring as the light from the moon peeks through the window illuminating his facial features just enough for you to see.
You’re looking into his brown eyes while he does the same to you. You gaze over his features, his curls, his eyes, his nose, his lips, back to his eyes.
“Are you thinking about this whole mess again?” You finally ask.
“Then what are you thinking about?”
He was silent, his eyes remaining on you.
“Willy, you’ve gotten into plenty of trouble before, what’s going on?” You ask, genuinely concerned for the boy and his thoughts. It was not healthy to be thinking so negatively.
“Yeah, but It’s easy to be optimistic and positive when it’s just me I have to take care of, but now I’ve roped you into this mess and who knows what will happen?” You lay in silence because he was right, who knows what will happen? “I asked you to come with me, I’m supposed to keep you safe. I just don’t want to be the reason someone I care so deeply about gets hurt.”
That was a lot to take in, he wants to keep you safe? He cares about you deeply?
“How am I supposed to imagine the future if I can’t even keep you safe in the present? “
“The future?”
He must’ve revealed something carelessly because in the next moment you could make out how his eyebrows knitted together and he sat up, “I have to get up,” he says and you sit up as well allowing him to scooch out from the bed and walk around, pacing as he did before.
“You picture us in the future together?”
“Well yeah, of course, I can’t imagine my future without you.”
The warmth that was only in your cheeks, spread, now affecting your whole face.
“Good, cause I can’t imagine a future without you,” you repeat, causing his nervous paces to slow.
“You do?” He asks, appearing to be in disbelief.
“What do you picture our future like?”
You shrug suddenly growing shy, “what do you picture our future like?”
It seemed like this back and forth would never end.
“Okay, I can’t do this anymore,” he waves his arms around like a lunatic, “I have something to say,” he announces as if you hadn’t been listening. But just to show how in tune you were, you pushed against the bed positioning yourself closer to the edge to show you were paying close attention.
He froze, looking at you for a moment before beginning to pace again. “Just say it!” You urged tired of waiting for an answer.
He interlocks his hands together, tapping his pointer finger against his knuckles, “alright, I’m going to say something, and I don’t want this to ruin anything, because I value our friendship so much.”
You could practically see where this was going, he was just taking too long to get there.
“I mean we’ve been friends for so long, I wouldn’t want to do anything to cause damage to that,” unable to take the suspense any longer you do you both a favor and utter, “I like you.”
His mouth closes, quiet, while you contort your face into an embarrassed expression. It was hard to make Willy speechless but it seemed like you’ve just about done it. “I don’t just like you, I have feelings for you…” still, silence. “…romantic ones,” you add hoping that would knock him out of his apparent coma.
But it didn’t.
“Ahem,” you cough out, eyes now averted from his as you wonder if you’ve misread the whole situation. It can’t be, right?
You don't have too much time to think of it, because luckily he finds his words, “I like you too.” You finally peer back at him and he sits beside you on the bed. “I mean I have romantic feelings for you.”
A smile sneaked onto your face, but his still remains upset, “but now you’re stuck here with me, and it’s my fault.” Reaching over, you take his hand, “Willy, I’ve told you over and over again, it’s alright. Plus there’s no one I’d rather get stuck with than you.”
He let out a single laugh, “that sounds ridiculous.”
“Yeah well I happen to know of a chocolatier who loves ridiculous things, oh wait that’s you…” you say laughing at your own words, and of course your laugh causes him to laugh.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“So I guess you love me,” you meant it to be jokingly and lighthearted but you said it without thinking. You expected him to brush it off but apparently he was giving it much thought as he looked at you earnestly.
“I guess I do.”
This time, Willy didn’t hesitate. He tilted forward until his mouth met yours. It was a long awaited and lingering kiss between you two. One that left butterflies in your stomach as he smiled against your lips keeping his forehead pressed against yours.
“Oh I’m definitely going to have a hard time going to sleep now,” you joked while he laughed again, reattaching his lips to yours.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
So I’m the anon that requested the daughter of Mrs.Scrubbit & Mr.Bleacher and I just have to say I love it it’s sooo good thank you
yayyy! I’m so glad you love it, ofc!!
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