that-cia-agent · 6 months
Nardeth: Meeting Abraytha was fun I liked Abraytha let's go back to Abraytha
Mrellin: you literally spent the whole time cowering
Zerlan: and I nearly died.
Nardeth: mmm
Mrellin: you're drunk again, aren't you. *Crosses arms and turns away*
Nardeth: pthhh no! So what if I am? What's the big deal? Mrelly, come on, what's the problem?
Mrellin: don't. I can't do this right now.
Nardeth: Mrell-
Mrellin: just don't. *Walks away. Zerlan doesn't know what to do*
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jillthecia-agent · 3 months
Huh. Just got a call from Mrell... Haven't heard from her in a while. She's been digging around something about temporal distortion. No one planet-side is inclined to be helpful - big surprise.
Wouldn't usually post this, but I'm starting to realise that no one seems to care enough to reprimand me.
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torchwoodpropaganda · 3 months
Hey, I've still got some contacts back in various government departments on Gallifrey, if you want me to try digging around, see if I can't find out what's going on with your weird time stuff?
-Mrellin from @that-cia-agent
Wow, haven’t heard from you lot in a while.
If you think you can find something, go for it.
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thienvaldram · 8 months
The Book of the Snowstorm – Readthrough/Review Part 8
Framing Story (Scenes 19-21)
Oh so Deadline didn’t cause the Snowstorm. Also nice implication that our world is just part of the Fantastical Realm invented by Coloth. So now the mystery really comes down to who the hell Guy-Who-Is-Not-Auteur really is, why he’s so desperate for a way out and what the Snowstorm itself actually is. It seems I’m getting pretty close to the ending but idk.  
Just Dropping In
Nice short Jenny Everywhere story. (She really does like popping up everywhere doesn’t she). Not too much to say about it tbh, was just fun.
Conspiracy-1263 and the Christmas Conspiracy
Ok so this is my first experience with the Crew of Copper Coloured Cupids (Other than Abstract Tales) and I must say it’s a very fun setting. A whole Tomato themed brainwashing plan and the way the Cupids are named and characterised make for a very whimsical setting. And the way the story encourages you to doubt Conspiracy because of… well, the name, and insist he’s being paranoid about the tomatoes only for it to turn out to be accurate is a nice ‘twist’ so to speak. Enjoyed this one.
Our Bleak Midwinter
Enjoyed this piece. Abby, a child dreaming of a better future, and three Time Lords, bring down a big business. Eos 6 was a nice setting for a story and I really liked Nardeth, Mrellin and Zerlan, they had a fun dynamic. Appreciated the few references to DW proper too like the sonic screwdriver, those were fun. The vague allusions to the Cosmic War and general descriptions of the Lightbringers were also done really well.
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(Nardeth @that-cia-agent ) hey, do you want to hang out some time? I'm feeling kind of lost, and you were sort of my first friend (apart from Mrellin). Also I have monopoly!
I'd love to play Monopoly! Loss told me all about it, I'll bring the knives!
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that-cia-agent · 2 years
What the hell
Who gave Nardeth ginger
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that-cia-agent · 9 months
Oh, wow, we haven't posted on here in so long... So much has happened... We just left Eos 6, and then Zerlan found something on the database he stole from the CIA...
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that-cia-agent · 1 year
Mrellin: Hey Nardy, Zerlan hacked the CIA account! Let's post something.
Nardeth: Hang on, isn't that the thing Jill works on? Won't she get in trouble?
Mrellin: There's like, five other people on that account. She'll be fine.
Zerlan: Plus if they really investigate it, they'll be able to tell it's been hacked, don't worry
Nardeth: Oh, okay.
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that-cia-agent · 2 years
Is Jillian... Protecting people? I didn't think... Huh.
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that-cia-agent · 7 months
Hey @the-master-of-space-and-time we just got a new games console- do you want to see if you can still beat me at mario kart?
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that-cia-agent · 2 years
Nardeth: I'm going to buy a holographic skirt!
Nardeth: *comes back with this*
Tumblr media
That's not holographic, Nardy! -Mrellin
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that-cia-agent · 5 months
My hair's starting to get pretty long- Mrell has some hairbands. Anyone have any cool hairstyles I should try out?
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that-cia-agent · 1 year
Fact file: Nardeth's regeneration
*Nardeth is lying prone on the floor, drab pencil skirt shimmering slightly as the regeneration energy builds beneath. They shiver as the regeneration takes hold. It is a passive one, their body encased in light in a sort of implosion, rather than exploding outwards and destroying everything like some Time Lords they could mention. The yellow-white light recedes, but their skin is still slightly luminescent, as the regeneration will take some hours to stabilise. Their body shape has barely changed- perhaps their frame is very slightly slimmer or more triangle-shaped, and they may be a few millimetres taller or shorter, but as they are still on the floor, this is difficult to tell. The real change is their face- same shape, still pointy with high cheek bones, but now their skin is clearer to highlight this shape, with their eyes large and doe-ey. Eyelids flutter to show light brown irises, once, twice, then they still, asleep. Their chest is larger, protruding upwards more than their last body, and their hair is now a reddish caramel of messy ringlets, flopping about their slightly pointed ears. Very different from their previous straight blonde-brown hair, and quite possibly growing as you watch, so it comes to nestle around their face.
Meanwhile, everything around them is chaos. The Doctor is trying to calm Mars down whilst avoiding the sparking TARDIS console, which is now buzzing urgently with messages from Mrellin and Zerlan, who received an alert that their TARDIS was sort of on fire.
Fact file ends*
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torchwoodpropaganda · 2 months
(from @that-cia-agent ) so, do you still need help with your, yano, time problem? Because I think I've managed to convince someone I used to know to come and have a poke around, if you need. They're kind of an expert on these things.
- Mrellin
Respectfully, I’d rather deal with this without outside interference unless necessary. And I don’t see a need for outside interference at this moment.
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that-cia-agent · 2 years
So uhhh *hic* I'm cut off apparently. Mrellin found me. Fuck.
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that-cia-agent · 1 month
Is your main weapon surprise and fear?
Hey, I left, okay?? I'm a renegade now! My main weapons are Mrellin's fists!!! (I have no muscles)
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