#mr solidarity gaming that is not very pg of you
me1-atonin · 2 years
ok but the way that i wasn’t even shocked at joel asking jimmy for a child but i WAS shocked at jimmy placing the bed down and taking off his diamond leggings
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fineillsignup · 3 years
Mr. Love: Queen Is Not Allowed To Make That Choice
On Twitter I've been RTing a lot about the situation re: the firing of Jonah Scott (a voice actor) by Mr. Love: Queen's Choice's dev/localizer because of his Tweeting "Taiwan is a country."
Short summary of the issue:
Jonah Scott tweeted "Taiwan is a country" on June 3rd as part of the backlash against John Cena
almost immediately some Chinese fans screencapped and complained to Elex/Paper Games
in less than 24 hours from Jonah Scott's Tweet, on June 4th, the official MLQC Twitter and Facebook accounts announced that he was not only being fired but that all his content would be scrubbed from the game, meaning that Victor (one of 4 main love interests) would be voiceless
about 12 hours after that, Joe Zieja and Sean Chiplock, who voiced two of the other three main characters, announced that they would not voice their characters in protest at Scott's firing, because Scott did not violate anything in his contract
The official accounts of MLQC deleted their Tweet about firing Jonah Scott. However they did nothing else until June 7th, where they began Tweeting again, including the following: "Dear producers, Mr Love has just completed the update. Step into Loveland and check what's new in Mr Love! Don't forget to claim the maintenance compensation in your mailbox (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ New Chap 33-34 [Tracks of Light] is open now!!!! Use your power to open the curtain of the future. Please note that the voices for Victor, Gavin and Kiro are only available in text. New voice materials will be added in the future. Contact the CS team if you got any problem. Thank you for your understanding and support. MLQC Team" (emphasis mine) And that was all!
From then until now, the MLQC official accounts have continued to act like nothing unusual is happening even though 3/4ths of the love interests are now silent.
I uninstalled the game as soon as I learned about Jonah Scott's firing, in solidarity, much like Joe Zieja and Sean Chiplock.
Some people are saying that the Chinese government requires MLQC to do this (debatable, and in my opinion far more likely that Paper Games is motivated primarily by Chinese public opinion which can be very high on this issue). Regardless of whether it does or not, I am unwilling to cooperate with this behaviour. This is not just a matter of free speech but of labour rights. Moreover, the product itself that they are selling me had most of its value from the amazing voice performances of these actors. The unprofessional way that they were dispensed with is grotesque.
I won't be deleting any of my MLQC fics, but I will not be making anymore content for the fandom except for finishing For Your Own and the Greater Good which is a novel about overthrowing a despot. Make of that what you will.
Also if anyone wants to interact with this post to whine about how "you're going to kill the server uwu", fuck all the way off. If PG and Elex can't play by international cultural norms, then they can't expect to get money from international customers. Too bad for them. Stop simping for a company, it's embarrassing.
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Welcome to my blog! If you’re new here or need some catching up, here’s some of my important info!
Who’s Who!
Michael Afton
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23, Demiboy, he/him, homoflexible, polyamorous
Michael is the son of William Afton, twin brothers with Red, and has two younger siblings: Elizabeth and Crying Child. He is the older brother in FNaF 4, Eggs Benedict in Sister Location, and the guard in FFPS. Thanks to Officialverse shenanigans, he was brought back to “life” and now lives in the Officialverse with his family and loved ones.
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23, Trans Man, he/him, biromantic, asexual
Fraternal twins with Michael, Scott goes by the nickname “Red” to avoid confusion. He actually came from an AU, and angsts over the fact that he “wasn’t meant to exist”. He’s very overprotective of his brother and really enjoys playing Pokemon. Also has glitch powers, but hardly ever uses them. Red is a Phone Guy, but not to be confused with PG!!!
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Age Unknown, Genderfluid, he/him they/them or she/her, pansexual
Originally the robot that inhabited Michael, Ennard was recently struck with anon magic that turned her human, and he seems to be permanately this way. Their personally tends to be all over the place due to being made of four different robots, but “mischevious” always seems to describe him well. She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Michael.
Sasha Catter “Beans” Afton-Cawthon
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Michael’s cat! Also lives with Scott, hence the same last name. She was adopted from a shelter.
The Night Shift
My interpretations of the night guards from Michael’s timeline, they’re open for questions but aren’t featured often on this blog.
It would be way too many images to go through, so go through their tag if you’d like artwork!
Phone Guy(PG): 30, Transmale, he/him, homosexual
Jeremy Fitzgerald: 25, Male, he/him, bisexual
Mike Schmidt: 21, Male, he/him, homosexual
Fritz Smith, 35, Male, he/him, pansexual
Li DeLacey, 31, Transfemale, she/her, heterosexual
Brandon Fischer(PD), 28, Nonbinary, they/them, aromantic asexual
Mahsa Smith(Cassette Girl), 34, Female, she/her, pansexual
Jonas(OC), 30, Male, he/him, polysexual
Terrence(OC), 30, Male, he/him, bisexual
Kiki(OC), 29, Female, she/her, lesbian
Scatter A. Patter
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20, Transmale/Genderfluid, he/him, homoflexible asexual
The mod of the blog and as such, sometimes appears to mess around with Michael. Doesn’t interfere much, but occasionally goofs off with Michael and Ennard.
Important people in Mike’s life!
William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap: Michael’s father and antagonist of the series. There are numerous Williams in the Officialverse, and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Mrs. Afton: Michael’s mother. Jennifer in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Mrs. Afton
Red: Michael’s twin brother, explained above.
Crying Child: Michael’s younger brother. Anthony in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Crying Child and always tries to make up for his mistakes.
Elizabeth/Baby: Michael’s younger sister. He’s forgiven Baby for the events of SL and FFPS and still loves her as a sister.
Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. There are multiple Henries in the Officialverse and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Jack Kennedy has been adopted as a brother to Mike and Red, and they treat each other like family.
Dave Miller is Jack’s husband, making him Michael’s brother-in-law.
Henry Miller is a stinky piece of shit who adopted Dave Miller and tried to adopt Mike and Red too but he’s just- he’s a stinky!!!
Significant Others
Michael is polyamorous, so he can have multiple partners at once!
Sammy Lawrence: Michael has been dating Sammy for a few months now, and are unafraid to admit their love for each other. Mike wants to propose, but he’s still struggling to even get a ring.
Scott/Animdude: Both Michael and Scott have admitted to loving each other, live together, and certainly act very romantic around each other, though I’m pretty sure they STILL never made it official despite totally being boyfriends.
Phone Guy: Michael and PG have a thing for each other, and have gone on dates before, though this is merely the PG from Michael’s timeline, and does not have an Officialverse counterpart, so their relationship is pretty non-existant on this blog.
Oh, Michael is also extremely gay for Percy.
Ennard: Explained above, Michael and his Ennard are in a Queerplatonic relationship. For other Ennards in the Officialverse, Michael treats them as if they were a sibling.
Charlie Emily: Charlie and Michael grew up together, and have remained best friends this whole time. True wlw mlm solidarity.
Shawn Flynn: … Okay no they’re not friends. Actually Shawn is Michael’s enemy after Ink Stains(see below), and they hate each other… though, Michael is extremely empathetic to Shawn’s suffering.
These events are either ongoing or have happened in the past and left a lasting impact on Michael
Ink Stains: An event run by Drew Studios in which Shawn Flynn is the antagonist, using ink to corrupt everyone into a hivemind-like state. Michael along with a few others have banded together to reverse the effects and return everyone to normal.
Wandering is a Terrible sin: The aftermath of ink stains, in which Sammy and Michael attempt to find Joey while Shawn plots again.
The Joy of Creation: An au ran with Animdude, following the events of The Joy of Creation: Story Mode. Never finished!(If you just want art and general content!)
Mike and Scott go to Hell: Scott gets killed, goes to lakeside hell, Michael goes after him, feels ensue.
Human!Ennard: Ennard gets turned human for an m!a… turns out that ended up becoming permanent.
Family au: An au where Michael gets a twin brother, a fellow Phone Guy named Scott. … Then I gave Scott the nickname “Red” and now he’s a permanent member of the blog. WHOOPS.
Various Tags!
Art Tag: My art!(also related- my animatic, my edits, my moodboards, my audio, my stimboard)
Mike plays….: When I play various games like DSaF 2, DSaF 3, and FNaF World Redacted!
Fanart: When people draw things for me! My personal favorite tag!
Squad up!: When I draw other characters/officials- typically in a squad!
Batim stuff: Tag for Bendy and the Ink Machine content!
Sness Blunderall: Sans Undertale-themed shitposts
Big Fav: Tag for personal favorite posts
Ship/Relationship tags: Sammy/Lawrafton, Scott/Smike, PG/MichaelPhone
Animation Weekend: I like cartoons. Featuring Drew Studios Saturday and Disney Sunday
Henry Fan Club: Started off as a fun little rp thing, ended up becoming a discord server.
Aesthetic/Musings: For Aesthetical blog fun!
Stimmy Stuff: I’m just really ADHD so I keep all of my stimboards here!!!
Kin-etic energy: Harmless fun for fnaf fictionkin!
Other Blogs!
Main Blog
Art Blog
Sammy Lawrence T-Poses
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amateurscribes · 5 years
A quick warm-up scene, and essentially a sneak peek for the upcoming Pg. 42 Ln. 5, ‘The Brush of Death’ so uh, enjoy? (This takes place around chapter two of the fic from what my notes are suggesting):
"May I have this dance," an unknown man steps forward, causing Grif to quickly let go of Simmons' hands. Although the man didn't say a name, his hand is outstretched towards him and he only has eyes for Grif.
Now he has a choice here, he can either turn down the stranger and likely accidentally cause a scene which would be bad press or he could plaster on a fake smile and be as cordial as can be.
He shares a quick look with Simmons, and there's a strange look in the other hero's eyes, but nonetheless, he starts to walk towards the refreshment table saying, "I'll meet up with you later, Phantasmagoria."
Well, it's not like anyone could say that he wasn't trained by the 'best' manager. The choice- if it could be called that- was decisively clear.
They were here to entertain and entertainment was something he could do.
"Right," Grif nods at him, before looking back at the stranger. "Nice to meet you, Mr...?"
"Temple," the man supplies. "But you can just call me Mark."
Oh, that's why Simmons had gotten that look. This was the judge in charge of hero affairs for the Justice Bureau.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Grif lies. It was never a pleasure to meet any of these annoying higher-ups. They were always so stiff- especially if they were involved with the law.
Nothing good ever came out of lawyers or judges or politicians or the rest of their ilk.
"Believe me, the pleasure's all mine," the judge said. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, you agreed to a dance?"
As much as he loathed taking the other man's hand, he was very much aware of the eyes that were suddenly turning to them.
Fucking charity balls. Gossip spread quicker than the goddamn plague.
So he took the other man's hand and let him take the lead, not caring to put too much effort in. It was very easy to just let muscle memory kick in, after all of those lessons Dylan made them attend so that they'd be able to not make bumbling fools of themselves.
Which wasn't all that fair considering that most of them were currently wearing their helmets with suits. The only ones in the Second League who looked moderately passable were him and Simmons, but considering that Simmons was still wearing his ornate crown and him his visor circlet they only barely made the cut.
At least his hair was long enough to braid, poor Simmons had to live with the fact that his crown covered most of his hair leaving only tufts peeking out from under.
"You know," the judge speaks up from what had been an otherwise easy moment to blank out of. "I think your power is the most fascinating."
He nearly stops moving, very nearly tripping in his shock, but once again he relies on muscle memory to not draw attention to the pair.
"You look surprised," the man observes. "Did you think I wouldn't know?"
"Yes," he grits out because no one is supposed to know, that's the whole point, the whole shtick. It's what makes him sell-able to the audience.
"It's only reasonable that I know every detail about you heroes," the man shrugs nonchalantly. "After all, I wouldn't want to deliver a sentence on an innocent man for a crime or a damages fine that he didn't do. And for that, it's pertinent that I know whose powers can do what. You see?"
He doesn't respond to that.
"And yours is very underutilized," the man continues. "Only two limitations, yes? The touch of a human and your own imagination. You still occupy space but there's no timer, no drawback, nothing. Haven't you ever wondered what else you could do?"
"No," he snaps, and it's not a lie. Because he knows exactly the extent of his powers, and some judge acting as if he had hidden potential was very quickly souring his mood.
"I wonder," the judge supplies. "In theory, would you be able to cast an illusion over your own face- your own body even- to make you look like something or someone else?"
Once again, he stills. But then relaxes minutely, because it was a posed question and not an accusation.
So it seemed like he could keep some of his secrets after all.
"In theory," Grif throws the man a bone, hoping to get him to back the fuck off.
The judge lets go of Grif, pausing the dance, and somehow during all of that, they've managed to maneuver towards one of the solidarity corners of the ballroom, the judge with his back to the wall.
Pulling out a photo, well worn, the judge asks, "Do you think you could make yourself look like this man through an illusion?"
Squinting his eyes at the photo, he notices the sharp tear on the side and the leftover arm of someone else. The man in question is smiling brightly, arm wrapped around the torn off person, his bright blond hair being the most notable characteristic.
"I'm going to assume you're not going to leave me alone for the rest of the night unless I try out your theory," Grif glares at the man.
His unctuous smile not leaving his face, the judge says, "Well it couldn't hurt to play along, right?"
Keeping his glare on his face, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a bobby pin. Grabbing his braid, he raises it to his head, quickly loops it in a messy crown and pins it into place. He then runs his hand over the area, turning it blond with a simple gesture, eyes glowing blue.
He stares at the photo some more, before tapping his visor to make disappear from view, and he closes his eyes to make them the grey that he sees in the picture.
It's as he opens them that he sees a longing look bleed onto the judges face.
"Who even is that man," Grif asks, and that seems to shock the judge out of whatever had made him go all distant. "A criminal?"
"Ah, no," the judge says, voice wired with unbridled emotions. "He is... a missing man."
"Oh," he tries to muster up fake sympathy but finds he doesn't quite want to, especially not as he wears the mans face for the moment. "Was he married?"
"Yes," Temple nods his head. "He had a wife and a daughter, but I am afraid that Georgina is... no longer with us."
He's not enough of an idiot to not catch the familiarity that radiates from the man.
"What of the daughter? Are you taking care of her now that both her parents are gone," he asks.
"She's being well taken care of," the man supplies. "Or at least, that's what Mrs. Grey has assured me of."
Letting the illusion slip away, Grif finds that he is way more uncomfortable right now than he had been when Dylan had forced them all into suits earlier that day.
"Well, your theory bears truth," he says. "And you've had your dance. Now if you would excuse me, sir, I'm going to take my leave."
There's a strange look on the judge's face, but he nods saying, "That's only fair. I hope our paths will meet again, Phantasmagoria."
Not staying to give the man a response, he turns around and starts walking towards where Simmons is awkwardly holding a champagne glass.
He needed a stiff drink.
But behind him, the judge still hasn't moved.
And Grif thinks he isn't supposed to hear the man mutter, "Dead shepherd, now I find thy saw of might, who ever loved that loved not at first sight?"
That fucker was a fan of Shakespeare, was he? Fine, two could play at this game.
"I pray you do not fall in love with me. For I am falser than vows made in wine," Grif quotes loud enough for the other man to hear. He smirks a tad as he delivers the next line, "Besides, I like you not."
Shock blossoms onto the judges face, but disappointingly it's not followed by embarrassment. Which, ok, sure thing asshole, don't respond when called out on your creepiness.
Not garnering the reaction he had hoped, he goes to Simmons and the other heroes like he should have done earlier.
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icemaninvestments · 7 years
Free Raqqa to Galway Smacker
Ok season update to see how this years Investment Portfolio is performing
Well there has been a lot happening since my last pre-season post in August. Brextemists working themselves into a frenzy at the lack of Positivity towards their pet project. The Daily Fail and the Torygraph are hellbent on exposing Saboteurs, Traitors and ‘miserable ‘people everywhere who have the audacity to think that on balance Brexit is a pretty shit idea. In the the USA the Narcissist Sociopath is sending out evermore bizarre Tweets exposing his total unfitness to govern. He took a beating in some recent local elections and I can’t wait to see how he reacts to the psychological pressure of the Russia investigation ramping up as his NSA pick General Flynn moves into the spotlight. Watch out for Senate election in Alabama in December. Republicans will probably win but they have handicapped themselves by endorsing an alleged child molester as their candidate.  Ok Football and as usual IceMan is a Premiership freezone so straight in with Championship where Derby County at 9/2 was my promotion pick. Fancy them to be in the shake up and hopefully go up via the play offs. After a shaky start they have shown good recent form and have slipped into a play off spot. Surprisingly they can be backed at 8/1 (ShitePrice). However I am quietly optimistic Derby can give us a good run for our money. League one we have Bradford at 9/2 currently 3/1 (IcePrice). They sit in a comfortable play off slot and had their form against poorer sides been more consistent they could be in an automatic promotion place. This position is performing in line with my expectations. League 2. In the past this division has been a shocker for me so it was a brave shout at the start of the season when I said I had a certainty this year. Well Luton Town do really look like a good thing. They sit on top of a league that has 3 automatic promotion places. Backed at 7/4 they are now 1/3 (IcePrice). Confidence is so high on Luton that I will advance some winnings to Mrs IceMan for the January Sales. She is gonna be proper serious about getting bargains so that I can I bring a suitcase worth of ‘savings’ to the Bhoy in America on my March visit.  Hope to get the Word on the street about Trump from the PA rust belt whilst I am there.
National League. Bit disappointing that Tranmere Rovers confidently backed at 11/8 have had a poor start to the season . Not enough goals and too many draws. Recent form has shown signs of improvement and they have started to move up the table. This is a tough league with only one automatic promotion slot. Tranmere currently sit 4 points outside the play offs and have drifted out to 9/2 (shite price). Not given up them and hope they can sneak into the frame. 
Scotland. My emotional interest in the Scottish Premiership relates to Celtic and as predicted they are set fair for another title. Financial interest in this league relates to second place where I have backed Aberdeen at 11/8 now 4/5 (IcePrice). In fact The 4/5 still looks great value as Aberdeen are 6 points clear of Rangers a team who seem woefully low on confidence. Expect Aberdeen to have a very comfortable margin at seasons end.
Championship went with Dundee United at 2/1 now 11/8 ( IcePrice ) . The Terrors sit on top of the table though it is a very competitive division . As I suggested at the outset this one could go to the wire as little to chose between Dundee United; St. Mirren and Livingston. I am cautiously optimistic but would not be backing them at their current trading price.
League one is playing out as expected. Anticipated it would be a match up between Raith and Ayr.  Ayr at 5/2 representing better value. They are top of the league and trade at 2/1 (IcePrice). A note of caution here is that Raith still remain favourites to win the league.
League two I backed Clyde at 6/1 each way to make top 3. They are having a total Stinker of a season and have drifted to 500/1 (yeah that is not a typo ) this is almost as bad as Orient last year. As mentioned in my pre-season post I was already having cold feet about this one before the season kicked off . I said that if I had delayed then I would have selected Stirling Albion at 12/1 who I regret to say are having a great season. Currently a point off the lead but with a game in hand. This shows that you can’t win them all which is why IceMan does not do accumulators.
Europa League. Forgot to flag up Milan last time . They spent massively pre season investing in some good players . I was happy to get 10/1 and really expected this price to tumble as they Pushed on. Sadly the team is taking time to gel and performances have not been anything special. Despite this they remain 10/1 but I will be pleasantly surprised if I collect on this one.
World Cup. I am on 150/1 outsiders Poland who following a successful qualification campaign are now 50/1 (IcePrice) ‘Dark Horses‘. To be honest I can’t see them winning. However I love having a tournament team at a massive price . Think they are seeded for the Groupings so if Lewandowski stays fit they might go quite deep in this tournament and offer a nice trade out opportunity after the group stages.
Alll is well that ends well for Argentina who made heavy work of qualifying so my 9/1 pick is now best price 8/1 (bit of an IcePrice). Would expect them to at least make the quarter final and give me a tournament interest now that both Irish teams failed to qualify.
Biits and bobs In the GAA we landed a Smacker when Galway won the Hurling championship at 4/1 (IcePrice) only downside was that it increased the popularity in Ireland of the Ed Sheeran ‘Oirish‘ song Galway Girl. As anticipated in the last post my outside Gaelic Football bet on Monaghan ended in a QF loss to eventual winners Dublin who as usual sadly beat my Dad's County of Mayo in the final.
In Tennis I successfully traded out a position on Elina Svitlova 80/1 (IcePrice) to win US open. I unloaded her when her price got down to 12/1 so made a small profit
Got an interest in next years 200 Guineas with Expert Eye at 6/1. Regret that he ran a shocker of a race in his final outing of the season and has drifted to 8/1 (ShitePrice). To be fair his run was too bad to be true and I am hoping he kicks on when fully fit next year. He will need to be 100% as there are some very serious rivals.
What’s New
I have taken a rare Golf position of 6/5 on USA to win the next Ryder Cup. Seems a skinny enough price but some people in the know assure me it will look great value come September next year. IceMan always got a good long game. Massive downside of this bet will be that the USA squad is normally the sporting wing of the Republican Party. Even the PG in chief will try to claim some reflected glory (if he has not resigned by then). On reflection I think I would rather lose.
I am following the markets on the King George Chase at Kempton on Boxing Day maybe my favourite racing day of the year. Last year I landed a spectacular 38/1 winner with Thistlecrack. He will hopefully go again this year but is coming back off a long injury lay off . Has a prep run very soon and trading at 4/1 for Boxing Day. Tempted very Tempted.
Finally I said at start of season that some of this years profits will go towards Kurdish Solidarity which will be needed as much as ever for Rojava reconstruction. In addition Trump and Erdogan in Turkey look set to sell the Kurds out. Who knew.
Ok that is all for now.
IceMan Investment Portfolio. Always. Cooling Off. Period.
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