#mpreg Klaus Hargreeves fanart
klavebies · 3 years
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After being ill for several days with no end in sight, a sleep deprived (and very pregnant) Klaus Hargreeves went to the doctor.
Nothing out of the ordinary, his doctor assured him. Just your typical nausea due to pregnancy, a perfectly common occurrence. And sleep deprivation from difficulty finding comfort—also normal, when you have a watermelon strapped to your midsection!
He was glad to hear he wasn’t actually sick, at least that meant the little bean growing in his tummy would be just fine. His doctor prescribed him anti nausea medication, told him to catch up on some well deserved sleep and sent him on his way.
He knew he looked like shit. Of course he did. He felt like it, too. But the last thing he expected nor needed was to have paparazzi snap photos of him when he was already feeling his worst.
They didn’t know the truth. Hell, they certainly didn’t care, either. Especially when they posted those photos of him holding his prescription with the most blasphemous caption.
“Ex-Hero turned Zero Klaus Hargreeves: Strung out and pregnant!”
He was appalled. And while he knew he shouldn’t be, he couldn’t help the fact that he was ashamed. Yes, he’d been there before.
But not now.
He’d been sober for months prior to their little one even coming into existence, and the idea of anyone placing such blame on him; shaming him for harming his unborn baby when he would never do such a thing?
Well, it hurt.
And Dave? Well, it went without saying that Dave was pissed.
But he had an idea. While he knew Klaus wanted nothing to do with the spotlight; and he certainly couldn’t blame him, especially when shit like this would happen, but he wondered if they made a public statement—clear the air and his good name with their own words and on their own terms if it would be worth it?
Hell, if it would maybe even help?
After a lengthy discussion with Klaus they decided it would be worth a try
So, they contacted the magazine. Firstly to demand they remove those slanderous hateful lies from the shelves before they offered a proposition: the first interview with one of the famed (and easily most removed) members of the once world renowned “The Umbrella Academy” in over a decade.
The magazine agreed to their terms. They removed all copies of the absurd zine they’d published of him and set up an interview and photo op.
Klaus was nervous—understandably so. It had been so long since he’d done anything like this. To talk to them was one thing. He knew how to speak and could use his words to clear things up, but he couldn’t help but wonder if the photo shoot was entirely necessary?
He was 34 weeks pregnant with their first child. Couldn’t they see that he felt like a bloated whale?
He felt like shit and certainly wasn’t feeling up to having his photo taken, let alone being on the cover of Iconic magazine. Especially when nothing about him felt Iconic at all.
But Dave assured him that he was beautiful. Even going as far as to promise him that he’d always been, and he always would be.
He laid his palm over the swell of his belly, reminding him that he was crating a life.
“What you’re doing, right here,” he said with conviction, his strong hands so gentle against the delicate bundle squirming around inside of his tummy. “There is nothing in this world that is more beautiful than this.”
So, with Dave’s steady reassurance and love, Klaus did the interview. Then with his husband’s unwavering support, he finished off their busy day with the photo shoot.
He may have been exhausted, a little nauseous, and he definitely felt uncomfortable in his own skin, but Dave’s proud grin made the experience worth it to him in the end.
And when the magazine got published—they were proud to learn that their efforts had worked.
Klaus’s name had been cleared.
And wouldn’t you know it, Dave was right—even with their little peanut growing inside of him, Klaus really was beautiful.
If this is not something you enjoy—you are absolutely valid, and I respect your choice! All that I ask is that if you don’t like this, please respect mine and move along and keep any unsavory or unkind/judgmental opinions to yourself.
I’m not doing this for any “kink” stuff, I just think that there is something so soft and sweet about pregnant Klave! I’ve never been into mpreg until this pair. Don’t ask me how they work, they just do!
If you liked this I would love if you’d like and reblog! But if you do:
Please and thank you!! :)
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rockmerhys · 3 years
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“We got something cookin’ and it’s lookin’ good~”
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