#mp crime rate
cripple-woe · 1 year
Don’t let Rishi Sunaks current agenda fool you. While he is blaming transgender people for things that aren’t even problems (fun fact: more MP’s have been reported assaulting people in the bathroom than transgender people) you need to be aware of what he is doing.
The price of oil has surged 30% since June,
They are trying to ban protest and free speech,
4.2 Million children (29% of children in the uk) are living in poverty,
The inflation rate is 6.7+.
While people are starving, while kids are going to school with broken shoes and empty bellies, this man is ignoring it and complaining about how he doesn’t like transgender people. He will continue to ignore real issues and harass transgender people so that you don’t notice all of the things going wrong.
He’s banned people from hospital wards that match their gender identity, meaning many trans people may avoid being hospitalised when they need to because they will be put on the wrong ward, which may mean people don’t get the healthcare they need and may even DIE.
In the past five years, hate crimes against transgender people have gone up 186%.
Over 300 transgender people have been murdered in the last year.
Trans people are 770% more likely to commit suicide, mostly because of this cruel persecution from the government and society.
Taking away the rights and ruthlessly persecuting and attacking a group of people who only make up 0.5% of the population is fucking ridiculous. Trans people have done nothing wrong.
Rishon Sunak is a fucking fascist, the whole Tory party are fucking fascists, and if you vote for them you’re also a fascist.
Oh, and by the way, because I’m a very intense leftist, this could be sent to my college and they can send me to a radicalisation/terrorism course for expressing my political views about you know… not wanting to be killed by the governments cruel policies. Yes, you heard that right. If you are communist, anarchist or even just too intensely left for their liking, they can shove you into a radicalisation programme and forcefully influence your views. This country is going to hell and we can’t keep ignoring it.
They are also freezing income and National insurance tax meaning most people will be getting pushed up into a higher tax bracket that they just cannot afford, the rise in tax will be unpredictable and most likely more than the current tax, on this monetary note, our knife crime has risen 80% no doubt because of inflation and cost of living creating a higher general crime rate and therefore increasing this crime alongside it.
This section is directed to the Americans: please help spread this word. Many of us in the UK are reblogging and raising the alarm for you. Please, do the same for us. We are quickly falling into parallel situations, and people seem to have no clue what’s happening in the UK despite the fact it’s no secret.
~ Thank you.
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Yeah, I have to correct you on the "inhumane treatment of Levi and his family". This obsession with absolving Levi of any fault and not have him face the consequences of his deliberate actions is funny to me. Levi was a kill for hire. Erwin knew he was going to kill him and get the papers to a corrupt politician. Levi, Furlan and Isabel, despite of their hardships and horrible livelihoods, were doing illegal activities. They were about to kill someone for citizenship. What was Erwin and scouts supposed to do? Let them go on their marry way with a slap on their wrist? That's totally unrealistic and to be frank, far better than what they were about to receive - jail time.
lol, okay. You do realize that Erwin was the one that SET UP that entire situation, don't you? Erwin was the one who literally came up with the plan to bait Lovof into hiring Levi in the first place, and he did it specifically so he could entrap him and have him removed as an obstacle of the Survey Corps. He USED Levi and his family to further his own agenda, so don't paint Erwin as if he was just some upstanding citizen and soldier doing his job in stopping the nefarious activities of a bunch of Underground hoodlums. Levi and his family never would have gotten the idea into their heads to go to the surface and steal any documents from Erwin, or to attempt to assassinate Erwin if Erwin himself hadn't literally created the scenario to have that happen. He was never in danger because he was in control from the start. He purposefully let the rumor spread that he and the scouts were going to go Underground to try and recruit Levi, because he knew Lovof would hear about it and that he would then take it as an opportunity to hire Levi to steal the documents and kill him, with the promise of citizenship up top. It was pure entrapment.
I'm not absolving Levi of his faults here, I'm simply stating a fact. Levi was willing to kill to help his family. And? I never said it was a good thing that Levi was planning on killing Erwin, but simply stated that Erwin treated Levi and his family inhumanely for daring to resist his demands. We also have to remember that Levi wanted nothing to do with the plan originally and only agreed to it because Furlan pushed him to. If it had been up to Levi, they never would have accepted Lovof's offer at all. Erwin deliberately and with full knowledge pulled three kids out of the Underground and forced them into a branch of military service which had an astronomically high mortality rate. How is that better than prison? Levi and his family never would have ended up in prison or caught by the authorities at all if not for Erwin's very own machinations. Again, Erwin literally created the circumstances of the entire scenario, all so he could rid the SC of a political opponent. He wasn't going after Levi to stop him from committing a crime, he was going after him because he wanted him for the SC and because he wanted to get rid of Lovof. But you want to frame it like it was just him doing his due diligence as an officer of the law, lol.
And when I talk about Erwin's inhumane treatment of Levi and his family, I'm sorry, but having Mike hold Levi's face down in a puddle of sewage for simply refusing to give his name, and then threatening Furlan's and Isabel's lives with swords to their necks if he continued to refuse is the definition of inhumane. And it wasn't just jail time that Erwin was threatening, he made a very specific point of mentioning how the MP's were likely to treat Furlan and Isabel much more harshly than he had, this after threatening their lives. What exactly do you think that implies? Levi and his family were forced to join the most dangerous branch of the military, by far, under duress and under threat of torture and death. That's inhumane.
So later with this framing you're employing, of Erwin just being an innocent bystander who was being kind and generous toward Levi and his family by offering them military service instead of jail time for their "illegal activities". Erwin was the architect of those illegal activities in the first place. He needed Levi to come after him in order to get rid of Lovof. All we saw Levi and his family do themselves, before then, was steal some food from some merchants, that itself a product of the disenfranchised state of their existence from those living on the surface.
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 3 months
My story for the Sonic Big Bang 2024 is ready! I hope you all enjoy!
Title: Re-materialized
Rating: Teen. Some swearing and some dark elements. No major trigger warnings apply. Please reach out to me if additional tags are needed.
Pairing: Eventual Infinite x Gadget, background Sonic x Sally
Word count: 35,655
Status: Complete.
After the events of Sonic Forces, the Restoration is in full effect. All energy is being pushed towards rebuilding, finding survivors, and healing the injured. Everyone's head is on a swivel though in preparation of another Eggman attack, lest he return to destroy what they've worked so hard to rebuild.
They did not anticipate the return of Infinite. Although the jackal is...not quite himself. With the Phantom Ruby shattered and a single weak power remaining, Infinite encourages Sonic to simply end him. It's better for everyone after all. A repayment to all for his crimes.
Sonic however has a different idea. A second chance. And soon a trial for Infinite begins. How will the former warlord be judged for his crimes? Is his search for redemption in vain? Is it even possible to redeem someone like Infinite?
Thank you graciously to @sthbigbang for hosting this community event, and thank you endlessly to my artists for this project! Their works can be found in the replies of this post or on their blogs. Thank you so so so SO much to @thesummoners @pu-mp-kin @its-raining-rats-and-frogs @ileafi for all your spectacular pieces! It's been an honor to work with yall!
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Asked by YouGov in May whom they feel most sympathetic towards, more than double the number of voters said Palestine (23%) than Israel (10%); the rest were either unsure (48%) or backed both sides (19%). The same poll shows that no demographic views Israel favourably, not even Tories (-6). How spectacularly out of touch this makes Britain’s political class appear – perhaps most of all, Keir Starmer. The Labour leader’s backing of Zionism “without qualification” – in fact, he has previously suggested that to be anti-Zionist is inherently anti-semitic, and punished MP Kim Johnson after she called Israel an apartheid state governed by fascists – could not be further from the feeling of Labour voters, a massive 41% of whom support Palestine, versus a negligible 3% who are pro-Israel. It just so happens that the faction that has Starmer’s ear, among them NEC member and We Believe in Israel director Luke Akehurst, belong to this vanishingly small minority. What’s more, the public is only becoming more pro-Palestine as time goes on. Back in 2006, Brits felt more sympathetic to the Israeli cause by a two-point margin, but a series of Israeli military operations – such as the 2014 assault on the Gaza strip, where Israel killed 2,300 Palestinians – have caused British support to plummet. In 2019, net support for the Palestinian cause was +9 – but after the Gaza border protests and the 2021 conflict, it rose to +15. Similarly, Israel’s approval rating has plunged following a series of brutal military operations. Following the border protests in 2018, in which Israel killed 223 Palestinians, the state’s net favourability fell from -24 to -32 in the space of just six months. During the 2021 conflict, when Israel killed 256 Palestinians, it plunged from -14 to -41 in only four months. Meanwhile, then-PM Boris Johnson was vocally opposing an international criminal court investigation into Israeli war crimes, while Starmer was busy condemning those who boycott Israel. Indeed, the unified opposition from Labour and the Tories to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is notable for being thoroughly detached from the electorate. Starmer has consistently made clear that Labour opposes BDS, evidenced recently by the fact that, when the Tories brought a Bill to ban public bodies from engaging in BDS, Starmer instructed his MPs to abstain (95% of them dutifully did). Yet polling in 2017 showed that most people view BDS as an entirely reasonable response to Israel’s occupation, including 51% of Labour voters and 40% of Tory voters.
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(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Noelle @ Cassandra: "Hey, nice to see ya!" she smiles a bit at the Houndoom. "Anyway, what's MP? Is this kinda police organization or somethin'?"
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Police. Medical. Fire. You name it, it's under the jurisdiction of the Valkyrian Military. We're actually a recent division, crime rates soared during the last war with the Drachen due to town guards having to focus on the front line and defensive infrastructure. So the High General formed the MPs to carry the weight of the citizenry.
I know it's unorthodox, but it's honestly one of the preferable jobs to have. Wouldn't want to be having to guard the border or dealing with the Southern Tribes, even with the higher pay.
By the way... Does it not feel uncomfortable standing on your back legs like that? Looks like it hurts."
New Hints:
|| There was a war in recent memory. Perhaps that can shed a little more light. ||
|| The High General made the MPs. But who might this High General be? ||
|| There's something going on in the southern region of the country. And many soldiers seem to not have a good time down there. ||
|| Who are the Drachen? ||
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fission-mailure · 1 year
Increasingly anxious about a) Wanting the general election to be as soon as possible, and b) Desperately hoping the Tories don’t somehow turn this around and manage to eke out a win.
Because I’m not being hyperbolic when I say I just don’t think the country can survive another five years of the Tories.
47% of adults report having problems paying rent or mortgages. 48% of adults report having to cut down on food, and hospital admittance for malnutrition is at a historical high, while CEOs and shareholders rake in record profits. It’s become a depressingly common story for people to just not be able to pay for basic utilities like electricity or water, because prices are through the roof. Basically every public service is in the midst of rolling strikes because public workers aren’t being paid a living wage. Brexit-induced food shortages mean basically every supermarket has as many bare shelves as filled, and are having to do things like ration how many vegetables people can buy. Sewage is being pumped into rivers at an unprecedented rate. The city centre is littered with closed down shops, and the average lifespan of a business getting off the ground to going bankrupt seems to be about six months. NHS waiting lists are getting longer and longer. A new Tory politician is revealed to have committed a crime basically every week; there is almost never any kind of punishment for it. 
Some of these things are already set to get worse in short order: There’s going to be a huge squeeze on mortgage owners hitting around September-October, for a start, and food shortages are getting consistently worse, not better, as are utilities prices.
That’s the product of thirteen years of Tory rule. Not even three full terms. So when I say “We will not survive another five years of them,” I’m not even remotely kidding or exaggerating. 
And through it all, the Tories aren’t just unable to start ameliorating any of these problems, and aren’t just uninterested (although they are both of those things), they’re also seemingly incapable of even focusing on these problems. They’re in an endless loop of darting between the same three talking points: Refugees arriving on small boats (and god help them, to have braved the very high likelihood of death or injury to escape an imminent threat to their lives, only to find this shithole); being as transphobic as possible, all of the time; and abolishing Inheritance Tax so the rich can get even richer (and public services will have even less money). 
And the really bizarre thing is, they actually seem to fully believe that if they just hammer these three things enough, that it’ll win them an election, despite the fact that the majority of people do not care. Like, one particularly ghoulish thing about the last Tory leadership contest was that a solid half of it was just wild-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth Tory hopefuls reassuring their party that they’ll be the cruelest to trans people -- yet when Opinium polled the actual public on 28 issues, ranking them by which people placed as most important to them, trans people and trans participation in sport came 26th and 27th. Other polls show that 62% of people want conversion therapy aimed at trans people banned, and 41% of people thought schools should have specific policies for dealing with transphobia. Endlessly shitting on trans people is a vote winner among other Tory MPs, but it’s transparently not a vote winner among the general public. Same with Inheritance Tax: It really only affects the extremely wealthy, which means not only is it not going to be a priority for most people, it’s also going to become much less of a priority as we all get collectively poorer.
So we now have the completely weird, unhinged situation where the politicians in power are, as everything gets worse for everyone except them and their donors, playing politics exclusively for other MPs in their party, who were already insular and have only become moreso with time. Actually making any effort to fix the issues affecting the country is below ‘make sure other wealthy, old, deeply right-wing MPs like me so I can win a leadership contest.’ 
But the situation for regular people across the political spectrum right now is a terminal one, not just for them (although very much for them), but for everyone. If people can’t pay their power bills, can’t pay for food, can’t keep a roof over their heads (and remember, that’s half of the population right now, and that number is rising), can’t get medical care, can’t get their children educated, can’t consistently use public transport, and so on, and on, and on -- then the rapidly approaching end point of that is that society at large crumbles, because you do, in fact, need people to have shelter, food, power, medical care, education, and clean water to maintain a country. Despite what the Tories think, you can’t maintain a country purely on the ultra-rich hoarding ever more wealth, and it’s not going to take long to hit a point where even they find their corporations are failing, because people just can’t fucking pay for anything anymore. If nobody can pay for utilities, then utilities companies aren’t going to be making money anymore. If people can’t pay their mortgages, then the housing industry collapses. If people can’t pay rent, landlords can’t pay their mortgages.
Just ... what an utter fucking mess, tbh. 
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ancient-string · 10 months
Australians Assemble!
Are you Australian and sick of our governments weak-arse, spineless response to the Israeli government committing war crimes?
Sign this petition calling for a ceasefire. It is a small action, but the more pressure we put on parliament the more seriously they have to take it.
Don’t forget to keep calling your local MPs and Senator Penny Wong’s office! Not sure who your local MP is? Click this link and type your postcode into the search bar!
To call and email and write to Senator Penny Wong, Senste leader and minister for foreign affairs:
Electorate Office (Principal Office)
Level 4, 19 Gouger Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000
Postal address: PO Box 6237, Halifax Street Adelaide, SA, 5000
Telephone: (08) 8212 8272
Fax: (08) 8212 8273
Local Call*: 1300 301 698
*Calls will be charged at a local rate. Charges may vary for mobile phones
Parliament Office
PO Box 6100, Senate, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7500
Your message doesn’t have to be long. “I am an Australian citizen/resident/constituent in [electorate]. I’m calling to urge you:the Australian Labor Party to call for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza”. That’s all you need. If you’re calling your local MP, emphasise that you’re a constituent. Those calls are taken more seriously that calls from outside.
Call Penny Wong endlessly. Let’s tie the lines up with our demands for ceasefire!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
An international operation against a large-scale scheme for financial crimes, money laundering and violations of international sanctions against Russia is taking place in Sofia at the moment. According to BNT, it is the company NEXO.
The ownership of the company is related to a former member of parliament and the son of a former social minister from the NDSV political party.
The suspicions are that the Bulgarians behind the large company acted according to the scheme of Ruja Ignatova and the OneCoin pyramid led by her. The Bulgarian woman known as the "Queen of Cryptocurrencies" is in the top 10 most wanted persons by the FBI. Europol and Interpol are also on her trail.
Prosecutors, investigators from the National Investigation and SANS employees, together with foreign agents, have begun searches of the Bulgarian offices of the company that trades cryptocurrencies worldwide.
The company's operations were carried out from the Bulgarian capital, and depositors were invited to invest in bitcoins and other types of cryptocurrencies, with promises of high returns.
The interest rates that investors would receive were many times higher than those of classic banking institutions and various brokerage houses. There are reports that the owners of the company, who are Bulgarians, have appropriated part of the assets amounting to several billion dollars.
The investigation into the activities of the crypto company in Bulgaria began a few months ago, after foreign services detected suspicious transactions, which were reported to be aimed at circumventing the sanctions imposed by the European Union, Great Britain and the United States against Russian banks, as well as companies and citizens of the Russian Federation.
Georgi Shulev – representing Nexo, son of former Deputy Prime Minister Lidiya Shuleva;
Antoni Trenchev – co-founder and director of several Nexo companies, former MP from the DBG, Reform Bloc;
Kosta Kantchev – director of Nexo Bank;
Kalin Metodiev – co-founder and financial director of Nexo;
Sokol Yankov – representing Nexo;
The company, which Sokol Yankov currently manages, said that Yankov left Nexo in 2019 and has had nothing to do with the investigated group of companies since then.
Georgi Shulev's office stated to BNT that he participated in the founding of Nexo in 2018. A year later, however, he left the Nexo group of companies and is suing the co-founders in Great Britain.
According to the Bulgarian National Television, Georgi Shulev is currently being questioned as a witness.
The former MP from the Bulgarian political entity "Reform Bloc", Antoni Trenchev, and his partner in the cryptocurrency trading company Nexo, Kosta Kantchev, fled to Dubai already in the fall of last year, BNT reported. This came after allegations of particularly large-scale fraud were brought against Nexo by the prosecutors of eight US states.
Regulators in California, Kentucky, New York, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Washington and Vermont have announced that they are suing crypto platform Nexo over tens of thousands of cases of fraud totaling at least 0 million.
Nexo claims to manage billion in digital assets.
In recent months, the FBI has been investigating the activities of the Bulgarian crypto platform due to data on a hidden hole in the amount of over 4 billion dollars from investors, due to illegal financial activity - granting loans in exchange for collateral, as well as due to reports of abuse of the securities and goods of its customers.
The DFPI announcement revealed that Nexo offered annual interest rates of up to 36% on deposited crypto-assets to investors, significantly higher than rates on short-term investment-grade fixed income securities or bank savings accounts.
More details about the police operation read here.
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bisexualvalve · 2 years
A study released last month shows links between Canada’s resource extraction industry and violence against Indigenous women and girls, and it links ‘man camps’ in this country to incidents of gender-based violence and crime.
The study was first announced by the Standing Committee on the Status of Women back in April, after originally being requested by Winnipeg Centre MP Leah Gazan.
Results of the approximately eight-month-long study were released in mid-December, and the study states there is “substantial evidence of a serious problem” regarding the resource industry and its employees and its links to violence against Indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse people across the country.
Included in the study is information about and detailed concerns regarding what are commonly referred to as ‘man camps’ which are temporary villages built to house primarily male workers who are working at a site temporarily, often on resource development projects.
It states there is evidence of men at these types of camps in Canada preying on Indigenous women and girls who live in the areas where camps are set up, and often doing so because they have little or no connection to the area where they are living temporarily.
“This increased rate of violence is largely the result of the migration into the camps of mostly non-Indigenous young men with high salaries and little to no stake in the host Indigenous community,” the study states.
The report also says there is evidence these ‘man camps’ are linked to increased rates of sex offences, and sex industry activities in communities nearby where they are set up.
During a news conference in Ottawa last month, Gazan said there needs to be more accountability within the resource extraction industry to combat violence against Indigenous women and girls, and she also called on the federal government to take steps and to put pressure on the industry to reduce those types of incidents.
“This study wasn’t about whether we agree with resource extraction or not. We have different opinions on that,” Gazan said. “But one thing we agree unanimously on is that we must have zero tolerance and we must stand united against violence against Indigenous women.”
The report also states the feds could be doing more to force changes within the industry to combat gender-based violence and sexual exploitation.
“This can be done by requiring companies to establish workplace safety plans and policies, track and report incidents of gender-based violence, educate workers about gender-based and sexual violence, cultural safety, and the effects of colonization on Indigenous peoples,” the report states.
According to Gazan, the study was conducted as a response to the report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which was released in 2019.
And according to the National Inquiry’s final report, there is evidence of “transient workers” in Manitoba, and specifically in northern Manitoba, being linked to incidents of violence against Indigenous women and girls.
“A regional cumulative-effects assessment of hydroelectric development in Manitoba revealed that the arrival of a large transient workforce in northern Manitoba resulted in Indigenous women and children being targeted for racial and sexual violence,” the National Inquiry’s final report states.
— Dave Baxter is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of the Winnipeg Sun. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.
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mariacallous · 2 years
MPs from the parliament of the Republic of Bashkiria have prepared and submitted a bill to the State Duma which establishes a legal basis for sending convicts to war. This was reported by Interfax, citing the speaker of the State Assembly, Konstantin Tolkachev. This bill was not in the State Duma database at the time of writing.
According to Tolkachev, convicts who are drawn “to participate in a special military operation or other military actions in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation” may be granted a postponement of their sentence. They proposed counting the time spent in the area of military operations as imprisonment at the rate of one in ten - one day of participation in the military operation for ten days of imprisonment in the colony.
It is also assumed, said the speaker of the Bashkir parliament, that in the case of injury which makes further military participation impossible, questions on the rest of the sentence and its mitigation would be decided by the court.
According to Tolkachev, it is planned that those convicted of sexual crimes against minors under 14 years old, and a number of other grave criminal offenses, will not be eligible for a suspended sentence due to participation in military operations. All other convicts may only serve with their voluntary consent, he said.
According to Tolkachev, the involvement of convicts in special operations and other military actions will strengthen the Armed Forces. Moreover, the speaker of the Bashkir parliament added, “participating in military actions in defense of the interests of the Russian Federation will allow the convicted person to redeem his guilt before society and thus achieve the goals of criminal punishment.”
In the past few months, it has been repeatedly reported that prisoners are being recruited in Russian colonies to be sent to the war in Ukraine. Prisoners have been promised pardons and cash payments. There has also been unconfirmed information about the forced sending of convicts to the war.
Currently, Russian legislation does not consider participation in hostilities as a basis for the postponement of punishment. In mid-September, members of the Presidential Human Rights Council asked the Prosecutor General to check relevant reports and explain on what basis convicts with outstanding prison sentences, including those for grave crimes, were sent to the war.
Creator of PMC Wagner and businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin has been involved in the recruitment of prisoners. Prigozhin himself, without directly confirming it, said “either PMCs and convicts, or your children will participate in the war.
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
On Boxing Day in 2022, Cody Fisher, a 23-year-old footballer and PE teacher, was fatally stabbed in the heart on the dance floor of Crane nightclub in Birmingham. His killers, Remy Gordon and Kami Carpenter, managed to smuggle in a "ferocious" murder weapon, escaping the venue's security measures. Cody's mother, Tracey Fisher, expressed outrage at the lack of thorough security checks that allowed the knife to be brought in, leading to her son's tragic death. The venue, Crane, later had its licence revoked due to safety concerns, including widespread drug use. In response to Cody's senseless murder, his family is advocating for the implementation of Cody's Law, calling for stricter security measures at entertainment venues. They propose mandatory body scanners and bleed kits, which could prevent similar tragedies in the future. Over 25,000 people have signed a petition supporting this initiative, and their local MP has taken steps to bring the matter to Parliament for debate. With the West Midlands Police area experiencing high rates of knife crime, the need for enhanced safety measures has become a pressing issue. Gordon and Carpenter were found guilty of Cody's murder after a long trial, while Reegan Anderson was convicted of affray but cleared of murder. The pending sentencing of the perpetrators adds another layer of complexity to the case. The Fisher family seeks accountability for Cody's death and hopes that their advocacy efforts will lead to meaningful change. By pushing for Cody's Law to be enacted, they aim to prevent further instances of knife-related violence and ensure that venues prioritize public safety. The tragic loss of Cody Fisher has sparked a national conversation about the need for improved safety measures in public spaces. Parents and communities across the country are joining the Fisher family in their campaign for enhanced security protocols. The call for mandatory metal detectors, body scanners, and bleed kits reflects a growing concern over the rising threat of knife crime in England. Cody's legacy serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating impact of violence and the importance of proactive measures to protect individuals from harm. As the push for Cody's Law gains momentum, the focus on preventing knife-related incidents and saving lives has become a top priority. By advocating for legislative changes and stricter penalties for knife possession, Cody's family hopes to honor his memory and create a lasting impact on public safety. The tragic events at Crane nightclub have underscored the urgent need for comprehensive security measures in venues where large crowds gather. Through their tireless efforts, the Fisher family hopes to prevent future tragedies and ensure that no other family has to endure the heartbreaking loss they have experienced.
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mp – chivalry thesis.
women getting away with crime because men don't believe they could've committed the act – out of gentlemanliness.
otto pollak [1950]:
imbalance in the rate of male and female criminality – males more likely to be charged and convicted of crimes.
misrepresentation – paternalistic attitudes of men towards women.
chivalry thesis:
police less likely to record female crimes.
judiciary less likely to hand down custodial sentences.
men are socialised into 'protecting' women.
'acts of chivalry'.
crimes committed by females are less harmful to society – seen as errors of judgement than a legitimate offence.
prostitution and petty thefts – less likely to be recorded.
a female student stabbed her boyfriend in the leg while drunk, but was spared from jail and instead praised for a promising future and her determination to overcome addiction. her actions were seen as an error of judgement due to the paternalistic attitude of the male judge.
evidence for:
self-report studies suggest little difference between male and female criminality.
males are seen as career criminals – deliberate.
women are perceived as error of judgement.
9% of women have criminal record compared to 32% of men.
evidence against:
heidensohn [1996] – 'double deviance' – women judged for the act due to the norms and values of society and feminism. so doing what is not expected of them.
carlen [1997] – judgements made against women on basis of their gender roles, rather than their conduct.
walklate [1998] – women get put on trial as victims in r*pe cases where they are forced to prove they didn't consent.
other [more in-depth] source:
Anderson, E. A. (1976). The “Chivalrous” Treatment of the Female Offender in the Arms of the Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature. Social Problems, 23(3), 350–357. [online]. Available from: https://doi.org/10.2307/799780
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hemkesh18 · 1 year
It is said that if you want to improve a country you have to improve its education. So why aren’t the people who essentially run the country, aren’t educated by mandate?
Our country is about 73.2% literate although these number can be improved by policies made by government, but what if our government officials themselves aren’t in that 73% group.
In this article I will address a question, not an issue. A question which many haven’t even pondered of.
Our country is a republic democracy. It means the people of nation chose their representation, but even then, our constitution lays down rules for such representative of the people.
Constitutional eligibility
The constitution dictates for formation of Parliament of union and of legislative assemblies of the states. Elected members of these bodies are called MP’s and MLA’s respectively. They serve as our country’s representatives while the session sits down to discuss any matter or make/ amend any law.
Now the Constitution of India prescribes the following qualifications for them
For members of parliament
Minimum age limit of 30 years for upper house
Minimum age limit of 25 years for lower house (composed of elected representative)
 A citizen of India
Any other qualification as prescribed by law
The criteria for MLA’s are pretty much the same.
The point to be taken is that nowhere is there a standard or need of education one must have in order to become a “politician” in our country. The value of education should never be undermining, only when you learn things about life can you look forward to really make it better for others.
There are some who comment that one must not see the material qualification of a person but the intent. Well since they are too blinded to see the obvious malintent present in many of our politicians ill give to them a very well researched and sampled study of co-relation.
Co-relation between crime and literacy rate. The crime rate of state goes down more literate its population is. The same attribute can be applied to our politicians. I am not accusing the members of our law-making cog criminals, but over the years we all have read about a number of bad eggs, haven’t we?
This number can be decreased if we can filter more literate people in our legislative body.
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
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Whistleblowing banker who went to prison speaks out
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By Andy Verity
BBC economics correspondent
A former Barclays trader jailed in connection with a $9bn interest rate rigging scandal has said telling his father about it was “the hardest day of my life”.
“I burst into tears. I felt like I’d let him down,” Peter Johnson told the BBC, as he struggled to compose himself.
In an emotional interview, Johnson revealed the devastation caused not only to his life but that of his family by what is now regarded by some MPs as a state-level cover-up, followed by a whole series of miscarriages of justice.
Jailed for four years for “manipulating” interest rates, Johnson was released in 2018 after serving two years.
He was later revealed to be one of the original whistleblowers of the scandal.
Speaking for the first time since his release, he says when he was put on gardening leave by Barclays in 2011, he descended into depression and avoided being seen in the streets near his house or informing his family about his predicament.
In 2012, Johnson was sacked by Barclays after more than 30 years’ service and faced the risk of prosecution by the US Department of Justice (DoJ), which could lead to up to 30 years in a US prison.
“[When I woke up] I’d have about five seconds when I thought all was well with the world. And then I’d realise that it wasn’t. And I’d go around all day with a sort of a weight pressing against my chest. I’d wait for six o’clock before I started self-medicating with alcohol. I had panic attacks,” he says.
“I spent years trying to suppress my emotions because I don’t want to get upset and bitter and twisted and everything else.
“[But] this is too important to forget – to sweep under the carpet. People need to know and once they know the full facts, they can make their judgements on whether what people did was wrong or right.”
Such was the psychological pressure on him that when he was charged with a crime in the UK, rather than the US, it came as a relief.
“It was ridiculous. There I was feeling relieved that I was going to be charged with a crime. And it was good! I mean, it’s just stupid. It just shows how mad things were for me at the time.”
Johnson’s lawyer Tony Woodcock, now retired but then a senior partner at prominent white-collar crime specialists Stephenson Harwood, sees his former client’s prosecution as an outrage.
Senior MPs including former Brexit secretary David Davis and former shadow chancellor John McDonnell have come to share that view after reading a book I have written exposing the scandal.
“In over 30 years in practice I never had a case in which I felt so powerless and bullied and where the smell of politics was so rancid. Hopefully all the evil lurking in the mud will be found out,” Mr Woodcock says.
One reason he feels so strongly is that Johnson, who worked as a cash trader for Barclays from 1981 to 2011, was the original whistleblower of the interest rate rigging scandal, in which banks paid nearly $9bn in fines and 37 traders and brokers were prosecuted for “manipulating” Libor and Euribor, two benchmarks that track the cost of borrowing cash.
From 2007 to 2009, Johnson repeatedly alerted the US central bank and the Bank of England to other banks publishing false, low estimates of the interest rates they’d have to pay to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars at a time – so-called “lowballing”.
He tried to publish higher, more honest estimates, but kept getting instructions from above to be no more honest than any other bank. Leaked audio recordings indicate the pressure on Johnson to lie came first from the board of Barclays, then from the Bank of England, then from the UK government.
Evidence revealed in the book indicates that then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s head of policy, the late Sir Jeremy Heywood, was one senior Whitehall figure who wanted Barclays to lower its Libor estimates of the cost of borrowing dollars.
“I thought they were wrong,” says Johnson. “But I didn’t feel I had any choice but to go along with them. You’re being asked by the UK government and the supreme financial establishment in the land to do something. It’s very, very difficult to say,’no, stuff you!'”
Bank of England implicated in Libor rigging
The whistleblowing bankers who were sent to jail
Interest rate ‘rigging’ evidence ‘covered up’ by banks
Yet four years later, on 27 June 2012, suppressed anger towards the banks at the lack of accountability for the 2008 banking crisis exploded into the media when Barclays was fined a record £290m by US and UK regulators for rigging interest rates.
Both Labour and Conservative MPs angrily condemned 14 unnamed traders – which Johnson knew included himself.
“When something like that happens to a major corporation, there’s usually a scapegoat. And I sort of felt that maybe it might be me.
“Quite justifiably, the public was outraged at what they saw as excesses in the banking industry. And they wanted heads on a pike. And I became one of the heads,” he says, adding: “I think they could have chosen better ones.”
Criminal authorities on both sides of the Atlantic, co-operating with lawyers working for Barclays, lined him up for prosecution.
He was not prosecuted for lowballing, but for manipulating rates on a much smaller scale by accepting requests from traders between 2005 and 2007 to nudge his Libor rates up or down very slightly.
In 2014, Johnson became the first banker to plead guilty to manipulating interest rates. But it was only because he felt the odds were against him and he had no choice. Barclays had cut him off from any financial support with his legal fees.
Because of the very high cost of defending himself, he feared he might lose his home, his savings and therefore his ability to support his children and grandchildren, even if he were found innocent.
“I didn’t feel as if I’d done anything wrong. But I could see the way the whole thing was going and it didn’t look good for me.”
Johnson, a 68-year-old grandfather, was sentenced in 2016 to four years and jailed alongside three other Barclays traders.
His first jail was HMP Wandsworth, which he describes as “pretty basic, pretty horrible”.
“There was a shortage of prison officers… and there are some times when we were not let out of our cells, apart from for 10 minutes to get our meals, for 54 hours at a time.”
He was later transferred to Ford open prison, where he decided to improve his fitness by walking around the perimeter of the prison, clocking up 6,000 miles and raising £3,000 for charity.
In the US, all 19 convictions for interest rate rigging are being overturned at the request of the DoJ – the same body that originally declared conduct like Johnson’s to be illegal – following a US appeal court ruling that the prosecution case was misconceived.
The trader requests that Johnson was jailed for, it found, were not illegal – and didn’t even break any rules. Many of those convictions arose from guilty pleas, made under the threat of prosecution in the US, which the DoJ no longer views as sound.
The UK is now the only country where making or accepting the requests is viewed as criminal. David Davis, John McDonnell and other MPs, peers and senior lawyers have written to the Times saying the cases must be sent back to the courts.
“In my most optimistic view, I would like my guilty plea to be revoked. I’d like to basically have my reputation restored. And I’d like senior people to be held accountable,” says Johnson.
Asked who they are, his reply is simple: “The board of Barclays Bank, the Bank of England and the government of the UK.”
Barclays declined to comment for this article.
A spokesperson for the Serious Fraud Office, which prosecuted Johnson, said its cases were based on evidence. It said nine bank traders knowingly rigged rates for their own benefit. “Separate juries and the Court of Appeal agreed they committed a crime.”
A Bank of England spokesperson said: “The Bank fully co-operated with the Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into Libor manipulation, responding to all requests for information and documents.”
The Treasury said in a statement: “The government did not seek to influence individual bank Libor submissions.”
Follow Andy Verity on Twitter @andyverity
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
All the newspapers carried reports from the House of the Estates in Helsinki, where politicians from four parties are cloistered in talks over forming a coalition government.
Helsingin Sanomat reports that (siirryt toiseen palveluun) the Finns Party has an unusual goal: reforming the law on incitement to ethnic hatred. Negotiators have already requested the Justice Ministry look into that possibility, according to HS.
The ministry responded that Finland already has broad provisions for freedom of speech, and there is therefore little room for manoeuvre.
In addition, the EU Commission has asked Finland to improve the tools it has to fight racism and discrimination.
Several FP politicians have been convicted under the current legislation, and in 2019 several of their MPs put forward a proposal to reform the law.
The party's crime policy programme also includes alterations to the law, in the name of freedom of speech.
In other news from the talks, Prime Minister-elect Petteri Orpo (NCP) said (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on Tuesday evening that the target of carbon neutrality by 2035 would remain intact. He added that there will be cuts to development aid spending — a key goal of the Finns Party.
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The business daily focuses (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on the cost of fuel, which fell slightly last month and helped bring down the overall rate of inflation.
That is a welcome relief for Finnish motorists who have seen the price at the pump jump since Russia's attack on Ukraine began last year.
Iltalehti, meanwhile, looks at how the next government's programme might affect petrol prices. The Finns Party wants to drastically reduce the requirements on fuel suppliers to source renewable biofuels alongside gasoline.
They hope this would further reduce the cost of fuel for consumers.
That could prove challenging, if Finland is to comply with EU directives. At present the requirement is that fuel suppliers use 13.5 percent biofuels, but by 2030 it should be 29 percent.
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Iltalehti's daily ice hockey worlds roundup (siirryt toiseen palveluun) has a complaint from a Turku family about the cost of visiting Tampere during the tournament.
Mika Mäkelä said that the price of basic hotel rooms for his family, for three nights, would be around 1,500 euros — way more than he wanted to pay, even though he had tickets for a Finland game.
In the end he decided to stay in Helsinki for much less, and drive in and out of Tampere for the match.
The Pirkanmaa city is a hot destination at the moment, with hotel rooms difficult to find much cheaper than 250 euros per night.
Mäkelä says that's too much for him, and he won't be visiting any time soon.
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