#moxxie's bad trip
(spoiler alert: this somehow grew from five talking point to almost 2000 words of Bad Trip symbolism, so buckle up, buttercup, cuz we goin' for a wild ride)
So, I'm rewatching Truth Seekers with a friend, and Moxie's Bad Trip and Blitzø's Bad Trip, and I just noticed some things (this is gonna be heavily Blitzø centered, so prepare for that)
Moxie's Bad Trip
In this, I specifically want to point to four things
So Blitz is very accurate throughout Moxxie's whole segment (read his pegging comments and "Because you my precious little bitchboy are tripping balls!"), but I want to point to one moment specifically
At 10:09 Moxie says
"Cause you're thoughtless and cruel and you'll end up alone!"
And at that point, at exactly 10:11, Blitz makes this face
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Up until this point and from this point onward his eye on the mask part of his face is glowing red and undetailed, pupil not visible
This singular frame shows exactly how deep Moxxie hit Blitz with that comment, and foreshadows the fact that he has a massive phobia/obsession on the whole "dying alone" thing. Like, I want to scream, this is so beautifully done. Whoever thought of this frame in this context has my fullest respect
The second thing is what Moxxie says just before the first part of Blitzø's Bad Trip
At 9:02 Moxxie says
"Cause if you're here causing frustration, I'm torturing you in your hallucination!"
Now let's take a look "causing frustration" and "torturing you", because that's exactly what's happening here
In Moxxie's Bad Trip, the worst Blitzø does is call him a bitch/bitchboy and making some comments about the whole M&M pegging thing, but that's about it. It's mostly Moxxie screaming at Blitz and singing with him about becoming better
In Blitzø's Bad Trip, Moxxie brings up Blitz's worst insecurities, calls him basically stupid once, and kinda just rants what Blitz thinks about him
So the words "frustration" and "torturing" definitely fit the respective songs
The third thing is that the mask replaces Blitzø's scar
Under that mask Blitz has a completely normal and unscarred face
Meaning that Moxxie's subconscious straight up erased the physical embodiment of Blitzø's most major trauma and replaced it with a mask, of all things
I saw a theory on here, concerning the people at the Blitzø hate party, that the fact that the Blitzø cake is unscarred means that Blitz hid the vulnerable side of his and showed it off as "tough guy scars", so they stripped him of it as a "fuq u ur not tough", when meanwhile it's exactly what Blitzø would want happening, his scars just straight up disappearing one day.
Well, I think the same happened to Moxxie
I think he doesn't see the scar as a sign of vulnerability and/or physical embodiment of his worst mistake that caused his trauma, but as a tough-guy mask, designed to make him not have to talk about his feelings
(If you think something else's going on here, do tell! I just realised that last one while writing this and I find it very interesting)
And, lastly, Blitz's short line just before the one I talked about in point 1
"I don't know, eventually everyone goes"
It feels really self aware of Blitz, but this isn't Blitz, this is Moxxie
So Moxxie, consciously or not, realised that Blitz pushes people away with his behaviour and that it's a genuine problem, but didn't realise the whole scar thing
So I wonder what exactly is Moxxie's image of Blitz. Like, considering what we know that Moxxie knows, he seems to have some elements of the puzzle but not the whole picture, and assumed incorrectly what the full picture is
2.Blitzø's bad trip
Now, here we begin the absolute fucking masterpiece that is the symbolism in this one
For one, let's talk about the spectre's voices
Moxxie and Stolas's voices are pretty on-point, at least to me, and we'll later touch on why I think that's the case, but let's talk about Bad Trip!Verosika, Striker and Fizz first
All three of them don't sound like normal
Instead, they sound like Blitz trying to make their voices
Striker's has an obvious tinge of Brandon Rogers in it, honestly it sound more like Blitz than Striker, as if Blitz hadn't really memorised his voice that well
Fizz's is, in my opinion, more well-balanced. I can hear a bit of Alex Brightman in it but also quite a lot of Blitz
Lastly, we have Verosika. She sound a lot like Blitz, but her manner of speaking is purely Verosika, which imo makes this the most accurate one.
Now, what does the Blitzø-voice mean?
Well, it all has a very specific motif
It's things that Blitz would say as a form of self-hatred
Think about it
"I don't need you, I can do this shit on my own so easily!" "But you don't want to do things alone Blitzo!"
"You tried the solo act, but it didn't work out so well!"
"Yet you still shove away anyone who gets too close until they resent you for being a selfish, shit spittin' snob!"
(the bold parts are the hallucinations, the red is Blitz)
Now, the things they said are very much the stuff Blitz would hate in himself. The fact that he wants someone to care for him, the fact that he can't do what he wants alone even though he tried, and, of course, his inability to get vulnerable with anyone causing him to push people he cares about away until they hate him.
So, I think that these are the thoughts that plague Blitz's brain daily, his self hatred, but it chose to talk through the mouths of the people most affected by said flaw
Striker was literally invited to join IMP. That proves that Blitz didn't want to do this stuff alone
Fizzarolli was his duo act for a while, and his robo version saw him trying the solo act, so it makes sense for him to say, that, on top of the circus vocabulary
Verosika is pretty self-explanatory. He shoved her away when she tried to be vulnerable with him, and she now resents him
So, now that we have that outta the way, let's talk about Moxxie and Stolas
Moxxie does a lot of rambling, but he also roasts him pretty bad
"I simply follow your orders! It's not my fault that your orders are as nonsensical as a suntanning bed left out on the cold rainy porch of a fresh April shower"
"Perhaps you should crack open a dictionary sometimes"
"Admit it, my dear boss. You don't know what you're doing half the time, and you depend on me and the missus to manage your foolish flights of fancy"
"I believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy, but also crave it as well. It’s rather unfortunate sir, considering it’s often how you treat those who stand by you, such as myself"
"Are you worried I might have enough of it one day as well?"
But he also says some rather self-deprecating stuff that he wouldn't say in real life
"And then maybe you can understand half of the frivolous things I carry on and on about on my many rants about upbringings"
So, I think that this is Blitz's opinion of Moxxie. Now, why do he and Stolas keep their normal voices?
Well, I think that it's because, in Truthseekers, they both didn't hate him yet
That wasn't his self-hatred speaking
That wasn't him speaking
Well, at least in Stolas's case
In my opinion Moxxie's voice is altered for one of two reasons
• Moxxie is literally right next to him and high with him, so his voice is fresh in his mind
Not fun, kinda boring, but reasonable
• He hasn't fucked up with Moxxie yet, so his subconscious hasn't created lines that would be repeated so much in his mind that his voice slowly seeps into them
Very fun, also very reasonable
And that second reason is what I think happened in Stolas's case too. His voice is kinda flirty/condescending because that's the Stolas Truthseekers!Blitzø knows. He doesn't know his personality yet. For now he's just a rich, blue-blooded asshole he fucks once a month.
Now, another thing, Blitzø's outfit
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He's dressed like a clown here, specifically he looks kinda like in the Loo Loo Land flashback
And his outfit changes when he gets dragged around in chains by Stolas
So this (I think), symbolizes one of three things:
• He fucked up relationships with people in the past
This is his past outfit, so it obviously has something to do with his past, and this is a pretty sound theory, but Striker kinda makes it fall apart
• The people he fucked up relationships with see the past version of him
A bit better, and pretty good overall
• This is himself at the worst point in his life in that outfit he wore in the past
Yeah, his self hatred would *absolutely* exploit him like that, plus he kinda hated himself at that time, so bonus points!!!
Now, the fucking marks on his face
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For one, his usual tattoo that looks kinda like an imp/succubus got replaced by a broken heart both in Blitzø and Moxxie's Bad Trips, but in Blitzø's bad Trip at one point the heart (and his outfit) get replaced by his normal self
When does this happen?
When he's near Stolas
I think this symbolizes how Stolas heals his heart and fixes it, as well as how he sees him for his present instead of his past, which is very sad considering *couch cough* the last two episodes *cough cough*
Now, the tear
The fucking tear
If it was on both sides of his face, this would be maybe about how sad he is
But, it's only on the white side
Only on the scar
So I think this is sort of an opposite to what happened with the scar in Moxxie's Bad Trip
Moxxie's subconscious got rid of the scar and replaced it with a mask, since Moxxie thinks of it as a sort of Tough Guy Personality™ thing
Meanwhile Blitzø's subconscious recognized the scar as a physical reminder of his emotional pain and added a tear, a single tear, that can mean that the scar is something left of a time of sadness and grief, a time of tears
Another thing is that the imps fanning Stolas with those big-ass fans are actually Blitzø's but completely black
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So that's Blitz's subconscious telling him that he will end up serving Stolas/is already doing that/is under him, while also trying to tell him that he loves the bird
Also, how the mud on the golden stairs disappears after feathers touch it Again, just like with the heart thing, I believe it's another part of the whole "Stolas heals you" symbolism thingy
Also, notice how he turns from Past!Blitzø to normal Blitzø gradually, and the closer to Stolas he gets the more normal he gets
So I actually just realised that and I'm pretty sure it's part of the whole thing I mention in the (hopefully) las paragraph of this post
And, lastly, how he gets covered up in golden feathers at the end there? I think it's some part of him trying to say "You're gonna end up trapped, tied down, unable to escape, so escape NOW"
So yeah, now I'm interpreting Blitzø's Bad Trip as two parts of his subconscious fighting, with the dead dog of the matter being "Should we trust Stolas?"
(Yes, it did turn really Stolitz in the end there huh? Now I gotta add the tags!)
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belles-silly-world · 1 year
i said what i fuckin' said mustang dong is A tier
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chriscdcase95 · 3 months
(Daemon wandering Harrenhal, with a torch, coughing as smoke fills the corridor.)
Daemon: (coughing) "Whose go there's ? Show yourself! Gods this smells awful! Is- is that music ?"
(Daemon rounds the corridor as an operatic piano organ is heard. At the end of the corridor is the a stairway with the piano in question. Someone in black is playing it.)
Daemon: "Is this a prank ? Because I swear too-"
Alys: (In a dramatic, high and mighty, operatic voice) "IT IS NO PRANK, BITCH!!"
(We see Alys is in Phantom of the Opera-like garb)
Daemon: "Hey!…Why do you sound like that ?"
Alys: (in that same voice) "Because YOU my precious little bitch boy-"
Daemon: "Stop it!"
Alys: (in that same voice) "Are tripping BAAALLLLLLLLLLS!!!"
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bojjiphrog · 2 years
My favorite scene in the entire show
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bluebanana-art · 4 months
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Today (March 17th) it's two months since I've started to draw again 🥳🥳 and I wanted to celebrate with this beautiful scene from Helluva Boss, from "Truth Seekers".
I worked on it all day and it was really complicated to put two different shots together 😅 you can see it from the many pencil lines transparing through the colour, especially on the yellow which is very light.
I don't know if the perspective is right but this is the best I've been able to do.
I also bought some new pencils, of a slightly lower quality than the ones I had before (you can see from the blue of Blitzo's jacket) but they are 180 colors. 😍
Sadly with this pencils I can't layer over the colors well with other colours, in fact Stolas' tail remained too blue, but there was no way, they didn't mix! :/
Last thing, at the end I added the golden feathers, which are a must, but they ended up looking more like bananas! XD Oh well, good night! 💙🍌😋
Reblog if you can, thx!! :3
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helluvahusker · 5 months
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I just really like their hallucination scene, okay?
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nyxofdemons · 11 months
honestly fascinated by the realization that blitz... is one of the only main characters that hasn't ever sung. if you discount moxxie's bad trip (which i do), like. blitz is the main character and yet out of the whole main + major supporting cast, he's literally one of three figures that hasn't ever had a song. when do we get to see this happen
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newleaf92 · 5 months
My Helluva Boss Favorites…
Characters: Fizzarolli (Fizzie), Asmodeus (Ozzie), Blitzø (the o is silent), Loona, Beelzebub (Queen Bee), Octavia, Millie
Couple: Ozzie and Fizzie “Froggy”
Songs: Crooked, House of Asmodeus, Two Minutes Notice, You Will Be Okay, Look at This, Cotton Candy, Moxxie’s Bad Trip
Moment: Fizzarolli and Oliver because that entire moment was 🥺🥺🥹🥹
“Ah you’re stupid huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy likey dummy.”
“Give me a thrust! Show me some lust! From the groin to the bust! In desire we trust, in the House of Asmodeus.”
“Lust shouldn't be about force. It's an ART! To be earned and enjoyed. It's all about that journey to pleasure town, you feel me?”
“Mammon can eat my ass. In a bad way.”
“Fizz, Mammon didn't do shit. You already were this. You'd be this no matter what! You are the most inspiring demon I have ever known and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. I adore your inventiveness, your attitude, your resilience. And you're just the cutest little thing alive! Also, you are a waaaaay better performer than Mammon ever was, and thaaat's just facts.”
“Ah! I can handle it! Come on, Big Daddy. Pweeeaasee?”
“Ya mind? Trying to have an un-emotional bang sesh here!”
“Trying to have a fuckin’ emotional moment here!”
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alexaloves · 10 months
Blitzø and Moxxie have such a layered boss-employee relationship (outside of the obvious outlandish parts) A lot of times we forget that those work relationships have an effect on our lives too, and I feel the song Bad Trip brought to life some of the struggles codependent recovering people go through on a job with narcissistic personalities.
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feekins · 2 months
Waron: 🎶 Why 🎶 Qilin, why 🎶 have you held your true feelings inside? 🎶
Zius: 🎶 I am scared of rejection~ 🎶
Waron: 🎶 Why 🎶 Qilin, why 🎶 do you beg me to put it in your butt? 🎶
Zius: 🎶 It gives me an erectio- hey! 😠
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fanthirtheen · 6 months
Moxxies bad trip
Moxxies side is so much more focused and helpful than Blitzo's. Moxxie has a problem, his subconscious drags it out, Moxxie decides to work on it. He's faced this sort of stuff before. He's been through heart break and bad communication, and everything turned out alright. Blitzo is so much better than his Dad, worth fixing things with, and as much of an asshole as Blitzo is, he has never left him behind like Chaz has, so Moxxie has little trouble deciding that he's going to try to talk about the issue and make things better. The drugs leave their system and he does try. He wants his relationship with Blitzo to be better.
Blitzo spends several minutes verbally attacking himself and beating the shit out of his own emotions. All the hinting in previous episodes that something is deeply wrong with him (RoboFizz accusing him of not being loved by anyone, the subtle drops about his sister, hinting at a trauma-filled clown-centered past, etc.) Coms to a head and Blitzo can't run from any of it. All the fears and trauma he tries so hard to shove down attack him head on and he's forced to acknowledge that what he wants most (affection, someone to stay) He doesn't think he deserves. So when the drugs leave his system, he shoves that shit back down and goes out of his way to support the people in his life, begging them to stay without ever letting anyone know how badly he is doing. His bad trip did not end with an epiphany or a resolution that things can be better. It ended with the crippling fear that if he isn't good enough, everyone he loves will leave him.
Fuck I haven't even hit play on the song yet this is just my memory of it because this song hits me so fucking hard it's one of my favorites.
Blitzo doesn't sing. He never sings in this series. The Blitzo singing in Moxxie's trip isn't him. Different voice actor too, right? I think? He has a few talking lines in other songs, but, WHAT IS THE DUET IN FULL MOON GOING TO BE? Is he actually going to sing?
I'm on Blitzos trip now. He's dressed like a clown and everything is muddy and hard to see. His psyche is so BAD. He responds to Moxxie in his trip by screaming "Shut up!", he just wants to shove this shit down!
Climbing those stairs to Stolas cleans him up and puts him in clothing he is more comfortable in. He feels comfortable with Stolas, but, he thinks Stolas is pulling him on a leash, he can't fathom Stolas wanting anything more from him than a little plaything, which isn't really helped by Stolas's later words while threatening the humans.
The Blitzo in Moxxie's trip changes his burn scars into a mask. Obviously Blitzo isn't going to tell M&M about his scars or how they happened, but, I feel something about Moxxie just not knowing and changing that important part of Blitzo's trauma for the aesthetic of his trip. Moxxie DOESNT KNOW. He doesn't know. That isn't the point of his bad trip.
I wrote a story about Blitzo writing down his intrusive thoughts in a group chat of only him (like a diary) based off his part in this scene, and I don't know where I'm going with this sentence, I guess I just hadn't realized it was based off this song even though it is one of my most listened to songs of the season.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Bowuigi duet idea: Moxxie's bad trip song (Helluva Boss)
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belles-silly-world · 1 year
bitch juice flows through my veins
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moxxie-kinnie · 2 years
Moxxie’s Songs
Let’s look into Moxxie’s songs, I will exclude ‘Till the day we die’, I will only address ‘Bad Trip’ and the important lyrics bit from the ‘House of Asmodeus’.
Those are important, to figure out how Moxxie’s mind work.
Bad Trip
We start off with Moxxie, confused over his surroundings and the blame was put on Blitzø.
Whenever, strong emotions are triggered for Moxxie his eyes turn red. Throughout this whole song, Moxxie’s eyes remain red.
He doesn’t want this, he’s put in a spotlight against his will and blames Blitzø again.
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This is the only time he stops. Because he’s hesitating. He's afraid to face Blitzø's judgement. In other words, he’s scared of Blitzø’s reaction towards his true feelings for him. When Blitzø reassured Moxxie to not judge him, a light shines from Blitzø. This was Moxxie’s cue to finally speak the truth. 
This is where, he starts to walk up a seemingly endless stairs.
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Walking up the stairs is a good sign. It represents the transition to a higher level of understanding, consciousness, spiritual growth, and emotional balance. Stairs leading upwards, on an emotional level in dreams, may be indicative of opening your mind and expressing your feelings without hesitation.
Not once was he afraid to speak out his mind, and Blitzø agrees to what Moxxie had to say.
But this isn’t Blitzø, it’s not the real one. He’s part of Moxxie’s mind the same way Blitzø invision in his trip Moxxie in his mind.
Moxxie literally asks those questions to himself and because of that, he can’t get an answer. He wants answers to his question to calm his mind because those questions are bothering him for who knows how long. Worst of all, Blitzø has the entire time his back turned to Moxxie. Not once did he turn around and look at Moxxie. As if Blitzø purposely ignores Moxxie and stays busy playing the organ.
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Before I continue my deep dive analysis, I would like to talk about the candles. I didn’t, think much of it, but there is a lingering question for me. Why was Moxxie holding the entire time this candlestick? The room is lit with countless candles but he’s holding onto it, all the way up the stairs.
Dream about candle points to the presence or need for spiritual guidance in your life. It means that you may be looking for some answers or a spiritual connection to get through something.
Dream about candles also highlights how you will find your way, with the help of your spirit guide. You may use your own inner self and voice to get to the other side of a problem or obstacle.
It is also a reminder that we are always on a spiritual journey. We may just require some help now and then, but through symbols like candles in a dream, we can rest assured that we will find our way.
Going back to Blitzø and him never looking at Moxxie, this whole conversation. When Moxxie said out of frustration that Blitzø will end up alone. Blitzø turns around in shock. Blitzø was already shocked at Moxxie for saying ‘F*ck you!’ to him and hearing this ‘You end up alone!’.
Moxxie subconsciously knows that he never insulted Blitzø that way, nor called out his fear in such a heated manner.
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After this, Blitz engages into this conversation and this time asks Moxxie questions. Asks him ‘Why did you hold your true feelings inside?’ that’s where Moxxie places down the candlestick on the table and found the answer. ‘I am scared of rejection’
Take this with a grain of salt, I believe the candles represent Blitzø, Millie and Loona. They are the people, he needs to understand in order to grow as a person. Sadly, he places this candlestick away and instead focused on himself again. He wants to solve this problem alone, without help and it kind of worked.
He learned that his fear of rejection is the main issue of this faulty communication with Blitz.
Blitzø’s attention was put on Moxxie, he didn’t look angry 
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Once the truth serum wore off, Moxxie was able to speak freely with Blitzø and brought up a memory.
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In 'Ozzie’s' and 'Seeing Stars', he still was able to speak with Blitzø freely but not in a personal level. Moxxie didn't entirely figure his problems and most likely will struggle at some point again.
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Did the 'speaking freely' ever apply to Millie? Sadly, no. It's an entirely different, can of worms Moxxie needs to figure. Same with Loona.
House of Asmodeus
He still needs time to solve his problems. Seen in Hourse of Asmodeus song. He looks at Millie with rose-colored glasses in other words, he looks at his relationship with very optimistic eyes.
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An optimistic perception of something; a positive opinion; seeing something in a positive way, often thinking of it as better than it actually is.
Why would I think that? let’s look at the lyrics, when Fizzaroli was knocked out by Millie with the guitar.
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Millie isn’t laughing in two scenes, when Moxxie cracked a joke. He may be stuck in the past and didn't figure the changes between him and Millie, they are always together to the point they don't really talk to each other. Moxxie still needs to grow as a character.
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painted-mister · 1 month
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A poster of Moxxie’s bad trip from Helluva Boss!
Buy it here:
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Reminder to All-
That Blitz's chains in Truthseekers/Moxxie's Bad Trip/Blitzo's Bad Trip never go taut. At any point. The chains stay fully slack the entire time he is climbing up to Stolas. This means that Stolas isn't pulling Blitz to him; Blitz is willingly, freely moving to Stolas of his own accord and free will at the slightest touch of the chains as Stolas reels in the slack.
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