#movie: les mis 78
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ladyoftherefrigerator · 2 months ago
Accretion (6695 words) by Lady_of_the_Refrigerator Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Les Misérables (Movie 1978), Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Javert/Jean Valjean Characters: Javert (Les Misérables), Jean Valjean, Cosette Fauchelevent, Fantine (Les Misérables) Additional Tags: Javert (Perkins) - Freeform, Jean Valjean (Jordan) - Freeform, Montreuil-sur-Mer, Enemies to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Bottom Javert (Les Misérables), Top Jean Valjean, Sequel Series: Part 2 of Erosion Summary: "Anger rose up within Javert as the stark reality of the scene before him began to set in. Anger towards the innkeepers for their abhorrent conduct, to be sure, but perhaps even more anger that Valjean had been correct. The conditions at the inn were indeed abysmal, the girl neglected even worse than a lonely gamin living on the street. At least a gamin could squirrel away a possession or two of their own, and decide for themself their own actions, corrupt or legitimate. This girl had no such control of her own destiny."
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anglerflsh · 2 years ago
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old men from classic french lit. You know
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semyazzayee · 1 year ago
Edit about when that neuron hit me with "wait, that camera movement through perkinsvert's body but it's the typical music of when the sexy bad girl protagonist's love interest enters the room With a remarkably attractive air with her
(Something like Lola Rabbit Or Tina from the Mask)
And of course, the music from Scooby Doo's live action movie because perkinsvert reaction = Shaggy's reaction (And bc I don't remember any other scene with the introduction music idk)
Shitty edits rules >:]]
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semyazzayee · 1 year ago
Les mis '78 made me love Anthony Perkins and take an interest in investigating more about him. You saw me fall into Perkins madness you are so right @to23623ken 😔...
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inspjavert · 6 months ago
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incidentalblr · 2 years ago
i came up with a 78 les mis drinking game but alas i am not 21 so here y’all can have it:
• take a shot whenever javert looks at valjean lustfully
• take a shot every time valjean does that stupid fucking run
• take a shot every time an action sequence looks like it could be from looney tunes (e.g. fantine doing the thriller when she dies, the random civillian hiding behind a wall to trip valjean and then just leaving)
• take a shot every time the irons should be constricting the prisoners’ movements more than they are
• take a shot every time a new male suitor for valjean is introduced (there are a lot of them actually)
• take a shot every time something sounds like a euphemism (e.g. “beads? you make beads here?”)
• and, last, but certainly not least, take a shot every time anthony perkins has a visible boner (IT’S TWO TIMES IT’S TWO WHOLE TIMES WHO LET THIS MOVIE HAPPEN IT’S BATSHIT INSANE)
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
VIRGINIA MAESTRO.. siguiendo con la tragedia (aunque no se de que murio) de tu amigo de adolescencia en CORDOBA "ALVARO DE RUEDA OÑORO (=apellido de mi abuela MAGDALENA o Mujer de mi ABUELO SALVADOR y la cual murio DE CANCER justo antes de nacer YO).. la frontera entre ESPAÑA Y PORTUGAL en SALAMANCA (x donde la CRUZE en agosto 22 en HARLEY tras dormir en su HOTEL CORONA SOL camino de OPORTO) es FUENTES DE OÑORO y sale en la pelicula LISBOA de 1999 donde un tal ALVARO [q muere en supuesto Accidente] es el AMANTE [y socio de su marido] de una tal BERTA Y SU MADRE.. La cual (Berta) tiene un accidente y la busca su Marido Corrupto al q va a DELATAR.. y al final BERTA se SUICIDA.. y sale FUENTES DE OÑORO en lugar de la Frontera x BADAJOZ xq se la encontraron entonces (1999) totalmente DESMONTADA:
"Lisboa”, es un largometraje dirigido en 1999 por el peñarandino Antonio Hernández, un thriller, con estructura de road movie, mezclando corrupción con una total falta de escrúpulos por parte de los protagonistas y unas finanzas nada claras en el seno de una burguesía acaudalada.1
Varios de los momentos decisivos de su metraje, en su tramo final nos llevan hasta la frontera portuguesa de Fuentes de Oñoro en octubre de 1998. Inicialmente, ese escenario no estaba previsto, pero cuando el equipo de rodaje se acercó a la aduana de Badajoz, —la acción se desarrolla en esa zona de la Península —, encontró desmontado el entramado fronterizo, lo que obligó a recurrir al paso de Fuentes de Oñoro–Vilar Formoso. Así, por exigencias del guion y de modo anecdótico la frontera salmantina aparece en la representación como la provincia de Badajoz, por lo que fueron cambiados los letreros de la carretera.2
En su trama, João, un joven portugués vendedor de cintas de vídeo y música, encuentra, una día en la carretera tras un accidente, a Berta una mujer demacrada pero de buena posición, quien le pide que la lleve a Lisboa, a lo que accede reticentemente. Pero al no fiarse de ella avisa a su familia aunque ésta insiste en quedarse con él, entregándole una llave de un apartado de correos lisboeta que contiene información comprometedora sobre las actividades fraudulentas y delictivas de su marido. Por otro lado Berta y su madre comparten amante, Álvaro, antiguo socio del marido de ésta, quien acaba de morir –en el comienzo del film– en un accidente de tráfico del que ella culpa a su familia. Posteriormente, convencido ya de que la mujer no miente João la lleva a Badajoz para despistar a su familia, pero se arrepiente y la deja en una gasolinera, aunque regresa de nuevo. Entretanto aparece José Luis, marido de Berta que los persigue y con ayuda de un sicario les hace hablar, obliga a su mujer a irse con él y a João a devolver la llave. Mientras, éste le hace llegar a Berta una pistola por si se decide a usarla…
3 > > Así, por exigencias del guion y de modo anecdótico la frontera salmantina aparece en la representación como la provincia de Badajoz, por lo que fueron cambiados los letreros de la carretera.
Las escenas filmadas en este límite salmantino entre los dos países aportan las imágenes de los tramos finales de la película. Tramos en los que los planos filman unas espectaculares panorámicas en picado que muestran amplios espacios de la zona de la aduana, el paso fronterizo, La Pedresina, y otros edificios del entorno.4
La recopilación de estas imágenes en las que Fuentes de Oñoro aparece en escena son las siguientes: (62’11”-62’26”). Paso fronterizo de Fuentes de Oñoro, por donde cruza el protagonista, João, hacia Portugal.
(65’00”-65’32”). Fugaz regreso por el mismo lugar del vendedor portugués. Más tarde, dentro del Bar–Restaurante La Pedresina, le pide al camarero que le guarde una bolsa donde esconde la llave que le ha dado Berta.
(78´57”-84´46”). Llegada de Berta, acompañada de su familia y por João, de nuevo a la explanada entre La Pedresina y la gasolinera. El grupo ha de esperar hasta el amanecer a la apertura del establecimiento. En esa tensa espera José Luis le confiesa a su mujer que Álvaro era su amante sólo por su dinero y que debe convencerse de que la muerte de éste fue “un accidente”.
(84’46”-93’36”, Final). Amanece. João irá por el paquete al bar. Planos del paso fronterizo. Entra acompañado por José Luis, deben esperar que llegue el camarero al que entregó la bolsa. Desayunan. José Luis le da a João un cheque por valor de 3 millones de pesetas para que se compre un coche, en compensación por los destrozos ocasionados al suyo al capturarles. Llega el camarero, le entrega la bolsa a João quien a su vez se la da a José Luis con la llave del apartado de correos. Planos generales enfocando al pueblo y al paso fronterizo. Antes, el portugués ha sacado de la misma bolsa una pistola y se la hace llegar a Berta. La familia se marcha, se ofrecen más planos del lugar. Berta se suicida, salen del coche, José Luis y João se miran, el primero se vuelve a meter en el vehículo y se marchan, lo importante para él era que su mujer no hablara. Nuevos planos de la iglesia oñorense y de la frontera, hacia la que se dirige João cojeando, imágenes con las que termina el filme.5
Asimismo, Antonio Hernández ha indicado que, en otras escenas de la película, se insertaron imágenes rodadas en carreteras y márgenes del tramo entre La Fuente de San Esteban y Ciudad Rodrigo, aunque en el desarrollo de la acción figuren engarzadas entre otras localizaciones.
Cuando la cinta se presentó en junio de 1999 en el I Festival de Cine Español de Málaga, Sergi López consiguió el premio al mejor actor del certamen. El film tuvo muy buena acogida entre el público y la crítica, hasta el punto que la Twentieth Century Fox, le propuso a Hernández rodar un remake de la cinta en Estados Unidos, quien rechazó la oferta alegando que no se sentía capaz de hacer dos veces la misma película.
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ruedesfillesducalvaire · 1 year ago
since I was just listening to the french version of 'stars' I have to add
'Je ne faiblirai point tant qu'il ne sera pas / À genoux devant moi.'
(I will never weaken until / He is on his knees before me)
ok javert....
u know, im reminded that i drunk watched les mis 1978 really late at night a few weeks back (literally babys first les mis i was Not familiar with the story at all prior to this) and i could not stop cackling at all the times javert is standing there just looking at valjean with barely contained rage and lust like he wants to fuck him sooo bad but channels it all into putting his valjean back into a cage where he can admire him doing hard labour foreveeer. absolutely pathetic levels of obsession. are they all like this??? they should have made out sloppy style in that alleyway and then maybe he wouldnt have done a 360 degree front flip into the river. movie of all time.
It’s like those superb lyrics from the musical —
Lord let me find him, That I may see him, Safe in my arms behind bars <333
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alicedrawslesmis · 3 years ago
did they actually brand prisoners or is this a movie thing
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kcrabb88 · 7 years ago
I was talking with @aflamethatneverdies today about Les Mis adaptations (and I now have a list to watch of ones I haven’t seen yet!) and this caused me to remember that book that came out in like, 2014 I think, about Javert’s backstory. I never read but I considered it and now I’m like hmm I am tempted. Just to see. Did anyone in this corner of fandom read it? 
Be assured of liveblogging whenever I get to watch more of the movie/TV adaptations though. 
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ladyoftherefrigerator · 3 months ago
Accretion (1963 words) by Lady_of_the_Refrigerator Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Les Misérables (Movie 1978), Les Misérables - All Media Types, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Javert/Jean Valjean Characters: Javert (Les Misérables), Jean Valjean, Cosette Fauchelevent, Fantine (Les Misérables) Additional Tags: Javert (Perkins) - Freeform, Jean Valjean (Jordan) - Freeform, Montreuil-sur-Mer, Enemies to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Bottom Javert (Les Misérables), Top Jean Valjean, Sequel Series: Part 2 of Erosion Summary: "Anger rose up within Javert as the stark reality of the scene before him began to set in. Anger towards the innkeepers for their abhorrent conduct, to be sure, but perhaps even more anger that Valjean had been correct. The conditions at the inn were indeed abysmal, the girl neglected even worse than a lonely gamin living on the street. At least a gamin could squirrel away a possession or two of their own, and decide for themself their own actions, corrupt or legitimate. This girl had no such control of her own destiny."
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anglerflsh · 1 year ago
They should let me write a movie adaptation on les mis I'd do such a great job I promise. Every thirty minutes the actual movie gets interrupted by a documentary on something barely relevant and you think it isn't part of the movie but actually it is and you have to sit down and watch those bits fully that's the intended vision
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landlessbud · 2 years ago
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all of tiktok needs a ticket to the theater and to touch grass
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Favorite Color: oorgh uh. maroon and hunter green
Currently Reading: I guess technically some Latin novellas and also have been intermittently reading Circe by Madeline Miller. also i reread Red, White, and Royal Blue twice in the past week.
Last Song: ABC Cafe/Red and Black from the 2010 les mis live album
Last Series: uhhhhhhh. if like. the stuff on dropout counts, i watched the latest episode of make some noise with my roommate last night. if not, i think bridgerton? which i watched while studying abroad
Last Movie: embarrassingly, c*nderella (2021). not worth it. i have many regrets
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: savory
Currently Working On: wrapping up my internship, theoretically writing for exr games, self-teaching a year's worth of latin by the end of the summer, synergy chapter 3 (~1400 words of it exist!!! i swear!)
uhh tagging @thefactsofthematter, @swarmkeepers, and @livingchancy, though absolutely no pressure to do this haha
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thenardiers · 4 years ago
Re your BBC post: I think it's funny just how entertaining BBC Les Mis becomes when you just throw away any idea it's earnestly trying to be accurate. Rating it as a les mis adaptation? it's pretty damn bad, Infuriating even! 3/10 im made about it like once a week. Rating it along the same lines as one would for say the Fuji TV Les mis adaptation (aka the "im just along for the ride"-ness of it all)? Wild time, solid 8.5/10, I just think valjean and javert are SO funny, also rivette is there
EXACTLY exactly!!! I think it's still (understandably) a sore point for a lot of people who watched it live at the time because davies was a huge dick about how his adaptation was the superior one... only to turn around and make all of the characters objectively Worse. I was initially dismissive of it too, but I agreed to watch it with my mum because she likes it a lot and I found myself seeing it with new eyes
when you divorce it from the (very valid) fandom salt oh my god is it funny. after seeing so many versions of the same story I appreciate when actors/writers try a different tack, yknow? even when it fails, it can still be entertaining! I love that the terrible 1998 movie had cosette pull a GUN on rushvert, I love whatever the hell was going on in the 1978 version with perkins and jordan, you all know I love drunk stars and every weird chaotic choice mann threw at the character
I really hope that more people reevaluate the bbc adaptation in the future because oyelowo genuinely brought the funniest energy I've seen in a long time. that scene at the start of episode four (five?) where he demands everyone ignore the revolution and focus on valjean instead had me in tears! it's stupid and completely misses the point of javert's character but god it's funny! also his gay little medal that he never takes off!! I'd be prepared to argue that there's actually a good amount of brick javert's weirdness and overconfidence in him and I have to love him for that
there's definitely flashes of Good in west's valjean too despite the bad moments. I love how done he is with javert right from javert's first monologue in episode one (I FORGOT TO MENTION JAVERT'S CONSTANT VILLAIN MONOLOGUING ABOUT MORALITY oh my god what is happening. what is wrong with him. I love him)
I think I already posted about valjean's awkward little mayoral speech? I liked that too, it was cringingly awkward and funny, and you don't often see adaptations tackle madeleine's obsessive aversion to actually speaking to the people he's mayor of
poor rivette.... he needs to unionise with that one incredibly tired cop javert keeps ranting to in the 78 movie (was that chabouillet? idk)
TLDR: if we can grow to love the other bonkers takes I've mentioned above I don't see why we can't accept this one into our hearts too! I 100% agree with you anon 💖 also I've never seen fuji les mis but now I desperately need to
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chica-manos-de-tijera · 4 years ago
racha de pelis 2020
1- children of men
2- moonlight
3- lazzaro felice
4- jojo rabbit
5- match point
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217- borat 2
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223- american beauty
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225- historia de lo oculto
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236- cleo de 5 a 7
237- el lado de la costa
238- saludos, cubanos!
239- balnearios
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mrullmann · 4 years ago
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10 derniers films vus: Une journée particulière (77)d’Ettore Scola. Sublime histoire d’amour et sur la solitude, mis en scène de façon tellement originale, qu’il fait parti des incontournables du cinéma qui ne vieilliront jamais. Pour la petite anecdote Alessandra Mussolini, petite fille du Duce, niece de Sofia Loren, devenue par la suite figure de l’extrême-droite, joue dans ce film antifasciste Drunk (2020): Beau film, sur la marge d’1 société trop puritaine, s’inspirant de la théorie d’un psychologue Norvégien prétendant, que l’homme a un déficit d’alcool dans le sang. Skate town USA (79).Super nanar disco, avec Patrick Swayze en méchant dans son 1er rôle racontant 1Concours de Roller dans 1 boîte, sorte de main jaune USA. Impossible de ne pas danser en regardant le film. Tony Manero (2008)Vaut le détour pour le charisme du malsain personnage principal, sosie de Al Pacino. Son obsession: Travolta dans « la fièvre du samedi soir ». Son rêve: gagner 1 concours de sosies. Aussi lourd que l’ambiance Pinochet 70’s, dont les couvres feud font passer les nôtres pour 1 cour de récréation. Abba the Movie (77)docu Fiction, suivant 1 journaliste de Country a qui l’on commande 1 itv de ABBA en tournée en Australie. Drôle de voir vivre le groupe. Vaut le détour pour sa culture pop à condition de les aimer 1 peu. Soul (2020)ça fait du bien à la Soul. Belle histoire qui rappelle « RDV au Paradis »(defending your life) de avec Albert Brooks (91) Urban cowboy(80)Histoire d’amour et rivalité de cowboys modernes au Texas sur fond de concours de danse et Taureau Mecanique.super B.O country. Kitsch, cliché mais tellement cool. Sergent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (78)de Michael Schultz. Lisez la critique de Nanarland et vous comprendrez l’objet Marjoe(72) oscar du meilleur doc sur la + jeune star évangéliste, prédicateur dés 4 ans. Il raconte, le business autour du métier, sa vie parallèle de Hippie até. Après le scandale du film, il est devenu acteur à Hollywood. Je vais craquer(80)Tranche de vie d’1petit Bourgeois rêvant d aventures et de devenir écrivain d’après la bd culte du grand «Lauzier »:la course du rat. Très drôle https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrKaGMgp72/?igshid=1ejvgh96dv26n
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