#mov: st:tuc
frogayyyy · 3 years
that scene in the undiscovered country where jim's like "spock can I talk to you?" and drags him over to the corner and you just see their bodies in frame squashed together yeah they were kissing <3
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frogayyyy · 3 years
thoughts about Jim Kirk saying he knows he'll die alone
as long as he has his ship, his crew, Bones, Spock, he knows he won't die. he won't die, he refuses to give up and he has so much faith and trust in them.
he'd sacrifice himself a hundred times over, because he can't be without them
how terrified he must have been in The Tholian Web "I had a whole universe to myself....there was absolutely no one else in it. I must say, I prefer a crowded universe much better." When you see the image of him shouting out for Spock, any hope that he's not alone.
the five year mission ends, Spock leaves him. and then we see him in TMP, "Spock, I wish you were here" "I need you" he says to both Bones and Spock. (don't let me be alone) Then he nearly loses Spock, risks his life to make sure Spock is okay. "I need Spock on the bridge"
in WOK, he's an Admiral now, he's lonely and feels old.
(also Spock basically saying "why did you accept position of Admiral? you belong at my side" and Jim's like "yeah ur right lol" then saying "I have been and always shall be yours" like I'll never leave you)
the Kobayashi Maru, he changes the programming. he never gives up "I don't believe in the no win scenario" "you've never faced death" there's always a way out as long as he's not alone.
his face when he realises Spock isn't at his station, and then runs down to the engine room. he considers flooding the whole room with radiation just to get to Spock. "he's dead already" the devastation in his voice. losing the one who was there without fail, realising he won't be there anymore. "you never have faced death." "no, not like this" Spock's death means his own.
the beginning of SFS, losing Spock makes the whole ship feel so empty. he's back to feeling alone again after having got Spock back then losing him. even worse that he loses the Enterprise and he's starting to lose Bones too. he risks everything he has just for a chance to get them back. "you'll lose everything, you'll destroy yourself" David gets killed. he blows up the supposed love of his life (his ship) to have Spock. he can't even watch during the ritual which might lose him everything. "if I hadn't tried, the cost would've been my soul" "the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many" yes he was talking about the needs of Spock but also himself. he needs Spock, can't live without him.
let's be honest TVH is just a big ridiculous film so there aren't too many dramatic moments where they seriously think they'll die. but you can see the change in him from the first 3 movies. him and Spock are practically married in this.
"I've always known, I'll die alone." you can see Spock thinking he's never going to leave his side again even if it kills him, he spends the whole film trying to prove it to Kirk. he doesn't want to believe Spock betrayed him. "you're either with me or you're not" "I am here, Captain" he's saying you're not alone Jim, I'm right here with you. but Jim doesn't hear what he's saying. "I belong here". sacrifices himself for Spock and Bones, again. and this time he really thinks this is it, he thinks he's alone "what are you waiting for?". then the disbelief and pure adoration when he sees Spock. the moment he finally understands "you were never alone". he won't abandon him. then goes to kiss him THEY'RE FAMILY
Spock putting the tracker on him in TUC (idk if they planned it or not) just another reassurance that they're a team and they have each others backs. "come on, I need you"
don't remind me that he does actually die alone because I will ignore you
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