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@dragonatthedinnertable why hello nina! i'm so glad you asked! this is going to be a very very long dive into my deeply cringe childhood. i also wrote this while baked. you have been warned.
so! basics! we all know what roblox is: a gaming platform for children. right?
okay sure that's mostly what roblox was for, but it wasn't just a game. it was a place in cyberspace. it was like a micro-country with its own economy (limited items, stock markets, exchange rates, a whole thing about the free minor currency being removed eventually). it had its own subcultures - the minigamers, the role players, the programmers/game developers, the tycoon gamers, the clothing artists, the builders. there were forums, groups, out-of-game chat and parties so you and your friends could all hop between different games in seconds. as a child who had no irl friends, it was The Dream.
among the many aspects of real life that roblox emulated was international politics and war. yes, for real. there was a military role play community in roblox, and it was taken very seriously.
the core concept of these military role playing groups: a number of roblox players pledge alliegance to a group or guild with its own lore, and swear to protect its honour by fighting in wars against other clans. usually this meant playing a game of sci-fi capture the flag at a base location. scores were kept in the official clans & guilds board in the roblox forum.
this was such a phenomenon that the children involved collectively developed social rules and expectations that came with the chosen lifestyle of being in a war clan. standardised weapons and rules for team bases were developed - every clan was expected to commission a professional roblox builder to create a 1-3 unique battle maps that matched the group’s theming (usually futuristic sci-fi). these could be absolutely enormous and super detailed, detailed enough to melt your PC, sometimes indistinguishable from other video games because of the effort that went into the visuals.
these bases were also expected to be fair - there had to be an equal number of secret passages, shortcuts, and each spawn point had to be protected from spawn campers and be equal distances from their respective flags or terminals.
weapons were also standardised. swords could be used, but custom swordfighting animations were often not allowed because certain animations could be used to glitch and clip through the other player, killing them instantly. upgraded weapons were allowed, but they had to be given out at equal opportunity to friendlies and hostiles.
to make sure the clans were prepared to launch raids on others and to protect their own bases from incoming attacks, members were incentivised to hone their skills at training sessions led by their high-ranking superiors. in other words, some kids on their computer opened roblox to pretend to do military drills and training for about 45 minutes. for fun. except of course, it wasn’t just role play. fighting in roblox was actually hard. it required skill and practice to be good at, and there was absolutely a proper technique. absolutely no first-person play, keep your movement on mouselock, and move quickly in circles to feint at your opponent until you catch them off guard, never attack an opponent who hasn’t got their back to you, always try to get lower ground than your opponent, etc. stuff like that. it was something respectable you could get good at, like esports.
during training sessions, the trainer would line up the other clan members and have them perform drills. attention, about turn, march, at ease. they would do this for a very long time. if anyone missed a drill or strayed from the line, they would get killed with admin commands or frozen for the rest of the exercise. the trainings often also involved obstacle courses - enemies must provide a pathway from your spawn to their base when you raid them, but they’re also allowed to make it insanely difficult to traverse. so you have to be good at parkour. so you try your hand at purpose-built obstacle courses of increasing difficulties in a training environment to improve your reaction speeds and control of your character. it’s usually a “floor is lava” situation so you die if you miss a jump or fall from a platform.
no training was complete without combat. you would be made to fight other trainees to the death in various exercises including: 1v1 swordfighting and gunfighting, team fights, team deathmatches, free-for-all fights, zombie tag, and games of juggernaut. these were all programmed into the training environment by a paid builder and game dev. players would be assigned teams and guns and they would kill each other. the kill : death ratio stacked up over the course of the training session. if you did really badly and died way more than you killed, you might be booted from the later stages of the session. if the high-ranking trainer was feeling particularly quirky, they might even host a simulated raid as a training session at the team’s actual headquarters. (but watch out - if your enemies spot a large number of players online at your Real Actual Base at once, they might take that as opportunity to attack you! trainings often got flooded by sudden invasions.)
at the end of most training sessions, the trainer would select a couple of trainees who they thought had performed exceptionally well, or showed strong loyalty, and they would offer each of those trainees a promotion.
what does performing well mean? a lot of the time, it means you’re good at combat, and your superiors want you to rank up faster so that you can teach underskilled players how to fight. or the same with obstacle courses. sometimes it meant they thought you were super disciplined or smart. yes, you got rewarded for discipline! if you knew your place, called your trainer ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’, spoke only when spoken to, and followed all your instructions, that was a sure sign you knew the rules and could be a good leader. they wanted more of that behaviour. you had to spend roblox currency to buy the clan’s uniform too and wear it to every event. (if you didn’t, you got booted from the game until you put it on. if you couldn't afford it, tough luck, wait until you can.)
on the other side of things, if you were particularly rowdy or annoying, you were in danger of getting kicked from the session, or worse, demoted. you could get in trouble for things like speaking without permission, using informal language, failing to properly capitalise your chat messages and use proper punctuation, etc. it was all kinds of pretentious like that. you were basically expected to be as stone cold serious and adult as you could. and it was comical. because we were all about 12. there is nothing funnier than a 12 year old telling another 12 year old they're being immature.
but those trainees who consistently performed well and got promoted? eventually, they would start climbing their way through the ranks. they would graduate from the LRs (low ranks) to the MRs (mid/medium ranks) and get extra privileges, like access to secret meeting areas in the bases, or the right to order around lower-ranking members. earning promotions as a MR required a little more elbow grease, but the exceptional among them graduated and became HR (high ranking) members – usually anything colonel or above. once you got here, you were in the major leagues. you got admin powers in every location that belonged to your guild. you could host trainings. you could come to HR meetings and shout messages to the whole group. you got to talk to the leader themselves. you could also cast judgement, kick and ban people from the group, use your admin powers to punish others and decide who got promoted when.
everyone wanted to be a HR. that’s why people went to trainings. they were hungry for power. but you would maybe get to attend two training sessions per day as a kid playing on their computer, and that was on a good busy day. and usually there were around twenty ranks to climb through before you got anywhere worth celebrating. it took a lot of time and dedication to get promoted up to the high ranks, and that meant weeks at least of real-life commitment to this clan. so people became incredibly loyal to the groups they joined.
here’s where we get to me. hi. i’m not going to be telling you what my roblox username was - that’s between me and my best friends and god. but i, a friendless child, got sucked into this make-believe world hard. it was a way to make friends and socialise with hard well-defined rules that was very very appealing to my extremely autistic childhood self. i craved that cameradarie that came from being absolutely absorbed in my war clan, from training and sparring with the same usernames day after day after day the second i got home from school. the bonds you formed with your fellow trainees was intensely strong.
in my particular case, i joined a clan that i’ll call the GOAT. not its real name, that puts me at risk of being found out for cringe, i chose this name purely because it looks like the type of acronym we’d have actually used.
so i pledged my loyalty to the GOAT. it was huge - upwards of sixty thousand members at the time - and that was a lot of power up for grabs. it was one of the most well-known clans, not the absolute hugest, but it was a looming threatening presence in the roblox clan world. i liked wars. i liked games. it was a clan that got attention and got to fight a lot, and i was drawn to it immediately. i wanted more than anything in the world to become a high-ranking member of the GOAT.
so i went to the trainings. and i was really bad at the combat, but i made up for it by sucking up to my superiors, who promoted me astonishingly quickly. i was a stand-out member of the group for a lot of reasons. i was dedicated, i was always online, i was always there to defend base, and i followed the rules. give it a few weeks and i was in the middle ranks.
it was at this point i decided i wanted to introduce one of my non-military-roleplaying roblox friends to this clan. we played a lot of other games together, like this absolutely terrifying horror game called Darkness, and i wanted her to be part of my military group too so that we could hang out more. so i invited her to join the group and taught her the rules and showed her how to behave at training sessions.
considering her taste in roblox games before this was mostly horror survival and “adopt me” RP games, she adapted to the military environment shockingly quickly, and it became her whole personality. and being in america, she got to go to training sessions way more frequently than me, because they usually only started in the evenings in the UK time zone whereas she got promotion opportunities as soon as she got home from school. she ended up outranking me, and made it to the high ranks.
and oh boy. was i jealous.
not just jealous. i was FUMING.
i was so loyal to this war clan that i let my ambitions cloud everything else i cared about. i didn’t give a rat's ass that this was one of my best (internet) friends who i liked and hung out with a lot! i wasn’t happy for her achievements at all, i was FURIOUS that she would snatch the power from right under my nose when i was the one who had initially taken her under my wing. the audacity. the outrage. the vacancy i wanted to fill, gone. i had to spoil it for her.
this is where i had an actual joker moment and told this girl i would stop being friends with her if she didn’t leave the group.
she left the group.
yeah i think i might have actually been evil as a child i’m so sorry kami. there was absolutely something deeply wrong with me.
anyway. my friend was now out of the picture and there was another space for a high ranking member that had opened up, and i was the obvious choice. i felt mildly bad about guilt tripping my friend out of her big achievement for approximately 5 minutes until that emotion was completely replaced by the joy of being promoted as her replacement.
now remember: achieving a High Rank is a big honour. the group has grown a little since i joined, and all of a sudden i had complete authority over an excess of 60,000 other kids on roblox. if i told them to jump they’d either jump or i’d kill them with super admin commands. i got to lead raids on other clans when we went to war. if someone invaded our base, i was authorised to command that our members leave their roblox warrior cats games and drop everything to come defend us.
alliances were a thing too! sometimes we’d forge an alliance with another clan and defend them when their HQ was invaded, on the condition they do the same for us. sometimes we would join forces to attack another group. it went deep.
so. after i became HR and got access to these secret meetings, i became involved in what i like to call the “great warlord uprising and resulting civil war”. it’s exactly what it sounds like. our warlord wasn’t the first the group had had, but he was the longest reigning thus far, and he did his job ok but was kind of an absent father to the group – was rarely seen, almost never hosted his own events, and was only heard from by proxy of his close circle of HRs. we respected him and followed his rules because he was the warlord, but some of us didn’t much like him.
one day someone who wanted a slice of the GOAT’s glory keylogged the warlord and hacked his account, then transferred ownership of the guilt to his own profile. we were suddenly under the rule of some emo kid i’ll call the hacklord.
so this hacklord was threatening to dox anyone who reported him or otherwise tried to give the group back to the warlord, but admittedly, he was a way better leader. he knew what he was doing, was an active participant, and mobilised the group really well with his new authority. about half of the group ended up liking him more than the old guy.
i was among the hacklord fan club, but i was kind of stupid about it. i forgot that it was supposed to be a secret i kept from the other HRs so i’d catch myself getting my trainees to chant “hacklord is our true leader!” over and over in the presence of a very-anti-hacklord superior. i accidentally leaked that we were planning to start a revolution. whhooppps.
an anti-hacklord faction quickly cropped up, led by one of my superiors. they existed to defend the honour and authority of the original warlord, give him back the throne. they called themselves something edgy, i cant remember what. lets go with team darkside.
we ended up having a war against team darkside and it was messy. the original warlord got his account and group back, and then was immediately hacked again by the same person on a new account. this happened so many times that they straight-up gave up. then someone else had their try, went through three terminated accounts, and gave up too. then eventually, hacklord got tired out and gave ownership to a completely new guy who was about as deadbeat as the first one. back to square one.
both our side and team darkside were unsatisfied with this result. we had a few people leave the clan altogether and form their own, smaller, elite group that went to war with us and lost. whatever though. i didn’t care about all this political drama now that the civil war was over and we'd taken our casualties, because i was still there, and i was a High Rank! the world was my oyster!
and not to toot my own horn but i was one of the best HRs in my tier. did i abuse my power, kick people from the game, exercise bans, over-moderate the group message board? duh, of course i did. pretty sure i demoted some people too. but i hosted long, in-depth trainings and put fun twists on my exercises (like using build tools to make my own battle maps every session). lower-ranking soldiers did exactly as i said, when i said it. even though i myself was bad at combat, i was a particularly good strategiser, so i frequently led my teams into battle and won. i had radical ideas of new training exercises i wanted to introduce, so i built my own holo training arenas using a widely-available script and some very primitive coding skills.
whenever there wasn’t an active training session that i needed to host, i would go to a recruitment plaza - side note, a lot of roblox users made recruitment plazas that were basically VRchat style social spaces not belonging to any clan, where players would go to discover clans to join or recruit others to their own - and i’d spend real in-game currency to recruit people.
pictured: a roblox recruiting plaza for guilds. it's a large circular room with a glass roof and looks like the inside of a space station.
i used to help design the propaganda advertisements that our leaders would cash in real life money for to have show up all over the website for random users, linking directly back to the group page.
i couldn't find any examples of these ads on google images, but they were made with photoshop and looked like typical propaganda ads in sci-fi styling. even though i can't show you what they looked like, there were some equivalent videos:
pictured above: a three minute long recruitment video for a guild called Electro Legion, which i'll talk about some more later on.
anyways, in a nutshell i was great at my job, and i was starting to get attention from all our active members for being a really good team player! i made friends with some of the HRs above me, who were directly friends with the warlord himself. i got into their social circle. went to their secret meetings where they’d strategise how to lead troops into their next raid.
at one point, one of the other 12 year old HRs said he wanted to e-date me. i know this sounds extremely fucking dubious (and it might have been!) but trust me that when i said “yes” i thought that just meant being best friends with someone. if this was secretly a nonce they couldnt have hurt me if they tried. i was very sheltered and didnt know what a boyfriend is, i was fucking oblivious. i just played a lot of shooter games with them and that was kinda it. but i did get promoted pretty quickly after it, and ended up being the 3rd in Command (and for a brief moment, the 2nd in Command, since we lost a couple of members and had to shuffle things around).
it was around this time i noticed an interesting new clan rising up in the scene. their name was the Electro Legion, and they were a small-sized (around 10,000 members) but fast-growing guild themed entirely around lightning and electricity. they had been sweeping clans five times their size in an ongoing war recently, and nobody knew how they were so skilled at combat or what their new strategy was, but they drew a lot of attention.
generally speaking, it was completely fine and acceptable to be part of more than one war clan, as long as those particular ones weren’t at currently war with one another. you didn’t have to choose a favourite but it was more normalised to have a ‘main’ clan and ‘side’ clans - so that you knew which one you’d side with if there was a war. but don’t tell your side clan that you’re their side clan. that would be traitorous.
i thought, hey what the heck, i’ll join the Electro Legion with the GOAT as my main clan. they won’t go to war with each other, we have nearly 7x the number of members as them.
they went to war.
ah fuck, i thought. the Electro Legion had been really fun to be part of. they had a brighter colour scheme first of all, yellow uniforms and bright yellow accents in their bases and training arenas. they innovated their weapons and used cool new building techniques. they had trendier slogans and cooler lore. and they were way better at fighting, because their training techniques were innovative, and their fighters were more skilled. i really liked them, i didn’t want to have to quit the guild just because the GOAT were at war with them!
i confided in our current warlord, who at first was suspicious that i was thinking of betraying the GOAT, but eventually saw my side and made me a deal that would still let me participate in their trainings.
i made a sock account, pretended to be a new person, and joined the Electro Legion undercover. i left the group on my main account. this, of course, set me back to square one in the rankings, but i knew the rules, so climbing up the ranks again was no problem for me. once again i became a model member of the Electro Legion lower ranking soldiers, and became a MR, and then i got to a point where i was almost at a HR.
here’s where my freedom as a secret agent ended. if i was loyal to the GOAT, i couldn’t accept this promotion to Electro Legion’s higher ranks. but i kind of wanted it anyway. i’d realised that, in a lot of ways, Electro Legion was a better guild than the GOAT.
so after some consideration i made my choice to be the villain and betray the GOAT, but i decided to fuck it up a little first since i knew they were kind of scummy and used loopholes to spawn-camp their enemies and frequently utilised admin commands during official raids. if i was going to lead Electro Legion to victory against them, i had to fuck them up from the inside first.
remember the high-ranking GOAT boy i started e-dating a while back? yeah i was real bored him always being there when i was trying to role play cringe warrior cats in my spare time, so i “broke up” with him and he was so torn up over it that he left the group. and he was one of our strongest fighters and most well-liked quartermasters, so this caused an uproar and a domino effect where several more of our highest ranking memebrs all left.
suddenly the group was in shambles. in a desperate attempt to put together a new council, the warlord promoted a bunch of MRs at seemingly random and was shuffling people’s ranks around up and down for days. i briefly became second-in-command again and then was demoted back to third, and then he demoted all HRs to the lowest rank in the tier, so we were all equal.
to put it simply, the GOAT was not functioning.
i left the GOAT for good, revealed myself with my true identity, and accepted my promotion to the high ranks in Electro Legion on my main account. we won the was against the GOAT, obviously.
unfortunately the aftermath of this was that a bunch of GOAT and ex-GOAT military clan roleplayers started a manhunt for me, outing me as a traitor and unfaithful and a roblox war criminal. this set off my social anxiety so bad i closed my account and changed my email address and password to something i to this day cannot remember. goodbye first ever roblox account.
realising that an unexpectedly large proportion of my friend group were all actively part of the highly unusual roblox military microculture phenomenon around 2011-13 has me itching to write an essay-length account of the entire thing. it's fascinating. it's unholy. i genuinely think that, if not for such a large part of its history being erased with the shutdown of the roblox forums, it would make for an eye-opening sociological study about a simulated society run primarily by children.
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November Patreon prompt for @chinike was my choice between anything Johnlock or my original art. I decided to combine the two! 💗
My Patreon / My Ko-fi / My Redbubble / Commissions / Colouring book
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@chriscalledmesweetie @imnova @stories-in-howls @missmuffin221 @sw70sw70 @colourfulwatson @inevitably-johnlocked @whichever-whichway @writingfanficsfan@ithinkthereforiamfandom@bakingsherlycakes @consultingpacha@mylastvow@shylockgnomes @loveismyrevolution @morgendaemmerung89@folkyfaery
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A Tale of Two Bad Mice Named Sherlock and John
A retelling of Beatrix Potter’s classic tale, inspired by this lovely artwork by @chained-to-the-mirror
Once upon a time there was a very beautiful doll's-house; it was red brick with white windows, and it had real muslin curtains and a front door and a chimney.
It belonged to a Doll called Mrs. Hudson. Jane was her housekeeper, but she never did any cooking, because the dinner had been bought ready-made, in a box full of shavings.
One morning Mrs. Hudson and Jane had gone out for a drive in the doll's perambulator. There was no one in the nursery, and it was very quiet.
Presently there was a little scuffling, scratching noise in a corner near the fireplace, where there was a hole under the skirting-board. Sherlock put out his head for a moment, and then popped it in again. Sherlock was a mouse.
A minute afterwards, John, his husband, put his head out, too.
When they saw that there was no one in the nursery, they ventured out on the oilcloth under the coal-box. The doll's-house stood at the other side of the fire-place. Sherlock and John went cautiously across the hearthrug. They pushed the front door—it was not locked.
Wonder what mischief Sherlock and John will get up to? Hint: It’s more than a little bit not good!
Read the rest of A Tale of Two Bad Mice - along with Beatrix Potter’s charming illustrations - on AO3 as one of my Children’s Classics with a Johnlock Twist.
#sherlock fic#johnlock fic#beatrix potter#mouselock#Children's Classics with a Johnlock Twist#my fic#mrs. hudson#sherlock#johnlock
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I assume that the alignments picked at Ossus carry through to Onslaught?
I’ve got am Imperial to Empire, Republic to Republic, and Republic to Empire when it came to Ossus (I don’t have an Imperial to Republic as Empire Ossus has a binocular quest that mouselocks and so requires me calling in assistance to break out, evil broken laptop).
Onslaught should be interesting, especially with the betrayer if it does keep it, I’ll have to play it later though since the update took some time and it’s too late to start now.
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The show Die Sendung mit der Maus turns fifty today. It’s been a much cherished part of my childhood. Happy Birthday, Maus, Elefant & Co. May there be many entertaining and educational years yet to come.
Quick wip sketch for October’s “Let’s Draw Sherlock” challenge: Famous Duos. I chose Mouse and Little Blue Elephant from one of Germany’s most famous children’s programs “Die Sendung mit der Maus” (The Program with the Mouse).
Hope to make a short animation out of it once I’ve reduced the piles of student work I have to grade first. Oh, and I killed the duck because it always annoyed me when I watched the show.
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ՖԱԲԵՐԼԻԿ Հայաստան Կատալոգ 15 2017
Ակցիաներ ՄԻԱՅՆ մեր խմբի գործընկերների համար
ՖԱԲԵՐԼԻԿ Հայաստան 15-րդ Կատալոգի նորույթները
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7 ) Improvisação Avançada 1
8 ) Improvisação Avançada 2
9 ) Trabalhando com Multiefeitos
10 ) Como trabalhar com bandas; Arranjos para Grupos
11 ) Fusion Guitar
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Além dos cursos acima, existem três outros cursos diferenciados:
1 -“Aprendendo a Ser Músico” que é um curso de manejamento de carreira, uma palestra de longa duração dividida em um vídeo de introdução e mais seis palestras, onde ensino tudo sobre a carreira de músico, desde como arrumar trabalho e sobre as atitudes administrativas mais exitosas. R$300,00.
2 - Curso de canto “do Básico ao Rock” onde ensino como fazer o “drive” e também princípios básicos, iniciando quem não canta ainda. R$200,00
3 - Arranjos, Estilos e Linguagem da Guitarra que trás conceitos teóricos e de estilo e “Sotaque” para guitarristas serem bons arranjadores e construírem seu estilo. R$200,00.
PROMOÇÃO QUINZE CURSOS + Método revolucionário “Falando a linguagem das notas” destinada aos estudantes de música e material de apoio para professores. Que será enviado por correio como brinde extra!
1) Tapping
2) Velocidade, Arpeggios Tríades e Tétrades
3) Improvisação Tonal e Modal
4) Escalas Exóticas
5) Blues
6) Bases de Rock
7) Improvisação Avançada 1
8) Improvisação Avançada 2
9) Trabalhando com Multiefeitos
10) Como trabalhar com bandas; Arranjos para Grupos
11 ) Fusion Guitar
12 ) O Estilo Nelson Junior de Tocar
13) Aprendendo a Ser Músico
14) Curso de canto “do Básico ao Rock
15) Arranjos, Estilos e Linguagem da Guitarra
Brinde: “Método revolucionário “Falando a linguagem das notas” destinado aos estudantes de música e material de apoio para professores. Que será enviado por correio como brinde extra!
Se você mora em São Paulo e no grande ABC ministro aulas particulares presenciais.
Ligue-me: TIM (11) 9 8371-9001
Nelson Junior
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Today I wrote an extension that gets you some perfect, OS-level mouselock.
Perfect for games with mouse aiming where you don’t want the players to accidentally click outside the game when running in windowed mode or when having multiple monitors.
Originally made for my Nuclear Throne Together mod after discovering some long-forgotten mouselock implementation attempts that couldn’t possibly fully work (because you can’t run game logic on high enough frequency to warrant that the mouse won’t leave the window and click between your calls).
itch: https://yellowafterlife.itch.io/gamemaker-native-mouselock
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Security of your computer files is important and having this in mind, developers have been developing programs to protect your computer from unallowed access. In Windows 8 computers, you can make use of Lockscreen Pro to capture the snaps of the snoopy hands.
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Haha. I made it with my phone so I'm sorry if it is a little "bleh."
#Basil of baker street#the great mouse detective#sherlock#sherlock holmes#mouselock#disney#basil detective
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Hardly original, but fun nonetheless. :V
#BBC#Sherlock#the great mouse detective#great mouse detective#mouselock#mouse sherlock#sherlock mouse#moriarty#john#john watson#watson#Ridel art
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The mouse gang 💗
My Patreon / My Ko-fi / Animalock books / Animalock on Redbubble / Commissions
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@chriscalledmesweetie @imnova @ready-to-kick-some-ass @missmuffin221 @sw70sw70 @theconsultinglinguist @colourfulwatson @inevitably-johnlocked @whichever-whichway@writingfanficsfan@ithinkthereforiamfandom @srebrnafh @bakingsherlycakes @consultingpacha @mylastvow @folkyfaery
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Mouselock, сообщит, о несанкционированном, доступе, к ПК
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Աքսեսուարներ - ՖԱԲԵՐԼԻԿ Հայաստան Կատալոգ 14
Ակցիաներ ՄԻԱՅՆ մեր խմբի գործընկերների համար
Աքսեսուարներ: Ապարանջան: Ձեռքերի խնամքի
#ՖԱԲԵՐԼԻԿ, #Աքսեսուարներ, #Ապարանջան,
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Olá, como vai? Seja bem vindo... Como muitas pessoas me adicionam por causa de meus cursos virtuais eis aqui um resumo de como funcionam
É de grande satisfação esse contato com você que acompanha o meu trabalho e tem confiança em que eu possa ser seu instrutor.
Se você tem dificuldades de tempo em seu dia, indico meus cursos virtuais, que não são aulas do tipo Skype, e sim acesso a materiais diferenciados sobre vários assuntos, e você pode optar por pacotes de cursos que garantem um ano de Estudo virtual.
Você pode acessar o material em vídeos privados a qualquer hora, sejam 3 horas da manhã de um dia, as 17:00 do outro dia ou a qualquer momento, quantas vezes quiser, bem como o material de apoio de download, e enviará as suas dúvidas e terá resposta de forma eficaz na sua compreensão.
ACESSE: https://youtu.be/IQV7NTTj30Y
Um curso custa 150 reais
Dois cursos custam 250 reais
Três cursos custam 300 reais
Promoção imperdível!!!
Cada curso do pacote de 12 meses pode ser adquirido individualmente por R$ 150,00.
Mas nessa imperdível promoção, os 12 cursos saem por um terço do valor: R$ 600,00 à vista!
Com material para mais de um ano já que cada curso foi pensado para mais de um mês de estudo.
Individualmente cada curso deste pacote de 12 cursos custa R$ 150,00 e no pacote R$ 600,00.
1 ) Tapping
2 ) Velocidade, Arpeggios Tríades e Tétrades
3 ) Improvisação Tonal e Modal
4 ) Escalas Exóticas
5 ) Blues
6 ) Bases de Rock
7 ) Improvisação Avançada 1
8 ) Improvisação Avançada 2
9 ) Trabalhando com Multiefeitos
10 ) Como trabalhar com bandas; Arranjos para Grupos
11 ) Fusion Guitar
12 ) O Estilo Nelson Junior de Tocar
O material dos cursos varia de acordo com o assunto e com vídeos privados no youtube para que somente os alunos possam vê-los, Você terá o seu login no youtube, adicionarei o seu e-mail de login nos vídeos dos cursos aos quais você participara.
Comece a estudar imediatamente, fazendo um depósito ou transferência bancária para:
Banco Itaú
Agência 3094
Conta corrente 14660-6, no valor do curso ou do pacote de cursos.
Envie um e-mail para
Mencionando: "Curso/Depósito" ou "Pacote Anual/Depósito" anexe o comprovante do depósito, transferência ou DOC, o nome do(s) curso(s) ou o pacote anual.
Informe o seu e-mail de login no youtube, e assim será liberado o acesso e você receberá os links e materiais IMEDIATAMENTE APOS A CONFIRMAÇÃO DO DEPÓSITO, HABILITO VOCÊ E LHE PASSO OS LINKS.
Plantão de dúvidas
Material didático a qualquer hora
Você não precisa estar on line ao mesmo tempo em que eu
Tratamento diferenciado
Suas perguntas sempre serão esclarecidas
Além dos cursos acima, existem três outros cursos diferenciados:
1 -“Aprendendo a Ser Músico” que é um curso de manejamento de carreira, uma palestra de longa duração dividida em um vídeo de introdução e mais seis palestras, onde ensino tudo sobre a carreira de músico, desde como arrumar trabalho e sobre as atitudes administrativas mais exitosas. R$300,00.
2 - Curso de canto “do Básico ao Rock” onde ensino como fazer o “drive” e também princípios básicos, iniciando quem não canta ainda. R$200,00
3 - Arranjos, Estilos e Linguagem da Guitarra que trás conceitos teóricos e de estilo e “Sotaque” para guitarristas serem bons arranjadores e construírem seu estilo. R$200,00.
PROMOÇÃO QUINZE CURSOS + Método revolucionário “Falando a linguagem das notas” destinada aos estudantes de música e material de apoio para professores. Que será enviado por correio como brinde extra!
1) Tapping
2) Velocidade, Arpeggios Tríades e Tétrades
3) Improvisação Tonal e Modal
4) Escalas Exóticas
5) Blues
6) Bases de Rock
7) Improvisação Avançada 1
8) Improvisação Avançada 2
9) Trabalhando com Multiefeitos
10) Como trabalhar com bandas; Arranjos para Grupos
11 ) Fusion Guitar
12 ) O Estilo Nelson Junior de Tocar
13) Aprendendo a Ser Músico
14) Curso de canto “do Básico ao Rock
15) Arranjos, Estilos e Linguagem da Guitarra
Brinde: “Método revolucionário “Falando a linguagem das notas” destinado aos estudantes de música e material de apoio para professores. Que será enviado por correio como brinde extra!
Se você mora em São Paulo e no grande ABC ministro aulas particulares presenciais.
Ligue-me: TIM (11) 9 8371-9001
Nelson Junior
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0 notes
A Tale of Two Bad Mice Named Sherlock and John
A retelling of Beatrix Potter’s classic tale, inspired by this lovely artwork by @chained-to-the-mirror
Once upon a time there was a very beautiful doll’s-house; it was red brick with white windows, and it had real muslin curtains and a front door and a chimney.
It belonged to a Doll called Mrs. Hudson. Jane was her housekeeper, but she never did any cooking, because the dinner had been bought ready-made, in a box full of shavings.
There were two red lobsters and a ham, a fish, a pudding, and some pears and oranges. They would not come off the plates, but they were extremely beautiful.
One morning Mrs. Hudson and Jane had gone out for a drive in the doll’s perambulator. There was no one in the nursery, and it was very quiet.
Presently there was a little scuffling, scratching noise in a corner near the fireplace, where there was a hole under the skirting-board. Sherlock put out his head for a moment, and then popped it in again. Sherlock was a mouse.
A minute afterwards, John, his husband, put his head out, too.
When they saw that there was no one in the nursery, they ventured out on the oilcloth under the coal-box. The doll’s-house stood at the other side of the fire-place. Sherlock and John went cautiously across the hearthrug. They pushed the front door—it was not locked.
Sherlock and John went upstairs and peeped into the dining-room. Then they squeaked with joy!
Such a lovely dinner was laid out upon the table! There were tin spoons, and lead knives and forks, and two dolly-chairs—all so convenient.
Sherlock set to work at once to carve the ham. It was a beautiful shiny yellow, streaked with red.
The knife crumpled up and hurt him; he put his finger in his mouth. “It is not boiled enough; it is hard. You have a try, John.”
John stood up in his chair, and chopped at the ham with another lead knife. “It’s as hard as the hams at the cheesemonger’s,” said John.
The ham broke off the plate with a jerk, and rolled under the table. “Let it alone,” said Sherlock. “Let’s have some fish, John!”
John tried every tin spoon in turn; the fish was glued to the dish.
Then Sherlock lost his temper. He put the ham in the middle of the floor, and hit it with the tongs and with the shovel—bang, bang, smash, smash! The ham flew all into pieces, for underneath the shiny paint it was made of nothing but plaster!
Then there was no end to the rage and disappointment of Sherlock and John. They broke up the pudding, the lobsters, the pears and the oranges. As the fish would not come off the plate, they put it into the red-hot crinkly paper fire in the kitchen; but it would not burn either.
Sherlock went up the kitchen chimney and looked out at the top—there was no soot.
While Sherlock was up the chimney, John had another disappointment. He found some tiny canisters upon the dresser, labelled—Rice—Coffee—Currants—but when he turned them upside down, there was nothing inside except red and blue beads.
Then those mice set to work to do all the mischief they could—especially Sherlock! He took Mrs. Hudson’s clothes out of the chest of drawers in her bedroom, and he threw them out of the top floor window.
But John had a frugal mind. After pulling half the feathers out of Mrs. Hudson’s bolster, he decided that he and Sherlock could use a feather bed.
With Sherlock’s assistance he carried the bolster downstairs, and across the hearth-rug. It was difficult to squeeze the bolster into the mouse-hole; but they managed it somehow.
John went back and fetched a jumper for himself and a scarf for Sherlock.
He was just returning with a chair, when suddenly there was a noise of talking outside upon the landing. The mice rushed back to their hole, and Mrs. Hudson and Jane came into the nursery.
What a sight met their eyes!
Mrs. Hudson sat upon the upset kitchen stove and stared—but she did not make any remark.
The little girl that the doll’s-house belonged to said, “I will get a doll dressed like a policeman!”
But the nurse said, “I will set a mouse-trap!”
Of course, Sherlock and John were too clever to ever be caught by a policeman, or a mouse trap.
So that is the story of the two Bad Mice.
But they were not so very very naughty after all, because Sherlock paid for everything he broke.
He found a crooked sixpence under the hearthrug; and upon Christmas Eve, he and John stuffed it into one of Mrs. Hudson’s stockings.
The End
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#sherlock fic#johnlock fic#beatrix potter#mouselock#children's classics with a johnlock twist#mrs. hudson#sherlock#johnlock#the adventure of the two bad mice#art#illustration
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