BasilSmall litter fun facts 4/7: Deertongue!
Mentor: Robinmask (he wanted Mottlecry, but everyone said NO, and for good reason)
Dark Defects: Oligodactyly (opposite of polydactyl, he has less toes than normal, three per paw to be specific) on all paws, protruding underbite
Dark Benefits: very good hearing
-A little bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs
-One of the most cannibalistic of the Dark Kits, but he specifically prefers blood
-Part of a chaotic trio with Smokyflame and Sandspark
-Idolizes Mottlecry and the ground he walks on
-Also really good friends with Webfang and Wormpaw
-Actually nice once you get to know him!
aw Mottle has a fan!
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FidgetGuts: ugh, im so bored. 
MottleCry: want to disembowel someone? I’ll let you get the heart this time 
FidgetGuts: sure!! 
TimberStone: no- stop, wait, don’t do that!Sheath those claws! Put FungiChomp down! 
(Mottlecry belongs to @residents-of-the-darkforest)
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*skullmoon voice* fuckers took my jaw AND my leg, cant ahve shit in the dark forest
with Mottlecry around, it’s a regular occurrence
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FidgetGuts: I like you MottleCry: thanks I think you’re a good friend too FidgetGuts: …. - @wills-woodland-warriors
they give each other guts as presents
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I think Mottlecry and his new bf should have the “dating for years” and “has a crush on the other and hasn’t realized that they are already dating” dynamic
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So.. how would MottleCry react to FidgetGuts flirting with him? - @wills-woodland-warriors
he would not understand that he is flirting at all he would just be "wow this guy is sure nice to me"
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Shellmink design!
Unhinged bastard. Little gremlin man. Will fight God unprompted.
His mentor is Mottlecry!
stripes from his mama
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fidgetguts and mottlecry boyfriends arc
he's with Gremlinpaw but.... maybe poly? @wills-woodland-warriors
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amberspark and who lol
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Mentors and Apprentices
*if in parantheses, it says ‘bio’ it means those parents are no longer taking care of the kit. If it doesn’t, and also has the + next to more names, then the kits are poly born and the adoptive parents in that case are simply more parents, not replacement.
--mentored Webfang  (WebLily bio son, ScaleIvy adoptive)
--mentored Magpieshine (his and his poly’s adoptive daughter) along with Myrtlewing
--mentored Slugwing (BegoniaWeb bio son, her adoptive son)
--mentored Hawthornfrost (BegoniaWeb bio son, Aloe adoptive)
--mentored Stonefrost (son to KiteRootAspen, surrogate kit of Shiverrose)
--mentored Petalstripe (WebLily bio son, ScaleIvy adoptive)
Butternut-Squash / Shatteredbreeze
--mentored Hawkflight (son to KiteRootAspen, surrogate kit of Shiverrose)
--mentored Sandspark (BasilJump son, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Carnationleaf (BegoniaWeb bio daughter, Aloe adoptive)
--mentored Eelstream (his apprentice in life as well, adoptive kit of AveryBristle) 
--mentored Crowpine (kit of JackdawFern)
--mentored Treespall (son to AlderHoot, +GrouseMyrtle adoptive son)
--mentored Spiderspots (BegoniaWeb bio daughter, Aloe adoptive daughter)
--mentored Dusksong (son of Grousemane, +MyrtleAlderHoot adoptive, surrogate kit of Brownmouse )
--mentored Cypresstail, Badgerfoot, and Pebblespots (hers and Sparktail's adoptive kits) along with Sparktail
--mentored Proteafang (her and Gorseheart’s bio daughter)
--mentored Drizzlestare (daughter to AlderHoot, +GrouseMyrtle adoptive daughter)
--mentored Ashmint (her adoptive son) alongside Gorseheart
--mentored Leafcurl (BasilJump daughter, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Fawnheart (Begoniaweb bio daughter, Aloe adoptive)
--mentored Honeyflower (son to KiteRootAspen, +her mate’s surrogate kits)
--mentored Goosestep (bio WebLupine, DahliaLupineSwanCam adoptive)
--mentored Stonefern (his and his poly’s adoptive son)
--mentored Owlgaze (WebDahlia bio daughter, DahliaLupineSwanCam adoptive)
--mentored Doefire (his and Emberdawn’s daughter)
--mentored Ashmint (his adoptive son) alongside Emberdawn
--unofficially mentored Smalljump
--mentoring Mudpaw (adoptive daughter to JackdawFern)
--mentored Blazestrike (son to KiteRootAspen, surrogate kit of Shiverrose)
--mentored Yellowear (son to Basiljump, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentoring Redpaw (her adoptive granddaughter)
--mentored Perchclaw (her adoptive son)
--mentored Lilyclaw  (WebLily bio son, ScaleIvy adoptive)
--mentored Smokyflame (BasilJump son, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Spruceplum (her and Redbloom’s adoptive son)
--mentoring Beampaw (his, Stonesun, and Volenight’s adoptive son)
--mentored Breezewhisper (WebDahlia bio daughter, DahliaLupineCamSwan adoptive)
--mentoring Blackpaw (adoptive son to JackdawFern)
--mentored Cloudstep (daughter to EmberFox, +BirchGorse adoptive daughter)
--mentored Shellminx (BirchFox’s son, +GorseEmber adoptive son)
--mentored Silktangle (WebLily bio son, ScaleIvy adoptive)
--mentored Magpieshine (his and his poly’s adoptive daughter) alongside Alderstar
--mentored Adderclaw (son to BirchGorse, +EmberFox adoptive son)
--mentored Barktail (Basiljump son, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Turtlebreeze and Otterheart (her adoptive sons)
--mentored Feathergale  (BirchFox daughter, GorseEmber adoptive daughter)
--mentored Maplefang (her adoptive/poly sister, BirchFox daughter, GorseEmber adoptive daughter)
--mentored Kindlehill (her and Lightningspring's adoptive daughter)
--mentored Deertongue (BasilSmall son, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Starlingstrike (son of Grousemane, +MyrtleAlderHoot adoptive, surrogate kit of Brownmouse)
-- mentored Aspenlight (daughter of Grousemane, +MyrtleAlderHoot adoptive, surrogate kit of Brownmouse)
--mentoring Wormpaw (his adoptive brother)
--mentored Beechblaze (WebLupine bio daughter, DahliaLupineSwanCam adoptive)
--mentored Cypresstail, Badgerfoot, and Pebblespots (hers and Doesong's adoptive kits), along with Doesong
--mentored Buzzardblaze (daughter of Grousemane, +MyrtleAlderHoot adoptive, surrogate kit of Brownmouse)
--mentored Larksnow (son to BirchGorse, +EmberFox adoptive)
--mentored Haretuft (daughter to BirchGorse, +EmberFox adoptive)
--mentored Wollysun (son to BasilJump, surrogate kit of Sparktail)
--mentored Sootshade (son to EmberFox, +BirchGorse adoptive)
--mentoring Lunarpaw (his, Stonesun, and Lighttail’s adoptive daughter)
--mentored Toadjay (BirchFox son, +GorseEmber adoptive)
I’m sure I’m missing some, so let me know! There’s also plenty who need mentors.
Tag list:
@ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555 @wills-woodland-warriors @elementaldeityoffood @liberhoe @umbranoxs
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Garden Day
FleaThistle huffed, shaking the seeds off of his paw pad and into the small hole he’d dug. 
He sat back, stretching out his shoulders and for a brief moment he tried to imagine that the sun was still here, that this was just another time building a garden after sneaking away from camp. 
Opening his eyes, the mangled shadowed branches above swayed slightly in the wind, with small wispy clouds covering one of the red moons. 
The dim light shun down on his garden, making the poppies look almost as if they were glowing. 
Convincing cats to let them pick through their fur to find stray seeds was quite a challenge, but with the help of some friends they ended up with a good pile of seeds. 
MottleCry was kind enough to help them gather organs, and he’d even convinced GoblinSnap and GremlinFrost to help! 
Even if the two were a bit concerning in the ways they got them.. 
Picking through his fur, he thought of all the people who had helped him with the garden.   
MouseSpots was another friend who helped out, along with BasilTooth and Ferndoe. 
As soon as FleaThistle found the small, speck-like poppy seeds he knew that he had to grow her some flowers. Depending on how many they can grow, she might even be able to give the newest residents some as welcoming gifts! 
It was kind of weird, being so excited while in hell. FleaThistle had expected to be killed again within the first few minutes, but most of the cats here were relatively nice. 
He’d been so scared, so anxious when he had arrived. Frozen in the spot, he had squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the pain. 
But none of them hurt him, and now he’s here. Building a garden with some amazing friends. 
Especially FadingStar. He was so cool. He listened and even took interest in his plants, and was the one to suggest starting a garden. 
The small sprouts struggled to grow in the damp and murky depths of the dark forest, but after some trial and error they had a bit of plant diversity, although they did have a lot of mushrooms… 
FleaThistle stretched, shaking the dirt from his pelt as he carefully stepped around the sprouts. 
MottleCry’s extra long claws were a huge help once he’d convinced the pale Tom, and he made small rows for them. 
FleaThistle crouched, leaping over a patch of moss with small spot-like white flowers in it, his paws slipping in the mud.
Sliding into a tree, he quietly tried to unpeel himself from the bark, looking up to a very confused FadingStar. 
“I left you for five minutes, what happened?” FadingStar said through a mouthful of rocks, the words muffled and distorted. 
“Trees.” FleaThistle blinked blankly, giving his chest fluff an awkward lick as he tried not to laugh. 
It was a pitiful attempt, broken by JackDawFoot rounding the corner with a pelt full of random leaves and twigs he’d gotten stuck in his fur while helping them. 
JackDaw looked at them blankly, with FleaThistle’s forearms still wrapped around the tree in an almost-embrace, and FadingStar trying to talk around a mouthful of rocks. 
FleaThistle tried to smile at JackDaw, but the absolutely massive Tom just shook his head slowly and walked over to help them as FadingStar choked on a pebble. 
FleaThistle gave a very happy little chirp as he properly detached from the tree, bouncing over to pick through JackDaw’s fluff for seeds.    
He dug through the soft, wispy grey-brown strands, tilting his head down so as not to have the fur tickle his muzzle, as he gently pawed through his fur, careful not to pull. 
They had found most of the seeds buried in JackDaws pelt so far, and in TurtleStepper’s herb pouch where he puts the dried herbs used for his asthma. 
Poking out of the fluff to look at the others, with them laughing and talking as if this were a normal day outside of camp, mingling between patrols, it was growing easy to feel at ease here. 
And maybe the dark forest wasn’t as bad as he thought. 
The garden is surrounded by pebbles that TurtleStepper collects
FernDoe spends a lot of time looking at the budding flowers. 
LoonFur has tried to pour blood on the seedlings in an attempt to “make them stronger” and FleaThistle didn’t have the heart to tell her no so he made a small patch for her to take care of a few small mushrooms, which are the hardiest ones he could find.
Jackdaw just walks by the garden once a day or so and just. Shakes a ton of seeds from his pelt. TurtleStepper has 100% had an asthma attack from this and been banned from getting too close to the garden 
While picking through jackdaws fur for seeds, FleaThistle just goes off about how pretty FadingStar is and jackdaw is just sitting there, fur over his eyes so he can’t even see, as a tiny ass sarcastic fleaball of a cat pokes his head out of his fur to talk about his crush.
FleaThistle keeps the first flower he ever grew in his nest
StumpPaw and FleaThistle have “gardening night” where once a week they teach everyone who’s interested how to properly care for a plant. 
Each cat gets there own sprout to take care of 
FadingStar belongs to @liberhoe 
MouseSpots belongs to @ambitiousauthor
JackDawFoot, FernDoe, BasilTooth, LoonFur, MottleCry belong to @residents-of-the-darkforest-of-the-darkforest 
FleaThistle, GoblinSnap, GremlinFrost belong to myself. 
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Sorry, random question, but do FidgetGuts and MottleCry have kits?
I don't think so!
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Additions to the mentors and apprentices list
Cricketfur also mentored Spiderspots (WebBegonia bio daughter, Aloemist adopted)
Cloverfox mentored Carnationleaf (WebBegonia bio daughter, Aloemist adopted)
Avery mentored Hawthornfrost (WebBegonia bio son, Aloemist adopted)
Ferndoe mentored Fawnheart (WebBegonia bio daughter, Aloemist adopted)
Aloemist mentored Slugwing (WebBegonia bio son, her own adopted son)
Grousemane also mentored Owlgaze (WebDahlia bio son, DahliaLupineCamSwan adopted)
Loonfur mentored Breezewhisper (WebDahlia bio daughter, DahliaLupineCamSwan adopted)
Redbloom mentored Kindlehill (her and Lightningspring's adopted daughter)
Lightningspring mentored Spruceplum (her and Redbloom's adopted son)
Robinmask mentored Deertongue (BasilSmall son)
Clawbear mentored Sandspark (BasilSmall son)
Fadingstar mentored Leafcurl (BasilSmall daughter)
Kiteburn mentored Smokyflame (BasilSmall son)
Pitchfang mentored Barktail (BasilSmall son)
Proteafang mentored Maplefang (BirchFox daughter, GorseEmber adopted, her own adoptive sister)
Mottlecry mentored Shellmink (BirchFox son, GorseEmber adopted)
Primrosepetal mentored Feathergale (BirchFox daughter, GorseEmber adopted)
Warblermoon mentored Toadjay (BirchFox son, GorseEmber adopted)
Sharkstar mentored Starlingstrike (bio daughter of Grousemane and Brownmouse, adopted by AlderMyrtleGrouseHoot poly)
Sparktail mentored Beechblaze (WebLupine bio daughter, DahliaLupineCamSwan adopted), Cypresstail, Badgerfoot, and Pebblespots (hers and Doesong's own adopted kits, mentored alongside Doesong)
Doesong mentored Dusksong (bio son of Grousemane and Brownmouse, adopted by AlderMyrtleGrouseHoot poly), Cypresstail, Badgerfoot, and Pebblespots (hers and Sparktail's own adopted kits, mentored alongside Sparktail)
Snailstar mentored Aspenlight (bio daughter of Grousemane and Brownmouse, adopted by AlderMyrtleGrouseHoot poly)
Stoatspeck mentored Buzzardblaze (bio daughter of Grousemane and Brownmouse, adopted by AlderMyrtleGrouseHoot poly)
Cricketclaw mentored Eelstream (his apprentice in life as well, adopted child of Avery and Bristleblaze) and Crowpine (child of Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
I'm sure I'll add on more to this later 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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The “weirdos” gang. Off the top of my head it’s FleaThistle, LoonFur, MottleCry, FidgetGuts, BasilTooth, ShrikeFace. - @wills-woodland-warriors
maybe Sparktail too!
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I say check MottleCry’s age considering Gremlin and Fidget are both 8 moons, but any age gap before 12-15 moons I’m cool with. - @wills-woodland-warriors
I'd say he was several moons older than 12 when he died. He was a pretty young warrior, but that might still be too old
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Perch: Viri! I think I finally figured it out!
Viri: *confused noises*
Perch: does it mean that you like me?
Viri: *embarrassed noises*
Perchpaw really went right up to the personcat he suspected of having a crush on him and flat-out asked, face-to-face, "hey do you like me?"
my man had more guts than Mottlecry
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