#motorcycle dude might be taking over
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Not exactly a meet cute between Jazz and Jason.
Jason's had a long night of beating the shit out of a gang that dared to sell in his territory, the last thing he needs is the Bats on his tail. He can always sense them when he leaves Crime Alley- they watch for him. Waiting for him to fail. It pisses him off.
So Jason shakes his tail, he's pretty sure it's the demon brat, parks his bike, removes his helm and heads into the loudest bar he can find, ditching his mask along the way. There are no camera's and there was no one watching, so Jason just looks like any other angry frat guy at the bar. Well, he supposes that the Leather jacket might be a stand out.
He grabs a drink, and looks at the time. Jason just needs to wait out the chance that a baby bird saw his bike and hope that curfew kicks in before this has to be a 'conversation'. Besides, the music is good and despite all the people, the crowd is pretty behaved.
"Hi! I'm so glad you're here!" A woman approaches, he can tell she's had a few drinks from her walk but her eyes scream sobriety and fear. She's tall in her flats, her hair looks disheveled (from dancing maybe) and her outfit screams 'this is the one fun black top I own'. She's beautiful and her approaching him might've been a wet teenage dream if his suspicions weren't immediately raised.
"I certainly am here." Jason replies, a smirk set into his features easily and as he straightens out his back he can see the three men watching the back of her head like predators. They're wearing super lame white hoodies and coats, like they're organized somehow.
"That's why you're my hero! Always ready to grab me at a moment's notice! Any chance you'll be good to leave after you finish that drink?" Her eyes are pleading but she keeps the same happy smile and joyful tone the whole time.
"Nah, no worries about the drink. It was cheap and I was just getting bored with it anyway. " Jason explains, setting his glass down on the counter. He's mentally photographed the three creeps, "Did any of your friends also need a ride home?"
"Nope! They all got in an uber... without me. So they'll be just fine!" She explains and there is an anger in her eyes that clearly meant she was telling the truth. Her hands are straightening out his jacket collar, making it look like they're more comfortable with each other than just strangers. She lays her hands flat on his chest once her task is completed and Jason feels his throat go dry.
"I'm always telling you to find better friends. Now c'mon, I parked out back." he wraps an arm around her waist, though its not tight, and peers over his shoulder. These guys weren't going to leave without a fight it seems, Dumb, Dumbie and Dumber are all watching her with evil in their eyes.
The two of them walk out and before she can even say thank you, the door swings back open and she's sucker punched one of the assholes and Jason's pulled his gun out for the other two.
"You gents are gunna go home, or you're gonna end up in the dirt. Pick." Jason growls. Not taking him seriously at first, he shoots one dudes foot and the last one standing looks like he might pass out. He picks up his fallen comrades and backs away into the bar.
"For ancients sake those dudes were trying to traffic the hell out of me." She sighs, and Jason holsters his gun.
"Yeah no shit. You okay?" Jason inquires.
"I will be. I'm Jazz, thanks for saving me Hood."
"I'm no-"
"You're literally leaning comfortably on Red Hoods motorcycle that still has his helmet perched on it. No one would do that unless they were suicidal or him." She challenges, but then a look changes in her eyes and she almost looks nervous "But still, do you uhm, wanna get out of here?"
He blinks. She was trying to pick him up? AFTER finding out he was a crime lord??
The answer is that yes, Hell Yes, Jason does want to get out of here. None of the Bats will bother him while he has a civilian, not at the diner he takes her too and certainly not while he's taking her back to one of his safe houses.
Jason had expected one of his siblings to show up in the morning and cause a ruckus. He hadn't planned for a dude to let himself into his kitchen screaming about government agencies tracking Jazz down that wasn't related. Turns out it's her brother and he's floating and no he's not going to explain why he's there or how he found them.
Jazz has a lot to explain to the both of them and it starts with "So I can admit that I have a thing for motorcycle guys-"
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deancasbigbang · 21 days
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Title: Drive
Author: LoversAntiquities
Artist: sidewinder
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, implied Sam/Rowena
Length: 26000
Warnings: None
Tags: Roadtrip, Casefic, Motorcycles, Sharing a bed, Post-Season 11, Canon divergent, Learning to move on
Posting Date: October 8, 2024
Summary: Dean has cabin fever--which is fine, and a luxury, considering he spent most of his life on the road. Except, when he suggests that he and Castiel take a roadtrip on two of the motorcycles in the motor pool to anywhere they want, Sam drops the mother of all bombshells on him--that he's moving out to attend college in Lawrence, and Rowena is tutoring him in the art of witchcraft. The world is cruel--at least, he thinks, but the road and his burgeoning new relationship with Castiel give him perspective, and the opportunity to finally relinquish the control his father gave him all those years ago: to let Sam go to live his own life, and to let someone look out for him for a change, that someone being the love of his life, and the one man Dean never thought he could have, until Castiel says otherwise.
Excerpt: “One bed, huh?” Dean says amid the silence. Castiel hums a noise that sounds like agreement. “She didn’t offer a foldout or anything?” “Is it a problem?” Castiel opens one eye, not even bothering to turn his head. Maybe in the past, it would be, but now… “I’m tired, man,” Dean huffs and slinks lower. “I’d sleep on concrete if I had to.” “Concrete and sharing a mattress are two different things, though,” Castiel comments. He leans closer, draping his arm over the edge of the tub to let his fingers dip into the water. Swallowing, Dean debates between moving his thigh away and shifting just that bit closer. “You never answered me this morning, when I asked if you were ashamed of sharing a bed with me.” This again. “It’s fine.” He turns his head, his jaw tight. “It’s just—I’m fine, okay? Not gonna get squirrely just because we gotta share a bed—” “Dean.” Castiel lowers his voice, and a shiver runs down the length of Dean’s spine, like Castiel might scold him for talking back, or not talking at all. “If you have a problem, you need to let me know. I’d be more than happy to sit aside for the night.” Fear rises, not from Castiel’s tone, but from the idea of Castiel leaving because of him, because one of his hangups ruined a perfectly decent night’s sleep. He doesn’t have a problem with it—never has, but… “You don’t think it’s weird?” He bends his knees, then stretches his legs out with a few inches to spare. The only good thing about this motel—oversized bathtubs. “The whole…” “Do I find it strange to share a bed with another man?” Castiel clarifies, and Dean nods, sheepish. “It’s just…” He stops, scrubs his face with a wet hand. He needs to shave, his stubble rough under his fingertips. For a long, silence-filled minute, he sits there, staring at the faucet while the cogs grind in his brain, trying to formulate any sort of sentence that doesn’t sound like I’m attracted to dudes, isn’t that weird?
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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howlingday · 2 months
The boys and jaune are at the club looking for a girl so jaune can get laid.
Here's the link to more of the scene on YouTube. And thank you for inspiring me to make something a bit... creative at the end.
Jaune: (Smiles)
Cinder: I've got a secret~.
Jaune: Oh?
Jaune: ...
Harriet: (Chugging shots) See, that's the problem! I can't find a man who can satisfy me! Some guys can go an hour, maybe an hour and a half, but that's it! A man's got to put in overtime to get me off!
Jaune: ...
Yang: I'm not interested in a guy unless he rides a motorcycle.
Jaune: ...
Willow: Yeah, baby, well, I'm almost single. My husband's on death row!
Jaune: ...
Melanie: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Miltiades: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Jaune: ...
Blake: I'm into the group thing.
Jaune: ...
Sun: (Smiles)
Salem: I was a powerful witch in a previous life.
Jaune: ...
Penny: (Beatboxing)
Ruby: My name is Ruby, and I'm the best~. Everybody always wanna feel my breast~.
Ruby: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up...
Jaune: ...
Nora: I've been doing some videos, but what I really want to do is star in my own videos, because I want to become a pop singer, and a rock singer, and write my own songs, and sing my own songs, and then I want to be an actress...
Jaune: (Nodding in and out)
Tyrian: (In a dress) I hope you don't mind me coming over and sitting down, but I've been watching you all night~. And I wanna tear you apart~.
Jaune: !
Tyrian: And your friend, too~.
Cardin: (Spits out drink)
Neptune: So, how's the hook up going?
Jaune: Terrible. I've spoken to probably a dozen girls tonight and not one of them feels right to me.
Cardin: Pssh! It's not about feeling right, Arc. It's about getting you some so you can stop being such a sad-sack!
Ren: I think what Cardin is trying to say is that you're looking too deep for a commitment. Tonight is just helping you make an attempt with a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sun: Well, you guys might be losers, but I managed to get that groupie chick's number.
Jaune: Yeah, have fun with that. Hope you can find a player two.
Sun: Easy! Neptune, you in?
Neptune: Sorry, Sun, but I'm already spoken for tonight. See, I was just having the most interesting conversation with that hottie in the black dress.
Jaune: Well, be careful, because I don't think you're the only one working some magic tonight.
Cardin: Damn right! That babe in purple was hungry for some Winchester, and I'm ready to serve myself up on a silver platter~.
Jaune: ...Cardin, no. Just no. (Sighs) Ren, can you help him?
Ren: I'm afraid not, no. I'm going to be busy with my own escapades tonight.
Jaune: Yeah? What girl?
Ren: Women, actually. The biker girl and the dreamer.
Jaune: Oof... Hope you've got the horsepower and the earmuffs to land it, buddy.
Ren: I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Thank you for your concern, Jaune.
Jaune: So, everybody's getting laid tonight but me?
Cardin: Ah, just hammer back a few and pick one, Arc. It's not rocket science!
Jaune: Yeah, you're right. This makes brain surgery look easy.
Jaune: (Malachites dump drinks on him)
Jaune: ...I'm going home.
Sun: Dude, don't-
Jaune: Nope. Not doing it. (Walks out)
Neptune: Poor guy... Think he'll be okay?
Cardin: He's fine! Now, where'd that feisty purple chick go~?
Jaune: (Walking up the stairs, Sighs) Fucking stupid-ass...
???: Are you okay?
Jaune: Huh? (Sees woman in work clothes)
???: You look like you've had a rough night.
Jaune: That's 1 way to put it. (Unlocks door) But nothing a shower can't fix, right?
???: Ooh...
Jaune: What?
???: I just spoke with the super. He said that side of the building was going to be without water until tomorrow.
Jaune: Great. Just... fucking... great. (Sighs)
???: I... don't think it's as great as you say it is. (Chuckles)
Jaune: No, but it's basically par for the course.
???: Oh, do you play golf?
Jaune: Uh, no, I'm not really a sports kind of guy.
???: Oh, really? Would you say you're a drinking kind of guy?
Jaune: Better in me than on me, actually. (Chuckles)
???: (Giggles) Well, I don't have anything stronger than coffee, I'm afraid.
Jaune: Agh, and I forgot to get coffee today. (Chuckles) Guess I can't get a win tonight, huh?
???: I guess not. But if you'd like, I could make us a cup.
Jaune: ...I don't think your husband would appreciate me coming inside smelling like I do.
???: Husband? (Looks down) Oh... No, I... I'm afraid I'm not married anymore. (Twists ring)
Jaune: Oh... Shit, I... I'm so sorry.
???: Thank you, but... It's been some time since he passed away. Maybe... Maybe it's time I move on... (Pulls off ring)
Jaune: I... I think you should move on when you feel like you're ready to move on.
???: (Smiles) You're sweet, you know that?
Jaune: Yeah, well, sweet only takes you so far.
???: Well, if you're not too sweet, you can use my shower. So long as you don't melt like sugar.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Thanks, and, uh, I promise not to melt in your shower.
???: I should have coffee ready by the time you're out.
Jaune: Oh, well, thank you. Uh, do you have sugar, too, or should I dip you in my coffee instead?
???: ...
Jaune: Too far? Sorry. I think it's the booze in my hair.
???: No, no, it's fine. It just took me a minute to realize you were making a sugar pun, too. (Chuckles)
Jaune: Yeah... Uh, listen, is it really okay if I use your shower?
???: Of course! I was going to use it myself, but you look like you could use it more. (Opens door)
Jaune: Thank you, (Walks in) and I promise not to take all the hot water.
???: Please don't. (Walks in, Shuts door) I could use a shower myself after such a long day.
Jaune: Rough night, too, huh?
???: Well, nothing's too rough for this tough, little lady. (Giggles)
Jaune: And, uh, does this tough, little lady have a tough, little name?
???: Hardly. If anything, it's as delicate as a flower.
Jaune: Well... My name's Jaune Arc. It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it~.
???: (Snickers) Do they, now? Well, my name is Kali Belladonna, but I don't think I can come up with anything as creative as your introduction there.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Yeah, sorry. But at least it's not as bad as the songs I come up with.
Kali: Oh, you sing?
Jaune: Just as a hobby. Is this the bathroom here?
Kali: Mhm. Help yourself.
Jaune: But not too much. (Winks) Beautiful flower like you needs water, too.
Kali: (Giggles) Oh, stop~.
Jaune: (Enters, Locks door)
Kali: ...
Kali: (Sighs)
Kali: Kali Belladonna, this is how you get hurt.
Kali: (Takes off clothes, Unlocks door) Well... Here's hoping this is worth it...
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missyandthemisfits · 6 months
Tokyo Rev X Apathetic!GNReader
Part II And I Already Know What To DOOO-
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Souya Kawata
He more than anyone understands that looks can be very much be deceiving, but he absolutely doesn’t judge a book by its cover, he’s not that type of guy. You guys are desk mates and greet each other everyday - or everyday he can get away from his brother long enough to attend class. You don’t speak to one another much but you guys enjoy the quiet company the other provides. No one at school dares bother either of you honestly, one of the perks of having a near constant unapproachable look. Takes a few weeks after the semester starts for you guys to have an actual conversation, though it did come about only after you managed to trip and fall face first in gym class.
“Are you okay?!” He looks to be scowling but you know better. Unsurprisingly, most of the other students keep their distance, some snickering. But surprisingly, Souya is at your side in a matter of seconds. Sitting up slowly, you blink.
“I think so.” By the time you respond he’s already pulled out band aids, cute ones no less, placing them tentatively over your scrapped knees. It’s hard not to blush at the thoughtfulness. Suddenly, you feel a warm liquid dripping from your nose. He looks up and immediately starts freaking out.
“Your nose!” 
Apparently there was quite a bit of blood, so much so that the next thing you knew, you’re waking up in the nurse’s office, dazed and pretty confused. You blink twice, peering over to see Souya twiddling with his fingers anxiously. He looks over, relieved to see you awake. You try to sit up and he motions for you to take it easy.
“How long was I out?” You finally ask after a few moments of silence.
“About 30 minutes..,” he verifies with a glance at his watch, brows knitting together, “How are you feeling?”
“Well that depends; did we miss gym?” He raises a brow.
“Um… yes?”
“Then I feel fantastic.” He snorts and shakes his head. There’s another few moments of silence before he speaks again, nervous somehow.
“I um…I could take you home on my bike, if you’d like. O-or actually it might be better to take the train in your condition-“ You shoot up so fast you make yourself dizzy again, startling him.
“Your bike? As in…your motorcycle?” You’ve got stars in your eyes at the thought, leaning in close and warranting a blush. 
“Yea. Is that okay?” It’s your turn to snort.
“Okay? It’s more than okay - clearly I need to break my nose more often-,”
You guys are very fast friends after that day, though it doesn’t take long for certain other feelings to start developing. It was awkward, it was sweet, it was first love hidden under the familiar guise of friendship. But, it would be a while longer before either of you would confess.
Nahoya Kawata
It was strange how well you meshed together. 
You with your deadpan expression and monotone voice, him with his wicked and untamed grin, neither of you ever as serious as you needed to be, with anything. It’s was like life was a game to you guys, all of it meant as entertainment at best. 
“Hey (Name), look it! Doesn’t this dude’s face look fuckin’ hilarious?” He gestured to 1 of 3 plebs who attempted to jump him not 5 minutes ago, said perpetrator’s face bruised and bloodied mercilessly. He might’ve gone just slightly more easy on these losers had one of them not grabbed your arm roughly with a disgusting smirk. That really set him off, big time. You crouched next to him, blinking briefly before nodding.
“Yea, you really beat the breaks off him. You angry about something?” His smile wavered slightly, though seemingly unnoticed. Your face would never tell, nonchalant as ever, but it was like but you were an expert at reading people - even more so once you were close to them. He smiled 90% of the time but after being acquainted for a few weeks, you knew exactly what he was feeling - the straining of his smile translating anywhere from awkwardness to anger, the smaller grins anywhere inbetween. It was pure insanity, he thought. It ticked him off too, at first. Still it was nice to have someone, besides his brother of course,  just… understand him without having to spell it out. He wasn’t one for words. Fists were another story. 
“Eh, m’alright.” He moved to stand upright, subtly glancing down at your wrist to make sure it hadn’t bruised before placing his hands in his pockets. “Hey, you wanna hit the arcade before we head to your place?”
You were relieved to see his true smile back in its place, granting him a small one of your own with a light shrug.
“Fine with me, but don’t you have homework?” It was his turn to shrug.
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about, (Name)!”
He totally did. 
What we’re you gonna do with him?
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tonyspank · 1 year
how would it be when jenna and g!p reader have their first baby together? like the preparations and the labor 🥺🥺
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: fluff again
Words: 1.2k
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Your parents had come around after they let themselves calm down. Getting Jenna pregnant, so early on was a shock for them. But they accepted it and began to help you and Jenna prepare for the baby's arrival. They even offered to help with the financial costs of raising the child.
You and Jenna were both grateful for the support. You both knew that you wouldn't be able to manage this on your own. You were thankful that your parents had come around and accepted the situation. But you didn't want to ask them for help right away. So, you began doing stuff by yourself as Jenna relaxed in your new home together.
The first thing you did was get rid of your motorcycle, as much as it hurt. You traded it in for an SUV, hoping it would be more practical for what was ahead. Jenna was confused when you surprised her with it, though.
"Ta-da!" Jenna furrows her eyebrows, staring at the car in front of her. She doesn't even move a muscle, she just stares at it, blinking every now and then. "You don't like it?" You ask her, lowering your hands. Jenna slowly shakes her head, narrowing her eyes at you. "It's...pink."
You laugh and shrug, "It was the only one available!" You then point at the interior, "But check out the interior!" Jenna finally cracks a smile and steps closer to the car, inspecting it more closely. "The seats are... purple." You nod, "I know, I thought it was a nice touch."
"Why is the carpet fuzzy?" You grin, "That's to keep your feet warm in the winter. It's like having a personal heating system!" Jenna shakes her head, "Where'd you buy this car?"
You shrug, "I got it from this dude off OfferUp. He said it was the best car he ever owned." Jenna smiles, "Well, it has some unusual features." You nod, "That's why I love it!"
Jenna holds out her hand, "Let me see the keys." You pass them over and she starts the engine. Music blares from the speakers and Jenna's eyes light up. "It's like a party on wheels!" You exclaim.
She immediately turns off the car, shaking her head. "I'm not putting our baby in this truck." She gets out of the truck and hands you the keys. "We'll have to find another car." She says as she starts walking back into the house.
You frown and turn to the car. "She didn't mean that." You take one more look at the truck before turning away and following your girlfriend back into the house.
The next project was the baby's room. You had invited Eli over to help you. Jenna wanted everything white, except the walls. She wanted those gray. As Eli was painting you started building the crib.
The entire thing was stressing you out. "You're the worst fucking handyman to ever live," Eli says to you, letting out a loud laugh. You grip the instruction manual tighter, glaring at your best friend. "Please shut the fuck up."
Eli just laughed harder and you playfully rolled your eyes in response. After a couple of minutes, you thought you had everything down pack. It was beginning to look like a crib and you were almost done. "I'm fucking her! Like, no one can top me." You say, smiling. Eli laughs at you, shrugging. "I don't know. You think might be her."
"I'm definitely her." You continue to work on the crib, putting the finishing touches on it. You step back and admire your work, feeling a sense of pride. You turn to Eli and smile, "I'm definitely the best. No one can beat this." Eli shakes his head smiling as he finishes the last bit of the wall.
As if on cue, Jenna walks into the room. Jenna looks at the wall and remarks, "I think I want it pink and blue." She looks at the crib and it literally falls apart, piece by piece.
Your mouth drops and your head snaps to Eli. The two of you share a look of disbelief. Eli pulls out his toolbox and sets to work, mumbling under his breath. He looks up at you and shakes his head. "This is going to be a long night."
You roll up your sleeves and start helping Eli, gathering the pieces of the crib. Jenna just shakes her head, leaving the room.
You didn't think pregnant women had such bad mood swings, but Jenna proved you wrong. One second she'd cling onto you for dear life and the next she'd be kicking you out of bed. She was always unpredictable and kept you guessing.
You would never know what kind of Jenna you'd get when you walked into the room. But no matter what, you stayed by her side and gave her all the love and support she needed.
Like today, you stood there watching as Jenna made pancakes. You didn't know if you should hug her or act like she wasn't there. She turned around and saw you standing there, a smile spreading across her face.
You smiled back and went to hug her but she pushed you away shaking her head. You stepped back, feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do. Jenna stepped towards you and placed a kiss on your forehead before turning back to the stove.
You stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. She finished making the pancakes and stepped back, motioning for you to sit down and eat. You two shared breakfast and conversation for hours, and you felt closer to her than ever before.
You stood up from the table, Jenna following behind, making your way back to the kitchen together. Jenna walks in front of you, a bit too fast and her fork drops from her plate, falling onto the ground.
She bends over in front of you, her ass in your face. You pause for a moment, your eyes drawn to her curves. She stands up and turns around, asking you the world's craziest question. "Do you like men?"
You quickly shake your head no as your face flushes with embarrassment. She narrows her eyebrows at you, "Then why didn't you slap my ass just then?" Your mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out, so you just shrug in response. "Um..." Finally, you muster something out. "Did you want me to?"
"No." Is all she says before moving to wash the dishes.
You stand there, feeling awkward and confused. You slowly back away, unsure how to proceed.
When Jenna went into labor it was scary, exciting, and did you mention scary? She screamed your name from the kitchen and you rushed up from the couch, running over to her.
"I think my water broke!" She yells at you. You look around, "UH! HOW DO WE FIX THAT?!" Jenna takes a deep breath and glares at you, "We don't need to fix it, it's time to go to the hospital!"
You nod in agreement and quickly grab the hospital bag you had packed earlier. As you rush out the door, you can't help but feel a wave of excitement and anticipation as the two of you start the next chapter of your lives.
You arrive at the hospital and the staff quickly takes over, guiding you to the delivery room. You take a deep breath and squeeze Jenna's hand, ready to welcome your new baby into the world.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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nessatwene-art · 28 days
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TPP Prime team BIOS
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Emilia Ocasio - Prime age: 25-38. Current age: 42. Poten type: Manipulate- Uses raw energy manifestations to fight. Core color - Blue
TPP squad's charismatic and talented leader. She's lively and pretty darn spunky, Emilia takes what she does with a lot of heart and cares about her family, friends and the city she grew up in. Though it puts the weight of the world on her shoulder. She can be a hot-headed sometimes she figuring out what it means to be a good leader among many aspects of her adult life. Currently she's playing the worlds hardest game of Carmen sandiago
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Jaylen (Jay) D. Franklin - Prime age: 28-41. Current age: 45. Poten type: Manipulate- produces powerful energy shock waves. Core color - Green
Jay was the second in command and the easiest dude to get along with. He's a close family friend and close friend to Emilia since she was young (He dated her sister but it didn't work out lol) So she's like a little sister to him. After the team disbanded he opened a record store that the go-to place for many people. He's happy to tell the stories from his past to the kids but does his best to stay out of hunting business to protect him and and his family.
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Gadiel Marques - Prime age: 26-39. Current age: 43. Poten type: Elemental- Fire. Core color - yellow
Team pretty boy who use to have gorgeous long hair (sorry not picture ;.;) , now is a humble family convince store owner in of Center city who has a confusing but cozy sense of fashion. He can be a little eccentric at times but is pretty laid-back, sarcastic, and pragmatic when it warrants it.
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Charlotte (Lottie) Rockwall - Prime age: 22-35. Current age: 39. Poten type: Materialize- gun blaster. Core Color - "Chartreuse"
Lottie is a real cutie with a Atlanta accent. team's weapon specialist and sharpshooter. will not hesitant to sprint after you in high heels. Currently she's a well traveled and fashion critic writing blogs and making videos. You might see her riding down the street on her green moped.
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Eira Drake - Prime age: 25-38. Current age: 42. Poten type: Ice. Core color - blue (like an icy blue)
Hot, brooding one with a cool sports motorcycle. Eira tends to keep to herself and needed a chance to warm up to Emilia because she didn't quite trust her as leader yet. But Eira is Emilia worth rival as they have many similar skills. since the over saturation Eira's hair began to turn icy white as a strange side effect. Currently Eira works as a hired gun and is working a very weird job at the moment of watching over this rich guys son named Blake who likes to call her Elsa. Pays a lot of money. Eira also has a crazy romance going on with a chemistry teacher named Ellie who is much more than she seems.
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Damien Lee - Prime age: 23-36. Current age: 40. Poten type: Materialize- Bow staff. Core color- Red
An asshole who has a huge crush on Emilia lol. wears those glasses because he thinks it makes him look cool. despite that he is very good at getting his hands on information. The stress from the over saturation gave him a white streak in his hair. not as cool as Eira tho lol. Since the team disbanded he's been difficult to contact. Apparently his been doing some black market unnatural trade, commiting heist etc etc with his own band of cronies. He gets caught sneaking into the Union Institute by Nick but makes a deal with him to get classified Info about the original tpp from UHA in exchange for not getting arrested.
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ot7stan4life · 1 year
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Yoohyeon (Dreamcatcher) x Female Reader
(1 part - completed ✅)
Word Count: 4,711
Summary: One night, you’re walking home from campus when you hear someone following you. Things escalate quickly and before you know it a strange man has you pinned against the wall with his fist around your throat. You manage to get loose but not far when he lands a punch to your face, sending you to the concrete. Little did he know, drawing blood was the rescue call you needed when a motorcycle pulls up in front of you.
Warnings: sexual harassment (it’s over before anything serious happens), physical assault, blood, violence, cursing, smut, vampire bites/blood sucking
The night air was eerily cold and quiet as I left the campus gym to head home for the weekend. This area wasn't always the safest at night, but I convinced myself the short walk to the subway wouldn't be too much of a risk. Though the dim moonlight shaded by clouds and the deserted roads lit weakly by flickering streetlights did little to help protect me as I started my way down the sidewalk.
The distant sounds of night traffic and city life calmed me for the time being and the subway was in sight before I knew it. Only one block left to go and I was out of harms way. Until I started to hear something approaching. Footsteps. Distant, somewhere behind me. Slow at first, but then picked up their pace. So I did the same, speeding up to a fast walk and eventually a jog as I tried to close the distance between me and the stairway down to the subway. All I had to do was cross the street-
"What's the hurry, baby?" The man's deep, grossly taunting tone elicited a sickly chill sensation in my body warning of danger. Stupidly, my feet froze in fear, choosing neither fight nor flight. "Come here, just let me talk to you a second." His footsteps grew closer and I finally snapped out of it, turning towards him and grabbing my pepper spray from my bag.
"Don't come any closer!" I shouted, holding the mace up in front of me. The man looked to be in his 30s with long, greasy hair and a cocky grimace that showed off a few silver teeth.
He halted his movements, raising his own hands in mock defense. "Woah, woah, easy there," he chuckled in a way that I knew was condescending, like he thought my attempt to protect myself was pathetic. "I was just gonna offer you a ride, that's all."
I scoffed, staring him down. "I don't need a ride," I said firmly, about two seconds away from turning on my heel and sprinting in the opposite direction. Although, the dude's muscles exposed by the white wifebeater he had on told me I stood little chance of winning that race, so that was out of the question.
"Alright, you don't need a ride," he repeated, advancing towards me once more. I started taking a few steps backwards so that he couldn't close the distance. "Then maybe there's something else I can offer you." The smirk on his face made me sick to my stomach. He kept getting closer, his steps reaching further than mine. This situation was getting worse by the minute and I knew if I didn't act now this wouldn't end well for me.
"I don't want anything from you-" I yelled just as I pressed down on the pepper spray, but nothing managed to come out of it before he swatted it out of my hand, moving so fast he looked like a blur. There was no time for me to escape now when he backed me against the nearest building with his hand around my throat.
"I was trying-" his tone dripped with anger as his grip tightened, cutting off my airway, "to be nice!" My hands desperately clawed at his massive fingers but it was no use. He was too strong. So I hiked my knee up and did the only thing I knew to do.
When it landed forcefully between his legs, his hold on my neck loosened and I took my chance to run. "Help!" I screamed, hoping that someone nearby might hear me. Then I remembered. There was someone. "Help, I need you, Y-"
My last word was interrupted by a searing pain in my face that sent me crashing into the concrete. His fist had landed an excruciating punch to my jaw and I could already feel the bruise forming beneath my skin. My hand reached up to assess the damage and came back with a smear of red on my fingertips from the fresh cut on my bottom lip. Blood.
"Oh dude, you really shouldn't have done that," I mumbled, knowing exactly what was coming next.
"Why?" he chuckled again, utterly oblivious to his impending doom. "Are you gonna beat me up or something?" he said like a twelve-year-old boy mocking his little sister.
"Not me," I replied, grinning when I heard the familiar hum of a motorcycle approaching.
The man went silent as the low rumbling grew louder and headlights soon blinded us from the right. I watched from my spot on the ground as the bike stopped a yard or so away from us and a black figure got off. Still towering over me, my attacker tried to act tough but I knew he was seconds away from cowering in fear. I, on the other hand, finally felt at ease.
"And who the fuck are you?" He yelled, annoyed that someone had interrupted him.
The figure slowly took off the helmet, balanced it on the seat of the bike, and walked into the light. When the man got a view of the biker's appearance—short brown hair, innocent-looking feminine features, slim but muscular body covered by a black leather jacket and jeans—he scoffed. "This is what I'm supposed to be afraid of?" His finger pointed lazily at her while his eyes were focused on me. Big mistake.
I smirked. "You will be."
He merely had time to furrow his eyebrows before the woman in front of him reached out to crack his finger in one effortless snap, spin him around, press him face first into the building, and pin his arm behind his back. He screamed in agony at his now broken appendage and started whimpering like a wounded animal from the painful position she was holding him in.
"Did you hurt her?" She growled, her other forearm digging into the top of his back, making his face scrape painfully against the brick wall.
"Ow, ow- no, no I didn't," he whined, exposing himself for the true coward he was, scared of a 5'7 twenty-six-year-old woman.
"Then why the fuck is she bleeding?" Her voice had grown harsher by the minute as she bent his arm further in the wrong direction.
"Ow, please- I-I don't know," he pleaded, but she wasn't having it.
"Don't fucking lie to me!" She yelled, releasing his arm only to turn him around and slam his back into the wall so that they were face to face. Her eyes were so intense as she stared back into his that I swear I almost saw them turn red and the pressure of her forearm against his chest never weakened. He couldn't even squirm against her, her hold was so tight. "Did you hurt her?" She repeated, narrowing her eyes at him.
His body seemed to still and his pupils dilated as he stared, hypnotized by her gaze. "Yes," he finally answered truthfully.
I could practically see the anger boiling in her as her jaw clenched, but she managed to keep her voice calm. "Are you going to do it again?" She asked.
"Y-" he started to answer until she clutched his collarbone, tightening her grip so much that the bone beneath her fingers started cracking. "No," he yelled, half in agony, half to answer her question.
"Say. It." she seethed, digging her thumb further into his collar with each word.
"I'm never going to hurt her again," he stuttered weakly. She stared at him for a moment, making sure he was truly convinced.
"Good," she said, finally satisfied, before her gaze turned mean again. "Now, run."
The man didn't wait any longer to question whether her threat was real or not, instead sprinting away the second she loosened her hold on him. I half expected her to go chasing after him to make sure he couldn't even make the decision to break his promise, but I knew she wasn't like that anymore. She knew I never liked seeing that side of her.
"Yoohyeon," I called out, seeing her eyes still trained on his receding figure as he hobbled away in pain.
Without hesitation, she was crouched down on the ground in front of me in a flash, eyes now soft and touches gentle. "Are you okay?" Her voice came out as a whisper and I knew she felt bad that she wasn't there sooner to protect me.
"Thanks to you," I reassured her with a small smile. Though it turned into a grimace immediately after, a sharp sting of pain reminding me of the cut on my lip. Yoohyeon frowned, her hand reaching out to hold my cheek.
"You're bleeding," she whispered, her eyes darkening at the fact.
"I'm okay," I insisted once more, grabbing ahold of her hand. Her skin was cool against mine. "Will you take me home?" I whispered.
She smiled sadly. "Of course."
Without giving me a chance to do it myself, Yoohyeon lifted me up off the ground and walked me over to her motorcycle. After tightening my backpack on my back, she demanded that I wear the helmet. She would always insist that she didn't need it anyways. Giving in, I let her help me put it on, careful not to make my injury any worse than it already was.
Once she made sure the buckle was secured under my chin, she took her seat on the bike and held her hand out to me. I grabbed it, her strong grip making it easy to steady myself and swing my leg over to take my place behind her. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around her torso and leaned into her. One of her hands rested on top of mine for just a moment before she started the engine and I knew it was her way of reminding me that she would always protect me.
After tonight, I knew I'd never have to doubt that again.
We made it back to my house not long after and, when I walked inside, Yoohyeon ended up hesitating in the doorway. I sat my bag down in the hall and took my shoes off before noticing her there, looking over at me like a lost puppy who had just shown up at my doorstep, waiting to be let in.
I smiled at her as best as I could with my split lip. "It's okay, you can come in."
She smiled shyly, staring at the ground and stepping through the threshold. Just as I had done, she took her shoes off at the entryway and followed behind me as I walked into the kitchen. She stayed silent, just watching as I dug through the fridge for an ice pack. It was unusual how quiet she was being. Maybe seeing me hurt had really shaken her up. But even then, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. I was lucky I had someone like her to look out for me, but I wondered if it was starting to take a toll on her. Or if it was something else entirely.
Settling on a bag of frozen vegetables for a makeshift ice pack, I closed the fridge and leaned back against the counter to place it on my face. The bag never got to make contact with my skin, Yoohyeon's hand darting up to stop my movements. I don't even remember when she got in front of me, but now she stood mere inches away. Her eyes were locked onto my lips as she brought her thumb up to brush against my bottom one. It stopped just before reaching the cut and she swallowed thickly, staring at the dried blood there.
Her gaze flicked up to mine, eyes darker than I had ever seen them before, and she muttered, "Can I-"
"Yes," I rushed out, already knowing exactly what she wanted.
Her hand holding my wrist let go and moved to the nape of my neck. I discarded the bag of vegetables on the counter behind us and clung to her waist as she leaned in. Her lips met my bottom one in a gentle kiss, almost as if she was testing the waters. When I didn't pull back from the pain, she repeated her actions, only this time she began sucking down on my lip without pulling back. I gasped, more out of surprise than pain, feeling her tongue swipe over the cut. Her fingers gripped the back of my hair and she got more greedy now that she had finally gotten a taste of what she really wanted.
She was quickly getting carried away and the moment I felt something start to pierce my lip, I had to push her back. If she actually still used her lungs, I was sure she would've been panting while she stared back at me, eyes glowing a crimson red as two sharp fangs slowly hung from her mouth.
"Are you hungry?" I asked in a whisper, though the answer was already obvious.
"Yes," she whispered back—more so because she was embarrassed to admit it out loud.
"Okay." I gave her a soft peck on the lips before she stepped back. "Come on," I said softly and she let me pull her up the stairs and into my bedroom without question.
I took a seat on the bed and looked over to see her standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Come here," I laughed, gesturing her over. She nearly teleported to the edge of the bed, giving me the chance to grab her arm and pull her on top of me. I'm sure she would've fumbled into me if she didn't have such fast reflexes, but she did, allowing her to catch herself with her arms on either side of me and one of her legs landed between mine. She stayed like that for a moment, just staring down at me like she didn't know what to do. Her fangs had retracted, but her eyes were still glowing, telling me she was nervous.
"Why are you acting so shy today?" I asked softly, reaching up to pull her face towards me. She still just stared into my eyes while I tucked her short hair behind her ear. Something about the way she was acting had my heart racing. "I know you'd never hurt me. You know that, right?" I whispered, tracing her jawline with my thumb and soaking in her pretty features.
Her eyes scanned slowly across my face for a second before she finally leaned in. She was more gentle and restrained this time around, careful not to be too greedy, but still intentionally cherishing each and every kiss I gave her. And it was sweet—like so sweet that she was making me fall harder in love with her with each kiss—but after a few minutes, the feeling of her cool, full lips sucking the warmth from my own and leaving me lightheaded was making me want more.
"Take this off," I breathed against her lips, tugging at her leather jacket. She finished the kiss before leaning back to sit up and do as I asked. I felt my face heat up when she finally removed it, her sleeveless shirt underneath showing off her biceps that flexed when she leaned back down to continue kissing me. My hands trailed down her arms, admiring the curve of her muscles before making their way to the hem of her shirt. She leaned further into me, transferring all her weight onto one hand to use the other to hold my face.
When my fingers edged their way up under her shirt, she slipped her tongue over my lip. I parted mine, allowing her to finally deepen the kiss. Our tongues met just as my fingers grazed over her abs and the sensation caused her to sigh into my mouth. My heart pounded in my ears but I knew she could hear it too when one of her hands grabbed both of mine, slowly leading them up her torso and under her sports bra. She whined and lowered her body further into mine when my fingers brushed across her nipples. Her kisses quickly became less coordinated and I knew she was starting to lose her self control. But I wanted to enjoy this for longer—until she really couldn't hold back anymore—so I pushed her up before she lost it completely.
Our lips separated and my lungs fought for oxygen while hers remained still. It was an unfair advantage, especially when she got carried away, completely forgetting that I needed to breathe. Sometimes I thought about how, if we had both been turned, we could kiss for days on end without ever needing to take a breath. But then I remembered, waiting makes the reward so much better.
So, I decided to drag it out, not letting her have what she wanted just yet. While she was still on top of me, I took the chance to slip her shirt off over her head and throw it to the side. She tried to lean back down to kiss me again, clearly impatient, but I pushed her over and straddled her. Sitting up, I took a moment to take in every inch of her perfectly sculpted abs, burning the image into my memory—not that I needed to given her literal immortality and self-proclaimed undying love for me. Even still, I didn't get to see them every day (though I wouldn't doubt she'd let me stare at her shirtless for as long as I wanted if I asked).
She watched me intently as I shamelessly checked her out, her hands now gripping my thighs almost painfully while she fought to contain her hunger. She never lasted much longer. So I took my shirt off, slowly, as her eyes were on me, because I knew it drove her crazy. Still, she didn't make a move to take over again, showing me how good she could be for me. I ran a hand across her stomach, leaning down into her. I almost thought her skin felt colder than normal, but I knew it was because my body temperature had grown so hot.
Her hand moved to my waistband, while her eyes followed mine as they raked up her body and landed on her face. I couldn't help but stare at her skin that lacked any blemishes or beauty marks besides the cute little mole on her nose and her features that looked like they were crafted so carefully and intentionally by the gods above. She quite easily had to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and it baffled me to think that she craved no one other than me.
Overwhelmed by this feeling of intense admiration, all I could do was kiss her. And that must've been what she was waiting for, because she met me half way, pulling me into her by the back of my neck. "You're so perfect," I told her when I pulled back, sending the tiny amount of blood she currently had in her body rushing to her cheeks.
I kissed her on the lips one more time before moving to place kisses across her jawline and down her neck. Her skin was like cool, smooth silk and the heat of my lips left a trail of fire in their wake that I knew she was addicted to. She gripped the back of my head as I planted kisses above her bra and down her stomach, trying her best to enjoy this moment even though her hunger was fighting to take over. As I neared her waistband and started sucking down on the soft skin above it, she started to break.
"Y/N," her voice came out weak and I peered up at her to see her jaw clenched and eyes desperate. The hand that wasn't gripping my hair had already torn a hole in the sheets from how much she was holding back.
My stomach fluttered knowing how worked up she was just for me and I crawled back up to her. "I know," I whispered before kissing her. She didn't kiss back as much as she wanted to and I soon found out why when I felt her fangs slowly growing from her mouth. I smirked and hummed happily against her lips. "You've been so good for me, baby," I praised, rubbing my fingers across her jawline while kissing her again. She whined as her fangs grew their full length and pushed me back so that she didn't bite into my bottom lip.
"Sorry," she mumbled, embarrassed that what I said was finally what got to her.
"Don't apologize," I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before rolling off of her to lay on my back. "I'd say I've made you wait long enough already," I said, suddenly feeling nerves rise in my chest when she got back on top of me. Though they all went away when I looked up to see her staring down at me with two little white teeth peeking out from beneath her top lip, resembling a giant puppy.
"Are you su-"
"Yes, I'm sure," I cut her off with a gentle laugh. "You're sweet, but you don't have to ask me every time." I pushed myself up and kissed her bottom lip to show that I was being sincere. "I promise it's okay," I whispered and rubbed my nose against hers before laying back down. "I'll push you back if it gets too much, okay?"
She stared at me a second longer before whispering, "okay." I settled back into the bed and made myself comfortable before flipping my hair to one side, out of the way of my neck. She lowered herself onto me, kissing along my jaw as much as her fangs would allow her. The gesture was a million times sweeter knowing how hard it was for her to resist sinking her teeth into me right away. She leaned onto her forearm while her other hand met my waist, gently rubbing across the skin there to try and keep me relaxed. Her lips planted a few weak kisses down my neck, working me up to what she was about to do. I reached my left hand up to brush her hair behind her ear before settling my hands at the back of her neck.
She gave me one final peck against my pulse point to show her gratitude before grabbing the opposite side of my neck for leverage and sinking her fangs into my skin. I inhaled, one of my hands instinctively tangling itself into her hair while the other moved to clutch the back of her hand. The initial bite was never enjoyable, a searing pain spreading across my body as her teeth tore through layers of skin like needles piercing my vein, but the sensation of her cold thumb rubbing soothingly over my fingers that were now tightly wrapped around her palm managed to distract me long enough to get past the worst of it.
It barely lasted a few seconds and the following feeling made the pain more than worth it. Her bottom lip pressed into my neck as she started sucking down, draining the blood from my veins at an intoxicatingly slow pace. She could feel every beat of my heart as I could, relishing the way it sped up just for her. As much as she was addicted to the taste of me and had the uncontrollable urge to drink her share in seconds, she learned to enjoy the process and take her time. It only took a few feedings and an impulsive hand sliding past my waistband for her to figure out that the experience was just as pleasurable for me as it was for her.
I pushed her off of me that night, embarrassed she caught how turned on I had gotten from the feeling. But, this time, the strangely intoxicating sensation of blood rushing through my veins and Yoohyeon's mouth latched onto my throat kept me from stopping her hand as it traveled down my body. Instead, my free hand joined my other, locking my fingers together at the nape of her neck.
Before she reached my shorts, she paused, silently asking for permission. Her incessant sucking had me growing dizzier every second, making it difficult to form coherent thoughts, let alone spoken sentences. All I could manage was a feeble, "please."
Within a second, her hand slipped beneath my shorts, more than happy to grant my request. I gasped and tightened my grip in her hair, subconsciously bucking my hips the moment her cold fingers brushed across my clit. A wave of pleasure like I had never felt before overtook my body. I could feel her voluntarily inhale into my neck at my reaction, edging her to dip her fingers lower. It didn't take long for her to feel just how soaked she made me, forcing a stifled moan from her throat that vibrated against my neck. I whined, tightening my thighs around her hand at the sound.
Yoohyeon continued sucking and started a similarly slow, mind-numbing rhythm rubbing her fingers against me. The pain of her feeding off of me and the sensation of her icy skin against mine heightened my senses, making every little touch a million times more intense. It was almost too much, it felt so good, and the longer it went on, the more overwhelming it became. I had been close since the moment she bit me, making her teasing pace absolute torture.
"Yoohyeon," I said breathlessly, feeling a thousand degrees too hot.
There was no need to say more when she plunged one of her long, slim fingers inside of me without warning. Something between a gasp and a moan escaped my lips and my hand reached down to grab her wrist. She was much stronger than she realized and I hadn't grown used to her yet. She immediately started to pull back, misreading my reaction.
"I-it's okay," I said breathlessly, keeping her hand in place. Still, she didn't make a move to continue and the sudden lack of contact was driving me crazy. "Please, Yoohyeon," I gripped her wrist tighter, "I need you."
Yoohyeon didn't hesitate any longer, sliding her finger back in and returning that excruciating wave of pleasure she had just taken away from me all at once. I lifted my hips off the bed to meet her pace, her finger reaching deeper with each slow, tantalizing pump. Even with how gentle she was this time, I could feel myself seconds away from coming undone underneath her. Realizing she was acting so shy because of how desperate she had been to fuck me ever since she found out I was just as turned on by her feeding from me as she was almost sent me over the edge alone. And it would've eventually, had she not suddenly added a second finger, her relentless roughness as she stretched my walls and sucked me dry of the very thing keeping me alive catalyzing my climax instead, finally sending me over.
Now I understood why they called it a 'little death,' because I felt it. My heart stopping for a full few seconds, my mind losing all capacity to function, my voice unable to do anything other than call out and my body ascending to the heavens as the pleasure surely only angels were capable of gifting washed over me in waves. Waves that Yoohyeon rode out with me, her fingers making sure I felt every last drop of pleasure each of them had to offer while she kissed my neck, drawing the high out as long as possible to show just how much she felt for me. Insurmountable. Inexplicable. And yet I knew its value. I knew what it was.
"I love you," was the one thing I could process as I came crashing back down, only to be caught in her embrace. I love you, as if she still had to say it after letting me feel it in a much deeper way than words could ever even begin to articulate. And yet she did. "Always."
**This imagine was transferred over from my Wattpad account OT5Stan4Life**
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gretchensinister · 2 months
Babylon 5 rewatch, S1 E16: Eyes
It's the motorcycle!
This is presented as a regular gearhead thing, but like. This is a 266 year old vehicle. This is an VERY UNUSUAL HOBBY. His perspective and experiences make sense for something 50-60 years old, but not something five times that! I honestly love poking at this kind of thing for Garibaldi. He probably has like, grad student level knowledge of the 20th century in certain fields. Won a manual in blackjack game WITH OTHER HISTORIAN SUPER-NERDS must have been
These guys might have "Sinister" stamped on their foreheads, omg.
Burger and Green Drink mmm love it when my drink matches the lighting
11 years till no more gas motorcycles put it on the calendar
Baby Monk Learns About Motorcycles
This guy's a dickhead
This is going to turn into more human supremacy stuff isn't it?
And Psycorp reaches out its creepy arms again
History NERD (Abbot and Costello???)
The interwebs...
I know a lot of stuff has to be verbal to make computer use work on TV but it is such a big security risk
Take a HINT dude
"Why didn't your commander protest the actions of the eldritch entities living on your station?"
I don't remember the whole situation from the show, but I hope Mars gets its independence.
Maybe I should chant over my complicated projects (this is the most we've seen of Lenier in one episode so far, isn't it?)
The part about Ivanova feeling her own mother's love via telepathy really stuck with me through the years.
Talia bothered Ivanova many times, too. Why do telepaths not just leave her alone when she says to?
I think they've gotta find some dirt on this guy?
I wonder if this guy's stated perception of Sinclair is true, because to me Sinclair certainly does seem like a competent commander
Communications delayed due to the speed of light might have been better in this situation with that useless senator
Now why did so many people get involved in that fight with THE COMMANDER?
What a terrible, terrible vibe for EVERYTHING this guy has
I feel like even with the triumphant punch and everything this situation would be still really complicated to resolve later?
Oh no, Lenier finished it :( But it does look nice :)
Good to have things back to normal :) (The motorcycle in the station stuck with me, too.)
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 28th, 1996
[Incoming call, Saturday September 28th 1996, 10:08 am]
*distant voices and laughter in the background* *sound of multiple car engines* *beeping of a car horn* E: Dusty-Bun, is that you? D: Hey, El! E: Hold on - *beep of a button being pressed* *thudding sound of a handset hitting a wooden surface*- you're on speaker! W: *mumbled* Good morning- *stifled yawn* or afternoon or whatever D: How was the game? *sound of someone shuffling into the room* M: *far away but getting closer* You’d know if you were here, asshole!
D: It’s called work, Michael. We can’t all have weekends off. M: Yeah, right, because an all-expenses paid trip is such a slag. D: You’re just jealous! *ring of a bicycle bell* D: You’ll never guess where I’m calling from. M: If you say the toilet again, I swear- D: That was a mind-boggling experience, jackass! You should have been more appreciative! M: We’ve been using walkie’s since fifth grade, dude, pretty sure you’ve called us while taking a shit before. D: I wasn’t in another state then! We’re not even on the same continent right now and - *motorcycle in the background getting louder before receding again* W: Just tell us where you’re at, Dustin. D: Fine - I'm in front of La Sagrada Familia! M: So you’re looking at a construction site? I’m sooooo envious- D: You so are! Both of my trip and my sexy sexy mobile phone! M: We- W: Stop bickering! *the slap of skin hitting skin* M: *rustling fabric* OW! This is abuse! W: Leave me at the altar then, you baby. M: Your baby. D: *over the sound of far-away laughter* You guys are a fucking nightmare. E: I should have stayed home. M: Yeah, you should have! *sound of metal rattling* *sound of books thudding to the ground* M: EL! You can't just come into our house and -
E: Be nice to me, then! D: El, when are you getting here? E: I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon - dad’s dropping me off at the airport at 2 and I have a layover in New York. I should land around 10 am local time. *rustling of fabric* *the creaking of the springs of the couch cushions* W: *getting farther away* Stop planning your trips in front of us! M: Yeah, some of us don’t have our flights paid for by the government. And SOME of us care about our friends! *sound of books getting picked up* W: *distantly* And family! M: Yes, thank you, babe. W: *voice getting louder, closer* It’s called homecoming for a reason, Dustin! D: How many times am I going to have to apologize? M: Until you’re actually here for homecoming next year! *sound of springs squeaking as someone flops back onto the couch* D: I’ll be there at thanksgiving! You could see me next week if you wanted to! M: Yeah, but you broke the tradition! Which means the streak is broken and there'll be less pressure to come next year so someone else won’t be able to make it and it’s all ruined and it’s your fault! D: Relax; no one’s going to miss it next year. I wouldn’t have either if I’d known you were going to be such a stickler about it. W: How didn’t you know? Mike’s always this whiny about this kind of thing. *fabric rustling* D: Hey, Will, you know, I could still introduce you to my colleague Steward? Offer's always open- W: Oh no, I agree with Mike, Dusty. His bitching makes sure I don’t have to whine about it - that’s exactly why I said yes to his proposal. M: *scoff* Yeah, that’s why and not the mind-blowing- W: Mike, think very carefully about what you say next and remember that until this is legally binding I can still take Catherine and leave! M: As if Catherine would choose you! *fabric rustling* W: Fuck off. *sound of air kisses* E: Dustin, I might just call Bernard and tell him to get me an earlier flight. M: You don’t have to be here, El, you’re the one that broke in at too-fucking-early o’clock- E: Mom and dad sleep in on Saturdays! I was bored! M: And we don’t? Some of us have to wake up at six every morning to get to work! E: Oh pish posh. W: *tiredly* Mike, don’t antagonize my sister. M: Will, don’t defend my ex-girlfriend. *springs squeaking* M: Will- No wait come back- *feet hitting the ground* *running footsteps* *shuffling and clothing rustling* *giggling* E: *loud sigh* I wish Max were here already. D: *crackling connection* Where are they? *cut-off yelp in the distance* *sound of head thudding against the wall* *giggling* E: They’re still asleep upstairs.
D: Did Lucas- *sound of someone grunting as they're pushed backwards* *sound of someone jumping over a couch* *sound of springs bouncing as El yelps* M: Wait a second - *sound of handset getting picked up* *clicking of a button* Will, can you and El start on breakfast please? *muffled protest in the distance* *confused shuffling* M: Thanks, babe. E: Why can’t I just stay- W: *distantly* El, just come in here! E: *muttered* whatever, stupid men...*couch cushions shifting* D: Is she gone? M: Yeah and I’ve taken you off speaker. D: SO? M: *fabric rustling* *couch cushions shifting* Okay, Lucas got the r-i-n-g, but he’s not sure when or how yet. He’s thinking of doing it at Thanksgiving with his family, but he’s worried Max might want something more private. D: She’s going to say ‘yes’ anyway. Tell him to do it with his family around. And to stop being a coward. M: I’ll let you tell him - they’re just coming down the stairs. M: *shuffling of a phone pulled away from a face* Lucas, Dustin wants to tell you he loves you! *distant voices* *sound of phone getting handed over* L: Hey, man D: Ask her around your family and stop being a coward. Hell, why not just do it tonight? *rustling of wind* L: Love you too, Dusty-Bun. *distant voices* D: You guys really need to let that go. Even Suzy has stopped calling me that - most of the times. L: Ew, I don’t need to know that. D: You’re the one with your mind in the gutter, dude! L: Anyway, we are going to help chaperone the homecoming dance tonight. D: Seriously, all of you? That’s so lame. We used to curse the chaperones. L: Yeah, honestly we’re not happy about it either, but Mike and Will don't have a choice so they signed us up against our will as well. We’re only here for the weekend anyway - and as we’re good friends that actually want to spend time together… D: I know you all miss my beautiful face but you guys really should stop whining about it. It's unbecoming. L: *scoff* D: You can still ask Max - it would be cute! Remember the snow ball? L: Absolutely not. I’ll probably spend the entire night holding Max back from spiking the punch, anyway. Mx: *yelling from far away* If I’m going to have to spend my evening around high-schoolers AGAIN, I might as well have a little fun. And seriously these losers need it - it’s like they all have sticks up their butts all of a sudden. L: *grinning* Remember Junior prom? *loud rattling in the distance* W: *far away* EL! PUT THE PAN DOWN! E: *distantly* DON’T MENTION THAT! L: *sound of phone being lowered* *voice more distant* Oh come on, El! It was funny! W: *distantly* PUT IT DOWN! WE GOT THAT FROM MOM! L: *grazing of phone against ear* Anyway, how’s Spain? D: Great - I had a symposium this morning but I’m free-roaming this afternoon. L: That’s great dude - Oh, breakfast is almost ready. Max, you want to speak with Dustin? Mx: *closer than before* No, you know I hate that guy. *sound of fabric rustling* *giggling* *sound of a hand being slapped away* D: Love you too, Max! Mx: Stay safe, Dusty-Bun! Don’t forget my fucking magnet! D: I won’t! Where did Mike go? L: He’s playing referee in the kitchen. I’ll tell him goodbye for you. D: Thanks! Talk to you guys later! *distant chorus from the kitchen* Bye!
[Call disconnects, Saturday September 28th 1996, 10:47 am]
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asimpforthe80s · 10 months
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Shouldn't Be Attracted To A Criminal..
Starring: Eddie Munson and Murderer!Y/N
Warning: mentions of murder. Drugs. Prison escapee Y/N. Falling in love with a criminal. Kinda short.
Part 2
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You had just escaped prison and were on the run. Eddie was waiting for his client in the woods as he heard a rustling in a bush. "Who's there?" He asked, standing up. "Chrissy?" He yelled out, not knowing who was there. He walked over to the bush and saw you, covered in dirt and a little blood. Leaves in your long black hair and scratches on your pink cheeks. You wore a prison uniform. Shit, he thought as he backed up slowly.
You jumped out of the bushes, threatening him with a knife in your hands. "Scream and you're dead, hear me?" Your voice was quiet.
"Woah, woah, woah!!" Eddie said as he held up his hands. "Let's calm down here, alright? No one has to get hurt." He said in a calm voice. "That's right. No one needs to get hurt. So shut up, don't yell, and don't you fucking dare call no one." You walked closer to him, holding your knife tighter in your hands. Eddie tried to move backwards, not wanting to make her mad. "Look, look, I don't have a cell phone. I'm not going to call anyone. Please, just put the knife down." Eddie said in a shaky voice, his eyes darting around nervously. You looked around, searching the area for anyone who might see or hear you. "You waiting for anyone? Is anyone going to come here?"
"No, no one is coming. I swear." Eddie said. "No one is coming. I swear." He said, hoping she would believe him, even though he was lying. "You're only telling me lies, I know it." You held your knife a little tighter and took your free hand to your pocket. "Who. Is. Coming." You said in a harsh tone. Eddie looked down at the ground, feeling trapped now. He was scared of her. "Look, you're right, im lying. I'm waiting for my client. I sell drugs." He looked up at her, his big, brown eyes pleading for mercy. "Okay then. Who is this client of yours?"
"Her name is Chrissy Cunningham. She's wearing a cheerleader uniform." Eddie said. "She's meeting me here so I can give her some cocaine." Eddie said, praying that she would just rob him and not kill him. "When is this 'Chrissy' supposed to meet you here."
"She was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago." Eddie said. "I don't know what's taking so long." He said, glancing at his watch. "Got a car? Van? Motorcycle? Anything?"
"Yeah, I have my van over there, across that clearing. Why do you ask?" He said, pointing towards the clearing. "Need a getaway."
"Heyyyy, wait. Don't get any ideas. I like my van. You can't steal my van! How the hell am I gonna sell my drugs without my van?" Eddie asked. "Goddamnit, people these days." You muttered. Eddie laughed nervously, trying to keep the situation light. "I'm just saying, that van cost me 30 grand, and if you think I'm just gonna let you take it, you gotta be crazy. I make all of my money in that van." He said.
You thought for a few minutes, not saying a word. Eddie stayed quiet, hoping that she wouldn't actually try to steal his van. He didn't know if he could stop her, if she decided to do it. He stood there waiting for her to respond. "Hey, what about you stay at my place instead?" You snapped out of your trance. "What- are you crazy? What if the police come?!" Eddie laughed nervously, "The police aren't gonna come. I know for a fact that no one even knows where I am. The police probably aren't even looking for me yet. And look, if you come with me to my cabin in the woods, I'll share some of the profits from my drug business with you." He said, trying to sweeten the deal.
"Dude.. you're already doing too much by letting me stay at your place, I don't need no money." You reassured him. "Just come with me, I know it seems sketchy, but I promise it's safe." Eddie said. "The place is kinda run down, but it's warm. I just live by myself out there, I don't have a lot of furniture, but I've got a bed and a tv, and a couch." He said, still trying to convince her to come with him, just so he could get his van back. "Huh.. you're quite a weird fellow." You chuckled. "But, fine.. I'll take your offer on lettin' me stay." Eddie sighed in relief. "Thank god, yes! Thank god. Let's get going." He said, starting to head towards his van. He was weird for letting you - a mass murderer - stay with him for no reason.
You followed him back to the white van parked in the clearing. Eddie climbed into the driver seat. "Alright, hop in!" He said, motioning towards the passenger seat. You hopped into the passenger seat. The van smelled like cocaine and tobacco. He started up the van and started driving towards his cabin in the woods. "Hey, what's your name, by the way?" He asked as he drove. "Name's Y/N.. if you tell anyone who I am and where I am, you're dead to me.. and most likely dead in general.."
"No worries of that, I'm not a rat. My name's Eddie." He said. "Nice to meet you Y/N." He put his hand out to shake your hand. "I hope you won't kill me in my sleep later on, hahaha." He laughed. You laughed. "No promises!" You paused. "Nah man, just kiddin' with ya." Eddie laughed nervously, hoping she was joking. "Heh, you better be." He said, chuckling. As he drove along the dirt road through the woods, Eddie started to relax a bit as they were getting closer to his cabin. He hoped you wouldn't try to murder him. "Yeah, I'm joking.. don't worry.. it sounds sketchy, but so does letting a murderer stay in your cabin in the middle of nowhere, so we're even?"
"Yeah, I guess you could put it like that." Eddie said, still feeling a little uncomfortable. "I swear, if you kill me in this van, I'm going to be so pissed haha." He chuckled, looking over at you to see your reaction. You laughed. "You can check me if ya want, but I ain't got no knife on me." Eddie chuckled as well, as he parked the van in front of a small cabin in the woods. "We're here." He said, getting out of the car. As he walked over to the front door, he opened it up. "I told you my place was a little run down, but it's got everything you need." He said with a shrug. "Ooh, nice tho.." you said and got out.
"Well, come in, come on in." Eddie said, inviting you inside. The cabin looked to be about 30 or 40 years old. The paint was fading, and in some areas it was chipped away all together. The furniture was old, with wear and tear, some of it in need of a replacement. "So whatdya think?" He asked. "Looks nice to be this old.. got any spare clothes? Walkin' 'round in a prison uniform isn't good.."
"Yeah, I can find some clothes for you. What size?" Eddie asked. He started walking upstairs. "You can hang out up there, and I will get you some new clothes. Make yourself at home, alright?" He said as he climbed the stairs towards his bedroom. "Yeah, I don't care about the size, tho.." You smiled a little, feeling an unfamiliar warmth. "Alright." Eddie said as he walked into his room. He started rummaging around until he found a shirt, pair of jeans, and a hoodie that would fit you. "Here." He said, heading back downstairs. "You can change in the bathroom if you want." Eddie said as he gave you the clothes.
"Thanks, man." Walking over to the bathroom, you smiled, feeling that weird warmth inside you again. What was this? Why did you suddenly feel like this around him? It was weird. You thought as you changed. The scent of him still on the clothes made your head spin. Fuck, did you like him? You got nervous as you walked out to him again. The clothes were a little too big, but you liked it better that way anyway.
Eddie blushed a little as he looked you up and down. He didn't expect you to look so good outside of those prison clothes. "Huh, those are pretty big on you. Are you comfy in there?" He asked, trying not to look at... certain areas. "Yeah, I kinda like it.." You tried your best to ignore the feelings you felt around him. It was intoxicating to you. You hated that you loved it.
As Eddie looked at you, he couldn't help but notice your lips, how soft they looked. "Uhm, yeah, I'm just gonna take a shower really quickly. You, uh, go ahead and look around, but just don't touch anything, ok? I'll be out here if you need anything." Eddie said as he began to walk towards the bathroom. He was really nervous now, and this time it wasn't because you were a dangerous criminal. "Yep, got it." You smiled and sat down.
Eddie took a deep breath before walking through the door to the bathroom. As soon as it closed behind him, he screamed out in frustration. "Why the hell is she so beautiful?" He muttered under his breath as he turned the water on and began to strip his clothes off. "I shouldn't be attracted to a dangerous criminal like her, but damn she's perfect."
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Tell me if y'all want a pt.2!
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tourettesdog · 2 years
Ectober Day 4: Box and Staff
Title: Sleepy Time
Word Count: 5243
AO3 Link
Danny is a very sleepy ghost boy and at this point anything qualifies as a bed.
What Danny wouldn’t give for just one peaceful night. One night where he could lie down, fall fast asleep, and stay asleep for a humane amount of hours. No matter how often he patrolled, it seemed there was always a ghost waiting to attack at the unholy hour of 2AM. 
The entire weekend had followed this pattern, with ghost attacks interspersed throughout the day. Skulker woke Danny up with a loud, resounding shout Friday night that had his parents up in arms. Between running Skulker a safe distance away– determined not to have another fight destroy part of the lab– and his parents chasing after, firing indiscriminately, Danny had no chance to rest that night. 
He still had traces of a bruise on his chin from that particular debacle. 
Saturday had been little better when Technus decided that their neighbor’s old sedan fit perfectly with his latest collection of tech. There were still trees blocking part of the road outside their house from the bulky machine careening down the street.
Sunday followed this same pattern, with Johnny 13 making a mad dash away from Amity Park on his motorcycle, forcing Danny to chase after him. They’d almost wound up in West Virginia by the time Danny caught him, and the lonely flight back took what little energy he had left at that point.
Danny thought he might finally get some rest when he returned to Illinois and sank into his bed– until an ectopus drifted past his bedroom window.
The ectopus hardly put up a fight, but Danny struggled to fall asleep afterwards, waking up at random intervals, tossing and turning. By the time the sun rose, Danny stared out his window with squinted eyes, groaning.
Of course he had to have school today. He already had a headache.
Danny dragged his feet through the halls of Casper High, head hung low, messy black bangs draped over his eyes as he made his way to his locker. Tucker already stood there waiting for him and gave a sympathetic ‘oof’ when Danny smacked his head against the door to his locker.
“Another bad night, then?” Tucker asked, patting Danny on the shoulder.
Danny lifted his head just high enough to smack it back against the locker with a clang.
“Ow…” he mumbled, wincing as his headache pounded.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Tucker observed.
Danny turned his head to look up at Tucker. His friend was several inches taller now, though that didn’t say much when Danny barely brushed five feet. 
“I think I slept maybe two hours all weekend,” Danny groaned. 
Tucker grimaced. “You gonna be okay, dude? You sure you can make it today?”
Danny stood up straight long enough to root through his locker and pull out the books he needed for the day. He shoved them into his backpack and fought with the zipper to close it. 
“At this rate, I’ll be lucky if I make it through our first class,” Danny grumbled, teeth gritted as he tugged harder on the zipper.
Yanking too hard, Danny accidentally ripped the zipper clean off of his bag.
Staring at the piece of shattered metal in his hand, Danny slumped back against his locker, shut his eyes, and rhythmically smacked the back of his head against it.
“Yikes, what’s eating him?” Danny heard Sam ask.
“No sleep again, and he just decimated the zipper on his bag,” Tucker said.
Sam audibly sighed. Danny felt a hand grab his arm and pull him away from his locker. 
“You get enough blows to the head without giving yourself more of them,” Sam said. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Sam helped Danny get his bag rearranged, but there wasn’t much they could do for the zipper. They managed to strap it closed with an old cable, but it looked an absolute mess. At least the thermos wouldn’t fall out of the bag, which was frankly all that mattered to Danny. He had a spare bag at home he could swap it out with later.
Danny tried his best to stay awake during his first class, but it seemed as if the universe was conspiring against him. Danny sat by the window and the warm sunlight filtering through the blinds dragged his eyelids low. It was all he could do to resist the urge to curl up on his desk like a cat and soak in the warmth.
It didn’t help that Mr. Lancer’s history lesson droned into a monotonous lecture. Mr. Lancer usually tried to show some level of enthusiasm for what he was teaching, but it seemed even he had no interest in the particular branch of US history they were learning. That or, judging by the way he pinched at his tear ducts, he might simply have had a migraine.
Between lack of sleep, his sun-warmed desk, and the droning lecture, Danny was asleep within five minutes. 
Mercifully, Tucker noticed in time to shake him awake. Danny gave him an awkward thumbs up over his shoulder.
This proceeded to happen no less than three times, until Tucker just took to rhythmically kicking the back of Danny’s seat to keep him awake. That worked for a while, but Danny eventually still managed to slip back into a light doze.
When the bell rang, Danny startled awake, lurching as his head fell out of his hand and he tipped dangerously to the side. He jumped to his feet, as though ready to fight something, and only calmed when Tucker patted his shoulder.
“Come on, Spooky, there’s nothing to punch,” he said.
Blushing slightly, Danny gathered his mess of a bag and slung it over his shoulder. He followed Tucker to the front of the class, pausing when Mr. Lancer cleared his throat.
“Mr. Fenton, I expect you to be more alert in time for my English quiz,” he said while rubbing at his left temple.
Danny nodded his head. “Sorry, I will be,” he mumbled.
Mr. Lancer gave a firm nod and went back to reading from the book on his desk. Danny quickly sped to catch up with Tucker at the door. They met with Sam in the hall and headed for gym class. 
Danny grabbed his gym clothes and took them to the toilet stalls to change as usual. It was a hot day, easily over eighty degrees, but Danny kept his red sweatshirt on over his gym clothes. He’d rather flare his core to keep cool than go without it.
Unfortunately, flaring his core required using more energy. It was fine at first when their class walked down the field to play soccer, but Danny quickly lost steam from there. He trudged along beside Tucker, who stuck resolutely close to the slight chill Danny put off. It was a struggle to keep up the pretense of trying– though Dash helped, in an ironic way. He kept kicking the ball towards (at) Danny, and running past him close enough to knock shoulders. With him constantly engaging Danny, it at least gave the appearance of him participating. Danny could have done without the bruises to his shoulder, but at least Ms. Tetslaff wasn’t yelling at him. 
Still, by the time they headed back towards the gym, Danny wasn’t able to keep the chill of his core flared enough to stave off the heat. He leaned miserably against Sam, letting her half-drag him up the hill. She reviewed book notes for their English quiz as they walked, though Danny hardly absorbed the words.
Between Tucker keeping him awake in class, and Sam almost carrying him, Danny owed his friends big time. He wasn’t sure where he’d be without them.
Probably in a ditch somewhere.
(Asleep, that is. The dying thing had already sailed.)
Danny welcomed their lunch period with open arms, prepared to put his head down and have a well-deserved nap.
Unfortunately, a ghost had other ideas.
The timing was impressive, in all honesty. No sooner had Danny pillowed his head on his arms, sighing contently, when that sigh turned into a puff of blue mist.
The expletive he shouted drew a few stares.
It didn't take long for Danny to find the culprit. A loud crashing sound echoed from the hallway outside the cafeteria. After darting in the restroom to transform, Danny followed the noise.
He found Boxy wreaking havoc on the science department, upending what appeared to be boxes of new lab equipment. Danny watched as one of the boxes tipped upside down. It sent a large package of beakers crashing to the ground, smashing Danny's own record within seconds.
Were he better rested and thinking straight, Danny might have been able to save the rest of the supplies from destruction. Seeing as he was barely awake and squinting through bleary eyes, however, it didn't occur to Danny to catch any of the boxes when he souped the Box Ghost from the air.
The rest of the lab equipment crashed down in Boxy's absence, the sound a monstrous crescendo of shattering glass and crunching metal.
Danny noticed a teacher in the corner of the room. She stared, open-mouthed with horror at the destruction. 
As Danny awkwardly backstepped out of the room, a sheepish grin on his face, she burst into tears.
When Danny returned to the cafeteria with nine minutes to spare, he gave Sam and Tucker a dispassionate, "Don't ask," before planting his forehead on the table and passing out.
The day continued to nosedive, as it often did, with Mr. Lancer's English class.
Danny liked Mr. Lancer well enough as a teacher, but he unfortunately still believed in Danny enough to keep him on his toes. Many of the teachers no longer reprimanded him for falling asleep or missing assignments, but Mr. Lancer was determined to make Danny apply himself. It would have been touching that he cared, were it not so frustrating.
As it was, Danny stared at his English quiz, seeing double. The words blurred and morphed together, smudged through his bleary vision. It was all Danny could do to keep his drooping eyelids from shutting tight.
Tucker didn't sit behind him in this class, so there was no rhythmic chair kicking to keep Danny awake. Sam did sit beside him– and she definitely threw a pencil at him the first time his eyes snapped shut– but there wasn't much she could do discreetly during a test.
Inevitably, Danny's eyes shut tight as he leaned into his hand, propped up on his elbow. 
Danny was flying, drifting on a warm breeze. A clear sky glittered overhead, the stars turning, spinning, blinking in wavering patterns.
Flipping on his back, crossing his arms behind his head, Danny watched as the stars coalesced in a brilliant tapestry. A landscape opened up across the heavens, towering mountains and low valleys of radiant stardust.
“Mr. Fenton.”
The landscape rippled, as though caught in a rough breeze. The wind blew harshly against Danny’s face, suddenly cold.
“Mr. Fenton.”
A strong gust of wind scattered the stardust to nothing. It left the sky inky black and empty, yawning overhead– crashing down as the wind roared loudly in Danny’s ears, icy and sharp. 
Soon, all that remained was that wind. Danny tensed, searching for something– anything in the darkness that sprung up around him.
Something tapped his shoulder.
Danny shot up suddenly, his desk scraping loudly across the floor as he stood. He braced himself for a fight, but… froze when he saw Mr. Lancer staring down at him with an eyebrow raised.
Snickers broke out around him and Danny glanced to his right in time to see Sam facepalm. 
“Is there any particular reason you can’t stay awake today, Mr. Fenton?” Mr. Lancer asked, drawing Danny’s attention back to him.
Danny was now as sure as he could be that Mr. Lancer had a migraine. The bags under his eyes weren’t as dark as Danny’s, but they were deeper than usual. He kept rubbing at his temple still, almost absently.
“Sorry, Mr. Lancer,” Danny said as he awkwardly sat back down. “Just… a headache.” 
Truthfully, he did still have a headache. Probably not one as bad as Mr. Lancer’s, but Danny didn’t think that sleep deprivation was an answer his teacher would take lightly.
Glancing across the classroom, Danny could see Tucker giving him a commiserating smile, and Dash miming someone startling badly. Several classmates weren’t even watching, though. This situation happened frequently enough that it had lost some of its novelty.
Mr. Lancer sighed. “Do you need to go to the nurse’s office, Mr. Fenton?” he asked. 
Danny cringed, sinking down a little in his seat. He hadn’t been to the nurse’s office for over a year now, since the Accident, and he wasn’t about to start now over a small headache.
“N–no I think I’m good,” he said quickly. 
Mr. Lancer sighed again, shaking his head. “I’d like you to stay after class, Mr. Fenton. Please try to stay awake enough to finish your quiz until then.”
He turned and went back to his desk, saying, “Ten more minutes; use your time wisely,” to the class before he sat down.
Danny rubbed at his face in frustration, groaning as he distinctly heard Dash snicker.
By the time class ended, Danny had managed to stay awake, but he had not managed to finish the quiz. It didn’t help that he had hardly read the book assignment– The Catcher in the Rye– and his memory of Sam’s notes was vague at best. He was confident in maybe three of his answers, and certain that his incomplete essay at the end would be poorly received. 
Sam and Tucker gave Danny encouraging thumbs up as they left the room. He knew they’d both wait for him in the hall.
After tying the cable back around his backpack, Danny dragged his feet to the front of the classroom. He stood in front of Mr. Lancer’s desk, waiting for the man to address him. He was grading a stack of papers, marking them with a red pen as he went.
“How is your head feeling?” Mr. Lancer asked without looking up.
The question threw Danny off kilter. He paused, wracking his mind for suitable words. “Uh, it’s getting better. I took some ibuprofen earlier,” he said.
Danny had not taken ibuprofen earlier. He had to take three or four times the recommended dose for it to even touch his pain these days, and a small headache wasn’t worth the trouble.
Mr. Lancer gave him a nod. He made one last mark on the paper in front of him, circling a line of text near the bottom of the page, before he finally looked up.
“Is there anything else going on, Mr. Fenton?” he asked.
His green eyes bored into Danny’s, and he had the distinct feeling of being scanned. It was moments like this that reminded Danny why Jazz liked Mr. Lancer as a teacher so much. Both of them were perceptive when it came to people.
“No?” Danny started, cringing a little at the uncertain tone in his own voice. “I mean, I didn’t really sleep well last night, but… yeah.” 
He trailed off, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
Mr. Lancer looked him up and down, his eyes settling on the slight bruising he still had on his cheek.
"If there's anything troubling you at home, I am always here to listen, Daniel," he said. 
Danny shuffled uncomfortably, digging his shoe into the linoleum floor. 
“Now,” Mr. Lancer began, reaching for a folder on the far side of his desk, “I won’t give you detention this time, but if I catch you sleeping in my classroom tomorrow I won’t be so lenient. Forgo any… extracurriculars tonight and get some sleep, Mr. Fenton. Have a good evening.”
Blinking dazedly, Danny could only nod and stutter out a confused, “Y-you too– the good evening thing, that is.”
Gripping the straps of his book bag tightly, Danny hurried out the door before Mr. Lancer could change his mind.
Sam and Tucker were the only people left in the hallway. It was the end of the school day and most people had already left or carried on to after school activities. Tucker swung an arm over Danny’s shoulders as they fell into step together.
“So, when’s your detention?” Tucker asked him.
Danny snorted. For once, he was happy to have an answer for that question. “Didn’t get detention,” he said, shooting his friend a fanged grin.
Tucker gasped and ground to a stop, jostling Danny beneath his arm. “Wait, really? What did he say?”
“He just… asked what was wrong. Told me I could talk to him if something was bothering me,” he said with a shrug. “It was kind of weird–  but in a nice way.”
The trio resumed walking, turning around the corner. They passed by the science department where several staff members were still cleaning up the broken glass. Sam slowed, craning her neck to get a better look, but Danny grabbed her arm and sped up, not wanting to linger by the mess.
He had forgotten how hot it was outside. The moment they stepped out into the heat, Danny groaned. What little energy had been startled into him by his nervous interaction with Mr. Lancer had faded, sapped away by fatigue. He leaned into Tucker as they went down the school steps and towards the sidewalk.
“You really should go get some sleep, dude,” Tucker said, eyeing Danny. “You look dead on your feet.”
Sam punched him in the shoulder while Danny laughed.
“He’s right, though,” Sam said. “You always look exhausted, but this is a bit much, even for you.”
Danny groaned exasperatedly. “Tell that to the ghosts that keep floating by my bedroom window,” he said.
“What was it last night?” Tucker asked. 
“After Johnny? A fucking ectopus,” Danny said, throwing his arms up in exasperation, nearly shrugging off Tucker’s arm. “I almost would have preferred Skulker again. At least then I’d have something to take my frustration out on,” he added in a low grumble.
“With how tired you are, I don’t think fighting Skulker is the best idea right now,” Sam said. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. We heading to FentonWorks?”
“Please no,” Danny said a little too quickly. “My parents are still fixing the lab wall. I don’t think I could sleep through that racket if I tried.”
Tucker snorted. “Still? Hasn’t it been like a week?”
“Five days. Five miserable, loud days. Were you not reading my texts? Did I not complain enough?”
Tucker rolled his eyes. “In my defense, you didn’t update us on the lab wall fiasco over the weekend, so I assumed it was over.”
“I’m sorry if I was a little too busy complaining about the trio of dumbasses that is Skulker, Technus, and Johnny.  I’ll try to squeeze in loud Fenton bullshit hours next time.”
“See that you do,” Tucker said, nodding sagely.
Danny snorted, waving his arm to slap at him.
“So, where we going then?” Sam pressed. “I don’t know about you two, but I want to get out of this heat.”
They hadn’t made it very far from the school. With Danny leaning into Tucker, and no clear destination decided, they’d stopped at the corner.
Tucker made a thoughtful humming sound. “How about my place? My mom’s working and my dad shouldn’t bug us. Danny can take a nap while we play games or something.”
“Yeah, sure. Better than standing out here all day,” Sam said with a shrug.
“You’re going to play games without me?” Danny whined, doing his best attempt at puppy dog eyes (the effect probably ruined, at least somewhat, by how squinted they were).
“Yep,” Sam said, popping the ‘p’. She gave him a once-over with her arms crossed, her smile twisting into a concerned frown.
“Go transform and I’ll carry you,” she offered.
Danny perked up immediately, throwing Tucker’s arm off his shoulder. He glanced around quickly to make sure there was no one watching before darting into the tall bushes nearby. He heard Sam mutter, “That woke him up a little,” as he transformed.
As soon as the cold rings washed over him, Danny felt for his invisibility, letting it wash over in the same way. Floating back over to Sam and Tucker, he gave a quiet, “Here,” to let Sam know where he was before settling across the tops of her shoulders and spider backpack like a very large snake.
He let his spectral tail hang down one side of her neck and his arm down the other. He nestled his head on her shoulder and sighed happily. Thankfully, Danny was light enough in this form for Sam to carry him without issue.
“Just stay awake long enough for us to get to Tuck’s house. If you turn visible on me in the middle of the street, I will personally soup you,” she whispered.
Danny put every last ounce of his energy into keeping his eyelids open on the walk to Tucker’s house. The gentle sway of Sam walking, paired with the heat, made for a sleepy combination. By the time they stepped over the threshold of Tucker’s house, blissfully welcomed by air conditioning, Danny had finally lost the battle against his eyelids. 
He heard Tucker gasp loudly, hissing out a frightened, “Danny!” before he felt– and heard– Sam thunder up the steps to Tucker’s bedroom. Danny opened his eyes in time to watch Tucker slam the door behind him, turning the lock.
“That was a close one,” Tucker said, pressing his ear expectantly to the door, his red beanie askew. “I think my dad’s outside– otherwise he might’ve seen the ghost who was supposed to stay invisible.”
“‘M sorry,” Danny mumbled, shutting his eyes again.
Sam sighed. Danny felt her pivot and heard her boots take a couple of steps on the wooden floor. 
“You’re hopeless when you’re tired,” she said. “How have you kept your secret this long?”
“Talent,” Danny mumbled into her shoulder.
Sam snorted. Her shoulders rose and Danny felt her hands grab him under the armpits. He kept his eyes closed, expecting her to flop him onto Tucker’s bed, but was surprised when he felt himself land inside something.
Tucker began to cackle, his laughter quickly devolving into wheezes. Danny opened his eyes and came face to face with– 
Cardboard. He was inside a box. 
Groaning, Danny rolled onto his back, brushing his white bangs out of his eyes. His tail fell the rest of the way into the box with him, curled over his stomach.
“Sam. Why am I in a box?” he asked,
It was a pretty big box, though Danny wasn’t sure why Tucker had it. Judging by the give in the bottom, it was sitting on his bed. Danny couldn’t stretch out his arms inside the thing, but he could curl up with some room to spare.
“I dunno. It just seemed funny,” Sam said, laughing. 
“What’s this thing even from?” Danny asked. “It’s a pretty nice box.”
Tucker’s face swam into view as he leaned over the box, still chuckling. He lifted his glasses, wiping away a tear.
“It’s from my new desk,” he said between chuckles. “I figured I’d keep it to store shit in. Think we could replace the thermos with one of these bad boys?”
“I want you to think for two seconds about Boxy before you seriously consider that statement,” Sam said.
Danny huffed a laugh. Rolling onto his side, he let his tail curl around him and pillowed his head on his arms. He felt the bed sink down a bit on one side and heard someone fumbling with what sounded like game controllers.
“Are you seriously comfortable in there?” Sam asked, her voice hovering just over his ear.
Danny hummed in response, nestling into his arms. It probably would be more comfortable on the bed, but he was already so tired, and the walls of the box made him feel strangely safe…
Sam laughed again, more quietly this time. He heard the telltale sounds of Tucker starting up Smash Bros., followed by him quickly lowering the volume. 
A hand fell into Danny's hair, gently scratching his scalp. In his sleepy, half-awake state, Danny was faintly aware of the contented rumble in his chest.
"Just like a cat," Danny heard Tucker snicker.
The noise of a cell phone camera going off followed.
It was the last thing Danny heard, other than the distant sounds of their game, before he fell into a fitful sleep.
Danny's mind was sluggish as he woke. He opened his eyes, expecting to see the familiar stars on his ceiling, but was surprised to see a dark room with a spinning ceiling fan instead.
Turning on his side, Danny noticed short walls surrounding him. He panicked for a moment, thinking he was trapped, before remembering he'd fallen asleep in…
A box.
A box, of all things.
Danny was still in his ghost form, and in the dark he could see that part of the box was dented. Danny could only assume he’d crushed it in his sleep. Coiling up on his tail, slipping out of a blanket Sam or Tucker must’ve thrown over him, Danny rose up like a cobra and glanced around Tucker’s bedroom. He couldn't tell what time it was, though it must’ve been well past sunset, judging by the darkness. 
Sam was nowhere to be seen, but Tucker was curled up in bed, fast asleep. At least, he was asleep– until Danny leaned too heavily on the box and it tore down the side, causing him to tumble forward and land on his friend’s legs.
Startling awake, Tucker quickly sat up, pulling his legs to his chest.
“Wha– Danny? You good?” he groggily asked, stifling a yawn.
Danny yawned as well, still feeling rather tired despite what must have been several hours of rest.
“I feel a bit better,” he said. “How long was I out? What time is it? Where’s Sam?”
Tucker rolled on his side and groped a hand across his nightstand, grabbing his glasses and phone. Both of them squinted as the phone powered on, singing their retinas with its sudden light.
“It’s almost eleven, so uhhh… seven hours or so? Sam left hours ago.”
“Ancients…” Danny muttered, rubbing his tired eyes.
A sobering thought suddenly came to mind.
“Wait, shit, I should get home, I–”
“Already taken care of,” Tucker said, yawning again. “As far as your parents are concerned, you’re sleeping over tonight. My parents don’t know, though, so try to keep it down.”
He gave a cheeky grin and Danny felt his anxiety melt away with it.
“So, are you going to keep sleeping in my box– which you totally destroyed, by the way– or do you want to actually use the bed?”
Danny glanced down at the cardboard under him. The box had certainly seen better days. It had been surprisingly comfortable while it lasted, at least.
“Bed sounds good,” Danny said wearily. “I can’t believe you let me sleep in a box.”
Tucker just laughed at that.
Danny crawled across the bed to the side closest to the wall. Tucker lifted his blanket and Danny phased his way under it. He settled down, burying his face in one of Tucker’s many pillows.
“Am I too cold like this?” he asked, his voice muffled by the pillow. “I can transform if you want.”
Danny was getting considerably better at controlling his powers. Aside from being able to maintain his form while unconscious now, he also had significantly more control over his temperature. He couldn’t necessarily make himself warm as Phantom, but he could decrease the chill he put off.
Sleeping as a ghost appealed to Danny– seeing as it meant he wouldn’t have to take off his binder– but he would transform for Tucker’s comfort if not his own. 
Tucker hummed thoughtfully. “Naw, you’re good. Just let me turn off the ceiling fan.”
He reached for something else on his nightstand, producing a tiny remote. It shut off the fan and Danny watched as the blades slowly ground to a halt.
Tucker settled back into bed, taking off his glasses, carding a hand through his curly bangs. He let loose another yawn and rolled over to look at Danny.
“You’re not hungry or anything are you? You did sleep most of the day,” he said.
Danny shook his head. He never had much of an appetite since the Accident. Sam suspected it had something to do with all of the ambient ectoplasm in Amity. 
“Just tired still,” he said. “Thanks for letting me sleep for so long, by the way.”
Tucker hummed, shutting his eyes. “You needed it,” he mumbled.
Danny certainly agreed. Those seven hours of sleep had helped, but he still felt pretty exhausted. Not every week of fighting ghosts was like this, but the ones that were dragged him down. He was only thankful for no major injuries this time around.
Snuggling deeper under the blanket, Danny wiggled his way closer to Tucker, burying his head under his friend’s chin. Tucker shifted, lifting his arm over Danny in a practiced manner, draping it over his shoulders. 
Listening to the rhythmic sound of Tucker’s breathing and the steady beat of his heart, Danny quickly found himself falling into a restful sleep. 
“G’nigh,” Tucker mumbled, hardly coherent.
Danny’s core rumbled contently in response.
Danny awoke the next day feeling, at last, actually awake. After changing into some clothes Tucker kept at his house for him, Danny slipped out of Tucker’s bedroom window and waited outside to give him a lift to school. 
He didn’t manage to replace his book bag, but dealing with the broken zipper felt considerably more manageable when well-rested. 
They met up with Sam in the hall as usual, and there was something in her grin that had him feeling nervous.
“What did you do?” Danny warily asked her.
Sam’s grin widened. She leaned against her locker, flicking through something on her phone.
“Oh, you know… just thinking about photography,” she said.
Danny paused, trying to parse out whatever the hell that was supposed to mean. Then, with dawning horror, he remembered hearing the sound of a phone camera the night before.
“You didn’t,” he said, standing up straight, eyes narrowed at Sam.
“Oh, I did.”
She tapped something on her phone and turned the screen towards him. On it was a picture of Phantom, curled up inside of a box with his tail tucked around his messy white hair.
Danny quickly made to grab for the phone, but Sam held it up high, far out of his short reach.
“Tucker has copies too, so don’t you dare,” she said with a laugh.
Danny grabbed at her shoulders, shaking her lightly. “Sam, please tell me you didn’t post that anywhere,” he said, practically begging.
Sam waved her hand dismissively. “Why post it when we can keep it all to ourselves?” she said.
“And when we can threaten to post it the next time you spill one of those ectoplasm shakes on–” 
“That was one time!” Danny interrupted Tucker with a whine.
“I can see the meme caption now,” Tucker continued dramatically, ignoring Danny’s interjection, “‘The New Box Ghost’!”
Sam snorted with laughter while Danny continued to groan, making one last, futile grab for her phone.
225 notes · View notes
athletic-hotties3 · 3 months
Laith stood anxiously against the corner of a dirty bathroom stall door in the far back hall of the library. The lower walls and floor were covered in mystery stains and graphic drawings, a clear sign of the neglectful janitors of his university library. In truth not all bathrooms looked this seedy; causing Laith to wonder why his first assignment had chosen this one out of all of them.
He fumbled through the PACT app on his phone watching to time tick down to his arranged meetup through the dim shield of his motorcycle helmet visor. He checked the list once before he left making sure he wore all the correct items: his permitted motorcycle helmet, his riding leather jacket, the knee high socks he found pushed to the back of his drawer left by a previous hookup with a thing for socks, his converse sneakers, a pair of leather pants he bought on a whim one day to match his motorcycle jacket and finally his high school football team jockstrap under it all. He was surprised the jockstrap still fit after all these years, but not surprised by its smell. It was rank from sitting at the bottom of his dirty clothes bin for so long. Usually he would just throw it back into the laundry bin every time he had to wash clothes in fear that his flat mates would discover it in the dryer so it hadn’t been washed in a while. Still smelling of sweat and precum from his varsity days. Unpermitted by the app, he wore a red compression shirt he had gotten in the bottom of the app arrival box with the apps logo on it. It fit him well and showed off his physique so he figured it would go well with the rest of the shit they wanted him to wear. Plus there was no way he was gonna walk through campus in full leather with no shirt.
Tumblr media
Lost in thought he hadn’t even noticed the man quietly swing open the bathroom door behind him. Before he heard him he felt the man’s large fingers slide over his shoulders and slowly find Laith’s nipples with a soft rub.
Laith jumped at the sudden touch letting out a small yelp.
“Shshshshhhh… it’s okay. Just stand there and be a good little slut for me.” The man said from behind Laith, pressing his body up against Laith’s back.
From what he could feel from the imprint slowly thrusting his waist into the ass of Laith, he could sense that the man was slightly shorter than him with a skinny yet toned frame. What he could feel the most was the monster hidden in his pants, its imprint sliding up and down the crack of Laith’s leather pants.
Laith, starved for touch after a few hours in chastity noticed his cock slightly chub up in his cage. The cage shortened his length even at flaccid making it a tight squeeze, so at erect there was no room to go. A warm swell of pain swam around Laith’s balls feeling his cock trying to escape from its cage. In response he let out a groan of pain and ecstasy.
“You’re a new one arn’t you…” the man said in a deep voice. “I can tell by the way you groan at your new cage and your refusal to follow dress code.”
Laith pushed off the man in confusion and quickly turned around. “What?!” He said angrily.
“Wait fuck. Are you the right guy? STUDENTATHLETE24? I swear if you’re not and the fucking fag blew me off I swear his rating is going to plummet.” The formally dressed man reached for the phone in his back pocket with frustration.
“No I am!” That’s me. STUDENTATHLETE24… see?” Laith held up his phone showing the identification card screen of the app. His app name and the photo of him in his cage large on the screen. His star rating not yet filled. “Sorry I just was confused I-…. You are right in new to this and to be honest I’m not one to take it up the ass dude. Plus I totally followed all of your dress code rules” Laith said dress code with air quotes mocking the stupidity of the entire thing.
“Yea. Your shirt. Not on the list so I’m afraid I might have to dock you a few points.” The man, which Laith remembered was named Cyphl from the app, slowly started to unbuckle his belt. “Unless you wanna make it up to me. I’m very forgiving.”
Laith studied the man, worried for what he might have to do next. The man looked in his mid 30s, porn mustache, stubble, dark salt and pepper hair. He wore dress pants, leather belt and shoes, a plaid dress shirt, glasses and a dark red tie. As Cyphl unbuttoned his pants furthering his naked agenda, Laith noticed the faculty badge swinging from the lanyard around his neck. Bingo. If he could let him know he was a student here maybe he might just wanna leave.
“So. You don’t like my shirt? Why don’t you come here and take it off me sport?” Laith said with a cringe under his visor, hearing some form of that line in a movie once and it working.
Cyphl’s pants his the floor exposing his cock. Like Laith had predicted earlier he seemed to be free balling, but what he hadn’t predicted was the size of it. He sensed it was large but nothing like what swung between Cyphl’s legs. Large, hairy, uncut and leaking precum.
Laith gulped nervously.
Cyphl walked over with a grin, his cock swinging between his legs as he did so, dripping white sticky fluid onto the floor. “So it seems like you’re more eager for my attention now that your stars are on the line. Judging by your current score im your first. I could condemn you to your cage right now if I wanted to.”
“Please don’t-“ Laith began to plead before Cyphl’s large hand aggressively cupped his crotch.
“Mmm they got you in a metal one too. Much more secure than the 3d printed ones they started out with.” Cyphl said with a grin on his face.
Laith let out a yelp, feeling the pain in his crotch swell up again. His cock forcefully pushed against the bars of its cage begging for the release of a full erection. His visor began to fog up with his hot nervous breath.
“I’ll let you keep your shirt on… your whole outfit on I quite like the whole college motorcyclist thing you got going on.” Cyphl said placing his hands on Laith’s shoulders. “Just get on your knees already.”
Laith felt Cyphl’s hands push down on his shoulders and with a gulp he felt the need to comply. He thought of the rating system on the app, needing to please the men he met with the hopes of getting out any time soon. Laith fell to his knees and looked up at the faculty member towering above him. He wasn’t used to being so out of power, so submissive. He gritted his teeth at the thought, his cock jumping at the sexual imagery.
“So you work here?” Laith said touching Cyphl’s faculty badge and examining the details. “Does it make you uncomfortable if I tell you I’m a student here?” Laith said grasping at ideas to make him turn away.
As the words slipped out of Laith’s mouth Cyphl’s cock grew larger and more erect, coming to a slow standstill pointing directly at Laith’s face.
“That’s why I use the app. I like knowing my students, other faculty, even some university higher up’s are just stupid cum sluts who can’t refuse serving me. There’s more than you think out there.” Cyphl grabbed the top ridges of Laith’s motorcycle helmet and firmly tilted his head back so that Laith was looking directly up to the ceiling. “You could be any one of my students, fuck I even found my TA on this app once. Shame that I had to rate him so low, but he made it up to me later after class.”
Laith’s body flushed red with embarrassment. He wasn’t a stupid cum slut like Cyphl was claiming he was. Fuck it he was more of a man than Cyphl would ever be. Taller, more muscular, probably fucked more people than Cyphl ever would.
“Let’s see if I recognize you…” Cyphl’s hand firmly gripped the bottom lip of Laith’s motorcar helmet visor.
“Wait I’m supposed to stay anonymous. You can’t see my face.” Laith pleaded swatting Cyphl’s hand away.
“You should have hopped on the other side of that glory hole in the stall your next to if you wanted to keep it that way sport. Yet your slut hole kept you in the open for exposure.” Cyphl with speed lifted up the visor on Laith’s helmet.
“Well. You’re not in any one of my classes.” Cyphl said with some displeasure in his tone.
“Sorry to disappoint I guess. What major you teach?” Laith said taking off his helmet fully and placing it on the ground next to him. His anonymous cover was already blown with this dick head so he might as well take the sweaty helmet off.
“Literary history.” Cyphl said his arms crossed. “You?”
“Pre med.” Laith said in relief.
Cyphl sat in his disappointment more than Laith did. Laith grinned seeing his way out.
“So are we done here? You don’t want me because I’m not one of your students?” Laith suggested motioning to the door.
“Yea umm… it’s a little disappointing.” Cyphl said with a sour face. “but I’m already here so why don’t you put those cock sucking lips around my cock before that cage gets locked on your junk forever.”
Laith slowly inched forward, his lips nervously parting for the well endowed man in front of him. Just a few days ago he would have pummeled some creep that wanted him to suck a cock but now he was on his knees in some dirty bathroom, lips kissing the cock head of some random faculty member.
His lips felt the raw and salty skin of Cyphl’s dick, opening wide to slide further down the head and onto the shaft. Laith felt the cock invade his mouth, filling up the space between his cheeks and pressing his tongue down to the fleshy floor of his saliva covered throat. He closed his eyes tight like he had just tasted something bad and continued pushing his head down the man’s long shaft. Just as he had thought he had gotten to the base, he opened his eyes to reveal he was only halfway there. With nerves in his eyes he looked up at Cyphl who had a confused expression on his face.
“Wow you really are new to this. Look i don’t got all day so I’ll just help you.” Cyphl grabbed Laith’s ears firmly and forcefully pulled in launching his cock down Laith’s throat.
Laith quickly gagged followed by the sound of spit in his throat before Cyphl pulled most of the way out, letting Laith catch his breath.
“Now we are gonna do that a couple more times got it?” Cyphl said with a demeaning tone.
Tears of shock ran down Laith’s cheeks. He could feel his nipples perk up and harden, his back slightly arch as he took a deep breath in.
“Good boy.” Cyphl said pulling on Laith’s ears and slamming his cock deep into Laith’s throat once more. This time he didn’t stop at the choking and gagging noises Laith made in response but kept drilling in and out of his wet mouth.
“You call that mouth a hole boy? Fucking work my cock!” Cyphl yelled
Laith closed his lips firmly around Cyphl’s cock and moved his tongue around his shaft.
“That’s it fuck face. You want to get an A in dick sucking your gonna have to work a little harder than that.” Cyphl moaned loudly, slapping Laith across the side of his face.
Laith let the man thrust down his throat, his cock causing saliva to drip from Laith’s lips.
With each thrust Laith found it harder to breath and with each thrust his mouth was impaled deeper and deeper onto Cyphl’s cock.
With the fear of losing consciousness in his mind Laith’s hands pushed against Cyphl’s waist.
“Not so fucking fast.” Cyphl said grabbing the back of Laith’s head and shoving his skull down onto his full length, planting Laith’s face into his pubes.
Laith’s throat contracted and spasmed against Cyphl’s large invading cock.
“Yea that’s right choke on my fucking fat cock. Your throat feels so good when you panic. Your almost there keep working it.” Cyphl said through gasps and moans.
Laith puckered his lips aggressively sucking on Cyphl’s cock. He had to get air soon. His throat couldn’t take any more cock.
Cyphl let out a loud groan letting go ow Laith’s ears and shoving him to the ground.
Laith fell back in shock, his body now a groaning mess on the dirty bathroom tile.
Unexpectedly Laith felt an absurd amount of liquid splatter onto his body. It first fell onto his hair, then his face and the rest of his clothes, covering his shirt, jacket, boots and pants. Then it continued in long bursts splattering across different parts of his body, staining each and every inch of his form.
Laith stuggled to get up, groggily recovering from the throat fuck he endured. “What the-“
It was then a glob of salty white cum splatters itself across his face and into his questioning mouth.
Laith looked down in shock at the rosy of body covered in pools of sticky wet cum.
“I told you. Hyperspermia.” Cyphl said zipping up his pants and threading the leather belt he wore through the waist loops of his pants. He was utterly spotless.
Laith placed his hand over his face, trying to wipe off the extreme amounts of cum that had landed across his head.
With the click of a phone camera Laith had sensed Cyphl had just taken a photo of him.
“What the hell dude… anonymous.”
“Relax your face isn’t in it. Plus we always gotta upload a photo after the deed is done to leave reviews. I just sent you yours now.” Cyphl put his phone in his back pocket and headed to the door. “Your lucky in not a fucking dick. Hope to see you in a few months when you finally learn how to suck a dudes cock. Maybe put something up your ass too while you’re at it. Good luck idiot.”
Laith watched Cyphl disappear into the library as the door closed quietly and a loud bing chimed from his cum covered phone.
This slut stud is a newcomer to the app and apparently sucking cock. Celebrated his new life by baptizing him today in the library bathroom. Not prone to following rules but takes it like a champ.
# hyperspermia # cumdump # newcomer
After several minutes of washing his leather cladded uniform Laith walked out from the secluded bathroom and into the main hall of the library he had to cross to leave the building. His helmet disguised his identity but his clothing revealed his true nature as a fag. He had attempted to wash the cum off his clothes but it had stained the leather causing white crusty spots to form all over his body in splatters and drips. He tried his best to ignore the stares and snickers as he got on his motorcycle and drove away.
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themculibrary · 7 months
Stucky + Samtasha Masterlist
Are You Lost In Paradise? (ao3) - dameronpoetry E, 54k
Summary: The one where Steve and Bucky are both actors who meet on the Evening Show with Clint Barton. They fall for each other hard - as you'd expect - but things get in the way - though no one falls off any trains.
This is a tale involving motorcycles, cuddling, disgustingly cute emails, terrifying Russian actresses, heartbreak, snarky New Yorkers, ridiculously convoluted plots between interested parties, and maybe, just maybe love.
Dude, Where’s My Pants? (ao3) - debwalsh steve/bucky, natasha/sam N/R, 3k
Summary: In which Steve wakes up with the man of his dreams in his bed ... but apparently that’s his crush’s worst nightmare.
What happens in Vegas may spell the end of a beautiful friendship.
It’s a good thing Nat and Sam aren’t going to allow Steve and Bucky to get away with not talking about what happened ...
Family Placement (ao3) - notlucy E, 88k
Summary: Steve Rogers had a train ticket in hand and the chance to begin again after losing everything in Brooklyn - his father, his mother, the comfort and familiarity of home. Going west meant the opportunity to become his own man and stake his claim on the wide, flat prairie.
Then, of course, there was Bucky Barnes.
Fire Alarms (ao3) - starlight_starbright E, 11k
Summary: Something sets the fire alarm of and, thankfully, Steve forgets his room key.
I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. (ao3) - relenafanel M, 6k
Summary: Hey friend of Sam’s can I get an opinion on this outfit? Bucky texted, attaching the selfie taken in Sam’s bathroom mirror.
He received an answer almost immediately. Bucky was almost expecting a lecture, or at least a concerned question about who had stolen Sam’s phone.
He got neither.
New text from Steve: What do you want it to say?
Or: Bucky strikes up a flirtation with a stranger over text message in the month leading up to Valentine's Day.
Laughter Lines (ao3) - drmcbones M, 100k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a rising Hollywood star with a tragic past and a reputation for driving his bodyguards away. Steve Rogers is a veteran with the same tragic past and the need to get back out in the world. The two of them have been estranged since they were teenagers, so when Steve joins SHIELD as a bodyguard, he is less than thrilled when he finds out that Bucky is his first assignment. But how bad can it be? They're both professional adults, right?
Murder on the Dancefloor (ao3) - 74days T, 3k
Summary: After getting over a bad relationship, Steve is taken out for a night on the town by his best friend Sam. However, when he sees his ex on the dancefloor with a much hotter guy, Steve decides to grab the nearest guy and make out with him. It's actually a really good decision - if you don't count getting thrown out of the club.
Poltergeists (ao3) - enemyofrome T, 17k
Summary: When the helicarriers blow up and the Winter Soldier goes on the run, he takes Steve with him. He's got a name written in Morse code on the inside of his arm, a ton of questions he doesn't know how to ask, and now, a new handler with absolutely zero sense of self-preservation to contend with. Life is hard.
In which Bucky tries to figure out whether he's a human being, Steve does everything he can to keep from losing him again, and there are lots of explosions.
Shoot a Hole into the Sun (ao3) - keire_ke, PR Zed (przed) T, 28k
Summary: It was Nat who'd noticed the pattern. Every afternoon at exactly the same time, Steve and Barnes would share a heart-in-their eyes-hug, and then moon over each other at a table in their favourite coffee shop in the Tower.
Sam and Nat spend their afternoons making fun of the old people in love. Which maybe isn't the smartest thing in the world when they just might be in love themselves.
The Daily Rogers (ao3) - Nonymos E, 32k
Summary: College AU. May contain exchange students, a Starbucks addiction, daddy issues, anger issues, closets and how to get out of them, the ever-ominous influence of social networks, various levels of betrayal, awfully poor life choices, but also, ultimately, real chunks of love.
The Right Way to Fall (ao3) - Taste_is_Sweet T, 41k
Summary: He's just scruffy enough that most people would avoid eye contact in case he asked them for change. But his eyes are startling blue and stark and wild, and he looks at Sam and Sam looks at him, and yeah. Turns out he knows where Bucky is after all.
Except, Sam reminds himself, this isn't Bucky. This is the Winter Soldier, who's gone completely, absolutely still like an animal trying to decide whether to attack or run. And Sam is suddenly, terribly aware of all the people around them: all the tourists and the kids on their field trips; all the families with their babies and toddlers; all the sentimental fools like him come to visit Captain America on an overcast Wednesday afternoon.
But Sam has also seen that expression on the men and women who come to his counseling sessions. He's seen it in the mirror more times than he cares to count. He knows that kind of fear and pain, just like he knows that the man who was once James Buchanan Barnes could have already killed him. Killed as many people as he wanted to, and run.
He could have, but he didn't.
Through a dark night, without a sunrise, love will tell us where to go (ao3) - LunaCanisLupus_22 E, 126k
Summary: “I know you,” he says faintly.
“Yes,” the man agrees without looking up. “I’m Captain America.”
That’s no it. That can’t be it. There’s something more. There’s something-
“No.” The declaration is persistent now. “I know you.”
Or the one where Bucky doesn't remember being Bucky or the Winter Soldier but ends up a little too interested in Captain America anyway.
Welcome to the Jungle (ao3) - neversaydie E, 44k
Summary: "What do you think about guy-guy scenes?"
He was too self-conscious to act, modelling didn't pay enough, and time out of school for the medical trial that fixed his body had left him barely scraping a pass on his GED. He shared an apartment with a burlesque dancer, and she'd talked him into it over a weekend and way too much tequila.
Three pictures and one embarrassingly short amateur jerk-off video later, and here he is.
"Gay scenes?"
His mom can never find out about this.
[Porn Industry AU]
When Life Gives You Lemons (ao3) - starbunny G, 9k
Summary: Steve's idea of a simple life consisted of two things. First, drawing and taking art commissions whenever he pleased, and second, taking care of his wonderful garden. 
What it did NOT include was: Having the local wildlife unanimously decide that his garden was the greatest sanctuary ever, attracting the attention of the mysterious species of humans known as 'The Avengers', or starting a war with a cunning raccoon that destroyed everything in Steve's garden, then learning that the raccoon was not really a raccoon after all and Steve should have really known better. 
What has become of his life?
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imthefailedartist · 4 months
There's really only diminishing returns on The Strangers sequels.
Tumblr media
It's a small diner with large ass windows. Were you not looking at your car to see if someone went under the hood.
This is why you always stop where there's multiple fast food chains. Especially an Arby's. Not McDonald's! Even the most bum fuck nowhere town has McDonald's, but only towns of select size have Arby's.
With the original, they had stakes because their relationship was fraught. Making them cloyingly happy does nothing. Unless they are going to work extremely hard to keep that happiness. Spoiler alert: they don't even try.
The conflict is right there. She might get a job in a new state. He's a marriage guy she's not a marriage girl.
Spoilers below. . . I guess. It's a "slasher" and the third film. You know what's coming
What was the point of the rude ain't married yet scene if it's not something they're worried about.
10,000 is civilization. 2,000 to 9,000 is small town quaint. 1,000 or less is you naked on all fours and being told to "squeal for me fat boy".
Oh girl, no, he got asthma. He can't protect you, he can't even breathe right.
Why is the town so suspicious.
Creepy stranger continuously ringing doorbell in middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, and hearing creepy sounds procedes to prance around in panties and socks, plays music and smokes weed.
Pants and shoes. Put them on.
Opening the door. Big no no.
Stepping outside even bigger no no.
In ya damn panties.
Put on your Goddamn pants and shoes.
Passes the kitchen butcher block full of knives to hide in the bathroom. "We need weapons."
See I would just burn the cabin down. With all of us in it. Pete just gon have to see my insurance.
Why does this cabin have an upstairs if it's not going to factor into the movie.
Who returns to a dark house and don't call out?
Also, that motorcycle was loud as hell she couldn't hear it.
They are the dumbest.
Under the house was smart. Everything they did after was very dumb.
Too much in-house unseen lurking. It stopped being scary.
They aren't even trying.
What was that, not mormon mormon pamphlet?
Not him trying to gaslight her mere hours after he had a meltdown over the locals allegedly scamming them.
The water bottle. Are you fucking kidding me.
The person who made this clearly doesn't have asthma. He'd have been better off pouring the water on his shirt and breathing through that. And it's quiet.
The music cues. My god, stop.
I knew this movie was going to be bad when it opened with text, implying it was sort of a true story.
But let's be honest. We knew this was going to be bad when the strangers talked in the trailers. My first thought hearing their voices, "Oh, they talk now, that sucks."
Shoot her!!! Why are you talking?
Why the fake out with him coming back being creepy?
They would've been better off sleeping in their car.
These characters are so dumb I truly thought this was a cold beginning à la Scream, for much too long. I'm talking he still hasn't come back from the late night dinner run long.
RIP AirBNB dude. The cabin was nice.
This movie is too big. I don't need to see them stopping at a diner full of weird townsfolk, I don't need to see a mormon, not mormon cult. I don't need to see a motorcycle being blown up. Just get em in the cabin and let the "haunting" begin.
If you're going to show me the town. Him going back to town, specifically, make it count. I thought he was gonna sit for a minute and have a beer all while the Strangers really torture her mentally. For him to come back and find her cowering, and the shit really kicks off.
Why are they so loud. At no point are they quiet.
"They caught us." Yeah, you didn't make it very hard.
Wait a minute. This takes place well after the first one. Why is it chapter one? You know what, don't tell me. I don't care.
Sackmans car is still running. Get in it. Drive.
I need movie characters to understand they'd get a lot further in the woods by walking.
At some point, these characters were so stupid I forgot this movie takes place in modern-day.
I was like, oh yeah, this is the 50's they thought the world was safer.
Do they just stab them one time in the original. Is that how it ended? I guess it was scarier because they really were just there doing this for no reason. This movie makes too many suggestions.
Maybe this is just me being nostalgic for the first one and how I felt watching it. Maybe the couple is just as dumb. Who knows? I haven't watched it in a few years.
What the fuck was that end credit scene? It ain't like they ghosts or demons.
She lived. Okay, so what? It's not like she knows who they are.
I know these characters have to be this dumb on purpose. Why a person would want to base their whole movie around them is beyond me. It does not make an enjoyable watch. Not even for the fun of it, that only works if your characters aren't total dumbasses and the audience is in on the stupid.
There's a way to make your characters so unbelievably dumb that it's fun. But the Strangers franchise is not that place to do that.
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Random rewatch thoughts High & Low the worst episode 0
Episode 1
-we get it your in love now stop dramatically fighting in the rain and kiss!
-I love how they all fear they´ll loose Murayama but let´s be honest he´s more interested in riding Cobra than motorcycles.
-Jamuo reminds me of the road runner in that scenario just getting the fuck outta there and running like the rent is due
-Also Tsukasa my guy,i love you,but what the fuck are you wearing you look like the teddy bear mascot of a bowling alley.
-“You´re going to be eaten alive by them.“Yeah he said that with so much confidence he got flowers for the funeral already.I love how Tsukasa thinks of the Todoroki faction as if they´re some horror movies escaped monsters,let´s be honest that´s Yasushi´s job.
-Whole day stakes is one of the greatest things Oya came up with and i would´ve loved to know how the full timers would´ve reacted finding their little game.
-“I shouldn´t throw that chair...:“Murayama I love you but I have anger issues I would´ve yeeted that damn chair right out.
-poor Fujio and his bike.My man looks miserable and will smash that thing with a hammer at least at some point
-i love how the photos of Yasushi and Kiyoshi are so bad quality cause those grown men probably needed to sneak up on them with the motto we ain´t gonna go near those crazy bitches.
-Also in episode 0 Yasushi´s hair gives a lot more feral gremlin vibes and I love that.
Episode 2
-crazy to see a principle go in that hell hole without a bodyguard or bullet proof west
-love how Yasushi is a lazy prick who doesn´t wanna go upstairs and in the movies they´re chilling on the roof every fucking day.
-Fujio´s just vacationing and can´t shut up to save his life so it´s the usual
-Yasushi´s a drama queen who loves a great entrace as if he´s a supervillain.
-the look in Tsukasas face when he sees Yasushi is hilarious.You can see his hope for a „Oya normal“ kinda quiet time,dying.He rather have a serial killer sitting there then Yasushi.
-The two of them have a fruity past or are related with each other and like rival cousins (that´s real.I got like three of them I would be ready to throw hands with each one on sight.)
-Kiyoshi sometimes walks as if his nuts hurt man.
-Todoroki is the human equivalent of a chill pill
-I love Shibaman and Tsuji acting as bodyguarts even tho it´s not necessary at all.
-Seki is Murayama´s personal cheerleader and that´s so adorable
-Yasushi,Kiyoshi and Tsukasa are from the same area?Yeah the mental ward.
Episode 3
-It´s so crazy to hear Yasushi speak,in a normal voice,not scream
-Nobody can defeat Fujio,he´s wicked fast.Whatever.You mean the guy that´s the equivalent to a golden retriver puppy?
-Yasushi kicked this man so hard down the roof I thought there comes a cartoon explosion noise.Let´s be honest he throws hands like an inmate already might as well catch a charge for attempted murder too.
-The totally normal conversation between the homies:“You´re amazing!“„You know that?“„I know that.“Okay Yasu-Kiyo get married.Right now.Off you go.You´re nearly as bad as Fujio and Tsukasa.
-Also at this point Yasushi´s itching for a jail sentence.Sweetheart what is you doin?!That´s how you end on the 5 o´clock news as the bad guy!
-Tsukasa quitting after 2 minutes of stress without emotional support Fujio.Same
-Todoroki vs. Yasushi the battle of the drama queens extravagant
Episode 4
-Todoroki only gave them the leadership cause he needed a break to finish his book in peace
-Yasu-Kiyo.exe stopped working.Hit over the heads and try again.
-Kiyoshi you total sweethearted dumbass.No.Just no.That happens when your brain let´s your dick take over you sexually frustraded pastry head. -Poor Fujio.Someone wrap this man in a fluffy blanket and get the emergency Tsukasa.
-Where the fuck´s Yasushi when you need him anyways?!Like dude your future husband is getting stabbed.
-Crazy Bastards?Nah.Horny Bastards.Totally.
-It´s fun.Oya High is fun!Someone took a shit in this mans brain and forgot to flush! -And those poor other two.Just looking at each other like yeah we gotta tell Yasushi that man snapped like glowstick. -Why would you be popular with woman?Yasushi you´re jealousy is showing.Go meet up with Kizzy she can show you how to properly hiss at people for touching your man.
-flirting then hitting his stab wound?Damn.Not exactly what Kiyoshi hoped would happen.
-I love how Yasushi just doesn´t give a single flying fuck on a rolling donut that they all laugh at them.
-I love the Yasu-Kiyo faction but I swear someone dropped Yasushi as a kid and instead of babyfood there where energy drinks
Episode 5
-Murayama and Todorokis love hate relationship is kinda iconic
-I would say Cobra´s trademark isn´t that red scarf,it´s that this man is hella fine but go on my sweaty friends.
-Jamuo my little squirrel on acid,what in the ever loving shit are you doing?!It´s like wearing a steak around your neck and throwing yourself to the wolves den!
-That was a pimp/bitch slap right there!Proud of you my tiny guy!It was a mistake tho.
-Jamuo isn´t just Tsukasas fan he´s turning into a whole ventilator
-The lead pipe karma train!Started right here!Jamuo got attacked by Yasushi.Who then got attacked by Kidra.Then Shidaken made his head bleed again and got attacked by Saboten.All with pipes.
-Sleepy Lion!This is the cutest nickname ever cause I would´ve came up with Sleeping Pill Sloth.
-look at matured Murayama it´s adorable.Cobra would be so proud.
-i love how Nakagoshi is ready to fight his own guys when they cross the line that brutally
-We love a protective Tsukasa in this house.
-If Yasushi would´ve hit Jamuo with that pipe Tsukasa would´ve killed him
-Jamuo you need a hug and be wrapped in a blanket and you need a drink.A strong one.
-There we are again with the two love birds in the rain.
Episode 6
-Not gonna lie the Chun-Chun faction looks a lot like my stoner friends from High School.
-Tsukasa.Sugar.Sweetheart.My dude.You´re so in love with Fujio it physically hurts.
-How can you still look good after a fist fight in the rain and mud?!That´s plot armor on it´s finest.
-I love Nakaoka´s hair
-Nakagoshi is so happy to see him i love that!
-Is Yasushi seriously licking blood of his hand?That´s nasty.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
are you still writing that delicious fic about biker steve and the new girl at the bar?
oh yesss baby, I'm so glad you asked.
I might not finish it until I'm done with I'm on Fire, but here is a little something to tide you over. I'm not sure what I'm calling the fic yet, but it will be nice and long and juicy. This blurb won't be in the fic exactly like this, but I felt I needed to add some backstory. wc: 950
biker!steve x fem!reader
18+ONLY for mature themes, thoughts of smut, and mutual yearning
from the I'm on Fire au
Steve had been getting his hair cut by Rudy, the barber in Old Town, for over a decade, and he looked forward to his time in the chair, especially now that it was fall and things were finally settling down from the insanity of that particular summer.
It’d been 2 months, 5 days and 11 hours since he first laid eyes on you at The Velvet Hammer---the bar where you both worked.  He remembered checking the clock and thinking: this moment is important. He didn’t know how, and he didn’t know when, but he would have you.  He’d know your taste; he’d decipher every whine and whimper until no words were necessary.  He wanted to share the kind of passion with you that blossomed into blind, stark raving mad obsession.  He wanted to do and say things he’d regret, to embark on a mutual fixation that was borderline embarrassing.  
But you wanted nothing to do with him.  
You’d made it clear that “friendly co-workers” was all it would ever be.  You’d heard the rumors about his reputation as the local lothario and were familiar with the motorcycle club he belonged to that further accelerated his bad boy appeal.  Sure, you caught yourself thinking about him when you weren’t at work, secretly hoping that your schedules would sync up over the weekend so that you could indulge in that feisty banter the two of you excelled at. All flirting aside, one thing was for certain: getting intimately involved with a guy like Steve Harrington would not be good for your heart.
A very nice guy named Sean asked you out on a coffee date a few days ago, and you had accepted.  He had a stable job, he liked animals, and he didn’t look anything like the heavily tattooed biker with the thick mop of slicked back hair that you couldn’t stop fucking thinking about.  
The meetup went fine, the conversation dry but respectful, and you might’ve dozed off once while he was in a particularly long monologue about a trip he took with his ex before they broke up.  The guy was a snoozefest, honestly, and the corners of your mouth jerked in a quick smile when you thought about the faces Steve would make if he were there.  
Steve stepped out onto the sidewalk from the barbers in his scuffed boots and cupped his hand in front of his face to light a smoke, scowling down at the lighter that he had to flick more than once.  He’d asked Rudy to go a little shorter on the sides this time, and there were two lines shaved in above his right ear.  He ran his thick fingers through his freshly styled locks, tee shirt sleeve straining tight around his muscles, and took a long drag, hollowing out his cheeks.
He looked up to put his wayfarer sunglasses on, and there you were--- coming out of the coffee shop with some…dude.  
The sight made him pause his sunglasses in mid air before slowly sliding them on the rest of the way. He stepped off the curb to straddle his 1993 Harley-Davidson Wide Glide, never taking his eyes off of you.
Sean had you locked in conversation again.  Not so much conversation, but his very one-sided opinion on something that left no room for your input, and you didn’t look over until you heard the bike rumble to life.
You couldn’t help it, you smiled so wide when you saw him that your teeth showed, and your eyes lit up in a way that Sean could never earn from you.  You tried to stifle your reaction by lowering your gaze to the sidewalk, letting the sound of the chrome beast drown out the voice of your monotone coffee date.  
Sean stepped closer, took his hand out of the pocket of his khakis to touch your arm, and the movement was met with a few snarling revs of the bike.
Steve was glaring at you now from behind his dark lenses, cigarette hanging loose between full lips, the knuckles of his tattooed fingers almost white from his tight grip on the handlebars.  
He’d heard you mention to one of the other servers that you had a date, but he didn’t know he’d have to actually see it.  The jealousy that flared in him was unreasonable, considering he had no claim on you, but goddamn—in his mind, you were his.  He’d been loyal to the thought of you in a way he couldn’t understand, and a month-long celibacy streak for him was something he hadn’t suffered since he was a teen.  
You moved away from the guy, letting him know with your body language that you weren’t interested.  
“Can I see you again?” Sean asked, eliciting a few more aggressive revs of the bike.
This time, it made Sean glance over with a frown, and Steve stared right back, taking the opportunity to rev the bike one more time before tossing his smoke to the pavement and grinding it with the toe of his boot.  
“Do you know him?” Sean asked, turning to you.
Your gaze flicked between them, and then landed on Steve, and he gave you a two-finger wave, his expression a mask of intense disinterest.  “Yeah, we, um, we work together.”
You told Sean you’d call him, but you never would, and when he offered to walk you around the block to your car, you declined.  
You made a point not to look behind you as you heard Steve’s engine grumbling along in your shadow, keeping pace. Once you got to your driver’s side door and popped the lock, you looked up, expecting Steve to stop and say something, but he cruised on, pausing at the stop sign without even a nod or acknowledgement of your presence, and then sped off into the distance.  
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