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adventurevisiontrek · 3 months ago
Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer in experience.
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speedysage · 6 months ago
Learn the fascinating mindset of the Japanese.
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tipsandtricksforlife28 · 10 months ago
Dr BR Ambedkar status l Jay Bhim l Father of India Dr. Babasaheb Ambedka...
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kandeonlinecenter · 2 years ago
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yumeyleo · 1 year ago
i literally hate drawing why do i do this shit
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vibewitharifin · 2 years ago
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sermonjotter-blog1 · 5 months ago
I shall Arise & Shine! #IShallAriseAndShine,#NewMonthAffirmation,#Octobe...
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freelancershahin · 5 months ago
Narcissism, Selfishness, a Desire for Fame....'The Rise of the American ...
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mindshift-mastery · 1 year ago
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If I say that, I mean that... . In the world of warriors, trust is the currency of brotherhood. When we say 'I got your back,' it's not just words; it's a sacred vow. No need to look over your shoulder – you'll find me there, unwavering and unyielding. Loyalty and brotherhood are the pillars that fortify our strength. Together, we conquer all. 💪🤝 . Join us, and become a “Mindshifter” ☑️ @mindshift.mastery_ ☑️ @mindshift.mastery_ ☑️ @mindshift.mastery_ . #inspiration #motivational #motivationalspeaker #motivationfitness #motivationiskey #motivationquote #personaltraining #motivationquotes #luxurylifestyle #youcandoit #entrepreneurlife #makemoney #motivationalquotes #wifimoney #younghustlers #amazingquotes #believe2success #entrepreneurgoals #motivationnation #quoteoflife #motivation #determination #innerstrength #successmindset #mindshiftmastery
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self-learns · 1 year ago
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(via 15 Quotes from Warren Buffett)
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tshirtmaniatop · 2 years ago
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(via "Hope" Apron for Sale by TShirtTycoon1)
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alamgeermiah · 2 years ago
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dream-bandit · 3 months ago
For @dream-bandit because I finally have someone else joining the perfectpitch club RHAHDHAH
Anyways umm tweaking
@geoxstxrs <3
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chronoarts · 10 months ago
Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we don't need any theories to explain the ending of Good Omens 2.
MAYBE the ending was truly just, you know, Aziraphale's religious trauma coming out.
MAYBE the Metatron didn't poison him or threaten him and Aziraphale just felt like he owed heaven even though he knows they're toxic.
MAYBE Aziraphale really just thought he could fix things.
It bothers me so much when people try to prove these theories that, if they were canon, would completely destroy all of Aziraphale's character development and go against his entire personality and motivationa.
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untitledrockstar-if · 4 months ago
the concept of this story is soo good. the toxicity, the drama, the red flags EVERYWHERE !! i have a deep love for fucked up relationships in which both parties struggle with their vices - both personality and otherwise - and they are deeply miserable but they cant think of leaving. hostage situation of sorts. n the deeper you delve into the more youre able to sympathize with the characters despite being put off by their actions. i Love complexity ! i Love nuance ! i love enabling nasty shit !!! ive played RYWD n im so invested in every character especially the MC bc youre writing is just so real and so creative with its exploration of all kinds of emotions and i love how i can almost sense the underlying motivationa if characters thru every type of interaction and the plot progression. you are incrediblt talented n i am so stoked to see you apply your talent and genius to a rockstar story setting. im very faithful in your ability to deliver a truly immersive nasty sleazey rockstar partner and an MC with an equally debauched emotional outlook !! super excited to delve into the whole cast of characters you have planned n soo excited to step into the world you'll build with your writing. truly i feel catered to with your writing i cant stress how much i appriciate what you do, i usually dont feel posessed to leave long asks but your mind is just ✍️🔥!! lots of love
yes, you get it!!! the start of the ask is literally lifted straight out of my brain 🫶 I love flawed characters, I love exploring a darker world and characters that are changed by it!! and how they engage with other people just as fucked up as them for reasons that make it understandable how they ended up that way!!
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the rest of the ask, I feel so emo about it!! thank you so much for the sweet sweet words, I won't forget them any time soon. I really try to write everything with an atmosphere that feels tangible and draws you into the characters and setting so you saying that means a lot to me <33
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hologramcowboy · 2 years ago
Does this Redit user's account sound authentic to you? To me it somehow reads as inauthentic, but I’m not free of Danneel bias, so I could be wrong.
He went from Dean to Jensen in a blink? 🤣🤣🤣 This is fanfiction. Certain extreme Danneel stans make up all sorts of stories and sometimes even facts to pretend she is worth stanning. This anon doesn't have video or pictures to prove their encounter. It sounds entirely made up and written to make Danneel look good and seem important. If we look at reality, Jensen is always drunk around her, passive-aggressive and often even had outbursts that signal her to chill (like during the live with the morgans where he was so frustrated he yelled out "Calm down!" while they were on camera and even admitted they need therapy).
To answer your question, I don't go by encounters told or invented by her stans, because, often, they are as fake as her and, like her, they will lie to make her look good. (Look at danneel's past interviews and notice all the inconsistencies in her statements)
.I 100% agree with you, this is made up. Celebrities usually have security details when they go to clubs and usually end up sitting in the VIP area, no one can get close without getting cleared by security. The person who wrote that post clearly hasn't been to any relevant clubs since they appear to be clueless about the actual environment. Clubs can be a security risk even for regular people, let alone celebrities. Not that Jensen and Danneel are famous enough but they do have obsessed stans and that can pose a threat. Those creepy stans gushing about their relationship that would follow them around everywhere are potentially a threat.
Also, the person is judging someone's niceness by the fact that supposedly Danneel let her be around her and briefly interacted but brief interactions a nice person do not make. Being a good person goes much, much deeper than putting on 10 pounds of make-up and and greeting people when they greet you. I am astonished on a day to day basis how superficial and out of touch most Jenneel stans are. Just because you greet people doesn't mean you have a beautiful soul and chatting with someone for a couple of minutes will never give you a true insight on how deep, intelligent, capable or special they are. Let's stop making up fanfiction about these figures, they are human just like the people who randomly run into them at events.
As for Jensen, if he truly cared about Danneel he would have focused on making her into the star she wanted to be not limited her to being Mrs. Ackles. Also, if he were truly worried about her safety a security escort would be provided to her. The fact is no one cares about the Ackles outside of a few obsessed SPN fans(I am talking about the extreme ones) so there is no actual threat to Danneel as she is completely irrelevant. She made herself into a victim back then to reinforce the fact that she was with Jensen and get more visibility which translated into more roles. She choose to be in her spot, choose her role, antagonized and bullied people and then played the victim for attention. People are truly clueless if even now they cannot connect what danneel did back then and the motivationa behind it. Her fight with Ted was not about Jensen, it was about having the world recognize she exists. She used Jensen and rode his coattails and still does to this day and he let's her do that because he knows that without the benefits she would drop him. He thinks her toxic way of being is what women are like and that it's his job to keep her appeased. Women like Danneel have no soul, they measure a man by his wallet, connections and what he gives them and he's only useful as long as that keeps on coming. Watch how fast Danneel will divorce him once a bigger fish comes knocking. 🤣
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