#Oh this is... so peam
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oneirows · 12 days ago
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kurokumo clan outis <3
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dream-bandit · 3 months ago
For @dream-bandit because I finally have someone else joining the perfectpitch club RHAHDHAH
Anyways umm tweaking
@geoxstxrs <3
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bluebeerg · 3 months ago
my other lower effort road to cincinnati wkrp in cincinnati amv .. smiles
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lunadivino · 7 months ago
Dark Knight Diavolo as a concept would fuck so severely and that's definitely not my bias speaking sorry I keep thinking about it
#like. ouuuugjjggngnhnjgjjgbbbjgjjgbgjfkdkjfb#thant said i dont know how in depth i can talk about it on main without getting deeply embarrassed because the drk questline is like#deeply embedded into my psyche. it changed my neural pathways. i am irrevocably changed by it.#like ok. part of it is definitely the fact that its a relatively early questline (like in the grand scope of all the expansions)#where your character feels like they have a personality outside of Standard Happy To Help Adventurer.#like oh they are actually low-key kind of pissed off that they're at everyone's beck and call and often times not treated as a person#but as a tool. a weapon. dont you just want to lash out? bite the hand? tell everyone to fuck off and fend for themselves for once?#wouldn't you like to just run away? to leave everything behind? to be free of it all?#its so. Smiles Bigly.#and tje more embarrassing aspect for me is that its... i think the only instance in the game where the WoL can be interpreted#as being mentally ill. NOW. I KNOW THST WJEN I SAY MAGIC ROCK INDUCED PSYCHOSIS IT SOUNFS STUPID BUT. I PROMISE IN THE MOMENT#ITS FUCKING SCRUMPTIOUSSSSS#and theres layers to the events if you take into account the original JP versus NA localization#adn then theres the whole thing with Esteem and later on Myste and. Smiles Big. Haha. Hehe. Hahe.#when aspects of yourself manifest themselves into the physical world and challenge you. fuck. your honor its peam#but yeah all this to say that um i think it would be good for Diavolo. somehow.#oh and did i mention the power of love shit. tje power of Love <3#UGHHHHHHH AND THERES ALSO THE QUEST WHERE. OH MY GOD. 👁️ PARALLELS DETECTED#saving a child from being killed by her mother... after everything he did to trish? FUUUUUUUUUUCK#I NEED TO LAY DOWN
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girlballs · 7 days ago
Bit of a weird thing, but just seeing your username floating around has given me self-confidence when it comes to transitioning. I started HRT yesterday.
So cheers, keep being awesome.
oh hey that's peam actually, congrats on the HRT :^]
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dragon8er · 2 months ago
Dragontale Undyne redesign
Hey guys, Dragon8er here!
And it's finally happened.
After nearly a year and a half, I've come up with a Dragontale Undyne design that doesn't suck!
Her final design, in fact!
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I'm serious, too.
I've been working on Dragondyne's design on-and-off since last Summer. In fact, this here is technically her 4th design.
As for the others...
Well, if you wanna see her first design, you can check it right here.
The other two I never actually posted publicly because I never finished them. Because they suck.
But, I suppose I may as well talk about them...
This was her first redesign.
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It was actually inspired pretty heavily by Prince Sidon from Zelda. Which makes sense, given that he is the perfect being.
Specifically, I actually drew inspiration from how Sidon is in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, with his duel spears.
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Good game, by the way, WAY fucking over-hated. Sidon was one of my favorite characters to play as honestly lol. So I drew direct inspiration for this Undyne design. I still think even her current design would use 2 spears if she wanted to lol.
Oh, and this design's boots are basically just a combination of the boots that Undyne and Papyrus from @otherswap wear lol.
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Shoutouts to Otherswap by the way, it's peam.
Oh and yeah she had an angler in this design, which is kinda cool, but I honestly only did 'cause I was struggling to get a horn design that I liked.
Honestly, this design isn't the worst thing, buuuuut I hated it, so I scrapped it lol.
This was the next design I came up with months later.
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This one was also inspired by Otherswap Undyne, specifically in regards to the chest strap-pauldron and torso.
You can see I actually started to do lineart 'cause I liked this design way more. Buuut I still didn't like it that much. The hair was what really killed it for me. She looked fuckin emo here, which I didn't want her to lol.
And then the other day, I finally decided to buckle the fuckle in and FINALLY redesign her for realsies.
As you can see, her final design is a culmination of all her previous designs. And I'm actually really, genuinely happy with this one. I'm pretty sure this is gonna be her design going forward from here on out.
Fitting thing to end the Year of the Dragon on, huh?
Speaking of which. I got one more thing cooking for New Year's.
So stay tuned! Until tomorrow, this has been Dragon8er, and I will see you all Drago-l8er!
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mortishime · 2 months ago
I really do think EP 10 of MYGO when they’re sobbing on stage was truly that episode where everyone was able to really let go and express themselves concerning the past scars that being apart of CRYCHIC left behind and sakiko no longer being there. They cried and sobbed and that was the biggest hurdle they were able to overcome and sure there’s a lot more work to be done in terms of them connecting and communicating as a new band and a fresh start it was so refreshing seeing them be vulnerable on stage and sob within this next phase of their band oh I adore MYGO so bad the miscommunication, blaming oneself, the disagreements they have and just navigating their own emotions it’s peam
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tammog · 3 months ago
Ranking/Talking about the Secret Level episodes:
1: D&D
I dislike D&D but this was a pretty good one. The Paladin was cool (although we got robbed of seeing her fight much sadly), tbh the biggest weakness was the golden dragon holding the idiot ball and going "Let me just eat Tiamat juice I bet this will be fine". Big fan of self sacrifice but not by people that should be aware it's only going to make the situation drastically worse. Otherwise good tho, 7/10.
2: Sifu
Great! Blue-baller of an ending but I liked the game and I liked this episode. Felt like it could have used a bit more budget to be longer (you will see which EPs I think it should have taken that from) but what was there I liked. 10/10 potential but how short it got cut makes it 7/10 for me too.
3: New World
Yeah it should have taken this one's budget. For a second I thought they'd killed Arnold's character in the opening which would have been VERY funny but sadly he sticks around as the most annoying MC of this series. While all of these episodes are clearly advertisements to an extent, this one felt like it the most. Will not watch again, 2/10 (and only cause I thought Arnold died in the beginning).
4: Unreal Tournament
And from the worst entry in the list we go to PEAM this is amazing and yes part of it is nostalgia but the animation was good the framing was good the voice lines were good the feeling was good and it even fit a story about rebellion in there which, with the robot killing the person in charge in the end, had a VERY funny timing given recent IRL events. 10/10.
5: Warhammer 40k
Good shit. I am not extremely into 40k lore - well, I am more into the lore than a lot of people, but in a "I read a few of the books" way and not a "I know all the characters and can tell subfactions at a glance and know what unit each thing here is immediately". Both me and my 40k playing friend thought they were dealing with a daemon, turns out it was a sorcerer?
What a sorcerer tho, amazing animation and really cool display of what makes them so scary in a way that you cannot show in a videogame, using the medium really well. Loved this episode, 10/10 just for the sorc sequence and the rest is great too.
I've seen this one called "PAC-MAN creepypasta" on here and... yeah? I'd go further and say that it feels like a horror-ish story that was forced into a vaguely Pac-Man shaped mould? I guess I should not be disappointed that a short about a game with no story and barely anything you can call characters is mid, but I also feel like this was just a bad choice of game to make a short about even for arcade games. 4/10?
7: Crossfire
Disclaimer: I have never even heard of that game. This also felt like watching an ad (like one of the Eve Online ads if you saw those? The ones that are kind of in universe?) but less egregiously so. Still, very standard "Oh they are morally grey mercenaries who are very Tactical with very Tactical weapons and gear". Didn't help that "We are the Good Guys" was the catch phrase of a friend I used to play a lot of games with whenever we did fucked up stuff in an RPG. Pretty boring just because of how bog-standard military tactical toughman this was, 4 or 5/10.
8: Armored Core
PEAM again. Okay yes I am biased but the animation was good, the combat was good, the MC not being likeable but being understandable (to an extent) was good, voice-in-head banter was good, and I just like mechs so sue me. Will watch again (along with the other highly rated stuff), also liked how much of Keanu Reeves you could see in the pilot's expressions lol. 10/10?
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lagiacrus · 6 months ago
you know i would be less irritable about one piece's place in the public zeitgeist if i felt like anyone ever fucking criticized its negative aspects or like, the fact that the author is besties with literal "4 terabytes of child pornography" nobuhiro watsuki? like. jesus christ if you say anything about op other than "oh its total peam" you get treated like you just shot a fucking baby. im so sick of it here.
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sdv-anon · 3 months ago
her design is so pretty oh my GOSH!!!!! OHHHH its so peam.... ough all these designs are so good but obv hers is my fav awesome job on this ^^:thumbsup:
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Ok so she’s not completely done yet since I was gonna add her wings but it’s late and I really wanted to post her cuz I love how she turned out
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vincentspork · 7 months ago
So the first like, 8 or so episodes of Hameln feel like. Idk. A lot of the characters just have stuff happen to them? But then after that point you hit a really interesting batch of episodes
So in the manga (idr specific chapters; I've slept since I last read it) the reveal that Flute has a brother happens, and then the story just sits on it for, I want to say like, 40ish chapters? A while. But The anime has Horn specifically say, to Flute, "You weren't the only child of mine affected by the war" and then it cuts to Lute, you get explicit parallels and contrasts drawn between Pandora and Horn (im p sure they dont ever interact in the source material!), and you get Raiel having to grapple with his anger towards Hamel onscreen in really quick succession. Oh it may be peam!!!!!
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kristallioness · 5 years ago
@glassmuses said: I found a secret hidden under the garden.
I found a secret hidden under the garden. (English) - Ma leidsin aia alla peidetud saladuse. (Estonian)
"Mommy, mommy!"
The 5-year-old airbender ran into the kitchen in such haste that he barely managed to slow down. Tenzin whizzed past his mother and had to grab her navy tunic in order not to crash into the wall.
"Woah, there! Be careful, sweetie!" Katara exclaimed as her son's airbending-induced running nearly swept her off her feet, literally. Once she'd regained her balance, she dipped her hands back into the bubbly water in the sink.
"What's the matter?"
"I found a secret hidden under the garden. You gotta come see it!"
"Sorry, sweetie, but I can't right now. I'm washing the dishes."
"But maybe it won't be there when you finish. C'mon!" the young airbender declared and grasped his mother's hand. She dropped a dirty plate into the sink with a splash and was forced to follow her son, who dragged her into the hallway of the temple.
"Woah! Okay-okay, I guess we're going outside then.."
Katara shook the remnants of the soap off her hands and waterbended them dry as they dashed outside. Tenzin scampered towards the pond, coming to a halt next to the bridge in front of their house. He raised a finger to his lips.
"Shh!.. We have to be very quiet, otherwise we'll scare them away."
"We'll scare who away? What is it that you wanna show me so badly?" she wondered in a hushed tone.
Tenzin showed the way as he easily crossed the pond with a gust of airbending that carried him over. He landed on the huge stones that circled the pond on the other side, knelt down and crawled underneath one of the bushes. A moment later, he crawled back out and waved a hand to his mother, beckoning her to join him.
Katara stepped across the pond equally as silently, by waterbending icy stepping stones beneath her feet with each step she took. Once she'd made it across, she also got down on all fours and, together with her son, they crawled closer to the bush and pushed some of the branches aside to reveal the secret. She gasped.
"Oh wow!"
There it was, a fresh family of three ring-tailed winged lemurs - a mother with two identical babies, who'd probably been born merely a few hours ago. They were close to her body, protected by the long tail she'd curled up around them for warmth. She stared back at the uninvited guests with her striking orange eyes in suspicion.
"How did you find them?" Katara wondered, her mouth still agape and eyes just as wide as the mama lemur's.
"I heard some unusual screeches in the morning, and later, there was this weird chirping coming from these bushes. So I decided to have a closer look."
The waterbender stroked her son's back and gave him a kiss on his bald head.
"I'm so proud of you, Tenzin! This is an amazing discovery. We have to show this to daddy once he gets back from the city."
"I know! I read that twin lemur babies are born in only 1 out of 10 cases. Do you know how rare they are? Plus, they're so cute!"
Tenzin attempted to pet them, but the mother lemur hissed at him and swung her paw at his hand, leaving a small scratch on the back.
"Ow! Mommy, she hurt me!"
Katara giggled as she waterbended some water from the pond to heal the minuscule scar.
"No, sweetie. She was trying to protect her babies. That's what all mothers do. If a stranger wanted to lay hands on you, or Kya and Bumi, I'd probably slice their hands off, too."
Tenzin didn't fully get his mother's dark humour, but he did feel better when she healed his boo-boo. Katara wiped away the tears from the corners of his light greyish blue eyes and kissed him on the cheek.
"Let's give her some privacy, okay? She's been through a lot today. And she needs some bonding time with her babies."
"Good idea, mommy."
"Emme, emme!"
5-aastane õhutaltsutaja jooksis sellise kiiruga kööki, et suutis vaevu hoo maha võtta. Tenzin vuhises oma emast mööda ja pidi tema meresinisest tuunikast kinni haarama, et mitte seinaga kokku põrgata.
"Oot, seal! Ole ettevaatlik, kullake!" Katara hüüatas, kui tema poja õhutaltsutamise poolt põhjustatud jooksmine teda peaaegu sõna otseses mõttes jalust niitis. Kui ta oli oma tasakaalu tagasi saanud, kastis ta käed taas kraanikaussi mullitavasse vette.
"Mis viga?"
"Ma leidsin aia alla peidetud saladuse. Sa pead seda vaatama tulema!"
"Vabandust, kullake, aga ma ei saa praegu. Ma pesen nõusid."
"Aga võib-olla pole see enam seal, kui sa lõpetad. Tule!" kuulutas noor õhutaltsutaja ning haaras oma ema käest. Viimane pillas sulpsti ühe musta taldriku kraanikaussi ja oli sunnitud järgnema oma pojale, kes lohistas ta templi koridori.
"Oot! Olgu-olgu, eks me siis lähme vist õue.."
Katara raputas seebijäänused käte küljest maha ja veetaltsutas need kuivaks, kui nad õue tormasid. Tenzin lippas tiigi suunas, jäädes seisma nende maja ees oleva silla kõrval. Ta tõstis sõrme huultele.
"Kuss!.. Me peame olema hästi tasa, muidu hirmutame nad minema."
"Kelle me ära hirmutame? Mis asi see on, mida sa nii kangesti mulle näidata tahad?" imestas ema vaiksel toonil.
Tenzin näitas teed, kui ta ületas tiigi kergesti ühe õhutaltsutamise iiliga, mis ta üle kandis. Ta maandus teisel poolel tiiki ümbritsevatele suurtele kividele, laskus põlvili maha ning roomas ühe põõsa alla. Hetk hiljem roomas poiss välja tagasi ja viipas käega emale, kutsudes teda endaga liituma.
Katara astus üle tiigi sama vaikselt, veetaltsutades igal võetud sammul oma jalge alla jäiseid astumiskive. Kui ta oli selle ületanud, laskus ta samuti neljakäpukile ja roomas koos oma pojaga põõsale lähemale ning nad lükkasid mõningad oksad kõrvale, et saladus paljastada. Ta ahhetas.
"Oo, vau!"
Seal see oli, kolmest rõngassabalisest lendavast leemurist koosnev värske pere - ema koos kahe identse beebiga, kes olid tõenäoliselt sündinud vaid mõni tund tagasi. Pojad olid tema keha lähedal, kaitstud tema pika saba poolt, mille ta sooja pakkumiseks nende ümber kerra oli tõmmanud. Ta vahtis oma silmatorkavate oranžide silmadega kutsumata külalisi kahtlustavalt.
"Kuidas sa nad leidsid?" tundis Katara huvi, suu endiselt ammuli ja silmad täpselt sama suured kui emaleemuril.
"Ma kuulsin hommikul mingeid ebaharilikke kriiskeid ja hiljem kostis nendest põõsastest sellist veidrat siutsumist. Niisiis otsustasin ma asja lähemalt uurida."
Veetaltsutaja silitas oma poja selga ja andis tema kiilakale peale musi.
"Ma olen su üle nii uhke, Tenzin! See on hämmastav avastus. Me peame seda issile näitama, siis kui ta linnast tagasi jõuab."
"Ma tean! Ma lugesin, et kaksikutest leemuripojad sünnivad ainult ühel juhul kümnest. Kas sa tead, kui haruldased nad on? Lisaks on nad nii armsad!"
Tenzin üritas neid paitada, kuid emaleemur sisises tema peale ja äsas oma käpaga tema kätt, jättes väikese kriimustuse käeseljale.
"Ai! Emme, ta tegi mulle haiget!"
Katara kihistas naerda, kui ta veetaltsutas tiigist pisut vett, et ravitseda seda tibatillukest haava jälge.
"Ei, kullake. Ta üritas oma poegasid kaitsta. Kõik emad teevad seda. Kui keegi võõras tahaks sulle või Kya'le ja Bumi'le käed külge panna, siis ma lõiguksin ilmselt tal ka käed otsast."
Tenzin ei saanud oma ema mustast huumorist täielikult aru, aga ta tundis end paremini, kui ta oli tema aia terveks ravinud. Katara pühkis ära pisarad tema heledate hallikassiniste silmade nurkadest ja suudles teda põsele.
"Anname talle veidi privaatsust, eks? Ta on täna palju läbi elanud. Ja ta vajab oma poegadega sideme loomiseks natuke aega."
"Hea mõte, emme."
Author's note: My first thoughts circled around the word 'garden' and I immediately thought of the lovely pond in front of Aang and Katara's home on Air Temple Island. Next, I had to figure out what secret would be hidden there, and who'd find it. Being eager (and somewhat obligated) to learn new things about his culture and the world, young Tenzin seemed like the perfect fit. I've been watching "The Durrells" BBC series lately, so the idea of having him show off his knowledge about animals to his mother might've been inspired by that. Did you notice the reference to a scene in the original series? (It's from "Zuko Alone", where Ursa comforted Zuko after the mama turtle duck bit his ankle to defend her ducklings.)
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norlauraway · 7 years ago
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16/09/17 Me and nips went to Momarken tivoli and oh it was magical, i had so much fun with my favourite people. Seal oli palju karuselle & atraktsioone, head muusikat ja müüdi väga palju süüa. See tivoli oli Momarkenis 4 päeva ja sõbrad ütlesid, et me PEAME sinna minema, sest see on põhimõtteliselt ainuke põnev üritus, mis siinkandis toimub😂
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spunkytomboybeat · 4 months ago
Saw this and almost immediately chocked on my food AAARAROAORHG MORE AKIM STUFF THIS IS SO PEAM
i LOOOOOVE kimberly and aki so much. I really wanna see more of kimberly in general i think shes one of the silliest things ever-
Jjust lloooked at the goddamn thumb sucking image agian i think im goign sinane oh myg odo aourghasdasd ough *starts recieving poison damage*
debating drawing them now grrrrrr my pile grows I NEED THEMMMM MOREEEE
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using my 5d chess brain (kimberly = next chun li, aki = next juri; kimberly x aki) i created the worst kind of yuri.
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unfortunately, for most sapphics i know—and it does not matter how sane they appear on the surface—if they got into a relationship w an older dom woman who may or may not’ve tried to kill them at some point they would still follow her to the ends of the earth and then some. guy’s wisdom is infinite, if defeatist.
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…and the full image!
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