Dark Forest Resident: Spottedstone
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Aliases / Nicknames: Kit-killer
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: Greyflower (mother), Cinderfang (father), Leafsprout (mate), Mothsneeze (son), Kestralkit, Violitkit, Owlkit, Hawkkit (kits), Cedarstar (cousin), Brindlepaw (second-cousin)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Nobleclan
Rank: rogue prisoner
Characteristics: kills his own kits due to believing they weren’t really his, jealous, hateful
Number of Victims: 8
Number of Murders: 6 (1 indirectly)
Murder Method: clawing to death, collapsing a den.
Known Victims: 8
Victim Profile: hits born of a "cheating" relationship, his mate and kits
Cause of Death: poisoned
Cautionary Tale: N/A
A kit born of a treacherous affiliation, he had been plagued with rumors all his life that his father was not Jaybeak, but Cinderfang. 
Taunted by his Clanmates, he was infuriated to find out the rumors were true after Jaybeak’s death. He cut off all ties with his mother and swore he would not make the same mistake. However, tragedy struck with his first litter, one, sickly kit who barely made it through the night before passing away shortly after.
Spottedstone was devastated, and frequently had nightmares of Jaybeak taunting him, suggesting his mate was also being untruthful. Later, his mate had another litter of kits, a litter of four, but at this point, with the stress of not being able to sleep comfortably and the death of Kestralkit, he wasn't thinking properly anymore. 
When he gazed upon his kits, all he saw was his mate's coat color and appearance. That night, he woke up from yet another nightmare, finally having snapped and proceeded to claw all of his kits to death, or so he thought. When he fled the camp that night, one of his kits still clung onto Life amidst the bodies of his siblings, Mothkit.
Many years later in life, after the death of Brindlepaw, Mireclan's leader, Briarstar, was plotting to raid Nobleclan's camp with the help of a rogue group, the Dogkillers, of whom their leader was secretly her former apprentice. Briarstar recruited any cat willing to join her cause, including Spottedstone, who had figured out his mate and son still lived, and wanted to finish the job. 
That fateful night of the raid, Spottedstone had found his mate hiding in the queen's den. Due to the fire caused by a lightning strike earlier, the den was unstable, and all it took was a shove to collapse it, suffocating Leafsprout inside.
Mothsneeze had finally located his father amidst all the chaos, bringing him down and taking him as prisoner after Briarstar was injured by her own rogue allies after accidentally admitting to killing their previous leader.
It was only a few moons later that Spottedstone's body was found in the medicine cat's den, with claw marks on the floor and bloody, coughed up deathberries around him.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @sunshadesfrozensky​
--Leafsprout never cheated on Spottedstone, Spottedstone was driven to madness because of Jaybeak and a lack of sleep, and had assumed Leafsprout had cheated on him too.
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sunshadesfrozensky · 2 years
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Mothsneeze of Nobleclan
(updated design)
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