#mostly queerly
dstrider-3 · 7 months
whiines. i miss my bro :(
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trashcreatyre · 1 year
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Still thinking about how sometimes when I get up for work (1st shift/5am) I will put them into a little pose and usually not remember till I get home bc I'm still too sleepy,, this was the one I came home to yesterday
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autistic-beshelar · 1 year
must season 2 of good omens be well written? is it not enough to have liz carr using a heavenly wheelchair and miracling a ramp?
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lurkingshan · 1 year
On Boston and Brian Kinney
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I’ve seen a lot of folks in the Only Friends tag recently making connections between the show and Queer as Folk, both US and UK versions, which makes sense because QaF is a clear reference for the show, both visually and thematically, and we know Jojo likes to reference western media in his work. One parallel folks are drawing is not tracking for me, however, so I am jumping in the wayback machine and putting on my old QaF stan hat to talk to y’all about Brian Kinney, and why Boston is actually nothing like him. Tagging @bengiyo and @neuroticbookworm who talked this through with me and also @slayerkitty because I saw you were contemplating this connection between the two characters.
So, first, why are people making this comparison? It really boils down to one thing: Brian and Boston are both sluts. That’s… pretty much it. They both like sex and prefer to have it with many different partners, and neither has much use for monogamy. But this is pretty much where their similarities end. 
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So let’s remind ourselves who Brian Kinney is: a kind of fantasy of a hot, rich, self-actualized gay man with unmatched sexual prowess and a surface level flippancy masking a heart of gold. Brian is an adult man with a thriving career and money that he earned for himself after leaving his abusive and homophobic family (who would eventually explicitly reject him because of his sexuality). As a result, he is defiant in his commitment to live his life as loudly and queerly as possible—which includes a dedication to fucking and sucking, public sex, and a rejection of heteronormative constructs like monogamy.
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Brian has a very clear moral code he lives by, even if it’s not one most can relate to. He decides to have a son with his (lesbian) best friend because part of him wants to believe in a better future and build a family of his own. He is extremely loyal to his found family even as he’s a jerk to their face most of the time, and he is always working behind the scenes to protect them even as he often hurts their feelings with his glib remarks and shitty behavior. Despite his disdain for monogamy, he never actually tries to destroy any of his friends’ happy relationships (in fact, he tries to sacrifice his own friendship with Michael to ensure he stays with his boyfriend).
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Brian has a sense of responsibility to others and often takes on the blame for things he didn’t even do, which is why he takes baby gay Justin to Debbie and ensures he is cared for even as he tries to dissuade Justin from getting attached to him, and why he cares for Justin in the aftermath of his bashing. He cares deeply about his community, to the point where he pours his money into protecting the local gay scene, literally bankrupts himself to stop an anti-gay politician from winning an election, and gives up a dream job to stay put in Pittsburgh and help rebuild the community after a hate crime.
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Brian is unflinchingly honest and he avoids making promises because once he does, he knows he will absolutely keep them—he takes his commitments seriously and he always does what he says he will. When he falls in love, he does not abandon his core values but he is willing to make some compromises. And he hides his better self and often wallows in self-destructive behavior because he feels deeply unworthy of love, which goes back to the intergenerational trauma he experienced as a child in an abusive home and the parental rejection he felt due to his sexuality. 
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Boston, by contrast, is a character who feels more rooted in reality. He’s a pampered rich kid who is indulged in his hobbies and who already has a life plan laid out for him and paid for by his daddy. He likes to sleep around mostly because it’s fun, and because he knows his life here is temporary so he doesn’t see any point in getting attached to people. In stark contrast to Brian’s out and proud and fuck you if you have a problem with it brand of politics, he is still trying to hide who he is in service of his father’s political career, even if he’s pretty sloppy about it (see him fucking Top in a car with giant windows parked in the driveway at a house party).
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Boston’s moral code is fungible and ever-changing to fit his circumstances—boy is a hypocrite (see his opinions about people filming and photographing him even as he does the same to others constantly). He has no loyalty and no qualms about hurting and betraying his friends, and actively tries to destroy their relationships for sport or as a means to get what he wants. He does not feel responsible for anyone and often lies and ducks accountability for the things he does. He does not care about his community at all, and in fact already has a NYC escape hatch in his back pocket for when he inevitably burns his bridges. He is not as honest as Brian and sends a lot of mixed messages to keep people guessing and on the hook.
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Rather than hurting people by being brutally honest as Brian does, Boston plays psychological games and manipulates his friends and lovers, and he seems to take twisted pleasure in blowing up their happiness. We haven’t seen him make a promise or fall in love, and while there are some signs that he may have some sort of inferiority complex at play (with Mew in particular), his motives are not tied to any past trauma. Boston is just a messy bitch who loves chaos and doesn’t really care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants and stays entertained. Where Brian is literally a superhero to his loved ones, Boston is just a very flawed human being. 
But Shan, I hear you saying, I thought you liked Boston! I do, besties, I do. He’s a fantastic character and a very real kind of person many of us encounter in our 20s. Because that’s the thing: Boston is so young. He hasn’t developed any sense of responsibility to others or any understanding of the importance of queer community, and he has never had to take care of himself, which is perhaps the biggest difference between him and Brian. Brian has lived independently for more than a decade when we meet him in QaF, whereas Boston is a spoiled rich kid who has barely lived. Brian is a fully realized adult and his more nuanced characterization is a reflection of that; Boston is actually a pretty basic chaotic drama queen who will grow up eventually. 
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TL;DR: Aside from being promiscuous, Boston has very little in common with Brian Kinney. He is more a reflection of a very real kind of person you will meet on the scene in queer communities than an homage to a larger than life fictional QaF character. And while OF is absolutely referencing some of the themes and values and stylistic flourishes of QaF, it is not making direct parallels to its characters. 
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thecomfywriter · 22 days
If people could visit a place in any of your WIPs, which one would you recommend they go to and experience for themselves? Which characters will help them tour the place, and which characters would they see doing something memorable doing the tour? What kind of souvenir should people go home with?
I LOVE THIS QUESTION??? thank you satoh for this!! this will be so fun :)))
let’s get straight into it because it’s a multi-parter.
[THANK YOU to @willtheweaver and @the-golden-comet for the tags. i’m just tagging you and everyone else who might tag me in this game here lol]
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✈️ A Travel Guide into my WIPs ✈️
༺ My Recommendations ༻
Okay so for ToV, the Belt of Domains or the Hollow Tree Forests would be an absolutely MESMERIZING destination to go.
The Belt of Domains because quite literally, they are (mostly) abandoned dragon dens filled with reactive and sentient geographical magic (the walls are alive and want to devour you). And if they aren’t abandoned… Well, wouldn’t it be a treat to find out who occupies those grim quarters? 😌
And then the Hollow Tree Forests! The place with the stream that Alan almost drowned in after blowing up the entire section of the forest. Whoopsies!
I’ll add an excerpt from Throne of Vengeance, Volume 1 which has a description of the forest.
The trees were tall and thunderous, with trunks as thick as boulders and as wide as five adult bodies standing shoulder to shoulder. Networks of branches overhung from above, with some trees carrying sweeping vines that grazed the forest floor and were decorated in blooming varieties of bioluminescent flowers; while others carried their leaves up above as a canopy that selectively leaked green-hued light upon the grey rocks. Thickets of roots ran along the forest floor like the earth’s veins, with patches of fungi and other mysterious-looking plants of fluffy, spiky, swaying textures and mannerisms filling the pockets of spaces between each vessel. [...] When the snow settled yet again and my stomach had yet again emptied itself of acid, we found ourselves standing in a farther region of the woodlands, where in place of grass, cracks of sparkling periwinkle stone ran along the woodland floor, and the mix of deciduous and evergreen trees from the nether regions slowly gave way for an entirely different species all together. I tried my best to wrack my brain of their identity, but as far as I was concerned, none of my studies seemed to explore this mystic variety. Their trunks were silver and metallic, wrapping around each other in knotted twists. When the branches shook with the wind, a chiming melody sounded in place of the flutter of leaves. And in place of leaves, clusters of twinkling, berry-like bunches congregated over the skyline. When light filtered through the berries, it refracted into the inverse of its colour palette—a curious case indeed. Sprouting from the twinkling colourful clusters, thin fibres fell towards the forest ground. Those fibres only fell where patches of clay-coloured moss spread, and never on the periwinkle geodes. Every so often, a spark would bolt through the fibres, crackling through its length like lightning before disappearing entirely. - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 1 [PREORDER HERE]
LotF Series:
For LotF series, I’ll have to say the Mountains of Ividor, or the Dragon Territories. Specifically, the edge of Soil-Celfifa (Soi’l-Cel’Fifa is the proper name but lol), which is the desert of white sand where hurricanes of sandstorms blind anyone who tries to leave the desert. Beyond that point is a rainforest that leads to the Pools of Time and the tomb of a very specific goddess 👀
We made two more brief stops within the forest and one in an endless plain of blood-red sand fields. The desert, Morreial said, stretched for kilometers beyond the horizon, far past anything he or the girls had ever been able to venture. Queerly, it was named Soil’Cel-Fifa. He also mentioned two curious things. One, that at the bordered edges of the barren plains, the sand suddenly shifted to a celestial white colour and blew near constant sandstorms that blinded a person upon entry. It was the primary reason that their travels did not extend beyond its borders. The second was the origin of its name. As it translated in Galka, Soil’Cel-Fifa meant ‘Land of the Crescent Moon,’ named after the two crescent moon goddesses, ‘Fi’ and ‘Fa’. Morreial pointed up to the sky while he rested on a sand dune and provided me the luxury to appreciate the bronzed goddesses’ presence in the lilac skies. - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 1 [PREORDER HERE]
For TIS? That’s hard as balls bro. Inkarnyus has such INTERESTING destinations, I don’t even know.
Actually I do know, lmao I lied. Albridor, The Royain Colonies, the Sunken Kingdoms, the Isles of Ingyar, the Imperial Gardens, or Cilvecia (obviously).
I'll do brief descriptions of each as they appear in my outlines since I don't have excerpts for this series yet.
The Royian Colonies: Floating islands of different realms concentrated with homogenous populations of specific supernaturals. The islands are surrounded by a iridescent forcefield called the 'Time-Stealer', which punishes trespassers by 'stealing their time' (making them age faster). It's really hard to travel to the colonies as an outsider for this reason, but once you're in, you're greeting by planets with crystalline rings in the sky, and halos of rainbows that twinkle amongst the clouds, with electric blue water and flora of vivid, hallucinogenic pastels to warp your sense of reality and bend it into the vision of the native supernatural. 100% would go just for the shrooms-esque feeling LMAO
Sarceria in Albridor: Albridor, famed as the wealthiest kingdom in all of Inkarnyus, divides its kingdom by the 'inlands' and the 'outlands' based on which side of the lake they are on. Sarceria is the name of the inlands of Albridor, located on the palatial island exclusive to only the upper class of Albridor. Its tall, diamond-brick palaces gleam as bright as snowflakes, and the paved streets are perfect for carriage rides through the peaceful ton of nobility. The forests that surround Sarceria are a marvel to be wondered, with species of birds, reptiles, and monkeys never seen outside of its woodlands. Topped with a beautiful view of the lake, Sarceria is a site to see and adore... so long as you can ignore the begging on the other side of the river.
The Sunken Kingdoms: The underwater kingdoms in Inkarnyus, spread across all the oceans and inhabited by the different mermaid races. From the mazes of aquatic flora to the serpentine beasts that lurk beneath, or the sea-crystals that form phosphorescent frost over the coral reefs that build their palace walls-- the Sunken Kingdoms are one of the coveted wonders of Inkarnyus' world. Just make sure you don't become anchored to those ocean floors.
The Isles of Ingyar: Shielded by high walls and tough soldiers to patrol their skies, no one knows what hides within the mysterious Isles. All those who live within those walls are not allowed to leave. Not with their memories, that is. And all those who try to enter will be bound to stay forever. Take the gamble, win forever.
The Imperial Gardens: Homeland of the One, Empress of Inkarnyus, the Imperial Gardens it the greenhouse for all wonderous beauty. The fertile soil beneath your feet smells like petrichor, and leaves footprints of new fungi every place you step. Mysterious fragrances of musk and sea salt tinge the orchards of fluttering white blossoms, and the strange, whispering flowers of the open-field meadows are surrounded by beds of murmuring rocks, all warning you to run away...
Cilvecia: Previously known as the kingdom of Liyana, the kingdom of secrets is bordered by a magical wall, shielded from all intruders with lightning strikes that zap a person brain dead upon contact.
From the Unenchanted Forest inhabited by your typical monsters and bordered by quicksand that likes to migrate to wherever their next victim tries to hide to the communal graveyard for all those soldiers (and their families, who should not have been causalities of a battlefield, yet nevertheless found themselves victims to the attacks) who lost their lives trying to win over the unconquerable nation.
Then, the farmlands of Hirza, where crows perch atop the barn of the wealthy Verena Family, crowing at every hour to hide the shrieks within. Or the historical city of temples and architecture-- Berna-- home of the scummiest of politicians and the most mesmerizing of art (for a nation that cut off the feet of all their most talented artists). Oh! I should mention the antithesis of the Unenchanted Forest, the Enchanted Forest: just as deceptive in name as the charming singers that lure you in.
And we can't forget about the Moors of Ghouls, where the trees become hosts for all the dead buried underneath their roots.
But let's move onto the bay Porsa: the hub of oversea trade and forbidden voyaging into the swampy seas of the south. The Mystical Waterfalls with shadows too big for water that shallow. Gumor-- the city protected by natural borders of uneven terrain and rocky bedsides, home of the prestigious Arcos Academy. And, of course, the Arcos Estate, where a certain massacre still bloodies the walls.
And perhaps, but most definently not least... Tyeer. The capital of Cilvecia and the decorated province of the Queen's palace. The city of secrets. The city of gossip. The city of technology. The city of scandal. And most of all-- the city with a bloodlusty queen with a desire for war and conquership.
Cilvecia is the place to be! Why wouldn't you want to visit those deathly gallows? After all, how bad can it be?
༺ Who are the tour guides? ༻
Morreial has canonically been Alan’s tour guide when he was taking him travelling in Volume 1, but I feel like a better guide would be Alan himself or Cara. Both of them are nerds, Alan in a Mensus way (textbook smart and super knowledgeable on the history and technical facts about geography and whatnot), but Cara has actually explored more of Elayza than people realize. Apart from growing up in the forests, she was also the only person to swim the full length of the River of Time, and she basically lived underwater in the Pools of Time as a kid. I wouldn’t be surprised if a part of this girl’s lore was that she managed to cross past the sandstorms in Soil-Celfifa and just didn’t tell anyone. It seems like her.
Not to mention, Cara also toured the entire Non-Mage World to conduct research on the different supernaturals that lived amongst humans. She’d be a fantastic tour guide.
Evan has canonically visited every single corner of Elayza because this bitch is a wanderer, LOL.
Real talk though— post-SoC? Evan would be the ideal tour guide. Pre-SoC? Faer or Qatya. Qatya more than Faer, to be honest. Qatya is a Seeker, so her job is to quite literally explore and create maps of Soilaila beyond the borders. All the uncharted territory if he’d field of expertise. Meanwhile, Faer is a Huntress, so she finds herself following animals into unexplored regions in her pursuit.
Naliya would be a phenomenal tour guide for Cilvecia specifically. But for the full range of Inkarnyus? Blaire Wynnen is the logical response.
Realistically though? No one is boarding that tour bus if Blaire is the driver LMAO. Not because she’d drive the bus off the cliff, but because the cost for the fare would be an irredeemable price.
So, with that in mind, second candidate would be Selven Sarcony or Amanda Marine. Both of them work as La’des for the Cilvecian espionage agency (LESA), so they have a general feel for all the kingdoms in Inkarnyus.
For Albridor specifically, you’d want rather King James Marxian as your tour guide, or Ashley Valencia. It might be hard to book the King of the kingdom for a personal tour of his lands, but it would be the safest tour you’d go on. Ashley is the Chief Diplomat for the Albridorian Embassy in Cilvecia, so you’d also be safe with her. The key to touring Albridor is doing it with a Cupid as an escort. You’re never leaving that rose-coloured dystopia without their hand to hold on the way out.
༺ With OC would do something memorable on the tour? ༻
Alan blew up a part of the Hollow Tree Forests, and then proceeded to drown in the stream’s currents. He also got visions from the sun god, Yozar, and nearly got cannibalized by a tree. And in the Belt of Domains, he unintentionally invited dragons into a certain domain and entered a 1v1 with said dragon.
Does that answer the question?
(Before you wonder why I didn't mention Caramel, it's because she actually becomes quite... well-mannered? while travelling)
Fawn would probably be the spectacle, to be honest. Fawn or Evan. Those two siblings are a bit of a “theatre kid on drugs” kinda vibe.
Fawn would probably bring the trees “to life” and have them start slowly following everyone during the tour as an ominous presence before someone notices, and then proceed to chase them down full force until the person pisses themselves screaming and crying. LMAOOO
Evan would… I dunno… blow up the mountain? 🤡
(it’s funny because it’s canon)
Qatya would probably just introduce you to her military friends and then teach how to climb trees to go ziplining through the Soilailan Appalachians.
Faer would give you her weapon and teach you how to secure your first quarry.
Ashley would take you clubbing in Albridor until 5am. You’ll be batshit drunk on Albridorian wine and some sort of questionable substance that was probably laced with something that makes you start to hallucinate your sleep paralysis demon and its clones in the sky. She’ll hold your hair up and laugh at you while you puke your guts out. And then, she’ll tuck you into bed at her apartment, without any memory of all the questionable and terrifying things she goaded you to do while drunk.
King James would just take you on a carriage ride to the docks of Albridor, where you’d go on a boat ride with the swans and watch the way the water sparkles like glacier water in the pale winter sunlight under the Albridorian sun.
Naliya would lure you into the Enchanted forests of Cilvecia and ask you if you can hear the sirens sing.
And Blaire would uncover all the secrets of where she’s touring you. Of course, not without a price.
༺ Souvenirs! What are they? ༻
Morreial canonically advised Alan to take a flower studded vine, a pinecone, and a patch of electric moss from the Hollow Tree Forests. But Alan would tell you to select your favourite flower and watch how it glows when you touch it, and then place it in the dark.
Cara would give you the most interesting souvenir— a scale from one of the dragons of old, who used to occupy the Belt of Domains.
What you SHOULD take home is a book from Naila’s library, or a slice of qhwam se meera during the Festival of Magic. Or a mask for the masquerade and a fashionable outfit to top it off! Or a blessing coin for the altars from the palace temples.
Evan would give you the most goated souvenir ever. He’d take you to the Ividorian beaches and help you find a piece of sea glass that reflects the colour of your Aura back to you.
Qatya and Faer would be too focused on their tasks to remember to give you a souvenir at all. Unless you count the meat of your prey.
What you SHOULD take home, however, is quite literally anything that glows. Especially if it’s a gemstone. The gems of Soilaila are the twinkles of the gods’ eyes.
King James would get you a wedding contract LOL (i’m being serious).
Ashley would get you a felony charge.
Blaire would earn you a scar and tell you to call it “her special souvenir”.
Naliya would give you nightmares.
Selven would give you a crush (on him. man’s is charming as balls and for WHAT).
Amanda would be the onLY normal person and probably buy you a necklace from the mines of Denelot, or a werewolf tooth and badge from the Royian packs. Or a Seal of Resistance from the Royian Colonies. Or a mermaid’s shell from the Sunken Kingdom.
In terms of what they should go home with? Nothing. Taking anything out of its mother-nation in Inkarnyus is a sure fire way of putting a target on your back.
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ALRIGHTY FOLKS. IM DOING IT AGAIN. i’m turning an ask into a tag game again. full credits to @ satohqbanana for the questions! I’m tagging the TCW crew and leaving this as an +open tag for anyone who wants to join in!
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Happy Writing!
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TCW Crew!
*interact with this post here to be added to the list :)
@lunaeuphternal @renasdoodles @the-golden-comet
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @bookwormclover
@kind-lion @mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill
@theink-stainedfolk @storyteller-kara @dahliaontherun
@writingismydrugs @authorcoledipalo @sm-writes-chaos
@illarian-rambling @pexchys @an-indecisive-nerd
@thelovelymachinery @kaeru483 @leahnardo-da-veggie
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Woke up trying to be productive today but my brain is like "no, we will only think about raider!joel today <3". So that's how my day is going.
Could we maybe get a nsfw alphabet with raider!joel (or literally any/all of them 'cause I'm obsessed)? Or maybe some similar hcs?
Thank you for being that into raider!Joel! 🤍 I Included the few I did elsewhere. . .you asked first but the other one was easier lol. Did these pretty quick, might expand later. NSFW 18+ Misc
A = Aftercare - Will say you did good, help you get dressed. Calls you sweet pea / baby. These twisted moments of affection, combined with your orgasm hormones, bond you further to him. Messed up.
B = Body part - Loves to parade his raging erection.
C = Cum - Won't warn you. Typical load is 7-10 mL in 7-8 spurts. Has a vasectomy. May come on you or in you.
D = Dirty secret - IDK if he has any shame that would lend itself to having secrets. Maybe the fact that he was a father. He's buried his old life way down deep.
E = Experience - Expert and very smooth operator.
F = Favorite position - Gets off on making you choose. Otherwise, depends on the setting and situation. Does he need to show you off/possess you? Does he need to dominate you?
G = Goofy - He has sick ways of amusing himself and having fun. Like making someone jack off for their life. The first time he fucked you he made a depraved joke right after it. Very dark sense of humor.
H = Hair - Ungroomed, mostly black.
I = Intimacy - Not romantic or intimate but will praise you. And his possessiveness (ex: holding you tight at night, protecting you) could be mistaken for intimacy. It's not that he puts it on fakely - he's kinda treating you like a kitten.
J = Jack off - Before he met you, on a raid he might have jacked off then come on someone.
K = Kink  - Major exhibitionist.  Had a good time cucking Jack, might try it again sometime. Likes how you look tied up (for your own good). Dacryphilia.
L = Location - Dirty mattress since day 1. But anywhere. May get off on making you choose this too.
M = Motivation - His own dominance turns him on. Including when you're vulnerable/pitiful.
N = No - Not a good guy.
O = Oral - He's good at it even if he's not trying to be (like erasing someone's touch). And yeah he does like his cock sucked, might fuck your face. Ultimate dominance.
P = Pace - He's concerned more with power than pace. Moderate pace but adjusts to whatever suits him in the moment.
Q = Quickie - Any time, anywhere
R = Risk - He's a walking risk. Idk if it would even occur to him whether something might be risky. He's so self-assured.
S = Stamina - Very high stamina.
T = Toys - Not unless you count restraints/blindfold. This is post-outbreak.
U = Unfair - Doesn't want you to come if you haven't been a good girl.
V = Volume - Moderate by default but as loud as he needs to be (depending on the setting) if he's showing his dominance or possessing you. Sometimes quiet just for BDE effect like when he fucked you in the van.
W = Wild card - He's like sugarcoated poison. He calls you pet names, praises you, but he's just vile and depraved. Has a gentle touch but also manhandles you and gets rough. And he'll get turned on at the most offensive times.
X = X-ray - 20 cm (8”). Proportional girth.  Middle is slightly thicker.  Kind of duo-toned, pink and tanner pink, tip is pink. Grower.  Balls on the larger side.  Relatively veiny. 
Y = Yearning - Very high. He fucked you three times within a few hours the day he took you.
Z = Zzz - Falls asleep very quickly if he wants to.
Master List: TLOU - Joel Miller
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime   @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda
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burningvelvet · 10 months
Thoughts on Charlotte Brontë's Villette so far (queerness and comparisons to Jane Eyre):
- This is my fifth Brontë novel and I'm about halfway through it so far (either thanks to or in spite of finals, Thanksgiving break, and my intermittent insanity).
- This is probably the weirdest Brontë novel I've read so far. "Weird" how? Well, in chapter 14 our expatriate narrator, whose identity is concealed from us, is locked in an attic with rats by her co-worker (and eventual lover) who is a French literary professor directing a theatrical production and forcing her to be the understudy in a leading romantic male role for which she has to practice her lines in this attic, which is also said to be haunted by a murdered nun who she later either sees or hallucinates while wandering around ill, not knowing which country she is in, and resisting Catholic conversion from a priest. And throughout the novel the identities of all the characters are hidden, and the narrator (Lucy Snowe) is extremely unreliable.
- I can say at this point that Villette has more queer subtext than any of the other Brontë novels I've read so far. In second place I would rank Jane Eyre, which is the first and only other Charlotte work I've read (aside from poems/letters). To the non-believers, I recommend 'He is rather peculiar, perhaps': Reading Mr Rochester's Coarseness Queerly by C. O'Callaghan and The Realm of Faeries: Queerness and Neurodivergence in Jane Eyre by Grace Patrick-West; with the expansive, theoretical sense of the term "queer" being a more broad term covering behavior that is not strictly sexual but could be coded for such. Rochester and Jane are both inherent outsiders in society, and for Rochester this is largely tied to sexual problems. He has several quotes on how societal notions of acceptable romance must be changed, and as an outed adulterer who openly admits to engaging in primarily international relationships and presents himself as an aging bachelor, he is already defying romantic conventions in multiple ways.
So Charlotte may have been the most-likely-to-be-LGBTQ+ Brontë of the bunch, although Emily was the known "tomboy" of the family, and though none of the others lived as long as she did and so did not have the opportunity to explore as many topics. From the little I've investigated, I believe there is a world of analysis already done on Charlotte's possible queerness, so I cease here.
- I've noticed some callbacks to Jane Eyre. It's mostly set in France and so there's a lot of French like in Eyre, but not so much that it's distracting imo. For fans of Adèle Varens (like me) you will be pleased to know that there is a comparably fashionable and overexcitable French girl who in terms of psychoanalytic criticism I argue could be thought of as a variant of Adèle within Charlotte's mind. Similarly, a male love interest is compared to Nebuchadnezzar like Mr. Rochester was, and this comparison is made when our narrator is expressing her attraction to the man in blatant terms, which gives us insight into the mind of Jane Eyre via further confirmation of Charlotte's association with Nebuchadnezzar/attraction. I mean, we all know Jane was attracted to Mr. Rochester, but Lucy's attraction is more realized because it is more matured, possibly on account of her being slightly older at that part of the novel than we see Jane when she relates Mr. Rochester to Nebuchadnezzar. Like Jane, Lucy is also a poor, unattractive governess. And Charlotte's classic "dear reader," is a thing once more!
- Charlotte 🤝 totally unrealistic and problematic age-gap romances which aren't consummated until some change in station makes it slightly more socially palatable
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sassenach77yle · 11 months
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Here, Dr. Randall.” Joe leaned over and carefully placed the skull in my hands. “Tell me whether this lady was in good health, while I check her legs.” “Me? I’m not a forensic scientist.” Still, I glanced automatically down. It was either an old specimen, or had been weathered extensively; the bone was smooth, with a gloss that fresh specimens never had, stained and discolored by the leaching of pigments from the earth. “Oh, all right.” I turned the skull slowly in my hands, watching the bones, naming them each in my mind as I saw them. The smooth arch of the parietals, fused to the declivity of the temporal, with the small ridge where the jaw muscle originated, the jutting projection that meshed itself with the maxillary into the graceful curve of the squamosal arch. She had had lovely cheekbones, high and broad. The upper jaw had most of its teeth—straight and white. Deep eyes. The scooped bone at the back of the orbits was dark with shadow; even by tilting the skull to the side, I couldn’t get light to illuminate the whole cavity. The skull felt light in my hands, the bone fragile. I stroked her brow and my hand ran upward, and down behind the occiput, my fingers seeking the dark hole at the base, the foremen magnum, where all the messages of the nervous system pass to and from the busy brain. Then I held it close against my stomach, eyes closed, and felt the shifting sadness, filling the cavity of the skull like running water. And an odd faint sense—of surprise?
“Someone killed her,” I said. “She didn’t want to die.”
I opened my eyes to find Horace Thompson staring at me, his own eyes wide in his round, pale face. I handed him the skull, very gingerly. “Where did you find her?” I asked. Mr. Thompson exchanged glances with Joe, then looked back at me, both eyebrows still high.
“She’s from a cave in the Caribbean,” he said. “There were a lot of artifacts with her. We think she’s maybe between a hundred-fifty and two hundred years old.”
“She’s what?” Joe was grinning broadly, enjoying his joke. “Our friend Mr. Thompson here is from the anthropology department at Harvard,” he said. “His friend Wicklow knows me; asked me would I have a look at this skeleton, to tell them what I could about it.” “The nerve of you!” I said indignantly. “I thought she was some unidentified body the coroner’s office dragged in.” “Well, she’s unidentified,” Joe pointed out. “And certainly liable to stay that way.”[...]
“Oh, de headbone connected to de…neckbone,” Joe sang softly, laying out the vertebrae along the edge of the desk. His stubby fingers darted skillfully among the bones, nudging them into alignment. “De neckbone connected to de…backbone…” “Don’t pay any attention to him,” I told Horace. “You’ll just encourage him.” “Now hear…de word…of de Lawd!” he finished triumphantly. “Jesus Christ, L. J., you’re somethin’ else! Look here.” Horace Thompson and I bent obediently over the line of spiky vertebral bones. The wide body of the axis had a deep gouge; the posterior zygapophysis had broken clean off, and the fracture plane went completely through the centrum of the bone. “A broken neck?” Thompson asked, peering interestedly. “Yeah, but more than that, I think.” Joe’s finger moved over the line of the fracture plane.
“See here? The bone’s not just cracked, it’s gone right there. Somebody tried to cut this lady’s head clean off. With a dull blade,” he concluded with relish.
Horace Thompson was looking at me queerly. “How did you know she’d been killed, Dr. Randall?” he asked. I could feel the blood rising in my face. “I don’t know,” I said. “I—she—felt like it, that’s all.” “Really?” He blinked a few times, but didn’t press me further. “How odd.” “She does it all the time,” Joe informed him, squinting at the femur he was measuring with a pair of calipers. “Mostly on live people, though. Best diagnostician I ever saw.” He set down the calipers and picked up a small plastic ruler. “A cave, you said?” “We think it was a…er, secret slave burial,” Mr. Thompson explained, blushing, and I suddenly realized why he had seemed so abashed when he realized which of us was the Dr. Abernathy he had been sent to see. Joe shot him a sudden sharp glance, but then bent back to his work. He kept humming “Dem Dry Bones” faintly to himself as he measured the pelvic inlet, then went back to the legs, this time concentrating on the tibia. Finally he straightened up, shaking his head. “Not a slave,” he said. Horace blinked. “But she must have been,” he said. “The things we found with her…a clear African influence…” “No,” Joe said flatly. He tapped the long femur, where it rested on his desk. His fingernail clicked on the dry bone. “She wasn’t black.” “You can tell that? From bones?” Horace Thompson was visibly agitated. “But I thought—that paper by Jensen, I mean—theories about racial physical differences—largely exploded—” He blushed scarlet, unable to finish. “Oh, they’re there,” said Joe, very dryly indeed. “If you want to think blacks and whites are equal under the skin, be my guest, but it ain’t scientifically so.” He turned and pulled a book from the shelf behind him. Tables of Skeletal Variance, the title read. “Take a look at this,” Joe invited. “You can see the differences in a lot of bones, but especially in the leg bones. Blacks have a completely different femur-to-tibia ratio than whites do. And that lady”—he pointed to the skeleton on his desk—“was white. Caucasian. No question about it.”
Cap 20 diagnosis ~VOYAGER
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 month
I love your Daphne Allen posts; all of your posts talking about characters struggling with gender and sexual identity are so well written and thought out, especially genderqueer!Dean. Do you have any other thoughts on Daphne, no matter how small? I love hearing about your ideas ♥️
[Anon is referring to this fic and this poem]
:") everyone is nice to meeeee, thank you ❤️ I'm going to call Daphne he throughout this so don't get confused. I don't have bonus headcanons about him at the moment, I usually construct those for minor characters as I'm making a fic about them, but I'll talk broadly about my thoughts about him under the cut (it got long LOL).
I think Daphne gets to me in particular with gender, because:
a) Meet My Girlfriend by Transgenderism was the first time it really clicked in my head that you can just. Choose. To change your pronouns. If it makes you happy. And you can still be a lesbian. So he's linked in my mind with that revelation.
b) pulling some man out of a river and marrying him on the spot is PEAK compulsory (cis)heterosexuality. Like. Ah yes :) God has sent me a man to solve my problem and he doesn't know what Being A Man is so he's Safe plus 'this is normal heterosexual behaviour I'm pretty sure [it absolutely is not]'.
(Reading Adorned With Smoke For Clothes by lesbiansailor, where Daphne prays for salvation [from being a lesbian] and there stumbles upon "Emmanuel" and is like 'oh okay' really sank into my brain, that's definitely what happened.)
c) I've always loved 'teaching someone how to be human' but the sweet, sweet juice of "teaching someone how to be A Man when you are insecure and unhappy about your own gender role"? YUM YUM YUM. The act of finding yourself through the other!! That's how. To get a little introspective lol. That's how I tend to work through figuring stuff out about myself. There is someone in my life and I think to myself "ah they might be _. This explains me thinking about it so much." And then like 3-5 months later I'm like wait. I think I am _. Lol. So I can project that projection onto Daphne, but with bonus resentment because I love resentment it's so fun to write.
d) obviously him being partnered with Castiel, who I view as a secure trans man (he "became a father", he went from agender to man, he literally changed from a female vessel to a male one, many people in fandom have said this. He literally invented free will to choose to be a trans gay man ❤️*). Having someone SO sure that he's a man even when he lost ALL his memories and didn't even know how to use a toothbrush at first AND when he's doing manhood "wrong" and sensitively and queerly, to a transmasc Daphne that's got to feel like "he doesn't even care about what it means to be a man so I have to care about it for both of us and I still don't get to be one!!! I don't want to think about it!!!!"
e) the way prescriptive religion ties in with him, doubting his gender role means doubting God which means potentially upending his entire community and being so fucking lonely. We only see Daphne for like. 1 minute of screentime lmao so it is for the best that they didn't pile on more side characters but it gives the impression that he doesn't have any friends**, which makes me think about how Marge Simpson doesn't have any friends (highly recommend the Lola Sebastian video about Marge) which makes me think about (my) fear of becoming a housewife with no friends.
So, I think Daphne is afraid of being himself with the (justified!) fear of losing his present community, but in trying to avoid that, he can't get truly close to people and thus causes that lonliness anyway. A vicious cycle...
f) Daphne is a character firmly discarded by Supernatural - which is fine, I don't want every 3 second character to keep coming back or we'd have 100 Cole's and I couldn't stand 1 Cole - but finding love for minor characters in spn has become a particular fascination of mine ❤️ mostly due to the sapphicnatural community 🧡 With the meta context that minor characters are not only disregarded by the characters amd writers but disregarded by GOD, for a character like Daphne who throws himself so firmly into faith that he marries a man whom - I cannot stress enough - he found in a river, that dramatic irony is so delicious. He's putting his life in service of a guy who, if asked, might not even remember his name. JUICY.
And e and f together beg the question, if it doesn't make him less lonely and if God [who is also a misogynist just btw] doesn't care what he does. Why is he putting himself through the agony of the closest. If his life is so flimsy that he can marry a stranger like it's nothing, why can't he pursue a life that makes him HAPPY?
g) Johanna Marlowe's performance of Daphne....she [the actor] just looks so strangely afraid? Daphne had just been attacked, but even when he's safe and looking up at Emmanuel, there's something fearful there I think:
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Like maybe that's just how her face looks, but there's also the way she decided to touch him glancingly, hesitant and fleeting. Look at her physicality choices in her one scene. If I were just attacked by a demon and my spouse came and untied me, I would probably, like, hug them and find reassurance in them? But Marlowe says no. I will touch his face as quickly as possible and then let him drag me around. They're not even holding hands!! He grabs her wrist and she makes a fist! I never noticed that before that's crazy. Anyway this may have been directorial just to get through the scene quickly, there's a lot to get through in the episode, but regardless of the practical reasons behind her performance, it is Text and it is Strange!
And finally. I realised I do actually have a small headcanon. I think Daphne's transmasc new name is one of three:
Emmanuel (he chose the name, he should get to keep it!); Samson (biblical, raised according to the instructions of angels, had his dark night of the soul from his beloved cutting his hair [PS I think Daphne grows out his hair through transition]); or he keeps Daphne. He can still be Daphne if he wants. You can do whatever you want forever!
I also think he keeps his faith in God. His logic is that he asked for salvation -> Emmanuel appeared -> Emmanuel's questioning of his life brought him to true understanding of himself, and this must be holy.
*(I actually think Cas can also be attracted to women personally but this post isn't about him)
** also the fact that no one talked him out of marrying Emmanuel lmao
***Also from the Wikipedia recounting of the bible version he might be really into bondage??? Get it Samson!!
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lightninginapuddle · 7 months
Thank you for tagging me @spirker 💜
Haven't been listening to music on Spotify much lately (mostly been listening to a podcast about people who were ship-wrecked throughout French history when I'm using the app), but here goes:
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(the last one is Angola by Cesária Évora)
You can clearly see the OFMD influence lmao
Tagging if you want to do this (if you've done it already, sorry, feel free to ignore me!!) : @ofmd-ann @sarucane @reallygoodplants @follows-the-bees @lamentus1 @rare-basement @queerly-autistic @veeagainsttheday
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anoddrock · 1 month
Ok for funsies and also the fantastic @the-one-and-only-aroace, a collection of Electric President songs talking abt no longer being human or never having been human from the start, either as a primary theme or a minor one!!
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Within their first album, S/T:
Good Morning Hypocrite - has a verse about how all the organs left are machinery, with the exception of the heart, and that? It doesn’t work. Nothing about the body is what it should be!!! Overall the song is about a replacement of life with machinery, and a vast discomfort in oneself due to that.
Grand Machine No. 12 - the general theme of not being what you’re ‘supposed’ to be in a system or society that will destroy you for it(that system being the grand machine).
Hum - ‘what do you think about me now? What do you think about me now that I’ve fallen down?’ Screaming crying throwing up I swear. Just the general theme of dissonance between what you were seen as and what you now know yourself to be, and addressed to someone who you knew before and who has your past as their view of the ‘real’ you.
Some Crap About The Future - probably the closest song in the album to saying ‘we are robots and we should be humans and it is hell.’ Most solid line might be ‘you have no body-just a cage to hold your parts’ which tbh!!! The body feels like a cage of torment when dysphoria is trying to choke you out!
We Were Never Built To Last - mostly vibes tbh. They are being taken apart for scrap metal, and not with care. They are literally having their body and agency of what they are and do forcibly removed. Someone finds them and helps them get to a point where they’re people again. And then they leave.
Note: Ben Cooper, half of the band, is a huge fan of narrative music, and this album? It’s the end of all things. Apocalyptic or post apocalyptic, a world where people literally become just the cogs of a dead society’s machine. A lot of his music has a sorrowful tilt to it, but in a very beautiful way.
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Second album, Sleep Well
Monsters - to me, this is at least partially about the way that being treated as a monster as a queer person is exhausting and you eventually become tired of tiptoeing around societal expectations and trying to be seen as tame when they’ll treat you as a beast regardless. Its narrative feels like the speaker is talking to someone who recently realized their own ‘monstrosity’ (queerness) but was cruel to the speaker for their own oddities. You got rid of everyone who would accept you and then realized you needed us. Too bad. You hurt me and I Will Not Forgive You. I may seem bad, but you and your ‘friends’ were worse. They will not recognize you now. They will not change for your sake. In my mind, it closely parallels Hum.
Bright Mouths - kinda a continuation of Monsters. ‘Despite your prayers you’re broke(n) like us.’ An almost bitter sympathy.
The last album (the violent blue) doesn’t have as much in trans themes, but overall still has some points that could be interpreted pretty queerly.
And lil bonus: while Electric President only has 3 albums and stopped writing in 2010, Radical Face(the artist name of Ben Cooper) is still going!! And he has an EP, Lady Covers, where he covered some well known songs by women!
While I can’t find the original EP cover, I did find two song covers!!
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If I recall correctly, the Jolene outfit is what Ben was wearing in the original EP cover!
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invisibleraven · 10 months
Reggie always thought he had a pretty normal life; decent job as a photographer, a nice apartment close enough to the ocean so he could swim and surf, and a dog to greet him every evening.
It was one evening that he was walking Goldie that everything went wrong. Goldie broke her leash, and dove into a bush, after what Reggie thought was a squirrel. He chased after her, only when he went through the bush himself, he wasn't in LA anymore.
He wasn't sure he was on Earth anymore.
The world was weird and cartoonish, with living candy, a weird stretchy dog, and a young boy holding a sword. A young boy who spoke with Reggie's own voice.
"I'm Finn! And this is Jake, who are you?" the boy said, but Reggie noticed the kid was holding a honest to goodness sword so he knew not to mess with him.
"R-Reggie? I'm Reggie, hi. I'm looking for my dog... have you seen her?"
"I'm the only dog around, sorry bud," Jake... the dog said. "But maybe the princess can help?"
They take him to the princess-who is made of bubblegum by the way, and Reggie just has to roll with that-and she has some weird science do-hickey that tells him that Goldie is in some other universe, so Reggie agrees to get sent there.
Anything has to be better than this right?
He ends up in a world with space battles and giant mechs and... some guy in a weird space suit named Lance who also sounds like him. "Okay, this is getting weird."
"You're telling me!" Lance said. "Come on, we have to go."
Reggie gets pulled into some weird fight, he mostly cowers in the corner of the ship, and when he opens his eyes... he's not on the ship any more.
"God where am I now?"
Reggie turns at the sound of his voice once more, and there's a kid, standing next to a honest to goodness dragon. Reggie rears back in fear, but the kid just pets the dragon's flank. "Don't worry, Thunder won't hurt you, they're friendly."
"They're a dragon!" Reggie exclaims.
"Well yeah, have you never seen a dragon before?" the kid cocks his head and looks at Reggie queerly.
The kid, who introduces himself as Tom, just shrugs, and offers to show Reggie around. On dragonback.
Which is actually pretty cool, albeit completely terrifying.
But he's still in another universe, still missing his dog, and honestly Reggie is kind of done with it. He enters a mystical cave that Tom finds for him, and wishes him well, flying off.
Reggie is confronted with a wall of reflective stones, fractured into many many pieces. And in the reflection of each one, he can see the worlds he's visited, all with some weird version of him, he guesses. And more he didn't visit-he doesn't even want to ask about the one where he's a surfing penguin.
But then he sees Goldie, sitting next to a beautiful girl on the park bench where they usually enjoy an ice cream (or well Reggie does and Goldie begs for some until Reggie caves and buys her a pup friendly one) and Reggie figures that must be home.
And even if it isn't, that's where he's headed.
He emerges from the bushes a little worse for wear, but it feels like he's back in LA, and rushes for Goldie. "Hey girl, no more running off like that okay?"
Goldie yips and licks his face, making him laugh. "Yeah, I missed you too."
He looks up at the girl sitting there, smiling despite herself and Reggie wishes he wasn't a state or he would totally ask her for her number. "Thanks so much for finding her, I'd be lost without her."
"No problem, she was a sweetie," the girl replies. "I'm Julie, by the way."
"Reggie," he says, shaking her hand, and holds it for another beat, but Julie doesn't seem to be in a rush for him to let go either. "Can I buy you a coffee or something as thanks?"
"That'd be lovely," she replies, slipping her arm into his. "Maybe then you can tell me about how you found yourself in that bush."
Reggie thinks about all the places he'd been that day and what he had seen in that cave. "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you."
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notenderlaith · 13 days
As someone with a lot of privileges related to visual things but mostly suffers due to systemic oppression of invisible things I LOVE characters that outwardly express the parts of them that are the reason that they face discrimination. I dress very queerly in all senses of the word for this same reason. I love seeing biracial relationships, and people with disabilities in media or just overall anything that makes the 'less' in the eyes of the government. Mostly because I am a white person who is mostly able bodied and I am often swiftly accepted by the privileged assholes who are also white and able bodied, and the moment my cultural, neurological, and social differences show I end up getting isolated. I feel so much safer with furries, people who dress like ms. frizzle, or people who dress in cultural clothing regularly because I know that they are someone who gets it. And when I see that in media I see that they are like me. Regardless of any outside differences, on the inside they search for safety and connections and to be understood. This is such a deep on complex topic for me because I look so privileged when I'm not. I feel so much more connected with cultures of people that I am not blood to but in our hearts and each others hands I am apart of. So to everyone who feels like they have too many diverse characters in their stories, NO YOU DONT. Make more ocs that are disabled mentally and physically. Make characters from cultures that you've never heard of (respectfully). And also give them intersectionality. BOY do I love it when I see someone who is apart of 11 different minority groups bc ME TOO. REPRESENT THAT SHIT!!
also pls tell me all about your ocs :>
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aeide-thea · 1 year
up in the middle of the night (or, really, rounding the corner of it now) rereading old fic (from a fandom i was never actually in, about a canon i never actually read, because if we're gonna go full Deep Internet we might as well go all the way, i guess) about a, hm, partially queerplatonic polycule and also somebody being nonbinary in a way that somewhat maps onto the way i'm nonbinary—
(or, i don't know, i stopped feeling confident about claiming that language for myself sometime around the time i first saw theyfab discourse happening in the distance and no one in my social vicinity deigning to acknowledge it even long enough to push back at it, so like, these days i mostly just feel like no language assigned or aspired-to is really mine to use, honestly, but i guess 'genderqueer' feels like a modest enough assertion i can probably safely make it: genderqueer, agender, what even is a gender anyway—)
but it really is just like. i wish i could have the experience you're supposed to have in your, like, early- to mid-twenties really, where you live with a bunch of people you have, like, ambiguously queerplatonic relationships with and get to be casually nakeder than conventional norms allow and be, like, a shirtless genderless person around other people and get that reinforced for myself. but of course instead it's like. i missed the boat on the possibility of that experience just like i missed the boat on the rest of life, and i live with my father which is—a grab bag of nice/comfortable/mediocre/stifling but mainly for the purposes of the current conversation just not a plausible environment in which to push nudity taboos and attempt to reframe bodily meanings; and so what i get instead is to flop around in the middle of the night like an unevolved magikarp feeling crazy and melancholy and reading fic where imaginary people make unconventional impossibilities possible for one another because they love each other and it's, like, an updated version of that pathetically tragic anecdote abt the woman calling the gay bars just to listen down the phone and know they were out there…
like honestly i probably would want top surgery really, or at least, to like. wave a wand and have—no tits? smaller tits? something, anyway, sometimes—but i also want people's perception of my self not to depend on my making that happen? i don't know. it's like. my ugly little tits are ugly and i never wanted to sprout them in the first place but it's also like. sux that all roads to social gender acceptance/affirmation regardless of direction involve active cosmetic modification of my own body. like actually that was a major part of the concept/constraint i wanted to get out from under.
i don't know. the things i want seem unreasonable and impossible no matter what camp you ask and i feel gadfly-maddened and oversensitive and despairing about the whole tangle of it (never mind any other aspect of my (non-)life). like it's no fucking wonder i spend so much time as a disembodied word-utterer on the disembodied internet. language my truest tongue of my truest body. heart-sea and heart's ease and heart's blood-without-blood. (found myself thinking here abt heaney's ban-hus (blood-holt, dream-bower) and went to look it up and was poured right back into the problem and then back out of it again. (woman-)body as wordless geography, limned and unlimbed by words.)
gender of the day: poiesis. (ἡ ποίησις, of course—the feminine article, which transcribed becomes he: a meaningless homograph, to be sure, but then so too am i a queerly-drawn thing; and anyway even a wildly-strung cat's cradle is still a cradle, the dots of it connected to hold a meaning like any other constellation…)
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
After reading your recent post about night walks!joel i would like to request that the same information about all joels in terms of dick size and such. I feel like it's vital since you said that all of them are different.
Several more Joels within: Free Use (Making Dinner, Picnic Table), Raider, Silence/JTT, Stepdad . . . NSFW 18+ Graphic anatomical descriptions, porn, sexual interests/kinks
Master List for reference
Free Use - Making Dinner; Picnic Table
Exhibitionist tendencies - Likes the risk of being caught, especially when it makes you scared. Enjoys some manhandling.
No need for porn when he can slide right in you without preamble. But he’s been known to watch amateur in-public and maybe a little bit of cuckolding porn.  
17 cm (6.75”).  Thick.  Pale shaft, pink tip, tip is not much girthier than shaft.  Grower.  Proportional balls.  Straight, almost geometric due to the pattern of veins.  Black hair that he keeps trimmed but not closely shaven or manscaped.  
Major exhibitionist - Likes to show his dominance - and he is very dominant.  Manhandling. Prefers psychological restraints but will go physical if he has to. Gets off on making you pick your poison.  Had a good time cucking Jack, might try it again sometime.  
Post-outbreak, no porn. Lots of pent up sexual frustration. 
20 cm (8”). Proportional girth.  Bulbous - middle is slightly thicker than tip and base.  Kind of duo-toned, pink and tan, tip is pink. Grower.  Balls on the larger side.  Black, ungroomed hair. Relatively veiny. 
Silence/JTT - Silence can never be bought (Trouble); Just the Tip
Enjoys “we shouldn’t be doing this” situations.   Thinks it’s sexy when you’re kinda dominant.  Loves your neck. Occasional voyeur.
Doesn’t really watch much porn.  He has an ample spank bank.  He also has surveillance footage from time to time :-[].  When he does watch porn, he likes orgies. Also POV blow job. 
18 cm (7”) Thick (one of the girthiest Joels), slightly tapered, couple of nice veins, prominent tip (the size of a lime according to Just the Tip).  Somewhat of a grower.  Proportional balls.  On the pinker side, tip slightly darker.  Neatly manscaped salt and pepper hair.
Step dad - Instagram; Snapchat
Stepcest. Doesn't mind being dominated - kinda hot when you make him jack off.
Your instagram and snapchat are his main porn, but he’s also dabbled in stepcest recently. When you kind of walked in on him that time senior year of high school, it looked like solo female.  Also has a membership to Mr. skin.
17 cm (6.75”). Thick. Upward curve. Shower. Proportional balls.  Pink with darker pink tip.  Salt and pepper hair, mostly pepper.  Long tip. Symmetrical but not much personality, looks kind of like a dildo. Occasionally shaves completely, furthering the effect.
Night Walks is here.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxiousus @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime  @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore
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minustwofingers · 8 months
my body is a machine that takes in unrequited crushes and queer longing so acute that it physically hurts and puts out fanfic that mostly consists of yearning and being insane (queerly)
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