#mostly leading this onto 13 cuz
sheepthatgobaa · 8 months
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The dynamic btw
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aelyxmagnus · 4 months
A list explaining how renly is hadrian reborn:
1. Hadrian and Renly both lost their parents when they were young, Hadrian was around 10 when his dad, Hadrianus Afer died along with his mother, while Renly was around 1 year old when Steffon and Cassana died off the shore of Cape wrath. Hadrian was taken in as a ward (not adopted) by his cousin, the future emperor Trajan, who seems to have not have liked his cousin much, just looked after him and set up his education, similar to how Robert and Stannis just had Cressen and the Storms End staff look after Renly. Hadrian was very interested in Greek Culture and much more Hellenistic, earning him the mocking nickname of the Greekling, similar to how people make fun of Renly for spending more money on his wardrobe than a woman.
2. Neither Hadrian nor Renly were born into the ruling family, We all know what happened with Robert’s rebellion, while in Hadrian’s case, the emperor Nerva was forced to adopt Trajan due to fear or rebelliousness. It is said that it was Hadrian who told Trajan of the news of his adoption (doubtful). After their relatives were placed onto the throne, neither of them got very important jobs (or in Renly’s case, not do much with the power.), with Hadrian having a normal roman public career, which might have got him some power in the old republic, but which was mostly just honorary by this time.
3. Both of their successions/usurpations of the throne were spearheaded by women, in Renly’s case Olenna and Margaery are two of the most important people that allowed him to claim the crown, while In Hadrian’s case, it was claimed by Plotina(Trajan’s wife) that Trajan had adopted Hadrian on his deathbed, which could not be easily verified as Trajan had died returning from a grand Persian campaign, leading many to suspect, me included, that this was a fictitious story.
4. After killing some senators who might have opposed him, Hadrian shocked the Roman world by withdrawing from Trajan’s Persian conquests, realizing (correctly) that the empire had overextended. Similarly, Renly offers Robb further autonomy and even allow him to keep calling him king, which goes against everything that Aegon’s conquest did by having only one king in westeros, similar to how Hadrian’s abandonment went against the roman ethic of imperial expansion.
Now, we come to the part I have been wanting to deal with and which is the reason I started writing this: their love lives, more specifically, I think Renloras is a reversal of the Hadrian Antinous story
Both Renly and Hadrian were gay. Neither of them seems to have shown even the slightest interest in sleeping with their wives. Hadrian was also quite controlling of his wife, famously sending away Suetonius, author of the twelve caesars for being too friendly with his wife, Trajan’s grandniece, who he seems to have almost loathed, but was on very good terms with Plotina, who shared his hellenistic values. We don’t enough about Alerie to know what her relationship with renly was
Somewhere on his many travels, Hadrian met a boy called Antinous, who might have been only around 13-14 when Hadrian first met him, while Hadrian would have been around 47, while Renly and Loras have a much less troubling age gap of five years, cuz even grrm knew that was too much of an age gap I guess. It is said that Hadrian was deeply in love with Antinous, whether Antinous was or was not will probably never be known, similar to how some readers think Loras was just a fling for Renly (I’m unconvinced by that), but Hadrian was fucking obsessed with this dude, similar to how Loras was to Renly. Royston Lambert says of their relationship: “The way that Hadrian took the boy on his travels, kept close to him at moments of spiritual, moral or physical exaltation, and, after his death, surrounded himself with his images, shows an obsessive craving for his presence, a mystical-religious need for his companionship.”
Then their deaths. Similar to how most of westeros is confused about who killed Renly or have the wrong culprit in mind, usually Brienne, we don’t know how Antinous died, except that that it was an ‘accident’ on the Nile, with some reports that Hadrian killed him in a blood magic ritual, which almost certainly didn’t happen seeing how Hadrian reacted to his death, (although if we assume it was true, there is a sort of parallel with Hadrian’s reaction and Stannis’ thoughts about Renly, but that’s off-topic.)
Hadrian deified Antinous after returning to Rome, and built temple after temple for him, with many towns enthusiastically taking up the worship of the new cult to curry imperial favor. Loras might not have gone to such a great extent, but his mass killing spree is exactly what might be expected of a young man in love who finds his lover killed, while Hadrian’s obsessive building is what an old administrator who built so much stuff that historians say we could make a good account of his reign with just them, is also sorta expected.
There’s a further parallel if we’re going by perceptions of hadrian:
“The caprice of Hadrian influenced his choice of a successor. After revolving in his mind several men of distinguished merit, whom he esteemed and hated, he adopted Ælius Verus, a gay and voluptuous nobleman, recommended by uncommon beauty to the lover of Antinous.2” (Edward Gibbon, The decline and fall of the roman empire.)
Gibbon seems to think that Hadrian appointed men to powerful positions just because their beauty attracted him (as a hadrian lover, I thoroughly disagree.) . As the post linked above makes a pretty convincing argument for, the Tyrells are a pretty good stand-in for the beautiful men, in both a figurative and literal sense with Loras.
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shiftyjaxic · 4 months
yo i had the goofiest dream
erm to anyone that cares :3
- [ ] playing with my friends at a big playplace w/ ball pits and slides and rainbow padding and stuff
- [ ] waiting for something in the corner
- [ ] waited for too long and i got hit or smth and knocked out???
- [ ] i woke up, fast forward to nighttime and maybe a couple years
- [ ] the playplace closing up for good, dusty off white sheets covering almost everything
- [ ] i went to go explore the playplace and what changed
- [ ] i got stuck in some sort of valley structure with live and/or dead fish
- [ ] two or more girls were giggling spraying water into the valley
- [ ] whatever my outfit was turned into a swimsuit: shorts and tangtop i guess
- [ ] i was screaming about the sliminess of the fish against my bare skin and fantasizing about having a normal shirt pants and shoes so i could just not feel them
- [ ] i got out somehow and into the lobby
- [ ] my mom, aunt, uncle, and (supposedly) cousin were out there waiting
- [ ] my swimsuit disappeared and i was completely naked with only a towel covering me
- [ ] “where’s my clothes?” i asked, to which no one even payed attention to me
- [ ] grabbed what looked like my clothes in a bag, turned out to be some plastic magnet shapes
- [ ] family disappeared (i took no notice)
- [ ] i morphed into a sick teal cyber skin of Belle from Brawl Stars and went into 3rd person of myself with mobile video game gui, the lobby turned into some sorta teal sci-fi video game lair
- [ ] another copy of a sick teal cyber skin of Belle Brawl Star came up to me and started slowly attacking me
- [ ] i used a sad sitting emote in hopes that she would take pity on me (she didn’t and killed me)
- [ ] she then gave me an injection and i was on her team (morphed into something else similar to sick teal cyber skin of Belle Brawl Star, but purple)
- [ ] she lead me to an elevator, opened it, and let me go in first
- [ ] i went in, but i was so panicked for some reason i hit the emergency button that opened the doors in between two floors
- [ ] i did a “well at least it’s open…sorry btw” emote ig and Belle forgave me and lead me onto the floor
- [ ] she crawled into a vent that spiraled upward and beckoned me in after her
- [ ] i followed, going more and more slowly cuz the vents were WAY too polished
- [ ] i was slippin and slidin, grabbing onto the vent walls to try to pull myself forward as Belle continued without any problem
- [ ] the vents were turning less into vents and more like a tight cave as i heard Belle’s voice echoing, talking to me and someone else smth like “Ain’t this so much better?” “Ey, you watch those hands, boy!”
- [ ] i eventually got the hang of it and climbed through
- [ ] on the other side was a sunny day with grass land, some grass yellow and dry, some tall and somewhat soft
- [ ] Belle morphed into a farm dog that goes crazy for grass and the top layer of earth and gets mad after too many pets, playing with a farm boy that was seemingly the owner of the dog (i didn’t see the transformation)
- [ ] i fully climbed out of the vent
- [ ] we weren’t on a farm, but a grassy patch on the corner of the sidewalk in a sort of under developed?? town (half of the buildings were made of light yellow bricks)
- [ ] i took a turn of playing with the dog and watching her go crazy over grass and dirt and getting it everywhere, called her smth corny like “Oh, you’re a grassy doggy, aren’t youu?”
- [ ] my friend Manny walked up to us, looking about 13 years old holding a swirly dark grey and wine skateboard, wearing an oversized tee that covered his shorts with the same colors of some sorta rock band, having shoulder length wavy brown hair with blonde tips, and a mostly white candy crown
- [ ] “eyyyy Manny!” i said and all 4 of us were hanging out
- [ ] then before Manny was gonna leave, he left a rice crispy on my lap (i think)
- [ ] just before he left our grass patch and onto the other sidewalk, a random light yellow brick hut that was spewing smoke spewed a bit of fire
- [ ] we all looked to the hut and were like “wait…was that fire?? should we help them or something??”
- [ ] after a few more spouts of just smoke, a burst of fire licked through the singular window and through the cracks of the bricks
- [ ] and we were all like “oh shit let’s help them” and by help, all we did was scream smth like “HEY DUDE GET OUTTA THERE” cuz we saw a glimpse of someone in the hut
- [ ] and then some random mexican looking guy just walked past like the hut 5 inches away from him wasn’t gonna burst open at any moment
- [ ] i woke up, decided to type it out
thx for listening to me yappin 🥹
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mctwilight-mcd · 3 years
Marcy and Core/Night Headcanons, LETS GO!
This is gonna be a really long post so I’m gonna put a break here so you have an easier time scrolling.
Alright! First off, the Core and Night are two separate things. Night is in the core but they aren’t the Core itself. Night is one of the stronger and more skilled members of the Core. They use they/he pronouns. 
The core has abilities of it’s own that let Night and Night only materialize outside of Marcy’s body. Additionally, this gives Marcy a few abilities on top of her calamity powers. Night was kinda the head honcho of the Core before Marcy got back control.
Also, ya! Marcy isn’t controlled by the Core! Marcy made them see the wrongs of their ways. They work together (with Anne and Sasha of course) to take down Andrias. They saw that conquering planets and risking lives wasn’t worth it. Most of the minds of the core had been angry and bitter. Marcy’s outlook and fun, curious nature was a nice change of pace.
Marcy can choose who can use the body at certain times, but she has a weaker hold on this when she’s tired, either physically or mentally. During these times (later on) Night will take over the body so Marcy can rest. Sometimes she asks for someone to take over and sometimes she’s burning herself out too much so they step in. 
In the first few months after Andrias’s defeat, Night and the rest of the Core weren’t allowed to use the body without Marcy supervising. This changes the more comfortable they get with each other and the more trust is gained. What this means is Marcy would not be controlling the body, but would still be paying attention.
This also meant that if one of them wanted to use the body while Marcy was asleep, they would have to wake her up. This lead to a few restless nights. Anne and Sasha can tell when this is happening most of the time. How they do, I will touch on later.
Marcy carries a few of the Core’s characteristics over to her body. Example, she can extend the 6 arms the core has. They appear on the same place as the scar on her back. She uses them to help her grab things and walk around. They look more like tentacles than claws without their extra metal plating. 
Marcy isn’t crippled but she does have lasting effects from getting stabbed. She would have it much worse if the Core wasn’t there to support her. When she is too physically or emotionally fatigued, her legs will give out. Panic attacks are a prime example of this. Sometimes she will still be able to feel her legs but they wont support her, others they are completely numb. There are times where different members of the core can use the legs while others can’t. This all has to do with stress or exertion levels throughout the group.
Marky (who is there as a joke tbh) often doesn’t have a problem with this cuz they are very chill. Marcy has a shit ton of anxiety and trauma so this happens often. She has access to crutches and a wheel chair to help her get around in public (her other arms are also used for this reason. She looks like a spider and her friends find it increasingly funny every time someone sees it for the first time).
They’re rarely open but she does have 10 eyes. There are three extra on the rest of her body/clothes (she has a more feminine version of Darcy’s armor that she wears for fun when doing creepy core things). When we are first introduced to the Core in the show, it has 13 eyes. I know it’s been changed since but I like the way these look.
I’m translating a sketch of Core Marcy onto digital rn. Mostly, she’ll only keep her main two eyes open. They turn into Core colours and design when she wants them too or she’s tapping into her abilities as the host. They also often appear when Night fronts. Sometimes they wear sunglasses to cover it up when their feeling too lazy to disguise them.
ALRIGHT!!! I think that’s it. I might add some stuff later if I forgot anything. Night is a cheeky lil bastard who acts like a brother to Marcy (and she calls them as such).
Have a good night everyone! 
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Life in Quarantine (Part 1) | Owen Patrick Joyner
Summary: A series about being stuck in quarantine with your best friend Owen and trying not to lose your mind over being stuck inside all day every day. 
Pairing: Owen x reader
Warnings: Fluff, minor swearing, lots of singing
Songs used: Don’t Let Go by En Vouque/ Washington on Your Side from Hamilton/ More than Words by Little Mix / Not a Pop Song by Little Mix  -- All credits go to owners of these songs
A/N: I know nothing about songwriting and none of this will probably ever happened in real life, but it just worked for the story, alright? Alright. Enjoy! 
Words: 3,372
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Part 1: Not A Pop Song
Norman, Oklahoma. My home town. The place where I was born and raised. The place where I learned how to live and love. Where I learned what heartbreak is. Where I met and lost friends. The town all my most valued memories reside. 
It’s also where I met my best friend, Owen. Our mothers were, and still are, college besties. So, us becoming friends was kind of inevitable. We went through everything together. Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle School and High School. Wherever you saw me, you saw Owen and vice versa. A lot of people often thought we were a couple, but that’s been off the table since day one. In Elementary School, Owen and I made a pact with five different rules to seal our friendship forever. The list only grew as we got older. But here’s the gist: 
1. If one is teased or bullied, the other takes revenge 2. Always sing and dance together whenever one asks, even if you don’t want to 3. Always share cookies 4. Always play together at recess 5. Always sit together at lunch
Then the additions from Middle and High School: 
6. We will never, ever, ever date each other or each other’s siblings 7. Ethan, Evan and Emmy are off limits too 8. Crushes too 9. Always go to Broadway shows together 10. Never lie even if you wanna do it for the right reasons. There is no right reason.  11. Always support each other’s dreams and successes 12. Always hate each other’s exes 13. Always share ice cream 14. Never share our secrets with other 15. Always go to parties together
That last one was added by Owen in senior year of High School when I didn’t want to go to a party since it was my exes party and we’re supposed to hate each other’s exes. But, since he’s been in LA for most of senior year to pursue his acting career, I really couldn’t say no. Him going off to Los Angeles for months, sometimes even longer, started in eighth grade when he landed the role of Crispo Powers in a Nickelodeon show called ‘100 things to do before High School’, which I religiously watched, of course.  Rule 9 tells you to. After High School, the two of us split ways. I headed off to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music to major in songwriting as it’s always been a dream of mine to become a songwriter, while Owen went to LA to further pursue his career in acting. We’ve tried to keep in contact, but daily calls turned into weekly calls turned into monthly calls. Five months in, we just try to at least check in with each other every now and then, which is what works best for our busy schedule. Then December 2018 came and changed my life entirely for the better. The representative of Syco and Columbia records said he was in need of fresh blood to co-write songs with none other than Little Mix on their next album.  They held a competition at Berklee College, and long story short, I won! Yay me. To say I was nervous to write with a girl group I’ve been a fan of since the very beginning is an understatement. But they were so nice to work with. We’d take turns flying to each other’s countries and wrote about five songs together of which only two made it onto the actual album. None of it made much sense to me at the time, it all just seemed like one big dream. Owen was pretty excited about it too. He knew how big a fan I was of the girls. Even though he wasn’t a big fan himself, he still listened to the album, mostly to listen to the songs I’d written. Over FaceTime, we even played a game called ‘Guess what song I’ve written’, and he’d gotten one right. The girls even gave you a full-time job as co-writer on more projects of theirs and even recommended you to other artists. This meant you had to quit college and become a full-time freelance songwriter. Thanks to Little Mix, though, you’ve gotten the nicest people to hire you. Since then, you’ve worked with artists like Meghan Trainor, Bea Miller, Isabella Merced -- who you could gossip with about Owen from her time working with him -- and even Harry Styles. The fifteen-year-old inside you didn’t know what to do with herself when that collaboration happened. But working with all those people also meant I had to move again. This time to Los Angeles. When I told Owen the good news, he immediately suggested you move in with him. It’s the thing you guys said you would do once you got older; get an apartment together. So, it was the only logical move. “Welcome to your new casa!” He said dramatically when leading me into the apartment. The tall white walls and large windows illuminated the entire place with a welcoming feeling. “Let me show you to your room, so you can drop off your excessive luggage and then I’ll give you the tour of the entire space.” I raise an eyebrow at his words. “Bro, I have excessive luggage because I just moved from Boston to freaking LA!” I exclaim, followed by an amused chuckle as I try to push him, but fail since he’s much stronger. From that moment on, I knew moving in with Owen would be the best and worst idea I ever had. 
And speaking of ‘worsts’. From March 2020, the two of us were stuck at home together due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Just when I was supposed to start working with Little Mix on their new album. I would’ve been in London now, but instead, I’m stuck in LA with my best friend who doesn’t have a job at the moment since he’d just finished filming a new Netflix show called Julie and The Phantoms. What I heard from it this far, it sounds pretty amazing. I even went to Vancouver with Owen for a few weeks. It was a fun trip and gave me some new inspiration for some songs. “Hey, Nugget,” Owen says as he walks into the room we call our studio where I’m working. “I’m kinda in the middle of something, Ace. Can it wait?” I know I shouldn’t work out my frustration on my best friend, but it kind of fell out of my mouth before I could stop myself. “Sorry, Nugget, I’m kinda bored…” I sigh exasperatedly and bob my head to signal his permission to come in. “What are you working on?” he asks as he sits down on the armrest of the armchair I’m sitting on. “This Little Mix song I can’t seem to make work,” I reply and point to the notebook in front of me. “I’ve got a few good lyrics, but the melody seems impossible.” Owen takes the notebook from me and closes it before getting up. “Time for a little break,” he says and goes to sit behind his drum kit. “Guess what song I’m playing,” he then says and starts with the cymbals, then hi-hats and when a beat finally floats through the room, my brain starts to work. This is a game we’ve been playing every time I’m in need of a break or just for fun. We’d take turns in playing a part of a song on our respective instruments and the other has to guess which song it is by singing along. “What’s it gonna be? Cuz I can’t pretend Don’t you wanna be More than friends Hold me tight and don’t let go Don’t let go Have the right to lose control Don’t let go” A smile appears on Owen’s as I get the first song right. He always underestimates my love for girl bands from the 80’s and 90’s. Though, I think he might’ve given me this one because I’m so frustrated from working on that song. “Your turn,” he then says after having hit a couple more toms and cymbals. I think about it for a moment, and then start plucking the sixth string to create a more bassy sound. Owen stares at the guitar for a moment trying to figure out what song I’m playing. Then, his eyes widen as he recognizes the sound. “It must be nice, it must be nice To have Washington on your side It must be nice, it must be nice To have Washington on your side” I let out a loud whoop in excitement, choking the strings to stop the sound. “I still can’t do that rap though!” he actually sounds disappointed in himself. “Washington isn’t gon’ listen to disciplined dissidents This is the difference This kid is out!” I proudly yell out, earning impressed applause from my best friend. The smile on his face warms me up inside. Owen has always had the most beautiful smile, in my opinion. He has one of those smiles that could just instantly make you happy. No matter how bad a day you had. “Very impressive, Nugget,” he replies with a smirk that sends shivers down my spine. Ever since I moved in, he’s gotten more and more flirty with me. I’m not sure if it’s just a change in his personality that he’s acquired in Los Angeles or if it’s something else, but it’s there. Not that I mind. Something has shifted in me too since we moved in together. It’s even gotten me thinking about removing rule number 6 from our pact. “Your turn, Ace,” I quickly change the subject, just so I don’t have to think about him like that too much. Our dynamic as best friends is too good to ruin it all. Twenty years of that is a long time to just throw away like that. “Alright, an easy one,” he says and simply starts stomping the bass pedal to activate his bass drum.  It’s a slow, almost menacing thump that sounds very familiar. A little too familiar. “Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, You saved me in ways I can’t explain Always been there for me, now I’ll do the same Oh, I need you more than words can say” It’s one of the two songs on Little Mix’s last album that I helped write. The song that means most to me since I wrote it with Owen in mind. It was a period of time where all I wanted was to see Owen and be able to talk to him and just spend time with him like we used to before his whole acting adventure. I think he’ll stop after the chorus, but instead, he picks up his drum sticks and starts playing the rest of the song on his drum kit. Deciding it could be a fun jam session, I start playing the chords on my guitar as well whilst continuing with the lyrics. “Won't forget, won't forget Won't forget when he broke my heart How you helped me through You turned, you turned, you turned a disaster into a dream Gave me the power, made my life brand new When the world try to break us, we found magic And we grew stronger, though every line, line, line Every night, every night, every night I strain and sing the truth Now, now they know that they gonna be alright, alright” The memories of when I wrote this song start slipping through my mind. I remember how alone I felt, even in a room with a dozen other people. I remember how much I missed Owen. “I find peace in every story you told I think of you, I'll never be alone It's true, true, true You know I do, do, do” My eyes lock with Owen for a moment. He shoots me a comforting smile that makes me feel right at home. And I don’t mean here. I mean home as in Norman, Oklahoma. “Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, you save me in ways that I can't explain Always been there for me, now I'll do the same Oh, I need you more than words can say Oh, I need you more than words can say” We both stop playing and just look at each other for a while. I’ve never told Owen I wrote this song for him, but at the same time, I think he might already know. That doesn’t take away the urge to tell him though. “I wrote that about you when I missed you,” I blurt out without properly thinking about it. “Really?” he asks while coming out from behind his kit. Combing his long, blonde hair back, he makes his way over to me and grabs the guitar from my lap. “Yeah, I thought you’d know?” He chuckles, shaking his head whilst tickling the strings. I’d taught him a couple of songs on the guitar since we started living together. “You write with a lot of people, Nugget. Could’ve just been their words as well....” He isn’t wrong about that. Maybe it was a lot less obvious than I thought it was. “So, what are the guidelines for this one?” he questions. I grab my notebook again and open it on the page I was working on before he fluttered into the studio. “They didn’t want another pop song. Kind of more like a ‘fuck you’ to Simon Cowell for treating them so badly and telling them what to do and what to wear and whatnot,” I explain, showing the few lines I have already. Some of them Jade had sent me, others were Perrie’s, a couple were mine. “What are most pop songs about?” Owen queries. I know he’s trying to help me, but he’s kind of making me nervous with the constant strumming of the guitar. “Songs about falling in love, or drinks and drugs…” I sum up at the top of my mind, “Or heartbreak…” Owen nods his head whilst continuing to play the same few chords over and over again. I focus on the melody for a moment as my creative juices start to work again. “This ain’t another pop song ‘bout falling in love Or a party song ‘bout drinks and drugs No more singing songs ‘bout breaking my heart And my lonely nights dancin’ in the dark” I look up at Owen for validation. Nodding his head encouragingly, he keeps playing the same few chords but a little louder this time to support the flow of my lyrics. “If I’m a guilty pleasure I want this life forever I’ll take it all ‘cause anything is better Than another pop song ‘bout falling in love But if you wanna sing along say ‘I don’t give a fuck!’” Owen starts jumping around excitedly, and I can’t help but laugh at his adorableness. He used to get this excited whenever I sent him a demo of the songs I was working on. “Let’s record a demo!” he exclaims and, after handing me my guitar back, moves towards the recording equipment. “Let’s start with some guitar,” he says and that’s how our recording starts. First, the guitar, then Owen records some drums, and then I get behind the mic to sing the song all by myself. I can just imagine how amazing this’ll sound with the girls’ voices instead of mine. “No broken bottles Or glitter on the floor form the night before Ain’t no boy troubles If that’s what you came here for then you should know” I lapse back into the chorus one last time before we finish recording and put everything together. We listen to it a couple more times before sending it over to Little Mix and their management. Awaiting their answer, we head into the kitchen to make some dinner together. It only takes about half an hour before I get a call from Jade. “This song is epic!” she shouts into my ear before I can even say hello. “Exactly what we needed, Y/N, thank you so much!” I’ve grown accustomed to her thick Geordie accent, though it was hard to understand in the beginning. “Thanks, Jade! Owen helped me out a little,” I reply, looking up at Owen himself who shoots me a wink that sends a rush of heat from my head all the way to my toes. The girls all know about Owen. I’d told them about my best friend and how supportive he was, and they always teased me saying I was so in love with this guy. Which I didn’t realize at the time and always denied. Rule 6 clearly states no dating each other. “Give him a big snog as a thanks then!” Jade jokes, and I can even hear the others in the background. “I’m on Zoom with the girls at the moment. They say hi!” “Hi back!” I can’t stop the giggle from escaping from my lips. “I gotta go, Jade. Thanks for getting back to me about the song. I can’t wait to hear you guys singing it!” Jade snickers on the other side of the line. All while I’m watching Owen make some pasta at the stove. There’s something so attractive about him in the kitchen, I’m not sure what it is. Fuck, Jade is right. I am very much in love with my best friend and there’s nothing I’m going to be able to do about it. Stupid pact we made in the first grade. “We’ll call you later to discuss some more arrangements and stuff. Bye, Y/N!” “Bye, Jade! Bye girls!” I say loudly, knowing I’m probably on speaker phone anyway. “Bye, Y/N!” the girls chorus. I hang up the phone and look at Owen for a few seconds before bursting out into an excited cheer, dancing my way towards him. “They loved it! They loved it! They loved it!” I shout loudly, and cup Owen’s face in my hands before pressing my lips to his in an outburst of elation. I’m surprising yourself at first, but then melt into the familiarity of his embrace as his arms snake around my waist whilst kissing me back. He’s actually kissing me back. “And that’s rule number 6 out the door…” Owen mumbles when he pulls away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have,” I mumble and step away from him, or at least try to. His arms tighten around my waist, restricting me from taking another step. “I’ve been thinking about talking to you about that stupid rule, Nugget. I’ve hated it ever since we were 16.” My eyes widen at his confession. Since we were sixteen? SIXTEEN? That’s four years ago. That’s even long before I realized I felt more for him than just a platonic love. “16? Why didn’t you say anything?!” Owen chuckles, retracting his arms from around my waist and instead tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before placing his hand on my cheek. “You were pretty enamoured with Ryan, remember?” My heart breaks at the mention of the prick’s name. Ryan was my very first heartbreak and the worst at that. Owen was in LA at the time, but when he heard the news, he almost immediately flew back to Norman Oklahoma to comfort me and eat ice cream together. “Besides, I was constantly on the move from LA to Norman, it wouldn’t have been fair to you…” “You’re the sweetest human being alive, Owen Patrick Joyner,” I tell him with a smile tugging at my lips, but then turn serious again as I flick his forehead. He lets out an ‘ow’ and shoots me a confused glare. “And the stupidest! I’ve been in love with you since I don’t know when, but I never realized until now! The girls from Little Mix even knew but I was too oblivious or stubborn to see it myself. If you’d told me, I probably would’ve realized sooner!” “Well… I told you now?” he tries, the cheesiest smile on his face that makes me roll my eyes. “I love you, Ace,” I whisper, “And not the platonic kind this time.” “I love you too, Nugget.” He leans down again after that, reconnecting our lips into a passionate kiss. The first of many. This ought to be a very interesting quarantine together.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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florelia12 · 4 years
Flora & Helia Headcanons
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Im just gonna go ahead and do all of them cuz I need more winx content
1. Flora is definitely an early bird. She is up at 5 in the morning, watering her plants and doing yoga. Bloom can sleep through a hurricane and Flora is also pretty stealthy so she doesn't really notice. Helia gets up in the middle of night to write down random ideas that pops into his head. He usually gets obsessive once he begins a painting and he won't stop until its perfect, which means sleep is not a priority. Since Riven likes to train late, these two are always the last to go to sleep out of all the specialists.
2. Flora is the little spoon when they are going to sleep but at night Helia tends to move away to avoid all their hair getting tangled up (Stan couples with great hair). But our girl doesn't let him get away that easy and usually ends up throwing her leg over him and spooning him instead.
3. Flora hogs the covers cuz small people get cold easily and Helia lets her. The cold doesn't bother him anyway. They both love to cuddle but it quickly gets complicated with all that hair but that usually leads them to braiding each other's hair.
4. Helia is the one who does all this mushy stuff most of the time. There are times when Helia wakes her up with kisses just to inform her that he is now only going to sleep at 5 in the morning.
5. Both of them have nightmares cuz saving the universe takes it toll on your mental health. If they end up waking each other up because of the nightmares, they talk about it over a cup of tea. Flora used to get sleep terrors as a kid due to her anxiety so she makes sure to take her special brew to calm herself before she goes to bed and has passed on the habit to Helia. They are a very tea centred couple.
6. Riven or Flora usually wake up at night to find him scribbling away on his notebook with the lamplight on and at this point they are pretty used to it. Flora's the mom friend who gives great advice and often finds herself surprised by her own deep insights (in the middle of the day)
7. Flora has issues with anxiety and while she is mostly successful at hiding it from the others, Helia pays too much attention to her to not notice when she zones out or picks her nails. However, she hates it when people notice and try to help but she loves how Helia knows exactly when to give her space.
8. Helia sleeps shirtless and sometimes in his jogger pants that is always covered in paint. Flora gets cold easily at night but wears thin nightdresses to bed much to Helia's confusion. She just likes being all covered up in blankets,
9. Flora is the specialist when it comes to all kinds of tea and while Helia is good at many things, cooking is not one of them. So Flora just makes little homemade tea bags for him so that it is easier.
10. Flora has a sweet tooth but they both love sour candies. They are supposed to the healthy couple so no one knows when they sneakily share candy with each other.
11. Both of them are hopeless romantics (as we all know) but prefer romantic books than movies. However, Flora is the kind of psychopath who can watch gore without flinching one bit. It scares Helia but Flora is just pretty used to blood since both her parents are in the healing profession. She loves Horror because she knows its fake but it makes Helia uncomfortable even if he doesn't admit it. They usually only watch horror movies with the whole gang while Flora nonchalantly calls out the director for his inacurrate portrayal of stabbings. It makes Helia wonder sometimes.
12. Flora is smol & Helia is tol. Once, Flora had to literally climb onto a chair during an argument with Helia but that just made him laugh and made her even angrier.
13. Flora scares easily meaning that she freaks out when Stella or Musa suddenly pop out of corners and scream at her. But she fights monsters for a living at this point and has learned to control her reactions. Helia's face is unreadable so no one can usually tell what he is feeling. But he has a deadly fear of clowns that Riven found out about and makes it a point to give Helia a small heart attack at least once a year.
14. Flora would pet a shark and Helia wrangles werewolves and dragons on a daily basis so they aren't afraid of animals, even the small ones. Both of them usually ignore the spider unless its big, then they would just safely let it outside or Flora would sometimes collect them for her potions.
15. Helia pretty much lives in the dark with only a lamplight for when he is writing. Flora did develop a fear of the dark after villains kept using spells on her that put her in darkness. So there is always a nightlight beside her when she sleeps.
16. Flora doesn't flinch when people get stabbed in movies but flinches at really loud noises. They both love the rain and kissing in the rain but once they hear thunder Flora drags Helia inside.
17. Both of them love to work at home. The house they are gonna live in is going to be huge and have all kinds of weird rooms (hehe), I mean well mostly there will be an art studio, a greenhouse and a potions lab. and another room. that is up for your imagination. if you don't get this then you are probably too young or innocent.
18. They like both dogs and cats and are definitely planning on getting a few pets together.
19. They call each other babe/baby like normal couples ( I cringe every time Helia calls Flora 'flower' in fanfics ). Helia likes to call her princess sometimes and Flora calls him papi in her mother tongue (spanish). It took Helia a while to grasp its full meaning and he loves it when she calls him that.
20. It mostly starts out with Helia as the Dom but Flora usually goes from soft sub to a brat pretty quickly.
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etherithical · 4 years
Pidge Whump Scenarios (UPDATED: Seasons 1-4)
Please do not read this if you faint of heart. I do not want to ruin your life through my cursed Whump scenarios😅😈
Just some ideas if you have writer’s block or want to evolve some of these things for my (or your own/other peoples’) BTHB prompts! I kept them vague so you could add your own things. Most of them are AUs, are Pidge focused (y’all know me), and are placed in the order of the episodes.
Disclaimer: Many of these ideas are heavily inspired by some other amazing Pidge Whump writers out there. While I tried my hardest to keep ideas original and creative, be warned that some stray very close to what is already out there.
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Whumpers: -Law Enforcement (considering the prior to Voltron prompt)
-School bullies, gangsters, blackmailers, pretty much any human that sucks and uses Pidge as their punching bag
-Commander Sendak
-Lieutenant Haxus
-Bounty Hunters, although who would want to injure their precious cargo? -Subcommander Ylvik (Note: Lead Galra on Shay’s Balmera. He is not seen on screen, but mentioned when Prorok states that he has command of said Galra’s fleets)
-Commander Prorok
-Macidus and those other Druid creeps
-Chief Information Officer Plytox (Not seen, mentioned)
-Zarkon? (Note: Considering he is more of the kill, no prisoners type of guy, you’ll have to tread carefully with this one. He should have a reason to keep her alive other than “Hey I like torturing young children cuz I’m a creeeeep!”
-Haggar (Note: Another one you should be careful with. While there are a TON of Whump fanfics with her, I don’t see her as really that sadistic. I mean, she interrogates prisoners, but that’s for the Empire’s villainous plans rather than her own personal enjoyment. Again, you’ll need a reason other than she wants to have fun.
-Commander Branko (Commander on Olkarion)
-Unilu traders?
-The Warden from Escape from Beta Traz
-Lotor’s Generals (I think it would be cool to see Narti as the Whumper. Kinda creepy since she can’t see or talks, so she’s just hurting Pidge and saying nothing the entire time)
-Commander Hira and the evil Alteans from the Alternate Universe
-Lambonite Scavengers (Seen in The Legend Begins)
-Evil Matt...? 😏
-Bounty Hunter from Reunion
-Evil AU version of Pidge, resentful of our beautiful girl’s happier life.
-Commander Throk
-General Raht
-Ladnok or Trugg (female Whumpers are 👌)
1. Pidge’s secret about being a girl comes forth before the Blue Lion is found. You can play this idea a bit: Maybe Pidge is arrested, or maybe Iverson doesn’t want to tell the truth about Kerberos, so he takes matters into his own hands? It’s up to you
2. Not a specific episode, but Pidge is made into a Robeast?
3. Fall of the Castle of Lions/Return to the Balmera. Pidge fails to save the Castle of Lions from Sendak. This one could go in several unique ways depending on personal choice. Here’s some ideas if you need some inspiration.
-Haxus defeats Pidge, but instead of killing her, he tortures or maims her.
-Keith and Allura are unable to get in on time, and Sendak has Pidge.
-Sendak convinces Pidge to turn herself into him.
4. Rolo, Nyma, and Beezer take a certain little Green Paladin with them instead of (or along with) the Blue Lion. Hunk is infuriated at the rest of the team for being too trusting, and by doing so letting the Bounty Hunters escape with their friend.
5. Pidge is caught in a rockfall in Return to the Balmera. (Note: Subcommander Ylvik is the name given of the lead Galra on the Balmera, though he is not seen on screen)
6. Pidge catches onto the infected Alfor’s plan. Unfortunately, he gets to her before she can tell the others…
7. Macidus finds Pidge, Lance, and Hunk and takes her with him to Central Command. Now we have both a Paladin and a princess captured! YAY!
8. Voltron is defeated in The Black Paladin and Pidge is the only Paladin left alive. Zarkon chooses to keep her alive (Why? As a pet? To entertain his soldiers? Because one of his subordinates insisted?). Maybe Thace could be the caretaker, sneaking in food and medicine when no one is looking?
9. An idea for Across the Universe: Pidge is injured on her landing on the trash nebula. Nevertheless, she must manage to build the satellite, with a little help from the Green Lion and the trash floofs, of course!
10. Greening the Cube. Pidge is captured during the mission and the Commander (no name given) either makes her his slave, or, due to her unbelievably strong connection to the world around her, experiments on her.
11. In Eye of the Storm, Pidge is hit by one of the lasers in the teludav. While she survives, the hit causes severe damage to her body that can’t be easily fixed, or not at all.
12. Pidge and the Green Lion fall into the acid in The Ark of Taujeer. This one is a good option for Plance, since Lance and Pidge were working together to sew together the planet’s crust.
13. Pidge is captured in Space Mall and sold as a slave by a group of Unilu.
14. There already are some Escape from Beta Traz whump scenarios out there, so this one was a bit of a challenge. One idea is that the Warden catches Pidge while she is hiding under his desk, and forces Lance and Shiro to face an ultimatum: leave Slav, a vital part of the plan to defeat Zarkon with him (and Laika, too!), or leave Pidge, their friend and the Green Paladin, at his mercy.
Another idea is that everyone gets caught. Because Pidge was pretty much the one conducting the mission from the Control Center (and through that, causing all the trouble), the Warden beats her up.
15. Not tied to an episode, but let’s imagine for a moment that for whatever reason, team Voltron believes that Pidge is half-Galra rather than Keith. Pidge, already reeling from the false disbelief, experiences Allura’s racism, which grows increasingly detrimental to her confidence. And, Keith, who knows he is Galra, is unsure whether to tell everyone. I don’t see him as the “I’m afraid she’ll act the same way toward me as she is with Pidge” kind of guy, so you’ll have to get a little creative. Either way, once the truth comes out, Allura is terribly guilty and Pidge is furious at Keith for not saying anything while she suffered in silence.
16.Pidge is hit by the laser-eyed monsters… well, um, lasers in Stayin’ Alive.
17. The plan in The Best Laid Plans and Blackout fails. This one is almost identical to the The Black Paladin idea, except later in the show. I like this one a bit better as the hatred for the Paladins is higher, seen as they managed to get as far as they did, with the downside of losing Thace as caretaker.
18. What if… In Red Paladin, Voltron for some reason was doubtful about the attack of Puig, so Pidge offered to go in by herself (since the Green Lion can turn invisible). While Lotor and the gang expected evidence that there ‘is no Voltron without the Black Lion,’ taking Pidge to interrogate her is an easy alternative. Or, if this one doesn’t excite you, he can capture her when Voltron was set up (since the other Lions and their lack of experience flying leaves for an easy capture on Lotor’s part).
19. Fairly similar to 18. Lotor’s plan in The Hunted to flush out the Lions and capture them one by one mostly or completely succeeds. Either way, Pidge and possibly a few more of the Paladins are captured.
20. In Hole in the Sky, The Alteans attach some sort of alternate version of the Hoktril to Pidge, one that leaves her with free will but the inability to do anything but what the Alteans want. Sort of as a punishment for trying to mess up their plans. This could be a part of a larger plot: Where Commander Hira manages to cross through the wormhole and begins to take over the universe. Maybe an enormous war between the alternate reality Alteans and the Galra Empire could start. Or else this could happen to Pidge when the others are trying to escape and she gets caught and left behind.
21. While The Legend Begins doesn’t give me an AU, an interesting idea came to mind. We know that the original Paladins of Voltron fought evil before the Galra took over the universe. At the beginning of the episode they are fighting Lambonite scavengers. What if 10,000 in the future, they or some other ancient menace came back to exact revenge on the Paladins. And while they can’t hurt dead people, torturing their successors is an easy second best.
22. Let me just spill my Reunion ideas here. For just some general angst, you could just have Matt be dead. Imagine Pidge has been gone for vargas, so the Paladins go and search for her, only to find her literally hugging onto a gravestone, her eyes wide, and when they try to move her she is reluctant to leave her brother’s side and unresponsive when they try to talk to her. She constantly holds on, it doesn’t seem like she recognizes (or cares about) her friends beside her, and Shiro has to drag her out so they can leave. Another option, a darker one, is that the Bounty Hunter wins and takes Pidge and Matt to the Galra. A fun idea to play with, if you ask me. And if you’re willing to go even darker, making Matt evil and having him actually hurt (or… torture) his sister is an idea I’ve played with for the longest time.
23. The Galra catch on to the Paladins’ in The Voltron Show and the ‘propaganda’ it’s spreading. Zarkon or some other Galran in power organizes an attack during one of the performances, when the Paladins are vulnerable. Most of the Paladins manage to escape but Pidge is captured. Or the performances from the Voltron Show create enemies… and people who should definitely be avoided for each Paladin. Pidge is captured off guard by a stalker who wants to make her ‘his dog.’ (If you write this I would rather it not be NSFW. You can be you but please use your own ideas for that)
24. Pidge and Hunk fail to disable the Communications Station in Begin the Blitz. Because of their failure, the Voltron Coalition takes serious losses, and Pidge is brutally beaten as punishment while Hunk is forced to watch. Another one is because they lost Lotor as a bargaining chip, Ezor, Zethrid, and Acxa capture Pidge in order to reenter the ranks of the Galra Empire.
25. Somehow, Pidge is the only survivor in the entire Coalition after the massive explosion in A New Defender. The Galra choose to keep her alive as a prisoner of war… and for some fun. And alternative to this is that Pidge survives and manages to escape the Galra, but is a fugitive of the Galra Empire and constantly in peril of being found… and paying the price
Feel free to use these or change these however you like! I honestly don’t care how you use them; the purpose of this is to inspire you, not hold you back! I’ll update it once I’ve finished rewatching seasons 5-6.
You can request me to do my own ideas for my BTHB card, although I would like to see some of your own personal improvements/additions as well!
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girlwiththegreenhat · 5 years
2, 23, and 67 for the viddy game asks please!!
2) A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc.
Arguably most of the games I’ve played had some influence on me creatively. Like, I can’t tell you how much time I’ve spent drawing fanart for video games, and all their styles left some mark on my own. I think some of the biggest credits go to TF2 and BATIM, I really like how TF2 handles it’s characters both visually and… as characters, and I’ve done a lot of art studies based on it’s comic and you can prob see it’s influence on my art if you squint.  And while I didn’t get much visual influence from BATIM directly, the hundreds of hours I spent drawing either direct BATIM fanart or BATIM AU art did me a lot of good the last couple years xD It’s also the game I’ve written the most for, so I probably got the most writing experience from it too.
23) The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
Speaking purely on what I have real statistics for, Team Fortress 2 recently overtook Borderlands 2 as my most played game. never thought that’d happen
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(if you include the Borderlands 2 playtime logged on my brother’s PS4 though, it definitely still wins xD)
If we’re just doing estimates, probably MapleStory - I played that like, every day for years as a kid. I’ve only got 25 hours logged on it in Steam, but if I had a counter for how much I played it in my lifetime, it’d absolutely be in the thousands. I wasted. Soooooooo much time on that game lmfao. And it was time well wasted, mostly. Sometimes I still shudder over the time around 12 or 13 where I spent four straight hours trying to do the Zakum jump quest, and the only reason I stopped was because I had severe eye strain. Couldn’t see anything, it was all violent flashing black and white strips webbed across my vision. My mom had to lead me back to bed because I literally Could Not See. Almost thought I was drugged lmfao. The real kicker was nailing the quest first try the next morning…
67) Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
I’m pretty sure I already told the story Several Times about when I found my older brother’s GameBoy with some mario game loaded onto it and it was like one of the best weeks of my childhood, but it’s kinda tricky to think of any other memories. My parents were very strict ‘no video games’ people so aside from a couple free online games and chill stuff like Rollercoaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon I didn’t get to play them very often. They bought us a Wii for christmas when I was nine or ten, which was the point when they started to lighten up about them…
One of my fav memories is probably when I was 12, over the summer I decided I wanted to actually level up a character in MapleStory instead of just leveling when my friends wanted to. I made a character, a new class at the time called Aran, and decided I was going to level her up all the way to 200 (the max level at the time). This was before the Big Bang patch of late 2011 that made leveling STUPID easy, so having a high level character was a BIG deal. The first big milestone was having a character that was level 50, because at that level characters unlock Mounts, which were monsters you could ride. Prior to this it had taken me months to get my first character to around level 37, aaand I also fucked up all her stats so as a warrior she had like no strength but a bunch of health, cuz I was like ‘oh dying in fights suck, so if i have a BUNCH of health, i will have enough time to escape!! BRILLIANT LOGIC IN A GAME ABOUT FIGHTING MONSTERS, YES.’ (I distinctly remember finding a fellow warrior and telling them about how much health I had, and tldr their reaction was ‘!? you’re lying that’s illegal’).
BUT ANYWAYS, i set my first goal and ended up hitting it, which was getting my new character to level 50 in a month. There was a party quest I loved doing, I think it had a Real Name but everyone just called it the Ludi PQ. It was based in a town that was basically made of toys and legos, and it had the prettiest background music Ever. It also gave ASSLOADS of EXP for the time, so it was faster than farming monsters for EXP or doing regular quests. I played it more than any other party quest, and cuz it was summer I could literally play nonstop every day, so… I did! And I got my character to level 50 in exactly a month. It felt SO good running around towns on my fancy new mount, which for this class starts as a brown wolf.
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(not my character, all my old MS screenshots are on my laptop = u =)
This is more like a long and broad story rather than one memory, oops. Anyway yeah, level 50 in a month, it was a Big Accomplishment back then. From there it was my childhood Mission to get my character to level 200, which I did end up doing three years ago. I hardly had much interest in MS at that point, but I was so close and I had to get to the finish line, if only for the dumb 12 year old who invested her heard and soul into being the STRONKEST ARAN EVAR SO I CAN DEFEAT THE B L A C K  M A G E… … … … … …
i’m sad they made the level cap 250, cuz i didn’t get the cool [GALAXXI HAS REACHED LEVEL 200! CONGRATS!] server-wide announcement when i finally did it, and they don’t do it for level 250 so there’s no point in getting that far 8) (level 200 is still the level cap… IN MY HEART.) i’m also sad you can get to level 50 in like two days now, mere hours if you grind like your life depends on it, but damn it’s fun having the memory of that month when my life was maplestory morning to night, playing the Ludi PQ for hours and bonding with strangers over memes and teamwork, and the EUPHORIC moment when i finally hit level 50 and all that hard work paid off.
... this post got Real Long but I got caught up in The Memories okay? xD thanks for the ask!!
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larriefails · 5 years
This new BPH2 post, she really can’t let go of 1D or the past, can she?
The amount of drivel...
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Harry was portrayed as a lothario BEFORE July 2011? By whom? Doing what? He didn’t date anyone until C*roline (sorry, I make one exception for censoring names and that’s for child groomers) in like, November 2011, there were jokes about him liking Madison, the girl from WMYB but that wouldn’t be until August anyway. Articles about various 1D members dating or hooking up with fans were run of the mill, but that was for all of them. Cher Lloyd got linked to literally every member except Louis, and that’s because he had a girlfriend. Harry was seen as flirty and fans joked around about his unfortunate pussygate moment, but clearly, he brought that on himself, and it was after X Factor anyway
The only possible “Harry is a lothario” push she could be talking about is that jokey video where Harry is seen as having overlapping dates with all the girls at boot camp, but it’s obviously tongue in cheek, it finishes with Harry going on a date with Wagner, a 50 something year old Portuguese (?) man. And this was BEFORE the band was put together. Why would Liam, or anyone, have to be seen as a lothario anyway? Confused
Louis and Hannah’s relationship wasn’t “spotlighted” they were just dating... so she was there... and they talked about it on the show I think once, maybe twice. None of the other boys had significant others at the beginning. When Zayn started dating one of the girls from Belle Amie (a girl group that was competing there as well), it was actually spotlighted, same when he dated Rebecca Ferguson
She says “switching 1Direction to One Direction” to seem knowledgeable, it’s hilarious. One Direction’s twitter account was created on October 29th 2010 and it was already stylized “OneDirection,” this is just a “the more you know” bullet point she learned that she decided to throw in there to get more credibility. Anyone that’s been a fan for long already knew this, it was stated as a fact in one of their books, but don’t ask me which one now cuz it’s been 7 years. Anyways, what an important marketing decision, Kati, it surely affected a lot of the outcome of the band that would be known as “1D” by 90% of its fanbase anyway
“But there was no larger strategy until July 2011″
NO SHIT SHERLOCK. U wanna know why? Because they didn’t have music out until August... you really are some fresh brand of stupid, huh. Who would waste money in marketing campaigns months and months before having any music to sell? All of them were heavily involved in social media anyway, and with strategic performances here and there, some interviews, a very well received book, signing days, and several other nuggets, they managed to build a stronger fanbase and a lot of anticipation by the time they released WMYB. There was definitely marketing, but, no, of course there wasn’t an overarching marketing campaign for a band with no music for six months.. Just like there isn’t, idk, a hot air balloon business for cheetahs..
And that’s how she starts.. everything after that is drivel and more and more drivel. Very little of it makes any sort of sense or is backed up by any facts other than her wanting things to be that way
Such as this entire paragraph which has me in fucking stitches
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Listen, I’m sure more older people became fans as the band became more popular, and I’m sure there are some men sprinkled in between, but PROFOUND DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT? Except Harry and Zayn, who have cultivated an older skewing demographic, the core fan base is STILL 13-18 year old girls. And even Harry and Zayn have large percentages of their fan base in that age group still. She really thinks the tumblr side of fandom is in any way indicative of the larger fandom, it’s fascinating to read someone that’s supposed to be old and wise, who’s a mother and a wife, be so blatantly wrong and so delusional. Not even in the tumblr side of fandom now are the fans mostly older with established careers. That’s just the big Larries, and big Larries are what? 1 in 2,000 One Direction blogs? (and I doubt at least 50% of their “well established careers” are real, but I’m not into doxxing people so I’ll take their word for it)
I almost lost my mind when she called tumblr tinhat wank “objective debate and evidence-based discussion.” OBJECTIVE! O B J E C T I V E? bulletprooflarry, the person that left tumblr for a month when Harry announced his solo career because she had been saying for ages he’d never go solo and couldn’t handle being so OBJECTIVELY wrong, is talking about OBJECTIVE DISCUSSION???? Kati you wouldn’t know what actual objective discussion is if it slapped you repeatedly with something smelly while yelling “I am objective discussion” as a plane writes in the sky “objective discussion is slapping you in the face” and some sirens wailed in the distance
Not even gonna go there with “evidence-based” .. I’m sure ur tag “all the reasons ever needed” filled with cropped and edited gifs of 17 yo Harry and 19 yo Louis looking at each other for 0.03 seconds in slow mo would hold in court very well
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H I L A R I O U S. Never seen before! Novel!!!! Only happening because of “this new smarter fandom with professional experience”! No other tinhat fandom doubts the protagonists of their conspiracy theory handle their social media! That’s just the new smarter fandom filled with professional men and women in 1D. Crisscolfer, Kaylor, Supernatural, Camren, you name it. Any CT mined fandom where social media is used, believes the exact same bullshit, Kati. U R NOT SPECIAL. You’re not smarter. The Larrie fandom didn’t “wise up” it tinhatted up. If you left your conspiracy bubble for three seconds and waltzed into literally any other corner of the entertainment world, you’d see that
After this, she drivels on and on about “pics or it didn’t happen” and shit like that. None of it is special to this fandom, Kati. None of it. What you’re describing is tinhatting. It has nothing to do with “this new smarter fandom.” Unless of course you believe in every other celeb conspiracy theory out there and how all the CT fandoms have also, coincidentally, become “smarter”
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This is equal parts self centered, arrogant, delusional, and wrong. 1D’s team did a ton of things to get new fans and it succeeded largely at it. 1D was one of the largest bands in terms of fanbase in the world. It got away with selling millions upon millions of records and selling out stadiums without getting huge songs. To this day a vast majority of the general public only knows 2 or 3 One Direction songs (WMYB, SOML, some will know Drag Me Down). I think it was too big for the teams it had, for sure, but that’s just logic speaking for itself. What other clients the caliber of 1D did Simon Jones, Modest, or Syco have? The only big fish in the game was Columbia. And at times it definitely showed in a lot of things. But to say that they were playing catch up for five years and had no plan whatsoever, is simply disingenuous. And so self aggrandizing.. Recognizing that they had their failures? Cool. Sitting oatur computer at home and pretending that u kknow better how to handle it? Demented
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You know when you read something that’s so wrong that you don’t even know where to start? Yeah..
You were lied about the band getting back together. One by one they have admitted to it, even if not in so many words. First Zayn said he didn’t even like being in 1D ever. Then Harry refused to ever confirm the band would get back together. You had Niall, Liam, and Louis preaching 18 months/2 years, but that soon changed. Niall got tired of being asked a few months into his promo in 2017, said “idk, man, idk! someday!” and asked not to be asked again. Liam lasted a little longer, but he literally said “ask the others, idk, man, idk!” a few months back. The only one standing is Louis, and I firmly believe it’s simply because he hasn’t done as much promo as Niall and Liam, who must’ve reached the point of exhaustion. His defeated “idk, man, idk” is happenning soon. I can feel it in my bones
There’s no leadership in 1DHQ because there is no 1DHQ because there is no 1D. The band is broken up. Gone. Donezo. There’s no one to steer one topic to the next
It’s not the “lack of leadership” which lead the fans to create “microfandoms.” It’s the fact that every member has gone solo..... that created microfandoms. You’re over 40, Kati, please, for the love of God, stop hanging onto a boyband that’s been dead for four years. This is so pathetic to read. Fans less than half your age cried about their lost band for a few days and got over it. You’re still throwing hissy fits on tumblr and talking about it as if it wasn’t deceased
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Just... no
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Louis DOES NOT have the most hardcore fans inside of 1D. He has the most LARRIES. His fanbase is almost entirely conformed by conspiracy theorists, that’s why it seems so hardcore to you. This is not a positive. As a fan of Louis, I can assure you it is not. This doesn’t translate well into literally anything. Y’all are a nuisance and ruin everything. You’re not fans of Louis, you don’t even LIKE HIM. You despise everything about him and everything he is. Everything he does. All the things that have shaped him. You call everything he says a lie and mock his desperate attempts for you to LISTEN TO HIM. That’s the exact opposite of a hardcore fanbase, you shithead. That’s as fickle as it gets, it can (and does) get lost any second. The smallest of his moves can set y’all off and wipe thousands of you from his ranks. Because none of you like even a little of who he really is. Y’all are gonna leave him sooner or later. It’s just a matter of when, not if. Hardcore my fucking ass
What has Harry done to make older white men think he’s cool? Paint his nails? Wear glitter and flowery suits? Sing about men? Proclaim at every chance he gets that he LOVES his mostly female/young audience? That he thinks they’re amazing and how much he appreciates them? What is it that appeals older white men? All the rainbows in everything he does? The only thing “older white men” might like about Harry is his music and its inspiration, that’s where it starts and where it ends, but everything he’s done and said since he’s gone solo is prone to prejudice them against him. He hasn’t lifted a finger to appeal to them. His team didn’t even push his songs on Adult/Contemporary radios (Niall’s did, but I don’t see you talking about that). Yeah, Hall Of Fame will expose him to that audience as well, but you know who else did Hall Of Fame? Miley Cyrus. Was she trying to appeal to older white men? Was that Jannelle Monae’s goal while inducing Janet Jackson? He’s co chairing the MET Gala in a couple of weeks. How’s that for a white older male audience? Being a Gucci model under Alessandro Michele must’ve helped a lot, I’m sure 🙄
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“If One Direction was going to come back” NO. Next question
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Drake's Diary ch.13 - The Beaumont Bash
Words: 4231
It's the day after Drake and Emma's monumental kiss, and it's time for the last party of the season! What truths will emerge tonight?
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  Drake walked into the Beaumont estate, still frazzled from the previous night. He hadn’t slept a wink after kissing Emma and replayed the scene over and over in his head. How did he let himself lose control like that? And then instead of talking about it, he just left without saying goodbye to anyone. And when he ran into Liam and discovered they were going on a date…that weighed on him heavily. He knew he must look absolutely exhausted, but this was the last event of the social season, and he needed to be here. But really, he just wanted to run away and never look back.
  As more guests arrive, servers distribute drinks and appetizers, and he grabs a glass of champagne. Definitely going to need some alcohol to get through this.
As he wandered around, his eyes found Emma’s in the sea of streaming guests. Unable to stop himself, he went right over to her.
“Welcome to Beaumont Bash…you’ll recognize some of these fine floral arrangements as yours…” She told him, her face straight and not showing any emotion.
She looks absolutely beautiful…just like a princess…a blue gown, gold trimming…wow
“Rose…You look…”
He cleared his throat “…Ready for the party. Everything here really came together.”
“I know, right? Though…you don’t look like you’re dressed for the occasion.” She said, frowning.
“You don’t like my look? This shirt’s clean.”
She scoffed “I guess that’s the most I should expect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up for one of these fancy events. It might be a nice change of pace for you, getting out of your comfort zone.”
Ouch. That’s the first time that comment had any sting to it.
He shrugged “Eh. Fashion is subjective. Besides, people are here to see the Prince, not me.”
Emma shakes her head and Drake barely caught the words she was muttering to herself.
“Guess I don’t count as wanting to see you.”
His breath caught, and he couldn’t believe what he’d heard. She went on a date with Liam. She can’t be serious. Should I ask her about it? Should I apologize? Maybe I should have made more of an effort…
Before he could decide, Hana bounces over to them.
"Emma! Maxwell! I’ve never been to the Beaumont estate before. This looks wonderful.”
“Thank you, Hana…” Maxwell said
“And Emma! You look amazing!” She exclaimed
Drake sighed. She really does. Damn it. I should have at least worn a different shirt.
Emma smiled “Thank you. As always, you look lovely too”
A server comes near the group, handing out the caviar and paprika appetizers.
“Our creations!” Maxwell squealed
“I hope people like them…” Emma said nervously
Drake overheard Kiara from the next table “Uhh…What is this dish?”
Maxwell leans over to Kiara’s table. “What you have there is a deconstructed delicacy of caviar cultivated from pampered hake fish of the Swedish fjords with paprika harvested from a micro-nursery in Provence.”
The ladies take delicate bites of the appetizers
Penelope smiled “Wow…so fancy…I like them! Spicy, salty, definitely unique.”
Kiara agreed “Mmmm…It reminds me of when I dined at the top of la tour Eiffel in Paris! Did you use the same chef?”
“Someone comparable.” Maxwell told her before turning back to Emma. “Well, the reactions to our appetizers seem mostly positive.”
Emma snorted “They like the food? Really? I can’t believe we pulled that off!”
“Yeah. I really thought this would be a complete disaster.” Drake told them. He could feel Emma glaring at him and there was no way he was going to look at her just now.
“I told you…it’s all in the marketing!” Maxwell clapped him on the shoulder, oblivious to the tension.
Emma gave a small smile at that, but it fades as Lady Madeleine and Lady Olivia enter together.
“Duchess Olivia…Countess Madeleine…Welcome” She greeted.
Madeleine looked her up and down. “Lady Emma. Don’t you look…well…nice. And the Beaumont’s have certainly outdone themselves”
Olivia smirked “Yes, this isn’t as tacky an affair as I’d imagined it would be.”
Emma narrowed her eyes. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“As you should, Now, let’s get this evening over with…where’s the wine?”
Olivia brushes past, but Madeleine lingers. She looks at Prince Liam sitting at his table up front before turning back to Emma.
“You must be feeling pretty smug”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Emma started, before Madeleine interrupted her.
“I’ve been hearing some rumors that you’ve become a frontrunner going into the coronation.”
“Madeleine, it’s not a race.” Emma sighed.
“Isn’t it though? In a way?”
“No. It’s about the Prince and who he wants to marry.”
Come on, Rose. You know he wants to marry you. Of course, you don’t think it’s a race. You already won.
Madeleine rose an eyebrow “…Right. You may have the upper hand while we’re at the Beaumont estate, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be chosen as queen. You never know what might happen…”
Shaking her head, Emma just replied “Madeleine, may the best woman win.”
“Yes. The Best woman.”
As Madeleine walks away, Bertrand stands up on the dais to address the attendees. “Welcome, everyone. If you’ll please take your seats, dinner will begin shortly.
“That’s my cue. I have a seat in the back, so I’ll see you after dinner.” Drake said, eyeing Emma.
“And I better go and take my seat with the other ladies.” Hana told them.
“I wish we could have all sat together.” Emma said sadly.
You were in charge of the seating chart. You could have made that happen…Although…Bertrand wouldn’t have allowed it either. Maybe she did try. I’m such a jerk.
Drake spoke again. “Hey, don’t look so disappointed, Rose. You’re sitting with royalty. I learned a long time ago I don’t fit in there. But don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle one dinner without us.”
“Right…” She said glumly.
Drake, Emma, and Maxwell all went their separate ways and Drake couldn’t help but feel disappointed. He had started getting used to sitting with them, and it was much more enjoyable than sitting by himself. Get it together, Walker. It’s been this way your whole life. Forever sitting alone.
He watched as Emma takes her seat at the head table, Liam sitting on her left, Bertrand on her right. As the King and Queen are seated beside the Prince, servers come out bearing the main course. Everyone looks happy, and Drake started eating his own food. At least his meal was hot.
After dinner, Bertrand had everyone gather in the Grand Hall as he walks halfway up the staircase and started a speech. “Citizens, nobles, friends, we’ve gathered here today to celebrate the end of the social season. So, if you’ll hear me out, I’d like to share a few words…”
As soon as he started talking, Drake saw Emma and Maxwell disappear. He frowned. What’s that about? Shouldn’t they be right there with him?
After a few moments, they come back, Emma with a dagger and Maxwell with a flail
Oh no. Maxwell has a weapon. This never ends well.
“…and so, with all of House Beaumont with me, let’s propose a toast!” Bertrand announced.
Maxwell and Emma go up the stairs, weapons and champagne bottles in hand.
“To our gracious royal family…”
“To all those here tonight!” Maxwell interrupted
“And to the Brothers Beaumont! Our legendary hosts, who I wouldn’t be here without.” Emma grinned
“Let’s rock this place to the ground!” Maxwell finished.
Maxwell swings the flail into a champagne bottle, shattering it entirely. Champagne runs down the steps.
Drake could barely watch as it was Emma’s turn. But thankfully, she swings at the bottle, slicing the top clean off. Champagne foams out, dripping onto the stairs.
Maxwell looks impressed, and Drake definitely was. She certainly had style.
Bertrand grabbed a glass. “From all of us at House Beaumont…thank you!”
Everyone cheers as the servers’ rush forward to hand out glasses of champagne to everyone.
Drake meandered around again, unsure of what to do. He felt like a fish out of water. He didn’t belong here, and he wanted to leave. Bertrand picks up an open bottle of champagne and takes a big swig. Music blasts from the sound system, and Maxwell slides down the railing. From the doorways leading into the room, professional dancers and acrobats stream in.
“I hope you’re ready. Cuz the Maxwell special is in the house!” Maxwell moonwalks onto the middle of the floor to the music’s increasing tempo. “I am the myth…the man…the legend. Witness me!” He drops into a flurry of breakdance moves. Drake moves to join Emma, Liam, and Hana.
“It’s been less than two minutes, and my ears hurt…” Drake complained
“Come on, Drake, you usually give it at least five minutes before tapping out.” Liam laughed.
“There’s so much happening!” Hana exclaimed
“That’s the problem.” Drake muttered. He thought it couldn’t get worse but then…
“Bring out the horses!” Bertrand shouted
“The horses!? You’re bringing horses in here??” Emma gasped, as someone on the staff leads out a couple beautiful steeds.
“Who’s ready for a little horse riding?”
“I am!” Maxwell announced, running forward and mounting a horse.
“Great…” Drake frowned. This really can only end badly.
“Who joins me?” He calls out. “The Prince?”
Liam shook his head, still grinning. “I nominate Drake as my proxy
“Oh, no. you’re not forcing me into the saddle tonight” Drake glared at him.
“I vote for Emma!” Hana said excitedly
“I believe I have my own horse, thank you very much.” Emma told her.
“One that made the trip with me from the palace…” Liam told her softly. Emma looked at him in surprise as a joyful smile broke out on her face. A 3rd horse arrives, the one Emma had named Chica Linda. Emma mounts. “Hey girl, I missed you.”
She rides around the room with Maxwell, waving to party goers “My fellow Cordonians…Today, I ride for Cordonia!”
“For Cordonia!” Hana joined in.
“Woo, riding a horse. Yay.” Drake grimaced, still afraid something terrible was about to happen.
Maxwell nudges Emma, and they get off the horses, giving someone else the reigns. Drake breathed a sigh of relief. At least nothing bad happened to Emma. I mean Maxwell. At least nothing bad happened to Maxwell.
Liam approaches Emma and taps her shoulder. Before he has a chance to say what he wanted, Olivia cut in
“Liam, there you are! Don’t forget you promised me a drink…”
Liam smiles apologetically at Emma and bids her farewell. He kisses her on the cheek and whispers something in her ear.
Ugh why do I do this to myself? Why can’t I stop watching her? Especially when she’s with Liam. It feels so…awful.
  The party rages into the night…and then later…
  Fragments of split apples litter the floor. The bust of Maxwell’s great grandfather is riddled with cracks and chips, an arrow protrudes from his eye, while the apple on his head remains unscathed. Kiara lies in the corner of the room, while Penelope drapes her arms around a horse. Bertrand sits against a column, a sword in one hand and an empty bottle of champagne in the other, talking to himself and smiling.
In the middle of the carnage, Maxwell continues to dance. “Break it down. Nice and slow.”
“You’re still going?” Emma asks wearily.
He shrugged “If I stop, the party stops. It’s like that Louis the 14th quote. I am the party. How’re you feeling? I hope it wasn’t too hard on you.”
“I feel so-so. A party that rocks you to your core also drains you to your core.”
“Truer words have rarely been spoken.” Maxwell agreed.
Drake looked around. “It’s over. I’m officially free.”
Maxwell’s mouth fell open. “What do you mean it’s over? The party is just getting started.”
Drake’s eyebrows shot up. “Lady Penelope is literally talking to a horse. The party has done its job.”
Emma giggled. “Back home, this was always about the time we’d break out a game of truth or dare, but I bet you guys are too classy for that.”
“You’d be betting wrong! I love truth or dare.” Maxwell exclaimed.
Hana’s eyebrows furrowed. “Truth or dare? That sounds dangerous…”
Emma looked at her slyly. “Well…only if you have something to hide…or a fear of embarrassing stunts…”
“It sounds…fun!” Hana mused, breaking into a smile.
Emma laughed. “I can’t believe you’ve never played! Now we’ve got to do it.”
Drake grimaced. “Oh no. I’m not playing truth or dare.”
“Come on, Drake, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Emma winked at him
“Do it, do it!” Maxwell started
“I see where this is going…”
“Drake Drake Drake!” Maxwell chanted.
“Ugh okay…fine. I’ll play, just stop chanting my name.”
Always chanting my fucking name to get me to do something I don’t want to.
“Whoohoo! Someone’s going streaking tonight!” Maxwell hollered.
“We can play in my room” Hana suggested, and the 4 friends headed up the stairs.
 “This is so exciting! How do we start?” Hana asked, excitedly.
“Heh. Usually with a few drinks” Drake told her. Let’s definitely get more alcohol going for this.
Hana nodded “Oooh there’s a full bar! What do you guys want?”
Maxwell thought a moment. “Make me something fruity and delicious. I know! I want Sex on the Beach!”
Hana’s jaw dropped. “Oh my! I don’t think…”
“It’s a drink…Never mind, I’ll make it myself.” Maxwell walked over to the bar and Drake smothered a laugh. She is so clueless.
“I’ll just have…”
“Let me guess. Whiskey.” Emma said.
“I’m getting predictable, aren’t I?” Drake admitted.
She smirked “Maybe just a little bit.”
“What about you, Emma?” Hana asked.
“Sex on the beach sounds amazing right now.” Emma replied, not even looking in Hana’s direction. Instead, she had locked eyes with Drake, and he didn’t miss that undertone in her voice.
He swallowed, hard. She did that on purpose.
Hana pours herself champagne “Cheers, Friends! Thank you for joining me tonight!”
Drake rose his glass, still looking at Emma. “Cheers.”
“To friendship!” Maxwell toasted.
“To friendship! And Truth or dare!” Emma said
Drake grimaced. These people sure are excited. “Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.”
“Drinks have been accomplished. Now, what comes next?” Hana asked.
“Someone goes first.” Maxwell replied.
“Rose should start. This was her idea.”
Maxwell nodded. “Okay, Emma…truth or dare?”
“I choose truth.”
“I was hoping you’d say that. I’ve got a great one for you. If you were stranded on a deserted island, where you’ll never see anyone or any civilization ever again…which one of us would you want with you?”
“I’d want Drake.”
Drake snapped his attention back to her. “Me?”
Oh, come ooonnnnn “Be honest, Rose, you just want me there so I’m suffering as much as you are.”
She grinned “Mostly just to see how you’d look in a grass skirt.”
“Hey!” Drake laughed.
“Just kidding. I think you’d be gruff and grumpy, but deep down, when it counts, you’d probably save me from a tiger attack or something.”
“Well. I’d feel terrible if a tiger ate my only companion.”
“And there wouldn’t be any nobles around, or courtly intrigue or gossip…In fact, I think you might enjoy being stranded more than palace life.”
“You never know”
Drake and Emma were both still grinning at each other, leaning towards each other, Drake noticing how her eyes were sparkling, before Maxwell cleared his throat and the moment was over.
“Right! Okay, Maxwell, you’re turn. Truth or Dare?” Emma asked
Once again, she chose me. She always chooses me. I wonder if I will ever be able to do the same?
“Dealer’s choice! I’m not afraid of anything!” Maxwell told her
Emma nodded. “Okay then…Tell us a secret that no one else knows about you.”
“Aw, I’m an open book! Everyone knows everything about me!”
Drake rose an eyebrow. “Nope.”
“Not true at all.” Emma agreed.
“We know almost nothing about you!” Hana joined in.
Maxwell looked between the three of them, confused. “Well, all anyone ever had to do was ask. Okay, let’s see…I hate carousels.”
“Really?” Emma asked incredulously. “I thought everyone loved carousels”
Maxwell shook his head. “When I was little, the royal court took all the kids to a theme park for the Prince’s birthday. But when we were on the carousel, some reporters got in and mobbed us. The security team did their best to get us all out of there, but I was the last one they got to. So, I was stuck on this dumb carousel for what seemed like forever with people taking pictures and shouting questions to me. I was only 3…I had no idea what was really going on. And because our parents had spent so much time trying to warn us about dangers, I thought I was about to get murdered.”
“I’m fine. It was a long time ago.”
Maxwell laughed. “Geez, this is why I don’t like to talk about serious stuff. I’m fine, you guys! Just forget it! Next up…Hana…truth or dare?”
“Tell us about your first kiss.”
“My first kiss? Well…it was actually a very chaste courtship. Our first kiss was in front of a professional photographer for our engagement photo shoot. My parents were insistent that we publish a very public announcement in all the papers. It was…somewhat awkward.”
“He wasn’t a great kisser?” Emma asked, sympathetically.
“He missed.”
“He…missed? How?” Drake piped in
Hana shrugged. “He kissed my ear. Well, he punctured his lip on my earring, actually. He started bleeding. I felt terrible. My parents were furious that he ruined my dress. It was a complete disaster.”
Emma’s jaw dropped “Hana…You deserved a better first kiss than that!”
Hana smiled. “Thank you, Emma, but it wasn’t so bad. Looking back, it was actually pretty funny. I mean, who can miss that badly on a kiss?”
“Ha! I know what you mean. What a loser…” Maxwell said, not making eye contact with anyone.
“Maxwell…” Drake warned. “It’s called truth or dare for a reason.”
He threw his hands up. “Okay, maybe I accidentally kissed someone’s chin but that’s like, a totally understandable mistake, right? I mean, it’s right below the mouth…”
“Heehee. Yes, that’s completely normal” Hana assured him.
“But there’s all kinds of first kisses, Hana.” Emma said. Everyone looked at her, surprised.
“What?” She asked. “It’s true! When you kiss someone for the first time, it’s like getting that first kiss back.”
“I…don’t understand.” Hana said, eyebrows furrowed.
Emma laughed. “Okay, well. When you meet someone, and hang out, for example. Maybe you even become best friends with that person…”
Oh no. What is she doing? Is she going to tell them??
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She continued “The first time you and that person kiss…it can be magical. There’s passion, heat, want, need,…sometimes even love.” She ended in a whisper, eyes downcast.
Drake swallowed and felt his face flush. She wasn’t giving anything about the two of them away, hell, she wasn’t even looking at him, but he might draw attention if he didn’t stop blushing. But as he tended to do around her, he couldn’t stop himself from trying to make her feel better.
“Yes…there is that.” Drake agreed softly. Emma rose her eyes to look into his, and the vulnerability there took his breath away. She had never looked at him like that before. It made him want to run to her and scoop her into his arms.
“This is getting too heavy.” Maxwell announced. “My turn again.  Emma, I dare you to go streak through the ballroom in your underwear!”
“That’s not fair! It’s not her turn!” Hana laughed
“Yeah, and she didn’t even choose ‘dare.’” Drake told him.
Maxwell sighed. “Well, someone should streak tonight, or this game is a bust. Come now, Emma, it’s your game. Who will it be?”
And here it comes.
“Drake” She chose
Yup. There it is. Every time.
He shook his head, trying to hide his smile, and the friends make their way to the now empty ballroom
“The things I do for you people.” He grumbled as he removed his clothes. He takes a deep breath and sprints through the room.
“Woo! Go Drake!” Emma shouted
Drake sprints back and stops in front of the three of them. “Satisfied?”
“Yep! Now what?” Maxwell asked.
“I’m going to join in!” Emma exclaimed. She tugs off her clothes. “We can’t make Drake be the only one. Come on, Hana!”
Hmm. A black bra this time. Very nice….dammit, stop staring.
“Okay! It does look fun!” Hana agreed.  She pulls off her clothes. “Let’s go!”
“Maxwell?” Emma asked.
“I’ll be the photographer.”
“Maxwell!” She scolded.
“I mean, I’ll stand guard!”
Carrying their clothes, Emma, Drake, and Hana take off running around the ballroom.
“Wooo!” Emma screams
“Freeeeeeedom!” Drake called out, smiling from ear to ear.
“Truth or dare!” Hana shouted.
They race back to Maxwell and back to Hana’s room…where they collapse on the bed, laughing and panting, before they get dressed.
“I can’t believe we just did that!” Hana laughed
Drake nodded “Ah, the magic of truth or dare.”
“This was so much fun tonight! Thank you!”
“Any time” Emma told her.
Maxwell just shrugged. “You know me, I don’t need much of an excuse to party.”
“I’m in…still not sure why I came this time, but I guess I’d do it again.” Drake said.
“Oh my gosh, Drake, I think we’re graduating from friends to best friends!” Hana exclaimed.
Drake held his hands in front of him. “Whoa whoa whoa…Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Maxwell clapped him on the shoulder. “I dunno, man. We all drink together, goof off together, spend most of our time together…”
Hana hugs Drake’s arm. “It’s too late Drake. We are best friends!”
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Drake frowned. “I guess I’m just going to have to accept this, huh?”
Emma smiled. “It’s probably for the best. You could do much worse than the three of us.”
Drake chuckled.  “That’s true, isn’t it?” He sighs. “Okay. You got me.”
“Yay!” Maxwell cheered
“Yay!” Hana agreed
“Please tell me this isn’t a thing we do now.” Drake said, looking over at Emma.
“Drake…yay!” Emma exclaimed with a laugh.
“I’m surrounded.” Drake grimaced.
“But in a good way, right?” Maxwell asked.
“I said what I said.” Drake told him
Just then, Hana stifles a massive yawn.
Maxwell nodded at her. “Okay, we should probably call it a night before we break Hana…” Everyone stands up and starts making their goodbyes.
“Goodnight! This has been a very memorable evening!” Hana called
“Good night, guys.” Drake said
“G’night!” Emma grinned
They dispersed in the hallway, and once Maxwell was out of sight Emma turned back to Drake.
“You didn’t say goodbye last night” She accused
“I…you’re right. I’m sorry, Rose.”
Both her eyebrows shot up. “Oh! I wasn’t expecting it to be that easy.”
Drake just shrugged. “I know when I’m in the wrong. Besides, it took most of the party to get you to warm back up to me.”
They started walking down the hall again, and after a brief pause, the question that had been coursing through him the whole day came tumbling out.
“How was your date with Liam?”
Emma stopped walking and turned to look at him again slowly. “How did you know about that?” She asked
“Erm…I…ran into Liam as I was leaving last night.” Drake admitted.
The corners of her mouth turned up slightly and she resumed walking again. Drake walked alongside her, still waiting for an answer. He shuddered. Maybe it went a little too well.
“Well, this is me.” She said, stopping in front of a door and unlocking it.
“Right…” Drake said.
“Drake…if you had actually stuck around another 5 minutes last night, you would know…I didn’t go on a date with Liam.”
“Wh-what? But he said…” Drake started, confused
“You talked to him before he came inside. I told him I was too tired from party prep. I thought Bertrand was going to have a heart attack.” She laughed.
Drake was still just standing there, completely dumbfounded. “Why did you say that?” He asked incredulously.
She just smiled and turned to open her door. Once inside, she turned to close it again.
“Because I’d just had the most magical first kiss of my entire life.” She said softly. “And I wanted to go dream about it as soon as I could.”
Drake’s mouth fell open at her confession. She smirked at him and started closing her door. “Goodnight, Drake.”
The door clicked shut, leaving Drake still standing there in the hallway with his mouth agape.
Did that just happen? What the…what does that…how am I…do I knock and see if she lets me in? No, no, I definitely can’t do that…oh my god, the coronation. The coronation is next, and Liam is going to choose her.
He turned slowly and started shuffling to his room. He’ll ask her to marry him…and no one says no to Liam…although…she said no to the date…Fuck! Now what? I need to make sure she knows how I feel about her. Otherwise…I think I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.
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imaginashon · 7 years
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A quick drabble (mostly dialogue) of how Milo and Melissa met Zack on the Hogwarts Express, on their first year at the School. The actual stories I have take place when they’re all 13, but I’ll have some one-shots about Milo’s life leading up to his first day of school. This AU will have some inaccuracies with JK Rowling’s universe from her books, but that’s what AUs and parodies are for ;) 
Most of the booths on the train were either filled or contained children who were familiar with Milo’s condition. He was used to doors closing moments before he arrived, so he never took any heed and would continue onwards.
“I didn’t realize there were so many wizards and witches who went to school,” Melissa whispered in awe as she followed her best friend down the corridor. “Oh there’s a ton of us,” Milo said with a smile. “We just know how to look normal to the rest of the world. Some muggles could get hurt, scared or just treat us like freaks and experiment on us. At least that’s what Grampa used to say. He said they did it in the Great War.” “That’s horrible.” “Yeah, but you can’t blame ‘em. I’d probably be scared too if I didn’t know how to handle myself in the face of the unknown.” The eleven-year-olds continued down the corridor of booths until they finally came to one that was occupied only by a little boy and a cream-coloured cat, which was fast asleep on the racks above his head. He was quietly playing a game on his hand-held video game console, oblivious to the two peeping heads in the doorway. “Hiya!” Milo said, catching the boy’s attention. “Is this your first year at Hogwarts too?”
The dark hair child blinked a few times and nodded his head.
“D’you mind if we sit with you? There’s no more room in the other cars.”
“Sure,” Came the meek response.
Milo walked in first, his fluffy kitten in tow. The animal leaped up onto the seat and made its way across to the window, meowing as it did. Melissa followed in closely behind, excitement still in her eyes about her destination.
“I’m Milo,” Milo said, holding out his hand to the boy. “Milo Murphy.”
The boy reached out and shook his hand. “I’m Zack Underwood,” he said with a smile.
Melissa reached out next. “Melissa Chase,” she greeted. “Nice to meet you, Zack.”
“Pleasure’s mine,” Zack replied. He closed his video game and watched as the other two settled in, and then pointed up at his cat. “That’s Lucky Noodle.”
Milo picked up his kitten and held it out as he sat down across from Zack. “This is Diogee,” he said. “I got him in Diagon Alley.”
The kitten meowed loudly. Zack’s pet wiggled an ear and opened an eye, meowing in response to the kitten.
“I have a barn owl named Cuddles,” Melissa said, setting her cage next to her. “I would have brought my dad’s dalmatian, but he’s too big and Dad wants him at work with him.”
“What does he do?” Zack asked.
“He’s a firefighter!” Melissa said proudly. “The Chief, as a matter of fact.”
Zack raised his eyebrows. “You’re dad’s a muggle?”
“That’s neat. Is your mom too?”
“It’s just me and my dad but yeah, he said she was too.”
“Cool, I’ve never met a Muggle-born before.” Zack leaned over. “When did you find out you were a witch?”
“When I was ten!” Melissa beamed. She pointed at Milo. “We went to the same school, but he’s always known he was a wizard. His whole family is magical!”
“My magic is sorta buggy because of Murphy’s Law, though, just a warning,” Milo said. He added, off of Zack’s confused look, “Murphy Curse. All the men in my family line have it. Means anything that can go wrong, will go wrong around me.”
As if on cue, the train jerked and the whole car jumped, sending the children bouncing into the air with yelps. Trunks, backpacks and cages crashed to the ground in every booth, and owls screeched.
Zack, having tumbled to the floor, shook some sense into his head and looked up at Milo. “Whoa,” he said, both in awe and in worry. “And you just live with it?”
Milo held out his hand and helped Zack up. “Yep,” he said.
“Don’t you ever get--” They hit another bump and went flying. Zack grabbed onto the seat as they landed again and tensed. “--Scared?” he said, beginning to get uncomfortable with the situation. “Curses are really bad. My dad says so. He works with them. He’s a curse breaker.”
Melissa gasped. “Maybe HE could break the curse on your family, Milo!” she said excitedly, bouncing in place.
Milo shook his head. “You can’t break this one, Melissa, I’ve already told you,” he said. “It’s just always been there. That’s what my dad said.”
The train bounced again. Milo pulled out three seatbelts from his backpack and gave one to the other two, keeping the third for himself. “They magically connect to the seats, so buckle in,” he said, snapping it over his waist.
Melissa happily did as she was told, although Zack did it hastily in fear of being tossed again. “This is crazy,” he said.
“You get used to it,” Melissa said, reaching over and patting his shoulder.
“You guys don’t get scared of bad stuff always happening?”
“Well, sometimes,” Milo confessed, as he scratched his scar. “But if I always got scared, I wouldn’t leave my room, and then I’d be missing out on all the good stuff life has to offer. And Magic just makes it even more amazing!”
“Where’d you get that scar?” Zack said, pointing at Milo’s forehead. “Did Murphy’s Law give it to you?”
Milo looked up at his M-shaped scar and shook his head. “No, I was born with that,” he said. “All the Murphy men have an M-shaped scar somewhere on them.” He held up his right hand. “My dad has his right here, on the palm of his hand. And my cousin has it on the opposite side of his forehead from mine. Grampa had it on the left side of his chest, and my uncle has his on his left shoulder blade.” Milo shrugged. “Dad says it means we have the Murphy Curse.”
“Were you scratchin’ it cuz it was burnin’?”
“No. I was scratchin it cuz I had an itch there.”
Zack leaned back against the seat, still tense. “I might need to think about all of this,” he said, nervously rubbing his hands together. “I kinda like to stay on the safe side of things. No offense.”
“None taken,” Milo smiled. “You’ve got the whole train ride to make up your mind!”
Melissa poked Zack in the shoulder, making him whisper “ow” and rub it. “In my honest opinion, I think you should consider spicing up your life a bit, Zack,” she said.
Zack seemed to take offense to this, and he puffed up his chest. “Who says my life isn’t spicy already?” he scoffed.
“You just said you liked staying on the safe side of things.”
“So? I know how to have fun!” Zack crossed his arms and lifted his nose in the air. “I’m not afraid to have some excitement in my life!”
“Well, you’re in luck then,” Milo said, just as the train made a nasty jerk. “I think our car just came loose from the rest of the train.”
Zack and Melissa rushed to the window and glued their faces against the glass, staring out to the end of the car. Sure enough, the train and most of the other cars were taking off without them, as theirs began to lose speed.
“What?!” Zack exclaimed, pulling on his hair. “We can’t miss the train ride! We won’t know how to get through the magical shield around Hogwarts! My parents are gonna ground me for the entire summer if I tell them I missed my first day of class--or ALL days!”
“Relax!” Melissa said, patting his back. “It ain’t all that bad!”
“How is this not bad?” Zack snapped. “We just lost the rest of the train!”
“True,” Milo agreed, “But the snack lady is on our car.”
He pointed out the door, and sure enough a little old witch was pushing a candy cart by, stopping in front of their booth while looking around in shock. She turned to the children and pointed at Milo. “You a Murphy?” she asked.
Milo beamed. “Sure am!” he said.
“Ah, that would explain it then.” She pointed her wand at her feet and two chains appeared, snapping her in place. She looked at Melissa and Zack. “You may want to get back in your seats, children,” she said with a wink. “Things are about to get a little bumpy.”
“Bumpy in a good or bad way?” Zack asked as he and Melissa did as they were told.
The old lady smiled. “My dear boy, these are the Murphys,” she said. “There’s only bumpy in an extreme way.”
“Omigosh,” Zack whimpered, throwing his hoodie over his face. “Why’d I let you sit with me?”
“Because you needed a bit of excitement in your life!” Melissa said, slapping his back.
“Whether I do or not, we still don’t know how we’re getting back to the darn train!”
Milo pulled out a book. “Life has a strange way of working out, Zack,” he said. “Also, today just happens to be a very windy sort of day outside.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Zack said.
The car jerked once more, only this time propeling itself forward at an alarming speed on the tracks. Children throughout the car cried out in surprise, and some even cheered.
Zack and Melissa were yanked forward, and would have fallen off of their seats had they not been buckled in. Milo only sunk into his seat, eyes on his book as he turned the page. “It means younger dragons are practicing flying,” Milo replied without looking up.
Zack’s eyes widened again, only this time, not in horror. Milo looked up momentarily to see his reaction, grinned and pointed out the window. As all eyes turned towards it, a young dragon soared clumsily by, roaring like a baby lion, flapping its wings as hard as it could. Two more followed it.
“The gusts of wind from their wings are propelling us forwards fast enough that we’ll be back on the train in no time,” Milo said, going back to his book.
Zack squeaked. “Dragons?” he whispered in awe.
Milo laughed on the inside. Zack was a very anxious boy, and it may take him time to warm up to Murphy’s Law, but this was a sign that their meeting was heading in the right direction.
Now to get through the school year without losing either of them.
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ally-the-turtle · 7 years
Titan! Eren X Reader: Still Human
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Warning: FLUFF
You, Y/N L/N, were known as the Captain's daughter even though you two weren't related in any way. Yes, you and Levi are super close. He saved you in Shiganshima District when the Colossal Titan breached the wall. Your parents died, crushed by your heavy house so you were left alone, facing those horrible titans. Luckily though, you were quite the trickster and not to mention a pretty good fighter, so you knew how to hide and potentially set traps here and there for the titans. However, big as they are, your tricks never caused much damage so you mostly hid from them. When you climbed on a roof next to a 13 meter chimney, you saw that the chimney had a huge hole in it; if someone or something were to push it, it would break and fall directly. Smart as you were, you used your spare fire crackers and placed them around it. You waited until a 5 meter class titan got close enough and lit them up, causing a big explosion and the chimney fell right onto the nasty titan. Oh you were happy all right, and Levi witnessed it all with his very own grey eyes. He was impressed. He came up to you and brought you to Erwin.
And that's how you joined the Scouting Legion. Levi trained you, fed you and most importantly: he cared for you. You two had grown a strong bond together as well as with Petra, Oluo, Hanji and the rest of the Scouting Legion. They were your new family.
Speaking of Shiganshima District, that's where you met the suicidal bastard, a.k.a Eren Jeager. You met him when he was in a conflict with 3 bullies. He was about to punch the blond spiky haired one until you threw a smoke bomb and dragged Eren away. He was pissed and you two argued for a short while until he had calmed down. Mikasa and Armin joined you two soon after. You four hung out a lot and got to know each other quite well. However, you and Eren would sneak away from your families to hang out together and that's when you started developing feelings for him. His bravery and determination inspired you to continue fighting in life and help those who needed. Sadly, you got separated from him when the wall has been breached.
(A/N: You guys can imagine how you and Eren reunited cuz I'm too lazy to write :P)
Your reunion with Eren was the best thing ever. You felt complete again, you felt like the world has given you the best gift you could ever have.
"Oi! Y/N-saaaaan!" Hanji called, bringing you back to reality. "I need your help with something!"
You got out of your room and followed the crazy woman that you learned to love. "What do you need help with Hanji?"
"I want to test Eren's strength out with you as the test subject!" She replied as you two walked to the back door leading you to the outside where Eren stood, looking at the big blue sky. You looked at him up and down until he noticed your presence.
"Ohayo Y/N! Good to see you." Eren greeted you with a small smile.
"Ohayo Eren." You smiled back at him and then looked back at Hanji. "What do you want me to do exactly?"
"Oh nothing complicated really~ You and titan Eren will spend the rest of the day together and you'll have to report to me everything with the smallest details! Simple huh?" She explained with a big smile on her face. You lightly blush at the thought of being with Eren for the rest of the day.
"How will that test my strength?" Eren asked.
"I'm not testing your strength, I'm testing your ability to control it. Since you care SO MUCH for our dear Y/N, you wouldn't want her to get crushed by those big hand of yours now do you? With you two together, I'm sure you can control that amazing titan strength of yours~"
You sweatdropped upon hearing her plan but then smiled since you'll be spending quality time with the boy you love. You and Eren glanced at each other with the same 'wtf' look and then shrugged.
"Alright Eren! Transform!" Hanji yelled out majestically.
Eren nodded and bit his hand hard. A yellow lighting bolt shot at Eren and you saw his figure growing and growing until he reached 15 meters high. The dust cleared to reveal Eren's hot titan body.
'Oh my god those abs!!' You screamed in your head while holding back a nosebleed.
"Have fun you two~ And don't forget to report to me EVERYTHING okay?" Hanji said before leaving you and Eren alone outside.
"Well this'll be... Interesting?" You said out loud and looked up at Eren.
He bent down and placed his hand on the ground, his palm facing upwards for you to stand on. You got the idea and stepped on it, he brought you close to his face until you could reach out to touch his nose. You gently caressed his nose and you heard him groan in satisfaction which made you giggle.
"Eren? Do you think we could go hide in the forest? I like it there and I don't really want the others to see us, especially Levi." You asked him and he nodded.
He placed you on his toned shoulder where you held onto a big strand of his hair for support and he ran off into the woods. You looked up to see Eren's titan facial features and boy was it hard to hold that nosebleed; for a titan, he was pretty freaking handsome. That long chocolate colored hair, that toned torso, those muscles, those abs and that nice booty. Ah yes, his fineass booty was impressive. But what really made you go crazy was his beautiful teal green eyes. You would always get lost in them, like you were in a trance and you found yourself staring at him instensily. He noticed you and looked directly in your eyes. You squeaked and used his strand of hair to hide your blushing face.
After you two got far enough into the forest, he sat down against a tree to rest. You sat down on his shoulder and leaned your head against his jawline. He brought a hand closer to your face and stuck out his index finger to rub your head, messing up your hair in the process.
"O-Oi! I just brushed them Ereeeeen!" You whined and he stopped for you to rearrange them yourself. He looked at you tying them up in a high ponytail and he internally smiled to himself.
When you were done, he gently grabbed you and brought you to his pretty face. You reached your hands out and pressed them against his nose, smiling. He closed his eyes and focused of your skin making contact with his warm one.
"You know, your like a big teddy bear Eren." You giggled. "Even as a big titan, your still just as awesome as human!"
He opened his eyes and looked at you in disbelief . You furrowed your eyebrows after understanding what he was trying to tell you. You had heard him complain about his titan form and how he was frustrated to be the thing that he hated the most.
"No Eren, you're not a monster! THEY're the real monsters, not you! You may look like them but you aren't them and you know why? Because you're still human whatsoever! You're no threat to humans and those who thinks so are mindless idiots who have no idea about how you can be a real sweetheart!" You told him while looking deeply in his teal green eyes. "Honestly, I really like your titan form. You look... Seriously badass~ You're a hero Eren, at least to me you are." You finished with a shy smile and blush spread across your cheeks.
Eren stared at you in complete shock. He never expected you to say such nice things about him. You called him a 'sweetheart' for God's sake! He lowly growled and nuzzled his face closer to your petite body.
'Thank you Y/N...' he thought.
You hugged his nose, giving it a small gentle kiss and caressed it. He enjoyed and growled in satisfaction.
He brought his finger to your face, holding back the maximum of his strength, and gently stroked your cheek. It felt simply AMAZING and so freaking ROMANTIC you could just DIE from extreme happiness.
"Eren... I want to be honest with you." You started.
"Rrrr?" He growled questionably.
"I... I love you. I really really do, ever since I got to know you better when we were kids. Once I got past your hot-headed side, I got to see that... Kind and sweet side of yours and I couldn't help but f-fall for you!" You confessed while looking in his beautiful eyes. "I LOVE YOU EREN JAEGER!!" You yelled with closed eyes.
The wind blew through your hair and you felt something wet on your face. You open your eyes to see Eren licking your cheek with the tip of his tongue and nuzzling his face even closer to your small body until you could practically lay on it. He groaned in a rather happy tone to send you the message that he felt the same way about you.
"Eh? Our feelings are mutual??" You asked, a wide grin spread on your face with sparkles in your eyes. He nodded and you hugged his nose. "Oh I'm so glad! I love you!"
He groaned in response and you two stayed in your position with his big face nuzzled close on your small figure until sundown. You two glanced at each other and nodded before starting to get back to HQ with you sitting on his muscular shoulder.
"Will Mikasa be okay with this? She's not entirely fond of me." You asked him. "I don't even know why too! Do you know by any chance?" He nodded in response of your question. "Could you tell me once we're back?" He nodded again and you smiled at him. "Thanks~"
Once you two got back, Levi and Hanji got Eren out of his titan form and brought him to the infirmary bed to rest. It had been at least 3 hours since then and you were sitting on your bed in your room, reading a book and you suddenly heard a knock on your door.
"Come in." You said, looking up from your book to see the one and only Levi walking up to you, his arms crossed and the same stoic expression.
"So you two are a thing now huh?" He said.
"O-oh yeah we are... You're not mad, are you?" You asked him and he sighed.
"I knew from the start he had thing for you. It was damn obvious."
"I may be old but I'm not blind."
"Oh come on, 34 is not really what you can call 'old'. I'd consider it as middle-aged!"
"Hmm. Anyway, I accept you two dating, however don't let it interrupt your mission and if I catch you two slacking off, they will be consequences. Understood?"
"No worries Levi~ Oh! Does that mean Eren can call you 'father' too?"
"Don't get ahead of yourself, brat."
You laughed at your own joke and walked out of your bed and held your arms out as if asking for a hug. He sighed and uncrossed his arms, bringing you in for a hug. You two were exactly the same size, so hugging wasn't a problem. Imagine being taller than him and hugging him, guess what he would end up looking at instead of your face?
"If only we could spend more time together like we did in the old days." You said.
"You're growing Y/N, and with titan's roaming around in this world, we won't always be together." He told you while stroking your hair. He'd learnt to do that after seeing many fathers doing it to their own daughters and boy are you glad he did.
"I know. Thanks for everything... Father." You thanked him after you two pulled away from each other.
"Oi, you sound like you're about to leave in a minute. Relax." He said. "Anyway, Eren's awake."
Your eyes brightened up and you ran to the infirmary room. After stopping at the front of the door, you took a deep breath in and knocked on the door. He called you in and so you did. There he lay, sitting on the bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. Your eyes sparkled and you tackled him down on his bed with a hug.
"E-Easy, Y/N." He said and you pulled away but kept your arms around his neck.
"Hehe gomen. I'm just so happy to see human you!" You told him.
"It does feel good to be normal again I guess." He smiled. "Did you really mean everything you said back there?" He asked, averting his eyes from you.
"Yes, I did. I love you Eren!" You repeated.
He looked in your eyes and brought a hand up to rest on your cheek while the other snaked around your waist. He slowly closed the space between your lips and his, his eyelids slowly close until your lips met. He slightly tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss as it got more passionate. Your fingers get tangled in his brown locks and he brought you closer to his warm body. The kiss was so passionate you could feel all of his feelings being poured into it. Love was the main feeling, mixed with a bit of lust.
You love him. Whether he's a Titan shifter or not, his heart will always be human.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well today was fairly good I suppose. My emotions were somewhat blah sometimes but other times they were ok, so that's something at least. But yeah, alarm went off at 7 and I convinced myself to get out of bed by 7:01 (okay, it just turned 7:02 when I stood up) and did the whole normal morning thing, got to my office and started on the work my boss gave me yesterday for today because she was gonna be out in the field for most of the day. It was two unfounded packets and then two permanency hearings for next week. The first unfounded packet was kind of questionable, it was against the natural mom who apparently let a cousin who has sexually abused the oldest daughter come to some visits, but they unfounded because he was supposedly never alone with the kids (which is shitty rationale IMO) and because the outcry wasn't completely trustworthy because the girl has developmental delays and couldn't come up with a set timeline. But at least hopefully that issue is dealt with. The second one was sadder, but not because of the actual situation, where two little girls were saying that their otherwise perfect record foster parents who they'd been with for two years out of nowhere started beating them, and everyone involved pretty much agreed their mother had put them up to that because she's disrupted the placements of her (apparently numerous) other kids in the system multiple times before just like that. And of course they got moved because of it and it just made me sad. So very selfish. But with those done I moved onto the permanency hearings, two older kids, one of which has been on run but is now considered to be off run but in an "unauthorized placement" because she's living with her boyfriend, but she's like, 17, so she really shouldn't be. We need to do a visit with her at some point before court so I tried calling the like 3 numbers listed on her sheet and got no answers, left a message at one at least. That was a dependency case coming in. The second came in as an abuse case but kind of became a dependency one, the younger kids were returned home but because of the older son's mental problems he wasn't and was given a goal of independence. Apparently he has a fairly low IQ (somewhere in the 70's I think) and very defiant behavior to just about everyone, but it looks like he managed to just graduate from high school, so that's good at least. So I prepped their forms depending on their cases and then sometime around then it became lunch time. It was one of the ladies on the calendars birthday, so we had ordered out from her favorite Greek place (she's like, hardcore Greek) and all ate in the lead attorney's office. My actual boss still wasn't there, but it was kind of nice to just sit and talk to the other attys, we have a women on our calendar which is kind of cool, and they were ragging on one of the ASA's who apparently has a bit of a sexist side, so that was good to now. But yeah, mostly we just laughed and had a good time and I enjoyed it. The gyro I got was pretty good, and only minimally hurt my stomach (unfortunately expected) but I just felt super full for the rest of the day, even though I didn't finish it. Back to work after lunch, just dealing with some other files and reading through the last reports on the TPR prep. There was apparently a rather in depth one I hadn't seen yet that was critical in changing the goal for the second kid, it was quite the insight into the parenting skills of the second father who looked half decent on paper but apparently had quite a ways to go in reality (he was asked like, if his kid was returned home to him (not that he ever lived with him to begin with) how he would deal with him being sick and he said something about his temperature would be office if it was like "in the 90s or 100s" because he thought normal was "in the 80s" so, yeah). So that was a good final piece to that puzzle. I looked through a big file twice trying to find an appointment order to attach to a criminal investigation unit request, but it was not in there, so I ended up having to request the paralegal fetch it for me tomorrow (I mean, I know how to do so myself, but the lawyer I was doing it for said to have the paralegal do it, and he's really cool, so it works). I might've worked on some other little things at some point but I think that was most of it. I played a little candy crush at the end of the day before heading out like 10 minutes early to hopefully catch the 5:03 bus to get home a little earlier, because I had a limited amount of time to get something done before I had PT at 7. So I knew my Amazon rental textbooks were due sometime at the end of this month, and it's been like in my mind this entire time, I'd been saving boxes for them, but never actually got around to just boxing them up, printing a label and bringing them to the UPS store. I know it's getting late in the month though so last night I checked online when the deadline was, and oh look, it's today, and the UPS store closes at 7. Well. I guess traffic was good because I actually managed to get off the bus by 6:08, which is impressive, and thankfully gave me more much needed time. I ended up having to use two boxes, one of which was a USPS flat rate box that somebody sent me something in but I was like you know what I'm just gonna slap the UPS label on it and hope nobody notices 😂 so I leave with the two boxes in my cart at like 6:45 (they weighed like 15 pounds between them, so I knew carrying them wouldn't end well cuz I've been down that path before), then walked to the UPS store in town and dropped them off quickly, then walked the rest of the way down the street to PT (I'm forever grateful to live so close to so many crucial places). I was back with my original guy today for the first time after his Europe trip, and he took a bit of a different approach today because some of my muscles were still super tight, so he asked if I would be willing to try this thing called dry needling, which is like sort of acupuncture but not but basically sets off a twitch response in the muscle and supposedly sets it back to its baseline if it was being under or over active (or at least that's how it was explained to me). I wasn't a huge fan of the idea, but my back has still been killing me after weeks of PT, like over a month now, so I said what the hell I've dealt with worse and went with it. It wasn't too bad actually, I couldn't really feel them going in but then when they hit the muscle there's like this dull achy cramp feeling that's not pleasant at all, but it doesn't last very long and you can like physically feel the muscle release. I think he only had to do it like 3 times and it really released, so that was good. We tried some slightly adjusted exercises after that and by the time I got out of there it was almost 8:30. I already had my cart with me and we ran out of toilet paper last night (again) so I ran over to jewel across the street, and also grabbed eggs and milk because I was out of those, a few yogurts, two frozen meals with meat in them, a bottle of Advil since I almost ran out, and of course a giant thing of toilet paper. I could like, barely shove it all into my cart but it just fit. I was pretty tired at this point but I wanted some damn ice cream so I walked back down the street and waited in line at the ice cream place. I was gonna get the peach Melba frozen yogurt again that I've been getting lately that's really good and makes me feel slightly less guilty, but then I saw that they had black cherry (it's one of their rotating flavors and I hadn't seen it in a while) which is like, one of my all time favorites, so at the last minute I switched and went with that). By the time I got home after that it was like, 9:10, but I made some eggs (now that I had more) and sat down to watch the second episode of the keepers, being that I said I'd keep with it, and holy shit, you can definitely say I'm hooked now. Like the episode was absolutely horrifying to watch because it mostly consisted of these women describing the heinous sexual abuse they were subjected to as children at the hands of the priests at their school, then ends with this giant bombshell that strongly indicates they had something to do with the murder of the nun who two of the girls had confided in, which was the tagline that originally got me interested in the series. Well, I'm all in now, for sure. And yeah, sometime after that I called it a night and got ready for bed. During the day I was of course obsessively checking my grades since tomorrow is the grade deadline, and at some point discovered I got an A- in crim pro II. I was slightly disappointed with this, but I also know I shouldn't be because that class was literally all ASA's and PD's and then there was just me, the person from juvenile court who just likes criminal law, so of course the curve was gonna be harder, and I still beat out a hell of a lot of people who intend on doing that for a living. So I know I shouldn't be disappointed with it, but I still can't help being a little bit. I'm just really hoping I pulled off that A in LARC now, but I really don't know. Still waiting on that damn grade. I would be surprised if I got less than an A-, but I'll probably be pretty mad if I do get an A- just because I worked so damn hard in that class and it was such a pain in my ass. Plus, going from last semester getting 3 A's and 1 A- to 3 A-'s and 1 A doesn't sit well with me as far as keeping my class rank, which was the goal here the whole time (I mean, top 10% just has such a nice ring to it.....sigh). But I guess we'll see. That grade just better get damn posted tomorrow, she's had our appellate briefs for over a month now and there's only like 13 of us in the class, you really have no excuse for blowing the grade deadline (especially with all the shit they supposedly hammer into us about the importance of meeting deadlines). So yeah, hopefully we'll find out on that tomorrow. Okay, that's all I got. Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Tonight was also officially 1 week since I started my new med, which means it was time to up it to 2 a day instead of 1, per my doctor's instructions, so hopefully that won't wreak too much havoc on my brain (I really hope so, anyway). Okay, really done now. Goodnight baes. Stay beautiful.
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