#most powerful song in the Zelda canon. to me.
sage-nebula · 1 month
I am a simple woman. I hear the opening notes to the Oath to Order; I get chills down my spine.
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doomed-era · 2 years
Deities/Deity-like Figures of Zelda
I've noticed a common trend in the Zelda community where most deities aside from the ones mentioned in Skyward Sword are rarely brought up or discussed, and I think that's really a shame. Hyrule is implied to be very polytheistic and has a multitude of less frequently mentioned gods and godlike beings. Here's a list of all the gods I'm aware of in alphabetical order, as well as a short description. Some of this will be based on my own headcanons and opinions, but if there's anything you want to add on or that I missed please let me know!
As an additional warning—This contains major spoilers for Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening, Phantom Hourglass, and Twilight Princess. Proceed with caution!
A wind god who creates cyclones, featured in The Wind Waker. According to The King of Red Lions, he bears some ill will towards humans, and will mock Link if he is trapped in one of his cyclones. After defeating him, Link receives the Ballad of Gales, which allows him to control cyclones. Cyclos's brother is Zephos, another wind god.
The ruler of demons, featured primarily in Skyward Sword. He tried to attain the Triforce, but was imprisoned by Hylia under a magical seal. He is permanently destroyed in Skyward Sword's present day, but his servant Ghirahim travels into the past and revives him using Hylia's spirit. He is defeated, and his consciousness is sealed into the Master Sword.
The Golden Goddess of Power, primarily featured in Ocarina of Time. She appears in Oracle of Seasons as an oracle, and in Minish Cap as an NPC. She is mentioned or referenced in The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword. Dinraal the dragon from Breath of the Wild is likely a reference to her, as well as a crest featured in Memory #1, but she is not directly referred to or featured in Breath of the Wild. Din along with the other Golden Goddesses created the world (or Hyrule, as is stated in Ocarina of Time, however we are assuming that Hyrule is referring to the entire world despite canonical countries outside of Hyrule), and left the Triforce behind.
Earth God
Mentioned in a learnable song in The Wind Waker, the Earth God's Lyric.
The Golden Goddess of Courage, featured primarily in Ocarina of Time. She appears in Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages as an oracle, and in The Minish Cap as an NPC. She is mentioned or referenced in The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, and the dragon Farosh in Breath of the Wild is likely a reference to her. Her symbol is on a Triforce crest in Breath of the Wild Memory #1. She, along with the other Golden Goddesses, created the world and left the Triforce behind.
Fierce Deity
A god featured in Majora's Mask. He is a powerful deity that assumedly was turned into a mask. Link can wear this mask to transform into the Fierce Deity.
Four Giants
Guardian Deities of Termina. Link's journey in Majora's Mask is to find and summon the Four Giants to prevent the moon from falling.
Frog Deities
Guardian deities of the Sheikah, featured in Breath of the Wild. The Sheikah and the Yiga will bring offerings to these deities and they are frequent around Sheikah and Yiga occupied areas.
Goddess of Time
Featured in Majora's Mask. As the moon falls down on Clock Town, Tatl cries out for the Goddess of Time to save them. This prayer may have been answered, as Link relearns the Song of Time to travel three days into the past.
Goddess of Sand
Featured in Ocarina of Time. The Desert Colossus is mentioned by Sheik to be a "goddess of sand."
Featured in Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild. Appointed to guard the Triforce, Hylia orchestrated the events of Skyward Sword as an attempt to stop Demise. While trying to save the surface world, she sent hylians to Skyloft while staying and fighting alongside the other races in an attempt to defeat Demise. She was then killed, and reincarnated years later in the form of a mortal girl, Zelda from Skyward Sword. In Breath of the Wild, she is a deity worshipped in most settlements. It is believed that women of the royal bloodline can pray to Hylia to unlock a sealing power. The Sheikah seem to revere her highly.
Light Spirits
Featured in Twilight Princess. The light spirits Ordona, Faron, Eldin, and Lanayru guard Hyrule "at the behest of the gods," and seem to reside at springs in their respective provinces. They prevented the Interlopers, the ancestors of the Twili, from using the Triforce and sealed them into the Twilight Realm. In the final encounter with Ganondorf, Princess Zelda calls (or even prays) for aid, and they provide her with Light Arrows.
Lord Jabu-Jabu/Jabun
A fish deity worshipped by the Zora in Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Ages. He eats the Princess of the Zora, Ruto, and is infected by a parasite that is defeated by Link. Jabun, who is likely related to him (or could possibly be him) is featured in The Wind Waker.
A god of horses featured in Breath of the Wild. He functions similarly to a Great Fairy, living inside a large flower and needing to be revived. He is able to bring horses back to life, and will scold Link for letting them die.
The Golden Goddess of Wisdom, featured primarily in Ocarina of Time. She is alluded to or mentioned in The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, she is an oracle in Oracle of Ages, and an NPC in the Minish Cap. The dragon Naydra is likely a reference to her, and her symbol is on a Triforce crest in Breath of the Wild Memory #1. She, along with the other Golden Goddesses, created the world and left the Triforce behind.
Also known as the Ocean King, Oshus is featured in Phantom Hourglass. He is the guardian of a portion of the sea, and creates an realm that Link travels into.
The Seven Heroines/Eighth Heroine
Guardians revered and worshiped by the Gerudo at some point, first mentioned in Breath of the Wild. They all represent a different virtue: skill, spirit, flight, gentleness, motion, endurance, and knowledge. The Eighth Heroine is rumored to be worshipped by the inhabitants of the Gerudo Highlands.
Guardian deity of the Rito in The Wind Waker. In order to grow wings, young Rito must climb to the top of Dragon Roost Island to obtain a scale from Valoo.
The Wind Fish
The creator of an illusory realm called Koholint Island featured in Link's Awakening.
Wind Waker Prologue Deities
Gods called upon by the people that flooded Hyrule with a magical sea. They are implied to be connected to the Triforce, however this is never confirmed.
Wind god, and the brother of Cyclos in The Wind Waker. Zephos seems to reside around a small shrine near Dragon Roost Island, and the Wind's Requiem song located on his shrine will let Link learn to control the wind direction.
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 2
Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire) vs Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
She has a scimitar known as Scimitar of the Seven
Her signature weapon is the Scimitar of the Seven, a sword wielded by Gerudo heroes.She uses both it and lighting powers which fucks pretty hard
She’s pretty cool
#oooooh this one's hard#just tp zelda? we never get to see her fight with her sword (unpossessed)#however. in skyward sword. she's a student at the knight academy (almost certainly uses a sword)#and the reincarnation of a goddess who DEFINITELY used one (literally shown with it in the opening)#and her main weapon in hyrule warriors (non canon game like aoc) is a sword#impa is more of.... idk. knifeswoman? she never uses an actual sword i dont think#id say that urbosa is the best.#we actually see her use her sword and she's significantly older than any zelda and this specific version of impa#so yeah going STRICTLY off of 'who is the best' then that would be urbosa#im still voting for zelda though
#my psionic warriors!#vote urobosa#zelda might use a sword sometimes but face it when u imagine her she's either using light arrows...#...or magic in general#these are cool as hell but zelda isn't known for her sword#not like urobosa#and like others say impa is more of a knife lady
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♥️ Zelink Sketch + Headcanon Dump ♥️
(Part 1)
Yes. I know I have already posted something for Valentine's Day. No one can stop me. So here's some sloppy sketches!
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BoTW/ToTK Zelink is one of my favorite versions of the ship. They and SS Zelink are the most likely to have gotten together after the story, and they just have been through so much together! Not to mention a certain lyric in Kass's song regarding Zelda's power... Here are some little headcanons I have for them. :)
• Considering the state of Hyrule Castle, Link has let Zelda stay in his home in Hateno Village. She reveals it was his house to begin with, which likely resulted in a lot of frustrated rambling from Link that he had to buy his own house back...
• Zelda has frequent night terrors that she is still with the Calamity, holding it back as she replays the deaths of her loved ones in the back of her mind. When this occurs, Link usually is awake anyway and goes to comfort her. Although he has his memories returned, sometimes he finds it difficult to find the right words since he feels like a different person entirely.
• Despite Link's outward change in demeanor and the worry it initially would bring to her, Zelda realizes he's still the same Link that died in her arms. The only difference now is he no longer has such a heavy burden on his shoulders. And with that being the case, she's quite happy for him.
• Zelda spent a lot of time thinking about what the Deku Tree told her when she returned the Master Sword to its pedestal. Perhaps she's waiting for the right time to say what was on her mind... Or perhaps she already has?
• Zelda is a bit too... Experimental with cooking elixirs. Link encourages this, even if it makes him die a little inside whenever she makes dubious food instead. He'll eat it anyway.
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The duo that accidentally got themselves for eternity. Whether they realize it or not, they doomed themselves to always meet again regardless of how they may part. This would probably make them overjoyed, though, if it weren't for all the suffering their new destinies may come with. Some more headcanons:
• Link likes to carve little wooden statuettes for Zelda on special occasions, and she likes to sew things for him. Perhaps she's made him a crimson cloak like the Chosen Hero in the manga by Akira Himekawa?
• Zelda may sometimes have trouble keeping a grasp on herself with suddenly having all of Hylia's lifetime in the depths of her memories. Link never says it directly, but he takes every action to remind her that she's still their Zelda.
• Link confessed his love to Zelda on the statue after they decided to remain in the surface, using a similar buildup that she did while they were riding on their loftwings at the beginning of SS.
• All of the Links and Zeldas after them are reincarnated forms of them in some way. This headcanon is also why I ship these two at every given opportunity. They will always reunite to save Hyrule, no matter what- but they will also reunite to find each other once again.
• Groose accidentally third-wheels a lot but they just allow it and let him hang around. They're all buddies, after all.
• Sometimes, they'll just sit outside and Link will listen to Zelda sing. Occasionally, he'll borrow her harp and play along with her song.
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I know they aren't canon in the Child Timeline, but I can't help but love OoT Zelink. I like to imagine that somewhere in the LoZ universe, there's a timeline where Link refuses to be sent back in time and rather chooses to help restore Hyrule without leaving the one he saved behind. Usually, when I draw OoT Zelink, it's under this context. HCs:
• Link actually had a minor crush on Zelda during the events of OoT. They were just little kids, after all, so of course he found himself wanting to impress the princess when they met.
• After losing her own father to Ganondorf, Zelda is quick to comfort Link when he finally confides in her that the Deku Tree was like a father to him and the Kokiri before he withered. Some days, it is easy to think about what they lost and feel remorseful. But even so, they know they must carry on in hopes that the future for those after them is a brighter one.
• Link was going to return the Ocarina of Time, but Zelda let him keep it. Some days, when they aren't busy with restoration efforts, they'll play a duet. Zelda has even taught him some more songs.
• Zelda will occasionally teach Link the combat that was taught to her by Impa, usually techniques unique to the Sheikah Tribe. He finds himself struggling to be as agile, but he's trying. He thinks her skill is pretty admirable, at least.
• Neither is exactly talkative, but they aren't silent either. They balance each other out well in that way.
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The children!!! Telink is adorable in my opinion, even if the pair may not be as outwardly affectionate as some of their counterparts. These little pirates are also super fun to draw! I already have a ton of headcanons with these two mentioned in a previous post, but here are some others:
• After the events of Phantom Hourglass, Link is a bit more cautious with going to explore random stuff they find. He respects Tetra's leadership, but he doesn't want to get her hurt (or turned to stone) again.
• Tetra tends to pick on Link, but every so often will soften up. Link hardly ever notices the shift, as this is just how the two are. They bug each other, sure, but they're the other's closest friend and trust each other more than anything.
• Link has convinced Tetra to stop stealing from innocent people, since it's a bad influence on Aryll when she's around. Tetra sort of made fun of him for it, at first, poking at him for not wanting to upset his grandma. However, she... Went with it, anyway, since he sort of had a point. They only steal from their enemies now!
• They have an ongoing arm-wrestling competition and rematches will start spontaneously and without warning. The victor changes so often that the rest of the crew has started betting on who will win at a given time.
• Tetra and the crew increasingly visits Outset Island more and more because they all think Link's grandma is really nice and they're all deprived of parental figures. This is nice and all, but every time they leave they find out Tetra has helped Aryll sneak into the ship (at Aryll's request) and they have to turn back around so nobody gets worried that she vanished. Tetra doesn't intend for Aryll to stick around, she just finds it funny.
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Another personal favorite of mine, Spirit Tracks! These two are hard NOT to ship, with how much you can see them bonding over the course of the game. And the fact Link blushes almost every time she makes contact with him.
• These two are one of those pairs who very clearly have mutual feelings for each other, but no one can ever tell if they're actually together or even aware of these feelings.
• Link, while conducting, will occasionally drift off into daydreams about the next time him and Zelda will get to go on their own little adventure (although preferably not one with the world at stake this time). Alfonzo usually has to make him snap out of it and pay attention to the railroad.
• They like to make time to see each other, but if they can't in a given week for any reason they'll send letters to one another. Link's a little less literate than Zelda, but she manages to read his handwriting decently enough.
• Zelda is really affectionate. She's quick to high-fives, hugs, that sort of thing. Link doesn't mind, but he gets as pink as a rose quite often. Everyone finds him to be rather see-through.
• At Zelda's request, Link has begun teaching her to properly use a sword like she did as a Phantom.
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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piratesofhyrule · 9 months
The Story That Will Never Be Told 1: Midzel
By majority vote, Midzel was the first post to be made
Well too bad, WALUIGI TIME!
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So you may wonder why my Zelda laughs like Waluigi. This is quite the wild ride, so play the mood music below and we shall begin!
Now from the Mario franchise, Waluigi has always been my fav. I relate a lot to him; tallest of the bunch, lanky (well, before I died inside and put on weight), an absolute loser of a man and wracked with two great desires. Either drag everyone else down with me, or to finally be accepted and loved, even with my many ugly sides.
i briefly knew how that felt once, before August this year
Now let's be honest, Waluigi gets no love from Nintendo. At all. At most, he got his own island in Mario Party 3, was a main antagonist in Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix and was given the ability to control thorny plants in Mario Strikers. That's it, he has no game of his own or even got to star in a major role aside from Mario Party 3 and DDR. I'm not sure entirely what possessed me, but with some discussion with @ladyicepaw I had my most brilliantly cursed idea.
In my fic's continuity, after the events of OoT, a convocation of local royals was issued. OoT-Zelda was one of them and because of the Triofrce, plenty of others made unsubtle passes at her for her hand., all refused. But there was one king who did not even try to charm her, a tall and lean fellow by the name of Jamison Poppadopalas II, king of a small island in the middle of the ocean. He was becoming something of a regular appearance at events Hyrule hosted and although a rather conceited asshole, he did not have any remotely grandiose schemes for greater lengths of power like many of her suitors. A look at him with the Mask of Truth and all she saw was longing for acceptance in conflict with a desire to see everyone suffer as he had.
During one ball, an assassination attempt is thwarted singlehandedly by Jamison by means of his cunning and improvised weaponry (a candleabra, two forks and a glazed ham to be exact). Out of gratitude, Zelda invited him to a private meeting in her garden. There, he admtited that he thought the assassination was part of the event plans because "mortal peril is a cornerstone of the parties I'm usually invited to." But he's touched by the sincerity of Zelda's gratitude, the two beginning to grow closer as the years passed.
For Zelda, the greatest example of her trust was coming out to him as gender-fluid and her Sheik identity. He accepted these parts of her and in return, showed her the ruined splendor of his island. It was nothing but old machinery overgrown by plants that bite, a couple Chain Chomps wandering about too. But in the epicenter of it all, was a strange green pipe that the he invited her into to show her "where I'm originally from". Jumping in revealed it to be a two-way magic portal between the Zelda universe and a land that Jamison introduced as the Mushroom Kingdom.
From that day forth, Zelda was fully enamored with Jamison, or Waluigi as he's better known by. Secret holidays out to the Mushroom Kingdom were a common practice for the two, she even hit it off with Wario. With the rest constantly adventuring or participating to a prestigious fighting tournament without him, Waluigi often had plenty of time to himself which he spent in Hyrule. He revolutionized the plumbing industry, his innate understanding of Pirhana Plants earned him renown among the Kokiri as he could tame the Deku Babas, Gorons appreciated his engineering prowess, but greatest of all was how in Zelda he found someone who never saw him as the "wannabe loser" he always had been. The Mario Brothers, Wario, Peach and DK were all god-blessed Star Children (actually canon, this was used to explain their superhuman capabilities) and he was in their league through nothing but his own training and determination, but he never achieved renown in the Mushroom Kingdom.
But in Hyrule, he found a place he was wanted. Zelda proposed to him and the two had a royal wedding, Wario his best man. Over the centuries, his presence persisted in Twilight-Zelda's height, Tetra's gremlinisms, even HW-Zelda's stubborness in the face of impossible odds. Many of his descendents take a little after him, the current Zelda having his laugh.
I recall one key inspiration for why I went with this idea was because of the best mod ever devised for OoT;
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And that's why Waluigi is a huge part of my continuity's history!
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ladyhoneydee · 10 months
30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 16
Good evening all! This Song(fic) Challenge prompt was "A song you love to drive to", and to be honest, I knew what I was going to choose from the moment I saw this one. Today's song is "Delicate" by Taylor Swift, which I have associated with driving since the first time I ever listened to the album. The beat in the chorus is just so reminiscent of the dashed line of a passing lane, to me; whenever I play my reputation CD in my car, I always try to see if today will be the day I'm going at just the right speed for the beats to line up with the road.
Utterly Lost and Utterly Found
Game: Twilight Princess, post-canon
Pairing: Zelink
Word Count: 1423
Keywords: hidden romance, secret feelings, sensuality
Tonight. The usual place. He never minces words, and yet the brevity and bluntness stokes within her a greater heat than a thousand florid words from the most sympathetic of suitors might. Still, it’s not an order: merely a fervent suggestion.  One she’ll follow into temptation every time, despite every logical reason her wisdom-addled mind can think up.
Read the fic on Ao3, or under the cut!
She finds the note half-sticking out of a crack between the stones that line her windowsill. It’s dawn, the sun merely a rosy blush on the eastern horizon, which means he must have left it overnight. The pathway along the rooftops is too treacherous for human feet, which means he must have made the trek as a wolf, and safely evaded the gaze of each and every guard. The note was concealed well enough that she may not have ever noticed it if she didn’t know to look; yet in a different location than the usual secret spot, which means he’d cheekily hidden it somewhere new just to teasingly test her.
The paper shudders insistently in the quickening morning breeze, and she snatches it up with a hard-won smile.
She reads it beside the hearth, which she sparks back to life with an absentminded jet of Din’s Fire. The tiny flame, feeding on the bare ashes left from the night before, is just enough to consume the letter with hungry tongues of gold. 
She doesn’t need the evidence to leave this room, and the words have already been burned even more strongly into her than in the fire itself. 
Tonight. The usual place.
He never minces words, and yet the brevity and bluntness stokes within her a greater heat than a thousand florid words from the most sympathetic of suitors might. Still, it’s not an order: merely a fervent suggestion. 
One she’ll follow into temptation every time, despite every logical reason her wisdom-addled mind can think up.
The council room is as chaotic as always. Zelda is no judge—her title as Queen is title only, between her disenfranchisement by Hyrule’s surviving, resentful nobility, and her willing abdication of power to the kingdom’s local civilian governments—but she wishes, at times, that she carried a gavel. 
“Order!” she calls, flint and steel in her voice. It sparks the attention of the amassed leaders, who turn back to her position at the head of the long oaken table one by one. 
“The issue on the table is the allocation of funds to the elimination of monsters in the outer provinces,” she reminds the table. “Not the allocation of funds to provide soldiers to replenish the private ranks of noble houses.” Her stare towards Lords Campho and Gerilt is hard, though shy enough of a true glare that none could accuse her of it. “I daresay you should be able to fund it yourselves more easily than the royal coffers can.”
The noblemen and women whisper among themselves. Many do not share her restraint against open aggression, and she meets their angry looks with cool disdain. 
“Similarly,” she begins, turning to the faction of village headsmen, ceremonial figures, matriarchs, and mayors, “it is not our intention to provide soldiers to create standing regional forces. If a province requests military aid, the General will do her best to provide—” she meets eyes with the newly-appointed leader of Hyrule’s military, and is heartened by the older woman’s nearly imperceptible nod, “—but a temporary presence is all we can manage at this time, with our ranks so low.” As they should be, in peacetime. “We hope the majority of these funds would instead be spent on the training and armament of local warriors to their own preferences.”
The civilian leadership mutter among themselves, a much more balanced lot. Some, who undoubtedly desired a strong military presence, send her glares just as heated as the landed gentry. Others nod quietly in satisfaction that one will not be forced upon them. Others, with whom she feels a certain kinship, show no flash of emotion across their faces at her words. 
She is an unpopular leader, to be sure. She is known as a cursed Queen, for the way the invasion of Hyrule struck the day just prior to her coronation; she is derided for her choice to hand the power to decide back to local leadership and to incorporate their rough voices into what remains of the castle’s gilded halls by the nobles; she is resented by all for the slow pace of Hyrule’s restoration, if only as a visible scapegoat for more deeply-held anxieties. 
She has not, and will never, falter beneath the granite weight of their expectations. That strength that holds her up will be enough. 
After all, it must.
There is an itch in her, and it spreads and deepens and heightens by the hour. 
Her fingers twitch and spasm, aching to sink into his hair, to glaze his skin with golden touch, to guide his own hands to her body. 
Her legs jitter beneath her desk as she whiles away the afternoon with endless stacks of paperwork and correspondence, threatening to carry her away, even though the cover of darkness that keeps them safe is still hours away. 
Her lips tremble with the restraint needed to keep her from spilling every word of the desire that bubbles within her. Both from him, so he doesn’t run away from feelings sprouted like a thicket of thistles that yearn to cleave to his form, and from the populace of Hyrule, so they don’t run toward with threats and blackmail.
She dare not even think of the anticipation brewing in the very core of her.
To take him as a lover is truly one of the worst choices she could make at this juncture. The people of Hyrule, so culturally modest after generations of carefully cultivated conservatism, would have nothing but scathing words for an unmarried woman caught cavorting, even if that woman were Queen. Perhaps especially if that woman were Queen. The settlements on the outskirts, or of non-hylian origin, might not spare her a second glance, but she simply cannot risk making herself vulnerable like that for at least another half-decade of selfless service and building trust.
And he…well, he would never be afforded another moment’s peace. And that, besides pleasure, is all she desires to give him. 
None of it matters, though, when she wakes to notes on windowsills; when candlelit fantasies flicker through her mind like well-thumbed novels; when they’re chest to chest and nose to nose, and she stares into those twin wishing pools he calls eyes and throws a rupee in despite against her better judgment.
In for a green, in for a silver.
When she materializes in the graveyard, hair floating in the spring-scented tendrils of Farore’s Wind, he’s already waiting, leaning against the solitary tree. Without torchlight and the moon above nearly obscured by the scrubbing clouds of late autumn, he’s a mere silhouette in the darkness. Still, her intimate knowledge of the very shape of him assures her of his identity.
Of course, it helps that they are the only two people in all of Hyrule who both know of the graveyard and can make it inside. She can only enter with the use of Farore’s Wind, and no other person—that she’s aware of, at least—can turn into a wolf to scent out the rich earth of a boneyard and dig their way inside. 
It’s morbid to meet here, she knows; couplings would be more appealing in a warm room over a bustling tavern, with a roaring fire in the hearth. But she cannot allow them to be seen, and, truth be told, there is a certain poeticism about their romance, which in itself is rather undead, being carried out in a graveyard. 
At the very least, he doesn’t seem to mind. 
They greet one another in the language of hands and lips. Later, as they lie dew-glistened on the mossy earth, they will talk. He will tell her of the harvest in Ordon which kept him away for so many weeks, of the conditions of the roads and rivers between his home and hers, of himself and his innermost thoughts. She will tell him of her daily struggles and victories and the rebuilding efforts being made in the regions he hasn’t been able to visit, and she will keep her innermost thoughts to herself.
For now, his leather-shucked grip on her hips sets her aflame. Her revenge, a synchronized tugging of his hair and scraping of her teeth across the hollow of his throat, tears a groan from his throat like the crash of a wave. Despite the damp chill of the cemetery and the weight of ghostlike gazes resting on both of their backs from the ones they’ve both lost, they build a warmth between them that spirals higher and higher until they are both utterly lost, and utterly found.
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Would love a director's commentary of any/all your fics 🙏
AH! I wasn't expecting an answer so fast! And they're so massive where do I even start? Like my biggest thoughts right now are all MoaH, which I have some things queued over the next few days, but everything else I'd wanna say...it's all spoilers. I'm not trying to avoid the ask, it's just a very big question with all of them. I guess I'll throw out a bunch of factoids and feel free to ask me more specifics.
To condense the star ask as well since this is gonna be a random chapter grab, and since the first chapter of the final battle is out tomorrow for GoS, I've had this arc planned since basically 2012. There was one major change on which individual would be the target of a particular stage of the fight, but other than that, it's been this fight since 2012. And the whole thing can get played to the 25th anniversary medley. I have a note somewhere where I wrote down the chapter time stamps to it for the AMV in my head (which maybe I'll put out after GoS is all done). It was the same song that is the reason Endeavor plays violin as well.
I have never been huge about idol groups, but the Earth Sages in GoS are my absolute favorite. I knew I wanted the dungeon to be musically themed and so the boy band idea was an early decision with that. I wanted their names to be musically themed too, so all of the Earth Sages actually have names based off Japanese music scales, which fit with the Keaton. Do Re Mi names might have been too obvious. Following that, Dominus is probably my favorite Sage.
Same dungeon had a prime opportunity for a triple inspired boss name. The Earth Temple's boss, Dungeon Master, has three inspirations. One, it follows franchise convention on most powerful versions of enemies, so Wallmaster/Floormaster -> Dungeon Master. Two, it's a nod to the TTRPG role, as this boss occupies the literal fourth wall of a theater, which is fitting to compare to a DM. And three, this fight was the first time Ganondorf made an appearance in the story, and I was trying to invoke a bit of Mr. Mercer's performance for a lack of ability to convey an actual voice via some pop culture osmosis.
Princess has a Muppets reference after the dungeon once she drops the idea of marrying Link, Zeal mentions it. It may help to circle back on Princess being a pig moblin leaning Blin who is also a diva.
Admittedly a lot of GoS before that is a bit fuzzy cause of the whole nap in the Temple of Time I did on it. From starting up edits, I can say that Bruce's horse, The Wind, is a personal reference. Any time I'd convince my dad to play a Zelda game, he's always name himself A.Stud and in the case of TP, he named Epona The Wind. When I started writing, that was a recent in joke for me.
One of the reasons the Dark Portal gets mentioned so early was because Minecraft was just getting big when I started writing GoS and I had the unrealistic idea that I'd build GoS's Hyrule in it. The Dark Portal would have been a Nether portal. I never went anywhere with that idea, but it's the reason the GoS map sketch I have is divided on a grid. That was theoretically gonna be chunks (highly ambitious plan there, no what it would have fit).
I have actually no idea how much time takes place between the start and end of GoS. Loosely, it's from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. Whatever time skips make that work are canon in my head. And it's one of the reasons I have been so serious about keeping track of time in MoaH. The rapid pace of GoS though does fit. GoS Link really did get woken up in a dream by some stranger and then harassed by a bird until he did it what they said, so. No rest.
My favorite Sage dragon design is the Forest Sage's, all though the Soul Sage's dragon is pretty good too. That's an easy second. I'm a plants person, what can I say? Though the Earth Sage and Fire Sage dragons have good chonky boi personalities that I love too.
And there's absolutely so much to say about MoaH and like. I can say basically none of it because y'all only have the current 23 chapters and I'm writing the 65th? chapter now. MoaH's first book will be written before its updates are out, that's for sure. It'll likely hit about 250k words, compared to GoS's current 410k. So. There's a lot to say about MoaH. I guess the few that I've got for MoaH, uh...
Rephi x Rudoe is my favorite couple, hands down, those two are amazing NPCs and criminally under used. I need to find an excuse to go back to Deku's Shelf to write them again. I picture Rudoe's voice now like the Luma in the Mario movie.
I know all of my Links talk in my fics, largely for the purpose of medium. Writing a mute Link I think is a lot harder in fic over comics, and it's a little outside my wheelhouse with my limited skill in sign. That said, of all my Links, MoaH Link is the one I think most fits being a talking Link. And I even have some in text response to that later on in the story.
I know a lot of people don't like Zelda presently in MoaH (kinda the point), but I absolutely adore her and Link's dynamic. It really starts coming out in the Nayru's Temple act of book 1, but this man has a massive blind spot for this woman and I love writing it even though the secondhand embarrassment causes me like actual physical pain.
In general, I adore writing MoaH Link. The balance between exceptionally competent fighter and likeable male protagonist is a difficult but very fun line to walk. I think because of the mercenary comment, a lot of people expected a Geralt or a John Wick or some other machismo personality for Link when I originally started MoaH and that has never been franchise characterization of Link and it's not true about MoaH Link. He is a lovable idiot. GoS Link has this very humble, almost bashful personality to me (mostly cause of then teen angst) while MoaH Link gets to be this absolute dork and it is a joy to write. And also seeing how different they are as incarnations of the same character is a lot of fun, particularly for spoiler reasons. But man, that contrast between awkward, fumbling, kinda impulsive guy into combat where he gets to be efficient. Mmmmm, that's some good shit.
I cannot wait for y'all to get more time with Floan. I love her and Link's relationship. It is a bit of a polished sibling relationship, I'll admit that, mostly because I don't know how to handle an age gap as big as theirs (MoaH Link being 27 at the start of the fic and Floan being 10, which not impossible for siblings, but a wide gap) as accurately as my two year age gap with my younger sister, but they are the best. I have a chapter coming up that's just them getting loads of interaction time and it's so goddamn cute.
And I'm getting into spoiler territory, not to mention an essay, so I'll cap it there for now. Please let me know if there's anything else, I have a lot of thoughts on all of this.
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
Evie's OC Nursery
... aka a list of all the OCs I haven't introduced or fully fleshed out yet. Feel free to bully me into fleshing one of them out if you feel like it.
Included in this list are OCs for...
The Legend of Zelda
Lord of the Rings
One Piece (shocking, I know...)
The Barbie movie
Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants
More Descendants (curse you, Dolly)
Also, revamps/AU versions of...
Jelena (Die Drei ??? / The Three Investigators)
Vicky (Hogan's Heroes)
Evelynn (Vocalization)
Celine (Who Killed Markiplier / Markiplier Egos)
You can find all the avatar makers etc. I used at azaleasdolls.com - pictures that are not meikers were made by me :)
The Guardian of the Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda Series)
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I came up with her when Tears of the Kingdom came out. Because of the whole time travel scheme in the game, I felt like creating an OC that would be there across all time to connect Zelda in the past and Link in the present. A timeless creature, if you will. Also, I fell in love with the concept of the Zonai. She isn't really a Zonai, but still. I then got obsessed with a YouTuber who was playing an Ocarina of Time randomizer, and so I got the idea of making her the Guardian/Sage/Spirit of the Deku Tree, because the Deku Tree is pretty much one of the most eternal things in the series. And also... Wood elves and dryads my beloveds...
The Weapons and Intel Expert of the New Squidbeak Splatoon (Splatoon Series)
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This is just my love for Octolings and Splatoon in general and my obsession with Splatoon 3 combined. I freaking love the music, too, my gosh... She's there from the very start in Splatoon 1 because I have a very special connection with the first game. I know it doesn't full make sense but I believe in the principles of Shrödinger's Canon. In Splatoon 2 she definitely uses dualies, but in Splatoon 1 it's still a modified octoshot.
The True Halfling (The Lord of the Rings)
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Half hobbit, half elf, this is a true halfling. With her being half elf, she got the choice of immortality and she chose to be immortal. She spends her days travelling and learning about different cultures, specifically their songs and music. Legend has it that she's the last creature still alive who can harness the magic of old.
The Feral Lynx (One Piece)
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He actually has a name! His name is Lux Jirou! While he's still with the Black Cat Pirates, he goes by his first name Jirou, but once he deserts from them, he goes by his last name Lux. My boy has a very funky lynx devil fruit that lets him do cartoon logic style things because One Piece is One Piece and, judging by the one canon lynx in the series and other animal devil fruits, Oda couldn't care less about biological accuracy, so... Funky lynx boi. In the live action, he's Kaya's bodyguard and, one time when Klahadore finds Kaya crying to fluffy big cat Jirou, Kaya lies and says that this his her pet lynx named... Bowie! Yes, this is a David Bowie reference. Also, he's a Zoro ship. And he joins the Heart Pirates later :)
The Lonely Daughter (Encanto)
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Behold! It's Bruno's daughter. You probably already know what that entails, she develops some issues after her father leaves. Her name is Soledad which means "loneliness" but Pepa thought that name was cruel after Bruno left, so everyone calls her Soles now, which means "suns". Wanna know what her power is? Water. With a hint of clairvoyance/scrying. But we don't talk about that :)
This Barbie is...
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still in development. Brought to you by me feeling bad for Ken. Someone get this man a girlfriend because he's a lonely boi. I am someone, I am getting him a girlfriend. Tis her. This picture isn't actually from Azaleasdolls but a picrew that you can find here.
The Princess of Hearts (Disney's Alice in Wonderland / Descendants)
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What can I say - I love the animated Alice in Wonderland a normal amount. I created her for a Roleplay like, I dunno, six years ago? Over six years? She's the daughter of the Queen of Hearts and her King and she's a Wonderland citizen through and through. Delightfully whacky and fun but also a little creepy. And she loves her tea, spends a lot of time with the Mad Hatter and his friends at his tea party. I tried to import her to the Descendants universe once or twice but I just never found a faceclaim that fit. Her name was originally Alice, but I don't know if the Queen would really call her daughter Alice or if she even knows the name of the girl who caused a ruckus at her court, and also that doesn't fit the Descendants naming scheme :)
The Botanic Monster (Undertale)
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Well, I had a hyperfixation on Undertale when I was young. Like. Really young. And I kinda got hit in the feels about it again. Sans ship, probably. Dryad-adjacent thingy. Lives in Snowdin and is constantly cold. That's it for now. Look at my girl :) Well, my first draft of her anyway. Kinda feeling like making her anthro because what else is new. We create cat girls here sir. Dryad/cat hybrid? Maybe some sort of panther or other tree-adjacent cat?
The Cheshire Kitty (Disney's Descendants)
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Curse you, Dolly, why did you have to enable me? So yeah, Cheshire Cat's daughter. Queen of Hearts' daughter's bestie, maybe? Absolute menace. This is also a picrew, you can find it here!
Redux/AU: Jelena, the Auxiliary Detective
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The bitch is back. The original bitch. Bitch here being short for boss bitch because that's what she is. What if Jelena were a default part of the Investigators? She and Justus would constantly bicker and I am here for it. Is she an OC? No. Has she gained the title of honorary OC? Absolutely. What a queen.
AU: Vicky, the Resistance Spy
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What if Vicky's mum and dad had gotten divorced and her mother had taken her back to Germany? What if Vicky had grown up there, never joined the WAAF and never joined the SOE. And what if she met Newkirk on a night out in Hammelburg, accidentally stumbling into the Heroes' organization and putting her life as a civilian on the line for the love of her life, for as much as he lied to her?
Redux/AU: Evelynn, the Not-So-Human Singer
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First concept for Evelynn's non-human form! She obviously wouldn't walk around like this in day-to-day life, but in the magic-ish realm, this is what she looks like. She's a fairy! Picrew can be found here!
Redux/AU: Celine, the Glitch in the System
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After watching Who Killed Markiplier, in my YouTube-obsessed mindset, I thought to myself: "Hey, what if Celine had been dragged into Mark's mind along with Darkiplier?" And so, Ego!Celine was born. I don't really know how I'm gonna redo her but I wanna redo her. Or at the very least I wanna revive her.
So, that's it for now! This list is probably gonna get longer, honestly...
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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atimelesslullaby · 6 months
Meet the Mun
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Oh, goodness. In 2013 This actually started out as a Twilight Princess Zelda with some friends, who I parted ways with on not so friendly terms. Then it was an OoT Zelda in a group, before November 2014 when I turned her indie. I've loved OoT Zelda since I was young, at first, it was solely for her beauty. As I grew older, and began to understand her character, I only loved her more.
some past urls have been: 'greaterlight' - 'magickick' - 'sagexftime'
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Smut. I will not write it, even though we're both of age. Anything of the like will strictly be fade to black. Nothing against those who enjoy writing it, and I'm not sex repulsed. It's just not my thing.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I do like action, though I rarely get to write it. I also want to explore her extreme guilt for what happened. Let's be real, the events of OoT happened because *she* decided her dream was prophecy, and set the gears turning. It was, as she even says herself, all her fault. I feel like she's one of the most flawed Zeldas out there. Most of them are selfless, kind, completely devoted to saving everything. While OoT Zelda was similar, she's also very selfish. She sent a total stranger on a quest, she expected him to protect her while she sealed Ganon away, and even in the end. She abused her power over time to create new timelines. She didn't even ask if Link wanted to be sent back to his childhood.
Good intentioned as it was, it was selfish.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
I've made this Zelda my own, really, as we get hardly any adult Zelda canon. We get two legitimate scenes with her, and two small ones. That's it. If an idea comes to me, I'll introspect on it, and if I feel it deserving, make a headcanon post about it.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
When writing her, I'll often listen to the ending of OoT. The part where she and Link are together in the sky, and listen up until the end, then repeat until I've finished writing. Not *always*, but often. I absolutely adore the music.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I can do both! I've been told very often that people are intimidated by the lengths I can reach. All I can say is please, don't be intimidated by how long my replies can get. As long as you give me something to work with, length doesn't really matter.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh goodness yes, when it's developed well. I don't have any current ships on Zelda's blog anymore than I can remember, they've all been lost to the echoes of time. One of them is still alive, but it's strictly on Discord. That being said, if you want to plan a ship, let me know! My Zelda is heteroromantic, demisexual. All you cute guys out there hit a girl up
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
You can call me Bear, you can call me Danny. Either works!
I turned 32 a few months ago
January 9th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Orange and Brown
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I mostly listen to animated music. I don't know if I could pick a true favorite, but the first song that comes to mind is the reprise of "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid (who I also write lmao, I have four main blogs)
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
When The Wind Blows
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
I'm afraid I don't watch television
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Part of Your World (I was practicing it yesterday, only got the first half recorded cause I didn't like how the second half came out u_u)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Tomato Soup with lots of cheese :3c
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Winter. Long nights, starry skies, snowy fields. I adore it.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I don't want to exclude anyone, there are many people I care about on Tumblr. But if I had to choose one person, I'd say @trencri. I've known Donnie for two years now, but it feels like we've been friends for ages. We've talked near every day for those two years. We relate on a lot of subjects, both IC and OOC.
Tagged By: @red-man-of-mustache (Thank you <3)
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novantinuum · 3 years
7, 10, 44, 92
Thanks for sending some in! :DD
(Ask game for fanfic writers)
7) tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Oh god.... uh... well, I knew I was writing self insert furry fic about the game Blinx: The Time Sweeper at seven. But I don't quite remember what the actual plot was.
So the runner up here has to be when I started writing a whole series of fan scripts for fake Doctor Who episodes with my friends when I was twelve (question mark??? i think that’s how old i was???), starring our very own Doctor who I cast my brother as. It was basically just "blah, blah, monsters... chaos... insanely powerful companion character does huge chaos... giant war, everyone almost dies, but then they don't and are super messed up about it..." Oh, and also the Doctor just randomly has a daughter now, yeah, we don't know how either, but the daughter is played by Me because I created her and I say so"
10) at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
Hah... title musing either happen at the very end of the process, or the very beginning. I feel like I always come up with a title last if I'm writing one-shots or shorts. But in the case of long-fics, I find it important to come up with titles that I feel fit the overall theme of what I'm trying to get at.
Often, I'll write out huge lists of ideas and then pick from those.
For instance, "The Ballad of Aryll: Song of Time" for my most recent project took a good few weeks to settle on. And then my fucking dumb ass realized way too late that there is a canon "song of time" within broader Zelda lore. Oh well. Don't really care, at this point. I have my own "Song of Time" within the plot of my fic that is called that because it's basically an ancient hymn singing the praises of the heroes and goddess-borns of time long past, continuously reincarnating in Hylia's never-ending war against evil. The song itself comes up as a plot point a few times, and then on a broader scale... the title exists as it is because this story is about Aryll's travels with her brother amidst this time of destiny. It's overtly about her involvement in this verse of the Song of Time. It's a forgotten ballad, in many ways... a ballad that never got to be told in "canon" Breath of the Wild because any family Link might've had surely died in the fires.
44) any writing advice you want to share?
This comes from recent experience...
After a week of nonstop writing, (I jammed out about 6K words in that time), I hit a severe period of block in which I couldn't get any words out for days.
What I eventually realized... was that there was a scene coming up shortly that I simply didn't want to write from the POV I was in. I didn't feel as if it would be interesting from the current perspective, since I was telling a part of the story that readers would already be familiar with.
My solution was to just switch the POV entirely. Boom! New perspective. Fresh eyes. I immediately had new ideas roaming in my brain for how to frame this scene.
So like... if you're finding yourself stuck at some point of your story, why not inject a bit of change and see if it helps any? Add some weather. Change the time of day. Change a perspective. Give your character a different reaction to an event, even. Just a few ideas.
92) first, second, or third person?
I'm a slut for a good ol' typical third person, but that's mostly just because it's what I have the most practice with. I've never written anything in first person that I can remember, but I have played around with some second person POV.
Speaking for myself, I think second person is best saved for situations where there's an overt purpose to be in an atypical POV. The first time I attempted this view point, it was because I was overtly writing vent fic and wanted to really slip myself into the POV character's shoes. The second time, it was because I thought second person might do well at presenting a sense of detachment from reality, given the subject matter of the story.
In the end, don't be scared of playing around, though!
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studiorat · 3 years
In your “Nothing Emboldens Sin So Much As Mercy” series are ganondorf and zelda reincarnated and link immortal? Also in the end of the first story what happened to ganondorf and link? Did link die?
In your “Nothing Emboldens Sin So Much As Mercy” series are ganondorf and zelda reincarnated and link immortal? Also in the end of the first story...
Rather the situation is more of
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Link is the Sage of Time.
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He can manipulate time to move himself through past and future, altering events, and creating new chains of events - new timelines, if you will. He can cross through these at will, which for most of my works I refer to as branches of the overall river of Time.
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For other people only one linear course of events exists. They do not have access to the other branches as the Sage of Time does.
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Given the phrasing of the question, all further details below the cut to be as gentle as possible with readers who may not wish the ending spoiled.
Anon asked:
...what happened to ganondorf and link? Did link die?
As to the end of the first story, Swords Our Law, no, the story does not end on anyone's death, much less Link's, or else I would have used the major character death warning tag.
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The text should contain these answers and more, honestly.
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In chapter 5, Link mentions several songs by name:
“It is better to rest inside the timesong. Safer.”
“It only changes time for me unless we are touching ,” interrupted Link. “ The soaring will not carry you at all - only me and Zelda, because she is bonded with Gaebora also. Until you will help build static bubbles, this is what we have. Timesong, lesser healsong, stormsong, keysong.”
“Why do you need my help to cast it? I’ve never seen or studied any spell array that would achieve this,” grumbled Ganondorf, more than a little annoyed to encounter a magic that didn’t answer his will.
Link grunted, shifting his weight as if - nervous, somehow. “I remembered - doing it before. By accident. It was not good. In this life you know. But I cannot play the song and hit the timestone at the same time.”
“You know the entire concept breaks about seven different laws of magic, right?”
In chapter 2 it is implied that Link is completely open with Ganondorf about his life before awakening in the tomb, including at least one canon timeline.
“That’s all I remember. At least for now, that I can fit into words."
In chapter 18 he refernces the soaring song explicitly again:
"If you do not like this food, I can use the soaring song to bring you other things, now that the black wind is gone. Only tell me what you want, and it is yours.”
Throughout Swords Our Law Link is honest with Ganondorf about the powers of the Ocarina he carries, insofar as he understands them.
That is less true in other stories, for reasons which are explained within them.
As for the ending ...
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In the final chapter, Ganondorf says:
“You will bring the three guardian jewels to the door between worlds, and will do it gladly, because it is the only chance you have to win .”
After this, while willing Link to think of the Green, his childhood home, after having constructed an elaborate scenario to exhaust him and to remind him of his childhood home in as many ways as Ganondorf knows how he plays the Song of Soaring.
Per game mechanics allows the player to transport Link to any of the various owl statues he's awakened. In narrative, I have typically treated the Song of Soaring as responding to Link's desire - willful or unconscious.
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You could also read it as the Minuet of Forest, which in game mechanics would transport one to the forest temple glade. It does not matter which, so long as it is understood that Ganondorf is sending Link away - and very much purposely without the Fierce Deity Mask - and hopefully to the forest, while he sets in motion a chain of events that will force Link to seek weapons to retrieve the mask and/or defeat Ganondorf... which means the jewels to open the door to the Sacred Realm.
Much as he manipulated events in canon.
My twist comes in that Ganondorf's original intent to lock away the mask to prevent Link accessing it twists when he picks it up.
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The desire for and the temptation to surrender everything else for Power has always been Ganondorf's greatest character flaw.
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One day, the stories in the series that end differently will be finished. But for now, this is what we have.
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cafecourage · 3 years
Hero of Legacy General Plot/History/Link Overview
Me and @flowercape worked pretty hard on this story and I really want to go through everything we’ve made. However that would be physically impossible so this is just a summary! I should also note that there is some Art work from @flowercape ! I love their art! Please give them some love!
(Also should note. Legacy is a LoZ Link OC and not a LU one though I have thought about their interactions its not canon.)
Ok! So let me bring up the timeline we are going to be following. It’s not that custom nor does the Timeline actually show the amount of time that has passed.
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Alright so we got 500 years between BOTW and Legacy so here are the spark notes that I’ve been sending people:
- Zelda and Link rebuild Hyrule. Zelda made the old Castle rebuilt into an Academy. While another smaller castle was built next to it, this created a lot of jobs for the people and they slowly came back to rebuild the kingdom in general. Wild on the other hand founded and created an Adventuring Guild and started rebuilding the Army. (But his focus was more on the guild.)
- Zelda feeling like Link’s silence was her fault developed the Hylian Sign Language and made it the Kingdoms second language.
- The Kingdom had a Science and History boom after a lot of things where brought back up from the calamity. The only good things to come out of it was that these artifacts where brought back to the surface.
- History is important in the kingdom because Ganon kept coming back over and over again. So the stories of the different links were brought back in full force to remind people of the tragedy’s. However like what happen with our history, mythology and history meld so its hard to see what is right and what was just made up. (Ie. King Arthur. He might of been real but the story isnt.)
- 500 years later the Royal family is a figure head and people don’t really believe in the goddess thing anymore. So this Zelda is a lot more free and happy to do what she please. She follows Wild’s Zelda and becomes a Doctor of Science.
- Link and Zelda meet when there were 5. Zelda had a friend named Claus who was 7. In a small museum in the Academy’s Library. Zelda and Link had a share interest in history of Hyrule’s heroes. Well… Zelda had an obsession with the Champions, the Era of the Wild and Sheikah Tech because she really adores the Queen of the Wild. While Link had an overall love because of his Father and Mother being both historians.
- In Botw its was implied that the Gerudo's blood line was being mix with Hylian. For example, They now have pointed ears and not the rounded in OoT. So thats why Link is a male despite his mom being Gerudo. There isnt many males in the world but its slowly becoming normal. (It was the reason we gave on why link was a male, because its the one that made sense to us historical wise)
- The Gerudo Town we know in Botw, is still a female only town but there is a town with the males and husbands.
- The Academy is spilt into different tracks named after the Dragons and Hylia herself. Each class has only homeroom professor for their entire class year. (If that makes sense. They do this in Japan I believe. While the House concept is taken from England but edited to fit this.)
- Farosh: The track Link was apart of and later in life he is a home room and history professor. The course was made for those who want to explore and learn about the world through Adventure. Most if not all their Alumi go into the Adventures Guild.
- Naydra: The track that Zelda when into and sometimes teaches in as a guest! The course was made for those who mostly focus on science and technology. Most of the Alumi go into Hyrule’s Royal Laboratory or they head to the New Kakariko part in Hateno City.
- Dinraal: The track that Claus was apart of. This is the Knight coarse’s! Standard military coarse’s and such. Most of the Alumi go into the Army ether as soldiers or tacticians.
- Hylia: The track for the more spiritual and magic based people. All three coarse’s have to take some of there coarse but its not required. This is the hardest coarse to get into. Zelda got in but turn them down for science.
- All races are welcome at the Academy and because of the Queen of the Wild the tuition is free! The Academy promotes learning and curious minds.
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Here he is! Our Son!
Summary on his Childhood then I’ll put some Bullet Points at the end: :)
Link’s deal is that, no one knows that he is the hero. There was a prophecy that claimed that there will be another tragedy. However someone started a rumor the the hero was Link's and Zelda's childhood friend Claus. So while his friends are full force doing training (light training in Zelda’s case because she was not having it.) Link was pushed to the side almost the trio was still super close! But there was something going on that they didnt know about.
(Now this part is weird, its one of the things I had control over but I still don’t know the exact idea on what happened. I have an oneshot I could post but it has old information on it that I need to remove.)
The Trio was 10 when the prophecy hit. At the same time Link had a Dream, though in his eyes it was a nightmare. As a child he had to find the Sky view temple and go through it. No monster, no traps, no puzzles. I should mention here that this Link while really curious and likes to discover things, is easily scared and has really bad social anxiety even as a child. So during this dream he was terrified, but he was force to go through it. Finally, when he reached the Spring of Courage. There is a man waiting for him. Link fully terrified at this point. Could not hear a word this man was saying. We the reader know its the First hero (The one from the Skyward Manga). After forcing himself awake from fear, Link would slowly start to see things. Spirits of different men in the corner of his eyes or he will go into, unknown to him ,dissociative states. In these states he would interact with these spirits. But he couldn’t hear them and barely see them.
We named it Farore’s Blessing because in Spirit tracks that Link could see the ghost of Zelda, then the idea of this being a thing that all links have because they see the unseeable normally came up. Legacy and Spirit just have a more powerful version of it.
Some Authors Notes about Link:
- Link is a History Professor and does part time archaeology work for the Adventures Guild.
- He has extreme social anxiety which lead selective mutism.
- Only has 2 years of sword fighting experience when he was 12 from his father.
- He loves ancient magic songs and has talked Zelda’s ear off about it.
- Is like 99% sure Nayru hates him.
- For the longest time he has felt inferior to Claus and Zelda.
- Is worried about the Hero of Time and Hero of Legend.
- Has regretted the Hero Spirit for too long.
- The thing about the Hero Spirit is that the Hero has to nurture it so they can grow into their role as a courageous hero. Legacy, because of his anxiety getting worse from seeing the spirits, the dream, dissociative states where he sometimes sees memories that isn’t his, and then lastly… finding his fathers body after confining in him about seeing things. He blamed himself. He blamed they people who he saw. He blamed the man in his dream. What he didn’t know was that someone else was pushing him to become a hero quicker then having him grow into it naturally.
- Link’s journey is based on the saying: “Learn from the past to make a better future.”
- So he needs to travel back in time to support and learn from each hero.
- Has a lot of regrets not telling Claus about being a Hero.
Thats basically everything? If you have any questions let me know!! I’ll be posting about Zelda and Claus soon after I finish drawing their reference sheet.
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singingvio · 4 years
LEGEND OF MANGA LISTS: Top 5 SADDEST Moments in the Zelda Manga Series!
((NOTE: Twilight Princess mangas and the Skyward Sword excerpt in the Hyrule Historia are excluded from the mangas considered in this list.))
1. Volvagia’s Demise (Ocarina of Time part 1)
In chapter 3 of Ocarina of Time, part 1, the story depicted is titled “An Old and Beloved Friend.” This chapter mostly depicts Link and Volvagia’s fight, along with their backstory depicted solely in the manga and not in the game, as it isn’t canon. The chapter starts with Link’s bow out, a single arrow ready to be embedded in Volvagia’s skull, only for Link to falter. The dragon burns Link and nearly kills him, only for Link to be healed by Sheik.
Link insists to the Goron Link that he can’t fight Volvagia. Sheik makes a fairly robotic comment while playing his harp that the only way to subdue Volvagia is to kill him, and Link loses it, yelling at Sheik, “That’s easy for YOU to say! There must be some way to make him remember me!” Sheik shows him exactly what disasters are happening due to Volvagia’s tantrum, Kakariko and Goron villages close to destruction, and Link sadly recounts the story of how he and Volvagia met before his inevitable battle.
Link saw him as a baby, locked in a cage with a price of seventy rupees in Castle Town. Link bought the dragon and set him free, only for Volvagia to bite his hand and burn his hair with his flames. Link tries to ignore the dragon later, when it follows him, but then Volvagia ends up burning a Stalfos that had been sneaking up to kill Link. Link then befriended the dragon, and Volvagia said his name aloud, and the memory fades as Link is brought out of his story by someone warning him that the volcano is about to erupt.
Link, in a futile, heartbreaking effort to make Volvagia remember him, yells out, “It’s me! Link! Remember me!” Seeing as this does nothing, Link drives his sword into Volvagia’s flesh, beheading him. At his final moments, Volvagia remembers Link and starts to cry, calling his name out one last time to an expressionless Link as he dies.
2. Ghandi’s Defeat and Link’s Following Despair (A Link to the Past)
In Act 3 of A Link to the Past, Sacrifice, Link and Ghandi (a character created to be Link’s friend and travelling companion exclusively in the manga) travel through the Dark World, saving its inhabitants from fates worse than death to pay for their sins. When Link talks to a gossiping monster of a swamp, it is revealed that Zelda is at Turtle Rock, and Link heads there immediately. Ghandi, however, stays behind.
Ghandi claims that a bandit can’t risk her life just to save someone else, and Link argues that he only got this far because of her helping him. They inevitably split up, and Ghandi worries silently about Link and confesses to herself that she’s had a crush on him and can’t bear to see him reunited with Princess Zelda, as he clearly loves her instead.
Meanwhile, Link makes his way to Agahnim at Turtle Rock, to free Princess Zelda. Agahnim calls on a giant, firebreathing hydra to stop Link from saving Zelda, and Link, thinking nothing of it, defeats the monster with ease. Link comments on the monster’s strength, saying, “It’s kinda weak, for such a big…” and then he realizes. The monster vanishes into smoke, revealing the broken body of Ghandi, who isn’t dead, but very close. Link is heartbroken, and immediately hatred fills his heart as he turns on Agahnim for making him fight Ghandi.
Agahnim points out what Link is becoming, a hateful wolf, and Link watches his own body transform in horror as he cries out in agony. Zelda  manages to break free of her crystal cage, and heals Link from his beastly form. Together, they manage to heal Ghandi before she dies as well, and the two are properly reunited.
3. Pirate Captain and His Lady (Oracle of Ages)
In chapter 7 of Oracle of Ages, The Pirate Captain, Ralph and Link are stranded in an unknown body of water on a raft, trying to get back to the mainland to rescue Nayru. They’re rescued by the Pirate Captain, a man worn away to only soul and bone, as is his crew. Ralph and Link ask him how long he’s been sailing, and he replies that he doesn’t know and is very tired.
The Captain and Link discuss Link’s sword and its fine craftmanship, and then the Captain notices Ralph holding the Harp of Ages, and asks for a song. Ralph obliges, playing a traditional waltz, and the captain is happily lost in the memory of when he was in Labrynna, dancing with a fine lady under the stars. He says, “I remember this song from when I danced with her! We were in love, and the world was ours. Until it ended, and I set to sea to forget. But I could never forget… not her.”
He then makes a bold declaration, one soon revealed to be one of many when Link reads his logbook, that he will make it back to Labrynna to reunite with the lady he still loves to this day. As the ship is caught up in a horrific storm, Link gets his hold on the Captain’s logbook, reading in horror the logs there. “Day 23: set sail for Labrynna. Encountered a storm. Day 145: Storm. Day 317: Storm… They’ve been stuck in this storm forever!”
Link and Ralph attempt to escape the ship in their fear that they won’t be able to, and the Captain attempts to stop them. Link manages to tell the Captain that if he lets them go, he can fix things for him and his Lady, and the Captain, on the brink of tragedy as he lets Link and Ralph go, his final words are a request to Link. “If y’see this lady on your journeys, lad, tell her… the Knight who set sail… will love her for all eternity.” He shows Link a picture of Queen Ambi, and with that, he disappears without a trace, and is never shown again.
4. Shadow Link’s Final Stand (Four Swords part 2)
In chapter 12 of Four Swords part 2, The Four Sword Forever, we see the Four Links’ final stand against Vaati in order to save Zelda. Previously in the manga, Shadow was resurrected using the power of the Dark Mirror after a crushing betrayal from Vio, the smart, collected side of Link he’d thought to be his friend before his temporary defeat. The Dark Mirror is the source of all dark magic, including his life force. Shadow was resurrected right in front of Zelda, who was staring sadly at him, and he yells at her angrily to not take pity on him, as he hates it.
Zelda is then enshrouded in a dark cloud, and Shadow panics, asking Vaati what’s happening to her. When he realizes Vaati is going to kill Zelda, he completely breaks down, taking a quick detour to help the Links by disguising himself as Vio before going back up and grabbing a chair Zelda had been sitting in prior to her slow poisoning in the cloud, throwing it at the Dark Mirror with a scream and breaking the center of it.
Finally, in the final chapter of Four Swords part 2, the Links are almost where Shadow, Zelda and Vaati are. Shadow is incredibly weak, putting almost all his weight on the side of the Mirror. Vaati panics, yelling at Shadow that if he destroys the mirror, Shadow will die too. Shadow grins at Vaati, before saying, “That’s all right. I came out of the Dark Mirror. And with it’s power I woke you. How fitting that I use it to destroy us BOTH!” And with that, he shoves the mirror to the ground, successfully killing Vaati.
The other Links find his body lying next to the mirror, thanking him, and Shadow starts to close his eyes when Vio yells at him to “hang in there!” Shadow then calmly recounts what his life is like as Link’s shadow. “A shadow… usually only ever follows its body. It never gets to lead the way. Today I faced the enemy… on my own. It felt pretty good, but that still doesn’t make me… part of the body.”
Green (the leader and most ‘Link-like’ of the four) tells him the opposite, telling him that he’s their friend, and Shadow, with newfound energy, gets up and reaches towards the other Links, only for him to fade into the light and disappear, dying permanently and for the last time as the other Links stare at where he once was.
5. Skull Kid’s Backstory (Majora’s Mask)
In chapter 9, Fierce Deity Link, the Moon is stopped by the four Giants in Termina. Link sees Tael and Tatl reunited, and notes how sweet it is before thanking the Giants and joking with Tatl about how long it took for them to arrive. Skull Kid, meanwhile, shakes in the background, knocked to the ground and not getting up. In a moment of clarity, the mask not having control on him in his moment of emotion, Skull Kid despairingly recounts his tale.
Skull Kid sadly says that he didn’t mean for this to happen, only wondering why the Giants left him. A flashback is then shown from Skull Kid’s point of view, the Giants getting ready to leave as Skull Kid desperately tries to hold them back. “Why?! No! No, you mustn’t! Hey… Wait! I said wait! Don’t go! Hold on! I said wait! Don’t go! Can’t you hear me?!”
He cries out, many times, sometimes even trying to forcibly hold the Giants back and failing drastically. He ends up falling off a cliff, still trying to catch up with the Giants as he’s battered and bruised, still crying, “Don’t go!” He’s then seen travelling across the desert, tripping and folling multiple times, when he accidentally steps in a bird nest. The birds immediately attack him, yelling at him to watch where he’s going and that it’s fun to hurt him by pecking him.
Skull Kid shakily reaches a hand up to keep going, but gives up as rain pours down on him, tears pouring down his face as he stares at the ground in defeat. The flashback fades out, as Skull Kid says a truly heartbreaking line before being taken over by Majora’s Mask once more, initiating the final battle. “I guess… we never really were friends… after all. They didn’t even say goodbye. Nobody likes me. But with this… Everyone will do what I want! This MASK is my only friend!”
Mask Creations (Majora’s Mask) - The deaths of Darmani, the Goron, and Mikau, the Zora, when Link dons both masks to fulfill their final wishes. Darmani, to see his son again and make the child happy, and Mikau, to spend at least one more concert with Lulu and the other members of his band.
Great Mayfly Fairy’s Transformation (Minish Cap) - The transformation at the hands of Vaati of a lovely singing fairy, with a beautiful voice. Link wistfully mentions that she looks a little like Zelda and Vaati, in a fit of mild hysteria at this point, transforms her into a horrible moth creature. Her transformation is shown to be painful and heartwrenching, as is her defeat.
Deku Tree’s Death (Ocarina of Time part 1) - The famous death of the Deku Tree, in manga format. Link is told of his quest by the Deku Tree, and that the Deku Tree is going to die in the next few minutes. Link cries and even punches the tree in a fit of anger and sadness, crying that the Deku Tree can’t leave him until the Deku Tree inevitably dies and Link must leave on his quest.
Green’s Defeat Against Vio (Four Swords part 2) - When the four Links are finally reunited, Green, Red, and Blue face Vio and Shadow in a battle to the death with Green fighting Vio. Their battle comes to a close as Green falls to the ground, seemingly stabbed through the gut as Vio walks off victorious. Red and Blue yell at Vio and cry over Green, until it’s revealed after Vio and Shadow leave that it was all a ruse and Green was only knocked out.
Zelda and Link’s Meeting (A Link to the Past) - Link finds Zelda in a dungeon, and Zelda tearfully recalls how she had almost given up hope of rescue, stating that she thought she had been all alone until Link had finally found her. Link then embraces her, stating that he heard her voice and she was never alone.
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
5. 6. 11. 17. 24. 25. I expect long answers.
[i stg i wasn’t trying to be cheeky. apparently ctrl + enter is the same as hitting the post button]
most popular fic this year
It’s actually a tie between A Veil Over a Mirror and A Boh By Any Other Name. I’m pretty proud of both of those so seeing them at the top makes me happy. Both were written on a whim and are pretty short but it seems like the stuff off the cuff, from the heart, is what speaks to people the most in my style. Even better that one of them was for our Queen, Michelle Jones’, birthday.
least popular fic this year
The Most Distant Star. I didn’t post it but a few days ago so that’s fair. I’m sure it’ll get more attention when all three chapters are up at the end of the month. 
Of my completed fics this year, This Life Is Shining, is the least popular. I get it; there’s no romantic pairing, no Tony Stark (corporeal), and the transgender character is a focus but I really enjoyed writing it so not much else matters. Plus it let me dip my toe into writing a road trip fic and it turns out I enjoy that a lot.
fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Well, I only published for various Spider-Men and for Silk but I also wrote quite a bit of (as yet unpublished) Harry Potter and Legend of Zelda fic. Even taking that into account, I absolutely had the most fun writing for the Spiders. Canon is so gd messy that the cracks are just bursting with potential. And when you mix it up (a la A Veil Over a Mirror), it gets really interesting. I love that there’s all these myriad iterations that we can mix and match and desecrate to our hearts’ content in the pursuit of putting stories into the world that make us feel powerful things. 
That’s without even mentioning the wonderful, creative, loving sub-fandom I’ve fallen into. They have 100% kept me interested by being so damn interesting themselves but also by encouraging me to find my own value in the media, to make what I want to see in the world. That means so much to me when I know that at times I’m making extremely niche content. 
fics you’ll continue next year
The Velvet Curtain is a strange thing for me. An AU of an (unpublished) AU, it spends a lot of time rattling around in the back of my head reminding me that it exists but doing nothing to evolve or advance. I want to continue it. I just need to find that spark for it again. A rewrite may be in order.
On the other hand, Powerful (With A Little Bit Of Tender) is hot in my mind right now. Partially bc @machiavelien tagged me in a post earlier that made me laugh and partially because the perfect song came on my Spotify while I was showering earlier and the loving angst is strong within me atm. What’s it like to want to trust the person who has tried so many times to kill you? And am I talking about Felicia or Cindy?  ¬‿¬
favorite fic you read this year
Oh god. Oh fuck. I’ve read so much... I-- I can’t pick just one.... 
Fuck it, I’m not!
Top of the list, Resilience and Other Heroes by @promiseofthepremise. This is a stunning, heart-wrenching, I-cried-ugly-tears fic about if Spidey and Co had survived the snap. It tore me apart and I hope you’ll give it the chance to rip you up too.
Next is my house of stone, your ivy grows by AppleJuiz. A short, canon adjacent series about our favorite duo coping post-blip. Or trying to anyway. AppleJuiz really nails how they’re just kids dealing with all this. Missing five years, too old and too young for this. 
And now we have Life Moves Fast (and Years Have Passed) by @spideyfic. This is, in my opinion, one of the ultimate meeting again after high school fics. The story may begin shortly before Peter and MJ cross paths again but you can immediately feel the weight and reality of the lives they lived in the interim. Learning about their lost loves, their aspirations, their lessons learned, draws me in so deeply that every present feels real enough to shake my hand.
Honorable mentions: 
Mr. & Ms. Jones by @machiavelien. All 33k words are worth it just for MJ’s badass final line. But it’s also an incredible and sexy assassin AU.
to sin with you in silence by @coykoii. Emotional cheating has never felt so tense. Ocean views and thin walls give way to a very cinematic feel.
what in carnation? by @i-lovethatforme. A love triangle between MJ, Spidey, and Peter but also a flowershop AU! This one makes me happy.
if there’s no neighborhood by @momentofmemory. A short, wordless conversation between Spidey and a pandemic-silenced New York City.
force of impact by @momentofmemory again. Peter has a panic attack on the plane back from London and MJ helps him through it.
Ripple Effect by @awakening5. A small change -- Peter going down to the pool in Hoco -- has big consequences as time goes on.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by @seek--rest and @promiseofthepremise. Trauma recovery. It’s literally a little too real for me at times. Pace yourself.
pedestal by @befehlvonganzunten. The long road of mourning does not need to be traveled alone, as Michelle has to learn after her brother’s passing.
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
A Year of Growth by @spiders-n​. A literal year in the life of Peter Parker as he tries his hardest to constantly be a better person than he was. Featuring the esteemed May-Pepper-Tony parental unit, MJ taking no shit from anyone (and that includes Peter), Spidey having one of the most intense heroic moments I’ve ever read (seriously.), and a truly sinister enemy.
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violet975 · 3 years
Random thoughts.
So i replayed BOTW a while ago for the first time and decided to write down some of the random thoughts that i get while exploring Hyrule, here they are.
… A lot of these things gave me some fanfic ideas and I hope that they will do the same for someone more competent.
It's realty in character that the response to being asked why you took the man's torch is either to bludgeon things to death with it or to be a pyromaniac.
When the tower pedestal shines, Link instinctively leans back for a second before diving right back in because curiosity kills the cat.
The message from the slate/tower is to watch out for falling rocks which either means that 
1: zelda is writing them (and has a fair bit of free reign still).
2: the ancient Sheikah could see the future.
3: Ai to the likes of Fi.
Ganon kinda reawakens when the towers are up so maybe he was resting and building a body until he was interrupted here, which could be why his form later is such a hodgepodge of the Blights?.
Link is not too naive since he kinda clamps up in his answers to the totally unimportant old man.
Did Link briefly make eye-contact with the camera when he got the spirit orb!?
Link is a bit freaked out in his "How did you know!?" Response cas now he knows something major is up when the old man directly mentions the spirit orb.
Again, in character that you can choose to be an impatient brat with the "paraglider please?" Or inquisitive when Roam points out the slate.
Either run out of temper with the "that wasn't the deal!" Or be resigned with "so I need more now?" When the old fart sends you off to the other three shrines.
Ohh, another adrenaline junkie option with the "got it!" Over climbing the tower for a good view or a Deadpan "are you joking?".
"Or so i heard quite some time ago.. I do not know if it actually works as such" so they did not get teleporting to work before? or he just didn't learn how it was done.
So the monks, according to how the Triforce signs they held, apparently associate Power with Magnesis, Wisdom with bombs, Stability with stasis and Courage with cryonis?
The monks dissipate into green specks like Ganon’s soul does under the castle!
I'm not into men but damn if Link doesn't look good in the Warm Doublet.
Oh. My. God, he was King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule!!!!!
Link is such a dumbass, you get to ask Kass "are you a ...bird?" As if the man isn't standing right in front of you. No shit Sherlock! What next, is that a recorder?.
OhhohoHO! You either say "no(, i have not heard of them)" or "Ancient songs?" As if you do not initially realize why they are thought to be ancient which either is old memories warring with the now world or Link not realizing what impact The Calamity had on culture.
Another flat-faced sarcastic remark everyone!
When Manny mentions that his job is checking for beauties/sus people you can either be a dumb dunce and ask about the said beauties or a little menace with "sounds though".
Manny is an Incel, talks a big game and puts himself on top of a pedestal alongside being demanding and a creep.
Does Hateno not have a goddess shrine? Just the ~Evil~ one?
There is a pair of rusty knights sword and shield by the leftmost part of the walkway of Fort Hateno. Some knight probably died laying there, watching out over the field of guardians having been/being purged by Zelda.
A traveler (Chelessa) is interested in history and wants to question Impa about it, and is on her way to do so in fact. . Describes her personality as very pleasant, that must be wrong.
The Yiga know exactly how Links first waking moments played out so either they have extensive knowledge about his character and the setup of the Shrine Of Resurrection or Ganon was watching in on Zelda's call and relayed it to a minion in the clan.
"Hero boy" - derogatory.
Arrow in the eye of the bridge at the entrance of Kakariko, the Yiga are petty and I love it.
Piano's (the painter) hair bun thing that is styled like a pencil has paint on the tip... this man painted with his hair.
So the great fairy Cotera makes it sound like she will enchant your gear because you rejuvenated her, not because you bring the materials to do the enchanting.
The levels of enchantment seemingly depends on physical closeness to the Fairy (blow< indirect kiss< kiss < sex)
She can not enchant beyond Lv 1 without her sister's help, so they share power?
Paya specifies that they have watched over the Orb since the grandmother of the grandmother of Impa, that's 9 whole generations of long lived Sheikah! roughly 1000 years of recorded history!
Again with Link being a dense Shonen protagonist with "where is it?" Or a sly bastard with "really, though?"... maybe so that she would want to prove it ;) 
…”I'll answer you some day, just not today!”
Either Paya is just not ready for that or she is so nervous that she did not think about the fact that her own grandmother was in the room when she said it!
“Served the royal family in secret” so it's not common knowledge that the royals have a village of Magic ninjas!? No wonder it took a damn demon to topple it instead of rebellion or infighting... probably has been like this since the old old king banished 'em.
"The royal family was destroyed, and the members of our tribe scattered."- okay so it was probably some Sheikah that either thought the royal family was completely extinct and either fled or, according to this next bit- "Sadly, there were some who swore allegiance to Ganon at that time. They joined together as the Yiga Clan, seeking out all who opposed Ganon... cutting them down, one after another." 
So from that we get to know that not all Sheikah deserters became enemies (unless the Sheikah dislike defectors enough to hunt them down) and others who either joined an existing opposing group or simply up and created the Yiga clan that then aligned itself with Ganon... probably under either the belief that Hylia's line was extinct and that it was join or die or because they wished to spite the goddess and her followers.
I actually like this way more because it makes no sense that the Yiga could survive before the Calamity when the Royals would have an entire damn country and anbu black-ops to hunt them down with.
"Master link, now that you are awake, you are surely the most formidable opponent standing against them!" Either hero worship or the Sheikah are freshly out on capable warriors with Ninja magic tricks, probably the latter which would explain why the world isn't infested with Lynels or why hynoxes haven't just trampled every settlement.
"No doubt they will come for you, employing whatever underhanded methods they can device" 
oh come on! Do not tell me that i'm stuck with the goodie two shoe ninja clan!? Underhandedness is your bread and butter! No wonder you served the royals in secret because you and them by proxy would have been a laughingstock otherwise!!!
"The great fairy Cotera... few remain who know that this village was built under her watchful eye." So the village is fairy new and the Yiga came about before Kakariko or it is old and so well protected that they can't get in... at least not easily.
"The mysterious power of Cotera is that of sacred protection..." so the Great fairies are linked to either Hylia or the gods, good to know.
So it’s not that Cotera “-would be happy to help” but, instead “i can't think of any reason why she wouldn't be happy to help you”. so either she only directly helps men or the earlier "you can put your trust in the great fairy" means that she judges more favorably for the chosen hero.
"I heard that the weather is going to be beautifully tomorrow... to bad you won't be alive to enjoy it"
So they have weather accurate~ich prediction? through magic or old time methods?
Again: Hero boy - derogatory... It's a common nickname for Link within the Yiga.
The lush green shrine could tell that a buck was on it, so the platforms are most definitely scanners.
A travelers sword by a campfire at the foot of mount Lanayru, so someone either took a swim and died to the Lizardfo, dramatically quit or got killed in their sleep.
Love the effect when you have metal weapons on the ground and swing a ThunderBlade!
You automatically reflect the Octorock's rocks, goes faster if you do it manually.
There is a hollowed out part of a hill/mountain with a lot of fic potential to the North-West of the Sword by the campfire.
Located where the lines meet if you draw a line to the right from Rabia plain and up from Trotter's Downfall.
Koko of Kakariko has been deceived by my cunning and slight-of-hand. 
Yes, Sagessa (woman by the lake of the Dueling peaks stable), there is, in fact, something "quite romantic" in Link's "endeavor" to save Zelda, thank you for noticing!
The chests inside the shrines can only (non-violently) be opened by use of the Sheikah slate so why not steal a few? prefect safe-keeping for more stuff to keep in Links house.
Dunce moment everyone! 
The Yiga traveler tries to seduce Link and you either go with "OK..." so he either has no damn idea about what is going on or is just not good with women? 
Orrrrr you go with a straight "I refuse!" cas you see through their ruse and want to rub their face in the dirt!
According to Mina the Hylian, taking out two Bokoblins is considered as great martial caliber which both she and her traveling companion could not do while decently armed.
Best way to deal with a guardian scout when you have weak weapons: hit with electricity, switch weapon, hit 2-5 times, switch to electric, repeat.
When you first enter the area around Hyrule Castle, smoke Ganon throws a fit until Zelda slaps him away. 
This either means that Zelda canonically gets a larger workload from there on and out or that the both of them push harder against each other every time you get close.
According to Zelda's diary, Link was assigned as her guard after the champions had been appointed.
How Link was focused on her yet did not voice his thoughts apparently "makes my imagination run wild!". Either romantic or dense.
Link admits to staying quiet because of the pressure of being the boy chosen by the sword. 
King Rhoam mentions that he decided to honor THE royal family's traditions by naming his daughter Zelda, and that he is "not a man accustomed to frivolous musings". 
Basically confirming that he is not the parent of royal blood.
They probably knew about The Calamity for a good while cas the page after zelda's naming speaks of the fortune teller, probs 3-8 years since Zelda was described to already have vast interest in the relics.
Pikango gets up at 10 past 5, I spent the night watching him and Beetle sleep.
According to all known laws of aerodynamics, Rito should not be able to fly, is Revali's gale then just an absurdly strong variation of some kind of sky Arcanum that all Rito possess? Do all the races possess one as Well?
Slimes ate the Bokoblins in the tree base at the center of the west Hyrule fields.
Savelle is a helpful guy without a pension for violence.
Munk Shae Loya is just flexing on all the other Munks, those old farts need to sit down while he's been squatting on one leg the last 10'000 years.
Chork of the Tabantha Bridge Stable is drunk.
Toren is either naive or a simp for the Faireys.
If you have the Hylian hood equipped with no weapon while riding at max speed then your cape will flap.
"Sweet boy..." "...I see now that my first impression of you was correct. You most definitely are pleasant to look at." 
So link has some kind of presence/soul-thingy that appears pleasant to mystical creatures? Might be the spirit of the hero or this link in particular.
The Fairy Kaysar makes Link blush! No player input needed! We’ve found one of his types!... either that or he's just shy.
The fairies almost never use normal materials to enchant, it's always either monster parts that don't dissipate or things that grow in magical arias.
The Sheikah towers are sturdy as all hell, the Tabantha tower did not even get a scratch from a giant fucking pillar falling on it.
Okay, am I just crazy or is a Lizardfo and a Moblin holding a class for 5 bokoblins just to the left of the Tabanta fairy fountain!?
Lester, the wise curry rice guy at Rito Stable, describes Link as sunny boy, another point to the soul/aura theory thingy.
Phontos laughs to hide the pain.
According to the story that Kass sings. 
Calamity Ganon was the result of sealing the enemy at its source.
It fought not only the spawn of the Goddess and the bearer of the Spirit Of The Hero but also the army of Guardians and the Champions that piloted the Divine Beasts for quite some time, as implied in the "and the guardians protected them throughout every hour".
So what i get from this is that the attack 10 000 years ago was the first sighting of what we know as calamity Ganon. 
It was also far stronger than the one that attacked 100 years ago which implies that that one was either a rush job or that Ganon bounds had been tightened, both of which would drive him to seek out other methods like corrupting the Guardians.
...And the Guardians are apparently powered by the ancient blue energy which was, time-line wise, first shown when the Golden Goddesses created the world.
No wonder that Ganon was capable of doing this since he most likely is running on fumes, spite and the power of the Triforce which likely is made of/channels said energy.
According to the rumor mill, you need the blood of the Hero in your veins to wield the Master Sword, if this is accurate then that means that Fi is sentimental or that Link has magic blood.
Wildberrys are fucking massive.
Genli (the salmon child) is a cunt, one kid was crying about someone Vah Medoh killed and then Genli is all like "no don't stop it, if you do then i have to go to class again!", She would fit right in with today's youth.
Monk Akh Va'quot has the best position so far, he is just done with your shit.
"You adventurers are Crazy" -> "you're right"
You get nothing if you melt all the ice by the Tabantha tower! You lose! Good day sir!
Monk Daka Tuss got bored during his self-inflicted quarantine and started stacking his arm bands.
Tula (the bathing Zora) said "wow either you are a Hylian or hideously deformed"
Phura has vandalized and mounted one of the spirit frog statues above her door.
Okay but the fucking noice that comes out of Bolson when you buy everything!! It's as if you just walked up and twisted his nuts with the power fit to shield block a Lynel’s charge.
Is the flower by Link's bed a Korok version of a Silent Princess?
The monsters of Hyrule are show to have interest in consumption based on three accounts. 
1: the Bocoblins and the Moblins by Hateno bay steal cattle. 
2: Hynoxes carry around warriors foodstuffs. 
3: Moblins (or at least the ones by the camp near the Serenne stable/forgotten temple) have a resting animation where they dig through the dirt and stuff something down their goblet.
...not to mention that nearly every camp has a bit of meat roasting by the fire.
Koyin has joined the fan-club!
God, the Naydra snowfield is fucking loaded in chill-shromes!
Stasis is perfect for looking for ingredients in forests, just open it, look around and bam! No more hidey hoe.
Why no shiny text for hylia's statue!?
I really do not like that they changed Naydra's colors when the malice was removed, they were so cool and then bam! White! White is not the color for ice and cold!
When praying by the spring of wisdom you are facing Hyrule castle, the same with courage and power if my memory serves me right.
...The master Torch
The Katona Aug shrine is just fucking mini-golf, how is that meant to prepare the hero?! Imagine how that Monk goes to the afterlife and has to look his fellows straight in the eye and admit that he was so lazy that not only did he make the hero play golf, not only was he so lazy that he made the Hero play mini-golf, but that he was so lazy that he did not even make a course! It is literally just a straight line!
Robie wants to see Links scars to verify that he is who he says that he is, Robie was likely one of the ninja that took Link to the shrine of resurrection.
Oh and Robin has two interesting sketches in his lab, the first is a detailed graph of a Sheikah tower so those were likely known about long before Link activated one (the one closest to Robin would be the one covered in malice and guardians so he could not have gotten enough detail from that one).
And the other is a sketch of what I believe is either a tier 2 or tier 3 guardian scout. Now, how can Robin know how that looks if only Link can/could enter shrines?
The Sheikah shrine that has the Barbarian helm is located at the end of the Sinai maze, did they just plop the shrine down there and steal the treasure of the ruin to later present to the hero?
There is one usable room in the citadel.
There is no compendium slot for the malice eyes that litter Naydra, Hyrule Castle and the Divine Beasts.
You can change the element of already elemental slime, not just the neutral kind.
Those head-spitting fuckers inside the divine beasts! They are partially reanimating mobs! So it's not that the Blood Moon is the time where Ganon is at his strongest, it's just where he chooses to revive everything.
The edge of duality can also be found in the shrine at the top of the dueling peaks.
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magaprima · 4 years
Okay *cracks knuckles* Let’s talk about just how powerful Lilith is. I will be using some of her actual mythology as logic/background info, but primarily I will only be talking about what we canonically see and imply within the CAOS world. I’ll be using logic and actual outright examples. 
First, the logic: 
We gather from the show that the older and more experienced a witch or warlock is, the more powerful they are. A clear example of this is while Sabrina needs tools to banish a demon, Blackwood is able to banish with a simple command. We also see how Sabrina, after decades in stone, is more powerful, because even without practice, time has had its effect. Lilith, is older than every other witch on the show. She is the first witch. The FIRST witch. No one is older than her in witch world, and if we go off her mythology and what typically gets given as the time since Eden, she’s averaging about 6000 years old. I think we’ve had it confirmed that Zelda and Hilda are somwhere between 250 and 300, given they weren’t alive in 1693, but Hilda was apparently old enough to be off partying on the Thames in 1837, and we establish she was in England raising Ambrose, so she is a hell of a lot older than everyone, a hell of a lot more experienced and knows a hell of a lot more spells. So she’s powerful on that basis. 
Lilith is not just any witch, she is not someone who got powers by signing the Book of the Beast, she is a witch of her own making with no conditions. This we know from her mythology (she said the holy name, giving herself powers and the freedom to leave Eden), but it’s also confirmed in that we see in the passion play Lilith already had Stolas, her ‘familiar’, before she met the Dark Lord, and when Lucifer is draining everyone’s powers, he is unable to drain Lilith’s. Lilith stays at full witch capacity. So the fact her powers are not dependent on a fallen angel or God giving her those powers, but powers she’s claimed for herself, also make her very powerful, because her gifts come from herself and cannot be taken away. 
She is also, due to her time in Hell and her role in Hell, the Mother of Demons, and a demoness herself. As  she said to the Spellmans she is a witch, but she’s not only a witch. Being the Mother of Demons and/or a demoness, comes with powers in its own right, powers that aren’t witchy but are infernal. So she’s powerful in that she has extra magic going on, but also she has literally Mothered demons in Hell, which gives her a certain amount of power and agency over the realm, even if the Plague Kings don’t want to admit it and even if Sabrina wants to ignore that. Being the Mother of Demons doesn’t just give her authority, it gives her power. 
She was created by the False God from earth. Divine, celestial energy was breathed into her by a God in order to bring her to life, and she was made from earth, the most powerful, magical thing there is; the earth itself. The very origins of her creation add to her power. 
All of this means that, as much as Sabrina’s role as daughter of Lucifer does make her powerful, she is not as powerful as Lilith, she physically can’t be (even if the writers like to forget that sometimes). And that brings me to the canon examples.
The big one; restraining Satan. Sabrina tries to trap him in the Acheron but it fails and he breaks free. He shouts ‘I am the great Satan which no prison can contain!’ and storms towards Sabrian violently, and is brought to an abrupt stop by Lilith. She ‘contains’ him. She holds him there with just her own telekinetic power. No spells, no aids or potions; just her own unadulterated power. This is one of the few flashes we get in the show of Lilith’s undiluted strength, showing us just what she’s capable of. She also does it with confidence. She doesn’t reach out her hand in panic and hope it works, she knows her power will hold him because she shouts ‘Hold that nasty thought!’ very glibly as she pulls him to an abrupt stop. And then Satan strains against it, he fights her power so much in his desperation to get free, but HE CAN’T. The Dark Lord is fighting to get free,and all that’s holding him there is Lilith, yet he can’t free himself. Lilith admits she can’t restrain him for long, but she holds him there for several minutes and chooses to release him when Nick does the binding spell. We never actually see Lucifer break free, so who knows how long she’d be able to hold him. The fact she can do this canonically shows us she is more powerful than all the other characters, including Sabrina. 
She returns Sabrina’s powers to her. The only other people we’ve seen bestow powers on witches are The Dark Lord (a fallen angel. A celestial) and Hecate (a Goddess). This puts Lilith on a par with both of them. It also shows she has her own source of magic as I said above. We confirm in Part 3 that Lucifer’s powers come from him being an angel  and it’s his celestial energy that allow him to bestow powers on his witches. Lilith therefore has her own power source too which allowed her to return Sabrina’s powers to her. Even though what she returned to her was Satan’s powers (showing Lilith, while Lucifer was bound, also had power over his gifts too), it stands to reason that if she is able to do this she is also able to bestow her own powers. Only...no one thought to ask in Part 3. 
She resurrected Mary without a sacrifice. Resurrecting people without sacrifices, without the life-for-a-life rule has been shown to be the exclusive of beings such as Lucifer and Hecate and things such as the Cain Pit. The fact Lilith is able to do this, and very easily too, shows, yet again, that she is on a par with them. The fact the writers said, in a quote about part 4 ‘Zelda has turned to an even older Goddess than Lilith’, implies even the writers see Lilith as Goddess level in her powers. 
She sent a soul to Heaven with the flick of a hand and she wasn’t even Queen anymore when she did this. She doesn’t do a big spell, she doesn’t do a ritual, she doesn’t even make any effort; she simply flicked her hand and Jesse left hell and flew straight up to Heaven. 
Similarly, she was able to banish Beelzebub with a flick of the hand too (probably one of the reason he didn’t want her as Queen. Holding a grudge). Sabrina, we’ve seen, needed tools to banish demons, Blackwood had magical commands to do it, but Lilith doesn’t say a word. She just flicks her hand dismissively, and Beelzebub is banished back to Hell, not only confirming how powerful she is in general but showing she is more powerful than the Plague Kings.
Which leads onto the point of how they’d challenged her for the throne once before and she beat them back. She says, before Sabrina’s arrival, ‘we will not have our sovereignty challenged again’, meaning they challenged her and she defeated them. This would have been a display of both physical and political power. Yet, when Sabrina comes in, they suddenly start Regalia challenges (the implication being that if they’d made that challenge to Liltih they suspected there was too much risk of her winning. They felt more confident with Sabrina, and reasonably so, as without the help of Ambrose, Lilith and Lucifer she wouldn’t have found any of the items. And there’s no way Lilith would have just let him pick up Herod’s crown). The hordes of Hell know Lilith  is very powerful, they just didn’t like her being Queen. 
She summons the Greendale Thirteen pretty damn easily. That was a big summoning of thirteen long dead ghosts, and conjuring them to be solid enough for them to be able to interact with and touch the living, even starting fires and summonings of their own. Essentially, she did a temporary resurrection with a very simple blood spell. 
She enchanted a ring to hide Adam from the Dark Lord. This is a spell that gets overlook I think in showing Lilith’s power and knowledge. Lilith was able to enchant an object so that the wearer would be unseen by The Dark Lord himself. She was able to hide a freaking person from his sight. That not only requires a lot of power, but shows immense knowledge of magic; an unchallengable knowledge really. I mean the only reason Adam was ever found was that Stolas told on them. If not for him, the ring would have worked permanently which is one freaking impressive charm to make. 
Lucifer seems to believe she is the only one capable of performing the Ritual of Separation. I mean if anyone could do it, he could easily have gone to Nick, or any of the coven, since everyone was wandering about and didn’t seem to be entering a protective circle for a while. And if it’s because he’d taken away even their power to do rituals, there are many people in Hell that would technically be capabe, people who are very loyal to him. And then there’s other witches in the world, ones who still worship Satan, the list goes on. But I think it’s a case of Lilith being the only one who he can trust to do the Ritual correctly and successfully, but also she’s the only one with enough power to match his.
She siren songs the Dark Lord to sleep quite effortlessly, which again is immense power. Much like when she siren songed Sabrina and freaking STOPPED TIME. The woman has power over time too, which the show doesn’t make clear whether it’s also linked to her siren song or not, but either way, time manipulation is also in her repertoire of power. But yes, she siren songs the Dark Lord to sleep, and then wakes up only Blackwood. That requires immense skill and power over the mind and the subconscious, something much more precise and powerful than even the nightmares of her ‘daughter’ Batibat. 
Finally, in notes of immense power, she gives Blackwood the Mark of Cain. In the bible this is only ever given by God, that is the False God. We have Lilith, yet again, doing something we have only confirmed Gods doing, putting her yet again on a par with them.
And all this power is why I just don’t buy how Caliban managed to encase Lilith in stone. And even Lucifer for that matter. Or how they were gone at all. It just seemed a bit of ‘ignoring their power’ in order to allow Sabrina to ‘save’ the world on her own. 
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