#spilt tegan
glitchy-npc · 11 months
Favorite, armor, and stature for sidestep(s) of choice 👀?
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
He has a somewhat oversized denim jacked that's worn to hell but its comfortable and fits the retiree persona well. He's become attached to it tho and still keeps it after the style change.
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
He has the mysterious armor, all black and the hooded cape is spilt down the middle so it doesn't get in the way of the back portion of the jump jets. He's very meticulous with upkeep and repair except for the scratch on his breastplate from Argent's "sword". Its her badge and she's earned it and he knows she's pleased he didn't repair it.
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Tegan's 5'5' and a has an athletic gymnast/martial artist type build. He's a little bulkier now than in the Sidestep days (Ortega has commented on it more than once and likes Tegan's muscles) He used to wear oversized clothing so he wouldn't look like such a little guy but he's a lot more confident these days. Still a bit touchy about his height though.
Thanks for the ask! ❤
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
First Line Game
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Tagged by @promiseofthepremise​ and @spiderman-homecomeme​ <3
1) Loved You To Pieces
Ned and Michelle watch the young man leave the bake shop with a sad smile on his face and yet a spring in his step.
2) Intransitive
There’s tears in his eyes, the weight of everything the last several months have brought him crushing him into a black hole of constant bereavement.
3) A Chill in the Night
Michelle prides herself on being observant.
4) The Most Distant Star
Conrad Watson chuckles from where he sits on the couch and pauses the TV, hearing two pairs of feet rumbling down the stairs as the calls for him grow louder.
5) Absque Morte
I wake with a start, a feeling like electricity fizzling through my extremities.
6) Powerful (With A Little Bit Of Tender)
Cindy knew this was going to go south from the moment she arrived.
7) this is what the world is for
Michelle has never been more thankful for her height than now, as she strides purposefully down the white hallways of a Roxxon facility wearing a lab coat and badge that make her look far older than her 17 years.
8) A Veil Over a Mirror
When the explosions ring out, the city for one terrifying second stands completely still.
9) This Life Is Shining
Cindy Moon has been Michelle’s friend for only about six months but she’s known the girl for almost two years.
10) A Boh By Any Other Name
Peter Parker has a plan.
I like to begin in the middle of a moment, is what I’m seeing. Mid-stride. I also seem to start with character observations and more specifically with Proper Nouns rather than general descriptions. I’ve actively tried to start with general descriptions, something more in the style of Neil Gaiman, but it never quite feels right. Always leaves an itch between my shoulder blades that doesn’t go away until I restructure to lead with a someone instead of a somewhat. Done right, though, it can be quite a hook. I’m still proud of the image evoked by the first line of A Veil Over a Mirror. Sometimes I can walk the line between the two styles line in Intransitive and that’s something I want to experiment with. But then that whole fic was an experiment.
tagging: @anarchyduck @oliocelottafanfics @rachelmclacey @awakening5 @justmattycakes <3
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thewhovianperson · 3 years
It's round six of my doctor who companions with each doctor series, which means we have Ben and Polly, another couple that I absolutely refuse to separate. So without further ado, let's get down to business to defeat... The Faceless Ones?
1: Ben and Polly would have pretty much the same reaction to One as Ian and Barbara did, that is to say bemusement crossed with slight horror occasionally. However as they'd click with Susan I think One would be more amicable to them. Standout story for Ben would be The Reign of Terror, and Polly would be brilliant in Planet of the Giants, purely for her resourcefulness.
2: Hot take but we needed more stories with Ben, Polly, and Jamie because this TARDIS Team had some class A antics. Also they deserve a better goodbye than the one they got (even if The Faceless Ones is an absolute banger). I'd love to see them with later 2, where his mysterious side comes out, and I think the Land of Fiction would be an interesting time for them.
3: Three, Ben and Polly would make strange bedfellows, but I think it could work sometimes. Polly would probably find Three exasperating at times, but Ben would fit right in with the UNIT family, and I think that both would have major respect for Three after their reaction to The Silurians.
4: This would essentially be Two, Ben, and Polly dialed up to eleven (and I don't mean the Doctor's incarnation, okay yes, that too, but one doctor at a time). Honestly this grouping would be pretty cool, and the crazy vibe would be off the charts. Polly would 100% build a crazy weedkiller that saved the world in The Seeds of Doom.
5: Young, (probably) gay (I headcanon Ben as bi and Polly as an ally), but with them on board, the team size would be way too high. They'd get swallowed in the mix, and Polly and Tegan would definitely clash.
6: They would be upset by Sixes arrogance, as they'd have largely avoided 1's, this would be their first pairing with an incredibly arrogant doctor. However as Six mellowed out they'd enjoy their trips and definitely establish a strong rapport together.
7: As soon as Seven put one of them in danger the other would slap the shit out of them. That being said you can't tell me that Ben and Polly wouldn't cause an equal amount of devastation to the Daleks as Ace did in Remembrance. Honestly I'd love to see a "what if" style episode with them in there.
8: "Ben and Polly travel the universe with a romantic queer who teaches them about the beauty of the stars" is a premise I can 100% get behind.
War: I feel like in the early stages of The Time War this duo would do well because of their resourcefulness and ability to work well under duress. They'd definitely help War with some of the more difficult aspects of the Time War, but they're only human. I can't see them surviving after the big players actually pulled out the meaningful weapons.
9: Ben is a post war sailor, who probably fought in Korea, and 100% knows about trauma from battles. Imagine if you would, a scenario in which the Autons are in 1966, and 9 meets these two flatting together. Polly would pull some gymnastics movements out of nowhere, antiplastic would be spilt, and then Ben would offer Nine the journey of a lifetime... to a therapist's office.
10: This has the same vibe as 10 had with Martha and Donna in my head, so essentially fuck yes this would work.
11: Matt literally modelled his character after 2's, and considering they went so well together this grouping would too. 11 occasionally gets a little darker than 2 did when they were with them, but I think they'd vibe for the most part. If they can deal with hypnoBen and giant sentient crabs, they can deal with Slenderman and co.
12: If you can survive 1 you can survive 12 (unless you're Bill), so 12's grumpiness wouldn't hurt them too much. Assuming they were with the end of 11's tenure too, I think that having the Paternoster Gang to help them through the change would be good too. They might clash over Ben's occupation a little bit though.
13: Thirteen seems to need an emotional support family, so hell yeah these two would do well. I would also love the implication that they're technically older than Graham but also younger, I can see that being the butt of one or three jokes between them. Honestly considering their age and time period, this group would be amazing.
Ruth: I've said it before on this post and I'll say it again: Ben and Polly are some of the most resourceful companions The Doctor has ever had. As long as they were alright with a Doc who essentially wakes up and seems to choose violence each morning, I think they'd do well.
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mrs-jughead-jones · 7 years
Seal of Approval || Jughead Jones
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Request from anon: Hey can I request a Jughead x reader fic where the reader is a new student who has icey blue eyes and red hair and she's really shy but she really likes jug. Your stuff is really amazing. Thank you in advance you lovely person you <3 <3
Request from @sunshine51879: An Jughead request. The reader is Jason & Cheryl ' s little sister. She is not like them, quiet, shy, loves to read. Dating Jughead, the twins know & approve. Everyone else finds out when Cheryl blasts Reggie for blaming Jug for Jason's death.
A/N: I don’t own the conversation between Jughead and Reggie. That belongs to the “Riverdale” writers.
As you, Y/N Blossom, looked up at the building that was Riverdale High, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. Sure, you were definitely a Blossom with your bright blue eyes and fiery red hair and your older sister basically ran the school. But after your older brother’s death, your parents had pulled you out of your private school in the city and brought you back to Riverdale so they could keep a closer eye on you. They didn’t want to lose two children. You were also very different from your siblings. While Cheryl and Jason were involved in a ton of after school activities and loved to have parties, you were more laid-back and quiet, preferring to read in your spare time. You were a freshman, just a year younger than Cheryl and Jason but you felt like a kindergartner again, going to a brand new, big, bad school.
“Hey, Y/N!” a voice called, making you turn around.
You smiled once you realized who it was.
Jughead Jones, your boyfriend of seven months made his way over to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You blushed and quickly looked around, making sure no one saw the two of you.
“Jughead!” you lightly scolded. “What if someone saw us?”
Jughead smirked.
“What a shame that would be,” he said sarcastically.
You and Jughead met over your spring break earlier that year. You had accidentally walked into him while carrying a milkshake and spilled it all over him. You apologized to him profusely as you tried to clean up his shirt as he continuously reassured you that it was fine. You then offered to buy him whatever he wanted from Pop’s as an apology. Little did you know that would end up being your first date. Laughing and joking with each other over spilt milkshake.
Although you were dating Jughead, not a lot of people knew about it. Your and Jughead’s families were always under scrutiny and you didn’t have to deal with your relationship being under the public eye as well. However, Cheryl knew you were dating the beanie-clad boy. Jason did too, when he was alive. To your surprise, they approved of the Jones boy. Why, you never knew. You decided it was better not to question them on it. Jason would always joke with you that he would murder Jughead if he ever broke your heart. You would always laugh at that.
You didn’t like to joke about that now.
“You ready?” Jughead asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You sighed and nodded, looking back towards the school.
“Readier than I’ll ever be.”
You managed to get through the majority of the day without any drama going down. But seeing as you were a Blossom, of course you couldn’t escape the drama that went down during your free period.
You were in the student lounge along with Jughead and the rest of the Core Four. The jocks were on the sofa and Cheryl was there as well, occasionally looking over at you to make sure you were alright. The jocks were chatting amongst themselves but you only started paying attention when you heard your brother’s name.
“… let's be honest,” Reggie began. “Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial killer fanboy freak. Like Jughead?”
You quickly turned to Jughead who looked at Reggie with a calm albeit annoyed expression.
“What was it like, Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like after?” he teased.
“It’s called necrophilia, Reggie,” Jughead stated. “Can you spell it?”
Reggie quickly got up.
“Hey, come here, you little—”
“Enough!” Cheryl snapped, stepping in between Jughead and Reggie.
Everyone looked at Cheryl bewildered, wondering why the Blossom girl suddenly cared about Jughead’s wellbeing.
Reggie scoffed.
“Step aside, Cherry Pie, and let me avenge your brother’s murderer,” he said, a smug smile on his face. “It’s not like Jughead’s important to you.”
Cheryl looked like she was about to explode.
“He’s important to Y/N. She’s her boyfriend and she loves him and I’ll be damned if I let you hurt him. Back up.” she snarled.
Everyone’s eyes widened as they looked at you and then Jughead, the two of you now blushing furiously.
“No way,” Reggie said in disbelief. “Your little sister and Norman Bates?”
“I said back up!” Cheryl yelled.
Reggie knew better than to mess with the eldest Blossom girl and held his hands up in surrender, slowly backing out of the student lounge.
Cheryl sighed and turned back to you, and apologetic look on her face.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N,” Cheryl said as she walked over to you. “I know you and Jughead wanted to keep your relationship a secret and I just—”
“No, Cheryl, it’s okay,” you reassured.
You looked over at Jughead who was smiling and holding out his hand out for you, ready to walk hand-in-hand with you to your next class.
You smiled.
“It’s more than okay.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send me feedback!
@lydixstiles @jughead-from-riverdale @pinkhappypanda @iamthegoatmaster @subsi4123 @deanskitten @latenightbooknerd @lostinpercyseyes @captainelsaeverdeen @itsjaynebird @allineedisconnor @superoriginalteenwolf @sastielstan @1amluke @satanwithstardust @babearchie @theselfishllama @katshrev @juggiesjuliet @betty-coopers-number-one-stan @imperfectanatomy @casismyguardianangel @irrajj @fangites @apocalypticangell @sparklingriverdale @jvghead-jones-iii @onceuponagladerhead @isabellaskyliner @vodkaluh @tegan-eva @murderyoursoul @regenpony @xbobaaa @farmfreshcoldsprouts @hellolittlebigstudent @audreyxhorne @faithmichaluk @thebloodyshuckface @castawayalicia @lost-in-wonderland-x @holoqraphik @nadya0128 @soulception @jughead-archie-imagines @juggys-betty @twizzlersnizzler @riverdale--trash @barbarachern @likesiriusly @thatsavagehufflepuff @multi-madison @mrs-fangirl @thatcraxygirl15 @frobert20 @miss-mia-rae @buckyplease @myblackwings5 @thecrossroad-demon @writing-in-riverdale @jghdjns-iii @johnmurphys-sass @killjoyloki @annoyingsibling @the-local-dreamer-star @stephyra17 @reginaphlanageadams @river-vixns @genderabused @wetsknn
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
5. 6. 11. 17. 24. 25. I expect long answers.
[i stg i wasn’t trying to be cheeky. apparently ctrl + enter is the same as hitting the post button]
most popular fic this year
It’s actually a tie between A Veil Over a Mirror and A Boh By Any Other Name. I’m pretty proud of both of those so seeing them at the top makes me happy. Both were written on a whim and are pretty short but it seems like the stuff off the cuff, from the heart, is what speaks to people the most in my style. Even better that one of them was for our Queen, Michelle Jones’, birthday.
least popular fic this year
The Most Distant Star. I didn’t post it but a few days ago so that’s fair. I’m sure it’ll get more attention when all three chapters are up at the end of the month. 
Of my completed fics this year, This Life Is Shining, is the least popular. I get it; there’s no romantic pairing, no Tony Stark (corporeal), and the transgender character is a focus but I really enjoyed writing it so not much else matters. Plus it let me dip my toe into writing a road trip fic and it turns out I enjoy that a lot.
fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Well, I only published for various Spider-Men and for Silk but I also wrote quite a bit of (as yet unpublished) Harry Potter and Legend of Zelda fic. Even taking that into account, I absolutely had the most fun writing for the Spiders. Canon is so gd messy that the cracks are just bursting with potential. And when you mix it up (a la A Veil Over a Mirror), it gets really interesting. I love that there’s all these myriad iterations that we can mix and match and desecrate to our hearts’ content in the pursuit of putting stories into the world that make us feel powerful things. 
That’s without even mentioning the wonderful, creative, loving sub-fandom I’ve fallen into. They have 100% kept me interested by being so damn interesting themselves but also by encouraging me to find my own value in the media, to make what I want to see in the world. That means so much to me when I know that at times I’m making extremely niche content. 
fics you’ll continue next year
The Velvet Curtain is a strange thing for me. An AU of an (unpublished) AU, it spends a lot of time rattling around in the back of my head reminding me that it exists but doing nothing to evolve or advance. I want to continue it. I just need to find that spark for it again. A rewrite may be in order.
On the other hand, Powerful (With A Little Bit Of Tender) is hot in my mind right now. Partially bc @machiavelien tagged me in a post earlier that made me laugh and partially because the perfect song came on my Spotify while I was showering earlier and the loving angst is strong within me atm. What’s it like to want to trust the person who has tried so many times to kill you? And am I talking about Felicia or Cindy?  ¬‿¬
favorite fic you read this year
Oh god. Oh fuck. I’ve read so much... I-- I can’t pick just one.... 
Fuck it, I’m not!
Top of the list, Resilience and Other Heroes by @promiseofthepremise. This is a stunning, heart-wrenching, I-cried-ugly-tears fic about if Spidey and Co had survived the snap. It tore me apart and I hope you’ll give it the chance to rip you up too.
Next is my house of stone, your ivy grows by AppleJuiz. A short, canon adjacent series about our favorite duo coping post-blip. Or trying to anyway. AppleJuiz really nails how they’re just kids dealing with all this. Missing five years, too old and too young for this. 
And now we have Life Moves Fast (and Years Have Passed) by @spideyfic. This is, in my opinion, one of the ultimate meeting again after high school fics. The story may begin shortly before Peter and MJ cross paths again but you can immediately feel the weight and reality of the lives they lived in the interim. Learning about their lost loves, their aspirations, their lessons learned, draws me in so deeply that every present feels real enough to shake my hand.
Honorable mentions: 
Mr. & Ms. Jones by @machiavelien. All 33k words are worth it just for MJ’s badass final line. But it’s also an incredible and sexy assassin AU.
to sin with you in silence by @coykoii. Emotional cheating has never felt so tense. Ocean views and thin walls give way to a very cinematic feel.
what in carnation? by @i-lovethatforme. A love triangle between MJ, Spidey, and Peter but also a flowershop AU! This one makes me happy.
if there’s no neighborhood by @momentofmemory. A short, wordless conversation between Spidey and a pandemic-silenced New York City.
force of impact by @momentofmemory again. Peter has a panic attack on the plane back from London and MJ helps him through it.
Ripple Effect by @awakening5. A small change -- Peter going down to the pool in Hoco -- has big consequences as time goes on.
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by @seek--rest and @promiseofthepremise. Trauma recovery. It’s literally a little too real for me at times. Pace yourself.
pedestal by @befehlvonganzunten. The long road of mourning does not need to be traveled alone, as Michelle has to learn after her brother’s passing.
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
A Year of Growth by @spiders-n​. A literal year in the life of Peter Parker as he tries his hardest to constantly be a better person than he was. Featuring the esteemed May-Pepper-Tony parental unit, MJ taking no shit from anyone (and that includes Peter), Spidey having one of the most intense heroic moments I’ve ever read (seriously.), and a truly sinister enemy.
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
tumblr tag game
thank you the tag @rachelmclacey - @a24thegreenknight - @friendofspidermannedleeds <3
1. Why did you choose your url?
i like puns, peppermint tea (literally drinking some rn), and my name is tegan. voilà.
2. Any side blogs?
nope. i barely have the attention span for one.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
like, originally? probably 2010-2011. i’ve deleted and rejoined tumblr times as i abandoned my previous cringe pile.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no and i hardly ever use the queue.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i read some really good spideychelle fics and wanted to join the fandom! i’m really glad i took the leap. the spideychelle peeps are lovely and a half <3
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it’s a picrew of me bc i have a horde of them like any self-respecting trans person.
7. Why did you choose your header?
i... don’t think i have a header. do i? suggest me one.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
i have no idea how to find the answer to this
9. How many mutuals do you have?
twenty! and i cherish every one of them.
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
that would require me making a self-post that isn’t a tag game or an ao3 post. so no.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
ten, maybe twenty minutes? a bit less than i did a few weeks ago. it’s just healthy to take a step back every once in a while.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
not on this blog i haven’t
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i ignore that bit and reblog it if i want. no pressure.
16. Do you like tag games?
i love them! learning about my mutuals interests and intricacies is the best part of tumblr.
17. Do you like ask games?
i do, and feel free to send me asks just randomly too! you don’t have to wait for a game.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
lmao all of them but me it feels like. they’re all stars in my eyes.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes :)
20. Tags!
i am so late to this party i even missed the clean up so i’m not gonna tag anyone. but if you wanna do it, tag me and i’ll edit you in here <3
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
Do you ever get super mad about something so niche to your field that few other people would understand or care? Cause like I'm feelin it.
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
This or That
Yoinked from @forasecondtherewedwon <3
hardcover or paperback, romantic story or thriller, fantasy or and science fiction, audiobook or ebook, slow burn or crush at first sight, happy ending or open ending, childhood friends to lovers or enemies to lovers, exes to lovers or fake dating, forbidden love or soul mate, au or crossover?
Tagging: no one and everyone! do it if you like <3
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