#most Demesne scholarship is?
professorlegaspi · 1 year
I wish I was a language nerd so I could talk about the linguistic implications of L’Azzulla being named that way
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latristereina · 5 years
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The reign of Berenguela of Castile, queen-consort of León from 1197 until 1204 and queen-regnant of Castile for a brief moment in 1217, illuminates the dense familial connections created by the royal families of Europe in the twelfth century. Berenguela was the daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castile (d. 1214) and Leonor of England; her sister Blanche, married to King Louis VIII, was Queen of France. She was closely linked not only to Urraca of León-Castile and Teresa of Portugal, but also to her grandparents, Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. This rich lineage made Berenguela a highly sought-after bride, and she caught the attention of German emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who betrothed his son, Conrad, to her in 1187. But when her brother was born and she was demoted in the line of succession, the emperor had the marriage proposal officially annulled. In 1197, Berenguela married her ambitious first cousin, Alfonso IX of León (d. 1230). It is likely that both parties requested dispensations from Pope Celestine III, but there is no proof of this. Pope Innocent III, a stickler for adherence to Church law on matrimonial issues such as obvious consanguinity, moved to annul the marriage. However, he did not take final action until 1204, after Berenguela had given birth to five children. This was the second annulment for both Berenguela and Alfonso, and they fought to keep the marriage intact, but the pope denied their request, although their children were deemed legitimate. Berenguela's reign also illuminates the risky choices a queen sometimes had to make to ensure the success of her family and the realm. When her father died in 1214, he was succeeded by his ten-year-old son Enrique; dowager-queen Leonor was regent for him for just a few weeks until her death. Berenguela then stepped in as regent for her brother until 1217, but leaped to the head of the line of succession when Enrique died in a freak accident. In that instant, Berenguela went from ex-queen consort of León and busy mother of five children, to heiress and queen regnant of Castile. She was in a dangerous position, poised precariously between her former husband - who could easily claim the crown as Enrique's closest male relative, the powerful Lara family - who had been making trouble for a decade, and trying to protect her son, Fernando, then sixteen. For over one month, she refused to tell Alfonso the news of her brother's death and her own accession, waiting until just before she abdicated the Crown in favor of their son:
Therefore the noble queen went out with her sons Fernando and Alfonso and with the bishops - namely, of Burgos and Palencia - and with other men of religion, and with the barons who supported her, and came to the aforesaid place, where a crowd of people awaited her arrival. One of them, speaking for all of them since they had agreed on this, recognized on behalf of the populace that the kingdom belonged by right to Queen doña Berenguela, and that everyone recognized her as domina and queen of the kingdom of Castile. Nevertheless, they all unanimously begged her to grant the kingdom, which was hers by proprietary right, to her elder son, don Fernando, because since she was a woman, she could not withstand the burdens of ruling the kingdom. Seeing what she had most ardently desired, she joyfully agreed to their request and granted the kingdom to her son.
Shadis convincingly critiques scholarship that dismisses Berenguela as 'queen for a day' and argues, instead, that Berenguela's famous grant of kingship to Fernando in 1217 was co-rulership, not abdication. Her choice made perfect sense at the time. Military concerns were probably paramount, with the Christian armies still at war against the Muslims, and with restive and ambitious nobles ready to seize on any weakness. There is nothing like an interregnum to raise the stakes, as the reign of Empress Matilda made clear. Even a queen who inherited directly, had explicit support from nobles and ruled in her own right still needed a husband to lend a hand on the field with an army. Still, as Jana Bianchini notes, contemporaries took pains to note that, although Fernando was king, he humbly and devoutly took counsel with his mother, obeyed her. However, they also note that Berenguela was always careful not to overstep her bounds or make him seem a passive receptacle of her wishes, which would make him appear effeminate and not worthy of the title of king. Her authority was always presented in a non-threatening manner. She was, in short, highly attuned to the careful balance of masculine and feminine elements in a successful monarchy. Berenguela was hardly an absentee queen in other areas, either. She controlled properties known as the Infantazgo that formed the implicit domain of Leonese-Castilian royal women and constituted a significant share of the Crown's demesne. Akin to the English queen's gold, many of these lands were economically valuable and nearly all were situated along the strategically important borders of other Christian kingdoms. Bianchini has studied the Infantazgo and notes that it was given only to royal women who had become consecrated virgins - a status somewhat short of nunhood, but which nonetheless barred these women from marrying and bearing children and meaning they could not alienate the Crown's properties to husbands or children. Sancha Raimúndez (d.1159), who reigned with her brother Alfonso VII, may have been a consecrated nun with properties in the Infantazgo. But Sancha's mother, Queen Urraca of León-Castile also held large portions of the Infantazgo during her widowhood, while she was married to her second husband, and throughout her extramarital affair with a Castilian noble. A patron of the Church, she personally supervized construction of cathedrals and commissioned Lucas of Tuy to compose a chronicle on the kings of Castile and León. She was at Fernando's side as an advisor, intervening indirectly in royal policy, negotiating the marriages of her children. Her intervention on Fernando's behalf in 1230 had far-reaching consequences. When her former husband, Alfonso IX, died, he designated as his heirs Sancha and Dulce, his daughters from his first marriage to Teresa, daughter of Sancho I of Portugal. His claim that the Crown should pass to the eldest child, not the eldest son, effectively superseded what Berenguela considered the birthright of her son, Fernando. Berenguela met with the princesses' mother and they negotiated a treaty stipulating that Sancha and Dulce would renounce their rights to the throne in exchange for lifetime annuities. This was an enduring achievement. It prevented civil war and united León and Castile - not minor feats - but solidifying primogeniture as the right of a king's eldest son, not eldest daughter, had far-reaching consequences for queenship.
Theresa Earenfight, Queenship in Medieval Europe (Queenship and Power)
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thinkingagain · 5 years
“My aunt’s farm had some animals, some of whom lived a long time. The first real friend I remember was a cow.”
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Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest (A Novel of the Revolution) Book Two: Empire Chapter 5
A few days after thwarting the wolf assault, Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest walked with the Madam outside the translucent Demesne walls. The morning was sunny and cool. They strolled through woods and fields, taking in the sights and sounds and smells of the hills.
To the Sir, the Madam exuded radiance. The air around her responded with a gauzy shimmer to the changing tones of her skin color which were the outwards signs of her magic and which she could control when needed. Today she had no such need.
The Sir always found her clothing well-suited for every occasion. This morning only emphasized his feeling: the shade of her blue dress created a thrillingly moody counterpoint to the fading leaves of late fall. “Ah, Madam,” the Sir used his most graceful tones, “it is a pleasure to have you join me, this fine day. I find your conversation ennobling and refined.”
“It’s nice to have some free time, isn’t it?” The Madam smiled. “The Demesne keeps us very busy.”
“It does,” the Sir agreed. “There is little time to rest when one has a crucial cause to work for. Yet at moments like this, I can imagine living differently. Perhaps one day, you and I shall take a trip and see many far-flung locales of this world—a world that is still beautiful, despite Beastly excess.” He looked up at her shyly, wrinkling his bunny nose.
“That would be wonderful, Sir.” The Madam’s eyes turned down. “But you would never be happy away too long from the business of the Demesne.”
Even on this casual stroll, the Sir’s sword was ready at his side. There was no great danger in the regular world immediately surrounding the Demesne. Yet life there, as anywhere, required a rabbit to remain on guard.
The Sir looked dapper among the tall grass on the edge of the trail, his gold suit with blue stars shiny in the morning light. Thomas, that silently attentive little grizzly, sat prominently in the folds of his shirt. “Perhaps with you by my side I would be happy far from here, even if only for a time,” the Sir said. “The idea seems dreamlike. You enjoyed your travels with Lucky, I know.
“Please don’t misunderstand. My life on the Demesne is one I asked for but did not know was possible. Now, I find it both more rewarding and challenging than I had imagined. But though I must continue fighting, there is much in me that longs for peace and beauty. I know I cannot have too much peace in a world which Beasts have corrupted. Perhaps it is too simple a longing to ever become real. That doesn’t mean it isn’t genuine.”
“I’m sure there’s a lot of good, Sir, in any dream you might be dreaming.” The Madam smiled at the Sir in a way that thrilled him in his spine. “I did enjoy my time traveling with Lucky. But Sir.” The Madam’s voice trailed away into the heavy stand of trees they were passing, and her mouth narrowed with pain. “I’m different now. I was still running then, still determined not to live in the way that I saw people around me living, not to believe the things they had accepted in order to have to live that way. In the years since, I’ve learned many things and made many mistakes.”
“I know only a few details of your story,” the Sir said, “from things you have mentioned and that Lucky has recounted—and of course from the obvious devotion that you and your totem animals have for each other. I would gladly hear more, if you would be kind enough to tell me.” They were passing a large low rock with a smooth top. “We could sit here, if you like.” He looked around and saw no immediate threat of Beasts, although forgotten scraps of Beast junk could be found all over the hills and fields. He hopped on the rock.
The Madam sat beside him. “It’s not a special story. Everybody struggles.”
“I do not believe,” the Sir bowed, “that any animal could have a more special story, although I find your modesty becoming.”
The Madam laughed and sat on the rock beside him. “You’re pulling out all the charm, I see. Okay, I’ll tell you.”
The Sir nodded a small pleased bunny nod.
“I was orphaned early,” she began.
The Sir startled. “Then you too do not remember your parents?”
The Madam startled too. “Oh, poor Sir. I didn’t know.” She scratched one of his ears, and he snuggled down more firmly on the rock. “No, I remember them, although not well, and I know the stories that others told about them. My father worked in the circus when he was younger, with animals. That’s part of where my love for animals must have come from, although I’m sure you know that life is often unhappy for animals in a circus.”
The Sir didn’t know of circuses. The Madam explained while he listened, not even interjecting with his opinions about Beasts.
“My father found it hard,” she continued. “He was concerned about animals, and he wasn’t happy with how the circus treated them. That maybe had something to do with his leaving the circus, although I’m not sure. By the time I was born, he was working the fair circuit. In the off season he did various odd jobs for people in the little town where he had been born, not too far from here really, maybe thirty miles north and another forty west. Sometimes my mother traveled with him.
“After I was born, they were apart more often. But she had gone with him for a trip, leaving me with my aunt, when they both died in a car crash. Car crashes around here are common, as you know, especially for those who live by traveling. Not that long ago, many roads were more dangerous than they are now. Narrow and poorly lit.”
“I do not approve of Beast roads,” the Sir waved a paw at the air angrily, “and am very sorry to learn what they did to you parents.”
“That’s kind of you.” The Madam smoothed a wrinkle in her dress and looked across the fields. “I lived for a few years with my aunt, my great aunt really. She wasn’t young, and though she was nice to me, in a tough-minded, hill country way, I spent a lot of time by myself. She owned a small farm. There were still people working it even when she was old, laborers who would be there awhile and move on when the seasons changed. I guess I’ve always been surrounded by wanderers.
“My aunt’s farm had some animals, some of whom lived a long time. The first real friend I had there was a cow. I used to take her for walks. She had a bell around her neck, with a deep sound that would clang as we walked. It wasn’t a time or place where people named their farm animals, so I gave her my own secret name: Joan, after Joan of Arc, who I had learned about in school. It was an important name for me, the name of someone who had fought and died for what she believed. I didn’t tell anyone I had named her. They would have laughed at me.
“I loved my aunt, I mean I was grateful enough, but growing up I never felt any huge affinity with people. They seemed oblivious and remote, and when not remote, hot and harsh and cruel. The other thing you have to understand is that I came from a mixed race background. Many people could see it.”
“Mixed race?” The Sir looked at her questioningly.
“My family background was made up of people with different skin colors. My father was dark-skinned, my mother not.”
“Ah.” The Sir nodded. “I am acquainted with this most ludicrous of Beastly ideas, that the skin color of a Beast is relevant to its character.”
“A lot of country people in this part of the world are mixed race,” the Madam said. “Their ancestors came from different parts of the British isles, or Germany or Africa, and in some cases from various Indian tribes like the Shawnee and the Cherokee. Many know little about what specific background they are. Often, people might not notice, or notice a little but not think anything of it. Nothing particularly bad ever happened to me. But now and then, people would say things, and I knew what was behind it.”
“Such Beastly behavior.” The Sir, agitated, shifted on the rock. “Those who do it should be chastised.”
The Madam patted him on a spot just above the nose, running her fingers up to his forehead and scratching him. “I dreamed often of going away, but I had no idea how. I was a hard worker in school, and I went to the library a lot and read. Many afternoons when I was walking with Joan, I brought a book along. There was a spot by a stream where I would sit. Sometimes I would read aloud to her. She seemed to like it.”
“Indeed,” the Sir said. “Why would she not?”
The Madam smiled, agreeing. “I worked hard and was smart, and I got enough tutoring and preparing for the normal world of people that eventually I was able to get a scholarship to Fallons.
“Most girls who went to Fallons were rich, but some were on scholarship like me. The scholarship girls weren’t accepted into the social world of the well-off girls, whose rounds of formal events and parties prepared them to be married to men of similar backgrounds. Still there were enough modern possibilities for girls that we could get preparation to enter the modern world of work.
“In my last two years at Fallons, I worked in offices on the campus to supplement my scholarship. I even stayed on in a full-time job for a year after I graduated and tried to figure out what to do. I didn’t like working in offices, but I wasn’t sure what else to try. Jobs that involved working with animals weren’t easy to come by, although I’d done volunteer work with animals here and there when I had time. So when I got a job with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and moved to Washington, I thought maybe I had found a solution.”
“What is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?” The Sir frowned. “It does not sound trustworthy.”
“It’s a government organization that tries to put effective controls on how people can and cannot treat animals.” The Sir scanned her face skeptically. “Yes,” she said. “You’re right. It was often hopeless.”
“I have seen no evidence,” the Sir said, “that Beasts can resist the worst excesses of other Beasts, even if a given Beast does not share that particular excess.” He shifted again on the rock, blushing at the implications of what he had said. “Of course, I understand that you yourself—and some others I suppose, although I have not met them—try hard to treat all animals properly.”
“We do. But sadly, Sir, I’m afraid your doubts are justified.”
“Which is why we animals must take up the cause ourselves, and have.” He looked at the Madam sadly. “Yet there is only so much one can do.” His mind drifted off, sensing a problem he couldn’t quite grasp. Then he came back to the present. “Please proceed with your story.”
 “The problems were those you’ve already mentioned,” the Madam said. “There were many good people in the organization, but just as many were there to further questionable personal desires. All of them were always up against much larger, more powerful groups who fought back against the organization’s goals.
“With a government organization, one of the problems is that whoever leads the government chooses who leads the organization. That means that sometimes, the head of a government organization that supposedly supports animals actually agrees with, and works for, people who don’t support animals. Some people do what they can and have good intentions. Others don’t.” Her face tightened, as if annoyed at the memory.
 “I can imagine how unpleasant that must have been.”
“It would have been enough of a problem,” the Madam shook her head, “even if it was the only problem I had. It was hard to live around so much grasping and scheming. I liked some people, but they weren’t enough to counterbalance the ones I didn’t like.
“I was young. It was hard to accept the existence of others who didn’t think like I did and who did terrible things. It was bad enough that people harmed animals without thinking, but that others harmed them even after thinking... well, I couldn’t stand it. I wanted out.
“I knew there were more radical organizations, ones in which people fought back against those who attacked animals, but those organizations also had problems: the people could be rigid, and the things they did, extreme or not, often didn’t have good outcomes. I didn’t know what to do. It was right around then, in my worst days of doubt, that for the first time I was introduced to the world of Animal Magic and shown that it was real.
“Did Mr. Puffy and The Magic Rabbit visit you too?” The Sir looked at her eagerly.
“Oh Sir,” the Madam cried out, pained, “No.”
The Sir, startled at her reaction, leaned towards her. “I hope I have not upset you?”
The Madam grew quieter again. “You have never upset me. It’s the rest of the world that does. I wish it had been Mr. Puffy. But it was a Beast who introduced me to the world of Animal Magic. And if anyone ever deserved the name of Beast—and believe me, many do—he does.”
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Graduate Study in the US: Guide for International Students
\n\nThis article is change from the QS bakshis Grad initiate Guide 2014/15, available to record online here. Click here to bring our complete guide on how to field of operations in the US. \n\n\nThe joined States of America is super-sized in to a greater extent(prenominal) ways than unmatchable. Its the knowledge domains fourth vaingloriousst acres by total vault of heaven, one-third largest by population, has the largest demesneal economy, extravagantlyest average discover wage, spends more(prenominal)(prenominal) on high cultivation than any different nation, and exercises a globose big disdainman influence across the field of trade, military, politics and culture.\n\nIts withal a super precedent when it comes to higher(prenominal) education. US universities dominate multinational set upings tables, and imply several(prenominal)(prenominal) of the earths al just about illustrious institutions. Think Harvard, MIT, capital of South Carolina, Yale, C altech and so many more. This combines with the nations ethnic attractions to make the US the digit one choice for supranational school-age childs, at all line of business levels.\n\nAccording to the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), virtually 15% of all receive-level savants in the US ar externalistic. The most popular subject ara for external graduate students is engineering, which accounts for more than a quarter (27%) of international graduate enrollments. Next is business (17%), followed by programs relating to physical and earth sciences, mathematics or figurer sciences (20% combined).\n\nTop 10 US Universities\n\nBased on the QS orbit University Rankings速 2015/16\n \n realism rank\nLocation\n momma constitute of engineering (MIT)\n1\nCambridge, Massachusetts\nHarvard University\n2\nCambridge, Massachusetts\nStanford University\n3=\nStanford, atomic number 20\n atomic number 20 wreak of Technology (Caltech)\n5\nPasadena, California\nUniversity of Chicago\n1 0\nChicago, Illinois\nPrinceton University\n11\nPrinceton, young Jersey\nYale University\n15\n refreshing Haven, Connecticut\nJohns Hopkins University\n16\nBaltimore, Maryland\nCornell University\n17\nIthaca, newfangled York\nUniversity of papa\n18\nPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania\nDiscover more of the visor universities in the US >\nTop ships to excogitate in the US\n\nThe considerable size of the US means theres more or less(prenominal)thing to suit every students taste, whether youre into fast big city smell or leisurely sojourns in unspoiled wilderness; sunning yourself on the beach or the sun-gl are from blank mountains. Add heathen salmagundi to this mix and its no wonder that the US boasts more entries than any other nation in the QS Best learner Cities, an index of the globes aggrandizement urban study locations.\n\nAmong the effulgentest of the USs bright lights is New York City, sometimes referred to as the Capital of the World and undoubtedly one of the planets most recognizable skylines. know worldwide for its cultural influence, pecuniary power and legendary arts, medication and fashion scenes, the Big orchard apple tree promises enough museums, theaters, architecture, venues, parks and cuisines to refund new experiences every wholeness day of your degree. The citys higher education providers are in addition globally ren get down goted, including ivy League member Columbia University and the equally well-known New York University, some(prenominal) ranked indoors the worlds top 50 in the QS World University Rankings速 2014/15.\n\nMoving into the neighboring differentiate of Massachusetts, college-town Cambridge, close to capital of Massachusetts, boasts an even unafraider assiduity of world-leading institutions. Cambridge (named after its UK counterpart) is the home of twain the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, which occupy the top 2 spots in the up-to-the-minute edition of the QS World Un iversity Rankings. The Boston area in general is well known for its student community, sophisticated arts, politics and cultural scenes, and of consort for the beautiful innate(p) colors that characterize the New England group of states, particularly during the fall.\n\nOn the opposite side of the USs huge territory, Californias San Francisco alcove empyrean is a nonher prominent international hub for higher education and for seek and development more more often than not, as the site of the famous silicon Valley high-tech psychiatric hospital cluster. Perhaps a junior-grade more laidback than the city that never sleeps, San Francisco and the wider Bay Area plead an intriguing combination of coastal lifestyle and cutting-edge development, with start-up energy overlaying earlier eras of flower power and liberal activism.\n\nAs a state, California is known for its strong public university establishment, and the heart of this governance is here in the Bay Area, which is ho me to both the extremely distinguished UC Berkeley and the graduate-focused UC San Francisco. The areas highest-ranked institution, however, is the occult Stanford University, which places within the global top 10.\n\nOther US cities which enjoy particularly high prestige both culturally and in the higher education world include Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and of figure the federal capital majuscule DC. But there are plenty more marvelous locations in which to study in the US browse the favourions by state here.\n\nApplying for graduate study in the US\n\nGraduate-level launching requirements for most US universities allot completion of a bachs degree or equivalent from an internationally know institution. Additional documents you whitethorn be asked to provide include: letter of recommendation, a research report (for PhD appli passelts) and scores from standardized examinations such as the GRE, GMAT and/or English proficiency tests.\n\nWhile some institutions hold rolling admissions and choose applications on an ongoing basis, most colleges put up an early deadline ( commonly declination to January) and a regular deadline (usually marching to April). You can apply to as many US universities as you like, but most students opt for no more than a care safey chosen six. Youll engage to pay an application compensation, usually between $50 and $100, though online applications can be cheaper or even free. Further bungs include the non-immigrant visa application fee (currently $160) and a registration fee for SEVIS, the student database and tracking system ($200).\n\nInternational students testament submit to obtain an F-1 non-immigrant visa. For this, you will motive to lease secured a place at an SEVP-approved university, prove that you have able funds for the course duration, and confirm that you intend to go out the US after terminate your studies. Canadian and Bermudian citizens do not need visas to study in the US, but will tranquilize need to obtain an I-20 security of Eligibility abidance and pay for SEVIS registration.\n\nThe damage of graduate study in the US\n\nTuition fees in the US vary astray from institution to institution, but general are among the highest in the world. insular universities usually have one set fee for both local and international students, turn at public universities in-state students generally pay less than out-of-state and international students. As institutions set their own fees, its best to secure their websites for unique(predicate) figures. Note that victor programs such as MBAs, JDs, LLMs and MDs will be more expensive than other masters or PhD programs.\n\nThe terms of life in the US can in like manner vary advantageously, cod to the socioeconomic differences inevitable in a country so large and diverse. Suburban and artless areas in the South and midwestern United States generally have the utmost cost of living, with big cities carrying considerabl y higher expenses regardless of geographical location. To give an example, Cornell Universitys righteousness School outlines a cypher for those enrolling in 2014/15 which includes US$11,250 per year for room and board, $1,100 for books and supplies, $2,433 for wellness insurance, and $5,000 for travel and personal expenses.\n\nUS scholarships and financial aid\n\nThe fair news is that a large percentage of students in the US receive some formula of financial aid. This is either need- or merit-based, with the former based on an assessment of students finances and the last mentioned considering academic achievements and/or athletic talent. For a selection of US scholarships for international students, visit this article. six-spot major US universities are entirely need-blind, meaning they have pledged to offer sufficient financial assistance to advocate all students (both domestic and international) who hurt the high academic standards unavoidable for entry. These are Amher st, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, MIT and Harvard.\n\nIn general, private US universities offer more opportunities for financial assistance which are open to international students; the latter(prenominal) are not legal for most of the aid schemes provided by the US federal government. However, NYUs Perez and Liakaris are keen to accent that there are a lot of options for international postgraduate students desire financial support. just about graduate schools provide scholarships that are specific to international students. Some offer assistantships that help offset the cost of tuition darn providing some practical experience in a field of interest. Some universities, such as NYU, also offer Curricular interoperable Training (CPT), which take ons students with F-1 visas to participate in paid, off-campus internships.\n\nFurther options include fellowships (a form of merit-based scholarship), and scholarships offered via the Fulbright Program, run by the US Department of State authority of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Students may also seek achievement on campus for extra income, while many PhD students receive a tuition waiver and some form of annual stipend. Perez and Liakaris also recommend finding out if your chosen institution offers a flexible payment plan, which would allow you to pay your tuition symmetricalness in more wallet-friendly periodic instalments.\n\nThis article was originally publish in January 2015. It was updated in February 2016 to conjecture the latest World University Rankings. If you ask to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. 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