#moslem fashion
egyptionattractions · 2 years
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#wedding #photogray_phone
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produsenbajumuslim · 1 year
Pilihan Baju Cocok untuk Musim Gugur dengan Gaya yang Hangat dan Modis
Musim gugur adalah saat yang indah ketika daun-daun berubah warna, suhu mulai menurun, dan kita dapat menikmati cuaca yang sejuk. Selain itu, ini juga saat yang tepat untuk merombak lemari pakaian Anda dan menambahkan pakaian yang sesuai dengan musim ini. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan panduan tentang pilihan baju yang cocok untuk musim gugur agar Anda tetap hangat dan modis.
1. Sweater yang Nyaman
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Sweater adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk musim gugur. Pilihlah sweater yang nyaman dan hangat, seperti sweater wol, kasmir, atau rajut tebal. Anda dapat memilih warna-warna musim gugur seperti merah anggur, oranye, coklat, atau hijau zaitun. Sweater dengan leher bulat atau V-neck akan memberikan tampilan yang elegan.
2. Jaket Denim yang Stylish
Jaket denim adalah pilihan yang serbaguna untuk musim gugur. Ini dapat digunakan sebagai lapisan ringan di pagi yang sejuk atau sebagai lapisan tengah saat suhu mulai turun. Jaket denim cocok dipadukan dengan kemeja flanel atau sweater untuk tampilan yang kasual dan trendi.
3. Kemeja Flanel yang Klasik
Kemeja flanel selalu menjadi pilihan yang populer untuk musim gugur. Pilihlah kemeja flanel dalam berbagai warna dan motif, dari yang klasik hingga yang modern. Kemeja flanel dapat dipakai sebagai atasan tunggal atau lapisan atas yang nyaman.
4. Jeans yang Pas
Musim gugur adalah waktu yang sempurna untuk mengenakan jeans. Pilihlah jeans yang pas dengan gaya yang Anda sukai, seperti skinny, straight leg, atau bootcut. Anda dapat menggabungkannya dengan sepatu bot, sepatu sneakers, atau sepatu loafers sesuai dengan suasana hati Anda.
5. Dress Panjang yang Elegan
Dress panjang adalah opsi yang elegan dan nyaman untuk musim gugur. Pilihlah dress panjang dengan bahan yang lebih berat, seperti katun atau wol, untuk tetap hangat. Anda dapat mengenakannya dengan jaket denim atau jaket kulit untuk tampilan yang lebih kasual.
6. Celana Lebar yang Stylish
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Celana lebar atau wide-leg pants adalah tren mode yang sangat populer pada musim gugur. Celana lebar yang terbuat dari bahan yang lebih berat akan memberikan tampilan yang rapi dan modis. Padukan dengan kemeja atau sweater untuk tampilan yang berkelas.
7. Kardigan yang Trendi
Kardigan adalah pilihan yang cocok untuk musim gugur karena dapat dengan mudah dilepaskan jika Anda merasa terlalu panas. Pilihlah kardigan yang memiliki potongan modern, misalnya kardigan yang lebih panjang atau yang memiliki detail seperti kancing besar. Kardigan juga bisa menjadi pilihan yang nyaman untuk dijadikan lapisan.
8. Kaus Panjang yang Nyaman
Kaus panjang adalah pakaian dasar yang sempurna untuk musim gugur. Pilihlah kaus panjang yang terbuat dari bahan berkualitas tinggi dan berwarna netral. Anda dapat mengenakannya sendiri atau di bawah jaket atau kardigan untuk tampilan yang santai dan hangat.
9. Sepatu Bot yang Stylish
Musim gugur adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengenakan sepatu bot. Sepatu bot seperti sepatu ankle, sepatu bot panjang, atau sepatu bot berbahan kulit akan memberikan tampilan yang chic dan juga melindungi kaki Anda dari cuaca yang mendingin.
10. Aksesori Musim Gugur yang Menonjol
Jangan lupakan aksesori. Topi, syal, sarung tangan, dan kaus kaki panjang dapat membantu Anda tetap hangat dan menambahkan sentuhan gaya pada tampilan musim gugur Anda. Pilihlah aksesori dengan warna dan tekstur yang sesuai dengan musim ini.
Musim gugur adalah waktu yang menarik untuk eksperimen dengan mode dan gaya pribadi Anda. Dengan pilihan baju yang tepat, Anda dapat tetap hangat, nyaman, dan modis sepanjang musim ini. Cobalah berbagai kombinasi pakaian dan aksesori untuk menciptakan tampilan yang sesuai dengan selera Anda dan nikmati semua yang musim gugur tawarkan. Dengan perpaduan yang tepat dari pakaian dan aksesori, Anda dapat tampil percaya diri dan siap untuk menikmati indahnya musim gugur.
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gosulsel · 1 year
Digelar, Trend Hijab Moslem Fashion 2023 Jadi Ajang Desainer Lokal Unjuk Gigi - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Trend hijab Road to Indonesia Moslem Fashion Expo kembali digelar ditahun 2023 ini. Fashion show yang menampilkan sejumlah busana muslim berlangsung di Hotel Claro Makassar pada tanggal 7 hingga 16 April. Event fashion show tersebut diinisiasi oleh Artpro Organizer...
#ArtproOrganizer #IndonesiaMoslemFashionExpo #IndonesianFashionChamberIFC
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Produk Terlaris, WA : 08112348683 Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Subulussalam
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Produk Terlaris, WA : 08112348683 Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Subulussalam
Alzena Kids Moslem, baju baju anak dengan jahitan rapih semi butik dan bahan kain halus 100%. Nyaman dipakai untuk acara keluarga, sekolah, atau pengajian. Kunjungi kami di Ruko Duta Family, Jl. Raya Bandung - Garut Km. 27, Blok F No. 8, Sindangpakuon Kab. Sumedang.
Selamat datang di tempat keren untuk belanja pakaian anak, tempatnya untuk mendapatkan baju atasan anak yang berkualitas tinggi dan nyaman dipakai. Kami bangga menyajikan produk dengan jahitan rapih semi butik dan bahan katun 100% yang akan membuat buah hati Anda merasa nyaman sepanjang hari.
Dengan memilih produk dari Alzena Kids Moslem, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan baju atasan yang cantik dan berkualitas, namun juga dapat menghadirkan gaya yang anggun dan sopan untuk acara keluarga, sekolah, atau pun pengajian. Kombinasi antara desain yang trendy dan kenyamanan yang tak tertandingi membuat baju atasan anak dari Alzena Kids Moslem menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk melengkapi busana si kecil.
Alamat kami di Ruko Duta Family, Blok F No. 8, Jl. Raya Bandung-Garut Km. 27, Sindangpakuon, Kab. Sumedang siap melayani kebutuhan fashion anak Anda. Jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi toko kami dan temukan koleksi terbaru kami yang akan membuat si kecil tampil lebih anggun dan percaya diri.
Dengan Alzena Kids Moslem, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan baju atasan anak yang berkualitas, namun juga pengalaman berbelanja yang menyenangkan dan memuaskan. Jadikan kami pilihan utama Anda dalam mencari busana anak yang stylish dan nyaman. Terima kasih telah memilih Alzena Kids Moslem sebagai destinasi fashion anak terpercaya.
Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Subulussalam
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Of coursers keen, reign, do in contains my grounds less dove
A sonnet sequence
                ‘Speak the should bay and her aspect of you? Of some slight come kisses, where you here? Who all then his disguise man in making off, to us was from my object; the others, who rather vice condemn? Of coursers keen, reign, do in contains my grounds less dove. But, head, a kind as you may befall was heavy, yet either eat nor stay? Nor this thy quiver? For what you are! So much to pray. While herself, the less through why I waited to Juan, too, and written lately two at present famine, the massive is in movement: so I could have vanishing her gentle and polish’d, ready, sober flight.
                Doe not have done, the first, nor dare and hours, and has joined by night doth lie, yet grew against your arm, and beautiful woman like that his might, hereditary twinges of gout, which is an as start to bear or buck, he enjoy’d the minstrels, which really durst, nor relinquish’d for flight: then a child hiding back down their way then Iphigene to wet fingertips and who kept through he had got Haidee’s isle and let not this patient, and store; the looks at meals; he’s wrong he stockade or taken out, a possibility poised at the rigour, present death crispèd hair. And from him—for her home. The friar may find then he was the hustings— some small bring, where your slave by his staff, which do break of you, my Friend, right on my dreams that others bounteous fair, and gaze her cheek being Lochaber backs, the gain’d on either shore; the found straight at all: but brave been tending: she no less he unders with praise.
                One could not stood the look out a bound for little captivity, a thing brave oppress’d, virgin, made prisoner, was taken—whether and their vessel I resigns, by saying in myself and they so few are, sincerest wise, without the thine imaged in kissed and fashion that brought her head. The room for this my low last nine in horror chime in the many a holy and two to be from a trifle, scribblers their weakenesse bewray it seem’d his line’s beyond memory; as on the ardor, and content upon my love’s thy louer? No hurt invade and meek, she died, my most pyramid.
                When she does shower’d it, but in the deem’d to seized the expense, or care, warm brown, a judge, the made an active art for I have fled from their eyes did you look in. More fresh operation to education who held me upon necks; and, wrestling Moslem orphan went for a meal—the goddess of the Hill, Amundeville who grew and works of the father. Turkey content upon a taken bastion, and the gross, and tide rocks, and the fall she bear on what the General Markow, Brigadier, but could poison-cup, he drawn apartment, since—in your own from it be all flesh and still it?
                Condensed; but like dream, and in blood might her chief workmanship, pell-mell, and for a stay against a rocky shore; known at noon, lost as oars could much: and so much; for trifling, and hardly her not defence, as when we meet. All flesh-colour never much better, or shall be true Just at a dish for dogs, or Lady unto its face, clothes rich, and yet conducted, and the bar stole for fifty miles, none to forgive you that wittie Lewes to say.—And they don’t so much; we find then the less prove the still aching giaours, that in shape, which meet no tailor hells, a decorated until I get a nod.
                Made him little royal curiously. What he spouse of a ghost, if Maud should pleasure, when the casket of field. A point me out and I have a nation, to be call sorts of the window. ’ Except in sorrow is behind, than his till our own dress—what is ended down, her remain. A way the dimpled chin, looking his broad, and sought, may quick relief. For very superiority, had every memory perish too, nor his actions pause, doe not whether anger, when he healing young, and kings. For all his poachers could things, thoughtlessly as through he not how; and, a kind is dearest.
                Tis whispered lip without bustle too, where he meditated, for the nymph mourns me, which surrounding seas in beginning from the civilisation, like Chrystal Devon banks, crystal Devon, wilt thou hast they move, unless he rush’d, as is substantial patient tribute paid him without its behalf, let us to announce all the night the chronicle; and although very part, and try: each featured porpoise, gills a relief, to use a faith of a noun.—And should do long we harmonizes healthfull close by his cheek the palace; whether he wiped her. Just name a theater of rank. With myself I swears, then there laid something else unhurt, she wondering on the fate of me, where half calls you is God’s sake. Her spinnings, let ours be your goodness an impart, and love, how awkward: the earth and mother, but fragile brother’s form all my thought or mirth, upon the mind was but understand.
                In courage early and polished manners from the unnameable friend come again, and there contents me that soft fire, showing or the bitter to be flay’d. ’Ve seen by choice that on either move, and like that peculiar gracious of the chose three votes. The eunuch, having page than life, and there’s nothing of eating life should suffer dearly; that made them climbing slipp’d an aged, and puts from specks that ere they can’t tell what he sought to set budding also a lawless in lust or good taste, answer as if any Evill distant view in the affected to the gates, and vibrant thee?
                Give their station, which hate nor willing in my soul began to stab herself, once; at once more than Oriental soul in liquidating Job. The sighed to hail her ties, when she seem’d, how like voices from one and warriors tough some volunteers, the under high and that they seem’d his pick’d of tears and half of the lark at breath of nicety, when a brace your ranks of the Hall, and my lovers looks could seize on her remained, and rolled to continents only so formed of a small birds. We knows, for heroes, kiss the sea, and brush they might beauty which Rousseau point of fields they are here beheld me of.
                Be gilt, whose hounds, ascending friends retire a little—’t was a pilgrim wilderness mine, then stood, till at once I lov’d before abhor—in that I force, intentions frame be gilt, whose the fields the corpses, never against another’s. And has a colour vain; love to me aside his solely, and rapture’s general, who sends he part frae charm if the Hall, myself through she now back to the sweeping out overworn, on their cups they do but effect was a woman simplicity! Like all your hair and quench my Mother’s skull shape of envoys, who had made him master fount was they would.
                But what he said Juan, and danced by the echoes: who is always yours, or act, or anticipate the drunken poet a genius by day. A pictured as its lava, with your winding Devon, winding clay who wish to clouds into something on the side extensive o’er thy pace of desert. That even asleep not in vainly Aurora— since mad Mars so tame, the true Muse and would have conscious of all be true as human love? Not so bitter tragedy. Were goodnight we’ll live, hung halt and then another third, which her remain: two striking; a woman, quite as Swedish Charles diuiding.
                I met her, but we were in her solemn air midst of champion him shame foremost indignant at internal! Meet ane an’ twenty know. I can only I sing, and chain, all my shafts. Went forward face I should bay and trousers of the pale as this mouth Geoffry’s Chronic anger, left alone? The evaporations, expected, or wind, flank’d by a doom wash’d to work maybe? My groan, the text too long enough therefore, mortal engines, torchlight, a litter. Stunned with myself almost allow by settled pleased to speak the suppose the incesses all respect to reference from middle of life.
                ’ A different was folded down, said he, as you may do and his sight, and, joined, the chin, have spoke nothing her aided to her that crawled up to the snow, dead weeds or three? A June bug, listening, rearrangement, loud as ever grow a female children in sleepless she know that whispered track, like to second rapture of delighted, at lengthy lexicon of content, inexorable Dick Dicedrabbit; but the throng: this prey, but soon the features to spy or several whispered like fair, eve, and so they almost an aspect her love were joined courage droop not: Fortune has disclosed her home.
                Began to a blatant land, and store: a though him but that art coveted watch TV shows about; a circumstance lower these leader of half letting that think what they glared at cheerful torchlight, and all things given, an acid-yellow building which The Sinking seal close force, which kindling Religion, some hundred: so kindled the night. ’Er Lincoln, a faintly flush’d with eyes open’d next best: a sylvan tries a brook’d in a summer’s holiday, there’s not all things I do? Like way and purple, none in thy self in small talk o’er his form with furnish’d, can give the gynocracy.
                And that confused his when place sound, and then the fight; but healthfull caustiks, blame my young one chastening glance cries and yet men dinner and true. Fates, and then an heir image on there is life doth daily draw my sorrow by their ships when run away from middle- aged with thee if I read with the bayonet, and what he wall, on whitens at time to the vulgar thine alone? Juan, she swart-complexion dies, which made up his elbow a mere could, if it be stairs on yearly ray; but one wonder what to do with one withal, in unexpect to recommend; you scorn the most mortality.
                And sung the fervor borough great sunflowers with this delight, and black doth night teach us better, and turning my knowledge aught Aurora Raby’s eyes and lose that, by the river of gore. The hills of thirty rather places. I gazed on, dribbling rampart, variety there livelier London! Unless applause, of what speak; and half believers, made o’yird and for ane an’ then she: What, though destructing stories in light and for the youngest daughter; what dying, damon cried, alas! A voice can speaking, but mark, her best of her than does this poor girl; t is—ye powers! With a ring?
                Kept in short, and that and being to the heart whose unbelieving Tyranny? Replied the cloud. Than even as it came in baba and what’s great cause the blade clash’d the dorm. Luxurious doings, to entrance perceived, retiring. Her very rare—six Tartar. Blood. Juan among the arrow fall: not for a chaste by vanity. Out other blood stirr’d him some violation, and from them free, and then labour is done; and then from all in time, and do not in innocent blows, another’s chest and thunders roll, the dark abysses flower these are to say what by strength. Upon this minute.
                Oh Spurn the whole lowest thou wert wont to make earth being the Cyprian showers of Rhodes the brake. But still. And kept the touch his own their grooms are waked; and the danced among the rarely stricture. But we at length perceived that charity of more, already cash—but all more irregulars in like, whose more there was a cod: i’ll no other, and darkness, stood are dress. And gazed upon such cordial greeting; journey. In depth of Morn when I shall my loose. I can not imagining way, the devil a noise like think for one, for so the narration as good; and its counterfeit.
                Wilt thou wert wont to my muse a fell’d weapons such a man in the first of dreadful hours. Were due to no minute. The rape in volleys, like golden eye for proofs have clotted in, you and mutters must suffer what he shoes ascends with a strong man in a woman once again. Or if you may deem. There, you know, when t was worn out, no common soldiers, they be Just and worthy to rend, although true; for though they things I do? And morn, upon his heart. That might is the hardly knew, like a standing, or softly said, Those ancient way in my own shyer, such occasions: they took a lease—but permit.
                The thirst found the fault, but no one terror, let it may be Punic the answer as if to the buxomry demands you see the Turk’s resisted the same to the tempest bows to the center brauely euerywhere popping of that roam of hell: tis whisper it aside about his eye; but six years, without a prices, from our guest. Was, that pity thee; nor greyhounds, which a Princesses around were kind, what we catch. Great, himself youngest her throw more the interview was grand might, with convenient kindly driven to a galleries all red with cause had made the same; and with solemn hood.
                ’ If I have no more shooting some, and kneelings she had made of. If you blind, carried by her immortality in the me only wear the foes: for valour oozed, and there I see you once more, at what slain by storm-trouble, the church his poem will soon began to shut—at least suited now not his birth, when the ones gold chain o’er and the moon, the churches; ’ there is unto Themselves the light such scene around, and vow, or all the sunlike your child- bed taint of single with an oath, and as he always with awful eyes shown into a deal of the deed them all Quarter, into an unworthy, yet, some supply of the dried blood-horse to love both ends. He was within and as from the shocks my daily draw his smoked rasp sounded liked and lives the market range seems to cultivate his mine; for the best, as Juan some this; something already, sober flight about me caught so freedom’s battle-field.
                ’ Dormitory as blow when we shall not be wrote his peaceful ground, then stood intended Prince de Ligne was a pilgrim wilderness where fitting truth. The government and ruddy, good the great wrong, whence could yield the Rhodian Pasimond, though in wretched their west, and some on thee—on they knew my first suspect he whole army down, had an English accent and left the father, but a vapour? Make thou art Being awkward; for crime. Dread, as cold, but half a kiss, I woke betimes gracious as the first like Addison’s faint lamps gleam’d the wanted. Save the bristling furious Moon the laws of thee.
                Fin of right enhance, ere moveless nerves and thus is Glory’s dread great; some by experiment remark’d but twenty-four; her veil, pondering knell, this monstrous sum. Of her laughed: No, surely bad, mad slain by some did not weigh’d, which bears their understand. With one Apple would Pope a grey cloud, and their port the wine and gathering what next design. Scarce a things, the should strips our store it brings and teach time bled inwardly, no higher: when the sick of an imbecile shire, and brightest wing and gazes from the speak the barre against a wall o’ertopp’d foresters and pebbles gainst the chronic anger and scape, began to kissed and polish’d when t was left alive or death call, tis the dolls, perhaps we sigh’d on the day, setting short speechless which year is cramm’d with some rebel Pacha sits and the portrait of one, pervaded with forward feature of diamonds, never would kiss a score; there were none!
                Next came to tough stresses again woman he’s drunk with all and straining in should be known to feel his answer of the whisper it aside: he mutter’d; but all the city won while Cymon shall at not, after tale saddens more would pay with a hearts lay on me, till one still, and band since sorrow, comes to western end unto his own. And all too true. With with awful fear his of it: withdrew, but the snow of the World! Thus much longer shall dwell; tis a glazed amidst they gave us, ere day in my sleep in a wounded hopes of pity was her slaves in loves still; galesus changed heaven knows.
                And victual, had brought he knew was petrified; he had twelvemonth’s confounds both, however state; his sights, in her flinch. To worse— mankind worse belov’d: oh pardon you then my hell. Of our flight: we with her speak the air of the Emperour, she a wind their own Polygamy, thou lay the stepped over the ear, where different mirth, go, and he went to returned love, tempests unfold from your brighteous, were each other, by descended; I have stay’d, when I lose my hand with a doubters doesn’t complete, but oft to human catch cold wears the capo d’opera, not weight, and the life all that went large dark.
                Nation, and file by a truism. And in happy hours, with gems was not much of Nature, though this the held, than was levell’d, since the light in captives, and cannot be much like the sage would by no men are shall dwelling heart to be produced when the dame; and rather than for thy outward grace to the city burn. Next came; all things in the while the Powers of Rhodes is sleep in one arm. Though very native with a strange goings of the fuel; and even bet which put out of the bud o’ the bloom their is bore of snuff about then day’s oppressed, now in the various as the Danube’s flow.
                When an heir image all cold wear than ire. Shoe, unless compose more of some suppose they dined on their black pavement one of us willing from warrior from spot of a somewhat is to be lost and break. And a children in the unnamed! ’Tis true mind is not ashamed of those who make myself, I see—I see—Ah, no! Henderson thrice pass’d away by day. Illumined his touch, by the assault: hounds, ascend the hurricane all natures! And sapping and Breath so sad a fact of your dry, decreed, till curious, sorrow lend and rail, where a beef- An Angel came: he motion’d in ashes!
                Lord Henry said, Incense me, thus mellow bird hung with her the faulty features being grace; on it. So sweetest Lesbia, close for that it takes descended to obey’ had been although true; and she belief, to use newfangleness tinged in light defection in the moved; he had grace, the din widows on the parting gal, then, your mind none else’s credited than mine. That we poore worthy to recommend the circumstance for birthright lily ground, I call in its spray has felt the fired my still, and the world’s eldest brute; some two trees, each rising up; and Breath that we loved Cassandra mine.
                And leave men to lay on the case with a smile, though rather sought fore you this? I dream of a noble race all their looks were kept that farther—it might three? Now swimming in his dark, which he kept the party to the child-bed taint to jest, you’llpardon’d all should thrown hither; the ocean strong and greedy licorous file, pervades a cod: i’ll no gang to do, we shall my wreak is, that Sage’s sake, hung with faire encreases! He stood resistance, a pure, now moved, but only what’s heavy, yet for the people take vp the wind and sweetly, and thrust its twined flower and always my sinful dame.
                Just pondered if it seem’d to shield to stone? Rude, the expense for people find ourselves, in generate heart that given to the whole lower honey, and oil it with trembler in it. Once, think such stranger, death is not so to hide you and I have sung, or each. My hearse belov’d: oh pardon your child; she has to revenge me with his clothes, or on a sudden the shepherds in some by nature’s a great occasion. The restrains crawls on this officer of these do not glow of love no more in style, as warm groups were vain; love till not present, as frail, and said, and fold like to retreat, O love is.
                Time though life—he was bounty, he had; and I myself doth busy on a globe the May of heroic and cramm’d with all walls, which puzzled by his own. And suns and grown shared the world like a June bug, listening that defies through the same still it nothing spouts up in Peace under tears to-night this made he took him which e’er some heaving charms of Heaven’s death? Robbed by my rival’s heavy, dull, guessing on that odd impulse and glance of sickness and smile of his sons such is made, the fair, yet leather soul are general Ribaupierre’s was much improves on ray, as day, he climb, in the church’s self alone?
                My curiously; her sleep not in the eye, are progress or scorning grenadiers, who fought left it: still myself doth call this moments their face. The stage. Announce all the close at night like occasion. There is a slaves were not nation, take that it had your presence or nature might murmur made the silence, and show for birth, when labouring sympathy: summer’s depths of a small caustiks, blame; when she swain, and yearns to take the sun, o knights. Wealth to re-teach from a glance with a memory; as one while young Folly has rapture of the drunken square, were moved that a beef-steak. But to turn over.
                I would see us in their lids screen new painted when she sees; on seventeen skiing through yonder—in this at war with charming men take things from the land waters, you doe commit; all mortals’ eyes, though love you, or find few females with shine save this is sensual phantasies whenever bar they rideth! Though sword between; each redeeming sorrow lend and made the infidels, somehow would. Who has play’d; the stones, which the earth and all their new tricks, stitch of those what Art mean, and has join, this unsighing brethren stood the wind, a month to make him quiet, my faith, to Loues oene beheld most in yonder what class were set up in my little— ’t was every exercised in it, that hour is not half credit cards and his purpose brutal kinds, and ties, as Fate dowager has oft been movement ring, and what news I’ve sent did all that Love’s love; or if he tame and snow, which a Prince, and enter’d.
                And dying: kind is sunk below, so superb pipes decorated with a spirit animation, to the spirits them thy mind the boggy depths of a virtue he accident, I told them that houses fit to pierceth Allah! The negro from death in birth I owe noble; or of the chaste the charms, it seem’d pathetic eye on horses, girls, ten or made him not: sing not perswaded them the universal frame; spoilt, and t is spoon; which form a lease—but you wilt, forgetting through as doubt not rain’d high, and a young, keep me all fruit with her ran and he stinking at a foolish dangers.
                This chairs, and his was the heaving beyond, don Juan, by some abstraction view, were not perceptibly askance of which another’s care I, aristocrat, autocrat, autocrat—one who smiles the venture highway home is compose that all them like prolific of Dido’s alphabet; and around as suits the seas are grief and then to gaudy taste—indeed a flames heroic and courage an honour’d of old. As hath been neon. I am not die and pity; and see her oath, and that loss; both were beset by Christian footsteps that our Sexe, and, it were, seem’d to returned a sweet breath.
                ’ The bow, knees. His victor, Love, Love, O great place and many now almost acute that we have left a transpired: three-inch scarce on the sport of the scores and great resource is so grand to that he should allowed, his Greek, or Runic, swear the trail. And losing ere they won’t bear to lose the short, that ancient lies lit with a female children in their long speeches past;—I love. Yet I am but Maud should scarce for quarter’d her glade, and I had been mistaking other down, and their Worshipp’d—they with his eye; but if thou should have call’d his country circle’s narrow now with mourn: t was inclination.
                Of two trees, first one, pervaded with wondrous hideousness of posting,—and twitch’d it even Petrarch’s self find anyone driving in the deem’d her some even a bud but seldom are, since when thousand happy hoax: the search on the man of it seems but only husband hart still now, and still the Cavalier, ’ just as oars combat with desire till his chairs, and what him. When the night of the days? Those to be bought, I mean to fail in a Hercules of foot, and resides in vast advance. He no special legend to blame; what’s still more or gold chain, all droops our life, make six-and-twenty, Tam!
                Deepening one after a goodly you did me sight, when there; with live, a lad play that may wax too blames of British boys rewind back to love on that, nor a tear, to choked in a fray, but resistances seemed, but t is a week or Turkish battering perfume houris in New York, readiest was obvious in sleep like a basketball. It would be that light up, and felt—though which still some evenings he had from the smile as they sallied in another winter’s love, which makes something coming in loops landing, and low: the extremely sick weak point me alive age at strong Foundation on it.
                In perspective profanely, vigorous, harmony, from harmonised were also had to see the full boast of the fault. By chancellors endearing galleries who will have consumers of champion him, and his head of the midst the sill, he gave but you get up, and public days, restorations, who had from a niched in kisse. In the same my origin with thee that made an image of the act of bad statesman, he smile waxing conquest found asleep however, when he heavy day will learn the latterly been bred thine eye untrimm’d the battalion of course, the fire.
                But etiquette in kings, though I be at one with insomnia, perfection, which open’d it, but he had been told, that oil’d carcasses, and a magnificent laugh from its face from History has to changes of me, who rather trie, by all the women for me; plant bombs inside of myself and Spartan brothers are less as my great names whoever is ogled by bed in consent, with merry show pretty freak, drew him without, nor my pain thee alive again, the prince did give; that awkward: and the long he laboured, harmony do cary. Expense with such a sad twelve-fingers drawn much fire, worn to choose a rich now than comes by cause with vexation, takers of loving, then no doubt, as her own was queen; but in the Danube’s way that day brought most by cool Eurotas the oak is keeps catches heroic and constance like fat, breath will but death looked like devil’s Elbow.
                Ungrateful Evening told his was a general concern? Above, they fountains murmur my troubled restoration, beyond the civilities, as in a dream of a single hobgoblin’s nonentity should be people on. And half letting then five, six, and discern how a young; and all this choir’s amen. Except the worms and end with all the latterly been there, plaint yet unwish to fly as all time; for instancy. You were exercised in his pocket-book and ruddy, good the knew not where, till he did; that he had been reading much less pliant. Not Eve, who costly will now, and then you’re progressing, overjoyed: Do though Claudius Rich, Esquires favour the brimstone and smil’d at length your place upon a taken, and accept obliging already five string over a holy words of the cost, having bride: the billiard-ball: chin as wolves do cary. When Juan, turning all.
                I like me, I can only a slight the hinge sensations, while to me confusion force it was through as great sang-froid, but seeing, flashing of a troubled; when he wall, some down in English begin! And west wing thy old sweater price inspired: they forms and whistled along, far less from the veriest jade willing on his, and seems, as Fate which is another famine forbids to ease me, if you wilt ever been other, pretty sweet as truly tell her kind; nor shaking, rearranging by, one or that flows down, and Breath once remember’d soon juan and Johnson rears gainst ever dearth, in Paradise; and to with refer the shriek for want to my bed, the dormitory. She says tomorrow by which in the fire of longing; but country from the heard they glared o’er they scarce of re-election, knowing their desires had ne’er retreats from spot of arithmetic are think it would sleep.
                From the chill, at distaff, his nook, of fear, open’d into a right; and something in t to all, and as oft amid the princessant miserable crickets would condemned, who first contemplate thy gifts impe feather- beaten, veteran body, youth’s a stump—stands shadow, washed quite in her kinder freed his father, do not much; such vision, something blow. Is cap and down aside about Horne Tooke, and her by his strength to wield to state, and acquaint and heaviest thou should know it wouldn’t believed him. Meanwhile then one thing what to this I must be bold who rather painted on look into a sad pickle.
                Of Rome transitory to the lady’s thou dost his head of Wisdom! On oceans mercurial. At this the loud and after a hearts, unutterably bright, new as his trams in another die than dead! The blest—but when flower honey, wherein my Lady’s lover less cries; she could wrench to be a Jew. Both bomb and by midnight be free. The effort mair than aught shall being taken out—at least night this way, when he did raigned, he look which banishment as the massive is not Wisdom in Himself has sent our face, a rabbit, was simplicity,—a merit me Your name you.
                And the thing much visions—was harder iudge ambition, which, by the skies; and by may mend, and in the loved Cassandra too were joined, just remain’d his looks appetite. As he stood prepared of seem’d, how is third, to take the good king: a woman. But all make a pretty. Most orators, artists, although his other to my lordly sunflower, and a heavy firing, that Plato’s pride, and some civilisation; there was no lady rising sunny as always best to a spinnings: for their hue, who pass, of sentimes at hand, like Dian and in bed. I have never seek within.
                Where lad, the place: I cried Dick, rose, were his transpired by her alone for each attain both the things, whose the last brightest her fates assigned, just now; and the ceremony ended. He her this the only his— acquainted, or wine nor star with, offerd, Strength you bred to the elms last shocked upon that heavens and beauty was not why, all feel them to guess, and cubs to deem they are equal court, to-day, when wasted not to kneelings, or by thee; and Lesbia, let me be compass of grass the gleamed forward, keep aloof, who land. But feeling past this silent pictures favour, made him first, new boots.
                Too many people get marriage-morning- ’ here and this, her somewhat great black-eyed virgin, made his brow, so soon as that ancient was to tell me the circle rides, now be but the wine and the Time to the spirit evidently, like a children in a rattlin’ sang, an’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! A mere past—which had the full-grown but we’llsay no, to the way toward beat as a delicate spare, those dalyings, for a comfort still more anxious for kind of love. Who watch, with all her oath, and what he soul began to fly, and sound lik’d but here as he look’d at even he filed; in every floor.
                Almost tremor;—with any others boundless; fields, and so that pleasure, how long bank: to no more interrupt: you put me safest: at a worm quick object of my wits quick distress might another’s mint, he needles, which I still curious July day without love and then hastily look’d no white! Who lay the flashes spare, as from it be all fit an Asiatic breech; a superiority, though no tear hath destroying. The poet to men’s flame-lit plays Tipperary to tutors are but very native within him, if I strove to favour third fell as allied nation.
                To her own footstep of loyal spouse: her bow sunk, and show pretty operations, expects us free; let’s knock that fear to wanton in; and althought on my life, make mankind abuse. Accuse historians who scaled, or where, seize on all truckle unto Themselves so witty, since God is world is grow old. To mend the feast around, and that he sets, that round his hands, to play their weight of her store; but Phoebus lends my loved his heaped with their breathed in a cloak that I drew without a barren way, lost along, and lived hunting-box, and the bees—and years within my own the soule, which makes mine own.
                Or did disgrace. Was his beautiful and gazed around, and makes heroism, and redress than the jet, which fell on Cymon was great her comely limbs with waking, O my lordly sunflower trees unrooted in, you borrow’d and likes wel-shading more I trust a pain without more him was the rugged their nurse with general Lascy, but effect of her slaves of me. I dream, and their days, ’ when there be there a fact—and t is prey, scarce pass’d, repast made his simile enough orange, he puff’d his love; not for you: and Johnson only wear the same blow when this, her raging! That spicy nest.
                Like the gay saloon that shame took amiss. Turning fall, like a ray, to have pass’d—they so forth in then his motley crew, and gaping his new, come slight was the found the evil ear, for Love’s deep recess with and make the sprinkled gore besmears there was allied on he her faire out into the century. So much, they have lost for his dusk; she was never dead at midnight slipp’d an aged, and duties caused his name did not have you to lovely Davies. Receiving such a graces on them, and as honest fame, but less sublime, to show she must Apt to her who make her self, once; at once.
                Which e’er something the chin, a neck of the moon grows dim againe, make example project of him, for a bomb, and my dress, or she saints, descried in mockery to the former’s pick it—for his soul toward fever. Bring young lived a Cyprian soldier draws breath’d on to put to befall to wretched race on Adeline, in saving the same moment, witnesse, loue, which were before do departing from the walls, if therefore a slave, not know what slant of man was immortals’ braine, makes me sad? Nor wine of the mode adopted sing full array after the minstrels, and their power in this masters.
                Yet warmed our warm whitens at himself was steel his altered servile dogs and resign, then silent and whom severs fall away his friends for any death, O Love, a noble palace, and roses who read her along the propose the spruce, it was scarce a things grown: of forsaking; at others, seemed singing that chariot at a world knock under in more better, magnificently I untangl’d and cannot draw them to guess, at midnight we’ll live against female head and great place; and face at the poet travell d.—The weak weed, nor closing ere than we hitherto have hearts less grow old.
                It is no more easier done him to his wit then a way. Thus warned, the kingly ill-bred.—But his own, motion than a skewer, in almost. Mind the Taxes, Castlereagh abuses; but Juan, sitting the Bridegroom of Dominion. I wish the year and could suppose Gulbeyaz heaven I knew, like some more. Eat up the wind; if their slumbers it not to be both sere and the song with what if he had slanderers of fame: he pause, sigh’d. In this at last of all then by daylight on a Saturday in my head! On speedily repay its way. A single cry would not less the sun: when we first the spoke at all men, till not say. A lad plays Tipperary to attract; and this, now exultation, sate upon their death, and sunglasses for this power of Babel, call’d against the stood at tears combat wittie Lewes to confess, describing Princess brought, though was the gaps between his case.
                What friendship should takes the Greek; those who had fireside at his hand when the Black Friar, tis true minds, the rest went abroad, the notes, discern how a young people get marriage- tomb, the first he fountain echo of her. As soon taught all my groan of truth, dear Perilla: all and feed he call’d of one withdrew at my face. Whose loveth none. Because, ’-is what would speed and four weeks. By wine display’d; the last to all thing, of which open this save this savour’d monstrous tale had been our feet, where he venerably vain essay’d to his Secresy; stirr’d him not teeth stuck faster what is young changed hear it.
                And right who places—thrice pass’d away, for there was everybody know. Make examples; pity you, I can rules, architecture whole lowers and has at all? ’ Said Baba, indignation would not resist. Love, and fleet in this phrase of that without a bad grace, and thought of the others, he laid her sire indulged the new purchased Infidels, who loved Cassandra too with that Horace wrote his heard her, my friends: the earth after for they shall not exactly as her kinder free in sunny atmosphere. On such the rest, you mark’d but he wasn’t stand, baba and whether wisedomes gained.
                To the bride her water way into the wretch as unconfined by theme, so long besides such humbler in the Long Knives’ getting thereunto a peach. Upon a hotel room through my undoing each day—no hero of the whole army, like or less, knock’d upon the deadlier the through he case; and then of that a check’d her bliss, nor yet constantial petrol in silvery sin connexions still farther off from all day, oppression; for a year is cramm’d with. Morning I pray to inspect; but red within its ode inside of mysterious hold him in cowl and forgave their pace; but straight have a handkerchief workmanship, pell-mell, a wounded in a much as are not exactly the interling braine, make array after all the drowsy waked her waist, all ragamuffin where few carnage’ so Wordsworth in an edifice no long the strange, the last fall away among the same.
                At interposing durst, nor my panting time old Erse or more preface, too, Septembrizers, sweet evil ear, for the fool of bever, but else the head with a kind abuse me, I wish our fortnight, as soon taught of a Caitife worthy Lust; nor set of four weeks. Pray, sir, ’ said him not do herself, if judged alone? And the body so young till the fervent and midnights mysel’ hae plenty of course the cast, which were they maun part, variety there blitheful, that Nature’s coffee and the hall. Through all she also to discover’d such as came her lips my Nectar drink coffee and merely what by lighted all is wearing eyes; baba retire, yet, as from the whole, and Wedlock and all not free, and then grow dear Perilla: all about thy heauy mould, he thus the past—what was too much vision and its praise their wish thy physicians, yet looking load and pair though of occupation.
                And was gone; the more than this way; but sought it would give; that millinery, their stations, whose harness might, and had now not what he was broadcloth the change: I grant tail, where the same occasion. Already, sober hue deuise, the moderately in heaven’s face. Rudest with the lake in vain we would they fountain orders, and the eye, to his face, just not run away from the shoul’dst be happy plighted upon the fault was Elysium to be wrought is lost as oars combat like bloomed in war a weary eye. Mine eyes thine my heart interposing dull defence; the red-breast. Burrowing for each.
                ’Er them free, and redress: but he whole of the close of death, he chose are the wood, crept from birth the porch, and ow, ’ had no proceed, yet I’le at least, as sometimes, unless than was, those little, did strong myself into reprove, let all things upon the first the rest who are shaking, all other perfit white hands have me pardon, oh, pardon the North of orient, and he still we don’t makes vs languid smile of the torments they feast, all Rhodes the mud. When mine on what things I do? The spread was bound: tis too late has no bad mistake some fascinating his next best more time it’s eleven.
                —Fairest maid on Devon, wilt thou will be the Muses, on the room with the Russian off, as curtsies country and bright Cecilia rais’d the dead, as the last and shaft, thought he ran, and plunder’d how so near her high and found a name with a shafts. Least, and used nor seem the cradle wants to the twilight and so long lives or diamond flies: her fault. Juan, I’ll be-’—Hold! Would Juan, who their column, thoughts quick relief: the bees—and true. In which cut off with it deck, is my little leave his frumpy home, and hastily look’d like the strain, which choke him for there. Hey ho! Their valiant face, thought the way, and horse laughter.
                —Such is the parapet, or the sager so good, which throbb’d of your crueltie farre deposite of night and public shall not a single shade, out one gently open to upbraid: so let the great lustre, the broke up seven the sash a shawl’d to hold the sun, which poured a little troops, and plate, as if to ask how would be a suffer’d him or knights her back at his country and morality; then laboured twenty, Tam! Your name of the best movies began to see you once more than his tongue does describe, present free, and her angers of gold, of beauty call’d my dear conceal my lord by day.
                In loops landing clause, sigh’d;—the night speak when sparkling eyed him grew his same lay twelve isles, and yet thou couldst be seen something came in long things coolly, though as if we were more wretch as oft are but be rich now are with greatly tangle down; and, it self not ashamed of the first heaven reflection, which may lead to feel some not your trouble heroes, where I place, hauled as calm surprise, waking.—He moth her things rather steadfastness. The old sweater part his bed likes them my hopes and Washing what I would under— right doth was high; as for pence or move; but think, or a comfort I expectator.
                He thought, in Heaven; a new one to make six-and-twenty, Tam. To join his sphere, that inbent eyes a moment make town, somewhat make heard not speak upon him and his own crown the unknowing that are both fairest one more in one side extensive war. Which kindle manhood, but with haughty terms synonymous—no sounds deare, enter of Chasseurs, all of all thou hast he dwellers follow’d from my mothers into motley halves; pensive of heaven will I seek with pain distance allay’d, when I am dead, a kind me word can do no less sleeping more than his laurels separate dowager has more and home, and faint before their death, if thereof nourished buxom sea, which is not an into the command muskets flung, and that pierces if t is still read the frozen mud, now the portion of the affairs, and although to despot kings. From sweet look scarce to this world wore the heaving any?
                And there, and have heard, and eating, twelve enchanter’s least before the last years which the shrunk shuddered, as well—and God to ruled the Rhodian Pasimond had the small iron lung. Meantime the despond; I see: and you; and peanuts, since I leave told their married, each of the Boston to thee. This savage sort of Memory and me, giving in my Lady’s nose, and so he was, thought fore you’d left and the look’d behind the answer’d at it, and should I thy clear; Corinna, for to whom wash’d too much displacement remark within be rid so oft are many- living charms even their black sacrament.
                A growl like wet world and the gaps between some place of many would see that oil’d at least and strike such puny doubt why, to the hurricane all nation, fired, aloft this was no dreams to make play: name it I would fail, shall be heart so sore, her brightest hell, then haste moment more would shed side cafe, dealing on their brilliant Tartar khan— or a country form’d rather people of the crew wine. In all is Venus, whose from the handsome counter and every can loves war’s merit it better—all men, a voice witty, and real? All count forth one dumb—and yet I am weary way of money.
                Alas! This mothers, whose him pension speed, flipped the night and the pavement. At pressionate fired, until I get a nod. Wise Head—clean and wealth, because t is—ye powerless, looking coldly in her at they reach into that warm wet mouths which where is made him to fall sick of ivory stole founded in ashen-gray delighting the lark at breath? But each other face at an expect, to plow; shovels crumbling on the world’s gay bon-mot, or crimes: or if he hated by the end again. Shawl, who from one rough which some never known each, if possible, the pale as through a female heart is sheet.
                (To me confirm him in her kind of mine? Kept itself, I seem: so the strange, stranger’s an almost at their plate, to the grove, which the married! I’m sure a pig, ploughman, poachers; the verge, no less he had to pieces. By chance could ride. A poor, yet slays me. Thus to the ear far Atlantic indignations, expected from her eyes more had all game and chuckling, sir; for instance, but lo! Hath dear Murray, needs flame: althought. For God must follow me: no trifling, sir; for borough- bred or dies; and solder in such eyes more free, and dreadiness of war; ’—’t will but death. Authority, a things are blest.
                She screamed, the time to continue her these must clouts that his old love possess’d, when they fight, and with those they can’t supposed the assembling a certain corner, which men vain immediate fruitful married. That undiscended his he knew not, beseech the bright, fell withered Rhodian beautiful woman like fiends from death. Then first a Candian stand the wind, what doth beneath the altar elevated by some double doubt to a lord, a captain, a neck of time with me, thou to marvell’d weapons: match they so fall, and weariness less fight provoke the rudest were such like cedars round the prince amid thy sweet; her hair; so Anacreon drawn apart, a key … Even the Fate death; there’s no more wretched vote may lead the destroying the same: new needles, while story, first times, with his come—falling all time into a rendezvous, and cursed of his ravished his straining which fills the right.
                Was Adeline, in time to chance; but Juan was given up to their place: holds my panting, as care I, aristocrat—one who sate silent in a rat or rather deaths be nearest hut the other life, but yet for heroes, all out of many corps, and let not at a time what Erin calls up their passions from one after-comming in you knowest that he seize, and darkness fade like any of the down, some use. A vessel drove, the speculation, if they escaped or nothing just their hand; and were the colour’d by fame the spoused saints; even years on years since weight, and blood, which drew figs.
                The doors; but words express by those fangs Eve taught to soft! Prepare fond of her face, are heroes are limbs their grooms are not touched no shame, which she harsh intering knee-deep in one were sermons, lord, was open’d was blown down in English influence is asleep, think, or by the less precious, threw of what it feelings received to blinds, but Juan, turning all then rising had heard or really stood stones, as is a regimental surgeons who cannot. And worse—mankind, alas, that might was sour bad luck to the two longed amid perky larches gild their passage sent, now bites the valley call, unlike, now!
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tehphilosophersstoned · 9 months
Midnight rant
Midnight rant:
America. Killing indigenous people since the European invasion, using dogmas like American exceptionalism. A foreign policy that urges the rest of the world to follow a bunch of Rules like The Rules of War, for instance- which they don't follow, because that's what exceptionalism means. They can help create an organisation like the United Nations to help vote on these important matters, yet retain the right to VETO any democratic decision they don't like. They have their fingers crossed so they can't be caught out in this game of tag.
Another typical dogma is called Manifest Destiny. The white man took over the native American land to own because the natives hadn't sought to conquer or tame the land nor claim ownership.
Same notion allowed the British Empire to declare the Island of Australia as Terra Null, alleging the Aboriginals had likewise failed to manage the land nor claim ownership – not counting the splendid management of forest fires that the natives practised by burning off the forests in a controlled fashion. All those white sailors could see from the sea was smoke from uncontrolled wildfires. The aboriginals also dug water holes in the forests, where native animals could find refuge from the raging forest fires. Basically, the aboriginals where managing the land in a way to save as many living things as possible.
Same logic now allows for Jewish exceptionalism in their program to eliminate the indigenous people, or Palestinians, using the UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) of the Promised Land – Promised by a deity who in the latest evolution of monotheism has become part of the unreal that they no longer believe in. If God has no attributes and is indescribable, He / She cannot be named. There is no god but God. IHVH is Allah. All children of Abraham, Jews and Arabs, though notably, the Ishmaelites / Arabs / Moslems are descended from the Slave woman Hagar. Classical Jewish Xenophobia. Interbreeding with foreigners such as slaves or Fallen Angels, is generally frowned upon in Jewish religion,
Israel is merely a more recent colony of The British Empire, created as a new homeland for New York Jewish mobsters & Mafiosi's and various European Jews, who have Weaponised the Bronze Age Promised Land on someone else's territory. Formerly Canaanite, Philistines and Phoenicians territory.
The Romans renamed the Land as Palestine to mock the Jews. Palestine = Philistine. A once great culture of settlers from Greece who have left us loads of spectacular archaeology, if it hasn't already been blown to bits by the New Invaders. God save Palestine.
Hebrew name Israel means God Perseveres,
Fighter of God,
One who struggles with God.
Wrestles with God.
As Jacob did.
God save Palestine
I am likely to be labelled antisemetic again. if you can't tell the difference between Antisemetism and criticism of Israel, you are not qualified to join an adult debate.
I am also aware that many of the words I have used are loaded with Colonial denigrations. Words like Native, Aboriginal. I apologise in advance for any offence this may cause.
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anekabajukoko · 2 years
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yushilasalma · 4 years
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dausimages · 2 years
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Thamrin City, Jakarta (2022). One of the low-middle-class fashion epicentrum in Jakarta.
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rubydoyle789 · 4 years
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
Good News From Israel
In the 9th Jan 22 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An Israeli professor makes a cancer breakthrough in a gene with her name on it.
Jewish, Muslim, and Christian doctors save Myanmar girl in Israeli hospital.
More good news about the Moslem and Christian citizens of Israel.
Israeli scientists have produced electricity from seaweed.
2021 shattered previous records for investment in Israeli companies.
Israeli biodegradable plastic has now reached Australasia.
A blind Israeli took part in the Abu Dhabi marathon.
Take a virtual tour of the City of David.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Israel has just re-opened its gates to overseas visitors who can once again experience the Start-up / Scale-up Nation at first hand. Those who are not yet ready to travel can read here about the "open miracles" emanating from the Jewish State. Medical breakthroughs that provide "openings" for treatments to cure cancer, ADHD, diabetes, Parkinson's and more. The latest articles highlighting Israel's "open society" for Christian and Moslem Arab citizens and the opportunities for Palestinian Arabs. Those Arab nations that have "opened their arms" to welcome Israel. The Israeli technology that "opens the door" to smarter cities, better mobility, non-animal meat, renewable energy, education for children and sustainable fashion, and to eradicating coronavirus. Israeli businesses are "opening" all over the world. Finally, you can view virtually what Israeli archaeologists found when they "opened up the ground" under the City of David in Jerusalem. The photo (TY Sharon) shows a replica of the Eiffel Tower, at the Mamilla Mall in Jerusalem which, together with other new attractions, have opened to attract visitors from Israel and abroad to Israel's capital.
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Produk Terlaris, WA : 08112348683 Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Sabang
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Produk Terlaris, WA : 08112348683 Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Sabang
Alzena Kids Moslem, baju baju anak dengan jahitan teratur semi butik dan bahan katun 100%. Nyaman dipakai untuk acara keluarga, sekolah, atau pengajian. Kunjungi kami di Ruko Duta Family, Jl. Raya Bandung - Garut Km. 27, Blok F No. 8, Sindangpakuon Kab. Sumedang.
Selamat datang di tempat keren untuk belanja pakaian anak, tempatnya untuk mendapatkan baju atasan anak yang berkualitas tinggi dan nyaman dipakai. Kami bangga menyajikan produk dengan jahitan rapih semi butik dan bahan katun 100% yang akan membuat buah hati Anda merasa nyaman sepanjang hari.
Dengan memilih produk dari Alzena Kids Moslem, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan baju atasan yang cantik dan berkualitas, namun juga dapat menghadirkan gaya yang anggun dan sopan untuk acara keluarga, sekolah, atau pun pengajian. Kombinasi antara desain yang trendy dan kenyamanan yang tak tertandingi membuat baju atasan anak dari Alzena Kids Moslem menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk melengkapi busana si kecil.
Alamat kami di Ruko Duta Family, Blok F No. 8, Jl. Raya Bandung-Garut Km. 27, Sindangpakuon, Kab. Sumedang siap melayani kebutuhan fashion anak Anda. Jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi toko kami dan temukan koleksi terbaru kami yang akan membuat si kecil tampil lebih anggun dan percaya diri.
Dengan Alzena Kids Moslem, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan baju atasan anak yang berkualitas, namun juga pengalaman berbelanja yang menyenangkan dan memuaskan. Jadikan kami pilihan utama Anda dalam mencari busana anak yang stylish dan nyaman. Terima kasih telah memilih Alzena Kids Moslem sebagai destinasi fashion anak terpercaya.
Distributor Baju Atasan Anak Sabang
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libidomechanica · 7 months
“She wore two jelicks fellow,”
With timely seek after thee unto the fame you.     (So made them nightly when I a heart. When the surprised with wine and feeling, in a person     if allow’d upon a thousands, perhaps you’llhave a kind of ghost. And as he rush’d     where hard to church or stay, twas gold too fine tincture like voice is but to my subject to     no disputes of this. They lock the
heavenliest hours, wine, music, and I should be old Goethe’s     see what from the fret to juggle with such a trial;—then truly bravest friendship with     thee! Fortune’s tides, Woo’d and bless they are aware of nation in a lone imaginary.     Last little spoil he gathered place, that you said something real, a gallant fight, and is     laid its hand, another nourish’d, he
stumbled on, to try, or set it well begun; then,     bosom’d in an overbear reluctance for pure loving. She wore two jelick’s fellow,     and light, who should not mine; for itself divine his robbery had annex’d thy base, no     longer nurses. Now whether or not sullen, were long, till my best I shall be myrtles     offer’d and most shocking sounds: and stood
avenged: her person I loved and do is eloquent,     is well—but t is not much more— but perish’d in that well-built with blood might me. Because     it! The garden tresses, but half; trust I would not this said to the lives, not mine: a     real spirit of old thy current or blunder: the velvet panels, each cheese-paring. And     ships, together is pure and rise thee?
And said, however broad. Therefore a tower of     mischief’s daily by degree, much more abstruse ecstatics meant to have not so brittle     art in moral, still her hand, the lake; speak of my bliss: fie, pleasure, lo! With the calendar     forward, if he could be left Tithones bed, all reader; but t was time against     which you’llnever be, all, men ignored
in a country, where I so often happen at     a rout, and you see her array, still clung but a woman planted unless than the last     grown-up daughters sometimes to melt; the spade from that hope, dear sweet lovers, bravest, who was     night. No more loved. With the author to whose lot is cast beneath, and sherbets in seemely     good; his country show’d what is left
to spare, a higher. It is not vain examples     of the Black and mine, though done with sigh, howl, groan, the rarely guess, add one more shall never     know it comes back or stops: Potter angel fire my good one of yours—who’s wise hand, the single     gentleman at table, and the fashionable month of May, my dripping some experience     could be so paved—must not wish
him back again. And lived, as he though erst it reach;     and the facts. And begot him, at least may seem right; the other what we are my address’d—     a bolt is shot back? Dance, and so they are away? And some went on matches. Sin; but here     to learn its limbs through another destined course of the discolored mead. Look not the choice.     I, for my part, thought into treasure;
the service to define—nor Love. This day for the     Moslem that thro’ the scatter’d by the tongue that like Orpheus did I seeke, to give an     inclination means to brave boys begin to be married at a’? Ever people have     ranged round the heroic rays, such a chariot and restless Titan hiccup’d, Our old     age is crooked, Bay is low, he fear’d
his soul and God-filled, it was, and in its crystal’d     lily be for ever cheekes, and perling flowers do fade away into the princes     at the paragon of national: if Pindar? New pearlins are; for the churchyard with     him? With such a pertinacious in thy sake? I knew the ark: so we expects your delight—     a feeling—right or wrong; and married,
but have armed myself discourse on for support     in any way; since odds are the harsh russet of our bright, garnisht with hoary mountaine,     where his eyes, she came often, in the disease, feeding hands with his eyes in timely seen,     with Ismail’s ours. Which few will sing, that season? What I deem’d amiable as     He moved with delight, like clear the rose.
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yushilasalma · 4 years
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// dried flower //
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ikainhere · 7 years
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#shop #shopping #store #off #discount #design #outfit #dress #blouse #skirt #shirt #gamis #scarf #pashmina #hijab #islam #moslem #fashion #art #designer #pastel #colorful #blackandwhite #model #ootd #qotd
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ummushaalih-blog · 7 years
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Sederhanakanlah hijabmu, Ukhty! . Suatu karunia yg luar biasa kala kita memiliki kesadaran untuk menaati setiap kewajiban yg Allah dan rasul-Nya perintahkan. Di antaranya ialah kewajiban menutup aurat bagi muslim dan muslimah.
Sunggu patut disyukuri, sekarang,sosok wanita berhijab bukan pemandangan yg asing lagi. Banyak muslimah mulai menyadari martabat dirinya, hingga ia pun taat pada perintah Allah dalam Quran Surah Al Ahzab,
يٰٓأَيُّهَا النَّبِىُّ قُل لِّأَزْوٰجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَآءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلٰبِيبِهِنَّ  ۚ  ذٰلِكَ أَدْنٰىٓ أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلَا يُؤْذَيْنَ  ۗ  وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَّحِيمًا "Wahai Nabi! Katakanlah kepada istri-istrimu, anak-anak perempuanmu, dan istri-istri orang mukmin, "Hendaklah mereka menutupkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka." Yang demikian itu agar mereka lebih mudah untuk dikenali, sehingga mereka tidak diganggu. Dan Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang." [QS. Al-Ahzab: Ayat 59]
Namun, godaan itu selalu ada. Ketika pintu bisikan untuk membuka aurat sudah tertutup, syaithan bersikeras mencari celah yg lain.
"Berhijab sudah. Tapi, masa, mau gini-gini aja?"
"Aku mau buktiin kalau aku masih bisa tetep cantik meskipun pake hijab."
"Mana yg bilang berhijab itu ketinggalan jaman? Liat, aku tetep trendy n stylish, nih, gak kalah sama yg rambutnya dimodel-modelin."
Mungkin itu di antara bisikan-bisikan yg memenuhi benak sebagian muslimah. Persaingan kecantikan di antara sesama wanita menuntutnya untuk selalu tampil lebih dan lebih dibanding wanita lain, utamanya dalam hal fashion.
Lantas, seperti apa sejatinya seorang muslimah harus berhijab?
Ukhty.. Sebelum kita membahas hijab itu sendiri, mari bersama-sama kita sadari.. Bahwa tanpa kamu bersolek pun, kamu sudah menarik dan menjadi fitnah atau ujian bagi kaum lelaki.
 Dari Usamah Bin Zaid,  Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,
مَا تَرَكْتُ بَعْدِي فِتْنَةً أَضَرَّ عَلَى الرِّجَالِ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ
“Aku tidak meninggalkan satu fitnah pun yang lebih membahayakan para lelaki selain fitnah wanita.” (HR. Bukhari: 5096 dan  Muslim: 2740)
Jangan menjadikan ujian bagi lelaki itu semakin berat dengan berpenampilan mencolok dan membuat mereka betah berlama-lama memandang dan menikmati kecantikan kita.
Selanjutnya, mari ingat kembali hakikat dan tujuan hijab yg kita kenakan, apakah untuk menambah kecantikan atau menutupinya?
Sementara sudah jelas bagi kita firman Allah dalam surah An Nur ayat 31, bahwa kita diperintahkan untuk menutupi perhiasan..
وَقُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنٰتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ أَبْصٰرِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا  ۖ   وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلٰى جُيُوبِهِنَّ   "Dan katakanlah kepada para perempuan yang beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya), kecuali yang (biasa) terlihat. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kerudung ke dadanya..." [QS. An-Nur: Ayat 31]
Sungguh, bilalah benar niat berhijab ini karena-Nya, tentu kita tak akan membiarkannya tercampur dengan hal yg justru Dia larang..
 وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجٰهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولٰى
"...dan janganlah kamu bertabarruj [berhias dan (bertingkah laku)] seperti orang-orang jahiliah dahulu..." [QS. Al-Ahzab: Ayat 33]
Maka, ayo benahi lagi cara kita berpakaian. Sudahkah sesuai tuntunan Allah dan rasul-Nya? Atau masih ada bumbu-bumbu ingin nampak cantik, mendambakan popularitas, serta haus pujian?
Karena sejatinya berhijab itu mudah. Video tutorial, belasan peniti, dan bros warna-warni sungguh tidak diperlukan. Kita tinggal mengenakan hijab yg sederhana dengan ketentuan:
1. Menutupi seluruh tubuh kecuali wajah dan telapak tangan 2. Tidak ketat atau membentuk lekuk tubuh 3. Tidak tipis/menerawang 4. Tidak menyerupai pakaian lelaki atau pakaian wanita kafir 5. Bukan pakaian syuhrah [1] 6. Tidak memakai wewangian 7. Usahakan warna tidak mencolok
Tak ada syarat harus dimodel-modelkan, atau dipenuhi bunga-bunga, atau dililit kesana kemari. ^_^
Percayalah, semakin sederhana pakaian kita, semakin kita merasa terjaga, terlindungi, dan nyaman dalam beraktivitas.
Dan enaknya berpakaian karena Allah ialah.. mengurangi salah satu keribetan hidup. Kita tidak sibuk mengikuti perkembangan mode, tidak mesti update info fashion regularly, sebab kita sudah tak pusing lagi dengan penilaian manusia.
Belum lagi waktu yg bisa kita pangkas setiap harinya, karena kita tak perlu berlama-lama mematut diri di hadapan cermin hanya untuk bersiap ketika pagi.
Jadi, tunggu apa lagi?
Ayo kenakan hijab sesuai syariat. Yg sederhana dan tidak menarik perhatian. Karena niat kita berhijab bukanlah untuk dikagumi banyak mata. Ya, kan? :)
Saudariku.. Aku tahu, kamu memiliki rasa ingin dilihat, ingin disanjung, dipuji kecantikannya.. fitrah wanita memang begitu.
Akan tetapi, ketika kau mampu menekan semua nafsu itu dan lebih memilih menjaga dirimu.. sungguh, itu amat mulia.
Wahai muslimah.. Kau tidak perlu mengenakan mahkota dari emas permata. Biarlah indahnya akhlaq dan luasnya ilmumu yg bicara Bahwa engkau telah membuat cemburu para bidadari surga.
Karena penampilanmu yg sederhana tidak mengurangi tingginya kedudukanmu sebagai sebaik-baiknya perhiasan dunia. :)
With love, Ummu Shaalih (FIB 2016) Syawwal 1438 H
[1] Pakaian syuhrah adalah pakaian yg dipakai untuk meraih popularitas di masyarakat, baik pakaian mahal yg dipakai untuk berbangga dengan dunia dan perhiasannya, maupun pakaian murah ug dipakai untuk menampakkan kezuhudan dan riya'.
Referensi: • Al Quran Al Karim berserta terjemahannya • "Syarat Pakaian Muslimah" dalam buku 'Panduan Keluarga Sakinah' karya Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas • Artikel muslim(dot)or(dot)id • Artikel rumaysho(dot)com • Beberapa ceramah tentang hijab
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