#mosh pit cinderella
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sharpibees · 10 months ago
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You can now order silly lil printed copies of my Moshpit Cinderella zine!
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carnage-cathedral · 1 year ago
I used to have like the classic emo red and black striped arm warmers but I accidentally lost one of them in the MCR mosh pit so like unless they're on some kinda Cinderella quest to find its owner I'm never getting it back
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 2 years ago
Um if i saw Sihtric all hot and sweaty in a concert mosh pit i would just go to him and start grinding against him. At some point we'd be making out and he'd whisper song lyrics on my skin in between leaving hickeys there, he'd let me ride his thigh, maybe let his hands help out, make me cum right there and we don't even have know each other's names, i know he'll call me "lady", i'd give him my panties and then just disappear in the crowd 😰 i'll be his mosh pit cinderella 👌
Jesus fucking christ on a stick I did not expect this wild message. But, FINE, I hand you a better one: all this, it happens (with Sihtric's consent!) at a Nine Inch Nails show. Maybe not in a moshpit, but you'll dance with him regardless to the beat, and the song? They're playing "Closer".
Now, if you don't know that one, look it up and thank me later.
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fizziigoth · 6 months ago
I lost my boot in a mosh pit that was made up of predominantly guys age 30+ when I was 18
I tried to look for it, failed, felt miserable, hopped out of the mosh pit, whatever. 2 songs later, a wall of death opens up and, would ya fucking believe it, my boot was just lying in the middle
Some guy ran into the middle and went "WHO LOST THEIR BOOT!!!" And holds it up with one hand while spinning round, I tried to shout ME but it was loud as fuck/no one heard me, except for the huge metalhead guy next to me who just goes "HOP ON" and offers me a piggyback into the middle - all of about 20ft away from me if that lmao
He's there pushing peeps out the way going "MAKE WAYYYYYYYY, CINDERELLA LOST HER SHOOOOEEEEEE", I get into the middle, by this point the band had sussed what was going on so they were doing the longest buildup to a drop ever
I get plopped down in the centre, get given my boot by the guy holding it (who, I should add, bows when he gives it to me haha), I put my boot on, and immediately all the lads in the centre of the wall start chanting SHOE! SHOE! SHOE! SHOE! and then rushed in for the frenzy 😂
Genuinely one of my favourite memories
I love genuinely innocent “boys will be boys.” Just saw a guy come out of a frat house to poke a pair of jeans they’d left outside - they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed that, like twenty more boys came rushing out of the house going “YOOOOOOOOOO”
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icarusthelunarguard · 10 months ago
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
(Sorry for the delay. Was WAY tired this week.)
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Mother’s Day is fast approaching, so let’s get you all started wondering who you might have been instead with a different motherly influence. We’re not saying your mothers were bad… just that we’re willing to ask the question… “What If…?” 
If you HAVE superpowers, or even if you don’t, this mom is going to love and support you always. From “Fast Color”, your new mom is “Bo”: Not only does she have to deal with both her daughter and granddaughter with a level head, she’s got to do it knowing they both have superpowers! And she does what any mom should do - be a Fortress of Solitude when it’s needed most. So This Week… Whoever it is that still makes you feel safest while around them, just let them know that you appreciate that. Doesn’t have to be your Real Mom. 
Try to imagine who you would be if your new mother was able to lay waste to anyone or anything that wronged you, and did it with a bottle of ketchup in her hand. Your new mother is Daenerys Targaryen from “Game of Thrones”. Now, yes, on a technicality, since her title is “Mother of Dragons” that means you get to be a dragon now… (*PAUSE*) Actually it’s kinda hard to see the downside to that development. Except for, maybe, needing a different chair design so you don’t catch your tail on it. So This Week… Learn how to get over your fear of heights. We’re not suggesting you actually so it, just learn about it.
Sadly you’re getting the classic awful stepmom with a cruel, passive aggressive attitude; Lady Tremaine from “Cinderella”. Yes she’ll snip at you and put her other children’s wants before your needs, but HEY! In the end not only do you get the uncomfortable shoe, but you get to watch your step-sisters lop off their toes trying to one-up you. So This Week… If the mice are singing to you, you miscalculated your microdose amount again. Just stay indoors until it passes.
Cancer Moon-Child 
On the down side, you lost this mom before we even got started. On the UP side “Maureen Prescott” from the Scream franchise was a good mom! She’s taught you to be smart and resourceful, meaning forget Fred, Velma, or Daphne! YOU’RE now the original founding member of “Mystery, Inc.”! So This Week… Buy a pet that can come with you everywhere, like a parrot. Anyone that the parrot doesn’t like should be INSTANTLY suspect.
Without giving anything away, we’re pretty sure you just got the BEST mom possible. She’s cool… to the touch. She’s got a killer bod, great plant pruning skills, is supportive of all your goings-on, all while having only, really, one dress to wear. Your new mom is “Morticia Addams” - and it’ll be hard to top her. She’s got a way of disarming everyone’s concerns while making them feel validated, loved, and appreciated. So This Week… Buy some roses for yourself… and you’ll know what to do with them.
Again, another single mom struggling to raise a superpowered child, you’ve gotten “Nicole” from “Raising Dion”. She’s patient, has an unshakable determination to keep her child safe at all costs, all while dealing with her unfulfilled desire to be a dancer. So This Week… Take your mom out dancing. Just be aware she MIGHT want in on the Mosh Pit. She’ll be fine! 
Moms have a bad habit of stretching themselves to the breaking point and beyond, and BOY does your new mom know a little something about that. Your new mom is “Helen Parr” from “The Incredibles”. Everyone thinks their mom can do it all, but in this case she really does; being a stay-at-home-mom with an infant isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but she still makes time to be invested in her teen and pre-teen kids’ lives. And she can help support you too. So This Week… If ever there was a mom who deserved the title of “Super-mom”, it’s gunna be her.  
Some moms are diva-queens of their property, but few qualify with as much class as your new mom does. The Queen Mother of Wakanda, “Queen Ramonda” is elegant, loyal, and determined to care for her children - including ALL the children around herself. She’s careful with her words, wise, formidable, respectful, with a poise that holds regal court wherever she resides. So this Week… Watch her. Just watch how she is. You’ll learn SO much that way!
Go with your mother if you want to live. There’s only one mother that can follow that line - the bas-ass known as “Sarah Connor” from the,” Terminator” franchise. She started as an unknowing innocent, got wrapped into some time-travel impregnation B.S. and ended up being able to hold her own with the best the future had to throw at her. So This Week… Do NOT question how powerful your mom is. She is a force that cannot be stopped by man or machine.
If you’re in need of peaceful encouragement and support, look no further than the sedate “Mrs. Gump” from “Forrest Gump”. You want to be treated normally? She wants that for you too. And she’ll make sure everyone knows that they’re going to do that, like it or not, but in the most gentle way possible. So This Week… Chocolate is still your friend, assuming you’re not allergic to it.
You want a mom who’ll be as protective as an American wolverine to you, but will add your closest friends to the Protection Umbrella, look no further than “Jackie Tyler” from “Doctor Who”. How protective and loving is she? She chose to establish a new life on a parallel planet to help protect her child and her friend - The Doctor himself. So This Week…If you meet someone with a habit of tapping things four times over and over again… RUN!
When your grandma is a total queen, it would normally stand-to-reason that her daughter would be like her… but not this time. A chill lady, down to earth, but still aware of herself and her child, you’re getting “Helen Thermopolis” from “The Princess Diaries”. An artist in her own right, she’ll enjoy sharing her insights with you while letting you share yours back. And how cool is that?!  So This Week… Take an afternoon to sit down and have tea while talking about all the things. You might find out you’ve got far more than a Mom - you’ve got a friend.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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adapembroke · 3 years ago
Venus in Aries: Uncomfortable Strength
I have spilled a lot of ink lately talking about essential dignity. It is a subject I feel passionately about because I have seen the pain that the technique, badly wielded, has caused my clients. That pain is also personal for me.
I have Venus in Aries in my natal chart. It is closely trine my ascendant in Leo, so my relationship with Venus is something that I, literally, wear on my face.
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but no one knows better that beauty is a social construct than someone who has experienced being not conventionally beautiful.
When I was a teenager, bleached hair, spaghetti strap tank tops, and low-rise, size 0 jeans were the beauty standard, but I have never been confused for a delicate, Victorian flower. I had black hair and dramatic curves that spilled out of low-rise jeans and made spaghetti strap tank tops obscene. This combination drew predators and the taunting of my peers, and I was put in the strange position of simultaneously being seen as inappropriately sexualized and not attractive enough for my gender.
To cope with the cognitive dissonance, I hid my body with oversized band t-shirts and skater jeans. I threw myself into mosh pits at hardcore shows and carried myself like a soldier with a rigid back, eyes glaring straight ahead, radiating dignity and arrogance. Whenever I went out, my mother told me to turn it down because I was scaring off boys. I stubbornly refused to surrender my much needed armor.
Time and age tempered my edge and made me smarter. I learned that it wasn't necessary to display my ability to protect myself so dramatically. A glare and a sharp-edged word was usually enough.
Still, I never lost the sense of being forced to present myself in a way that felt inauthentic just to feel safe.
When I learned that Venus was in detriment in Aries, I was devastated.
It felt like even astrology was saying I was ugly and my gender presentation was broken.
Usually, evolutionary astrology swoops in to save the day when traditional astrology makes me feel crappy, but, with Venus, the evolutionary approach (as it was presented to me) just made me feel more discouraged. It was all about Amazons and warrior women. With Venus in Aries, I was supposed to be perfectly positioned to be a feminist icon, to lean in and be a girl boss. I never felt more misunderstood. Why didn't they understand that my strength was just a shield I used to protect myself? I wished that someone would see through me or, better yet, rescue me from the need to armor up in the first place. I wanted desperately to throw down my punk rags, dress up, and go to the ball like Cinderella, but I look like a little clown on the prairie in pastels and lace.
It wasn't until I listened to Chris Brennan's interview with Charles Obert on The Astrology Podcast that I started to see my Venus in Aries differently. In the interview, Obert says Venus in Aries is like Julie Andrews being assigned to play the lead in Rambo. It was so easy for me to imagine Julie Andrews dressing up in warrior gear, the hollow-eyed stare of a person out of her element only adding to the effectiveness of her presentation. Chris Brennan compared planets in detriment to people in exile, and that felt exactly right.
Later in the interview, they talked about the way that planets without essential dignity can become strengths. Instead of the usual warrior woman take I was used to, they emphasized the discomfort of having a planet in detriment. Venus in Aries could be represented by a nurse working in a war zone, for example. "In that case," Obert said, "that would be an enormously useful service. But a caring, peaceful, and loving nurse is not going to be at home when there’s bombs flying overhead."
It was only when I began to see my Venus in Aries as a part of myself that was useful but in exile that I was able to make peace with it.
A nurse in a war zone doesn't need to pretend to be comfortable. They don't have time to be comfortable. Being comfortable is not what they're there to do. Pretending that they are comfortable does a disservice to them and their service. And yet, the very qualities that make a nurse uncomfortable on a battlefield are the same qualities that make them effective. No one hates disease more than a healer.
Ironically, it was exactly this realization that made it possible for me to embrace both the traditional interpretation of Venus in Aries and the evolutionary one. The acknowledgement that my Venus in Aries wasn't just a defect made me feel safe enough to own that it reflected an experience that was uncomfortable, and seeing that placement as valuable allowed me to own and embrace the strength that living with that discomfort required me to develop. I now walk with my head high because I know I'm strong. I am proud of what I am capable of without needing to fall back on being defensively arrogant... most of the time.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years ago
For the kiss prompts, may I please request #12 with Kiryu, Majima, and Nishiki? Thank you so much and Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖
Number 12: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
Muses: Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro, and Nishikiyama Akira from the Yakuza series
Reader is gender neutral
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Swearing, alcohol tw
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| Kiryu |
He never really liked parties, especially when Majima is at the center of it.
For whatever reason that Majima wanted to throw a party and get absolutely drunk off his ass, Kiryu doesn’t care but he does care for his poor ears when Majima whips out the karaoke machine. It also doesn’t help that his men also join in on his impromptu (or maybe they practiced?) dance break and they want Kiryu to join in. For majority of his time in the party, he spent it by avoiding anyone who was wearing either a party hat, a snakeskin jacket, or both.
“Where’s your party hat?”
He was brought back from his hiding corner when you tapped his shoulder. You were, frankly, one of the only things that’s been keeping him sane in this party and he’s thankful that you found him.
“Didn’t wanna get dragged into that mess.” He replied to you, cocking his head at the currently screaming mosh pit that Majima was at the center of it all.
You giggled and it was a miracle that Kiryu heard it despite the shitty speakers. “You’d fit right in there. Who knows, maybe you and Majima can duet?”
“Hell no, that’s even worse.”
You laughed out loud, punching his chest lightly and telling him to lighten up. He shrugged off your comment and looked at you once more, a softer look in his eyes. He then later realized that you two are in a secluded corner with no one looking at the two of you, your body so close to his as he realizes your words.
You did ask him to lighten up.
With his hand raising to cup the back of your head, he tilted it so that he could kiss you fully. When you gasped, he took his chance to slide his tongue inside your mouth.
He would’ve loved to have this kiss somewhere less crazy but he supposed Majima’s off-key version of 24-Hour Cinderella would do just fine.
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| Majima |
There wasn’t a lot of time for the Lord of the Night to try and catch a break but makes do with as much as he can.
After breaking up a potential bar fight, he sighed and went to the back rooms to relax. Letting his hair ease out from his signature ponytail, he slouched against a chair as he tilted his head back. For a moment, the stress that hung on him didn’t exist.
A clink of a can and footsteps were heard. The moment your hand went in his vision, a coffee can being deposited in front of him, he let his guard down even more. “Thanks, doll.”
Your fingers carded through his scalp as he let out a relaxed sigh. “Can’t have you popping off out there.”
He sighed (he’s been sighing a lot lately, maybe he should smoke) before taking your other hand and placing a kiss on the open palm. “Yer a lifesaver. Dunno what I would do without ya here.”
You leaned down, moving your hand from his lips to his cheek. Your thumb smoothed against his cheekbone before leaning down and planting small, light kisses on his lips. They still taste of cigarettes but it’s a welcomed taste on your lips.
“Give ‘em hell out there, babe.” You whispered against his lips.
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| Nishiki |
It was funny, seeing the usually happy-go-lucky man getting absolutely drunk off of drinks. Anyone who knew Nishiki thought this was normal, thinking he had a good day but you knew that he just wanted to spoil you rotten.
Despite the bar having few patrons, the party was on full swing as he belted it out at the karaoke machine with you cheering him on. You haven’t seen him this happy in quite a while and despite him spoiling you, Nishiki deserves to have this.
Laughing out loud when his voice cracked at the high note, you stood up at his finale as he threw his arm out. Clapping at his obvious swaying from his song, you went to him and guided him away from the karaoke machine.
“I think you had enough singing for one night.” You said to him, putting him in a secluded booth as you asked for the waiter some water.
“You’re just...” A hiccup from him before a giggle. “Super happy that I’m spoiling you today...!”
“Sure I am.” You said dryly but your goofy smile betrayed it. “Though I don’t think your friends are gonna recover from that voice crack.”
He guffawed, bringing his arm up to wrap around your shoulders as he brought you closer to him. “All in good fun!”
You chuckled, bringing your head up from his chest and slanted your lips against his. He responded, albeit sloppily, as his lips flitted from your lips to your cheek then back to your lips.
“But next time? Try to limit your drinks.”
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blackberry-beee · 5 years ago
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Chapter 17- Make It Last Forever
The night of Cheryl’s party, after they had all changed into comfortable and not covered in food clothes, the group spent the rest of the night laying on her huge bed watching movies. The ten of them on one bed was absolutely ridiculous, but Betty wouldn’t trade the ache in her knee after Sweet Pea crushed it for anything in the world.
While they were watching Another Cinderella Story, Cheryl’s pick, of course, Sweet Pea asked asked them all a question.
“Who do you think the scariest person in our group is?”
Without any doubt or hesitation in any of their minds (save for Reggie, since he just got there and had yet to seen them all in action), they all said, “Cheryl.”
She sat up slightly and flipped her hair over her shoulder in an obvious “thank you” sort of way. Then Sweet Pea said, “fine. But am I at least the second scariest?”
“Sure, honey,” Veronica said, causing everyone to laugh.
Sweet Pea pouted and Betty pointed out, “it’s not you. It’s not even Jug, its Quin.” There was silence for a moment before Betty realized she had to elaborate. “You’re scary Pea, don’t get my wrong. But Cheryl is nuts and will kill you with absolutely no remorse if she thinks you deserve it. Then it’s Quin, because he’s unsuspecting and everyone can see the knife he keeps in his boot, even if he thinks it’s hidden.
“You and Jug are scary because you look scary. No one is going to try and fuck with you guys, and everyone who has tried has ended up looking wildly foolish.
“Fangs is that person in the scary movies who stands totally still and silent, but is the first to release the safety on his gun.”
“And me?” Toni asked.
“Well, you’re in love with Cheryl, a bartender, a very small human being, and can beat Pea in an arm wrestling match. You’re fucking terrifying.”
Betty took a deep breath and looked around. Everyone was staring at her with various looks of awe.
“What?” she asked.
“And you, Betty Cooper, are the glue that holds this mosh pit of a family together,” Veronica said with a whisper, and reached across her boyfriend to squeeze Betty’s knee.
“But let’s not forget, Coop,” Sweet Pea started, “you’re the girl who can break up any fight or, hold back any fight from beginning with one look.”
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shootheavenondownforyou · 6 years ago
I’ll never forget the first time I heard you, Mac. I was walking between classes my freshman year when my friend Chris stopped me and said “yo you gotta check out this white kid. Go look up koolaide and frozen pizza”, and sure enough I did. I was instantly hooked. K.I.D.S became my new favorite. Then you dropped Blue Slide Park, and that album quickly become my pump up album, listening to it on bus and car rides to games, I loved wilding out to ‘My Team’ and ‘Up All Night’. ‘Diamonds and Gold’ made me feel like I would some day leave high school and be this desired, independent woman. ‘Missed Calls’ helped me get through boys not liking me back. ‘Blue Slide Park’ and ‘Frick Park Market’ were instant classics. Then, finally, I got to see you in concert. It was your Space Migration tour. I remember BEGGING my parents to get me tickets, they finally agreed to it being my only graduation present, not like I would even want anything else. That night was one of the most magical concerts I’ve ever experienced. I got to see Vince & Chance, who at the time I had no clue of but did plenty of research when I got home from the concert. The Internet, who I was so excited to finally see live, almost as excited as I was to see you. And I’ll never forget how turnt up Action Bronson was, walking out with a bottle of apple cider. You finally came on and gave the show of a life time. Your energy was ridiculous, which I would learn is a usual at a Mac Miller show, and the venue was so intimate, I felt you were rapping and singing to me personally. My most vivid memory from that show was you sitting down at a keyboard and playing youforia. It was such a beautiful moment, one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. After that first concert, I wanted to take full advantage of seeing you live. I remember getting tickets to see you on Jimmy Kimmel. I was able to convince a few of my friends to leave school early and mob to LA, just we could see you. That was such an awesome night. We were front row and you came into the crowd, right in front of us, playing your guitar. I was so hyped because I touched your shoulder. We stood out after the show for about a hour, hoping we’d catch you again and take some pics. It didn’t happen, but I still will always be thankful for the memory of that night. I would continue to go on to seeing you at Flog Gnaw a couple times, hearing you sing R.O.S still lingers in my mind. Flash forward to 2016, the Devine Femine drops and I completely lose my shit. It was the most beautiful and thoughtful album I had heard from you, in my own personal opinion. Once you announced the tour, I had to find a way to go. I was waiting and waiting for people to say they would be willing to tag along, but no one ever did. Then I finally decided, fuck it, I’ll go alone. I wanted to see you perform this album so badly, that I didn’t even need to have anyone with me. I’m glad your music gave me the boost to go to a concert solo, because now I have yet to miss a single artist out of fear of being alone. That night was so amazing. Hearing you sing Cinderella, Dang!, The Weekend, made me feel so lucky. My next journey seeing you was at Coachella, I remember being so heartbroken because you and Banks were conflicting sets, but I told myself that I was just going to run from one stage to the other. I remember walking to the Sahara tent, then suddenly hearing “Dolla Sign” and being on a full sprint to get to the stage. I couldn’t miss seeing you do ‘Cinderella’, especially at Coachella. I’m screaming out the intro while dodging people in the crowd, then I finally reach a point where I can see you. As usual, the energy was wild. Hearing you do songs I had never heard you do before was so exciting to me! Mosh pits everywhere during ‘Insomniac’, I was scared but loving the energy. The next and final time I would see you live was at Camp Flog Gnaw. We stayed for half your set, and kicked it in the back just dancing while you were killing on stage.
I wish I would have known that was the last time I’d get to see you and your presence on stage, I would have taken a little more time to appreciate it. I’m just happy that I was able to meet you and tell you personally how much your music meant to me. It was the week after Flog Gnaw, and I was at knotts scary farm with my family. We were in line for a maze, when they stopped the line for people surrounded by a bunch of security guards. I was looking trying to figure out who it was, when I saw your tattoos on your arm. I remember grabbing my moms hand so hard and going “oh my gosh it’s Mac miller”. I raced through the maze and got a quick view of where you went. I ran in the same direction (I know I sound crazy), when I lost you. I was walking aimlessly, then a monster scared the crap out of me. I screamed and then I hear “Aw hell yeah get her!” I turned around and to my surprise it was you. I walked up to you and was shaking. I was literally so nervous. I told you how much I loved your music and how much you meant to me. I asked for a pic and you said “nah sorry I’m just chilling right now”, which i completely understood since I’m sure you didn’t want anyone else to find you. I then explained how I had just seen you at Flog Gnaw, and Coachella, and on the Devine Femine tour. I remember you saying “damn that’s so dope, what’s your name?” I told you my name and you shook my hand. I calmly told you that appreciated you taking time to talk to me and to enjoy the rest of your night. As I walked away I LOST ALL MY SHIT. I met one of my favorite artists, he shook my hand, and he knew my name (I’m sure he forgot but I like to pretend he didn’t).
You dropped ‘Swimming’, and it provides good vibes and beautiful lyrics. I remember being sad there was no show at the observatory this tour, but thinking and hoping you would be at a festival sometime this year. However, I would soon learn that could not be possible. Friday, September 7th i started recieving multiple texts, snapchats, Instagram messages, all asking if I heard the news. Everyone knew how much of a fan I was of you. I remember thinking and hoping there was no way it was true. I’ve spent this whole weekend listening to your music, watching your videos, reliving my personal experiences. I’ve cried so much, I feel as if I’ve lost a personal friend. I wish you could have felt as loved and appreciated as you were by all of us, but all I can hope now is that you are no longer in pain. I will forever be grateful for all the happiness, memories, and music you gave me.
Love you forever, Malcom.💕💕💕💕
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chai-tea-phone-tree · 7 years ago
A List Of LGBT Novels
That are actually fantastic! I had no clue that books with LGBT characters existed as a kid, so here’s a list of the ones I’ve read so far. Keep checking for updates to the list!
Luna by Julie Anne Peters (mtf trans main character)
Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger (ftm trans main character)
Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger (straight main character, falls for a lesbian, has a good ending, I promise)
I Am J by Cris Beam (ftm trans main character)
Being Emily by Rachel Gold (mtf trans main character)
Ash by Malinda Lo (lesbian retelling of Cinderella!!)
Far From Xanadu by Julie Anne Peters (lesbian main character)
Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters (lesbian main characters)
Shine by Lauren Myracle (from straight characters perspective, about a gay character)
Absolute Brightness by James Lecesne (from a straight characters perspective, about a gay character)
The Darkest Part Of The Forest by Holly Black (gay secondary character, still a good book)
Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden (lesbian main characters)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan (gay main character)
Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albetalli (gay main character)
Hero by Perry Moore (gay main character)
Dare Truth or Promise by Paula Boock (lesbian main characters)
Mosh Pit by Kristyn Dunion (lesbian characters)
Empress of The World by Sara Ryan (lesbian main character)
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan (gay main character)
Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman (mtf trans main character)
Rose of No Mans Land by Michelle Tea (lesbian character)
Down to The Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole (lesbian characters)
The God Box by Alex Sanchez (gay main character)
Nevada by Imogen Binnie (mtf trans main character)
Sprout by Dale Peck (gay main character)
One Man Guy Michael Barakiva (gay main character)
If We Shadows by D.E Atwood (mtf main character)
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kristin Cronn Mills (ftm trans main character)
Huntress by Malinda Lo (lesbian characters)
The Miseducation Of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth (lesbian main character)
Ramona Blue by Julie Murphy (bisexual main character)
Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz (gay main characters)
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin (genderfluid main character)
It's Not Like It's A Secret by Misa Sugiura (lesbian main characters)
The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson (trans main characters)
They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera (gay main characters)
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maeby-words · 7 years ago
Is this the real life?
My life is a fantasy. It’s a life I dreamt up for myself between the pages of novels and on imaginative adventures as a child. It’s a life I refined as a teenager, fleshing out the details in mosh pits and coffee shops. It’s a life I wrote the plot to on message boards and folded notes. It’s a story that took years to perfect to perfect. I’m a fairy tale, a Cinderella who found her Prince. Who found her life in his arms and gets to live out her ambitions. I made it up, I made it.
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peachwaved · 8 years ago
senior year homecoming dance : evan hansen x reader
xx summer just started and i’m already waiting for homecoming even though i don’t wanna go since i had a bad time because, like evan in this ((crappy)) headcanons, my anxiety was like nahhh and i ended up just being on the outside looking in. ignore spelling and grammar because it’s currently midnight and i’m very sleepy. but please enjoy these! lots of love:) xx
❀ you and evan have been friends since childhood, but distanced since you joined a new friend group which ended up getting you popular ❀ you make senior homecoming court ❀ evan’s liked you for forever 👉🏼😎👉🏼 ❀ he wasn’t planning on asking you to be his date, heck the boy wasn’t even gonna go, but jared convinced him ❀ his proposal was “don’t LEAF me hanging and GROW to hoco with me?” because evan liked trees and jared like puns ❀ who would say no to a cutie like evan hansen??? ❀ he’s lowkey surprised you said yes because you’re gorgeous and smart and could probably get anyone to go with you. but you choose evan hansen. because he’s a vvvv cutie patootie ❀ he almost forgets to buy a corsage because it’s his first time going to any kind of dance ❀ when he comes to pick you up to head to dinner, he is so stunned because you’re so gorgeous!!! you have a baby blue outfit on (dress or suit, you choose) and he thinks you look like royalty ❀ evan takes you out to a cute little diner for dinner. it’s cheesy, but you both grew up going there and since it’s possibly your last year together before parting ways for college, it’s just feels right. ❀ you split a cookie dough milkshake ❀ once you arrive at the dance, your friends drag you into the pit that is the dance floor. evan wants to follow, but his anxiety is like “nah bro” ❀ you make your way out of that mosh pit and find evan chilling with alana, who planned basically the entire event, and you join their conversation and hydrate because you don’t wanna pass out ((at my first hoco dance some kid had a heat stroke from dancing so much & had to go to the hospital so don’t be that kid bb)) ❀ a big announcement is made that homecoming king and queen were gonna be crowned out on the dance floor and that all of the court needed to proceed there with their dates. ❀ space was cleared in the middle for the court & dates so evan was a little less anxious but still anxious because people ❀ you don’t win king/queen, but to evan you’re still royalty ❀ heyyy guess what?? slow dance for the court and their dates! ❀ evan doesn’t now how to dance really, so you try to guide him through it and it’s not working out but it’s still so cute and innocent ❀ after that the music is blasting and people are dancing once again. because your friends want you to dance but you want to be with evan, you and your cutie patootie date leave and head back to his house ❀ you both change into something more comfortable and snuggle up on the couch and watch Cinderella. ❀ when Cinderella is dancing with the Prince, you are dancing with evan. literally. you guys stood up and started messily waltzing around his living room ❀ once that scene is over, you kinda just hug him for a while and the boy is confused but loves it because he loves you ❀ smooches. ya both are just 2 crazy kids in love. it’s great ❀ and y'all live happily ever after!
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weebrecs · 8 years ago
Visiting the Magic Kingdom During Different Holidays
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 16): The park is rather empty since everyone has already come for the Christmas-New Year’s time period. Even though it’s Florida it’s still cold, but you bet that you’re still going to see little princesses running around in short sleeves and all. If you’re visiting for this holiday it’s suggested that you bring layers and jackets.
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Valentine’s Day (February 14): If you’re not a big fan of being that odd third wheel for couples you don’t really know, or if seeing proposals before Cinderella’s castle than this is definitely not a good day for you to visit. However, the weather is usually beautiful: not too hot or too cold with nice breezes throughout the day to chase away the heat.
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Easter/Spring Break (Late March/April): The heat is starting to creep back into Florida as summer teases everyone. The crowds are heavy during this time because between high school and local colleges teenagers flood into the parks with their families. In addition, people celebrate Easter at the park with a special Easter parade and meet and greet with the Easter Bunny. Large crowds can add to wait times and can cause those who like to live spontaneously have issues with finding dinning options and other accommodations. 
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Memorial Day (May 29): Summer has officially started and those that didn’t visit for Easter are celebrating int he park. Most of these people are trying to enjoy the last bit of that “spring time weather” in Florida before the summer “rainy period begins”
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Independence Day (July 4): With a special fireworks show in Magic Kingdom large crowds gather on this holiday. This holiday takes place in the middle of Florida’s “rainy season” so if you’re traveling here be sure to bring an umbrella and drink lots of water. 
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Labor Day (September 4): Usually around this time is when the best deals are presented at Disney parks since a lot of kids got back to school and peak season is over. With the growing popularity of “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” during this time guest will start gathering to celebrate Halloween early with Mickey Mouse and his friends. The weather is starting to cool down from the summer and the chances of rain decrease.
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Halloween (October 31): The temperature will be dropping at night and you might need a light jacket to accompany your Halloween costume. There will be a large amount of guest int he parks at this time due to the fact that people want to catch the last Halloween party and the first “Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party” starting early November. These guests want to maximize their holiday experience and gather the limited edition items. 
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Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November): For thanksgiving it is very important to plan ahead for dinner because reservations will become almost impossible to get. The crowds are less then the other holidays that surround it (Halloween, Christmas, and New Years). Almost everyone (including cast members) will be wearing their winter apparels to counter the chilly winds. Plan ahead to prevent spending your whole budget on hoodies upon arriving. Yes, it is Florida, but it will still be cold.
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Christmas Eve/Christmas Day (December 24-25): If you do not get up early and get into the parks then you risk the chance of not being able to get in at all. That’s right once the parks reach capacity they will close the front gates and not let anyone else in and this usually happens on Christmas. Be prepared for impossible wait times, crazy crowds, and a once in a life time experience that only Disney could provide. It’ll be cold so plan accordingly!
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New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day (December 31-January 1): Have you ever wanted to go to club with people that all love Disney? Well look no further. The front of Cinderella’s castle turns into a mosh pit complete with a DJ in front of the castle that keeps the party popping until it’s the next year. This is another day that the park will easily reach capacity. In addition, for the night time festivities the cast members will block off main street USA once it reaches capacity. It’s cold during this time, but layers is honestly the best suggesting for this time of year so that if you get hot partying you can take some layers off.
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youspoketome · 6 years ago
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I don't remember when I first heard Squad Five-O, or I would definitely have written about them sooner. It was probably around when my older brother got a job at Northwestern bookstore that he started buying a bunch of CDs, which I would then dub into cassettes. Some were by Tooth and Nail bands like the OC Supertones and Value Pac that I had heard on comps anyway, but also some bands from other labels like Kosmos Express, Five Iron Frenzy, and most importantly to me, Squad Five-O.
Somewhere in between MxPx changing my life and discovering The Ataris, I discovered Squad's WHAT I BELIEVE and when it was released, FIGHT THE SYSTEM and I was obsessed in a whole new way to me. I started modeling my entire life after that band. I started bleaching my hair because Jeff Squad bleached his hair, I started only wearing my hoodies zipped up about 2/3 of the way because Johnny Five wore his hoodie like that on a tour poster I had, I set my default font on AOL Instant Messenger to neon green with black background to match their logo on FIGHT THE SYSTEM (which they stole from Poison), I got in trouble in algebra class for writing the lyrics to "Fight The System" on my shared graphing calculator at the end of class and leaving it there for the next person. If you read the installment about Me First and The Gimme Gimmes you might remember my camo shorts with knee high argyle socks. I was wearing that because of Squad Five-O. To this day I have one single tattoo, and it's a tattoo I first saw on Jeff Squad and decided I wanted when I was about 15.
I'm pretty sure my first real rock and roll show (meaning not DC Talk at the Target Center or a Billy Graham crusade) was Squad Five-O. They were the perfect band for a Christian music venue like the New Union. Christan venues were notorious for not letting you have fun in the crowd. You can jump up and down, you can move around, but you can't jump into another person or touch someone else while you are moving around. So moshing and crowd surfing were right out. The beauty of Squad though, was since all their songs constantly switched back and forth between ska parts and punk parts, no one got in trouble. The heavier punk parts would play and the crowd would freak out, but before anyone could get pulled from the crowd, the ska part would kick in and everyone would stop moshing and start skanking. Those shows were some of the most fun I ever had in a pit (and I use that term very, very loosely).
So anyway, fast forward to 2000. I've discovered The Ataris and secular music, but I'm still a Tooth and Nail kid at heart. I've started taking classes at community college through PSEO, and so I'm using their computer lab. (I still distinctly remember this.) I go to toothandnail dot com and before the normal home screen loads, there's a page with a giant picture of Squad Five-O announcing their new addition to the Tooth and Nail family. I didn't even hit the continue to home page link, I opened a new window to get to my email and I literally emailed everyone in my address book (95% of whom had never heard of Squad Five-O or couldn't have cared less about them if they had) to let them know that SFO had signed to Tooth and Nail Records. I think I got two responses to that email, one telling me I was a huge nerd and one telling me this was old news and he already knew about it.
Over the ensuing months demos from the new album would show up in a couple different T&N compilation CDs. They were definitely different, but not bad, and I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt. I continued to excitedly wait for the new album.
Squad Five-O had always had a thing for 80's metal. As I mentioned earlier, they completely stole the Poison logo for their own logo on FIGHT THE SYSTEM. The first time I saw them, every single shirt they had at their merch table was a spoof of Guns N' Roses, Judas Priest, Stryper or some other metal band. But on BOMBS OVER BROADWAY they just went for it. The producer they worked with on this album had previously worked on albums by Cinderella, LA Guns and Ozzy. Gone was the punk/ska hybrid I loved. Gone was the raw energy I soaked up. Gone were the bratty kids shouting anthems. They were replaced by big hair, aviator sunglasses, sleeveless t-shirts and rambling guitar solos.
I still bought it. I still bought a poster and multiple t-shirts (I want to say I had three shirts from this era). I still went to see them (with The Juliana Theory, who I hadn't even discovered yet). But that was the end for me. I didn't buy their next, self-titled album, and to this day I've not listened to their major label album after that. The magic was gone.
I recently listened to a podcast about this album and period for the band, and it sounds like Brandon from T&N heard the demos, knew it wasn't right, and begged them to stick with their previous sound. Even Jeff expressed regret that the producer had made them slow all the songs down and sapped the energy that was there in their live shows and even on the demos.
The thing with BOMBS OVER BROADWAY was until that album I don't think I had figured out yet that bands could change for the worse. Everything I had listened to to that point had just been on an upward trajectory. I had stopped listening to DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline by this time, not because they changed, but because I had. Ghoti Hook's TWO YEARS TO NEVER came out around the same time, and I actually heard the first demo from that album on the same comp as one of the Squad demos, but that one doesn't stand out to me as much. Conrad had quit Ghoti Hook and I think I just assumed they wouldn't be as good anymore without him. Squad Five-O had added members and signed to my favorite record label, who could have imagined they'd get worse? It was kind of an eye opening album for me.
Coda (or: I'm not sure when else I'll get to tell this story, so I'm going to tack it on the end here):
BOMBS OVER BROADWAY obviously had a lot of imagery of planes and destruction and New York City (the lyrics to the titular song literally go "Midnight, New York City/Broadway, going up in flames/Ground zero, big city/Big Apple swallowed by the flames."). At the time it was about vanity and American consumerism, but after 9-11 it became much more real and tasteless. On September 12 or 13, 2001, I got up and got dressed went about my day. While waiting in line for lunch my friend Kara (one of the two respondees of my excited email) kind of looked at my t-shirt and gave me a weird look. I glanced down and said "Squad Five-O. They're a band," and didn't think any more of it. After school I went to work (I was working at Hot Topic by this point, we'll get there pretty soon) where I wore a hoodie most of the night, but after the mall closed and we were cleaning up, they'd turn off the air and it would get really hot and stuffy. So after I got too warm I took off my hoodie and for the first time in the day really took notice of the shirt I'd been wearing all day: a Squad Five-O t-shirt that above the logo featured the Twin Towers falling over with a mushroom cloud coming up between them. I suddenly realized why Kara had been looking at my shirt so strangely, and never wore it again.
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My "cycle code speak"
I developed with Bestie to avoid eavesdropping from others.
We talk then change the subject then go back to,the subject then off topic and back.
Its specialised.
On a very long post readers will lose information.
So bestie and i would speak less about the most important topic but feel the most.
We were always in public or someone was "bugging" us.
So im delighted to see that y'all understand how it works. Snoop had to call y'all out and help y'all,understand how y'all been on auto save to save the Planet.
And have the information posted at the bottom for y'all to simple get it.
I knew exactly how he needed to tell y'all cause,Alex was telling me first thing when i woke up from sleep just now. I said "highlight the information above"
And he had Tree copy and paste the highlighted information in the order I wrote.
One reason people didn't catch onto how they were saving the world is that didn't matter. They were simply being human.
But i appreciate that Snoop went out of his time and went for y'all to make sure you understand why.
1 as a thank you and 2 to help us understand how humans actually are and make that very clear that humans aren't abnormal. We're normal!
So what the contact communications code is is just like you write 3 articles and then you merge them together keeping all the information in order. Then you hit each topic.
Now. Bestie and i when long time no see or in dangerous territory (lots of nosy aliens around to harm) we shuffled the articles so it would be out of order.
So it would be complex and a lot of silence at our public dinner table in a restaurant. While we ourselves minded the information to our hearts to reorder the information into an order. In silence and leaving gaps of space to know we did beginning and end.
Aliens in human form. Usually men would get pissed off and leave the restaurant and cause a scene. Then after then we would go back and do the cycle in order. Because we were safer.
So none of us are stupid. We just dont know what is going on
I can't help but conversation code it.
It isn't any different than the family going around the dinner table talking about their day.
I would do it with my Uncle Dad. Denise was too stupid to,follow along,instead getting bugged I would,talk after everyone talked. So Chris,would,talk,i would say 2-3 sentences about my day and then Nathaniel would say something and i would,say,how i was counter acting his actions. But not allow anyone,but humans to,understand.
Very serious issues needed slight clarification to my Uncle Dad after. He would double check,my safety. After dinner in,the living room
Meaning safe and,handled,I went to my room,first.,not,then,directly to,the living room.
So I don't know how to be uncoded.
Even,things I,write straight forward. End,in cliff hangers or some thing. A cliff hanger,is a code,for "more to,come"
I can't really change that. I'm just an extreme expert at communication.
With bestie and i it became a blood sport. Often she would arrive before me and find aliens she wanted kill. And i would watch her face of anger and wait and develop conversations that way. I would follow her lead.
Otherwise my goal was to keep aliens stupid and then watch them. They would be happy from our information. Information that hurt her and I. So they would stand and catch me looking and sit for safety. Thus notifying my protection detail of CIA agents and they would label my face under kill.
My eyes would narrow then when I looked back to bestie my eyes would open wider. A more comforting honest tell me honey what's going on face.
Then i would Alien stretch my soul ... Aliens thinking it was my skin. To notify "I'm still looking. They're going to die. 'This isn't my territory style'" which was mild to extreme torture and removing the kidnapped kids from extraterrestrial custody.
Bestie hated it. Because she put her life on hold instead of holding bee soulmate in her arms.
Those days i would fill the restaurant with the spirit of love. Usually my bestie would be having a super bad day. It depended where we sat. That was my auto cue.
When Tommy would see my soulmate stretch to order kills he became extremely sad. Because he would realize he could just killed Amanda.
But I would reassure him that wouldn't have worked. It would bad the world unstable due to alien attacks. We would just Moshe pit kill them all in the end after giving them a choice to live right an s rigid on their home planets.
So i would tell him "just see her" but shes married and so am I! "Be friends till the end. I have come to see her and you will, too. Invite him bestie over to you for a BBQ. Get drunk have fun just as we used to do over our house (or i would say at my house)" she would grab her phone and text he would say "maybe" and i would say "let's talk about your problems. Let him know you're struggling as much as him but in a different way" he would show up over her house as "enlisted to lighten to load" help her deal with her life stress.
Y'all don't know but shes been my only "irl" friend for over 10 years. My only friend. I've lived a normal sane life like many of you that have been kidnapped and loaded down under. And just regular people and most especially aliens that want to remain hidden.
People come and go But my life as friendship in real life has only revolved around her. I'm not ashamed to have only one friend. The rest of the time i spent with my soulmate. So I've been happy as can be as a POW.
This is how i know the world needs extreme help. My life sucks and i hate it. The same reasons my bestie hates hers. Because she can't be with her lover.
And family IRL.
Otherwise and because of that sad days For her became revenge kill days.
We could only kill extraterrestrials if they were criminals. The same as an evil human. It kept the balance and the world safe from alien invasions for revenge.
We thank Weck's restaurant in their unique location that used to be the Red Balloon in Los Lunas. Red Balloon was also a yummy restaurant to eat at.
But it was an alien establishment and i ordered humans to take it over. Thereby thus combining fate and history into a native New Yorker tounge that doesn't pronounce the letter R. from "Wrecked that alien bitch" to simply "Weck's"
Red Balloon was code word for "Alien Safe Here"
I made sure they understood they are not.
Most went down to Roswell from the Albuquerque metro area.
Those visiting "the moon" didn't know we had taken it over and visited freely. Those we killed because it was a criminal safety net - the Red Balloon. 99% of aliens going to eat had done something very wrong like kidnapping humans.
The CIA wait staff knew they could tell when Bestie was sad... So it was back to the wall where the bad alien was or back to the wall where I could see what was going on. The wait staff set us told us where to sit.
So i would switch with Bestie every so often to see what she saw. Because my neck pain prevented looking. Often it was "im fucking leaving she keeps looking at me!!"
Like a human looked at a human.
Which was delightful because it proved they knew they were wrong. "Oh my God that is so funny!!"
Usually I found the humor. Often Alex and Tommy would have "invisible dinner talk" and Alex would advise Tommy to basically romance surprise her. Just show up at the house and Alex would volunteer to oversee to help guide Tommy to allow John to be his friend. My bestie's husband.
In this way he could be Uncle in his daughter's life. Because that was what hurt the most.
So we took better care of them than we did ourselves as is obvious.
Our right. Our ruling.
This is why I rarely tell my own feelings. Because most of y'all would feel bad or sad or responsible for helping.
So now I can tell. Because now I've began the mass exercising of moshing our demons to sleep.
But I had to ensure each American was safe first and I had amnesia.
So I had to beat and destroy the strongest aliens on my own. Aliens stronger than me.
David and Goliath.
Except me "Go lie" I am goliath. Because that is my orders.
"Duh I've did" they told me. The weakling.
"Good" I'd say "let it continue. Disobey the 10 commandments. I can't stop you and that isn't my job any way"
My job is to kill. Force surrender. And destroy if they don't
I had to become an archangel. That was always a man's job. Always Alex's. No one but him has been an archangel until 2003 when Declan became one.
Then 2006 when Bestie did.
And now me and there are several others.
To honor bestie. Alex has given up the title of Archangel Michael.
Its a masculine form of her name and it would indicate they're lovers.
He has planned to enlist all his archangel titles under Archangel Gaberial. Gabriel is the masculine form. Spelling Gaberial without the -ia entitles it to be "for the woman". Me.
So no one shall name their sons Gabe. Gaberial or Gabriel or any spelling of such name. For men and hermaphrodite
However they shall be allowed to name their daughters and hermaphrodites "Gaberialla" in honor of me and in understanding he has already protected their right to live.
Any spelling. The above spelling notices "I am your Cinderella, Arch Angel Gaberial, I hereby dutify myself to your spirit to fight for the safety of all humans thereby all consequences shall be none."
When a child gets baptized that is what is said
Now consequences shall be none... Means eternal death to all alien invaders thus allowing earth to be free and clear from painful consequences caused by alien invasions.
Thus it is a choice a parent can not make.
"I am a Gaberialla" says a female voice. "I, too, am a Gaberialla" follows a deeper male voice.
This is allowed by Jesus.
$5 for who can answer "what does the term gaberialla replace in our new society?"
Here's your hint: 3 letter word
Thus at my Jesus Cult wedding. Many times "ahh boo!!" Startling and scary. Those of you that come to realize you've enjoyed fighting the alien nation will have the right to become an archangel Gaberial assistant. To follow many rules of the American Nation.
Because my soulmate has had issues in this lifetime to know who his friends are. Who has his back and who doesn't.
Many of our CIA we use Now will set to retire. Because i said to. Never will the skills or talent accumulated will to to waste. But its time to enjoy new jobs and new lives.
Not anytime soon. But eventually. For now the war must continue.
The spelling remains the same but it is pronounced "arc-Angel" a promise to provide the world with the rainbows the "arch-angels" have always dreamed of.
And also ark of thereby Noah whom is also me. Because we will all be Christianed upon an arch
I will with Tom, Alex and Andrew will bless the bestie to become the first female archangel in known existence in the 3 galaxies I've created with Alex.
Then she with Alex, Tommy, Frederick will then bless all the archangels into existence. Which will include me as we all bow to her feet Muslim style into prayer.
She is also the only known Full bloodied Scorpio on this planet. All the planets were perfectly aligned,,including the moon the night she was born. To be a 100% true and divine Scorpio.
So when you want to know more about her, google astrology sign SCORPIO.
And you will see how easy it was for us to devise the secret communication coded language that didn't beat Navajo code but was simply in time line as good as. She also as a reincarnate invented many codes throughout her 864,922,386,401 lives.
Like Candy she is one of my unknown daughters. Created from my spirit of war.
**Not Christina Hendricks aka Chandler - she is known from my womb in this lifetime. But another Candy. A Candy from the spirit of motherhood. A true 100% divine and perfection true Cancer. She is out of body. She too will be an archangel. Archangel Uril is Another name Alex will give up. Spelled Ariul. sounds like Aerial
To learn about her google the astrological sign Cancer. A video has been produced to know why her symbol is the crab. It was posted yesterday.
Her voice is in Charlie Brown indistinguishable due to the water. In the Muppet Babies the mom/nanny is also her. And in Loony Tunes the old gramma with the broom with Sylvester and Tweety.
Ariel is her learning about love. From me. Ursula. Its not based on a true story. It is the real story.
So I hope this has all made you pleased. Unworried for the future. And you resume your toilet paper gathering for current use and paper mache upon our return to land.
Toilet paper requires no glue unlike other paper. So it is perfect for paper mache dolls to create to burn while thinking of aliens.
Extraterrestrial are the biggest hoarders of them all.
So it will be all gathered and then given away since its already been bought from the factory repaid to the store for allowing purchases to be made easier from factories and then upscaled in pricing to pay for the religious experience of shopping.
Retail therapy is part of the True Jesus (me) religion.
Now please pray for my forgiveness and hope I can be with my true lover Soon.
Remember I got $5 on it that you read and understood what all I've just said.
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darkdisney4-blog · 6 years ago
Diary Entry 103 - Ariel
My band The Fish Nets played an awesome gig last night and we couldn’t have done it without the fans, you guys are my queens! It was electric from the beginning till the end, the mosh pit was lit, everyone was into it, couldn’t have asked for more! All that atmosphere bubbled over to the after party as well, Flounder and Cinderella got WASTED. Thanks for an unforgettable night!
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