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stefanoreves · 4 years ago
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Color variant for ‘The Imitation Game’ poster I did a few days ago. #theimitationgame #benedictcumberbatch #maths #mathematics #mathematician #movieposter #alternativemovieposter #illustrationstefano #etsyshops #graphicdesign #poster #cinemalover #keiraknightley #mortentyldum #alanturing (presso Milano Navigli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkNrdVhbib/?igshid=rekm05w74o19
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odeondesign · 5 years ago
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「 #イミテーションゲーム 」 #2014年のアメリカ映画 「あなたが普通じゃないから 世界はこんなに素晴らしい。 時として、誰も想像しないような人物が 想像できない偉業を成し遂げる」 偉業を成し遂げたとしても生きづらい。 良き理解者が現れたとて、救われるとも限らないし。 幸せだったかは本人しか分からないこと。 いつの時代もLGBTは茨の道だなと思う。 . . . #映画好きな人と繋がりたい #映画 #洋画好きな人と繋がりたい #シネマ #映画観賞 #映画好き #映画記録 #ベネディクトカンバーバッチ #イミテーションゲームエニグマと天才数学者の秘密 #キーラナイトレイ #マシューグッド #モルテンティルドゥム #TheImitationGame #BenedictCumberbatch #KeiraKnightley #MortenTyldum #LGBT https://www.instagram.com/p/CEat-7QDfKq/?igshid=1cbq5bqcdvsg0
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sylile · 5 years ago
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I have loved watching « The Imitation Game » again 🎬, by @mortentyldum with Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley. . [Beaucoup aimé revoir le film « Imitation Game », sur le rôle du mathématicien britannique Alan Turing 🎬] . ⭐ Tools of the day ⭐: • ✒️. Tombow calligraphy pen • 📒. @cansonpaper sketchbook . . . . ___________ #illustration #drawing #sketching #dessin #handdrawn #penandink #portraitdrawing #portraitsketch #artjournal #inkdrawing #inkpen #sketchbookart #pendrawing #britishactors #keiraknightley #alanturing #mortentyldum #benedictcumberbatch #fineliner #sylile #instaart #movies #cinema #films #fanart #britishfilm #movieillustration #movieart (à Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CACqR6sH_j8/?igshid=4b4lnvi09osa
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the-controversial-briton · 8 years ago
Jennifer Lawrence’s $20m Film
Last year, as the release of Morten Tyldum’s science-fiction film ‘Passengers’ loomed closer, media outlets publicised Jennifer Lawrence’s involvement. This was especially the case when it concerned the income she would be generating from it. It was reported that Lawrence would be receiving a total of $20m, with her co-star, Chris Pratt, receiving $12m for his role.
I’m still young but I know enough to guarantee that £20m and $12m are definitely not equal. Now, let me clarify that I do not harbour any ill feelings towards anyone featured in this project. However, why should Jennifer Lawrence be paid an additional $8m? In my opinion, an individual should receive different payment regarding the hours they put in. After all, Lawrence did work for fewer days than Pratt.
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bidib · 6 years ago
Imitation Game [Film]
Le professeur Alan Turing est un éminent mathématicien, très peu à l'aise avec les gens, mais d'une intelligence remarquable. Il est engagé en 1940 par l'armée anglaise avec d'autres intellectuels pour casser le code d'enigma, la machine qu'utilisent les Allemands pour envoyer des messages codés. Réputé inviolable, enigma est un enjeu très important pour les alliés.
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Read the full article
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99quotes · 6 years ago
I don't know if it's a sadistic side or whatever, but you take characters and put them in really awful situations and make them go through that. And it's very satisfying as a director to explore that, to tell those stories and to explore those themes, because it is so human. —Morten Tyldum
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futur-z · 7 years ago
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IMITATION GAME (2014) Directed by Morten Tyldum Written by Graham Moore #film #movie #imitationgame #mortentyldum #director #screenplay #scenario #screenwriter #grahammoore #actor #actors #benedictcumberbatch #keiraknightley #markstrong #matthewgoode #charlesdance #art #artists #artwork #alanturing #genius (à Pau, France)
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filippoimbrighi · 8 years ago
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#enigma #number #alanturing #theimitationgame #benedictcumberbatch #keitaknightley #mortentyldum #war #letters #code #aeronauticsmuseum #iphoneonly #instamood #onlyiphone #imbrighi #filippoimbrighi #ohi @aeronautica.militare #blackandwhite #lettering (presso Italian Air Force Museum)
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stefanoreves · 4 years ago
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I’ve always been fond of biographical movies, especially the ones about mathematicians. So I’ve made posters for my favorite ones. Starting from the imitation game. Prints in my shop. #theimitationgame #benedictcumberbatch #maths #mathematics #mathematician #movieposter #alternativemovieposter #illustrationstefano #etsyshops #graphicdesign #poster #cinemalover #keiraknightley #mortentyldum #alanturing (presso London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMPnd8bFGXz/?igshid=wp0y02lnb3px
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thedeadandthecure · 8 years ago
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Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine. #theimitationgame #ojogodaimitação #mortentyldum #benedictcumberbatch #keiraknightley #matthewgoode #cinema #cinefilo #moviestill #moviequotes #netflix #cultmovie
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divinidoles · 8 years ago
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#LastPurchases : 🌺💎✨ #KatyPerry / #Witness 🔷 #LaLaLand 🔶 #Passengers 🔷 #Arrival (#PremierContact) 👌🏼😍 #RyanGosling #EmmaStone #ChrisPratt #JenniferLawrence #AmyAdams #JeremyRenner #DenisVilleneuve #MortenTyldum #DamienChazelle #ChainedToTheRhythm #BonAppetit #SwishSwish #AnotherDayOfSun #TheAudition #CityOfStars #SomewhereInTheCrowd #Bluray #MovieAddict #MusicAddict #New #Mine #DerniersAchats #POTD (à Home Sweet Home)
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marcelo2506 · 8 years ago
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#365PeliculasYLibros #Pelicula 38: #Passengers #Pasajeros #USA #2016 #Genero: #scifi #CienciaFiccion #Aventura #Drama #Romance #Direccion: #MortenTyldum #Cast: #JenniferLawrence #ChrisPratt #MichaelSheen #LaurenceFishburne #AndyGarcia Una pequeña #Reseña En esta pelí nos convertimos en pasajeros de la enorme nave espacial Ávalon, que viaja entre la Tierra y el Homestead II, un planeta-colonia situado a 120 años de viaje. Por ello, las 5000 personas y los 258 tripulantes que la ocupan, viajan en estado de hibernación, en una jornada completamente automática, ya que la nave está dotada con todo tipo de computadores, escudos y mecanismos para que nada malo pueda suceder. Sus pasajeros van a mantenerse con la edad que tenían al salir de la Tierra. Ven el viaje como una aventura única, como la forma de vivir en dos épocas separadas por largos años. Súbitamente, algo sucede y contra todo lo esperado, uno de los pasajeros despierta de su sueño de 120 años, cuando faltan todavía 90 años por terminar. Su despertar desata una serie de eventos que van a afectar a una hermosa compañera de viaje, una escritora que quería tener la experiencia de escribir en dos épocas y que también ve cómo ella se despierta de su hibernación, rompiéndose con ellos los planes que se había trazado en su vida. Porque no hay vuelta atrás para ninguno de estos dos pasajeros. Tampoco compañía ni esperanzas de nada más, excepto ser los dos únicos pasajeros despiertos de esta cápsula repleta de pasajeros dormidos en una nave automática en todo sentido. Arhur y Aurora se ven obligados a desarrollarse como amigos, eventualmente como pareja, en todo caso como únicos habitantes de los espacios enormes y cavernosos de la nave, pero esto recién es el inicio de todo el caos. A modo de comentario final, vale la pena resaltar que todo termina con un nostálgico y sentido tributo a la bella naturaleza, a la bella tierra que han abandonado los pasajeros. Cuando la aceptación se impone, todo puede ser mejor, aun cuando se está condenado y limitado, si se asumen las cosas con amor. Una película hermosa y entretenida, super recomendada. #movie #instamovie
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tsuchicool · 8 years ago
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いざ。 #passenger #パッセンジャー #MortenTyldum #モルティンティルドゥム #ChrisPratt #クリスプラット #JenniferLawrence #ジェニファーローレンス #LaurenceFishburne #ローレンスフィッシュバーン #AndyGarcia #アンディガルシア #FredMelamed #フレッドメラメッド #movie #cinéma #映画 (TOHOシネマズ六本木ヒルズ)
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awesomebeasy · 8 years ago
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There is a reason they woke up. While thousands of people slumber on their journey to colonize a new planet, 2 passengers (ahhh, get it? get it?!) wake up about 90 years too early. A little more YA-ish and less sinister than I thought it was going to be; the actual reason they are woken up wasn’t as…“evil”…and didn’t involve (#spoileralert) Arthur the bartender in the Overlook-like bar like I thought it would, in any of the theories I had before the end. It was interesting to see Jim’s time alone and think about what I’d do in that situation (read all the books, watch all the tv shows and movies, nap a lot, and then go crazy). The ship looked awesome and getting almost free run of it would be cool, for a while (read previous sentence) until it got lonely. What luck that Jim woke up, was an engineer, and had access to the tools and everything. Why weren’t there any wild forest children running around at the end? The movie definitely made me think of Interstellar and some of the other more recent space-centric/set movies. #ssmovieof2017 #adventure #drama #romance #space #spaceship #JenniferLawrence #ChrisPratt #MichaelSheen #LaurenceFishburne #JuleeCerda writer: #JonSpaihts director: #MortenTyldum movie of 2017 number 6) #Passengers
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yanarchy072 · 8 years ago
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パッセンジャー観た。 ・ 宇宙版メロドラマ。 良く仕上がった話で普通に面白いのだが結果オーライ感は否めないw ・ 2001〜0が随所に見られて「以降の映画」なんだな!と。 しかし、重力ロスのプールのシーンはパッセンジャー最大の見所だと思う。 ・ #パッセンジャー #passengers #モルテンティルドゥム #mortentyldum #ジェニファーローレンス #jenniferlawrence #クリスプラット #chrispratt #宇宙版タイタニック #二人ぼっち #スペーススペクトルロマン #spacespectacleroman #映画 #movie #film #ビバムビ (新宿ピカデリー)
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40minoumais · 8 years ago
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PASSENGERS / PASSAGEIROS 2016 - 116 min Drama/Romance Diretor: Morten Tyldum Elenco: Jennifer Lawrence/Chris Pratt/Michael Sheen Nave viaja para planeta distante. Leva milhares de passageiros hibernando. 1 casal acorda 90 anos antes do previsto. Esperava mais. Bem mais. Muito mais.   Chamou a atenção pelo trailer. Tentei achar pontos positivos, ainda na sala. Mas foi difícil. O filme me vendeu uma coisa que não era. Pensei em suspense e ficção. Não foi. É romance. A primeira parte do filme é a melhor. O cara sozinho na nave. No drama. Já vimos algo semelhante. Mas até aí, Ok.    Depois começa a cair. A história vira clichê. Uma pena Mesmo com as atuações dos atores. Mesmo sendo carismáticos. Detalhe:   Jennifer Lawrence é 1000x melhor que Chris Pratt. Diretor é o mesmo de “The Imitation Game". Pra mim mandou mal. Roteiro fraco. Tinha que ser mais lapidado. Muitos furos e falhas. Barman é o melhor. Mas aparece nada. Gostei do visual. Clean.  Cena da gravidade com a água foi ótima. As dos saltos no espaço também. O óculos 3D e sala escura fez diferença aqui. Laurence Fishbourne aparece só para tirar dúvidas. Explicar melhor o filme. Para os personagens e nós. Desnecessário. Referência a “2001 Uma Odisséia no Espaço”. Premissa incrível. Decepcionante. O suspense aqui é bobo. Não é tenso. Na verdade é uma história de amor. É romance. Final é ruim. Bem ruim inclusive. Enfim. Achei fraco. Saiu do cinema já esquece. Me enganou. E ninguém. Ninguém muda minha ideia. De que o na verdade foi o maior fdp.  Mas...ninguém se importou.
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