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izzypaw · 1 month ago
Hi I think your art is really cool and even though we don't talk much it's been neat to watch your development and see your art improve and I just wanted to say I appreciate you being here :) that's all
awhh thank you thats so super sweet!!! <3 i rly appreciate it :)
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rustycottoncandy · 5 months ago
Aims microphone at you
FAV DIAMOND??? (From su)
I'm gonna go withhh... White Diamond!! Either her or Blue. I really like Blue's constant display of emotions. As for White, I like her for the opposite reason. She's so damn terrifying BECAUSE she doesn't display many emotions, at least not until her redemption. She gives off a very eerie/uncomfortable vibe, which works pretty well for her character.
Now, spins the microphone and poins it at YOU, what is your favorite diamond??
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wainwrightjakobshammerlock · 11 months ago
Since requests are possible do you think you could possibly draw Conkeldurr? Or alternatively, icon cyborg old man, John silver from treasure planet (I'm obsessed wit him)
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i saw it holding conk creet so now its holding the conk creet warframe. yipe
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months ago
Karkki vai kepponen :) 🎣
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Ilmeisesti noi mustekalat ja salmariversio niistä koki jonkun ison kysynnänkasvun Yhdysvalloissa jonkun ”Swedish candy” -trendin myötä?? Ainakin jos muistan oikein. Niistä tuli iso trendi kun ihmiset alkoi julkaisemaan maisteluvideoita missä kehui pohjoismaisia makeisia! Tuli yhtäkkiä mieleen kun, tiedäthän sä, karkit ja suomen kieli ^^’
Fazer oli osana tätä ”Swedish candy” boomia myös, vaikka.. ärrinmurrin… no tiedäthän sä…
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amethyst-halo · 7 months ago
I love that you consistently make fan content with Branch as transfem it just feels so good to me like yeeessss that miserable man finally becomes a less miserable woman... Peak stuff. I love your trolls art in general
EHEHEHE ty!!!!!! she is everything to me
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rosetyler42 · 3 months ago
Do your ocs celebrate the holidays? In what ways? If not, what do they usually do?
-creation help
The most interesting answer to this is Simon and Lucy, so I'm going with that.
Simon and Lucy are both interfaith since mom is Christian and Dad is Jewish. Since they were raised with both, they celebrate BOTH Christian and Jewish holidays. Their traditions are similar to ours, but with an Addams-esque monstery twist as well as humany ones.
For example:
• Mistletoad (Mistletoe with a toad in it) from @drericka
• A Hannukah Manora with a bat and monster candles
• Poison toffee Apples for Rosh Hashana
• Vampire-ear shaped hamantachen filled with eye of newt
• Chocolate frog hunts on Passover
• Shrunken heads and spiders as christmas ornaments
• snake garlands
• Honestly most things from Nightmare before Christmas would be perfect for them. Right down to the vampire teddy.
• Black-wrapped christmas presents or other spooky wrapping paper
• Webbing tree skirt
• Twice the dress up fun: Halloween AND Purim
• Spooky candies like Cockroach clusters, blood-flavored lollipops, sugary butterfly wings, chocolate skeletons, etc
Like imagine the Haunted Holiday Haunted Mansion take over but with both Hannukah and Christmas, you kinda get the vibe of Drac Fam holidays.
Also when they're older and traveling around, they always come back home for holidays too.
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ambersky0319 · 29 days ago
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ambersky-art · 2 months ago
Hii! What kinda ideas for art or writing are you having currently?
Hi hi!!!!
So writing is actually just kinda. not. computing rn 😅 I am in final project hell (almost there! I got one final exam tomorrow and one creative writing project due Wednesday)
But!! I have a couple ideas as to what I wanna work on once I do have the time. Gonna work on Eternal (next chapter is already in progress), I have a request that I am tryna finish cause it's been in my inbox for ages, and! I think I'm gonna work on a story related to my hoarding farm in stardew but that requires me to play more of it lmao. And! Continue chipping away at Not of This World of courss
As for art.... so much going on!!
Ironically I'm making art for my creative writing class - doing some card designs of stuff!! So far I only have the front of some character cards completed, I'm actually gonna jump into working on them again soon but! Here's the idea:
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And here's my progress so far!
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It's been weird drawing on such a small canvas lmao but also fun fact the character file? currently well over 100 layers-
I have a few other ideas popping around in my head (one I cannot share though until new years cause it's a surprise), but this is my main one now ^^
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teddybearty · 1 year ago
Not a hazbin guy personally but I'm just loving how you're making these characters more fat. Salutes you
Thank you thank you!!!
As a fat person myself, I would love just more fat rep in general (you know, outside of comedic relief characters)!!
Plus every character having the same body type is kind of boring…! And Viv making all of the characters so spindly and thin makes them kind of…small in their detailed environments. That could be just me…
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b0nebat · 7 months ago
Btw I just wanted to say your art and designs are the bomb, keep slaying
Thank yew!!! 💕 I try keeping things cute n creepy...
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moonclangen · 1 year ago
Hi! I love how you draw the facial expressions of each cat, it makes their interactions so cute and nice to look at. As if your art wasn't already nice to look at, ofc! Love the new blog :3
this is so so sweet, thank you so much ;__; 💗 I really appreciate you always being so supportive and kind! I was nervous posting on here because I went with a messy and doodly style for a lot of the art (literally scribbling in the backgrounds), and I was worried about it looking nice. thank you so much!
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rustycottoncandy · 4 months ago
Hey, might seem like an odd question but how old are some of your ocs? I sometimes can't tell (or haven't seen you mention lol my bad) but I would assume for example since Henry and Ethan live together? How about Melody? I know some are intended to be kids but I got curious :)
Oh it's not an odd question, don't worry! I'll write a list with some of my characters, the story they belong to, and how old they are at the beginning of their stories! :
Alice Melody Caddel - 23
Jackalyn Allison Lake - 23
Richard Johnathan Windstorm - 24
Gabriel Sánchez Díaz - 25
Owen Oliver Tulips - 21
Mia Adeline Lake - 15
Avery Mila Davis - 16
Autumn - 9
Samuel - 16
Shane - 17
Henry Thomas Davis - 24
Ethan James Dawn - 23
Aiden Dawn - 15
Alba Dawn - 8
Cocoa James Davis (cat) - About 5 months
Daniel Lee Demir - 28
Ryan George Miller (? Not sure if that was his full name actually...) - 32
Amy Ellis Miller - 14
Leonard (???) Oleander - 27
Sadie (???) Oleander - 26
Sam (???) Oleander - 6
Andrew (forgot his full name :() - 25
Edward (forgot his full name :() - 24
Jan (???) Matthews - 23
Jenelia (???) Matthews - 23
Elizabeth Morgan Davis - 43
Emerald (cockatiel) - About 2 years
Snowcone (cat) - About 3 months
Moss (Australian Kelpie) - 9 years
Evelyn Morrigan Davis - 16
Navy Jaylani Della - 16
Nathaniel Matthews Dawn - 13
Melanie Smokeshine Dracone - 10
Raydel Sunstream - 12
Honey (yellow panda) - About 1 year
Autumn (bee) - About 6 months
Ephil - 33
Alither - 36
Wizard Cocoa - 12
Caleb - 11
Evan - 27
Eloise - 22
B-Cat - 11 months
Hide - 10 months
Víctor Secondname Surname (I didn't forget his full name, that's literally it. He named himself and he couldn't be prouder about it) - 11
Clara Montes Navarro - 18
María Pastor Serrano - 67
Altair - 19
Nimue - 38
Hope that helps! There's probably more characters that I don't remember at the moment, so I might have to edit this post later ^^'
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wainwrightjakobshammerlock · 5 months ago
Re: your tags on the elephant seal post
I was so glad to see that I'm so happy someone else finds the form of these things as cool as I do, they're so gender to me. Shakes your hand. Hell yeah for elephant seals man
Male elephant seals and walruses both have such a delightful masculine energy to me you have no idea. Kinda goofy and yet so strong and pleasant.
Sure, they kill each other during mating season but isn't that just chivalry? Like human knights of old, they brawl to the death for their dames. /silly but you get me
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 5 months ago
Top 3 lempi kalaa? / fav fish? (asking in finnish too bc I wanna hear their finnish names if possible)
Numbers one and two are very simple, they are Atlantic sturgeon or atlantinsampi (ennen sinisampi, mutta nimi muutettiin vähän aikaa sitten paremmin kuvaamaan lajia…. itse tykkäisin yhä sinisammesta, kun ei Itämeri Atlantti ole) and northern pike or good old hauki!!! My top third fish… err. It’s been a long while since I readjusted my rankings, my former top third whale shark (valashai) is no longer that near and dear to me. I feel I nowadays like other fish more, like lampreys (nahkiaiset), marlins (marliinit), gars (luuhauet), tunas (tonnikalat), stargazers (taivaantähystäjät), ocean sunfish (möhkäkala) — WAIT WAIT WAIT NO!!!! NO I DO HAVE A TOP THIRD FAVE FISH!!!! LUNGFISH!!! LUNGFISH!!!! LUNGFISH!!!!!!! KEUHKO VITUN KALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEUHKOKALA!!! How did I forget my dear dear lovely amazing perfect lungfish!!???? My mind always blanks when I am specifically asked… Well no matter, I remembered now! I find myself liking the African lungfishes the most, I think, I haven’t narrowed it down to species level! So yeah :D
You’ll perhaps find now that some of these names are more or less direct translations or borrowed words from English (or another language)! Likely because a good bit of them do not reside here and therefore a name didn’t organically rise. Peculiarly, gars do have their own name, so to speak, luuhauki (bonepike for English fellows)?? Strange indeed.
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amethyst-halo · 6 months ago
I adore your trolls fankid stuff your art is always so adorable and the stories well thought out :) keep it up!
EHEHEHEHE TYYY i love to draw my fankids and i put a lot of thought into everything so im suuuper glad u like them!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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rosetyler42 · 4 months ago
I love how passionate you are about the things you post, whenever I see you in my notifs at /creation help i just know you're being thorough about it and I respect that. I think your art is charming :) I hope more people will get to enjoy it
Thanks, fren. That really made my day. ^^
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