#morning walkthrough
tikkunhayam · 1 year
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cooperl06 · 9 days
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rated-r-superautist · 3 months
also im trying to screenshot my blog instead of archiving it with the software available to me 😭
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diamond-photos · 5 months
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alxclaremont · 1 year
was wondering why i’ve been thinking about stranger things nonstop lately and then remembered that it’s been almost a year since s4
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guiltknight-gaming · 2 years
Atomic Heart Episode 12: Morning Express
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mavreday · 2 years
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„morning walk and photo”
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daycourtofficial · 1 year
Training Day
Summary: you ask Azriel to help you demonstrate some moves for training and it very quickly changes things
Author’s note: yeah this one just took on a life of it’s own I guess? Anyway, it’s lots of fun
“Can I use you tomorrow during the demonstration?”
Azriel looks up from his paperwork. The two of you were working in the library, a place you find yourselves most nights. You both enjoy working simultaneously - whether you both have paperwork, research, or personal reading. Most nights were spent on a secluded floor of the library. You two are down here so frequently, Clotho has stopped asking you to return the furniture the way it was, just allowing you two to use this space as your own sanctuary.
“I need a body to use when I’m showing the girls how to defend against an opponent,” you elaborate, and Azriel can’t help but notice a faint blush across your cheeks.
Azriel chuckles, but nods. He can’t say no to helping the priestesses, and he certainly can’t say no to you.
You two return to your previous attentions - you to your book, and him to his paperwork, which he finds much less interesting than you.
It started by the two of you using a table and chairs to work, but you had complained about reading for so long in the chair, that you rearranged the furniture so a table was pulled up to the couch you two are sitting on.
These nights started with you two across the table from each other, and tonight Azriel feels your toes pressing against his thigh, trying to form an entrance underneath his leg. You two now sit on the same couch, more often than not touching in some small capacity. The most recent nights start with you toeing your feet against his thigh, until he eventually grabs legs, sliding you down the couch, and placing your legs across his lap, draping his arms over them. When he’s feeling extra bold, or extra sleepy, he finds himself drawing patterns on your calves with his hands.
“Goooood morning!” You chirp to the priestesses, Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel. Azriel left the morning part of training early to bring you up for your demonstration and to talk to the preistesses and Nesta.
They all looked tired and out of breath, no doubt due to Cassian’s training.
“You can all sit for my demonstration. That way I become your favorite teacher.” You smile, eliciting a huff from Cassian.
“First, I want to say that while Cassian and Azriel are great teachers, there is one aspect to training that they cannot grasp. They do not understand what it’s like to be smaller than most of your enemies, to be at least 50 pounds lighter than most of your opponents.” You glance around, and the priestesses seem to be receptive, so you continue.
“Which is why I’m here. Cassian can spend 100 years teaching you proper balance, proper techniques, proper stances. But those things mean nothing if you cannot contextualize what you need to take down an opponent.”
“So today, we’ll be doing a little walkthrough of a fight. My opponent will be Azriel. The goal for today is for us to walk through, step by step, of a fight, and win. So, let’s start by thinking: what are some things that I need to think about when I’m facing Azriel. We don’t know anything about him, we don’t know who he is. We know what we can see, sans shadows. Most opponents won’t have control over shadows, so I’m sorry, but you’ll have to sit the demonstration out.”
With that, his shadows retreat, looking as if they too were looking to sit and watch the demonstration. Azriel doesn’t think about the fact that he didn’t tell them to leave, that they listened to you, not even seeking his approval for the command.
“So, what do I notice about my opponent?”
Gwyn speaks up, “he’s much taller than you.”
Another priestess speaks up, “he’s unarmed.”
“He has wings.” “He’s wearing protective leathers.”
You interrupt them. “All good observations. He’s bigger than I am, unarmed, but protected. These are all important notes when facing an opponent. So, what should I do first?”
Someone immediately yells, “kick him!” You’re pretty sure it was Cassian, but you let it slide. “Where am I aiming my kick?” You ask to the crowd. “His head!” You hear Nesta call back.
“Do we think that is the best course of action?” They all nod, you’re unsure if it’s just because they want to watch you kick their teacher, but you swing your leg out, aiming for his head, holding it right next to him when you ask, “why would this not be the best tactic for me?”
There’s a pause, then Emerie speaks up, “your foot won’t make contact with his head.”
While still holding your leg in the air, mere centimeters from his face, you pull a small chocolate from your pocket and throw it to Emerie. “Correct! I can’t make perfect contact, is there any other problem?”
Gwyn yells out, “you’re vulnerable to be pushed!” You throw another chocolate. “Excellent! Yes, since all my weight is on one leg, he could easily” you prompt, alerting Azriel to his next move. He simply pushes you a little, making you lose balance, “make me lose my footing.”
You stand back up and brush the dirt off.
“If I’m going to execute a move that leaves me vulnerable, I need to be very sure that I can execute it. My legs are not long enough to do so. And our opponents will not stoop down so I can attack them.”
Azriel crouches just a smidge, where if your leg were still in the air you’d be able to connect it to his face.
“When the odds are against you in a fight, you need to even the playing field. Do anything you can to subdue your enemy. A tactic I use frequently is messing with their senses. May I?” You ask Azriel. He nods, curious where this is going.
“My height might be considered a disadvantage, but it allows me to move faster and with more ease than larger opponents like Cassian.”
He rolls his eyes, ready to retort back, but you’ve started talking again. “Showing this in slow mo won’t give you a great idea, and it’s a bit more difficult to do, but here’s what I do. I use my opponents height to their disadvantage.
You plant your right foot on his left thigh. “What do small creatures do? They climb. So I plant one foot on a thigh, and use momentum to swing my other leg onto their shoulder.” As you say this, you swing your left leg over his right shoulder, him holding your right leg planted on his leg so you can move.
“from here, I have one leg secured to a shoulder, so I use that planting to bring up my other leg,” doing as you say, bringing your right leg onto his other shoulder, your legs holding onto his shoulders.
Azriel can’t breathe with you so close to him like this. Do you have any idea the effect this is having on him? How close you are to his face, to his mouth? He’s dreamed of having you like this, pressing you into a wall while he devours you like it’s his last meal.
Your voice brings him out of his thoughts, reminding him of where he is. “From here, I bring both of my fists out wide, gaining as much speed as I can before coming down on my opponent’s ears. This impact will leave their ears ringing, and could disrupt their balance if done hard enough.” You mime the motion, but only lightly hit his ears.
“Then I grab their face,” you say, holding the right side of his jaw, “and I smash my palm as hard as I can into their nose.”
Azriel knew you weren’t going to, but he could think of no better way to go than at your hands while your legs are wrapped around his neck.
You start to uncoil yourself from him, and it takes all of his self control to help you get your feet back on the ground. You start explaining why jabbing a palm through a nose is a good idea. The priestesses didn’t seem to think anything of you being on top of him like that, but out of the corner of his eye, he sees Cassian’s shit eating grin. He glances in his brother’s direction, wanting him to knock it off before he scares off their trainees, but Cassian mouths the words “loverboy” to him, while kissing the air, before pretending he was paying attention to you the whole time.
Your demonstration goes on for a bit longer, you and Azriel having a pseudofight that the priestesses eventually walk you through how to win. You have him pinned to the ground, and their cheers are so loud you’d think you had slain a dragon instead of taking him down.
You’re positively glowing at their praise, and the fact that this method of teaching actually worked. Before he could grow too accustomed to your weight on his chest, you get off of him, offering a hand to help him up, which he gladly accepts.
“Thank you for letting me beat you up today,” you giggle, as the priestesses start heading back toward the library, leaving you and Azriel behind.
He laughs, thinking about his next words, “how could anyone say no to letting you straddle their face and pinning them down?”
Your cheeks are on fire. The two of you were something, you just didn’t know what. On top of spending most days together, you two flirted constantly, once prompting Feyre to throw you in a cold fountain to cool you off.
But flirting was words, and these words were based in real actions you took. Sure it was to show the priestesses some defense moves, and maybe you had some ulterior motives, but you can’t pretend you didn’t enjoy seeing his face between your legs, even if you two were fully clothed in a self-defense seminar.
You were done with flirting that led nowhere, and before you can think about them the words are out of your mouth, “so if I asked you to do it again, with less witnesses and less clothing?”
You physically watch him shudder, at first you’re afraid you went too far, but then he leans down into your ear and whispers, “don’t make offers if you don’t want to follow through.”
You two have been dancing around whatever is between you two for too long, you think. The gentle nights spent in the library, the constant flirting. You spend more time with him than anyone. You’re terrified to move forward, but then you meet his eyes.
They’re full of lust, yes, but there’s an incredible warmth there. A softness, reserved just for you. He always looks at you with delicacy, as if you held his world and too harsh of a stare would break you.
You grab his neck, pulling him down to you as you kiss him. The first thing you feel is his wings wrapping around you, providing you privacy from the world, even though you’re alone in the training area.
Your hands clutch at his face, and your lips cover his, moving in tandem, as if your lips have found the place they belong.
His hands grab your ass, prompting you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. You’re so caught up in the kiss and the heat of it that you don’t even realize he winnowed you two into his room.
You hardly take note of the room, just taking in his smell, his taste, his warmth. You’re not sure how long you guys are kissing, thinking of nothing but the way his hands feel holding you, amazed you two are still wearing any clothes, let alone being fully dressed, when you hear a cough.
You two break away very reluctantly, to see a very smug Cassian standing ten feet away.
“You,” he points directly to you, “owe me $50. Pay up.”
“Now?” You ask incredulously, your hair moving as you whip your head to glare at the intruder.
“Yes, now. It’s my money, and I earned it fair and square.”
Azriel’s confusion shown all over his face, you covered your face in your hands while Cassian says, “I bet her $50 that if she had you help with her demonstration and got on your shoulders like that, you wouldn’t be able to contain yourself.”
“I- um - I didn’t know how to make the first move,” you say meekly, “and he seemed so sure of this working.”
You were so concerned he’d be mad that you manipulated this situation, but Azriel, while still holding you, tells Cassian, “I’ll give you $100 if you leave and don’t let anyone disturb us for a week.”
Cassian, always ready to make a quick buck, quickly agrees and scuttles out of the room, closing the door on his way.
“How do you go from not knowing how to make the first move to doing that?” Azriel asks, amusement shining on his face.
“Well, I thought my shameless flirting wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I had to take more drastic measures.”
He roars in laughter, and you can feel the vibrations through his chest. “You’ve always had my attention,” he says, looking at you the way a predator would, “but now you have my undivided attention. And I just paid a hefty fee to get us some time away from everyone.”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you as you giggle, holding onto him tighter, “oh no, a whole week with no distractions, whatever shall we do?” You ask, trying to sound distressed, but your giggles give you away.
“I think I stopped paying attention during your presentation, do you want to remind me again about depriving your opponent of their senses with your legs?”
You throw your head back in laughter, and he tilts your head down to capture your laugh in his kiss.
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wip · 4 months
morning wips! i wanna get involved with the communities rollout! i've submitted a couple of them for review already. however, even for someone like me that is v ready for it, it's hard to engage with communities as a concept because it's not clear what they'll be, not possible to browse existing ones, and there's no info about how they might look or feel like to use. could we have a list of communities that are already happening (even if we can't access them yet), a walkthrough of how communities look or some other descriptive resource? the current info about communities isn't telling very much. these suggestions are made with positive enthusiasm - i WANT to get hype - but it feels v much like we're fumbling in the dark/contributing to something that we don't get to see atm and i think some clarity would help. kis kis kis !!
Answer: Hi there, @moitt!
Thank you for these. All great, fair questions!
And we are happy to answer them. Admittedly, we are fumbling in the dark a little, you might say—that is why it’s still an experiment. We have our own ideas for how Communities could work, but really, we want to build it based on what people actually do with it. This is why the current functionality is fairly simple and limited. We’ve wanted to see what feedback we get and to understand what people ask for and expect—rather than spending a long time building something that may be unappealing to the people we hope will use it (we’ve made that mistake many times in the past!) You can see a little bit of that dialogue in the Feedback community.
To your point about seeing communities—right now, we’re working on ways of integrating public communities into existing feeds, search, tagged pages, etc., so that they can be discovered by people who aren’t in any yet (which is most people on Tumblr!) We hope that by seeing other people use it, you’ll get a better explanation than anything we could try to provide—because every community is doing things in their own interestingly unique way right now. We don’t want to be prescriptive about how they should be used.
By the way, the same is true with how blogs work on Tumblr—we don’t tell you how to blog. Instead, we hope you try to figure out your own way of blogging by seeing how others behave on the platform.
We hope that helps address at least some of your queries. We would also advise that you have a little look at this handy Help Center explainer into Communities. Above all, we hope y’all like it.
Stay tuned!
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missfrustration · 9 months
a psychic walkthrough (reigen x fem!reader) 18+ **WITH AUDIO, NSFW**
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A/N: hi friends! this is my first tumblr post, because only tumblr can embed the audio! audio was made with elevenlabs, and will be sprinkled in with the fanfiction. feel free to play or not while you read!
tags: 18+, mdni, pwp, nsfw, first-time sex, loss of virginity, fingering, vaginal sex, praise kink, drunk, boss/employee relationship, mild dubious consent, one-night stand, saliva, talking you through it, disheveled rat man nomnom, audio fic, whats it finna play-WOAHHH
word count: 3.3k
Drinking straight liquor tonight was not a good idea for you. It made you irrational and impulsive. You would always wake up with half the bottles empty, a killer headache, and always something to think about. 
Nevertheless, you kept calling your boss, Reigen, until he picked up. 
“Mph, hey,” Reigen calls out your name, voice raspy. “What do you need…? Middle of the night, y’know, we have to go to work in the morning.”
You are caught so off guard by the huskiness in his voice that your drunken mind can only freeze the words on your tongue. 
His voice comes out as a growl when it calls your name again into the night. You can tell Reigen is concerned, yet you can do nothing but feel turned on by his stupid voice.
“I… uhhm.” You moan out into the night. Immediately, you close your mouth in surprise and panic-end the call before Reigen can get another word in. You slam it onto the table next to your bed and instinctively curl into yourself out of embarrassment. 
You can’t even pick up your phone when it vibrates off the table–you almost booty-called your boss, for fucks sake! You know Reigen will keep bothering your line, but accepting any call could result in ratting yourself out and ruining your job position at Spirits and Such. There is no way you can do that. 
You neglect the floor phone, taking a nice cold shower to forget your horned-up mind. You don’t bother gathering clothes before turning on the shower and hopping in, feeling the cool water on your hot skin. It almost relaxes you from the dirty thoughts you’ve been having. If only you could tell your boss how you feel, how you want him. Even if you haven’t lost your virginity, you’ve seen enough videos to know what you want–and boy, did you want a lot. 
Okay, that’s enough thoughts about fucking your boss for one night. 
After half an hour shy of meticulously cleaning every inch of your skin, you get out of the shower feeling satisfied and refreshed. Your arm reaches for the fluffiest towel you own, covering your moistened skin. 
You frown at the bare shelf where you usually put a clean change of clothes, now regretting not taking the extra minute to get them earlier. However, you can’t dwell on it much when you hear a noise outside the bathroom.
You freeze when you hear constant knocking on your front door, nearly shitting yourself at the fact it’s past midnight and someone wants to see you.
“Hey, I know you’re in there!” The voice says, calling your name out.
You would prefer if that voice were foreign to you now, but you know exactly who’s at the door. You have half a mind to ignore it when you end up reaching for the knob and slowly peeking an eye into the crack.
It’s Reigen with scraggly hair, bloodshot eyes, and undereye bags. You could tell his clothes were hastily put on, and he seemed out of breath and agitated. 
“Reigen?” You’re nothing less than bewildered. “Why the hell are you here?”
You open the door an inch, forgetting Reigen knows where you live. You remember him taking you home after a work party at the bar because you were way too drunk that night to get there on your own. He must’ve remembered where you were, which is both endearing and inconvenient for the time.
“Me? Are you okay?” Reigen takes the liberty of pushing open the door, concerned about your health yet oblivious to what you’re wearing.
Within the second of bursting open the door, he immediately realized why you cracked the door so narrow. Although your towel is fluffy, it’s barely enough to cover your nipples and crotch, giving Reigen the most liberal view of cleavage and legs that he could ever see. 
Your wet hair drips down to the floor, and Reigen realizes what he’s walked in on. It doesn’t help that he’s already inside your house, the door now shut from his initial push. Under his quick eyes, you cannot deny the feeling bubbling up your stomach. 
“Shit.” He rasps, immediately looking away when he realizes what he’s walked in. “Shit, okay, I’m sorry I- goddamn.”
He turns away his back entirely now, “I’m sorry for intruding, shit, I will–okay, I need to see myself out, now.”
“Hell no. Not when you’ve seen me like this, Reigen,” You say, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. Nevertheless, his head looks away. “Take some accountability.”
“Okay, alright, I’m sorry! You were calling, and I needed to make sure you weren’t dead.” He holds his hands to shake back and forth, then turns to you while covering his eyes. “What the hell happened?”
“Oh, I…” You trail off.
He leans forward and sniffs the air, glancing to your right to see the opened liquor splayed over the kitchen countertop. 
“You’re drunk?”
“I was, but I’m fine now. I promise it was no big deal. I just–”
He removes his suit jacket, “Here, before anything else, let me give you this so you can cover up.”
“No, I don’t want that.” You stop his hands that hold out the jacket, rejecting any part in it. 
“I want you, boss.” You grit. You snatch his grey suit jacket before tossing it to the floor and stepping closer.
He looks back at you and blinks a few times, shaking his head.
“No, you’re drunk. You need to go to sleep, seriously.” Reigen groans. His voice contains an edge you can’t quite name, yet he doesn’t seem at all mad.
“I’m not drunk anymore,” You sputter, “And I know what I want, Reigen. I want you. Don’t you want me?”
“Jesus, you cannot just say that to me, especially as your boss.” Reigen covers his face, peering at you between his split fingers. 
“I don’t care. I want you to teach me things you shouldn’t, and I’m ready to learn.” 
“Teach? Wait, are you…?” Reigen stops himself from saying any more, knowing the exact answer when you nod. Reigen stares in shock, slack-jawed in disbelief. “No, there is no way you could be.”
You ignore his remark as your face glows in heat, gripping onto the edge of the towel with a resistance that’s desperate to let go. It only takes the swipe of your hand before the towel's grip succumbs to gravity, draping to the floor to expose your entire body.
“Reigen, don’t you want me?” You seductively say. 
“Yes, God, I do, alright? Now, put something on before I do something I regret, or I cannot promise this will end well.” He covers his eyes again, feeling for the doorknob behind him. 
“Why don’t we test that?”
You take his tie in your clutches, using the brevity of alcohol to do your mind’s bidding. Your arm yanks Reigen over to you until he practically topples over you in a passionate and hastily kiss. At the last minute, he stops the fall by slamming his hand on the wall right over you, making your knees buckle into an awkward stance. 
His lips feel so warm against yours, with both dehydrated from the effects of the long night. Chapped lips caress chapped lips, and you hook your arms on the back of his neck as your body thuds against the floor, subsequently taking Reigen with you. 
You wouldn’t think he would follow you to the floor so freely, immediately towering above your deliciously bare frame. His arms are planted on both sides of your head as he takes the lead in the domination of tongues. You feel caged between the arms you work under, yet the treat that is his guidance feeds you. Your lips, which have seldom kissed before, effortlessly mesh into his as he puts his weight against you. 
It’s clear what’s ahead of you and your boss, and no amount of forgetting or reasoning will cleanse your questionable business relationship to a blank slate. Right now, it’s about filling that craving for you and, ultimately, your boss. Reigen must’ve had the same thought when his lips left yours, and he started to get up.
“We’ll think about us after. Right now,” Reigen gets off you, crouching at your side before scooping you in his arms. “I’m taking you somewhere else.”
“Second door to the right,” You whisper, letting him carry you to your bedroom. 
He kicks open the door, promptly placing you on top of the bed and standing back up to undo his tie. The way he rips off that pink tie you see on him every shift before plucking open his shirt buttons from top to bottom has your mind spinning, especially when his eyes drink in your body every second he’s not touching you. By the time he gets down to his boxers, he’s back on you. 
“I didn’t know that drinking made you a liar. I’m sorry, but there is no way you're a virgin.” Reigen snorts, caging your body between his arms once more.
“Why is that so hard to believe, dumbass,” You mumble.
“Come on. We see each other every weekday, and I find it hard to believe that someone hasn’t put themselves between these pretty little hips before. I cannot be the only one, much less the first.” His knees nudge between your legs, slightly opening them. 
“As truthful now as I am about this,” You forcefully take his hand, pressing it on your exposed, hardened nipple. His hand stays there, eyes and hands now frozen from the contact. 
“Fuck.” Reigen snaps out of his hypnosis, groping your breast, taking his fingers and gently rolling the hard nipple. You pant from the foreign sensation. He watches your reaction like a dog, almost hysterical in how his eyes widen. 
His mouth takes your lips with force, then follows to the neck as he nibbles down the skin, then to the apex of your breast. Reigen’s lips coddle your areola as his tongue teasingly flicks the nipple, and his hands slowly caress the small on your waist down to the wideness of your soft hips. 
Reigen leans back to gaze at all your delicious curves, particularly the ones in between your legs that ache to feel him. He gently pushes your left leg to the side with his knee before sighing. 
“I’m not sure it’ll fit. Not right away,” Reigen starts. “So I’ll do this instead. Do you need me to guide you?” His fingers lift, showing you what he plans to start with. The display of his fingers alone makes you tremble, yet you nod your consent. 
He starts his lessons on you. The only tool he needed to show you was your body right now. You are so wet that he wouldn’t even think of lube. Not for his fingers, at least. He still felt the need to dip his fingers into your mouth. 
“Lick them, and keep your eyes on me,” Reigen says.
You obey. You flick your tongue around the pads, tasting the saltiness of his skin. You’re sure he darted straight over here when he woke up from your calls. Your mouth lingers on him, lubricating his fingers with your spit until he’s satisfied. 
“Take them for me. Let me know if it’s okay first.” You nod, and he dips his arm down.
One finger starts to slowly enter inside you as you shift your body at the feeling. Reigen carefully studies your body language. After a few moments of his first finger entering, he puts another in. 
“Damn, nobody has ever touched you like this, have they?” Reigen asks, looking into your widened eyes as his fingers start to move. He seems almost delighted by the thought of deflowering you, causing that desire to transfer to your core tenfold.
“No, Reigen. I wanted you… to be my first.” You cannot deny the aches you suffer at night after your shifts with Reigen or the long nights you endure your lust for him, yet you would never surrender your own hands to take care of it. 
“How does it feel?” His fingers gently pry your tight hole, causing your back to arch, giving Reigen’s eyes a generous view of your body.
“So, so fucking good,” You pant, gripping the wrist that invades your pussy from your lust. You make it move at a faster pace now, holding onto his arm like it’s a damn stress ball. 
“Good girl. Tell me if I need to stop.”
You feel your insides writhe in you when his fingers start to curl, constantly pushing in and out of you in a calculated rhythm. He knew exactly how much this made your body hot. His constant eyes that glance down your body up to your face tell you he’s enjoying himself, yet his thoughtful eyes still check yours, ensuring you’re okay. 
“You’re so wet for me.”
You can hear your pussy squelch now with your juices. All for Reigen, all for the man who pleasures you. Even then, it’s not enough for Reigen as he palms his erection through his boxers.
“It’ll be painful if we don’t use lube,” Reigen says. “Do you have any?”
“No,” You whine in between huffs.
“Shit…” Reigen mutters, slowly pulling his fingers out, assessing the liquid practically dripping down his fingers. “I don’t know if you want to go farther then.”
“We can go without it,” You whine, rubbing your legs together from the emptiness. 
“Are you sure you want that?” He asks. “That’s going to be a lot for you.”
You pull him in for another delicious kiss, properly exploring his mouth before answering.
“I can take it.” 
Reigen leans over you, taking his hand to thread through your fingers. He uses his other hand to free his cock from his boxers. Suddenly, you realized why he was so worried about you– over it not fitting. 
“Fine. Squeeze me as hard as you need to, okay?”
You gulp down your anxiety nod, opting to replace it with your hunger from his dick as he positions himself. Reigen’s tip protrudes in between your legs; he takes his hand and starts adding pressure against your slit. 
Your pussy can only take the very top of his penis before you begin to feel pain, worry bubbles in your stomach. 
Almost on cue, Reigen can tell what the disturbed look you sport means, the uneven rises of your chest, and the squeezes you put on his hand.
“Breathe, pretty girl. I know you can do it.” Reigen orders.
His words cut into the pain, helping you recoup your senses as he presses on; the pain persists as you take his head, which was the thickest part of him. The pressure inside feels foreign, and the pain continues when your pussy swallows his shaft. 
“You look so good taking me in. Keep going.”
His words make your pain subside when he pushes his whole cock inside you. After letting you adjust to his length, he looks into your eyes, asking if he can keep going. 
“I can take it.” You repeat, blinking away the water that gathered under your waterline. You moan out, “please, Reigen.”
Reigen looks at you like he’s never seen anything so beautiful. “Good girl.” He whispers. 
He’s three pumps in when you start panting like a dog, and your hand is still entwined with his as he squeezes. 
“Open your mouth for me.” You instantly oblige to his request, opening your mouth with tongue hanging out.
His lips purse slightly before puckering, releasing a string of his saliva into your mouth; your eyes widen before taking the gracious liquid into your mouth, tasting it like it’s the last drops of water on Earth. You practically growl as you pull his body down to you. 
“Feels good?”
He has his answer when you crash his mouth into a deep kiss, tongues exploring each other so hard that it’s scandalous. You moan out into the cavity of his mouth. “More,” you pant. 
“That’s my girl.”
His arms tuck under your torso, his hands grip your shoulder caps, and he leans his head near the crook of your neck. Your thighs spread out more until his shaft has full access to your pussy. 
He thrusts the way he’s been earlier, but with the position he has you in, plus the extra spread in your legs, his entire cock claps into your hole, earning a loud whimper out of you. Despite the volume and jolts your body takes from him, you can’t help but encourage him with the siren cry of your voice.
“That’s it. Let. it. out.” He grunts in your ear, immediately picking up a devil's pace. Your sopping wet pussy sloshes like thunder each time he thrusts, balls slapping against your ass. Your arms and legs wrap around him in a vice grip that he has a hard time reeling back each thrust of his sex into yours.
Reigen clicks his tongue. 
“Tch, you’re making it hard for me not to pull out right now.” 
You don’t think about anything else but the overwhelming sensation that has taken over any other feeling. You have no control over it, yet you feel no reason to stop it as it builds and builds.
“I… I feel funny.” You breathe out, clawing at his skin with your nails, you can’t stop yourself from the sensation. 
“Ah, I know. I can feel it.” 
“What is it? What do I-” Reigen kisses you again, and you let out an accidentally loud moan into his mouth as his lips take you.
“Follow it for me, pretty girl,” Reigen whispers. His hand darts down, assaulting the neglected bud at the apex of your pussy. Your mind goes blank as white-hot fire engulfs your core. 
“Cum for me.”
The overwhelming sensation takes over your body like a train, rushing through every vein like electricity. Your hands latch onto his hair, roughly pulling at the soft locks and scratching down his back. A noise you’ve never heard from your throat rips out like a tidal wave, crashing and chipping away at any thought you could’ve had that didn't include him. Dear God, was this a delirious feeling.
Reigen’s voice didn’t carry to your ears when he talks you through it. The soft whispers of him, “I know, I know.” are lost from your waves of pleasure. 
His dick and balls clap into you like thunder a few more times before quickly pulling out of you, groaning as he uses his hand for the rest. His seed gathers onto his fingers shortly after, dripping onto the top of your stomach as he leans over you. 
Your eyes meet, gazing into each other’s eyes with bated breath, watching your faces once contorted, now relaxing to faces of bliss. After a moment, you get up to get some tissues across the room, leaving Reigen to wipe his cum off of the both of you. 
“Fuck.” You moan out. “Please tell me it always feels like this.”
“It does now,” Reigen catches his breath, giving you a goofy smile and tossing the tissues aside. “It sure as hell does now.”
You giggle at him, and he ungracefully, dramatically flops to your side–in proper Reigen fashion.
“Well, I’m calling out tomorrow.” He whistles, absentmindedly sweeping his fingers on the skin of your stomach, still partially covered in his cum. 
“It’s not like you’ll be hungover tomorrow morning.”
“You’re too dense for your own good. Look, when I have you in your own bed? I’m not letting you go anytime soon. I really need to reevaluate our business relationship when I leave this room.” 
“I guess I’ll have to keep you here then,” you jest.
“Hey, I’m not complaining.”
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AITA for asking my partner not to interrupt me while I'm streaming?
Asking on here because she has Reddit and I don't want to upset her further while I ask for an outside consensus.
I stream video game content as a profession. Playthroughs, mods, tutorials, reviews, ect. I found streaming to be more profitable than pre-filmed video content. I'd say on average I can "work" for 10 - 30 hours a week.
She works on an alternating schedule where she does a week of full time hours then a week of part time hours. All in all, we work pretty reasonable hours between us, I feel, and we are agreeably not lacking in spending time together.
We routinely go on dates, we more often than not have dinner together, and I typically don't stream for more than 2-4 hours consecutively, so its not as if I'm locked up in my office for the majority of the time.
However over the last few months my partner has developed the habit of simply walking in whenever I'm streaming and starting up random conversations with me, playing her own games loudly in the background, constantly interrupting me to read out chat comments or ask questions about the game, ect.
Sometimes it isn't so bad, but generally its pretty disruptive. I wouldn't mind if it was just occasionally or if she just popped in now and then, but its grown to the point where its almost every single stream and I've noticed I've lost a handful of frequent viewers over it.
It came to an unpleasant confrontation over the weekend, when I was streaming a highly requested tutorial walkthrough for a recently released game and she decided to come in, try to sit on my lap and start a conversation about a client's dogs she met today.
I was trying to figure out a polite way to ask her to give me another 40 minutes so I could finish the quest line and shut it down for the day when two people in the chat began to make jokes about how she never leaves me alone and said it 'gave cam check vibes.'
I pretended not to notice, but she did, and clearly it hurt her feelings and she mumbled about having some things to do and left. I felt awful that her feelings were hurt so I closed the stream early and went to find her.
She was pretty upset about the comments and tried to get me to validate that she wasn't disruptive or unwelcome. I assured her that I don't mind the occasional visit or if she wants to play her own games in the background on mute/low volume/with earphones in, but that I have actually been meaning to ask her to give me a little more curtesy when I'm streaming because its hard to have dynamic engagement when I can't actually talk to anyone because she's talking non-stop or her own game volume is distorting the sound.
I tried to say it as gently as possible but it was clear that the more we discussed it, the more upsetting it was for her. She called time on the conversation by abruptly saying she'll just 'never so much as walk past the door' when I'm streaming, and that she didn't want to talk about it anymore.
She was only working a half-day today and I was streaming between mid-day and the early afternoon. When I said goodbye to her this morning she made sure to somewhat sarcastically assure me that she wouldn't dare interrupt my stream today, and she hoped it went well.
She refused to discuss it further when she came home, or over dinner, and since dinner she's shut herself in the conservatory and has been on the phone to a friend.
I'd like to discuss it further because I'm discontent with her being upset about it, but I'm also not particularly agreeable with me being in the wrong here. Streaming is my job. We pay equal expenses, so its not as if this is just a silly little fake job or hobby for me while she foots the bills. I rely on viewers to get paid, and when quite a few of them leave because I've had to stop playing for 20 minutes to listen to her chat, it could negatively impact my ability to bring home a reasonable contribution.
Ordinarily we can resolve any conflicts or disagreements quickly and fairly. We've never been the sort of couple to spend days being passive aggressive or refusing to talk.
With her being so resolute in being upset and not communicating, I'm at a loss for if I'm actually in the wrong or not for asking her to be more mindful of interrupting me and causing disruptions while I'm working.
What are these acronyms?
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At 3 P.M. today, Tidus, the beloved main character of Final Fantasy X, best known for his swordsmanship and happy-go-lucky attitude, will be struck by an impossibly unfortunate streak of bad luck that will render him unable to hit enemies with a single attack. According to experts, this unprecedented series of misses will not be the result of some latent bias in the random number generator, but rather can only be attributed to sheer coincidence. The astronomically small possibility of such an occurence has left fans and mathemticians equally baffled, but according the latest models this pattern is expected to continue until many billions of years from now, when the increasing entropy of the universe renders the Playstation 2 inoperable.
According to Final Fantasy X walkthrough youtuber slammedunk95, Tidus's inefficacy will make completing the story impossible: "Although other party members such as the Ronso, Kimahri, can make up for Tidus's shortcomings with their attacks and special abilities, there are a number of encounters where Tidus is expected to kill enemies on his own, something that he will no longer be statistically capable of." Additionally, he added that he was "concerned" about how Tidus's condition might "affect his sense of self wirth [sic]", adding that "Auron is... certainly not going to be pleased with him."
A number of theories have been proposed in order to explain Tidus's condition, though none have so far proven completely satisfactory. One explanation that had made the rounds on social media is the so-called "Reading Glasses Hypothesis". Proponents of the hypothesis suggest that Tidus is far-sighted, requiring a pair of reading glasses in order to read without strain, and that by some accident he has left them on his face, rendering his regular sight so blurry as to reduce his accuracy to nothing. Critics, however, have pointed out that a pair of reading glasses would clearly be visible on Tidus's model, and numerous analyses have failed to find any visual indication of their existence. Supporters counter that Square Enix programmed the game not to render the glasses onscreen, likely as a convenience to the player. Confusing the matter further, a number of conflicting screenshots have emerged, some showing Tidus with glasses, some appearing to show the barest outlines of a nearly invisible pair, others depicting him utterly bare-faced except for his signature smile. Square Enix themselves have been strangely silent on the matter, and nearly all attempts to contact them have been met with silence.
Yesterday morning, longtime series composer Nobuo Uematsu was spotted leaving a downtown ice cream parlor with two two-scoop waffle cones, one in each hand, alternating his licking between them as he strutted down the crowded sidewalk, deftly weaving through oncoming pedestrians, cones perfectly balanced, his blushing tongue darting out from between his lips to catch every stray drop melted by the sun, never losing even an ounce of that precious ambrosia, smoothing the surface of the strawberry scoops to a glossy sheen with his warm papillae, wearing away at the mountain of mint chip with nothing but the determined rubbing of that pinkish organ - stained pinker by artifical strawberry colorings - whose articulate flapping might, with any luck, reveal the secret of Tidus's bizarre condition to our news crew, who were approaching him at that very moment. Unfortunately, the revered composer politely declined to answer our inquiries, but our quick-thinking cameraman managed to capture a seventeen second clip of him biting into his wafflecones as he walked away. It is unknown at this time if the foootage will prove relevant to the investigation.
Fans of Final Fantasy X are advised to make the most of their remaining time with the profoundly moving story of Tidus and Yuna before the 3 P.M. deadline. Social media is already awash with fan-art and tributes to the critically-acclaimed title, with many lamenting soon-to-be defunct features such as Blitzball and Kimahri. Use the hashtag #TidusFailure2023 to share your favorite moments and memories of the game.
"guys i think it might have started early my tidus just missed five times in a row #tidusfailure2023"
"never mind he hit again. >_< just bad luck i guess"
Additionally, at 2:30 P.M E.S.T, a live contest will be aired on Twitch, with over 150 gamers competing to be the last person ever to hit an enemy with Tidus. The winner will recieve a cash prize of $100, and, unusually, the intellectual property rights to the character himself. Explaining this decision, the CEO of Square Enix remarked that; "He is of no more use to us now than a dried-up piece of lettuce."
Update: As of 4:05 P.M., Square Enix has announced a revised version of the game, entitled "Final Fantasy X: Niimen's Story". Though Tidus still retains his status as the story's protagonist, he no longer participates in combat, instead flying above the party in a hot air balloon and shouting words of encouragement as the rest of the party defeats fiends. Tidus recieves experience points alongside the rest of the party, reflecting the contribution of his motivational shouts. By utilizing the sphere grid, Tidus can unlock new words to use in his cheers, such as "great" or "wonderful", while others, such as "wacko" and "dingbat" may be used to express Tidus's disapproval with the party's performance. In order to maintain the balance of encounters, Tidus's slot in the roster has been filled by a new character named Niimen. Niimen can use all the same attacks and abilities as Tidus, but he is older, and his pant legs are of equal length. As of this time, it is unknown if Niimen will miss with every attack, but all evidence seems to indicate that the probability of such an occurance is so low as to be essentially impossible.
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ikilledjoffery · 2 years
in desperate need of an Jacerys x reader fic 😭 romantic plot 🫣
1.2k words
taglist: @sweetybuzz25 @armanee
“Are you getting prepared to match your dress to those?” Jace popped his head up from where he was bent down, flowers in hand. 
“No, unlike you uncle, I wish to show my affections to my one betrothed.” Jace stood up fully and wiped his empty hand off onto his pant leg. 
“By getting her plants from a garden she sees every passing day?” Aegon circled where his nephew stood as he looked between Jace’s disgruntled face and the beautiful fresh flowers. 
“The she you’re referring to loves flowers regardless of how many times she sees them. I think it best that you stay in your own marriage and not involve yourself in mine.” Jace held the flowers close himself, afraid that if he didn’t do such that Aegon may try to take them. 
“Yes, well, when she’s done seeing flowers and wants more from her partner she knows where to find me.” Aegon copied Jace’s tone before he continued on his way through the garden, not necessarily looking for a fight. He just wanted to get a rise out of his nephew. 
Jace stood and looked at the flowers in his hand, Aegon was right, you’d seen them a hundred times and there was nothing special about being given them. In fact it was even less special because now they were apart from their plant and were more likely to die. It’s not that he would ever take advice from his uncle but he did seem right about this. Jace took the flowers he had picked and sat them on the stones next to the area in which he had pulled them from with a sigh. 
“I need to go to my training anyway.” With a shake of his head he abandoned the flowers he was going to give you and headed to the training court where he and his brother were being taught to spar and use weaponry properly. 
Jace had returned to his quarters after his session dirty, cold, and exhausted. The irritation and anger Aegon had incited in him did quite a bit of good for his fight. But something in him still felt sorry that he hadn’t said anything to you, seen you, or given you the flowers he had picked beforehand. That was always your thing, so that you could give him well wishes before he went to train just in case. Especially if one day Aemond decided to join in. He began to remove his armor as he heard a knock at his door, assumed it was one of his handmaidens, and gave them the go ahead to come inside.
“You would not believe what I found!” You walked into the door holding wilted flowers in an extended hand with a smile. 
“Y/n!” Jace stood up with one boot on trying to find his under shirt he had just stripped himself of, as he hopped around he tried to hold onto several objects in his line of sight. 
“Jace!” You jested at him before sitting on the edge of his bed where his chest plate sat as he resisted gravity's urge to topple him over. 
“Wait, what do you have?” He leaned his body weight on the desk nearest his bed to look at what you had in your hand. 
“I was doing my walkthrough of the garden and I almost stepped on these! Someone must have picked them, I thought perhaps they thought them dead because they are a bit wilted. But they are healthy enough to stick in water and keep alive.” You handed your handful of flowers to Jace and he examined them, they were the exact same flowers he was going to give to you. 
“Don't you tire of seeing the same flowers over again? Why the excitement over these?” Jace spoke out of insecurity and honesty and kept his gaze on the flowers. 
“Jace, those flowers grow in the same place but not together, and yes I see them quite a bit but never together like that. While I do spend ample amounts of time in the garden I don’t get mess with the flowers much at all. I love the way they look, how I can rearrange them in a vase, and how I can see them every morning without having to rise much. It’s like asking a dragon why they get excited over seeing gold when they already have so much. Because each piece is different and means something of its own.” You spoke to Jace calmly and scooted closer to where he stood so that you could point out the different flowers and then even the differences between similar flowers. 
“Do you want the truth about your flowers?” Jace’s voice was like light rain on stones as he looked at you. 
“What truth do you speak of?” You smiled as he passed the flowers back into your hand and kicked off his other boot so that he was more even standing on the ground. 
“I picked those flowers for you but was convinced to rid of them.” Jace sighed and reached out to touch your shoulder as he expected you to get upset with him. 
“By whom?” The moment you said that a thought popped into your head that made you gasp, “It was Aegon wasn’t it. That little termite!” The look on Jace’s face said more of a yes than any yes that he could give you. 
“I apologize my lady, I shouldn’t have been so easily coerced into ridding my hand of your flowers.” You rose from your seat and sat the flowers on the edge of the bed where you had been sitting in a neat little pile. 
“Do not apologize, I understand how hard it is to ignore that tiny man’s agitating mouth. He would not have stopped until he knew he had affected you negatively. Know that I enjoy these so. They’re absolutely beautiful, you have quite the eye.” You now stood with your arms around his shoulders, hands brushing the upper part of his shoulders. 
“I know I do, I look at you and understand what that means.” He placed his hands on your waist and stood with a smile on his face. 
“Jace, we are going to get in some type of distress.” You laughed as you looked to him. 
“Whatever do you speak of?” He tilted his head to the side and reached one of his hands up to mess with the collar of your dress. 
“Well you stand here missing your top, and we stand here with our hands on one another. Looks awfully suspicious to someone outside of this perspective.” Jace suddenly came back to the realization that he was in fact stood in front of you half naked. 
“I suppose you’re right. But before we allow chaos to consume us, allow me to do this.” He leaned down, his head still tipped to the right as he waited for you to meet him halfway. 
“I suppose.” You huffed and leaned into him and did as he proposed. The moment his lips met yours the hand on your waist moved to your back to allow you to be as close to him as he could get you. 
“I think you need to be clothed and I need to put your flowers in some water.” You separated the two of you and pressed your forehead against his with a small smile. 
“Always the responsible one.” He winked at you before letting his grip on your falter which allowed you to move from him.
Picking up your flowers off the end of his bed you whispered, “Always the romantic.”
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thefixations-ofmine · 2 months
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You Set Me Ablaze - Chapter 1 : Initial Landing
Pairing: Park Ranger!Evan Buckley x Air Ops!Tommy Kinard Word count: 4k Warnings: Blow job, hand job, semi public, stuff in a helicopter, pet names, come play
Summary: Tommy and the guys from Harbor rent a cabin in a California Parks campground some hours north of Los Angeles. He's hoping to enjoy the time off and participate in engaging team-building activities. Little does he know a blue-eyes boy would be occupying most of his schedule. / Evan is a new park ranger with high hopes to become employee of the month. He didn't expect to have his brain scrambled by the hot helicopter pilot when he picked up their file on his morning chores run. He hopes that his services will grant him a good review.
A/N: I had initially wanted to make a single long fic with this, but I keep getting ideas and I like where this part ends so this will be part 1 of maybe 3.
Main Masterlist | Drabbles Masterlist | AO3
“Thank you for the walkthrough, Ranger Buckley.” Bennet shakes his hand with a truthful smile, and places his bag on the first bed by the door. The young man gleams at the acknowledgement of his good work, his baby blues nearly hidden from his stretched smile. Tommy takes note of the little quirks in his composure as he’s secretly checking them out; his favourite was seeing how white his knuckles turned around the clipboard when their captain started taking his uniform off. Ranger Buckley was standing there, unaware that he was being ogled himself by the beefy man just out of his eyesight. But then he turned in his direction and Tommy swears the kid’s smile sparkled like those toothpaste commercials.
“Pleasure’s all mine gentlemen,” Buck answers, diverting his attention back to the group - not before eyeing Tommy up and down. He turns on a radio and sets it on the wooden desk by the door, where books and maps are scattered. Most had started fading from the sun rays over the years - Tommy would argue that some might actually date back from before Buck was born. The thought of that gap fueled his wicked mind. “If you need assistance, simply call me over the CB. Use ‘Buck’, you’ll get my attention faster,” he adds with a chuckle, taking a step back to exit the door after his note. Tommy’s stomach knots at the sight of him leaving.
“Buck? Like a deer?” Riley half-jokes, but everyone sees the double entendre. Buck has googly blue eyes, and a soft grin. Plus he works in a forest. Has freckles. His hair is god damn fawn-coloured for crying out loud! Add all this to his ungodly long legs, and the man is quite literally the incarnation of Bambi. He must have caught up on the joke, because crimson is slowly creeping up his chest and cheeks. Tommy takes another mental note of that marvelous sight.
“Um, well-” he exhales a nervous laugh. Yeah, Tommy is so done for. “I hadn’t thought about it that way, no. I should put that on a mug!” He knocks twice on the door frame with his index knuckle and turns to head back to the main building. Tommy admires his backside as he’s walking away, biting the inside of his cheek, trying to remember every little detail of his body as if he needed more reasons to obsess over the poor guy. He’s running so many scenarios in his mind and he knows he has to come out of his bubble in the next seconds, and then:
“Buck? Hold on!” He reaches the ranger’s side in a few strides.
“Evan,” the younger man says first. “Please call me Evan.” Fuck, that would be delicious to moan.
“Evan.” Tommy’s body is now slowly changing colours too. He can feel his fingers tingling and his breath quickening. Suddenly, he forgets why he’s even standing here in the brisk evening air, swinging nervously on the balls of his feet. Evan tilts his head, silently waiting for him to come to.
“Are you okay, sir?” Evan eventually asks, pulling Tommy out of his trance with a shiver running down his spine. He’s gotta wiggle his leg to adjust his… growing problem.
“Yeah,” he manages to whisper. “I actually wanted to ask.” He rubs his hands onto his jeans, and licks his lips. You got this, he tells himself. You’ve been to war!
“I’m not a morning person, but I was thinking, maybe I could take you on a chopper tour over the park tomorrow?” The words come out without pause. He smiles, or tries to, as he realises he’s showing way too much teeth - he doesn’t know Evan is currently melting inside at his crinkly nose. When Evan’s mouth opens without a sound, panic sets in and he curses himself for reading this all wrong. “No pressure! I mean, I’m sure you’ve alread-”
“Yes!” Evan finds himself answering with enthusiasm.
“I would love to. I haven’t had the chance to do this yet. We were thinking of offering the service for guests, but it’s quite difficult to get permits, and those things are expensive!” He stops to take a deep breath, and keeps going. Tommy listens to Evan ramble about the Park’s plans of expansion; watching his hand motions, his eyes grow big with passion, and overall studying him. He leisurely makes paths of where he wants to drag his hands first, then his mouth, and then Tommy has to stop thinking or a leg shake will not cut it.
“It’s settled then,” Tommy says. “After breakfast? I’ll pick you up at the front desk?”
“Sure thing, I’ll be done checking people in by ten,” Evan confirms.
“As long as you’re not checking them out too much,” Tommy teases with a wink and is pleased when the joke is received with a cute laugh. He amicably grabs Evans shoulder, maybe a second too long but Evan doesn’t pull back - Tommy lingers, trying his best to feel the hard muscles under his touch, a big contrast from the usually smaller, twinkier men he’s attracted before. He wonders how rough he could be with Evan…
“I’m Tommy, by the way” he states with urgency. He’s then confused by the chuckle that comes out of Evan.
“I figured,” he says, pointing to Tommy’s embroidered name on his uniform shirt. Smart. Evan returns the innocent touch and, finally, walks away.
Evan is up far too early considering the first check-in isn’t before eight. But as soon as the sun hit his face, which was probably around five thirty, he hadn’t been able to keep his mind quiet. There was a moment where he panicked over what to wear, as if he didn’t have a uniform to put on. As if this was an actual date and he was reading too much into it. Tommy was just being nice. He did try to choose the best pieces though; beige cargo shorts, to show the killer calves, a soft and adjusted white t-shirt, sadly covered by his olive green work shirt - he can take the shirt off later, he notes - and lastly his favourite California flag cap. When he is satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, he dumps the rest of his coffee in his insulated mug and heads to work.
It’s around seven when he makes it to the main building, so he’ll have plenty of time to check down some tasks before welcoming guests. He parks his quad by the back where they keep the extra fire logs, and he gets startled by approaching footsteps.
“Morning, Evan.” An oddly familiar voice greets him. It’s slightly more rough though, tired, adding to the morning air shivers that are running on his skin. He turns around, and closing in on him is Tommy, the tall, broad, handsome pilot. He’s wearing long, black, fitted jeans and a grey hoodie. Phenomenal. The dirty Timbs are a bonus, but he will keep that thought for later.
“Hi, Tommy,” he chimes. The smile that comes his way warms his body back up. He checks his watch: “So much for not being a morning person.” He gets another crinkly smile.
“Sorry if I was off, last night,” Tommy begins. “I was tired and the guys had been dumbasses all day. To be honest I was baffled when I saw you and my brain just…  combusted.”
“Baffled?” There’s a bit of confusion in Evan’s voice. He sees Tommy’s expression change, as he realizes the implication of the word, and he replies;
“Oh, gosh. No, I didn’t mean it like…” Tommy rubs his face, thinking. “I didn’t mean it badly. All I meant was that I usually have a good, um, radar. And I didn’t want to overstep while you were working. I didn’t really know which foot to dance on for a minute.”
“Radar?” Evan questions, but he’s being playful now. He knows. He knows that Tommy knows. But he also will not give him what he wants right away. He wants to hear the adonis before him say it out loud. There’s a sparkle in Tommy’s Gatorade blue eyes, he’s got him hooked.
“I, well. I guess I just outed my intentions here.” Tommy takes his hands out of his pockets and seems to relax some more. He even reaches for the hem of Evan’s shirt and toys with it. “You’re cute. Like really cute. And I panicked last night and I try not to be too cutesy in front of my coworkers, so… I just wanted to have a moment with you where I could actually not be a total mess.” Evan gets it. He gets it too well, and he just wants to hug him and say it’s alright and-
“It’s alright Tommy. I-I can’t let that show either while I’m at work. I’m out, but it’s still… not the most comfortable thing to display,” he adds with a half-smile. “If only you knew how hot you were when you got down from that chopper yesterday.” He takes a step closer, rubbing the back of his index finger over Tommy’s forearm. “When you reached for my shoulder last night, I could barely keep my knees in check, but I didn’t want to act on it and be a fool. So we’re even, I guess, for both holding back.” The fucker winks, bringing Tommy’s eyes to his birthmark. His hand is still roaming, tracing the valley of Tommy’s bicep while Tommy’s has settled comfortably on Evan’s hip.
“What if I had lost control and kissed you last night? Would that have scared you off?” He’s being flirted with, and Evan would be damned to cut this off. The way Tommy looks at his lips, and then back into his soul as he waits for an answer has his nape itching with need. It doesn’t help that he’s so close they are currently sharing oxygen.
“A-are you joking? I would have most likely messed up my pants.” 
Tommy laughs, and Evan joins him, but he takes an abrupt step back when the truck of his colleague turns onto the driveway. He smiles, and excuses himself before getting to his tasks. Tommy confirms he’ll be back at ten, and goes on for a stroll around the trails. Evan will find a better opportunity to tell Tommy he’s actually bisexual, if that even matters for the moment.
It’s ten a.m. on the dot when the bells on the door jingle and Tommy walks into the main building. It’s a typical forest lodge; everything that can be made out of wood has been carved with skillful hands, and signature paintings from local artists decorate the walls. There’s a faint smell of incense burning and a distant rumble of guests in the lounge area. He’s surprised there aren’t any animal-head trophies displayed anywhere, though he doesn’t care for them.
“See anything you like?” Evan’s sweet voice interrupts. He’s still behind the counter, and Tommy appreciates the distance for now, because if Evan was taking off his shirt and looking at him through hooded eyes within arms reach, he’d be burying his hands in the poor boy’s locks and making a fool of himself in front of the lovely family sifting through the brochures.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Evan adds, walking around the counter with a small bag. “You’re staring, sir.” He teases and it’s only when his hand lands on Tommy’s chest that he comes back to himself.
“I, um. Sorry,” Tommy manages to whisper. He smiles then, and grabs Evan’s bag for him. “Please, let’s get out of here.” They both chuckle and head out to the backyard.
Tommy obviously walks about two feet behind Evan, watching the muscles of his back dance under the tight white undershirt. He allows his gaze to wander onto his lower back, then down his ass where the material of his shorts fold slightly under the bulb of it with each step. There, he thinks. That’s where I wanna dig my fingers. They reach the helicopter and Tommy hurries to open the door, desperate to be out of sight.
“So, did you catch all that”, Tommy asks after running Evan down the take-off, landing, and emergency procedures. He knows that he’s in control if anything were to happen, but he also noted Evan’s damp hand print on the side of the seat and how he took several deep breaths after buckling up. Calming down his nerves will be beneficial for him later. Evan nods with a smile and seems to adjust.
“I guess we’re getting off then!” Tommy winks.
The humming of the engine is quite relaxing and Evan tries to keep breathing through his nose until they're high enough and the scenery around him doesn’t seem to be moving extremely fast. His grip loosens around the edge of the seat, and he rubs the sweat that formed under them onto his shorts. They’re close enough that his elbow nudges Tommy’s arm in the process, gaining his attention.
“You okay, Evan?” Tommy asks, adding comfort through his voice.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.” Tommy reaches to put his hand on his forearm and runs his thumb over - what Tommy doesn’t know - is a very sore muscle in need of attention. Evan manages to swallow the whine that threatens to rat him out. Little does he know the headset mics are very sensitive.
“Alright then, let’s see that side of the mountain first,” Tommy indicates and the chopper leans to the left, bringing Evan shoulder to shoulder with him. He relishes in the touch until they are sat up straight again.
“I can’t thank you enough for proposing to do this…” Evan adds, trying to keep his mind busy. But the hand on his arm is still lingering and he thanks the heavens above that Tommy is experienced enough to maneuver the stick single-handedly. The contact is burning through his skin and he feels himself filling up the last bit of room in his pants.
“Well, it’s my pleasure, trust me.” Tommy’s hand snakes along the top of Evan’s arm, reaching his wrist, and then lacing itself with his and he squeezes. “I have the dreamiest co-pilot.”
The air becomes thick and Evan wiggles in his seat to try and rub away at his current itch, but he reluctantly has to use his hand to pull at the material just enough for his dick to move into a better angle and not throb in pain. He pushes a sigh of relief, but Tommy’s hand lets go of him suddenly, leaving his stomach in a knot.
“You know,” Tommy starts. Evan doesn’t allow himself to look up from his empty hand until Tommy forces him by grabbing his chin. He doesn’t care that they’re several thousand feet in the air, he’ll stare into his eyes as long as Tommy doesn’t get tired of him. “Maybe there is a way for you to thank me properly for today.” There’s no hesitation in his voice, and Evan loves the direction this is taking.
“An- and, that is?” His voice is shaking - whiny.
Tommy chuckles and takes his hand back down onto him, not aiming for his arm. Before Evan knows it, Tommy is expertly looping the button of his cargos out of the loop and then rubs his hand along the inside of his thigh - his rings create a delicious sound against the ripples of the fabric. Evan shivers with his entire body. His hips have a mind of their own.
“I noticed you were having a little situation there,” he looks at Evan’s crotch, then back at his reddening face. Without breaking eye contact, he digs his hand into the front of Evan’s pants, cupping his entire semi and Evan salivates at the contact - his previous encounters had never engulfed him so easily, he starts leaking at the thought of Tommy’s deadly grip around him. But sadly: “Why don’t you show me what you’re working with, sweet boy,” Tommy adds, turning back to watch their surroundings while Evan proceeds to get himself situated.
Evant lets out a strangled moan as he pumps himself slowly, once and twice, and he’s hard and sensitive and toying with the pressure of his fingers around his tip to try and slow down his impending orgasm. It feels like his first time discovering that the appendage between his legs had nerve endings, and he’s gushing precome at an alarming rate.
“Good boy,” Tommy rasps between two peaks at Evan. His free hand sits on his own dick, not applying any pressure, just holding himself as if he was trying to keep a monster caged in. Not wanting to let it die, yet keeping the attention away from himself a little longer though the sight of Evan’s thick, curved dick would never stop the blood from rushing south. He realizes in vain how he put himself in a tough situation with his little game, but he’s good to keep this going a little longer.
“Tommy,” Evan whines. His cheeks are burning, there’s a sheen layer of sweat forming on his forehead. “Tommy.” This one is shy of a whisper. He keeps pumping and twisting and occasionally adding spit into the mix, his left hand knuckles are turning white as he desperately tries to hold himself onto the seat, his hips have slipped a few inches forward and his back is pushing into the seat every time he fucks into his hand.
“You look so good, baby. You wanna come for me?” Yes, yes, yes. Tommy thinks he heard Evan grunt into the mic, though his own thoughts have started to scramble from the pain between his legs. He expertly starts lowering them back to the pad as he catches a glimpse of Evan writhing on the seat next to him, and god he wishes he could have his mouth on him. Once he’s sure they landed safely, he lets go of the stick and turns towards Evan who’s long lost in the chase for his release - he doesn’t feel the movement or lack-there-of, until Tommy has his hand around his dick and is working him the last bit of the way. He feels a hot breath against his ear:
“Come for me baby, spill all over my hand.” With a couple more pulls and twists, and his hand pinching at his nipple, Evan comes into long, thick spurts onto Tommy’s hand, his own pants and shirt. His senses come back to him as he hears Tommy whisper sweet nothings into the side of his face, and Evan turns, not thinking twice before crashing his lips onto Tommy’s. It’s hungry, wet, and very much what Evan had wanted since the moment Tommy dragged his rugged body out of this chopper. He runs his hand into the dark curls at Tommy’s nape and elicits a strangled moan out of him. They break the kiss, foreheads leaning onto the other as they catch their breaths.
“See, now you messed up your pants before I even kissed you,” Tommy jokes, and kisses him once more, before pulling away to bring his hand to his mouth. He growls at the salty taste coating his tongue: one day he’s going to get it straight out of the tap. He sees the shiver running through Evan and he looks at the back of the chopper: “Would you like to return the favour?”
There are merely two minutes between the moment both their buckles are unfastened and when Tommy finds himself with his pants around his ankles and Evan kneeling in the small space between the rows of seats before him. The way Evan’s nose runs up the crease of his thigh as he inhales him in has his entire body slacking a bit. He hums in admiration and he feels his warm tongue roll onto his balls, before creeping its way up the underside of his dick. Evan sucks at the bead of precome and runs his pointed tongue into the slit.
“Fuck, baby,” Tommy moans, “run that tongue all over me.” And Evan obliges. He repeats the movement just enough times to feel the muscles of Tommy’s legs ripple under his arms. He takes Tommy into his mouth about halfway, and pulls back, and goes back down, and pulls back, until there’s a generous amount of saliva following his lips when he pops off. Tommy growls and grabs him by the chin, pulling him into a dirty kiss, tongues fighting dominance, before he lets go of him and motions for Evan to proceed. He brings his hands behind his head to recline a little, jutting his hips up enough to have his dick rub against the side of Evan’s face. They both chuckle quietly, and Evan gets back to the task at hand.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the challenge and the way the back of his throat burned at the stretch. He could pump him with two hands and still have room to fit his tip in his mouth. Evan had only been with women so far and a handful of - selfish - men who hadn’t really let him play with them before being fucked, so this is considerably the biggest, hardest thing he had ever put his mouth on. He’s already addicted to the taste, the ridges and curves and the pulses of Tommy’s veins everytime he exhales.
He deducts that his work is appreciated when he feels a sharp tug at his hair, and meets the dark eyes looking down at him. Tommy’s mouth is open and his breaths are staggered - Evan can’t help but run his hands up his stomach and chest as he tries his best to get his nose to the base of his cock. He gags, but holds on and Tommy licks his lips at the sight of the tears running down his face - that he swipes with his thumb and brings to his tongue with a devilish smirk. Evan moans around him, his renewed erection bobbing as he focuses on breathing and swallowing around Tommy.
“Baby, I’m-” Tommy begins, but has to focus as the simple thought of saying it out loud takes him near the edge. “Can I come in your pretty mouth?” There’s a simple nod, and Tommy loses it. He brings his hands on both sides of Evan’s face and starts fucking into him, just enough that he gets his rush but doesn’t have to stop to accommodate Evan. It’s only around five strokes before he feels his body tingle and his asshole start to spasm anyway.
“Evan,” he moans, the sound coming out like sweet honey as it rolls on his tongue. Yes, that does sound delicious. He pulls Evan’s head off him and takes himself in his other hand, pumping his tip and aiming onto the sweet boy’s waiting tongue. His body goes rigid and his head falls back until the first spurt comes out, and then he watches the next three coat Evan’s tongue and chin, before wiping his tip onto his top lip. He curses as he sees him swallow and lick at the excess around his mouth.
Evan bites his bottom lip and looks down at himself, hand coated in his own come that he had absentmindedly been rubbing out as Tommy was fucking his face. He chuckles, suddenly shy and when he looks up at Tommy, he simply raises his eyebrow at him and Evan goes on to lick his hand as well.
“Please tell me I can invite myself to your cabin tonight?” Tommy blurts and Evan chokes onto his come. They both laugh and Evan answers after a moment;
“You’ll have to wait until it’s dark,” he says, starting to put his clothes back to normal.
“I’d wait a month if you asked me to.”
Next chapter (wip)
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partypoisonzz · 1 year
passenger princess (90s!trey parker x fem!reader)
Thanks to my beloved mutual @sqiblet for the title and inspiring the concept with a message they sent me a week or so ago.
- Road head (woohoo)
- Mean!Trey
- Degradation AND praise kinks
- Hair pulling
- Everyone's a switch and nothing hurts (except for when it's meant to)
Word Count: 2,826
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
Hope you enjoy.
- Pen
You shift in the passenger seat, eyes opening slowly. Squinting at the clock on the dash through the dark, you find that it is currently 10:47 PM.
Jesus, you think as you blink and stretch. I've been asleep for over four hours.
You straighten in your seat, turning to look at your boyfriend as he stops at a red light. Even in the dim light from the road, you can see that Trey looks tired, and no wonder.
The two of you threw a handful of your belongings into the trunk of his car before the sun rose this morning and started driving out to California. You're headed to some cheap little apartment that you've never even seen in person because Trey and Matt rushed to sign the lease as soon as they finished the walkthrough. You don't know exactly what to expect. You just know that your life as you've known it all these years is done, and you're starting over.
You should be scared shitless, but you aren't. You owe all of that to the guy in the driver's seat. 
A drowsy smile comes over your face. It might not be smart, but you would follow him anywhere. Once school was over and the first movie was out, the possibility of success seemed all the more real. It just wouldn't be too easy to find in Colorado. When he suggested pooling some money together and heading towards LA sooner rather than later, he was only met with agreement from Matt and Dian. And you, of course. 
Now the four of you have a one-bedroom apartment waiting for you on the outskirts of the city. It's real, and it all could be the world's dumbest flight of fancy, but you can't bring yourself to worry about it right now. 
Not when your boyfriend looks so fucking beautiful in the glow of the traffic light. 
"Hey," you rasp out, throat still scratchy from your nap. 
He glances over at you, shooting you a tired smile. "Good morning," he says, despite the fact that you still have a little over an hour to go before midnight. "How'd you sleep?" 
"As good as I can in a car." Taking note of the dark circles forming under his eyes, you ask: "Do you want to switch off again?" 
He shakes his head, loose strands of his newly-bleached hair falling over his face. "Nah," he says. "We've only got a few more miles 'til the rest stop. Then we can stop for the night." 
You frown. "You sure? You look like you're about to fall asleep…"
"I'll be fine," he assures you. His free hand lands on your thigh as the light changes, squeezing as the car creeps back into motion. "As long as I have you to keep me awake, I'll be good."
You grin, reveling in the feeling of his fingers against your skin. You find yourself wishing he would dig them in just a little bit harder, leave behind some of those pretty bruises you love so much. Reminders of who you belong to. "Keep you awake, huh?" you ask. "How?"
"Talk to me," he responds easily. Try as he might to play coy, you are keenly aware of his hand climbing higher and higher up your leg, stopping at the seam of your shorts before traveling back down. "Have any interesting dreams?" 
You laugh. "Do you want me to be honest or make one up?"
"Hmm… Honesty first."
"We made it to the apartment," you tell him. "We were unpacking. It was a dumpy little place, but I was just so happy that it was ours."
"Mmm-hmm." He gives your thigh a slight squeeze. "And what about the more interesting one?" 
You bite back a laugh as your own hand travels across the center console, stopping to hover over his zipper. "I found a more fun way to keep you awake." 
You can tell that he's struggling not to look down at where your hand is going, wondering if you're getting at what he suspects. "And what was that?" 
With that, your hand meets denim. "I blew you while you were driving."
Before he can try to suppress it, a groan breaks up from the back of his throat. "Shit," he curses.
A spark of satisfaction runs through you, noting that he's already getting hard before you even start moving your hand. It really doesn't take much. "You didn't seem tired anymore, that's for sure." You manage to keep your voice level as you palm him through his jeans, hiding the fact that you're getting wet at the mere thought of it. "Only problem was you only had one hand on the wheel. The other one was on the back of my head, pushing me further down onto your cock." You laugh. "We made a real mess, too. I tried to swallow it all, but…"
Your words drift off as he finally digs his fingers into your skin, biting out an order. "Shut up." 
Though the dominance in his tone makes your heart flutter, you continue your teasing. "Wanna do it for me?" 
"Fuck." The hand that was resting on your leg falls away, reaching to undo your seatbelt. "Come here." 
You hesitate. It's always fun to get him hot and bothered, then piss him off. All the better outcome for you. "You really think you'll be able to concentrate on the road while I'm sucking you off?" 
"Yeah, I will," he snaps. "Just get over here and…"
"Okay, okay." You lean over the center console, contorting yourself in a less-than-comfortable position. Though it's really only a mild inconvenience, you opt to put on for just a bit longer. See how wild you can drive him before getting down to it. "You know… This is sort of an awkward position…"
"Don't care," he cuts you off. "Just… Fucking…"
"Shouldn't you be a bit more patient?" you chastise him, even though you're already tugging down his zipper. 
He huffs. "Shouldn't you be a little less of a fucking tease?" He freezes, shivering slightly under your touch as you quickly manage to snap the button on his jeans and tug them down. 
Though you know he isn't looking at you, you smile up at him, anyway. "You know that you love it, baby," you coo, planting your hands against his trembling thighs. "Look at you. You try to be all mean, but you're fucking shaking for me." 
His jaw clenches. You know he's about to say something that would probably hurt your feelings if you weren't so damn turned on. Before he can, you grab ahold of his cock through the thin fabric of his boxers, inspiring a desperate gasp as he involuntarily bucks his hips up into your hand.
You laugh. Suddenly, you're the mean one. "See? You can try to take control all you want, but at the end of the day you're just my good boy." 
Your eyes flicker back up to take in his expression, only for heat to pool in your belly. 
Yeah. You've really done it now. 
Though he's obviously flustered, it's all the more apparent that he's pissed off. You love this struggle that the two of you regularly engage in, the constant question of who will be the first to give in and let the other have their way with them. 
Tonight, you had no intention of winning this struggle. You just wanted to see how much it would take to push him over the edge. 
When he stops at the next light, you know for sure that you've reached that point. His hand momentarily leaves the steering wheel, pulling his pants down the rest of the way while the fingers of his other hand curl beneath your jaw, holding your head in place. "You and your smart fucking mouth," he spits. "I'm gonna give you something else to do with it."
Just like that, any semblance of dominance leaves you. You find yourself whimpering, relishing the force of his touch. "Please."
He laughs. "Please?" he echoes. "Baby, you don't have to beg." He releases your jaw, his left hand returning to the steering wheel as his right settles on the back of your neck. You swear you could melt into the seats as he presses down. "Just fucking take it."
With those words, you do exactly as you were told.
He groans as you wrap your lips around him, tongue running over the side of his cock. You cast your eyes up again just in time to see him catch himself after leaning back against the headrest as his left hand curls back around the steering wheel. "There we go," he chokes out as he straightens his posture. 
You feel a rush of heat between your thighs as his hand moves from your neck to your hair. Now that he has you where he wants you, his forcefulness has melted away into tenderness. "That's my good girl," he praises you as you lick back up the side and over his head. You moan around him at the affectionate name, inspiring a breathy chuckle. 
"You like that, don't you?" he asks. "Yeah, you do. My desperate little good girl, sucking my cock to keep me awake while I drive."
The car begins to move again as you continue to work him. By this point, you have each other memorized, knowing exactly what sends one another over the edge. You know exactly where to press your tongue, when to hollow your cheeks around him, how fast to go. It's familiar, but it isn't boring by any stretch of the imagination. You're just waiting for the reward of making him come, — a privilege that never gets old. 
You could never get tired of his voice, either. You swear that every word and sound that leaves his mouth makes you wetter, spurring you on. 
Despite the fact that his eyes are focused on the road, Trey sounds just as thoroughly debauched as if you were kneeling in front of the couch. Each desperate groan inspires you to slow down, drawing out every repeated movement as the salty taste of precome meets your tongue. 
"Fuck," he curses as you swirl your tongue around his head at a frustratingly slow pace. "Thought you were done being a little tease…" His complaint is cut off by a gasp as you abruptly take him all the way down. 
His fingers tangle in your hair as a desperate, high-pitched sound escapes his mouth. Finally, he reaches the back of your throat, eliciting a gag.
"Holy shit, baby." You feel his thighs shaking beneath your hands again as he forces out the breathy curse. He lets out another sharp gasp as you momentarily lift your head, only to lower yourself back down, constricting around him again with a quiet choked sound.
With that, his desperate moan turns into a growl. "That's what you want, huh?" he asks. "You want me to fuck your throat?" 
You bob your head again, resulting in another gag, followed by an affirmative hum. 
He laughs, fingers running absentmindedly over your scalp. "Pretty little slut," he mutters before bucking his hips up against your mouth. 
Tears prick at your eyes as you gag again. The growing warmth between your legs causes you to shift a bit, squeezing your thighs together in an attempt to satisfy your growing desire to be touched. 
Each buck is harsh, though the violence of your gag reflex's response lessens over time. Even still, Trey's hand in your hair and the sounds that he makes are enough to leave you whimpering, shifting against the seat desperately. 
"Such a good fucking slut for me… Oh, fuck…" He rolls his hips up again, causing your throat to tighten at the same time that your walls clench around nothing. You can feel him, pulsing and twitching in your mouth, letting you know that he's getting close. 
The way his hand tightens in your hair confirms this suspicion. You moan as he collects a handful of hair and harshly tugs before pushing you back down on him. "Is this what you wanted?" he asks through a series of strained groans. "Wanted me to use you? Wanted me to treat you like my own little fuckdoll?" 
You try to hum an agreement, only for an unintelligible sound to break up from your throat. 
He laughs. The combination of affection and condescension makes you even wetter. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby." He pushes your head down again, resulting in another choked sound. 
You focus on breathing through your nose as each push of his hips gets faster and his groans grow louder and more desperate. 
"I'm gonna come," he announces. "Gonna fill up your pretty little mouth…" 
He gives your hair an especially harsh pull as he releases with a loud, shaking groan. You let out a quiet, desperate sound as warm come fills your mouth, swallowing around him as he rides out his orgasm. 
Finally, he relaxes back against the seat with an unsteady sigh. "Fuck…" His fingers relax in your hair, going back to stroking gently as your breathing begins to even out. "You okay, baby?" 
You nod as you pull away, running your hand across your mouth as you swallow once more. "Yeah," you choke out, voice slightly rough. 
He hums in reply as he flicks on his turn signal, turning into a convenience store parking lot. 
He pulls the car into a dimly-lit parking space before reaching for the glove compartment. He comes up with a stack of fast food napkins. He uses one to clean himself up before fixing his pants. Discarding the first napkin, he turns towards you. "C'mere, hon." 
You scoot closer to him, allowing him to begin wiping at your face. 
You lean slightly into his hand as he cleans up the mascara-tinged tear streaks and mixture of come and drool. "You weren't kidding," he comments as he grabs another napkin. "We really do make a mess together."
Finally, he deems his work satisfactory, crumpling the last napkin before gently cupping your face in both hands. He presses a gentle kiss against your lips before pulling back, running his thumb against your cheek. "So good for me," he says. "I love you."
You smile, resting your forehead against his. "Love you, too."
You stay there like that for a moment before he gently pats your cheek. "Let's go get something to eat, hmm?" he says. "My treat."
You sit your selection of various snacks aside, grabbing a large cup from the stack next to the soda fountain. As you fill the cup up with ice, you feel a familiar pair of arms snake around your waist. 
You smile as Trey rests his chin on your shoulder, holding you as though you were standing in your own kitchen and not some random convenience store in the middle of the night. "Find anything you like?" he asks.
You lean back into him, pulling your cup away from the ice dispenser. "Mmm-hmm."
"Good." He kisses your forehead as he pulls away. "I'll be able to actually spoil you one day. I promise." 
Warmth blooms in your chest at that thought. You don't care if the spoiling part ever comes to fruition. Just the promise of one day is enough for you, assuring you that, whatever the future holds, you'll be doing it together. 
He doesn't let you drive the rest of the way to the rest stop. "Just a few minutes," he tells you. "Then we can both get some sleep."
Soon enough, you're parked in the parking lot, hulking trucks on all sides. The two of you climb into the backseat, where Trey takes off his jacket and folds in his lap. "Here."
You lay your head in his lap with a contented sigh, allowing him to go back to playing with your hair. You close your eyes, leaning into his touch.
"Do you want me to, ah… Do anything for you?" he asks quietly.
You laugh, shaking your head. "We'll be at the apartment tomorrow. Matt and Dian won't be up here for a few days. We'll have plenty of time." You laugh. "Too many creepy old truckers here."
"I'd make those truckers look the other fucking way…" 
You swat at him lazily. "Shut up. I know you can't fight."
"For you, I could." 
You look up at his dark-circled eyes and make an incredulous sound. "I don't think you could even stay awake for long enough."
"For you, I could," he repeats. He reaches for your hand and pulls it up to his lips. Your eyes flutter as he plants a gentle kiss against your fingers. "Love you, baby."
"Love you, too." You close your eyes, feeling yourself beginning to drift off. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Even with your eyes closed, you can hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah," he says. "Tomorrow."
Another promise to soothe you to sleep. 
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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2024/07/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第11回目‼️〜とにかくたくさんお喋りしました〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol.11‼️〜I Talked a Lot〜
Vol 11 of Wakana' Chat's Talk Garden has been uploaded!! \(^o^)/This time, I asked you to submit all sorts of questions for me😊I wanted to read as many of your messages as possible so the episode turned out really long…😅💦I know it's probably a hassle to listen to the entire thing but please bear with me, take your time and listen to the podcast whenever you feel like it🤗✨
Here is the "Silk Nightcap" I mentioned in the podcast (looks surreal doesn't it?😂) I think it fits quite well *laughs* The back looks like this. You can tuck away and protect your long hair😆
And here's some info about my summer skin care! I didn't answer the question properly during the podcast so I thought it would be best to show you everything here😂In summer, I tend to prefer skin care products that are a little lighter than the ones I use in winter, but I don't want to change my routine completely.😊All these items are from Korean brands…🤣Aside from chaging the lotion I use for my facial device, the lineup is pretty much the same as in winter. However, since the UV rays are strong during this time of year, I use a lot more cosmetics with whitening agents. I use the same nighttime serums all year round, one with vitamin C, another one with retinol. I use the one with retinol on days when I've been exposed to too much air conditioning, and the one with vitamin C on days when I've been exposed to UV rays. I have various morning serums…not just the ones you see here, there are about four types that I use depending on my mood. One product that's different in summer is my cream, I use the tube in the back on the right side at night. In the morning, I use the tube in the back on the left side as a good base for my makeup. By the way, my tone-up serum is the tube next to my morning cream. I love the brand "Serendi Beauty", but unfortunately, their products have been sold out for a while and I can't buy them anywhere😭It's not featured here but their lotion in particular is seriously the best…!!
I also use face masks in the morning and at night, the same ones I use in winter 😊Here's my starting lineup for facial masks✨Once again, I've increased my stock of whitening products! And of course I also want something that is very moisturising! I aim to feel well hydrated from the inside. That way, even if I do my makeup with a matte finish, my face won't dry out all day 😊💓
Well, since I have some spare time… I'll briefly try to answer a few of the remaining questions! (^^)
Q. Do you mind spoilers? For shows, movies, novels, manga, games, setlists, anything? A. I don't like spoilers for weekly shows that I look forward to watching. I am very fascinated by anything horror-related but I think it's too scare so I can't really watch it. That's why I always read all the spoilers *laughs* Also, I'm such a beginner at games so I watch a lot of walkthrough videos of good players to help me get past difficult parts.
Q. Do you receive all of our letters and presents? A. Yes! I've received all of them, including every single letter😊 Thank you as always…✨ Speaking of which, I once received some hair oil which made my hair super smooth and silky so I bought some for myself!! !
Q. Are you okay with heights? A. I'm not that bad at heights but I feel like the glass floor of Tokyo Tower is pretty scary😇 Also, I've never been on one but the Ferris wheel carriages with glass floors look pretty scary too😇
Q. What are some recommended spots in Yokohama? A. The sea and the night view around the Red Brick Warehouse are beautiful!! !
Q. Have you ever had a pet before? A. When I still lived at home with my parents we had a dog🐕 When I started living alone, I had a goldfish🐟 (My little goldfish Buu-chan has passed away and gone to heaven a long time ago (;_;)🐟✨)
Q. Even though my message was read during the last episode, the present hasn't arrived yet. When will it arrive? A. Please forgive me, I'm always so slow at making my postcards for you. I will try my best to have them delivered by the beginning of the next month! I'm sorry for making you all anxious, wondering if the postcard got lost in the mail… 😱 Please wait patiently~ (I'm even more sorry that last month's presents were super late… 💦)
I want to answer even more of your questions but I'm going to stop here before it gets out of hand 😅If you have any other questions, please send them to me~
The next talk theme for the episode on August 10th will be "What kind of pillow do you use?/What is everyone's pillow situation?" Additionally, you can continue to send random questions you'd like to ask me! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////The deadline is July 31st!! ! Please send in as many messages as you can!! ! 💌
Well then, everyone! This Saturday I am performing at the summer event “AirTrip presents Everyday’s Omatsuri 2024”! See you at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse~♪\(^o^)/♪
Until next time~☆( '▽')/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #11
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #11 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——«« ・Anything you’d like to ask Wakana/Anything you’d like Wakana to talk about
One fan asked about Wakana's time as a gospel choir member and whether she remembered liking any particular songs or singers. While she doesn't have a lot of memories, she recalls three specific songs => "This Little Light of Mine", "Seasons of Love" and "It's Raining Men". Loved that we got a few snippets of her singing some lines of each song. I honestly wouldn't mind if she released another cover album with all sorts of Western/American music
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on August 10th, the following two topics have been chosen:
・ What kind of pillow do you use?/What's your pillow situation? ・Anything you’d like to ask Wakana/Anything you’d like Wakana to talk about
The submission deadline is 07/31.
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Everyday’s Omatsuri Merchandise
Two original items have been revealed as live goods for Wakana's upcoming appearance at the summer event "Everyday's Omatsuri"! One is a t-shirt and the other is a muffler towel. You can order both in Wakana's Official Online Shop! Preorder period ends on July 12! Shipping is scheduled for the end of July. (Source) (Instagram post by Wakana)
Title: “AirTrip presents Everyday’s Omatsuri 2024” Date and time:July 13, 2024 Open 18:30 / Start 19:00 Venue: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Performers: RYTHEM・Wakana Official site: http://omatsuridays.jp/
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2024/07/11 Instagram post by Wakana
Today I had a rehearsal for the summer event “Everyday’s Omatsuri 2024”which will take place this Saturday 🤗✨ Here I am together with the two members of RYTHEM and Takebe-san! Say Cheese 📸YUI-san and YUKA-san were so cute and dazzling…😍💓I'm excited because I think it's going to be a fantastic peformance✨I hope everyone will come and have a great time~🧚💕(Source)
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