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shubhbank · 9 months ago
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Elevate your financial dreams with SHUBHBANK! START YOUR OWN BUSINESS journey confidently. Embrace financial prosperity, tailored solutions, and personalized support. Your success story begins with SHUBHBANK – Your Partner in Progress!
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daemonbrain · 2 months ago
a/n: Shamelessly inspired by the fact I hit a curb, ran a stop sign, and almost hit a mailbox within 5 minutes of each other. So I present to you Graves x reader who can't drive! Feel free to drop a comment 🫶
Phillip Graves who loves exactly three things: His shadows, his truck, and his girl.
The downside? He has to keep the three things as far from each other as possible.
He would be damned if he let his pretty girlfriend know about all the questionable things he did for work. All you needed to know was he handled things, brought home the bread, and came crawling right on back as soon as he could.
But as he sat in the passenger seat of his F-150, he knew damn well he'd tell you every shady dealing or national secret him and his shadows have ever learnt to get you the hell away from the wheel.
He thought it was a joke when you hopped into the drivers seat! You had booked a reservation for some sushi place you liked and he had taken a little too long to get ready, only hurrying down when he heard the yell of his name.
"I'm comin', i'm going!" He mumbled.
You stood ready by the door with a smile. You dangled his keys in front of your face and to be entirely honest Phill didn't pay attention to a word you said.
How could he? Your hair all done up, a nice pair of heels, and a dress he's never seen before but is sure that it's somewhere on his bank statement. Too much time staring at your moving mouth, not enough time on it.
Interrupting you mid-sentance, he pulls you in for a gentle kiss. When your hands went to caress the stubble on his cheek, he responded with a groan and a bite on your lower lip, feeling his heart beat with fondness for the lovely lady in front of him.
Pulling away only a fraction, you look up at him with those eyes he could never resist.
"Is that a yes then?" You said, excitement clear in your tone.
Leaning back in, he presses his mouth to yours again. After a moment he digs his fingers to your waist, causing you to swat at his arm.
"Earth to Phill?! Yes or no?" You repeated. Groaning, he rolled his eyes and reluctantly separated from your body.
"Whatever you want sweetheart."
Which is how he finds himself in this precarious position. It was no ones fault but his own and now he was gonna pay big time. You had hopped right into the drivers seat leaving your dumbfounded partner to connect the dots on his own.
He should have objected thinking back, he really really should have. Commander Phillip Graves who has been around the globe, shot at, and knocked around more times than he can count did not want to deal with the fallback of wrangling you out of there.
When you reached your hand out to switch the gear, instead of holding the break like you should've, the loud sound of the engine revving blasted in his ears as you pressed the accelerator. You jolted in your seat, instinctually grabbing his forearm.
"Baby! You hit the gas."
Upon seeing his widened eyes, you couldn't help but chuckle. Laughing it off, you apologize and start up the truck.
At least that incident was stationary. It got so much worse.
"Shit, that was a trashcan."
"Phill turn up the music. That ambulance siren is distracting me."
"Did I just roll that stop sign?"
He was gonna die in this metal box. The two things he loved most were going to kill him. Phillip Graves death by bomb? No, Phillip Graves death by his wonderful girlfriends horrible driving.
In fact, he'd probably have a better chance if he had been in that tank than with you.
"Hon you're uh- this is a 35 zone and you're goin' 58."
You made a pfft sound and waved him off. Gosh he really wished you kept both of your hands tight on that wheel at this speed (at any speed really).
"Those things are like suggestions. This could totally be like a 45." You said.
"You'd still be- oomph!" Phillip was interrupted by his body being jerked against his seatbelt. Without a moments delay, his arm shot across your chest to keep you firmly pressed to the back of the seat.
Without a second of acknowledgment you slap the steering wheel with a scoff.
"Come on, that was bullshit! Hardly enough time to stop." You complained while staring at the shine of the red traffic light.
"Well maybe if you-"
Nope. Not gonna do that. He didn't even have a chance to raise his voice a note higher before you were glowering his way. No thank you ma'am.
"Nothin'. You're right. Bullshit."
He would hide the keys away from you from now on. He'd dig through your purse when you went to the washroom and snatch them up before you'd even have the chance to ask to drive home.
If Phill was gonna die any other way than old age amongst the horde of kids and grand-babies y'all would have together one day, it was not gonna be because you flung him into a fuckin' electrical pole.
Suddenly, the truck began to move faster...
and faster...
The moment he heard your squeal, his heart dropped to his stomach.
"Phill! Phill my heel is stuck-" The panic in your voice was palpable, the sight of cars in the distance coming closer in view by the second. Tears had begun to gather at your lash line in alarm.
With the reflexes as a man with his own PMC, his unclicks his seatbelt and practically flings himself over the console. Grabbing your foot, he jiggles it from the wedge it trapped itself and pushed on to the break you had made no attempt to use.
Another hard stop, but one made just in time before any collision could take place. Snapping out of your stupor, you allow the truck to slowly roll for a moment while a red faced Phillip looked at you with fury that knew no bounds.
"Pull over."
With a grimace, you attempted to reply. Only to have Phill grab the wheel and fully turn you to the side of the road, signaling and all.
Clicking on the emergency lights as he opens, exits, and closes his door while you still reeled from your miiiiinor incident.
Opening your door, his stern expression warranted no argument as he held a hand out to help you down.
"Out right now. No buts or nothin'."
Hastily complying, you slip your palm into his and scampered to the passenger seat.
After you buckled your seatbelt in and Phill had time to huff and rejoin the road, he uses his free hand to grab on to yours and press a tender kiss to your knuckles while keeping his blue eyes stubbornly fixed forward.
Safe to say you let him play his own music this time.
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golly-that-beat-is-dandy · 26 days ago
Voter attendance for the last election was awful, less than 45% of eligible voters exercised their right to vote, and that's what Doug Ford is counting on so he can stay in office!! Even if you've never voted before or think that it's pointless, please just go anyway! It's incredibly easy to do! Just bring one piece of ID that has your address on it (like your health card or drivers licence) and if you don't have ID that has your address you can bring any official mail that does, like bank statements, T4 slips, government mail, or anything like that. You do NOT need a voter card! You do NOT need to register in advance!
If you're unsure of your electoral district, go here to find out where to vote, and if you want to help us have a better chance to vote out Doug Ford, go to smartvoting.ca and enter your electoral district to see what party has the better chance of beating the conservatives!
My partner and I both voted early, but now the only chance to cast your vote is on the 27th! This is so important, especially because only 6% of eligible voters cast their vote during the early voting period!
Remember, you have a legal right to vote, even if you're at work. Your job is REQUIRED to let you leave so you can cast your vote! Ontario can't handle another 5 years of Doug Ford's leadership, voting him out will help save the healthcare system from becoming even more privatized, help save the post secondary education system, and help alleviate the housing crisis!! VOTE SMART! VOTE OUT FORD! GO VOTE!!!
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nerdsaura · 2 months ago
Heeey!! Happy new year! 🥳
I got busy but I'm back! And I bring you Chapter 8 of "The Nightmare Before Halloween - The Scarecrow and the Hatter"
We're almost at the end! 😉
+ Chapter 7
11:15 PM - Apartment at Otisburg - 1 hour 45 minutes since the plan began
The guests were already at the second bank, the van was almost at the lab to drop off the first loot.
At the hostage's camera, I saw Tim Drake looking at the door’s direction. Batman entered the room and released him from the chair.
“Mad Hatter, the Bat freed the hostage.”
“Dammit… The van just got here. I’ll try to do everything as quickly as possible.”
Batman looked directly into the video, like he was staring into my soul. I shivered. He made a sign while he took the boy outside. Following the order, Red Hood showed up, pointed the gun to the camera and… Bang!
“Holy shit, Hatter, how long until the loot is done? They’re coming after us now.”
I watched him and my henchman taking the money bags through the lab.
“The van needs to get to the bank and get the money. We’ll release the guests after that. Maybe 45 minutes?”
“Midnight… Fine. That’s fine. No more than that.”
I spent the rest of the night worrying. There was nothing else to do, just wait. I started walking around, rubbing my hands. I found a box with spray paints, most of them were different types of green. I picked up a black one. More graffiti there wouldn’t hurt, right? I’ve got to admit it, it’s almost therapeutic doing that. I doodled until 11:35, when Nygma spoke on the comms:
“They’re disclosing the plan. Tim Drake is giving an interview. Cops and reporters just got to the Van Cleer Mansion.”
I got back to the laptop with my heart pounding on my throat.
“How long, Hatter?”
“The money is ready but the van is not there yet…”
“How long?!”
“I don’t know! 10 minutes to get here, plus 10 to load everything, plus 15 to get back. 35 minutes, Scarecrow.”
Nygma spoke again:
“They still don’t know where the guests are, they haven’t found out about the robbery. They put out a warning sign for Scarecrow. About Mad Hatter, they said they’re still looking into it and are not sure about his involvement.”
“I don’t know if I should be relieved or offended.” Hatter muttered.
I picked up a radio in my coat to talk to my henchman.
“Listen here: if you’re not putting the money inside that van in 10 minutes, you better run away and hope I don’t find you, because when I see you, I’ll make sure you will never sleep again! Am I clear?!”
“Yes, boss…” His voice was shaky.
“Remind me to never piss you off.” Lynns said, and Mad Hatter laughed.
In a record time of 8 minutes, the van was at the bank. See? Threats are effective.
Also in record time, at 11:50, fast enough to make four villains have a heart attack, the Bat showed up. We hear the Hatter screaming.
“AAH! No, no, no, no, no! Fuck! Scarecrow, Batman’s at the bank!”
Panicking, I ran to the laptop, though all I could see was my partner, also panicking.
I picked up the radio again.
“Get out of there! Now!”
But it was too late, my henchman was already knocked out. Mad Hatter sent the other Wayne to fight the vigilantes and some guests to confuse them.
“What do I do? Do I get someone to drive here?”
“Yes. But quickly.”
I can only assume that one of the masked people grabbed the steering wheel and drove out.
“Update me, Hatter! What’s happening?”
“They’re fighting… I’m losing some…”
“Hold them off! You don’t need to defeat them, just gain time.”
“They’re breaking too many masks!”
It was awful not being able to do anything, not knowing what was going on.
“Do you want us to do something to help?” It was Lynns through the comms.
“No. Stay out of it.” I answered immediately. “If you get more involved they’ll go after you too.”
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mariacallous · 4 months ago
Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Peru this week for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, during which he will inaugurate the deep-water port of Chancay, about 45 miles north of Lima. It’s a $3.6 billion project—one of China’s largest infrastructure investments in the region in the past two decades.
It also may be one of the last of its kind.
Upon becoming president in 2013, in an attempt to deepen the so-called going out strategy and find new markets for booming Chinese production, Xi initiated a reform agenda that intensified diplomatic outreach and boosted overseas investment, the capstone of which was the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Big infrastructure contracts were a win-win move: They allowed China to offload excess capacity of steel, labor, and other inputs while providing urgently needed infrastructure to Latin America. Since 2017, 22 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have formally joined the BRI, utterly transforming China’s relationship with the continent. China is now Latin America’s second-largest trading partner, after only the United States.
But after two decades of growing sway in the region, Beijing is taking a new approach. As it struggles to manage an economic slowdown, a mounting debt burden, and a broken real estate market, Beijing is bringing an end to the era of high-risk, high-cost mega-infrastructure projects in favor of smaller, new frontier investments in cloud computing, 5G technology, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and electric vehicles.
China has pitched its new strategy to the world as visionary and forward-looking. Its Latin American partners, however, are less convinced.
The significant, long-standing infrastructure gap in Latin America has made leaders hungry for external investment. Whereas the United States and the European Union have been reluctant to put up large sums, China was happy to get involved.
BRI money has funded roads through the jungles of Costa Rica; railways in Bolivia and Argentina; industrial parks and a container port in Trinidad and Tobago; the biggest hydroelectric plant in Ecuador; and the first transoceanic fiber-optic cable directly connecting Asia to South America, stretching from China to Chile, among other projects.
These big infrastructure projects have paralleled increased Chinese investments in soft power and diplomacy. The United States used to be very adept with its Latin American partners, but China has overtaken it, said Benjamin Creutzfeldt, a China scholar.
“The Chinese have become better at engaging through charm offensives with their charismatic ambassadors,” he said. “They learned how to deal with their counterparts effectively.”
But China’s expansion in the region—particularly in hard infrastructure—has come at a cost for Latin America. Chinese companies have been accused of substandard construction practices and corruption in prior big-item investments.
For instance, the Coca Codo Sinclair dam, a hydroelectric rock-fill dam in the jungles of Ecuador, has not stopped making negative headlines since being inaugurated in November 2016. The estimated $3.4 billion project—the largest in Ecuador’s history—was built and financed by China as a flagship BRI project. But by July 2022, more than 17,000 cracks had already splintered across the dam, and many of the top Ecuadorian officials involved in the construction have been imprisoned or sentenced on bribery charges related to the project.
Not only is Ecuador now left with faulty infrastructure, it’s also stuck with crushing amounts of debt. The BRI has shifted China from being Latin America’s ATM to its biggest debt collector. China rivals the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank as the biggest creditor in the region and has left Latin America with the highest level of debt service payments in the world, at an estimated 4 percent of regional GDP. According to the research from the Center for Economic Policy Research, the share of Chinese loans to countries in financial distress increased from about 5 percent in 2010 to about 60 percent in 2022.
For its part, Ecuador is attempting to pay back its debt by exporting oil to China at almost an 80 percent discount. But this arrangement could cause problems for China, too, in the long run.
“Supporting these mega-projects, which do not have big returns, in indebted countries, isn’t necessarily a good business strategy,” said Leland Lazarus, the associate director of national security at Florida International University’s Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy.
“China is at the risk of not getting their money back,” said Axel Dreher, a professor at Germany’s Heidelberg University.
After more than two decades of big, ambitious physical infrastructure projects, China has begun to face the music.
Strained economic and political situations on the domestic front have increased pressure to spend less abroad and focus on the country’s internal development needs. Just last week, the Chinese government approved a $1.4 trillion plan to boost the economy by allowing local government to refinance debts.
China is also increasingly wary of infrastructure projects after being criticized for its subpar BRI implementation. AidData, an international development research lab, analyzed more than 13,427 of the initiative’s projects across 165 countries, worth $843 billion, and found that 35 percent had “major implementation problems,” such as scandals, protests, corruption, labor violations, and environmental degradation.
China is still finishing up certain hard infrastructure projects, including the Bogotá Metro rapid transit system in Colombia, but will pursue fewer moving forward. Instead, hungry for cash and eager to de-risk investments while remaining relevant overseas, China has shifted its focus toward new frontier projects—already to great effect.
Wenyi Cai, a Chinese investor and the CEO of Polymath Ventures, a venture studio in Latin America, said that she has seen overwhelming Chinese interest in digital investments, particularly in Mexico and Brazil. Just in 2022, 58 percent of Chinese investments in Latin America and the Caribbean were in these new infrastructure industries, up from about 25 percent in the previous year.
This shift is particularly notable in the telecoms industry. Already, up to 70 percent of Latin America’s 4G-LTE cellular networks are supported by infrastructure from the Chinese tech giant Huawei, which grew by 9 percent in the region in 2022, according to a report from the University of Navarra. The company is also rolling out 5G networks in several countries in the region.
China is also making waves in the electric vehicle industry. In 2022, Chinese firms invested $2.2 billion in the industry—35 percent of all Chinese foreign direct investment in the region that year, according to an Inter-American Dialogue report. In 2023, China emerged as Mexico’s top car supplier, exporting $4.6 billion worth of vehicles, and the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer BYD is actively exploring factory locations in the country.
Undoubtedly, China’s interest in this supposed technical revolution is economical. For China, the new frontier sectors present less risk, lower operating costs, and faster returns than traditional infrastructure projects in a retrenched post-pandemic world.
“As China has less overall capital to allocate, it tries to do so in a more strategic way,” said Margaret Myers, the director of the Asia and Latin America program at the Inter-American Dialogue.
This, however, has resulted in a huge decrease in funds for Latin America. From 2010 to 2019, China invested an average of $14.2 billion per year in the region. By 2022, however, this amount had dropped to less than half—just $6.4 billion. A similar trend can be observed in loans from China’s top development finance institutions: At its peak in 2010, China lent more than $25 billion in the region, but this dropped to a little more than $1.3 billion per year between 2019 and 2023.
Though infrastructure is no longer the smartest investment strategy, that doesn’t mean the region’s need for it is going anywhere. Luis Alberto Moreno, the former president of the Inter-American Development Bank, told Foreign Policy that there continues to be a large infrastructure deficit in Latin America that is only growing bigger as the region becomes richer and demands more energy, goods, and services.
Non-Chinese development banks, including the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, have already started filling the gap since Chinese lending first dropped in 2015. This includes significant new financing from the Inter-American Development Bank for road improvements last year, with $600 million allocated to Mexico, $480 million to Brazil, and $345 million to Argentina.
But Moreno said that he doubts that the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank will be able to fill the void alone. China seems to be the only other option, but it’s not playing ball.
Despite the region finding itself trapped in domestic debt and having been burned by infrastructure projects that did not fulfill time, cost, and quality expectations, a fear nevertheless lingers in Latin America about what it will do without massive inflows of Chinese money.
“There is this sense that it [infrastructure] needs to be done, whether China is the one to do it or not,” Myers said.
Yet, China’s increased focus on new frontier investments could enable Latin American countries to enhance their much-needed digital infrastructure, positioning them to capitalize on automation and the adoption of artificial intelligence. It could also facilitate the region’s participation in a global green transition.
Jesús Seade, Mexico’s ambassador to China, sees the shifting focus toward more innovation-led investment as an opportunity for his country. “It means development—it means helping Mexico climb the value chain,” he told Foreign Policy.
But some worry that the region will become over-reliant on China in these new sectors, just as it did for the big physical infrastructure projects, without improving its own competitiveness in the process. Although some welcome cheap green technologies from China in order to ease the region’s transition to cleaner energy use, concerns remain about Latin American countries not doing enough to bolster their capacity to produce high-value manufacturing goods, harness Chinese technology transfers, and implement robust security measures to safeguard against the misuse of citizens’ data.
The new frontier investments could also pose security threats to Latin American governments and their citizens, including through surveillance, cybersecurity, and intellectual property risks that the region is unprepared to deal with, according to Robert Evan Ellis, a professor of Latin American studies at the U.S. Army War College. He is also concerned about China’s ability to misuse its access and knowledge about operations in key logistics hubs—such as the Panama Canal or the Chancay port—to disrupt access or launch attacks if a conflict were to emerge.
Another concern is the power balance between China and its Latin American partners. According to Marisela Connelly, a professor at the Center for Asian and African Studies at the College of Mexico, China is the one determining the conditions for trade and investment in the region.
“China simply wants Latin American countries to adapt to China’s needs,” Connelly said. She criticized the Mexican government for having “no strategy” and “no clear objectives” in its relationship to China.
Ultimately, the situation raises an important question about what infrastructure Latin America really needs.
“I’m not sure this [less investment in hard infrastructure] is a bad thing,” Evan Ellis said. Ultimately, Latin America has to pay for its infrastructure projects, and China’s shift may save the region from more unviable and expensive infrastructure projects moving forward.
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vancouverpreowned · 18 days ago
Can You Shop for a Car Loan Without Multiple Credit Checks?
When you’re searching for the best car loan, it’s natural to want to shop around — after all, getting the right loan terms can save you thousands in interest. But there's one question many buyers ask: Can you shop for a car loan without multiple credit checks?
The short answer is yes — but there’s more to it than simply avoiding every credit check. Let’s break down how car loan credit checks work, how they affect your credit score, and how you can shop smart without unnecessary damage to your credit.
Understanding Car Loan Credit Checks: Hard vs. Soft Inquiries
Before we dive into the details, it’s important to understand the two types of credit checks lenders use:
Soft Credit Check: This happens when you check your own credit score or when a lender pre-qualifies you. Soft inquiries do not affect your credit score.
Hard Credit Check: A hard inquiry happens when a lender reviews your credit report as part of a formal loan application. Multiple hard checks can temporarily lower your score.
When you apply for a car loan, lenders almost always run a Car Loan Credit Check — a hard inquiry — to assess your financial history. However, there are ways to minimize the impact while still exploring your options.
How to Shop for Car Loans Without Damaging Your Credit
1. Use the Loan Rate Shopping Window
The good news is that most credit scoring models — like FICO and VantageScore — treat multiple car loan inquiries within a specific time frame as one single inquiry.
FICO typically offers a 14- to 45-day window depending on the version used by the lender.
VantageScore uses a 14-day window.
What this means: You can apply to several lenders within this period, and your credit score will only reflect one hard inquiry, not multiple.
Tip: To be safe, aim to complete all your car loan applications within two weeks.
2. Get Pre-Approved with a Soft Credit Check
Another way to shop for car loans without multiple hard inquiries is to seek pre-approval or pre-qualification from lenders.
Pre-approval: Gives you a loan estimate based on a soft credit check.
Pre-qualification: Similar to pre-approval but typically less formal.
Many lenders, including online options, offer pre-approvals without affecting your credit score. This allows you to compare rates and terms before committing.
3. Research Lenders Before Applying
Instead of applying to every lender you come across, do your research first.
Compare loan terms, interest rates, and customer reviews online.
Narrow down your choices to 2–3 lenders who fit your financial situation.
The fewer loan applications you submit, the fewer hard inquiries show up on your report — making your Car Loan Credit Check process smoother.
4. Work with a Dealership That Partners with Multiple Lenders
Another smart strategy is to visit a dealership, like Vancouver Preowned, that works with a network of lenders.
We help you shop for the best loan by gathering multiple offers at once — meaning you only undergo one hard credit check but still get access to a range of loan options.
This eliminates the need for you to apply separately at multiple banks or credit unions.
Why Smart Loan Shopping Matters
Being strategic about how you approach your Car Loan Credit Check is essential for protecting your credit score. Too many hard inquiries can lower your score by a few points — and while the impact may be small, it could affect the interest rate you qualify for.
By following the steps above, you can confidently shop for a car loan without worrying about unnecessary hits to your credit.
Get the Best Car Loan with Vancouver Preowned
At Vancouver Preowned, we understand the importance of finding the right car loan without hurting your credit score. Our team works with trusted lenders and uses a streamlined process to help you compare rates and terms — all with just one simple credit check.
Ready to drive away with confidence? Contact Vancouver Preowned today and let us help you secure the best car loan deal with minimal impact on your credit.
Your dream car — and the right loan — are just a call away!
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braveactiveco · 27 days ago
A Short Guide to Best Managerial Resources in Paris, France - Top 3 Private & Public Sector Employers, and Investment Management
Paris, the capital of France, is a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy, and business. With a population of over 2.1 million people in the city proper and more than 12 million in the metropolitan area, Paris is one of Europe’s most vibrant and influential cities. Located in northern France, the city is renowned for its iconic landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. The official language is French, and the currency is the Euro (€). Paris is also a major hub for finance, innovation, and culture, making it a key destination for professionals and tourists alike.
Top 3 Economic Data
Paris boasts a high quality of life, with a Quality of Life Index of 145.67, a Healthcare Index ranking of 79.45, and a Safety Index of 52.35. The city’s Purchasing Power Index is 84.12, reflecting its strong economy. France’s stock market index, the CAC 40, is one of the most prominent in Europe. The median salary in Paris is approximately €39,000, with an income tax rate of 30% for average earners and up to 45% for higher earners.
Top 3 Largest Industries by Number of Employees
Tourism and Hospitality
Financial Services
Technology and Innovation
Top 3 Largest Private Sector Employers
LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) – A global leader in luxury goods.
TotalEnergies – A multinational energy company specializing in oil, gas, and renewable energy.
BNP Paribas – One of the largest banking and financial services institutions in Europe.
Top 3 Public Sector Employers by Number of Employees
French Government (Civil Service) – The largest public sector employer in France.
RATP Group – Manages Paris’s public transportation system, including buses and the metro.
La Poste – The national postal service of France.
Top 3 Traded Company Stocks by Market Capitalization
LVMH – CEO: Bernard Arnault
L’Oréal – CEO: Nicolas Hieronimus
TotalEnergies – CEO: Patrick Pouyanné
Top 3 Hedge Funds, Venture Capital, and Private Equity Firms
Eurazeo – A leading private equity and venture capital firm.
Ardian – One of the largest private equity firms in Europe.
Idinvest Partners – A prominent venture capital firm specializing in tech startups.
Financial DistrictLa Défense, located just west of Paris, is the city’s primary business district and home to the largest concentration of investment, banking, and financial firms. Key addresses include the Paris Stock Exchange (Euronext Paris) and major firms like BNP Paribas and Société Générale.
Top Management Training InstituteThe International Institute of Management is Paris’s most prestigious institute for management training. Offering short courses and workshops for public and private sector leaders, it is the go-to destination for aspiring investment managers and executives. Learn more about the management training courses here.
Best Months to VisitThe best time to visit Paris is from April to June and September to October when the weather is pleasant and tourist crowds are manageable. July and August are peak tourist seasons, while November to February sees fewer tourists but colder weather.
Top 3 Things to See and Do
Visit the Eiffel Tower and enjoy panoramic views of the city.
Explore the Louvre Museum, home to masterpieces like the Mona Lisa.
Stroll along the Seine River and visit the historic Notre Dame Cathedral.
Useful Links
Official City Government Website: www.paris.fr
Official City Tourism Website: www.parisinfo.com
Official Management Training Courses Website: Management Training Programs: Short Courses & Workshops in Paris, France
Paris is a city that effortlessly combines history, culture, and modernity, making it a must-visit destination for both leisure and professional pursuits.
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darkmaga-returns · 2 months ago
Jan. 9, 2025 4 pm ET.
The LA fires are unprecedented in the number and size of the fires that have broken out in and around the second largest city in the US. Over 1000 structures and 45 square miles are destroyed. More than 380,000 people have been under warnings or orders to evacuate. Over 450,000 people are without power. More than 24 school districts are partially or totally closed. Fire hydrants have run dry. Arsonists in Santa Monica have been caught on camera setting fires. The LA County Sheriff says some areas look like ‘a bomb was dropped.’ President Biden commented on the fires while in LA. He doled out relief funds, and announced he is a first time great-grandfather, and that son Hunter’s home in LA is unharmed. Today Biden gave a national address promising to oversee a full federal response to the wildfires.
The 15 Minute City Plans for Los Angeles
Los Angeles is one of dozens of cities whose “mayors and the cities they lead” are members in the international C40 Cities initiative. This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured “climate change” crisis. Cities from around the world are participating in this movement.
Funding support comes from many progressive and globalist sources, including the Open Society Foundations run by George Soros and son as well as other supporters. Soros is notorious for training and funding riots in America and for taking many other actions to ruin the economies of sovereign nations, earning him the title among others of the “worst billionaire in the world.” Other contributors are Uber, FedEx, Google, Wellcome, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the UK Government, the European Union, among many others. The World Bank, one of the most predatory globalist institutions which is closely associated with the UN, is a designated Partner.
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shubhbank · 10 months ago
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head-post · 4 months ago
Gas prices surge as EU storage drains faster than expected
Consumption of gas from EU underground storage facilities accelerated as Europe suffered its first winter cold snap, bne IntelliNews informed.
As of 1 December, gas tanks were 85.5% full. In 2023 and 2022, storage levels stood at 94.8% and 92.3% respectively. However, the figure is still well above the 68.2% in 2021, when Europe was hit by a cold winter.
Normally, the heating season officially starts on 1 November, when EU rules state that reservoirs must be at least 90% full. However, uncertainty over the weather has already led to a 45% increase in gas prices since the start of the year, as tanks are emptying faster than in the previous two years.
This year’s situation is exacerbated by the fact that Ukraine’s gas transit agreement to supply 15 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas to the EU from Russia expires on 31 December. Kyiv, for its part, pledged not to extend the deal. Recently, Russian gas giant Gazprom published its investment plans for 2025, which also excluded the extension of the transit agreement with Ukraine.
Higher energy spending would raise the cost of living for consumers and worsen Europe’s looming recession, economists warned. Europe is already facing a crisis after Italy’s ex-prime minister and former head of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi warned in a report that Europe had lost its competitive edge.
While Europe is struggling to fill its gas storage facilities, Ukraine’s reservoirs are only 22.6% full, storing 6.5 bcm of gas. However, Ukrainian gas tanks are the largest in Europe, totalling more than 30 bcm, with 15 bcm still available for European partners.
Yet, foreign traders stayed on the sidelines, preferring not to store gas in Ukrainian reservoirs this year amid the threat of Russian strikes on the country’s energy infrastructure.
Read more HERE
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cadeveshthakur · 7 months ago
TDS New Rates applicable from 1st Oct 2024|Interest calculation| Rectification/Correction statement  @cadeveshthakur   #tdsrates #newtdsrates #tds #incometax #cadeveshthakur Understanding Tds: Complete Guide To Tax Deduction At Source | Part 5 | Tds Basics Index 00:00 to 04:44 Introduction 04:45 to 05:39 192 TDS on salary payment/ TCS 206C 05:40 to 08:59 194DA Payment in respect of Life Insurance Policy 09:00 to 11:42 194D Payment of Insurance commission (in case of person other than company) 11:43 to 12:18 194F Repurchase of Units of Mutual Fund or UTI 12:19 to 14:31 194G commission and other payments on sale of lottery tickes 14:32 to 16:20 194H Commission and Brokerage 16:21 to 19:00 194-IB Payment of Rent by Certain Individual of HUF 19:01 to 21:05 194M Payment to contractor, commission agent, broker or professional by certain Individuals or HUF 21:06 to 25:09 194O Payment by e-commerce operator to e-commerce participant 25:10 to 29:25 194T Payment in the nature of salary, remuneration, commission, bonus or interest to partners of the firm 29:26 to 31:16 Interest on late payment of taxes   31:17 to 35:11 Time limit to file correction statement in respect to TDS/TCS statements   Interest on late payment of taxes   To bring parity on the interest rates under TDS/TCS   Interest on late payment of tax to the CG Section   i.e., tax has been deducted but not deposited 201(1A)                                                                                 Interest on late payment of tax to the CG 206C (7) i.e., tax has been collected but not deposited Time limit to file correction statement in respect to TDS/TCS statements     Section 200 - Duty of person deducting tax under the provisions of chapter XVII-B   200(3) - After paying the tax deducted, file TDS statement within prescribed time period   Proviso - deductor to file correction statement for rectification     Section 206C - Collection of TCS   Priviso to 206C (3) - person collecting tax after paying to the CG, furnish TCS statement within prescribed time period   206C (3B) - to file correction statement for rectification   🎥 Hello, lovely viewers! Welcome back to the @cadeveshthakur channel! 🎉 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@cadeveshthakur TDS ki कक्षा: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RqxMactdpX3oUU2bSw8-_R E-commerce sellers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1ShUNXkAbYrAYj2Pile1Rim GST Knowledge Bank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RjdRrG4ZKXeJNed6ekhjoR Goods & Services Tax: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1SlBw2kSpZ9ay1jnEOkbDYN TDS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RXi2GaEckeXGmJy_FYOj9q Shorts for Accountants, Professionals, Finance, Students: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1TqoRTWoA1_l0kmtsbyNEB5 Accounting concept, Entries, Final Accounts preparation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1T4GSjBPboXxBgFgkVZmDbQ Direct Taxation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1S7BBNeuL3fzV_fDl9V88C2 🎥 Hello, lovely viewers! Welcome back to the @cadeveshthakur channel! 🎉 I’m thrilled to have you here, and I want to connect with you beyond YouTube. Let’s take our journey together to the next level! 😊 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cadeveshthakur/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cadeveshthakur/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cadeveshthakur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cadevesh Whatsapp Group: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va6GOVE9MF92Ylmo7e0L #cadeveshthakur https://cadeveshthakur.com/ Remember, our community is more than just a channel—it’s a family. Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Hit that Subscribe button, tap the notification bell, and let’s spread financial wisdom one click at a time. 🚀 Remember, knowledge empowers us all! Let’s learn together and navigate the complex world of finance with curiosity and diligence. Thank you for being part of the cadeveshthakur community! 🙌 Disclaimer: The content shared on this channel is purely for educational purposes. As a Chartered Accountant, I strive to provide accurate and insightful information related to GST, income tax, accounting, and tax planning. However, please note that the content should not be considered as professional advice or a substitute for personalized consultation. TDS New Rates applicable from 1st Oct 2024|Interest calculation| Rectification/Correction statement
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scentsplit · 7 months ago
Why Invest in Perfume Samples for the Spring Season
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When spring rolls around, it feels like everything should get a refresh – including the scents we wear. That's where perfume samples shine. They're like those tiny spoons at the ice cream shop – perfect for tasting before you decide on a full scoop. But instead of ice cream, we're diving into luxury fragrances. Fragrance samples let you test-drive the fancy stuff without the big-bottle commitment.
Here's the scoop on why spring fragrance samples are a smart move, especially when you're looking to switch things up for spring:
Cost-effective trial: They let you explore high-end fragrances at a fraction of the price.
Variety: You can try a wide range of scents – from floral to woody – without breaking the bank.
Seasonal refresh: They're perfect for finding that new spring scent that just clicks with your vibe.
Let's get into some top picks for spring – these perfume samples are worth checking out:
Fresh Picks for Spring
Elysium Parfum Cologne by Roja Parjums - Think of walking through a garden in full bloom – that's Elysium. It's vibrant with a capital V, blending citrus and fruity notes that feel just right for spring.
Bergamote 22 by Le Labo - Here's a fragrance that hits the sweet spot between fresh and comforting. Bergamote 22 mixes bergamot, grapefruit, and vanilla for a scent that's like a sunny morning in a bottle.
Ormonde Man by Ormonde Jayne - Prefer something that reminds you of the great outdoors? Ormonde Man is your pick. With juniper berry, hemlock, and oud, it's like a walk through the woods on a crisp spring day.
Reflection 45 by Amouage - For evenings when you've got a bit of romance in the air, Reflection 45 brings jasmine, rose, and sandalwood into a floral blend that's all about elegance.
Torino21 by Xerjoff - Imagine the warmth of the sun as spring days start to stretch out. Torino21 captures that feeling with bergamot, amber, and musk – cozy yet refreshing.
Wulong Cha by Nishane - This one's a nod to the calmness of a tea ceremony, blending tea, citrus, and musk. It's subtle, sophisticated, and perfectly suited for those quieter spring moments.
Why Dive Into Perfume Samples This Spring?
Spring is all about new beginnings and what better way to embrace this than by refreshing your fragrance lineup? Perfume samples come into play as the perfect partners in this seasonal transition. It's not just about catching whiffs of something pleasant; it's a deeper dive into the sensory world of fragrances that align with your vibe during this vibrant season. Here’s the breakdown:
Personal Discovery: Finding a fragrance that resonates with you is like finding a new favorite song. It just clicks. Perfume decants offer a way to explore what really speaks to your mood and style without the guesswork.
Seasonal Sync: Each season has its mood, and spring is all about renewal and lightness. Sampling lets you align your scent with the season's spirit – think floral blooms, fresh citrus, or clean, airy notes that say "spring" in a spritz.
Luxury Without the Commitment: Let's face it, diving into luxury can feel like a leap. Perfume decants let you experience the high-end stuff – the craftsmanship, the unique blends, the prestige – without having to commit to a full bottle. It's like having a taste of the good life, one sample at a time.
Ready for a Refresh?
Keen to shake up your scent wardrobe this spring? Head over to Scent Split's website. Whether you're after something fresh and zesty, floral and romantic, or deep and woody, they've got a curated collection of perfume samples that hit all the right notes.
Dive into their selection and find the fragrances that feel like spring to you – without the commitment.
For More Information About Parfums De Marly and Roja Elysium Please Visit:- Scent Split.
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tcawirelespearlcity · 7 months ago
Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless – Pearl City
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Welcome to Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless Pearl City, HI—your trusted partner for all your phone repair needs. With over two decades of experience, we’ve built a reputation for providing fast, reliable, and affordable solutions for everything from iPhone repair to phone screen repair and more. Our expert technicians are here to ensure that your devices are in the best hands, whether you need a quick cellphone fix or a complex repair.
Why Choose Aloha Phone Repair Pearl City?
At Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless Pearl City, HI, we understand how essential your smartphone is to your daily life. That’s why we’re committed to delivering top-quality phone repair services that get you back to your routine as quickly as possible. Our technicians are not only skilled but also passionate about what they do, bringing years of experience to every cellphone fix.
Comprehensive Phone Repair Services
We offer a wide range of services to meet all your phone repair needs:
Button Repair: Stuck or unresponsive buttons can be frustrating. We offer comprehensive button repair services to restore full functionality to your device.
Phone Screen Repair: Cracked or shattered screens are our specialty. Whether it’s a small crack or a completely shattered screen, our technicians can restore your phone to its original condition. Don’t let a damaged screen disrupt your life—come to us for quick and reliable phone screen repair.
iPhone Repair: We understand that your iPhone is more than just a phone—it’s your connection to the world. From screen replacements to battery issues, our team provides expert iPhone repair services that will have your device working like new.
Battery Replacement: Is your phone not holding a charge like it used to? We offer fast battery replacement services that ensure your device is powered up and ready to go.
Charging Port Repair: A faulty charging port can leave you disconnected. Our technicians can repair or replace your charging port quickly, so you never have to worry about a low battery again.
Water Damage Repair: Accidents happen, and water damage is one of the most common issues we see. Our team is skilled in diagnosing and repairing water-damaged phones, giving you the best chance of recovery.
Expert Technicians at Your Service
Our technicians are the heart of Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless Pearl City. With years of experience and a commitment to ongoing training, our team stays at the forefront of the latest phone repair techniques. We work on all major brands, including Apple, Samsung, Google, LG, and more. When you choose us, you’re choosing expertise you can trust.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
We take pride in delivering not only excellent phone repair services but also outstanding customer service. Our Pearl City location is dedicated to making your experience as convenient and stress-free as possible. We offer:
Competitive Pricing: High-quality phone repair shouldn’t break the bank. We offer competitive pricing on all our services, with no hidden fees.
Fast Turnaround Times: Most repairs, including phone screen repair and iPhone repair, are completed within 20-45 minutes. You won’t have to wait long to get your device back in working order.
Warranty on Repairs: We stand by our work, offering a 90-day warranty on all repair services. This ensures that you can have peace of mind knowing your cellphone fix is done right.
1. What brands of phones do you repair?
We repair all major brands, including Apple, Samsung, LG, Google, Motorola, OnePlus, HTC, Sony, Huawei, Nokia, and more. Whether you need an iPhone repair or a cellphone fix for any other brand, we’ve got you covered.
2. What types of repairs do you offer?
Our services include phone screen repair, battery replacement, button repair, camera repair, charging port repair, software troubleshooting, and more. We handle everything from minor fixes to more complex phone repair needs.
3. How long does a typical phone repair take?
Most repairs, such as phone screen repair and battery replacement, can be completed within 20-45 minutes. More complex repairs may take longer, but we strive to complete every cellphone fix as quickly as possible without compromising quality.
4. Do you provide a warranty on your repairs?
Yes, we offer a 90-day warranty on all phone repair services. This ensures your satisfaction and peace of mind, knowing that your device is protected after the repair.
5. Can you repair water-damaged phones?
Yes, we offer water damage repair services. Our technicians will assess the damage and do everything possible to restore your device to working condition. Water damage can be tricky, but our experienced team is up for the challenge.
6. What should I do if my phone won’t turn on after an update?
Bring your phone to us in Pearl City, HI. We offer specialized iPhone repair and other brand-specific services to fix update-related issues, ensuring your device is up and running smoothly again.
7. Can you fix cracked screens on all phone models?
Absolutely. We provide phone screen repair services for all brands and models, including iPhone repair, Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel, and more.
8. How much does it cost to repair a phone screen?
The cost of phone screen repair varies depending on the model and brand of your phone. We offer competitive pricing, so contact us for a specific quote.
9. Do you offer battery replacement services?
Yes, we offer battery replacement services for all major phone brands. If your phone’s battery isn’t holding a charge like it used to, visit us for a quick and affordable cellphone fix.
10. Can you help with software issues on my phone?
Yes, we provide comprehensive software troubleshooting and repair services, including fixing bugs, resolving update issues, and removing malware. Our goal is to ensure your phone operates at peak performance.
11. Do you provide diagnostic services?
Yes, we offer diagnostic services to identify any issues with your phone and recommend the best course of action for repair.
12. Can I get my phone repaired if it’s still under warranty?
Yes, we can repair phones under warranty. However, it’s best to check your warranty terms to understand any specific conditions. We work diligently to ensure your device is repaired correctly the first time.
13. Do you offer financing options for repairs?
Yes, we offer flexible financing options to help you get your phone repair done without financial strain. Our team will work with you to find the best solution for your needs.
14. What should I do if my phone’s buttons are stuck or unresponsive?
Bring your phone to our Pearl City, HI location. We offer button repair services to fix unresponsive or stuck buttons on all phone models.
15. Do you buy back old or damaged phones?
Yes, we offer a device buyback program. Bring in your old or damaged phone, and we’ll give you a competitive offer.
Convenient Location in Pearl City
Our Pearl City shop is conveniently located to serve you better. Whether you live in the area or are just passing through, you’ll find us easily accessible and ready to assist with all your phone repair needs.
Phone: +1 (808) 944-8886 Website: Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless
Address :  Located in McDonald’s Parking Lot next next to Territorial Savings Bank, Shopping Center, 850 Kamehameha Hwy Ste #8, Pearl City, HI 96782, United States
Visit Us Today
Don’t let a damaged phone slow you down. Visit Aloha Phone Repair by TCA Wireless Pearl City, HI, for fast, reliable, and affordable phone repair services. Our expert technicians are ready to assist with everything from phone screen repair to complex iPhone repair. Stop by today, and let us help you get your device back to its best.
Operating Hours : Monday – Sunday : 11am – 7pm
Phone : +1 (808) 944-8886
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mitchbeck · 1 year ago
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vitodragone · 1 year ago
Financing Options for Commercial Multifamily Properties
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Due to rising single-family home prices and the scarcity of affordable housing, savvy real estate investors are leaning toward multifamily units. Nevertheless, substantial upfront expenses associated with property acquisition, construction, repairs, renovations, and ongoing operational costs often surpass available capital, compelling investors to seek various financing options to bridge this gap.
Financial institutions offer conventional loans that can assist real estate investors in financing multifamily properties. These loans have terms ranging from five to 30 years and require a minimum down payment of 20 percent. Loan amounts can reach up to $25 million. However, conventional loans often come with stringent terms and conditions. Besides collateral, lending institutions can pursue the borrower's other assets should they default.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans, which are government backed, are attractive to multifamily investors due to low fixed-interest rates and extended loan terms of up to 35 years. Notably, FHA loans differ from conventional ones in that they involve no personal liability for the loan; rather, they rely solely on the secured property as collateral. The loans primarily benefit investors in multifamily property development, property acquisitions, and refinancing endeavors. Loan amounts can reach $75 million.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also offers competitive loans for multifamily borrowers. One notable feature of HUD loans is their extended loan term, exceeding 40 years. Moreover, these loans offer options for multifamily financing, such as HUD 223(f) loans, for borrowers looking to acquire or refinance existing multifamily apartments, and the HUD 221(d)(4) program, for those looking to rehabilitate or construct new properties. A significant drawback of HUD loans is the closing process, which can take longer than six months.
Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), or conduit loans, are large loans of up to $10 million, using the property as collateral to safeguard the lender in case of default. Borrowers, particularly those with lower credit scores, benefit from these loans, as lenders prioritize assessing the property's strength over the investor's creditworthiness. However, CMBS loans often have more stringent terms, including higher interest rates and stricter underwriting requirements, than alternative options.
Savvy investors with extensive property portfolios can access portfolio multifamily loans, which can exceed $100 million. These loans offer more flexibility in terms and eligibility criteria; however, they typically carry higher interest rates due to their elevated risk profile. The loan closing process can range from 10 to 45 days, and the loan term, from two to 30 years. Borrowers require a minimum credit score of 600. The necessary experience or time in business can vary, although a minimum of 12 months of experience is advisable.
In order to select the financing option that best fits their needs, multifamily borrowers should make sure they understand their loan options and eligibility criteria, including credit scores, down payment requirements, debt service coverage ratio (which measures the ability to repay debt), and interest rates. The condition and type of property to be financed is also crucial, as lenders tend to favor luxury or newer properties with solid market demand and those in good condition.
Moreover, selecting an appropriate lender is essential, as financial institutions differ significantly in loan terms, eligibility requirements, and benefits. For instance, although banks provide various options, they impose strict qualification criteria. Conversely, credit unions may offer fewer product choices but compensate by offering more favorable interest rates. Enlisting the expertise of loan brokers can help borrowers identify suitable lending partners that align with their specific needs.
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renatedagmarmilada · 1 year ago
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I am disappointed, not distraught, but definitely put out-- I gave tuition for some 14 years or more in Sheffield Homes, Pakistanis and Somalis-- before the latest phase-out practice by the lab st barths human research to blacken my character.
I always did my best with the pupils, charged a minimal amount, especially considering my level and experience-- and so on.
One of the lab Pakistanis /?/ put onto the file- 'has tendencies.' and fed it verbally into someone's brain and dubbed it into conversations... Why? How? This has gone round Pagehall where I used to teach. One of the germans asked me that and I thought it sounded good when the LORDS and Members of Parliament and the Ministry lot etc come into the lab.
I need to explain to this man--- I was married in CHURCH- when we marry in Church, we promise to love, honour and obey.. till death do us part.
Unless the Church gives you a formal divorce you should not remarry till one partner dies.
Why Mr Pakistani, did the Christian Bishops make such a rule ?... You know in London now, you need to have a blood check to ensure you have not married your half-sibling-- that is why. To make sure you know whose child is whose... The Church knows exactly why it makes those rules. I am not divorced by the Church. I am not properly divorced, so am in effect a married lady. I do not have tendencies, but married ladies do not f about... I am not single to play the field.. I know your rules are different, but those are ours...for bedtter for worse, for richer for poorer till death do us part. I am getting on for 79 now but if I live longer than my ex - though, he is a very strong man, and I am a skidchy little thing with a terrible background form '45 when I was born just as the Red Army took our country with Roosevelt's permission, I will think about remarriage..
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lab st barths human Research - PHASE OUT -roller--- so I cannot talk about what I know Princess diana..and other stuff--oddly I dont talk, yet by pushing it I DO!!!
stole my Pakistani Lahore bank book- Last February whilst I was in USA - father of one of the girls, Naima stole all the money, withdrew it.. RESTRAINED BY LAB AND MINISTRY =JOBS ETC INCASE THEY FOUND OUT WHAT THEY HAD DONE TO MY 12 YEAR OLD SON-- In England this is called a RESTRICTED LIFE to cover the guilty-prostitute of the Minisitry men and Lords. who made her bossess of the lab as a present.-…
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