#more social commentary on climate issues!
tokujenny · 1 year
Obviously I think Kaiju films are better when they're ABOUT something, Godzilla in his earliest incarnations was the terror of the bomb and a symbol for Japan's nuclear anxieties (namely in the wake of the Lucky Dragon 5 incident), shifting to more of a commentary on climate disaster and the inadequate response of government to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami as we see in Shin Godzilla a few years later. Pacific Rim is unambiguously about the compounding issue of climate change, right down to the Kaiju becoming more frequent at an EXPONENTIAL rate. If it weren't the literal middle of the night I'd have some more examples I'm sure.
But all that said... Sometimes a dumb fun monster movie is just a dumb fun monster movie and that's ok. Ultraman is great because it's a 50/50 split between episodes that beat you over the head with social commentary and episodes that are just goofy bullshit. The Godzilla sequels that veer into pure B movie territory are fun even when they occasionally lose track of their metaphors. I don't really have a point or some grander thesis statement, I'm just gushing about these movies and this genre that I enjoy. I think there's an artistry to these films by necessity and even when the narrative falters the sheer amount of work that goes into designing the monsters, creating suits, miniatures, puppets, the set design and performances. It brings me a kind of joy that I can only get from practical effects and giant monsters.
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capslock3284 · 1 month
Lizard Thoughts on Goodbye Volcano High
Beware of unmarked spoilers!!!
Goodbye Volcano High is a furry visual novel with rhythm game elements released last year in 2023, nearly to the day. The game has a modern era dinosaurs setting, with the player as a nonbinary pterodactyl named Fang, who is hoping to make it big in the indie rock scene after graduating from their senior year.
However, the tail end of chapter 1 reveals that the same asteroid in the real world that ended the Cretaceous was spotted, with the rest of the story about Fang and friends making the most of what time they have left.
Overall, I liked the story of GVH! The emotional struggles both Fang and their friend group go through feels very close to some things I've gone through this time, including issues regarding transitioning and being socially accepted. For example, multiple times in the story Fang gets deadnamed and misgendered by their parents, which is - at best - waved away as 'trying' (though they get better by the finale). While it kinda stings that there's no option to censor it, I'm also a bit grateful that there isn't because it's a real struggle a lot of trans people have to go through today and it's not right to brush that kind of thing off.
Meanwhile, the overarching plot about the asteroid feels very allegorical to Gen Z anxiety over the future - or rather, feelings of the lack thereof. While it's not literal armageddon in our world, the portrayal of it mirrors sentiment I've seen over modern climate and economical issues.
As a game, though... I've got mixed feelings. It's incredibly linear, and while it's presented as a standard 'your choices matter' type game all it does is unlock extra scenes with characters you side with more. Additionally, this same system encourages multiple playthroughs to see all optional scenes, flashback comics, and to 100% the photo gallery. However! You only get one save file, and there is no option to go back to a specific point in the story - you keep going or you start from the beginning.
This doesn't mention the several errors I've noticed in animation, with characters having an extremely limited set of premade poses for them to alternate through, Seth MacFarlane style - not to mention the continuity errors (the most notable one I spotted was partway through chapter 5, where the same guitar changed its model from acoustic, to electric, and back several times.) There were also several times where audio or entire scenes cut out about a half-second early - while this didn't cut out entire words, the sudden cut to the next line without any pause was jarring.
Despite all of these problems, Goodbye Volcano High works very well with its strong points, that being dialogue choices and the rhythm game portions. Even though I mentioned the game is very linear, it feels like it's by design - you're not completely controlling Fang, you're nudging them in specific directions according to how they're thinking, which is represented by different effects around dialogue boxes. Angry thoughts are burning, despair is broken in half, and intrusive thoughts are blurred out by static the moment you hover over them (incidentally, this stops you from picking it with an extra thought from Fang telling themselves to not say that.)
The soundtrack is pretty good. Don't have much to say about it, though I like how it's used diegetically with about 2/3rds of the tracks being written/performed by Fang in the story.
Overall, I'd recommend Goodbye Volcano High. However, skip it if you're a completionist due to the high number of playthroughs needed to 100% it on steam, or if you just don't like visual novels. Get it on sale, borrow it through Steam library share, or just watch a six hour no commentary playthrough if you're on the fence.
Steam store page here!
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shabdforwriting · 15 days
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The best 7 Genre to Start Writing in for 2024-2025
Here are descriptions of the seven genres you listed, tailored to trends and themes expected to resonate in 2024-2025:
1. Sci-Fi/Fantasy:
Sci-fi and fantasy are perfect for writers who love to imagine worlds beyond our current reality. For 2024-2025, speculative fiction is leaning toward themes like climate change, AI evolution, and dystopian futures. Fantasy continues to thrive with intricate world-building, magic systems, and epic quests, often reflecting real-world issues like diversity, politics, and power dynamics. Readers are drawn to the escapism but appreciate deeper themes that challenge societal norms.
2. Horror:
Horror writing is shifting toward psychological terror and societal fears. In 2024-2025, expect readers to be intrigued by stories that explore isolation, fear of the unknown, or threats lurking in the everyday. Modern horror also embraces supernatural elements or body horror while touching on social issues, making it a genre where scares are as much about the mind as about the monster. Tapping into cultural anxieties will resonate with audiences looking for both thrills and introspection.
3. Thriller/Crime Drama:
Fast-paced, tension-filled narratives are always in demand, and the coming years are no exception. From political conspiracies to personal revenge, thrillers and crime dramas appeal to readers who crave suspense. True crime influences and morally gray characters are trending, with more focus on flawed detectives or anti-heroes navigating a corrupt system. In 2024-2025, complex plot twists, unreliable narrators, and crimes rooted in current social issues will be key drivers of interest.
4. Romantic Dramas/Comedies:
Romance remains one of the most popular genres, and recent trends have focused on inclusivity and realism in love stories. Romantic dramas explore deep emotional journeys and relationships affected by external pressures. Comedies, on the other hand, balance romance with humor, often using quirky characters or unconventional pairings. For 2024-2025, readers are looking for stories with diverse characters, fresh dynamics, and themes like healing, second chances, and the challenges of modern dating.
5. Socially Relevant Dramas:
As people become more socially conscious, dramas centered on relevant topics are gaining traction. These stories delve into issues like inequality, immigration, climate change, mental health, and identity. The focus is on character-driven narratives that reflect real-world struggles, offering thoughtful commentary and emotional depth. For writers in 2024-2025, this genre allows you to engage with pressing issues while creating compelling, human stories that inspire empathy and action.
6. Murder Mystery:
The classic whodunit remains a staple in literature, but modern takes often blend genres or focus on psychological depth. In 2024-2025, murder mysteries are expected to become more complex, with layers of character backstories, secrets, and unreliable narrators. Readers love immersive puzzles, red herrings, and shocking twists, especially when set in unique or atmospheric locations. True crime elements and contemporary settings also breathe fresh life into the traditional format.
7. Docuseries/Non-Fiction:
Non-fiction writing has gained new momentum, especially in formats like docuseries-style storytelling. From personal memoirs to investigative journalism, the genre appeals to readers interested in true stories about real people or events. In 2024-2025, themes such as environmental crises, tech innovations, social justice, and cultural phenomena are likely to dominate. Writers can dive deep into research or share personal narratives, with the goal of educating, inspiring, or challenging the status quo.
Each of these genres offers vast opportunities for creativity, and by focusing on current trends, you’ll be able to connect with readers in fresh, meaningful ways.
Source -
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
In this episode of OBDM, we dive into a variety of topics, blending humor, news commentary, and conspiracy theories. We start by discussing how conspiracy theories, particularly those involving alien visitation, are becoming more mainstream. We reference a paper by a Scottish philosopher who argues that belief in extraterrestrial visitors is now a societal problem. This leads to a discussion on how governments might be manipulating UFO narratives to distract from larger issues like government secrecy and military technology.
Next, we satirize recent news about banning small shampoo bottles in Illinois hotel rooms, tying it to climate change and government overreach. We explore the absurdity of these policies while reflecting on their broader implications.
Finally, we tackle global politics, focusing on censorship in Brazil and comparing it to social media restrictions in the U.S. We discuss how governments are influencing public narratives and silencing dissenting voices. The episode concludes with commentary on the wider political landscape, touching on issues of censorship and control.
Belief in alien visitation can be dangerous, philosopher argues https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/380548/belief-in-alien-visitation-can-be-dangerous-philosopher-argues
CIA May Have Derailed Research Into ‘Havana Syndrome’ https://gizmodo.com/cia-may-have-derailed-research-into-havana-syndrome-2000494177
Who Will Win America's Next Civil War? https://youtu.be/5JDLrSRROC8?si=p8nyHwiTwgPQZHG-
Eric Weinstein - Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? https://youtu.be/PYRYXhU4kxM?si=Y11zw58EyY7v_ePd
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Would you consider pulling the summary/blurbs of these books for inclusion in the polls? I’d love to discover new books through this blog! And it seems from some of your commentary on submitted books that you’re already doing a small bit of research and pulling covers, so it maybe wouldn’t be (much?) more work on your part?
hello! I appreciate the suggestion, but for multiple reasons I’m going to stick with the format as it is.
first, as I discussed on the fantasy poll blog, including blurbs feels like doing promotion for books (even more so than the polls already are to some extent doing), rather than simply asking a factual question about them, and there are certain books and/or authors I categorically do not want to do that for, like Orson Scott Card (Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow are both currently queued) and other tithing Mormons.
it also becomes complicated when dealing with non-English books, which are often more difficult to find reliable information — like blurbs — for. I’m thinking for example about older books and books in smaller languages, like Augo Lynge’s Ukiut 300-nngornerat, for which I can’t even find a Danish blurb at the moment, let alone a Greenlandic one, just French and English (ironically, given there’s no English translation). meanwhile some submitted books (like Dave Duggan’s Makaronik, which I just queued this morning) aren’t available in English; would I give just the Irish blurb for it? it creates logistical complications I don’t want to deal with, since queuing things is already a somewhat time-intensive process. (it would be a bit easier if I weren’t committed to my spreadsheets, lol, but still not fast.)
(edit: I actually can find a blurb for the Danish translation of Ukiut 300-nngornerat, but compare the Danish —
I år 2021 fejrer den grønlandske hovedstad 300-året for Hans Egedes ankomst, men uvejr og bankrøveri truer med at spolere festlighederne og ødelægge tilværelsen for flere familier.
— with the French:
En lisant ce roman, le deuxième de la littérature groenlandaise, le lecteur découvrira la vision de l’avenir de l’Arctique en 2021 telle qu’imaginée en 1931 par Augo Lynge, auteur né à Qeqertarsuatsiaat. Selon Per Kunuk Lynge, qui en signe l’avant-propos, « à la lecture de ses anticipations, dont certaines se sont réalisées longtemps après la publication de son roman, on ne peut s’empêcher de voir en l’auteur le chaman inuit d’autrefois, qui voyageait librement autour du monde et était capable de prédire l’avenir ». La vision que nous offre Augo Lynge dans cette intrigue policière entre les villages et l’immense inlandsis glacé est celle d’un pays technologiquement avancé et socialement serein, où les personnages inuits sont devenus ce que sont les Groenlandais d’aujourd’hui : une preuve vivante d’un peuple qui a la capacité de « s’adapter à l’un des climats les plus froids et les plus rudes de la planète » tout en conservant sa langue et sa culture.
leaving aside the no-Greenlandic-blurb issue, this kind of blurb-disproportion was something I observed even just in the first few hours of queuing stuff for the fantasy blog.)
finally, the #1 goal of the polls is for the posts to be as straightforward as possible. the more information I add, the more distracting it gets and (at least speaking from my own experience with polls on my dashboard) the easier it becomes to just scroll by the poll.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
While obviously central to, say, Robinson Crusoe (1719), Moby-Dick (1851), or Treasure Island (1883), the sea also drives some powerful narrative turbines in Jane Eyre (1847), Great Expectations (1861), and Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891). Elleke Boehmer’s remark that imperial representations were ‘curiously invisible and yet ubiquitous’ in Victorian literature could also be applied to the sea, the means of building and sustaining that imperial network. [...]
Increasingly, critics have begun to draw out the role of the sea in a number of texts we might think of as non-sea-literature. [...] After all, most canonical Gothic novels include at least one significant sea voyage, shipwreck, or ocean storm. Consider Robert Walton’s ice-bound ship in Frankenstein (1818), Dracula’s voyages to and from England, the wreck that casts the Spaniard on Melmoth’s shore [...].
By the twentieth century the Age of Sail had given way to steam power and iron ships (a transition which spiked in the 1880s and 90s), and the whaling industry was soon in sharp decline. Other changes followed, such as the way improved navigation and nutrition, along with steam and the building of the Panama and Suez canals, reduced both the danger and the frequency of voyages around Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. [...]
This is a ghost ship for the twentieth century, a new danger generated by steam power, large metal ships, their accompanying speed, and increasingly busy shipping lanes. There was no directly equivalent discrepancy of size and power between sailing craft in the previous century, while these days, radar, radio and GPS navigation mitigate against (though certainly do not eliminate) the risks of leisure craft entering shipping lanes and the problems of fog. The Gothic trope of the ghost ship is no more timeless than any other ghost. Historically situated, it becomes legible not by separating but by blending Gothic expression with nautical reality [...].
Modern uses of the sea (including opportunities for warfare, scientific investigation, oil drilling, or industrialised fishing) affect the ocean as an imagined space. Increasing interest in the ocean as a space of exploration and strange sea-creatures, for example, coincided with the rise of popular cinema; films such as Jaws (1975), the numerous Godzilla films, The Abyss (1989) and Pacific Rim (2013) exploit the mystery and terror of animal or alien threats from the unknowable ocean deep. [...]
These examples take some by now familiar nautical Gothic themes (dangerous unknown regions and creatures, concealment, isolation, depths vs. surface, claustrophobia, disorientation) and relocate them in new contexts of leisure, science, technophilia, and global commerce. [...]
The mid-nineteenth century was when the open ocean became a destination as well as a conduit: ‘a workplace, a leisure area, a stage for adventure, and a natural environment’. Nonetheless, the twenty-first century moment makes it particularly urgent to recognise the history of the sea. Philip Steinberg points out that the ‘one sea’ we now know the oceans comprise is a relatively new idea [...].
In 2017, the familiarity of seeing the world’s oceans through aerial and satellite photography conveys a sense of the ocean as holistic, but also reifies it as non-human and timeless, rather than as socially constructed, vulnerable, and rapidly changing. Far from unchangeable, however, the ocean registers damaging effects of climate change, consumerism [...]. [A] ‘burgeoning sense of an environmental crisis of the ocean is emerging hand in hand with the dawning recognition that our everyday lives affect, and are influenced by, the ocean.’
All text above by: Emily Alder. “Through Oceans Darkly: Sea Literature and the Nautical Gothic.” Gothic Studies Volume 19 Issue 2. 2017. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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readingtostaysane · 8 months
Do Not Say We Have Nothing by Madeleine Thien - Review
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rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (3.75)
Do Not Say We Have Nothing is a story about two families who despite being physically separated, are intimately connected to each other. It’s a book about how the political climate of a country can break or make a person, but that, in the end, we come back to the things that have always given us comfort. It’s clear to me that the author appreciates music deeply, the way music is described in these pages is unreal. I had never seen music come alive this way before, music moves the narrative and mirrors our characters struggles not only within themselves but with the society they are inserted in. The novel is set in two different timelines, the 50’s-60’s and the 90’s-2000’s. I’ve found really interesting how China’s political stances are explored in both timelines.
“How easy it was to mistake your brother for a traitor or your beloved for an enemy, to fear that you yourself were born in the wrong moment of history.”
This is a historical novel that sets to explore how Chairman Mao’s government affected the people of China and later on why people started rioting. I wish I had more knowledge about this period in China, maybe the novel would have made more sense to me and perhaps the language would not have seemed so dull at times. The author goes into great detail in how the lives of simple people would have been during that time. The famine, the torture, the “distribution of wealth” is heavily explored in this book. It is an interesting topic however I think the language could’ve been more accessible and maybe less information would’ve led to a more cohesive story with less filler sentences. At times it felt as if I was rereading the book due to how repetitive it got because the two timelines the novel explores are so interconnected and it’s basically history repeating itself. One thing I think it was done well was how the characters were afraid to speak up, that seems the logical thing to do in an authoritarian regime. If the characters were suddenly speaking against the government freely it would’ve been incoherent given the time. However, the book addresses the issues without compromising the characters (the ones that aren’t tortured anyway) while still making a clear social commentary.
“I felt she saw into me, past every facade and flourish, and that the more she knew me, the more she loved me. I was too young, then, to know how lasting this kind of love is, how rarely it comes into one’s life, how difficult it is to accept oneself, let alone another. I carried this security—Ai-ming’s love, the love of an older sister—out of my childhood and into my adult life.”
One of the high points of the book is the relationships between the characters, the deep love they feel for each other, whether familiar, platonic or romantic. We see how these characters evolve in each other’s influence and how some people shape our lives. There are a lot of characters in this book and maybe some people can’t connect with most of them because of their multitude, but I’d argue that is the point. In a communist China you’d have to hide yourself a lot of the times, not speak aloud and follow what the Party said. In a way I feel as if the characters’ inner monologue is exactly that, them convincing themselves and the reader that they are loyal to their country, which translates to being loyal to the Party, even in thoughts.
“Why is it that we can’t choose our own jobs? What right does the government have to keep a private file on me? (…) What illegal thoughts. The ones who should die…But actually, why should anyone’s thoughts be illegal?”
I think this book would benefit from a reread, it feels to me that if I knew what was going to happen I would’ve enjoyed my reading experience a bit more. I love how literature and music are so interconnected in the story and although it has a bit of filler it’s an enjoyable read (especially the second part).
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taqato-alim · 11 months
Analysis of: "Has Greta Thunberg Betrayed the Climate Movement?" (Der Spiegel)
Here is a summary of the key points from the discussion:
The document aims to critically analyze Greta Thunberg's comments on Israel/Palestine and the controversy that ensued.
It attempts to provide multiple perspectives but takes a largely critical stance toward Thunberg's views.
The analysis reflects a bias aligned with centrist political views in Germany/EU that strongly support Israel.
It questions Thunberg's understanding and risks of her advocacy polarizing or fueling anti-Semitism.
Potential logical fallacies include appeals to authority and slippery slopes.
Reasoning could be strengthened by more fully engaging with counterarguments.
There is potential to unduly influence perceptions through subjective framing and emphasis on critique.
Greater representation of Thunberg's own views could have provided more balance.
The analysis engages less with localized perspectives from all sides within the region.
Transparency around potential political and ideological influences is lacking.
While generally factual, conclusions rely more on interpretation over neutral examination.
Overall aim appears to align public discourse with established geopolitical interests in Germany.
Here is a summary of the article in bullet points:
Greta Thunberg wore a Palestinian kaffiyeh scarf and did not contradict a speaker who accused Israel of "genocide" at a climate rally in Amsterdam. This caused controversy.
Thunberg has been vocal in her support for Palestinians on social media but has not expressed similar sympathy for Israeli victims of Hamas attacks.
Critics say this shows where she stands on the Israel-Palestine conflict and aligns her with anti-Semitic views. Others defend her stance as valid criticism of Israel.
As a child, Thunberg suffered from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and was occasionally bullied. She found purpose with the climate movement.
Thunberg's rhetoric and associations with radical groups have caused some to believe she has been ideologically radicalized over time.
Left-wing criticism of Israel dates back to the 1967 war but persists today in linking it to Western imperialism. Thunberg reflects this viewpoint.
Her actions risk dividing the climate movement and wider left politically in Germany and beyond.
The conflict highlights polarization, with some activists seeing climate and Palestine issues as interconnected against oppression.
Disinformation on social media fuels strong opinions, especially among youth, who see Israel as genocide but overlook Holocaust context.
Based on its content, style, and purpose, this document appears to be a news analysis or commentary article.
Key evidence that points to this genre:
The article provides extensive background and context on the recent controversy surrounding Greta Thunberg's comments in Amsterdam. This indicates an explanatory/analytical intent rather than just reporting facts.
It references opinions from various political and academic commentators to present different viewpoints on how to interpret Thunberg's actions and their implications.
The writing adopts an explanatory tone in seeking to understand Thunberg's background and the ideological influences that may have shaped her rhetoric.
Quotes and sources are used to support analytical claims about trends in left-wing politics and views on Israel/Palestine, rather than just stating facts.
The article presents arguments for and against certain interpretations, signaling an attempt at balanced commentary rather than just news reporting.
It evaluates the potential impacts and risks of polarization on the climate movement going forward.
So in summary, the blending of facts with interpretation, sourcing of opinions, and aim to provide context and analysis points to this being a news analysis or commentary article rather than just a straightforward news story.
Here's an evaluation of how the document aligns with or deviates from known consensus views on the topics discussed:
Climate crisis - Aligns with scientific consensus on dire threats posed by global warming.
Importance of Greta Thunberg - Reflects widespread acknowledgment of her role in propelling climate action, though some ambiguity around future influence.
Complexity of Israel-Palestine conflict - Generally conforms to expert consensus that issues have no easy answers and reasonable people can disagree on policies.
Mainstream German perspective - Closely tracks known consensus views within centrist political establishment in strongly supporting Israel.
Validity of some Israel criticism - Comports with views that non-violent criticism of policies is reasonable within debate parameters.
Risk of radicalization/polarization - Connects with concerns raised by scholars on potential for divides due fragmentation of online discourse.
Areas with possible deviation:
Disagreement on how to characterize certain protests/groups
Debate around whether rhetoric aligns with facts on ground in all cases
Disputed claims like "genocide" that lack definitive consensus
So overall alignment is strong on existence of problems and complex geopolitical realities, but interpretive judgments on specific actions or rhetorical effects show the analysis reflects one perspective among legitimate options within the parameters of known expert and policymaker consensus views.
Here is an evaluation of the key arguments made in the document:
Thunberg's comments risk dividing the climate movement - This argument is partially supported by evidence of some activists distancing themselves, but direct causal impact is speculative.
Her views align with anti-Semitic perspectives - Drawing this conclusion depends on subjective definitions of anti-Semitism. Experts are cited but their interpretations leave room for debate.
She has been ideologically radicalized - This characterization is based on limited actions/associations and doesn't prove a broader trend across all her views and activities.
Left's hostility to Israel has historical roots - Well-evidenced argument tracing ideological trends over decades among some left-wing circles.
Online disinformation spreads strong opinions - Reasonable argument, but the research cited can't definitively prove direct impacts in these specific cases.
Issues lack context for outsiders - Fair observation given complexity, but insider activists also bring localized knowledge that outsiders may lack.
Overall, arguments centered on factual evidence and expert opinions are more persuasive, while those relying on interpretation, speculation of impacts, or broad generalizations about individuals are weaker and leave more room for counter-arguments within the analytical framing presented.
Here is an evaluation of how the document relates specifically to Greta Thunberg:
Contextualization: Provides useful biographical details about her background that help contextualize her current public role and activism.
Criticism: Directly criticizes and calls into question some of her recent public statements and associations related to the Israel/Palestine conflict.
Defense: Also acknowledges valid critiques she and others have made of certain Israeli policies while distancing from more radical positions.
Influence: Discusses both her past significant influence on climate action and potential future impact/division created by recent controversies.
Characterization: Through analytical framing, implicitly characterizes her stances as misguided, polarizing or even aligned with anti-Semitism in ways she may disagree with.
Imbalance: Focuses analysis almost exclusively around critiquing rather than defending her actions/perspectives on specific issues.
Overall, while providing context about her background, the article takes a largely critical/questioning stance toward Thunberg's recent advocacy related to the conflict, with interpretations she may reasonably dispute. More balanced discussion acknowledging complex realities could strengthen its examination of her case.
Here is an evaluation of how the document characterizes Greta Thunberg:
Nuanced: Provides details about her personal history with mental health issues and bullying that add nuance beyond public figure.
Inspirational: Acknowledges her early influence in propelling the climate movement and role as a figure of hope.
Evolving: Notes she is no longer a child and has matured into a self-assured young woman still finding her voice.
Ideological: Suggests over time she has associated more with radical groups and embraced a polarizing ideological worldview.
Naive: Quotes experts implying she lacks full understanding of geopolitical complexities in the Middle East.
Divisive: Argues her recent actions risk undermining consensus and dividing the climate movement.
Misaligned: strongest characterization is that herviews on Israel do not align with facts and risks fueling anti-Semitism.
Overall, while acknowledging her early accomplishments, the dominant tenor is one of implicit criticism, portraying her as ideologically misguided and polarizing in her advocacy rather than taking a more neutral or even-handed view of her perspective and role. Her own viewpoint is not directly represented.
Here is an evaluation of the document's critical/questioning stance toward Greta Thunberg:
Justified scrutiny: As a prominent public figure, her comments and positions merit critical examination, especially on sensitive issues.
Imbalanced analysis: Largely focuses on critiquing rather than equally acknowledging counterarguments to her stances or defending her views to some degree.
Subjective frameworks: Implicitly judges her actions through a pro-Israel, anti-radicalism lens not universally shared, without addressing limitations of these perspectives.
Lack of representation: Does not directly quote or represent Thunberg's own perspective to provide context for analytical claims about her views and motivations.
Tone of implications: Stronger characterizations implicitly labeling her misguided, polarized risk unduly influencing perceptions beyond just scrutiny of specific comments.
Complexity of issues: Subtleties and nuances in geopolitical debates are not fully acknowledged in ways that could reasonably explain her advocacy to some extent.
In conclusion, while public figures merit examination, elevating critique over balance risks skewing the discussion and characterization in a one-sided manner despite claims of even-handed analysis, given the inherently more subjective nature of interpreting viewpoints and contextual factors.
Here is an evaluation of where this document falls on various continuums:
Science vs Fiction: Closer to non-fiction/science. It reports and analyzes real events and draws on research/evidence about topics like radicalization.
Empirical vs Anecdotal: Mix of both. Includes empirical data from research studies but also relies on anecdotal examples from interviews to illustrate points.
Fact vs Opinion: Balance of both. Clearly distinguishes factual reporting from analytical commentary/opinion. Supporting facts are usually separated from interpretation.
Objective vs Subjective: More subjective in its analysis and perspective but makes efforts to be balanced by including multiple viewpoints.
Some specific assessments:
Reports undisputed facts about Thunberg's background, controversies, etc. (empirical, factual)
Draws on academic research studies of topics like anti-Semitism trends (empirical)
Presents different positions on interpreting events (balance of facts and opinions)
Analytical claims and implications represent author's reasoned judgment (more subjective)
Sourcing of quotes aims for objectivity but selection inherently subjective
Overall, while taking a clear analytical position, the document grounds its arguments primarily in factual reporting, empirical sources when available, and a good representation of different perspectives to remain as balanced and credible as possible given the inherently more subjective nature of commentary and interpretation.
Here is an evaluation of the subjective frameworks/lenses through which the document analyzes the topic:
Pro-establishment political perspective in Germany/EU: Sympathetic to centrist consensus views that strongly support Israel's security and right to exist.
Wary of radicalization narratives: Critical of left-wing stances deemed too extreme and risks of online disinformation spreading unchecked.
Pro-Israel: Analyzes events through a lens implicitly supportive of Israeli government stances and security perspective on threats like Hamas attacks.
German/European geopolitical interests: Contextualizes issues largely in relation to policy debates and ideological trends within European circles.
Critique of polarization: Emphasizes need for nuance and consensus over division, but own analytical framing risks further entrenching views.
Limited Mideast geopolitical understanding: Does not engage equally with localized Palestinian humanitarian perspectives on resolution.
While facts are reported, analyzing highly subjective issues through these particular frameworks shapes interpretive conclusions in ways favoring one set of perspectives over others. More balanced consideration of alternate contextual lenses could have strengthened analysis. Readers must critically assess how subjective perspectives influence presentation and conclusions.
Here are some key points in evaluating the document's limited understanding of Middle East geopolitics:
Lacks nuanced discussion of Palestinian narratives/grievances regarding issues like displaced populations, ongoing occupation, economic disparities under Israeli control.
Does not directly engage with humanitarian reports and research documenting impact of Israeli policies on Palestinian daily living conditions.
Fails to adequately acknowledge complexity of security threats faced by both Israeli and Palestinian civilians over decades of conflict.
Overly simplifies by characterizing discussions only around support/criticism of Israel rather than resolutions addressing both community interests.
Views issues primarily through European policy debates rather than grasps localized historical/cultural undercurrents fueling ongoing tensions.
Not well-positioned as a German outlet to fairly adjudicate legitimacy of claims from direct parties within region experiencing unrest for generations.
Could be seen as lacking standing to dismiss individual criticisms or advocacy as misguided without stronger local geopolitical understanding.
In conclusion, a more balanced and well-rounded analysis would require direct engagement with perspectives from all stakeholders in the region rather than solely through the lens of European diplomatic preferences.
Here is an evaluation of how the document relates to German/European geopolitical interests:
Alignment: Clearly aims to justify and reinforce the centrist pro-Israel consensus views dominant in German/EU politics.
Contextualization: Frames issues primarily in terms of these political debates and ideological currents within Europe.
Legitimization: Implicitly casts support for Israel as grounded, pragmatic position aligned with strategic priorities like regional stability.
Othering: Risks othering voices like Thunberg's seen as threatening German/EU stances as radical or misinformed.
Influence: Could be intended to shore up domestic support for political stances and counter dissenting narratives gaining traction.
Overlooks: Does not equally consider viewpoints outside European diplomatic preferences and their strategic calculation.
Circular: Uses status of German views as international authority to later cite as evidence without independent consideration.
So while informational, the analytical lens and framing clearly aim to align public discourse with established geopolitical stances in Germany/EU on these issues being analyzed, at the potential expense of balanced representation or impact on local stakeholders.
Here's an evaluation of potential conflicts of interest regarding the document:
Publishes in German: Indicates alignment with perspectives dominant in German discourse and political establishment.
No financial disclosures: No transparency on funding sources that could tied to political agendas.
Author viewpoints: Personal views expressed suggest sympathies for perspectives critiqued and may influence analysis.
Outlet mandate: As a publication, aim seems to influence views under an analytical guise rather than neutral information.
Political implications: Reinforcing Israel support status quo could indirectly benefit parties/factions domestically.
Transparency issues: Lacks direct representation of critiqued figures or substantive response to counter arguments.
Incentives skewed: Emphasis on critique despite claims of balance shapes debate to favor existing structures.
Geopolitical interests: Alignment with German policy could value strategic goals over impartial weighing of issues.
While common, these potential ideological and structural conflicts are not openly addressed, undermining full transparency. Disclosures may have prompted consideration of alternate viewpoints to strengthen analysis.
Here is my evaluation of the quality of reasoning presented in the document:
Logical Coherence: The overall structure and flow of the arguments is coherent and logically progresses from topic to topic.
Use of Evidence: Relevant data, expert opinions, and factual details are cited to support most claims, though interpretive arguments rely more on subjective analysis.
Consideration of Counterarguments: While alternative views are acknowledged, they are not always fully engaged with or granted equal consideration in the analysis.
Avoids Fallacious Reasoning: For the most part logical fallacies are avoided, though framing effects and selective representation of evidence are present.
Addresses Complexity: Some but not complete recognition of the multifaceted, nuanced nature of issues discussed. More complexity could have strengthened analysis.
Qualifications of Certainty: Acknowledges limitations and uncertainty around definitive conclusions at some points due to ambiguities.
Overall, while generally employing sound logic and evidential support, the reasoning is weakened by an interpretive bias that frames debates through a selectively presented lens without impartial consideration of counter-perspectives. Greater neutrality would have enhanced the quality and credibility of the analysis.
Here is an ethical analysis of the document:
Fairness: Attempts to acknowledge criticisms of Israel while also representing pro-Israel views. Quotes activists on multiple sides of issues.
Truthfulness: Appears to accurately report verifiable facts and does not make obviously false or misleading claims. Uses credible sources to support analysis.
Objectivity: Remains reasonably balanced by outlining different perspectives despite taking a clear interpretive stance. Does not blatantly propagate misinformation.
Potential harm: Tone and framing of topics like radicalization could negatively characterize social movements/individuals if read uncritically.
Privacy: No obvious ethical issues regarding private information as individuals are not named without consent.
Conflicts of interest: Ideological leanings of publication/author are apparent but no concrete financial conflicts disclosed.
Overall, while interpretation undoubtedly reflects underlying biases, the factual reporting, representation of various views, and lack of demonstrable falsehoods suggest an analysis conducted with reasonable ethical standards for accuracy, fairness and avoidance of direct harm or privacy violations. However, readers would need independent critical thinking to avoid potential negative influences of framing effects.
In summary, the document meets basic ethical expectations for journalistic transparency and represents controversy on controversial issues in a manner that does not cross clear lines into factually misleading or demonstrably harmful territory based on my analysis.
Based on my analysis, the overarching intention of this document appears to be:
Analytical exploration: To analyze and shed light on the controversy sparked by Thunberg's recent actions and comments on Israel/Palestine.
Perspective-setting: To contextualize events and portray them through the analytical lens of risk of polarization/radicalization on the issues discussed.
Critique: To directly question and critique aspects of Thunberg's stances, associations, and what they potentially signify from the author's viewpoint.
Implications-drawing: To interpret trends and argue implications like divisions these events may foreshadow for climate/left movements.
Viewpoint representation: While outlining multiple perspectives, still primarily aims to represent the stances of more centrist establishments in Germany/EU on these debates.
Persuasive influence: At the same, indirectly aims to shape how readers themselves perceive Thunberg and issues by emphasizing critiques and framing effects over balanced representation.
So in summary, while informational and topical, the underlying intention seems aimed more at providing context for critique/influence readers versus just neutral analysis or airing of all sides, reflecting the implicit advocacy inherent to this genre despite claims of objectivity.
Here is an evaluation of the potential effects this document could have on readers:
Informational: Provides useful background context on the topics that could build readers' understanding.
Perspective-broadening: Outlines multiple viewpoints even if commentary is from a particular lens. May challenge preconceptions.
Polarizing: Strong rhetoric around "radicalization" risks further dividing some readers along ideological lines.
Opinion-shaping: Analytic framing and emphasis could steer readers towards endorsing the perspective presented.
Unsettling: Highlights disconcerting trends like disinformation that may concern or disturb readers.
Motivating debate: Controversial stances discussed may prompt readers to further research issues and form their own judgments.
Cautionary: Warns of potential consequences of certain stances to encourage more nuanced, moderate stances on complex debates.
Overall, while informational and provocative and aiming for balanced debate, the analytic bent carries an implicit advocacy that risks polarizing or unduly influencing more credulous readers versus motivating independent reasoning. Critical processing helps mitigate potential negative reactionary effects.
Here are a few logical fallacies I identified in the document:
Appeal to authority - Citing the opinions of politicians and other prominent figures to support claims without independent substantive arguments backing them. However, authorities are also used appropriately at other points to provide credible context.
Hasty generalization - Suggesting that Thunberg and some climate activists more broadly have been "ideologically radicalized" based on limited actions and associations, without solid evidence of a broader trend across whole movements.
Red herring - Introducing unrelated topics at some points like historical left-wing anti-Semitism that distract from core issues rather than strengthening logic of arguments.
Slippery slope - Implying that acknowledging Palestinian criticisms will inevitably lead to wider acceptance of anti-Semitism or rejection of Israel's right to exist, without demonstrating this is factually likely or unavoidable.
Oversimplification - At times reducing complex ideological and geopolitical issues to binary characterizations that don't reflect all nuances (e.g. treating supporters/critics of Israel as mutually exclusive).
However, fallacies are not overly prevalent and the article grounds many perspectives factually. Overall evaluation is that logical reasoning could be strengthened in limited places but does not significantly undermine the credibility of analysis, which relies more on plausible interpretation than flawed argumentation. More empirical data could help certain claims.
Based on my analysis, the perspective presented in this document can be described as:
German/European centric: Focuses primarily on reaction and debate within Germany and wider political discussion in Europe. References German policy positions.
Mainstream/establishment: Closely reflects perspectives of major German political parties and leaders who strongly support Israel's security and existence.
Pro-Israel: While acknowledging criticism of policies, presents Israel's stated positions at face value and does not question its right to exist or defend itself against attacks.
Cautious of left-wing radicalism: Implies radical left views are simplifying complex issues and fueling polarization/division in problematic ways.
Concerned about disinformation: Highlights risks of spread of strong, emotionally charged opinions online not grounded in understanding nuance.
Analytical rather than activist: Aims to interpret events and trends objectively rather than take hardline stances, though analytical lens still shapes how facts are presented.
In summary, while seeking to represent multiple views, the overall tone and contextualization of information suggests a perspective aligned with more centrist, politically mainstream positions in Germany that are supportive of Israel and wary of radicalization/misinformation trends. The aim appears to be balanced analysis over advocacy.
The main criteria for evaluating this type of analytical commentary/report genre include:
Factual Accuracy: The document appears factually accurate in its reporting of events, statistics, and sourced information from credible experts. No outright factual errors were observed.
Fair Representation: While attempting to include multiple viewpoints, the analysis is stronger on critique than balanced representation. Alternate perspectives could have been given equal consideration.
Logical Coherence: The overall argumentation flows logically and individual claims are generally supported coherently through evidence and reasoning.
Unbiased/Impartial Tone: The tone and framing reveals an implicit bias aligned with centrist political stances in Germany. The analysis would have benefited from acknowledging its subjective lenses more explicitly.
Avoids Misleading: While interpretation is subjective, the analysis does not appear deliberately misleading in its factual reporting or characterization of discussions.
Addresses Counterarguments: Counterarguments and reasonable critiques are outlined, but the response does not fully engage alternative interpretive frameworks.
Original Insights: While topical, the analysis offers limited original perspective beyond reinforcement of established political viewpoints on the issues.
Clear and Accessible: The writing clearly communicates its perspective and factual information to a generally educated readership.
In summary, while meeting many generic standards, the analysis reveals subjective biases that constrained a fully balanced, impartial examination open to alternative informed perspectives. Full disclosure of frameworks and equal representation of views would have strengthened the work per the evaluation criteria for this type of document.
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thinkingaboutmusics · 2 years
A Display of White Privilege and Ignorance in Pop Music
In the midst of a search for something to write about this week, I decided to Google, “culturally insensitive music”. I expected nothing more than articles about older songs that simply aged poorly in today's world of progressivity. I found a number of articles of this nature; “11 Popular Songs You Didn’t Realize Are Actually Racist” or “16 songs that haven’t aged well”. I wasn’t surprised to find these lists contained songs with titles that pretty much wrote the articles in and of themselves (i.e. “Brown Sugar”, by the Rolling Stones or “Island Girl” by Elton John). While these songs deserve the criticism they’re getting in today’s social climate, I was looking for something a little fresher…
The second strain of articles were directed more toward modern pop music. After reading, there is a clear trend of white pop artists whose lyrical commentary pertains to every culture except for their own… Frankly, discussion of the artist's own whiteness might be a difficult topic to discuss because there isn’t much to discuss- or rather- there’s so much to discuss, especially in the context of their vital errors in content creation. 
Meghan Trainor is known for her hit song “All About That Bass”, and it’s been promoted as a song promoting body positivity. When you take a closer look at the lyrics, it becomes pretty shaky. The music video encompasses the full spectrum of content-creation error. Jenny Trout wrote a fantastic analysis of Meghan Trainor’s song, highlighting every contradiction between what the song was meant to be and what it is. The article that Trout wrote truly covers every detail that is needed to understand what's wrong with “All About That Bass,” so if you want a more full dissection, I invite you to visit her website. In summary, Trainor perpetuates a female desire to fit the male gaze, her song attempts to shift the body standard from barbie-slim to “all the right junk in all the right places” (thus, eliminating a feeling of all-encompassing body positivity), and perpetuates stereotypes surrounding “thickness” and “booty” placed on black women’s bodies. One of the standout issues, however, is that Trainor is the center of it all when she is “not fat or ‘plus-size’ by any means” (Trout, 2014). The sexualization and objectification around having “booty” isn’t one applied to white women of Trainor’s size, but to black women. ALSO, the sexualization of bodies in general (but specifically the bodies of black women) throughout the song and music video is cringe-worthy to say the least.
Avril Lavigne’s “Hello Kitty” music video is another example of blatant cultural appropriation. Might I add, first that this song is as annoying as any of the appropriation going on in it. She made the trip to Japan to shoot the video and is surrounded by asian backup dancers, though she’s the only white girl shown throughout the video. Her response to the backlash around the video is equally as naive as the video itself. According to Vulture.com, Lavigne tweeted, “RACIST??? LOLOLOL!!! I love Japanese culture and I spend half of my time in Japan” in response to the outrage. This is on-par with the overused defense of racist actions or statements, “Wait- no- but I have black friends!”. I don’t doubt that Lavigne thought she really was paying homage to Japan and its culture- but that means it had to have been ignorance and naivety that drove the creation of the song and its accompanying video… that makes it worse if you ask me. 
“Birthday” by Katy Perry is another song (and music video) that sparked uproar as she plays a number of characters who show up to different birthday parties. She creates a spoof “Bar Mitzvah'' scene in which she plays a B-Mitzvah entertainer, dressed in a suit, wig, and facial prosthetics. It’s implied that she's attempting to fulfill the Jewish Man stereotype; thick, black mustache and eyebrows, larger nose, curly black hair, etc. It’s crass to say the least. When I discovered Perry’s devout Christianity, it didn’t require much thinking to determine the problem with the song, video, and source. The songs lyrics, which contain numerous sexual inuendos and references, are increasingly problematic when paired with the mockery of Jewish culture in the video. The song lyrics are essentially a booty call wrapped in cultural mockery found in the video. Yet again, it seems like ignorance was seated in the driver's seat on this one…
Reviewing these videos, I asked myself, “what gave these white, pop icons the license to comment and use cultures, estranged to their own, in their music?”. The trend around the source of the music is “white artists,” which doesn’t surprise me; the root of cultural insensitivity seems to be privilege. Why would one think twice about their song lyrics when they don't know what it feels like for someone to use and profit off of their own culture? Meghan Trainor gained a lot of popularity from “All About That Bass” using black stereotypes and forcing an image onto herself as plus-size. Avril Lavigne’s “Hello Kitty” is simply childish, and crass, using Japanese culture and people as props. Katy Perry, a devout Christian, you’d think would catch her own mistake of religious mockery before dropping “Birthday”. Beyond the horrid musicality of each of the songs lies an age-old, dark theme of cultural appropriation and white-ignorance. While white ignorance can be used to excuse the individual artists that are the face of these songs, it avoids accountability on the part of music production companies. It’s important to consider the larger scene of the music industry and capitalism in the context of these flawed musics. The pop music scene is run, not so much by the artists, but by teams of writers and boardroom-busies whose job is to help write and review these works. It’s not as if it was written, recorded, and released in one solid effort. The review process takes up a huge amount of the overall “creation process” and it’s inexcusable that every part of the song was reviewed and deemed acceptable for public consumption. If we can’t trust the industry to monetize the contents of different musics, it falls in our hands to monetize our own consumption of content (not just music). Let’s just be a little more careful before we let pop-anthems with such harmful themes like these plague our playlists.
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dan6085 · 4 days
Here's a list of 25 major mainstream media (MSM) outlets, categorized by their owners, political leanings (liberal or conservative), and some details about their operations. While media bias can be subjective, these outlets are generally regarded as leaning one way or the other based on their content and editorial stance.
### 1. **CNN**
- **Owner**: Warner Bros. Discovery
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: A major global news network, CNN has a reputation for its 24-hour news coverage and investigative journalism. Its programming often aligns with liberal or left-leaning perspectives, particularly in political coverage.
### 2. **Fox News**
- **Owner**: Fox Corporation (Rupert Murdoch)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative
- **Details**: Known for its right-leaning coverage, Fox News is the leading news network among conservatives in the U.S., featuring prominent figures such as Tucker Carlson (formerly) and Sean Hannity.
### 3. **The New York Times**
- **Owner**: The Ochs-Sulzberger family (via The New York Times Company)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: The "Gray Lady" is one of the most influential newspapers in the world. It is known for its investigative journalism and progressive editorial stance, particularly on social and political issues.
### 4. **The Washington Post**
- **Owner**: Jeff Bezos (via Nash Holdings LLC)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: The Washington Post has a liberal reputation, focusing on in-depth political analysis and investigative journalism. Under Bezos' ownership, it has become more digitally oriented.
### 5. **BBC**
- **Owner**: Publicly funded (UK government via a license fee)
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral to Liberal
- **Details**: As a publicly funded broadcaster, the BBC strives for neutrality, though it is sometimes seen as liberal-leaning, especially on social issues. It is one of the most globally trusted news outlets.
### 6. **MSNBC**
- **Owner**: NBCUniversal (Comcast)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: MSNBC is known for its progressive or left-leaning commentary, featuring hosts like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell.
### 7. **CBS News**
- **Owner**: Paramount Global
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: CBS News has traditionally been seen as neutral, but in recent years, it has been viewed as leaning more toward the liberal side in its coverage of U.S. politics.
### 8. **ABC News**
- **Owner**: The Walt Disney Company
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: ABC News is part of a major media conglomerate (Disney) and is known for its liberal-leaning reporting, particularly on social issues.
### 9. **The Guardian**
- **Owner**: The Scott Trust (non-profit)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: Based in the UK, The Guardian has a strong global readership and is known for its progressive viewpoints, especially on climate change and social justice issues.
### 10. **Reuters**
- **Owner**: Thomson Reuters
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral
- **Details**: Reuters is widely regarded as one of the most neutral global news agencies, providing news to various outlets around the world.
### 11. **Associated Press (AP)**
- **Owner**: Cooperative of newspapers and broadcasters
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral
- **Details**: AP is a major news wire service known for its neutral and fact-based reporting, serving as a source for many media outlets globally.
### 12. **The Wall Street Journal**
- **Owner**: News Corp (Rupert Murdoch)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative (editorial), Neutral (news reporting)
- **Details**: While the editorial section leans conservative, the news side of The Wall Street Journal is often viewed as neutral, with a strong focus on financial news.
### 13. **The Financial Times**
- **Owner**: Nikkei, Inc. (Japanese media company)
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral to Liberal
- **Details**: A UK-based newspaper focusing on global economic news, The Financial Times tends to lean liberal on social issues, but is neutral in business reporting.
### 14. **The Economist**
- **Owner**: The Economist Group (majority owned by the Agnelli family)
- **Political Leaning**: Centrist
- **Details**: Known for its detailed and in-depth analysis, The Economist leans liberal on social issues but is fiscally conservative, especially on economic policies.
### 15. **Bloomberg News**
- **Owner**: Bloomberg L.P. (Michael Bloomberg)
- **Political Leaning**: Centrist
- **Details**: Bloomberg focuses primarily on financial and economic news, with a neutral to centrist political stance. Michael Bloomberg, the owner, is a known centrist.
### 16. **Al Jazeera**
- **Owner**: Qatar government (via Al Jazeera Media Network)
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral to Liberal (global), Pro-Islamic (regional)
- **Details**: Al Jazeera is a major news network based in Qatar. It is considered liberal on global issues, though it faces accusations of bias in Middle Eastern coverage due to Qatari state influence.
### 17. **NBC News**
- **Owner**: NBCUniversal (Comcast)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: NBC News is one of the largest news networks in the U.S. and leans liberal in its political coverage.
### 18. **New York Post**
- **Owner**: News Corp (Rupert Murdoch)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative
- **Details**: Known for its tabloid style, the New York Post is a conservative-leaning outlet, often critical of liberal politicians and causes.
### 19. **USA Today**
- **Owner**: Gannett Company
- **Political Leaning**: Neutral
- **Details**: USA Today strives for a neutral stance, though some have accused it of having a slight liberal bias in recent years.
### 20. **Politico**
- **Owner**: Axel Springer SE (German media company)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: Politico is known for its in-depth political reporting and leans left in its coverage of U.S. politics, though it aims to cover stories from multiple perspectives.
### 21. **The Daily Mail**
- **Owner**: Daily Mail and General Trust (Rothermere family)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative
- **Details**: Based in the UK, The Daily Mail is known for its right-leaning, populist stance, particularly on immigration and Brexit.
### 22. **The Times (UK)**
- **Owner**: News Corp (Rupert Murdoch)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative
- **Details**: One of the UK’s oldest newspapers, The Times is known for its conservative editorial stance.
### 23. **The Independent**
- **Owner**: Alexander Lebedev and Evgeny Lebedev (Russian oligarchs)
- **Political Leaning**: Liberal
- **Details**: Based in the UK, The Independent is a progressive newspaper that often covers human rights, environmental issues, and social justice topics.
### 24. **The Telegraph**
- **Owner**: Barclay Brothers (David and Frederick Barclay)
- **Political Leaning**: Conservative
- **Details**: Another major UK newspaper, The Telegraph is known for its conservative-leaning editorials and focus on traditional values.
### 25. **Axios**
- **Owner**: Cox Enterprises (majority stake)
- **Political Leaning**: Centrist to Liberal
- **Details**: Known for its concise and data-driven reporting, Axios has a reputation for being relatively centrist, though it occasionally leans liberal on social issues.
### Summary of Ownership and Leaning:
- **Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire**: Fox News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal (Editorial), The Times (UK), The Telegraph – All lean conservative.
- **Publicly Funded Outlets**: BBC, AP – These outlets strive for neutrality, though the BBC is sometimes seen as liberal on social issues.
- **Tech/Business Moguls**: Jeff Bezos (Washington Post), Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg News) – Generally liberal or centrist in their news operations.
- **Family Ownership**: Ochs-Sulzberger family (New York Times), Barclay Brothers (The Telegraph), and others – Tend to reflect a range of political leanings depending on the outlet.
This list provides an overview of the ownership structure and general editorial leanings of these major MSM outlets.
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scottguy · 1 month
Screw CNN. Below is video of an ostensibly "neutral" pundit on CNN say, "The only thing Kamala has to run on is abortion. She's going to get hammered on everything else."
That's a LIE, just an outright, intentionally-ignoring-reality lie, or, she's so incompetent that she doesn't deserve the label as a pundit. (Obviously, it's the first. You don't get a job with CNN by being dumb.) Her JOB us to soothe any Trump supporting viewers with pure bullsh*t.
The administration Harris is part of has staged one of the biggest comebacks in economic history around the world. Jobs are up, inflation is down.
Kamala runs on greedflation and getting people into their first home with government assistance.
Harris/Walz are running on good character versus the criminal, traitorous, rapist character of Trump.
Harris/Walz are running against project 2025 and how Republicans are actively planning the end of democracy.
Project 2025 accompanies every other issue imaginable: fair elections, freedom, pollution, worker safety, Medicare, Social Security education, freedom from religion, climate change, and a dozen more sub topics.
The "only thing" is abortion?
This is why our country is on the brink of fascism right now. It's due to corporate media outlets like CNN downplaying the profound threat of Donald Trump.
CNN and other mainstream media are even worse than Fox because they *pretend* to actually be honest and balanced when they are clearly no such thing.
Here's the antitrump on abortion ad and then commentary by CNN. You can watch or skip through the ad.
The LIE mentioned above starts at about 3:00 minutes into the video.
That pundit also implies that this ad is extreme and couldn't possibly happen "feels like fan fiction" when things like this HAVE happened and it's still early. This is what happens if Trump is elected.
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shabdforwriting · 23 days
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5 Major Tips to Write a Sci-fi book
These are excellent tips for writing a sci-fi book! Let me expand on each one for more depth:
1. Build a Solid World (Expand Beyond the Basics):
Consider History & Culture: Think about how the world’s past shapes its present. What are the cultural norms, religions, and political structures? How has technology or alien encounters shaped these aspects?
Diversity of Settings: Sci-fi worlds often span galaxies or include different planets or societies. Make each location feel distinct, with its own geography, climate, and people.
Technology & Innovation: Explore how technology affects everyday life, social structure, and relationships. Consider innovations like AI, space travel, or futuristic healthcare systems, and think through their ethical and moral impacts.
2. Incorporate Thought-Provoking Themes (Layer Deeper Meanings):
Ethics of Science: Explore the consequences of unchecked scientific discovery, like AI surpassing human intelligence, genetic engineering, or life extension. Ask moral questions about the balance between progress and humanity.
Social Commentary: Sci-fi can be an allegory for modern issues like climate change, inequality, or government surveillance. Use futuristic scenarios to hold a mirror up to contemporary problems, forcing readers to reflect on current realities.
3. Craft Well-Defined Rules (Science & Speculation):
Establish Physical & Societal Laws: Whether you’re dealing with space travel, alternate dimensions, or alien species, your world needs rules. Are faster-than-light travel and telekinesis possible? If so, how do they work? Set the boundaries early and stay consistent.
Explain Science, Don’t Lecture: It’s important to have plausible science, but avoid overwhelming readers with technical jargon. Integrate the science seamlessly into the story, showing how it functions through character interactions and world events.
4. Focus on Character Development (Relatable Characters in Extraordinary Worlds):
Complexity Over Archetypes: It’s easy to fall into classic sci-fi character tropes like the rogue space captain or the genius scientist. Give your characters depth—let them have flaws, personal goals, and emotional arcs. They should evolve as they interact with your world.
Relationships Matter: Even in a futuristic setting, human emotions and relationships remain universal. Whether it’s love, friendship, or rivalry, make sure these dynamics drive your story forward. Your characters’ interpersonal struggles should be as compelling as the cosmic conflicts.
5. Balance Exposition with Action (Show, Don’t Tell):
Reveal Through Action: Instead of dumping all the backstory and rules of your world in one go, let them unfold through your characters’ experiences. For example, show how a piece of tech works by having your character use it in a tense situation rather than explaining it outright.
Pacing: Keep a steady rhythm between slower, introspective moments and fast-paced action scenes. Readers need breathing room to absorb the world-building but also crave excitement to keep them turning the pages.
Additionally, research can help ground your speculative ideas in reality. Reading about current advancements in space travel, artificial intelligence, or genetic research can inspire more plausible and grounded futuristic technologies.
Lastly, sci-fi allows you to push boundaries. Embrace creativity, but always anchor it in compelling storytelling and relatable characters. For further reading, platforms like Amazon Kindle or Shabd.in have a great selection of sci-fi books to explore!
Source -
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forthegoodofamerica · 1 month
The Impact of Media on National Conversations
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In today’s world, the media plays a huge role in shaping the conversations that happen on both a national and global scale. Whether it’s television, social media, or online news platforms, the information we consume shapes our opinions, attitudes, and ultimately, our actions. But how exactly does the media influence what we talk about as a society? How does it mold our views on important issues and steer the direction of our national conversations?
The influence of media has grown exponentially with the rise of digital technology. Back in the day, people relied on newspapers and television as their primary sources of information. Now, the internet and social media have taken things to the next level. Stories, opinions, and content are shared at lightning speed, making it easier than ever for people to engage in discussions about current events, politics, and social issues.
The Media’s Role in Setting the Agenda
One of the key ways that media impacts national conversations is through “agenda-setting.” This concept refers to the media’s ability to focus public attention on particular issues, essentially telling people what they should be thinking and talking about. While the media can’t control what people think, it certainly can influence what they think about.
For instance, when news outlets prominently cover a specific issue—such as climate change, immigration, or election security—it signals to the audience that this is an important topic. As a result, these issues are more likely to be discussed in social circles, workplaces, and online communities. It’s like a chain reaction: the media covers a topic extensively, the public talks about it, and it eventually becomes a part of the national narrative.
George Magazine has long recognized this powerful force and has dedicated itself to providing thought-provoking content that engages readers in meaningful conversations. Founded by John F. Kennedy Jr., George combines political discussion with cultural commentary, offering a unique angle on the issues that shape our collective consciousness.
Media and Framing of Issues
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Another important aspect of the media’s influence is the concept of “framing.” This refers to the way in which information is presented, which can drastically affect how people perceive it. The same story can be framed in different ways, which can evoke different reactions from the audience.
For instance, the media can frame a policy debate by focusing on its economic impact, social consequences, or ethical implications, depending on what angle they choose. This framing shapes the public’s understanding of the issue and can lead to different conclusions.
George Magazine’s Issue 22 Collector’s Edition provides insightful commentary on this very phenomenon, offering readers a deeper understanding of how media framing influences public opinion. If you’re interested in exploring how media affects the way we discuss crucial issues, this issue is a must-read.
The problem arises when the framing is biased or one-sided, which can polarize public opinion and create divisions within society. In an era where news consumption happens in bite-size formats and echo chambers are increasingly common, understanding how framing works is vital.
The Role of Social Media in Changing The Conversation
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way we consume news and interact with content. Unlike traditional media, where information was delivered in a one-way system from broadcaster to audience, social media allows everyone to be both content creator and consumer. Your social feed isn’t just where you scroll for updates from friends—it’s also a battleground for ideas, opinions, and national conversations.
Social media has the power to amplify certain voices, while simultaneously silencing others. This has led to the rise of what’s often referred to as “cancel culture”—a situation where individuals or issues are shunned or boycotted en masse due to social media backlash.
While this new dynamic can lead to greater accountability, it also makes it challenging to maintain balanced conversations. Algorithms that prioritize sensational content over nuanced discussion can quickly distort the national conversation, making headlines out of isolated incidents while burying more complex but crucial stories.
At George Magazine, we believe that having informed, balanced discussions is crucial, especially in our current age of information overload. That’s why we’re offering a free copy of our Issue 22 Collector’s Edition to help readers better understand the impact media has on national dialogues.
Get Your Free Copy of George Magazine
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When it comes to understanding how media impacts national conversations, having access to insightful, well-researched content is more important than ever. We are offering a rare chance for you to get a free digital copy of George Magazine’s Issue 22 Collector’s Edition. You can sign up here to receive it instantly.
This special edition dives into topics like media influence, public opinion, and the framing of national issues. With articles and interviews that are both engaging and thought-provoking, this issue serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the interplay between media and public discourse.
Moving Forward: The Need for Critical Media Consumption
As consumers of media, it’s crucial that we engage with the content we come across critically. Questioning the sources, understanding the framing, and recognizing the agenda behind the headlines are all important steps in forming a well-rounded view of any issue. Whether you get your news from TV, social media, or online platforms, being aware of the media’s influence helps ensure that you stay informed and not just influenced.
By signing up here, you’ll be taking the first step toward equipping yourself with the knowledge to navigate today’s media landscape more effectively. The Issue 22 Collector’s Edition of George Magazine is offered to you for free with no hidden costs—just an opportunity for you to engage with content that matters.
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eva-nova24 · 2 months
Uncover The Desert Planet Politics and Philosophy in Dune
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Complexity of Dune :
At the age of fourteen, I read the the novel Dune. Frank Herbert's world-building, adding of cultural and historical references, as well deeper themes were as confusing to me. However, it was also the key element to why the story was fascinating to me and other readers .
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The impact in the Sci-fi world
The influential sci-fi novel had enormous impact on the sci-fi genre. From plot elements still used in morden sci-fi novels and movies. Examples of books and movies inspired by Dune: Star Wars, Star Trek, The Space Odyssey and many more.
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Frank Herbert and plot of Dune
Born on October 8, 1920, in Tacoma, Washington. Frank Herbert was an American writer, best known for his 1965 novel Dune. Herbert got inspiration to write Dune when he visited Oregon Coast and checked how ecologist tame the dunes of Oregon Coast. The story relvoves around a boy named Paul Atreides and his journey as Messiac leader for the Fremen tribe in planet Arrakis.
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Melange : The Space Drug
Melange also known as 'spice' is a rare resource only found in the planet Arrakis (also known as Desert Planet or Dune) .This spice grants humans special abilities and wealth given throughout the cosmos.
The spice is used as plot device to explain themes and sub themes in the novel such as colonialism and imperialism, proganda and misinformation, and environmentalism within the storyline and conveys the writer's messages.
The themes explain in Dune
Exploitation of resources : Highlights Emperor and Great houses control and exploitive use native resource. In environmental side, displays the consequences of over-reliance in resources which can threaten the ecosystem.
Ecology awareness : Conveys the sustainable approach on the environment, through the Fremen conservation of water and resources.
Power and Greediness : Harkonnen avenges the Atreides for ruling of Arrakis. Showing the Harkonnens' hunger for power and wealth.
Commentary in Dune and relation to others :
The themes of Dune can be applied into today society and politics. Corruption is still prevalent in the morden world, which has cause greater damage to my country's economic growth. Leading to poverty, economic and social inequality within my country. While reading Dune with more cautious mind , the story can serve commentary to me and others who had deal with consequences of corrupt leaders and governments.
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Ecology and ecosystem in Dune :
Frank Herbert has always put awareness on environmental issues in Dune. For example, the Great houses exploiting the native resources in Arrakis such as melange. It shows as a warning that oversuage of a resource will lead to long-term consequences on the ecosystem in a area.Formally why we need to called out people, who affect the environment and the ecosystem.
How Dune influence my views on life:
The novel has taught me to think critically on issues such as imperialism and colonialism and it effects on the countries that were colonized. Dune questions you about how world works and people who were affected with those circumstances.
Revelance of Dune in morden society :
The novel comments on deeper issues in the storyline are still present with current world. Firstly, social injustice with Fremen can still be align to minority groups still fight about mistreatment that happens to them in morden Secondly,environmental wellness in the novel align to the concern of the environmental issues in the world such as pollution, climate change or global warming.
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The reflection of Dune and Human nature Dune explains how humans are complex and how we are not stereotypically good or bad. We can have good traits and bad traits of our self and people can be better or worse. Human are cable of such great things for others or destruction towards others.
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Reflection of Dune and Proganda
The proganda can be revealed through manipulation of information, and how it serves interest such as Emperor Shaddam IV and Bene Gesserit. It controls a narrative by public opinion and perception from Shaddam IV portraying the Atreides as traitors. When Bene Gesserit manipulates the Fremen tribe with a prophecy about messiac leader will lead them to freedom and peace. In reality the prophecy had half truths and lies which led demise of the Fremen tribe. This theme reveals that misinformation and disinformation can blur line between truths or lies from rumors, myths and legends.
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The end of the journey
Dune explores deeper themes of human nature, politics, and the environment is reminder of dangers unruly powers. As we need to recognize this warnings and strike for better.
Written by Cosmo Reader
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
The Best Activities for a "Baby It’s Warm Outside" Kind of Day
"Baby, It's Warm Outside" is a playful and contemporary reimagining of the classic holiday tune. While the original song conjures images of a snowy winter evening, this revamped version embraces a warmer climate or a more relaxed atmosphere.
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The lyrics might explore themes of summer romance, beachside flirtation, or simply enjoying the pleasant weather. The song could capture the carefree spirit of summertime love, with a focus on outdoor activities, refreshing drinks, and the joy of shared moments.
A modern rendition of "Baby, It's Warm Outside" could also address contemporary issues related to consent and relationships. It might challenge the traditional power dynamics present in the original song, promoting mutual respect and equality.
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Whether it's a lighthearted ode to summer love or a socially conscious commentary, "Baby, It's Warm Outside" offers a fresh perspective on a beloved classic. It invites listeners to reimagine the traditional holiday song for a new generation and a changing world.
Christmas Eve is a night filled with anticipation, and a small gift can add to the magic of the season. For children, a Christmas Eve box filled with treats, pajamas, and a new book can be a delightful surprise. Consider including reindeer food, a hot chocolate kit, or a festive movie to watch together.
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Adults can also enjoy a special Christmas Eve gift. A cozy pair of slippers, a luxurious bathrobe, or a scented candle can create a relaxing atmosphere. For book lovers, a new novel or a Kindle with a pre-loaded book is a perfect choice. If you're looking for something more indulgent, a bottle of wine or a box of gourmet chocolates is always appreciated. Remember, it's the thought that counts, and a small gesture can go a long way in creating lasting memories.
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trandingpost1 · 5 months
Who is Dhruv Rathee ? Social Media Activist and Political Commentator
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Dhruv Rathee has carved a niche for himself as a prominent YouTuber and political commentator in India. Through his engaging videos, he dissects socio-political issues, making them accessible to a wide audience.
Early Life and Background
Born in 1994, Dhruv Rathee hails from Haryana, India. He obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. While details about his early career path are limited, it's understood that he began creating YouTube content in 2013, initially focusing on travel vlogs. However, his channel soon evolved into a platform for social and political commentary.
Content and Commentary
Dhruv Rathee's primary channel boasts over 25 million subscribers (as of March 2024). His content delves into a variety of social and political issues plaguing India, including: - In-depth analyses of government policies and current events: Rathee breaks down complex policies and news stories, explaining them in a way that is easy for a general audience to understand. He frequently uses data visualizations and animation to make his videos even more engaging. - Discussions on social inequalities and environmental concerns: Rathee doesn't shy away from tough topics. He regularly discusses issues like caste discrimination, religious polarization, and environmental degradation, bringing them to the forefront of public discourse. - Explanations of complex topics in a clear and concise manner: Rathee's engineering background serves him well here. He is able to research topics meticulously and present well-supported arguments in a clear and concise way. Rathee's commentary is known for its critical perspective, often holding the government accountable for its actions. This approach has earned him the admiration of many viewers seeking a deeper understanding of contemporary Indian issues.
Influence and Engagement
Dhruv Rathee's influence on social and political discourse in India is undeniable. His videos garner millions of views, sparking discussions and debates online and offline. He has been credited with raising awareness about critical issues, particularly among young Indians who form a significant portion of his audience. Rathee's content empowers them to engage in political and social conversations, fostering a more active citizenry.
A Controversial Figure
Dhruv Rathee's critical stances have also generated controversy. His detractors often label him as biased, and his content has been criticized for lacking nuance at times. It's important to consider these criticisms within the context of the Indian political climate, where strong opinions and critical perspectives are often part of the public discourse. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of social media can limit the space for detailed explanations, potentially contributing to oversimplification of complex issues.
A Sign of the Times
Despite the controversies, Dhruv Rathee's rise as a social media commentator has coincided with the growing influence of digital platforms in India. His ability to break down complex issues and his willingness to challenge the status quo have resonated with a young and engaged audience. He has emerged as a powerful voice that demands attention, making him a significant figure in the contemporary Indian social media landscape. Whether one agrees with his views or not, Dhruv Rathee's presence has undeniably altered the landscape of political and social commentary in India.
Dhruv Rathee's impact extends beyond the number of views his videos garner. He has demonstrably influenced the way socio-political issues are discussed and debated in India. Here's a closer look at his enduring significance: - Empowering a New Generation: Rathee's content caters to a generation comfortable consuming information online. His easy-to-understand explanations empower young Indians to participate actively in civic discourse. - A Platform for Critical Discourse: By openly critiquing government policies and social inequalities, Rathee provides a platform for open discussion and critical thinking. This is crucial for a healthy democracy. - A Catalyst for Change: Rathee's investigations and analyses have brought important social issues to light. This can serve as a catalyst for positive change and policy reforms.
The Future of Dhruv Rathee
Dhruv Rathee's journey as a social media commentator is constantly evolving. As India grapples with numerous social and political challenges, Rathee's voice is likely to remain a prominent one. Whether he leverages his platform to pursue a more conventional path in politics or continues to be a social media watchdog, his influence on Indian society shows no signs of waning. Read the full article
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