#more from rewatching genshin plot :)
h4msanta · 3 months
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
hiii!!!! im back girliee :) sorry i fell of the face of the earth for a little bit. no pressure to answer this fast its not super important lol
the last few chapters have been so delectable!!! love getting kyle action but also ghoap/gazsoap/ghostgaz was YUM!!!! 🤤🤤 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get back to the camera/Simon's bond conflicts too tho lol 😅
haven't been able to play much COD recently due to being busy :( (+ I've been playing The Last Of Us and I may be a bit obsessed with Joel Miller.....I really need to stop playing multiple video games at once lol) (also actively playing Genshin Impact)
idk where this idea came from but I have a headcannon that the TV in the rec room is just lowkey the worst. Old, slow, and the base is out in the middle of nowhere so it limits a lot of their TV options.
Don't have streaming because it requires a payment/subscription and something about not being able to hook it up to an account/being on a military base/not safe to have clues to their money or personal lives (I know nothing about the military forgive me). They do have cable but because their base is in the middle of buttfuck nowhere they get only the strangest, most low-production channels out there.
I saw a youtube video a while ago about a British reality TV show where a female contestant is shown a bunch of dicks, nothing else, and she has to decide who she'd want to go out with based on that alone 😂😂 it was completely uncensored, so dicks would just be fully hanging out there. that's the type of shit that they get on the cable in the rec room LMFAO
feel like the only option for personalized TV/movies is the old DVD player hooked up to the TV (that was there when they moved into the place 😭) so the boys constantly have a collection of DVDs they're always rewatching, or they buy new ones/ship them in when there's something new they want to watch
I'm the type of person who will watch bad movies or reality TV shows just so I can giggle at them, so I FULLY believe that the pack would find some shitty knock-off reality TV show and lock in to watch the new episode every week together
if the boys and/or 'mega ever want to watch something popular/that would usually be on streaming they just have to get it off some backstreet website or something like that (they have burner laptops specifically for this purpose)
hope you're having a good day/night/afternoon and that you have a good week as well :) stay safe, slept, and hydrated!!!<3
— 🌘 !
Aww no need to apologize!! Things happen, people get busy. I'll always be here, hanging out (well, not quite as often right now but i'll see stuff eventually!!)
Aww thank you, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed them!!! They have been rather delicious, but don't worry, we will be getting back into the fluff and ANGST very quickly. I've been dragging the plot out more than I wanted to so now I'm rectifying that lmao.
I own The Last Of Us (it came with my PS4 when I bought it four years ago) but I still haven't played it because I suck at playing games lol. I either play all the way through at once or I play for an hour and then turn it off and don't touch it for months lol. Same even with the Sims. I go through cycles of playing for hours everyday and then not touching it for weeks and weeks.
No but like that idea would be so true lmaoo. Just an old fuzzy TV that has no streaming capabilities. They have a very vast collection of DVDs (organized by Simon of course) which is how they keep themselves sane lmao. They get like ten channels and flip between sports and daytime TV and game shows 😂 it's a routine now, sitting and watching some random game show at night.
Hey, they break a lot of laws already, what's the shame in playing pirates? 😉
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bettsfic · 2 years
2023 WIP cleanout
a couple years ago i did a major WIP cleanout and it was very satisfying, and i've been bummed out lately so i'm doing it again to cheer myself up.
i have about 200k worth of unposted/unfinished fic, and i'd like to make a decent dent in that. when i listed out my WIPs i was surprised to find that most of them i'd written past the 50% mark and for whatever reason, the fic went an unanticipated direction. instead of fixing it, i moved on. the problem is that usually the unanticipated direction is something cool and that i want to pursue, but would make the fic longer and more complicated than i want it to be, and more work than i want to put into it. once i get enough distance from a fic, it's a lot easier to see how to get it back on track.
there are many things i set down and never think about again, but if it sticks in my head for longer than a couple months, then i know i need to come back to it eventually.
so this is my accountability thread! and i'm going to lay out the steps i took to triage these fics and get them posted, in case it helps anyone struggling with the same problem.
here are the things on my WIP cleanout list:
(Organic Chemistry isn't on this list because i'm actively working on it, albeit slowly)
Wind of the New World
Annie/Finnick, The Hunger Games (ASE epilogue)
started August 2020
this one is what inspired the cleanout, and as of yesterday it is DONE and POSTED. for the longest time it sat at about 7k when i knew it would be 10k, and i couldn't make myself write the last 3k because somehow it turned into a threesome fic with Gale and it took me a loooong time to let go of that idea. also, it required a lot of canon knowledge, which faded the longer i kept it on the backburner.
to finish it, i:
killed a few darlings (Finnick's crush on Gale)
down drafted the scenes i hadn't yet written
reread ASE while taking notes
rewatched Mockingjay 2 while taking notes
transcribed several scenes of Mockingjay 2
made a punch list of things i wanted to fix/rearrange/expand on
up drafted, dental drafted, and posted
completing it took about 15 hours across 3 days.
Lumine/Razor, Genshin Impact
started April 2021
this is an alternate beginning to genshin where the traveler finds Razor instead of Paimon. it stalled out at 5k because i wanted it to be rated M and i also wanted the characters to get all the way to Liyue, but both of those things were far more work than i wanted to put into it. so now it'll be rated G and end when they reach Mondstadt. i don't anticipate it will be more than 7k.
Before the Suns Rise
Anakin/Padme/Obi-Wan, Star Wars
started June 2022
this one is nearly 45k and about 95% done. i set it down because 1) i got to the threesome part and writing threesomes is hard, 2) i hadn't watched the Clone Wars or Rebels yet and so i was self-conscious about my knowledge of canon, and 3) i got distracted by Lemon.
another thing that a lot of these WIPs have in common is that they're very closely tied to canon and therefore have Plot and even though i can do Plot, i find it exhausting and a little tedious.
this is a post-Vader, alt-OWK timeline fic. in the 20+ star wars fics i've written, only 5 of them are in any way related to canon, and they're all one-shots. so this one is going to be hard.
i anticipate it'll only take 5k to finish, for a total of 50k and 14 chapters.
Seungho/Nakyum, Painter of the Night
started October 2021
this is my Patreon AU that's over 10k already. in it, Seungho is married to Jihwa (and cheating on him with Nakyum) and i wanted to write the whole thing through to their divorce (and Seungho Getting A Real Job), but that is just. a lot. so i'm going to write only to Seungho finally giving in to his feelings for Nakyum, with the knowledge that after season 4 is finished, i may want to continue it as a series and write the latter half as i'd intended.
i'll probably only add 1-2k, for a total of 12k.
In Water Falling
Ahsoka/Rex, Star Wars
started November 2022
this was the first rexsoka fic i started working on when i finished Clone Wars. i got about 10k in, scrapped it, wrote another 15k, scrapped it, and then started focusing on Organic Chemistry. also, i just got very frustrated with it. to fix this one, i think i need to lower my expectations of it, rearrange some plot points, and write the final 2-3 scenes.
maybe 3-4k more? hopefully it'll cap out under 20k.
There & Here
Chishiya/OFC, Alice in Borderland
started February 2023
in my defense, i set this one down, like. a week ago. there's nothing i'm stalled out on; i just have to finish it.
currently 25k, hopefully only 5k more, capping out under 30k. it's 4 chapters.
things i intend to finish later:
Good Bones - this is my Emergency Fic that i'm saving for when i'm too blocked to write anything else
Bomb Time - this is a BOSAS fix-it. i definitely want to finish it, but i'm going to wait until the film comes out in November, so i don't have to reread the book to remember what's going on
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bellalegosee · 7 months
A brief introduction to the lore of Honkai Star Rail (literally just a post of me talking about the Aeons, I am so desperate to have someone to talk to about this.)
"brief" 💀
Anyway, I recently created a EU server account for Honkai Star Rail and had to rewatch the opening cutscene, and I forgot how much happens immediately, how much gets thrown at you, and how much is just left unexplained to new players. The lore gets thrown hard and fast at you, and unfortunately a lot of it isn't explained through dialogue so a lot of people just will remain confused or won't care. And as HSR is actively developing plot line and will be for at least a few years, the time to start getting into the lore is now. (If you are reading this far in the future and want to know the lore without a huge confusing lore dump, I hope this is the beginning of your journey.) Starting with a base foundation of knowledge of what we know now, vs how big the story can get in the future...one is definitely easier.
As you open the game you meet a very important person immediately, Kafka. And just meeting her and understanding why she is on this ship, where an explosion just happened, and loud blaring alarms going off is already a huge amount to explain to any person. And while I could explain the lore as it gets explained to you through the game, I'd prefer, as a world builder, to start with more baseline knowledge.
The universe of HSR has a series of gods, like Genshin, called Aeons. These Aeons are these forms of immortal beings who are a physical representation of different world views, morals, or ideas. (There wasn't always Aeons in the universe but we will get to that and the lore we receive from the Simulated Universe wayyyy later.) For example, we have Qlipoth The Preservation.
The Preservation stands for the protection of all cultures and people. Another example is Qlipoth's almost perfect counter point, Nanook The Destruction.
As his name states, he stands purely for the Destruction of the entire universe. These two are not the only Aeons I will talk about and are certainly not the only ones to exist.
"Why are Aeons important?" Fucking great question, so while the Aeons almost never actually interfere in mortal affairs, they're very existence creates something called a Path. A path, like the Path of Preservation or the Path of Destruction, is a like a moral compass for non-Aeons or the mortal beings who follow them. Once a mortal treads on a path for long enough of strong enough, they receive almost weird powers that relate to the paths they are on. This is kinda the foundation of the power/magic system. While there are religions around some of the Aeons, it is important to note that following the Path of an Aeon is not the same as worshiping them, it's more just agreeing with or subscribing to the morals of that path. (Really fucking confusing sometimes.) So for example the people of Belabog do Worship the Aeon of Preservation, (the only Aeon who's teachings did persevere through a 700 year isolation from the rest of the galaxy) but as individual people not everyone follows the path of preservation.
There is a point in following a path in which you are looked upon by the Aeon of the path and become a Eminator of that path. An Eminator is basically like a extremely favored follower, they have weird fucking powers, and they embody or literally enimate the morals of the path to an extreme. The Eminators of Nanook are feared across the galaxy for this very reason. Nanook uses his Eminators, such as Phantylia the Undying, as generals for his army of destruction.
So these Aeon's also have a bunch of people worshiping them or following their path at any point in time, right? These people tend to fall into factions and almost every faction in the game falls under the different Aeons. But not everyone who follows a certain Aeon will all be apart of the same faction. While I will make a post here in a while explaining a lot of the factions, their interactions with each other and what not, I do wanna very lightly touch on some of the factions here. And I'll use, again, Qilpoth and Nanook as the examples here.
The Amber Lord, Qlipoth, has multiple factions underneath him, the one you will hear the name of first in the game is the IPC, the IPC stands for the Interastral Peace Corporation, an ancient company whose many tendrils go in many directions, they sell weird shit, they create advanced defense technologies, they also...are trying to recreate a very advanced bomb in which to explode worlds... Yk normal corporate stuff. The IPC had good roots, just protecting people under their cars in a militaristic fashion but they definitely got too big and too greedy eventually and it spiraled into what this is now, a mega conglomerate who control everything and are continually trying to grab as much power as they can. The other faction underneath Qlipoth is the Architects from Jarlio VI, over 700 years ago they were the people, the leaders of Belabog, who built the great city in order to be humanity's last stand against the great freeze. They were...not all great, as Cocolia... Anyway.
Nanook has a few factions underneath him as well and these ones are more interesting and fight each other often too. Nanook's favored are among the army of The Antimatter Legion, his Eminators are the generals, and his fucked up creations are at the forefront of every fight, The Antimatter Legion is one of the first villains presented to you in the game. And then there's the Annihilation Gang. The Annihilation Gang is more disorganized, they worship Nanook and follow his path but Nanook does not look upon them, they are not Nanook's favored. If these two factions were like Nanook's kids, Nanook paid for the Antimatter Legion's college tuition, his wedding, went to his graduation and every piano recital, and the Annihilation Gang got left at his soccer practice 7 years ago and no one has noticed yet. There is in fighting inside of the Annihilation Gang too, which is funny. Once I get around to the Stellaron Hunters, we will go over their crimes and dive a little more into the Jepella Rebellion. And in the factions post, I will go over the Jepella Brotherhood and the infighting with Duke Inferno and how Nanook and the Antimatter Legion probably looks at them with distain.
Anyway, all of that to talk about the Aeons without even talking about each one of them...which is insane. So here's a list of every Aeon so far, their paths, and factions underneath them so far.
-Akivili The Trailblaze
Akivili is the source of the path of the Trailblaze, the main followers of Akivili are the Nameless, all members of the Astral Express crew, current and previous are all The Nameless. Akivili's disappearance and assumed death are a mystery in the game thus far. Akivili's teaching revolved around traveling from world to world, experiencing different cultures, enjoying the differences in the universe and getting into mischief. Modern day crew members go around and help out different worlds while experiencing and documenting all manner of information from different worlds.
- Aha! The Elation.
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The Elation is known for spreading chaos and insanity through the universe, he takes joy in sharp turns of fate and watching others suffer. Aha! Is closer to humanity then most Aeon's and likes to fuck with people...a lot. Also other Aeons. Think of Aha! as the troll of the universe. They at once point blew the Astral Express in half for shits and giggles. The Elation has two branches of factions which are... different for sure. The Masked Fools are the most prominent ones, they are chaos bringer's across the galaxy, Sampo Koski is one member you meet early on, to the Masked Fools life is but a script they can write and living is a stage made to appease the other members of the Fools and Aha! themselves. And then the Mourning Actors, this faction...hates the Elation, they push away everything in relation for Aha! and their teachings however, The Elation looks upon them and they are considered to be apart of the Elation Factions. Aha! is the biggest troll.
-Ena The Order
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Ena was a previous Aeon who lived during the Swarm Disaster. They were ancient being who only wanted to put an end to the endless wars in the universe, she helped to defeat Tayzzyronth The Propagation. After the end of that chapter she was eventually assimilated into Xipe The Harmony due to overlap in ideas and Paths. The followers were called The Beyond the Sky Choir, they created a bunch of records to be played on phonographs and most of the records have been lost to time.
-Fuli The Remembrance
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Fuli the Remembrance embodies memories in their purest form, they think that memories of proof of existence. They preside over all memories and all those things forgotten and prepares them for the rebirth of the universe. The Garden of Recollection worships Fuli. They gave up their worldly forms and traverse the stars in the form of memetic entities in search of memories to prepare, Black Swan is one member of this faction. Then there's the Cremators, they are not the antithesis of the Garden of Recollection keepers, but more...they see the Keepers are hoarders. The Cremators rank memories by importance and then steal the memories that they deem, arbitrarily, are unimportant and destroy them.
-HooH The Equilibrium
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HooH their followers seek to bring full balance to the universe... whatever that means. Karmically, physically, spiritually, ect. The Arbitrators teach HooH's teachings, and have people try to give up their extremes, like beauty and ugliness, poverty and wealth, ect.
-IX The Nihility
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IX believes that existence is meaningless and therefore no action has any meaning in itself. Their existence is a mystery and they never interact with any of the other Aeons. Anyone who looks upon this Aeon feel numbed and dejected. The Doctor's of Chaos are a group of people who have treaded on the path of Nihility and are dedicated to trying to convince IX that there is meaning in the universe. The Self-Annihilators are, on the opposite end of the Doctor's of Chaos, have totally given into the meaningless of the universe. Device IX is a unknown group of people who just...live in the void of the universe, supposedly in an attempt to get closer to IX. Little is said lore wise about these 3 factions. (IX is my favorite Aeon, such a little guy.)
-Idrilla the Beauty
Embodies all that is beautiful and seeks out the inner beauty in all things in the universe. She disappeared well before the game's timeline began and The Knights of Beauty, like Argenti, traverse the universe to find them and on the way protect all things beautiful. The Mirror Holders believe, unlike The Knights, that Idrilla is dead and they seek artifacts of beauty around the universe in order to revive her.
-Lan The Hunt
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The Rainbow Arbiter seeks to destroy all undead beings created by The Abundance and seeks to eventually destroy the Abundance. The people of the Xianzhou Alliance fleet of ships follow Lan and help with his search. Unlike The Destruction, Lan The Hunt seeks a singular target and a singular goal. The Galaxy Rangers are followers of Lan the Hunt but don't seek out to only destroy the Abundance, they seek to use Lan's policy of using violence against violence to uphold justice. (As we know for now, Acheron is the only Galaxy Ranger in game rn, she may not be a Galaxy Ranger but we will have to wait to find out.)
-Long The Permanence
Long is deceased from when the story starts off, but Lan's descendants live on, Long was the creator of all dragons and the Vidahardrya, as seen on the Xianzhou Loafu, have their own version of immortality, in which they rebirth every 700 years.
-Mythus The Enigmata
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The Enigmata looked upon the Erudition and decided to create even more questions and mysteries in the universe. They challenge Nous at all times regardless of consequence. The Riddlers under them dedicate their time to deconstructing languages, creating metaphors, and generally being really fucking hard to understand. The History Fictionologistics want to enshroud the past and let history remain in the past.
-Nanook The Destruction
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I have talked at length about Nanook already here, but yeah, Seeks to end the universe, Fuli is preparing the memories for whenever Nanook destroys the entire universe, probably the main villain of the game if I had to put a face to that title, also creates all of the Stellarons that are creating chaos throughout the universe.
-Nous The Erudition
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Nous was originally an Astral Computer made by the creator of the genius society Zandar in order to seek out the answers to the universe. Nous then ascended to Aeonhood. Now the members of the Genius society worship Nous in hopes he answers all the questions in the universe.
-Oroboros The Vorecity
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Before the Aeons were the Leviathans, and Oroboros is the only one to be both an Aeon and a Leviathan. They are the unsatisfied devourer of worlds. They have disappeared as well, but are generally assumed to be alive.
(I ran out of photo room on the post...)
-Qlipoth The Preservation
The Amber Lord is one of the oldest known Aeons and is known for their indifference. Commonly sharing their power with the Zealots of the Interastral Peace Corporation.
-Tayzzyronth the Propagation
In their life, they sought to propagate the universe with their Swarm, a huge storm of destruction loving bugs which reproduced a lot (I hate these bugs, glad you're dead Tayzzyronth.)
-Terminus The Finality
Terminus, I believe, may be a bigger part of the story later, but for now, we know almost nothing about this Aeon. They travel backwards through time whispering of a prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled. The Omen Vanguards believe that Terminus represents the end of the universe and seek to derive prophecies from their words. The Creed Exequy, while almost not mentioned at all, are most likely a group of people trying to communicate with Terminus, probably to understand his prophecies.
-Xipe The Harmony
Xipe seeks to encourage all individuals in the universe to fuse together into one melody, by becoming one and joining into the choir they believe peoples will preserve. The Family, which consists of all governing bodies within Penacony and the Dreamscape, follows Xipe, calling out to other worlds to join them in the Family.
-Yaoshi The Abundance
In their search to cure the universe of all sickness and poison, they believe that death is a poison and they have the cure. Creating their undead beings and trying to rid the universe death, they are eternally chased by Lan the Hunt for their precived crimes against the universal balance. There are four factions on the Xianzhou Loafu alone that worship the abundance, The dispels of Sanctus medicus seek to embrace the gift Yaoshi gave them and turn into the monsters of Abundance faster, along with bringing other people down with them. All of the followers of the Abundance are like that in some way or another, protecting the creations of the Abundance, embracing the Abundance, none of them can be just normal and wants to help cure sickness huh...
Anyway if you read this far, you deserve a break. And so do my fingers. The next lore dumb will likely be about the different Factions and how they interact with the Astral Express. All of this to explain the first cutscene in the game, and I haven't even brought up the Stellaron Hunters yet, as they don't, as far as we know, follow an Aeon. It's crazy. Lots of love! Byeeeee~
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magicaii · 3 months
Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask, who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....Thanks if you want to answer....
Thanks for the ask! I have some ships that I’ve liked for years, as well as ones I’m currently really interested in, so I can talk about both I guess?
So in terms of ones that have secured a place in my heart, I would instantly think of meronia (mello and near from death note). It took me a rewatch of death note to warm up to them, and it's honestly hard to describe why I like it so much (look through my meronia tag I guess, I've been trying for years lol) but I'm a big fan of both slow burn and rivals to lovers and couldn't get the headcanon of Near having a one-sided love for Mello that persists years after his death out of my head. I like the way they work so well together on an intellectual level and the way they would both challenge and protect each other, and the grief and emptiness Near likely felt in the wake of his death not only resonates with me a lot but is also an interesting thing to dissect. They hardly had a real relationship with each other, and yet, Near must feel his vacancy all the same. I think I mourn the dynamic they could've had with each other had Mello come to accept Near as he is, and wonder what would've happened if they made up (the potential is unimaginable). I also think it's a fun challenge to imagine how Mello might ever reciprocate his feelings, since it's not very believable to me most of the time.
I've really liked oldrivalshipping (green and blue from pokemon special manga) for years but it's a ship I find hard to justify. They don't have a lot of interactions and a lot of fans consider them like a joke pairing? My appreciation of them is mainly based on the potential dynamic between them, taking into account them as individuals. Amongst their peers, Green and Blue are the more jaded, hyperindividualistic, "mature" characters, but while Green (guy) is upfront about it, Blue (girl) hides it very well. I think it's interesting to imagine what could happen if they got closer and how Green would handle Blue's capricious temperament, since I imagine Blue would have a hard time faking it in front of Green (he has a zero bullshit tolerance). In canon, Green has also shown signs that he genuinely cares about and values Blue as a comrade and person, so I don't think it's a stretch to imagine them at least becoming better friends and eventually coming to a deeper understanding with each other. I just think they'd have good chemistry.
I used to be like, really obsessed with dabihawks (dabi and hawks from bnha). As in, my real life friends were hearing about this shit. I don't think I'm quite as enamoured with them compared to before, and they haven't interacted in what, four years? So it's died down a lot, but I can still understand why I was so insane over them. They have really intersting parallels in terms of story, themes, character arcs, and aesthetics. The biggest sell on dabihawks for me is the ideological struggle between the two characters. It's not even so much about the romance, but: what would you do if someone important to you had the polar opposite view on morality to you? What if they fundamentally disagreed with how to handle the biggest issues in your life? They are so completely different in every way, it's definitely no wonder they're enemies, but what if they were not made enemies by the plot, what if they weren't the designated hero and villain? Would they still grow to hate each other because of their inability to see eye to eye? In essence, their conflict goes much deeper than a villain vs hero story, and that's very interesting to me. As for newer pairings:
This is so embarrassing, but, haikaveh (alhaitham and kaveh from genshin impact). This is a super popular pairing so I'm sure I don't need to explain why I like it, but again, it's the combination of slow burn and rivals to lovers. More specifically, I'm obsessed with the idea of someone caring about another person so much that they pay attention to and work around their flaws just to silently help them out as much as possible. Unlike a lot of the fandom, however, I don't headcanon them as currently dating. They have a ton of issues to work out and if they started dating in current canon it would not go well for them. Kaveh is unable to even entertain the idea that Alhaitham genuinely cares for and looks out for him, since he has firmly decided that Alhaitham is a heartless, self-centered egoist. For all his intelligence he has absolutely no clue that Alhaitham likes him beyond an 'intellectual equal' or 'house maid'. Alhaitham, on the other hand, has considerable communication issues and his inability to be kind is part of why Kaveh so stubbornly holds onto this view of him. I think their philosophical struggle is also a worthwhile point of contention since they are both obviously flawed (Kaveh is destroying himself, and Alhaitham is sabotaging the most important relationship in his life).
Gladnis (gladio and ignis from final fantasy 15) really took me by surprise. They seem to have a very deep and mature understanding between each other, and both take their lifelong duty very seriously, albeit in different ways. They've always been on the same side, but don't always seem to agree on the best course of action to take (think about the way they both treat Noctis). This is probably the best time to mention that I really enjoy relationships that hapharzardly border between platonic and romantic in nature. When you're a lot more than friends with someone, but you don't know exactly how to describe your feelings for them. Maybe you don't have time for love, maybe there's something more important at stake. Maybe you just can't bear the idea of having something so painful to lose. Whatever it is, those feelings remain undissected. That's pretty much how I see gladnis. I think the potential for something more is there if you squint, but it's a subtle romance. They already mean a lot to each other and are comfortable with their friendship, and I think their journey has brought them so much grief that they would ultimately seek reprieve elsewhere, just for some sense of normalcy. It's very tragic to me. I'm perfectly fine with a platonic reading of them too!
Lastly, I DO want to mention bkdk (bakugo and midoriya from bnha)... I was the biggest skeptic of them in seasons 1-3. But especially with all the ways Bakugo has developed in the last manga arc and the way he has come to truly understand Midoriya's importance in his life is very satisfying and feels well earned. I personally view bkdk as being most likely one-sided on Bakugo's part (that could potentially develop into mutual feelings when they're a bit older), and while theyre truly learning how to get along, I think they both have personal issues to work on, so if anything, it would be best for these feelings to be explored more when they're adults? I'm also a fan of the platonic interpretation of bkdk though, and I'm not really ride or die with them.
I'm sorry this ended up being so long!! I'm a yapper at heart, so I kept it to six ships hahaha. There are other pairings I like a lot such as sasunaru (naruto), kakaobi (naruto), nejilee (naruto), braime (asoiaf/game of thrones), kirimina (bnha), spinneraki (bnha). I enjoy answering these asks so ppl don't be afraid if you're curious <3
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fatuismooches · 1 year
your thing for webttore vs gamettore is something i literally annoy my friends with all the time SO
I personally love the personality webttore has, he hahahehehoho'd into my heart, but i also ADORE the elusiveness of gamettore, what people dont seem to realize is that while its hard to notice, boattore (i think boattore was the one talking to tighnari anyway) has a personality different than the gamettore we see with nahida, the sass he displays when talking to tighnari is so silly to me, while attractiveness i Cannot decide, webttore is more sauishable to me, he seems like he'd have soft cheeks behind his mask, while gamettore seems??? sharper??? maybe it's his stupid fucking bird mask (affectionate) but even if webttore has his shark teeth (I NEED THEM ON GAMETTORE NOW) webttore seems softer than gamettore to me??? idk if it makes sense but id bite webttore on the cheek with no fear for my life but would probably have to work my way up to gamettores cheek by biting his arm first
gamettore really made me start paying attention to dottore in general since i (admittedly) havent read the manga and only downloaded cuts of every panel webttore was in because what else am i supposed to do??? actually read the webcomic??? you think i can read??? anyway seeing dottore in the winters night lazzo made me go "omg hes real" and soon he finally wormed his way into my mad scientist adoring heart, although a gripe i have with gamettore is that we don't really see him unlike webttore methinks, which makes sense and the times we did see him had be giggling kicking my feet and rolling at 297482847273 mph but there's like... 3 cutscenes??? and i think we see him like 10 times ar most.. i think im mainly just waiting for dott to become playable to find out more about his lore because.. i cannot put my adoration for dottore into words he's genuinely one of if not my favorite genshin character, im the mad scientist now i need to pick apart his brain and see his motives more clearly - 🎈
AHHH THIS THIS THIS. The personality of Webttore has my heart, but I love the cool confident calm demeanor of Gamettore. And yes, Boattore definitely has a different personality than Omega. I’m not sure how to describe it but you can kind of just know? Not to mention, during the Archon quest the Fatui npcs mention how different this Dottore is from before, so it’s really shown how different even the in-game Dottores are. Boattore speaks in a different tone as well lol i love him
AHHHH YES WEBTTORE IS SO SQUISHY. Not to mention i absolutely love his haircut it looks so fluffy and messy, i also want to cup that tiny space of his cheek where the mask doesn't cover and give him a lil kith 😔 I'd also pull on his lil bow tie. But Webttore is the kinda guy I'd make fun of (affectionately ofc) while I would think twice about that for Gamettore 😭 Though Webttore would have more heated reactions while Gamettore is just like 😶
HELP i first read the manga for the plot, every other time i go to read it solely for Webttore 😭 And yea i am slowly going insane with the lack of Dottore cutscenes, I'm losing sight in the right eye rewatching all his cutscenes🥰 Though i can't expect more, he did his job and left after it was done lol... The only thing i hope is he appears in Fontaine 🥺
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ajaxsbeloved · 2 years
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-: directors cut :-
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feat. childe, albedo, and kaeya
genre. modern! au, fluff, short fics
summary. what role gets the genshin men to fall for actor! reader (female reader)
warnings. kinda rushed i apologize
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childe’s little brother LOVES watching tv, but unlike most children he loves to watch romance dramas. for what reason? who knows! but regardless whenever childe comes home from the holidays teucer forces him onto the couch to watch his dramas, mostly recently he’s been obsessed with a drama youre starring in.
childe grabs the popcorn and blankets for him and his brother, when he walks into the family room he finds teucer already glued to the screen. a scene of a young woman taking care of a baby is shown, he sits down and teucer tells him all about the show.
the show is about a 21 year old girl (played by you) who finds herself taking care of a child left on her doorstep, through the struggles of everyday tasks you learn to grow and care for the child. it’s a comedy but it’s sweet and carefree!
eventually after a few episodes childe is just as obsessed teucer is and finds himself completely immersed in your role. in his spare time he researches all about the cast and you leading him to find out how close in age you are. after watching multiple interviews and videos about you on youtube he’s head over heels, follows your fan sites and projects and all the other things.
after a good while the avid fanboy finds tickets to an event that you’re going to meet and greet fans with, he takes teucer and happily meets you though is a bit jealous when teucer jumps into your arms. (jealous or more in love? same difference)
and of course being the charmer he is he manages to slip in some flirty comments causing you to blush and enjoy his company, before leaving he slips you his phone number and it’s not a surprise that in bed that night he kicked his feet when receiving a text message from you.
albedo was never one for shows or dramas but he every once and a while sucrose recommended him one that she thought would suit his taste. however he decided to watch this one under the pretense of “research”
the drama is about two best friends who enter a chemistry internship, one with smarts and the other (played by you) being super dumb. despite how bad you are at chemistry you give it your best and through making friends and learning about college life you somehow don’t blow up the lab!
though your stupidity annoyed him albedo found himself relating to your state of confusion as well as curiosity, he was intrigued enough that he rewatched the drama many times and analyzed your character as a study of human emotion.
while he was quite an enjoyer of your character and the show as a whole he never went out of his way to see you or research you on your own, however one day he stumbled upon you in public.
finding courage he managed to introduce himself and compliment your performance, he did quite a bit of conversing and found your presence easy to relax with! he was surprised that despite how different in person you were you were just as charming as the character you portrayed.
and of course albedo being albedo caused you to be charmed, you ended up asking if he was busy anytime soon and if he wanted to sit down for coffee with you one day! he agreed (while secretly smiling inside) and the rest was history <3
this guy is a sucker for dramas, he loves the action and intensity of them. he spends most of his time in his office cubicle pretending to work while actually watching shows, recently though he found a very interesting one with a good plot twist!
the story was of a beloved hero (you) who can’t seem to know how she got to her own current self, throughout the series she learns of her own past and pieces together her origin story. however the show takes a turn when she becomes a villain after learning of her past, the show is about identity and secrets as well as becoming who you really are.
if kaeya was a sucker before he’s even more of a sucker now, he rewatches the show multiple times just for your character development and is astounded by your acting skills for doing such a unique plot.
he talks his tongue off to his coworkers and diluc about the show and is recommending it right and left, he’s probably the number 1 promoter for the drama and eventually diluc makes a deal that if he gets to meet you that he’d shut up about the show.
kaeya agrees and being a man with connections diluc manages to befriend people who are in your inner circle and thus kaeya meets you by becoming a mutual “friend” of diluc, upon meeting you and learning about your behavior he becomes only more enamored by your depth of though and real complexity outside of your role.
you two become quite close friends through long talks about your past and how you cope with your struggles, finding comfort in him you open up and trust each other with your hardest struggles and most buried secrets!
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tagged: @tighnarisweetheart @z3nitsusgf
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sniper-childe · 3 years
Hello! I’d like to share some of my notes if I were to Beta-read the most recent Archon Quest. I will be going through what worked, what could be taken out, and what could’ve been better. Note that I’m looking at this through an editor’s lens so I’m going to try NOT to change the plot we were given no matter what my opinions are about it BUT some of the said opinions may slip out.
Also, a bit of a disclaimer: I know that Genshin isn’t an actual literary work but miHoYo is known for its writers’ great storytelling and I’ve always loved their work so it really came as a surprise as to what happened to the mess that is Inazuma Act 3. So yeah.
1. What was foreshadowed about the characters and why the payoff of their portrayals felt cheap.
a. About Kokomi and the rebellion.
b. About the Fatui, the James Bond villain wannabe.
c. About Ei and the Raiden Shogun.
2. How Chapter 2, Act 3 could have been the turning point that would have us, as the Traveler, cement our perceptions of the Archons and Gods of Celestia OR what I think the death of Signora was supposed to be but was undermined by this one tidbit.
BONUS: I wrote this before Kokomi’s story quest was released but decided to wait for it before posting. And guess what? I think Kokomi’s Story Quest works better as an Archon Quest. At least, some parts of it.
miHoYo teased us this intelligent leader of the resistance that is well-versed in the Art of War. The end of Ch2: Act 2 showed us a powerful Kokomi. So why was she sidelined all throughout the act?
I actually like the idea of the resistance asking the Fatui for aid. But miHoYo chickened out and made it so that they did it unknowingly. To which I say: how? If Kokomi was so smart she should’ve known better. I figured it was the Fatui within a single sentence, so why didn’t Kokomi?
They should’ve stuck with the concept of the underdogs – or in Kokomi’s words, the little fish – of war in an act of desperation. They could’ve shown a calculated Kokomi “making a deal with the devil” and will do anything to win the fight against the Shogunate.
In her Character Teaser, she was willing to burn the enemies’ supplies – to starve the enemy. She can be ruthless, that’s why Kokomi actively giving Delusions to her foot soldiers would have made much more sense to cause the Fatui to be involved rather than the whole “the Fatui orchestrated everything” schtick.
Which brings me to my next point: when did the Fatui turn into a James Bond villain? I hate that trope so much. It’s like the Deus Ex Machina of villainy. It’s lazy. And it doesn’t even fit the Fatui’s modus operandi.
In the prologue, the Abyss Order corrupted Dvalin and the Fatui was just there waiting to steal Barbatos’ gnosis while the Knights are distracted. Morax decided to retire one day so the Fatui swept right in and offered a test of Liyue in exchange for his gnosis.
The last two locations had their own story to tell while the Fatui was just in the background like the opportunistic antagonist that they are.
It also would have been a stronger plotline to have the already set lore – like the tenuous relationship between Watatsumi and Narukami – be the driving force of the Inazuman Civil War.
The prologue and chapter 1 also delivered what we are told we’re going to get in the Story Preview. That’s why they are satisfying. However, with chapter 2, the way it ended turned out to be more about the Fatui rather than “what do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god.”
Sure, we got the consequences of the war in the World Quests and some of it in the second act. But making the Fatui the Big Bad in the end takes value away from the actions of the characters that are supposed to be the main feature of this chapter.
How much of the Eternity the Raiden Shogun is pursuing is directly from Ei? How much of it is its own understanding of eternity, coupled with Ei’s memories, and its own response? How much of it is the Fatui’s influence?
I have to say though, I’m fine with the puppet actually. Believe it or not. I have had kinda figured that out with the weird shifting of emotions in and out of the puppet. And the dead glowing eyes. So kudos to the design and animation team for that foreshadowing.
It was also said that the current Electro Archon lost someone dear to her and, while I didn’t think it was a twin, I did figure that the current Electro Archon wasn’t the real Electro Archon. So the whole Baal and Beelzebul backstory didn’t really surprise me. So I guess that was foreshadowed too? But my friends didn’t feel the same way so I don’t know. I’m not touching that.
But I do agree that all of the new lore got info-dumped to us by Yae rather than have us find out about them. To be honest, I would have wanted the backstory of Ei to be in her story quest rather than it be in the Archon Quest. A World Quest could work too.
I just feel like the 2.1 Archon Quest ended up cramming so many themes and subplots when it should’ve been focusing on what was promised: the darkness that is brought by their god.
They already had set up the Visions are people’s motivations/ambitions and that taking them away also takes away their agency.
Then they could’ve played with the idea of the people of Watatsumi looking up to Kokomi as their pseudo-god in-place of Orobashi and so with her actively giving Delusions could fit well in the said theme.
They could’ve made Ei and Kokomi character foils of each other and have the final showdown be about them.
And then it’ll all, of course, end up with the people of Inazuma learning how to work without their “gods” or something like that, which is the overarching theme of the whole series if you think about it.
But as I said, my opinions about the plot shouldn’t matter and I’m only here to make what was already written better.
So let’s talk about something that the puppet has done which didn’t make any sense on the surface level but could’ve been clever if it was done right. Killing La Signora.
Okay. So there is a pivotal moment at the end of the first arc of a three-act story where the main character experiences something that will leave them no choice but to move forward. This usually is a physical thing like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. But it can also be a mental or emotional situation.
Over at Honkai, the first arc ended with the death of a beloved mentor and a shattered world (both external and internal). The characters had no choice but to step up and “to stay alive, bravely” (yes, I won’t stop using this line ever). It was so very well done and even after so many years it still hurt no matter how many times you reread/rewatch the scene.
This reread value is what shows how much a twist is well written.
And that is what miHoYo is known for. So I had high expectations with the plot twist (technically this pivotal moment is called a plot twist because it twists the feel and/or pace of the story). Chapter 2 is the perfect spot to end the first act of a seven-chaptered story. So I’m really preparing myself for the inevitable twist.
But then we ended up with Signora’s death.
Okay. So. They could have used that to show us, as the traveler, how Archons and Celestial beings are unfeeling and not to be trusted. We were told this repeatedly by Dainsleiff and by the Abyss Twin. But it is only textbook writing 101 to show NOT tell.
And Signora’s death could have been this portrayal. Although, to be honest, it would have been more impactful if the one who died is a friend of the Traveler.
Them seeing someone die at the hands of an Archon could have their idea of gods shift. Because there is no turning back once you see the proof right in front of your eyes.
But instead, the puppet did it. So what was the point of Signora’s death if not just a power demonstration? We already knew that the Raiden Shogun is powerful. So why did Signora have to die?
Sure, one can argue that the puppet was enacting the Ei’s will so maybe there was a point. But! In Ei’s story quest, we were told that the puppet would have no hesitation when it comes to killing whereas Ei can show mercy.
Which begs, again, the question: how much of the Raiden Shogun’s actions is a reflection of Ei’s will, and how much of it is a logic response of an artificial intelligence from Ei’s memories?
Honestly? I don’t like that they killed off Signora. It doesn’t feel right. I would’ve taken Beidou’s death over Signora’s no matter how much I love Beidou. There was just no build-up to it and it feels weak. I… didn’t feel anything besides confusion. The anger only came later because of the wasted potential.
But overall, I do think they could’ve made it work if it were actually Ei doing the killing.
So I just did Kokomi’s Story Quest and man. The soldiers wanting to continue the war is what they really should have made the motivations of the actual war rather than have it as a post-war response and then have Kokomi fix their mess.
Seriously. While it was really interesting to see the usual trauma response of soldiers who had only known war their whole life, they wasted this idea, man.
Before doing the Archon Quest I had thought that the Watatsumi had a hand on the Vision Hunt Decree. Because if I were a tactician, I would have made something to anger the people of my enemies and have them have their internal issues. And while the Shogunate is weak, that’s when I will strike and claim Inazuma for my people and my god.
Then Orobashi will rise once more.
Obviously, I really wanted Kokomi to be a more active character in the Archon Quest.
Anyways. If you reached the end, thank you for reading this ~1.5k words of musings. Tell me what you think. Or don’t. You do you.
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pensoluv · 3 years
𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑒 𝐴𝑈!
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TW: mentions of trauma, family, revenge, hell, and rage/violence/bloodshed. Be careful, precious readers. Don’t force read it if you’re not doing well mentally, or are easily disturbed in general.
There might also be a bit of spoilers for Omori’s plot, so feel free to skip this if you’d rather wait until you’re fully ready or in the know.
Childe would absolutely eventually try to find where the Teyvat’s equivalent of hell is,
after learning about it,
after Zhongli told him about it,
after losing a bet and forming a contract to answer Childe’s weird questions.
This information would come in handy, if/when a foolish, now-dead enemy traumatises his family, just because they are related to a Fatui Harbinger, in this AU.
I can see him going to extreme lengths to further avenge his family, in the heat of his boiling anger.
No one messes with his family, and him not being there for his family, because of his Fatui duties and position, really messed his head up.
And so begins him painting a bloody path until he reaches his goal. To slay the person who did his family dirty. As he would have done for his family, if it wasn’t already too late when he arrived.
He’ll still have to help himself and his family to triumph over their inner demons though.
You get to attempt to help him, as his comrade/friend/f/o. You’re able to play a part in their healing processes.
It’ll take a lot of time, and a lot of effort from both sides though.
It’s because he and his family would still be stuck in their own head, reliving everything, for a long while. Trauma isn’t automatically erased after revenge.
Thus the headspace lore/game. As well as you being in the real Genshin world doing tasks while they deal with the first few things. By doing tasks regularly, you might be able to be there for them, if not entirely able to help.
The fighting-inner demons part (in their heads) would be more ‘peaceful’, in a way, as ‘peaceful’ as how you’d fight little sprout moles and the bosses in Omori. It’d be different from the Doomslayer mode Childe could end up being in, in this Genshin Alternate Universe.
P.S. Think of it as Omori x Doom x Genshin!
As you can see, I’ve been thinking about how Childe could possibly get triggered into more trauma in an AU, and how he’d snap, since he’s powerful in combat and survived a lot for the sake of his family.
I’ve also been rewatching a lot of playthroughs and AUs of Omori, which sparked the idea of Childe dealing with temporary peace and such. Family also comes into play in Childe’s character a lot, so it works in my book.
(Omori is Omocat’s indie video game, which has similar effects on you with DDLC, as you progress into the different paths and endings.)
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bobaji · 3 years
I know this is very random and weird but like could you please gibe me reasons to watch Tokyo Revenger? I've seen pictures and the videos but I just can't get into it. My friends in real life don't like it either but almost everybody here on Tumblr does. I don't want to be part of the minority here who doesn't understand the show though. So... Could you tell me why you like the show? I just know that that long black haired guy with the fangs is hot. 🥺👉👈
HMMMMM honestly tr was hard for me to get into at first. it was confusing and hard for me to follow. i've said this time and time again i have a very bad attention span and i have trouble sitting there and watching something with my full attention. and tr was a struggle because it was like if you miss any bit of it you'll be lost. so i struggled and dropped it very quickly.
but my sister thankfully ended up watching to watch it so i sat here and watched it on and off with less pressure on myself to focus and ended up really enjoying what i caught. so much so that i ended up reading the manga and rewatching on my own time!!
it's a bit of a slow start but it starts to get more interesting and easier to follow once you get used to how the universe works. there's a lot of conflicts and there's lots of different stories between the characters.
i think a part that really kept me interested was i enjoyed the friendships and i enjoyed the conflicts that happened between them. they were interesting!!!
but there's also sad stuff in it. there is death...major death. like major characters die. so there's a lot of emotions that go into tr. you get attached to characters. they die. they come back. or they don't. it's genuinely kind of a roller coaster....
IM PROBABLY NOT DOING A GOOD JOB TELLING WHATS GREAT ABOUT IT BUT idk the best i can explain it is that it's just.....engaging ???? even for my half-brained self.
i usually really don't like heavy plotted things like tr but it's just......so interesting. i have a thing for gangs and crime themes and stuff SO LMAOOO
but there's just a lot of stuff to keep in mind when you do go to watch it. both the manga and the anime are really good and super enjoyable too!!!
if you enjoy reading more i would recommend reading the manga. or if you prefer to watch, the anime is still super good. i actually watch the dub personally bc draken shares his va with diluc from genshin.....
keep in mind it starts a little slow but picks up speed pretty quickly !!! i would def recommend at least giving it a try and if you don't like it, it's okay!!! i didn't like it at first either LMDAO 😭😭😭😭
tldr; rhe emotions, relationship, and conflicts are all engaging and fun. the plot is interesting. the characters themselves are interesting and enjoyable to follow their stories!
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lori-hime · 4 years
I haven't written much about what I've been up to lately, so here's some word salad updates~ 🥗
NijiGaku Anime
So I started watching the new LL. I hadn't been keeping up with SIFAS' story, but I did read some of it when it first came out. I gotta say, I'm really enjoying all of the changes they decided to make for the anime version of the story, to both the characters and story. It's starting to feel like something coherent. The story in the game was ok, but the main thing that interested me was the interactions with Muse and Aqours, overshadowing the actual "plot" and even Nijigasaki themselves. But the anime really made me interested and excited about the story and characters again. I would be a little annoyed about the personality and dynamic changes, but honestly, I'm used to it by now. LL always ends up doing this sort of thing, and the personalities only seem to become solidified after the anime airs.
A little disappointed in Kasumi's change in some vague ways I don't really feel like describing, but honestly it balances out because Ayumu is fantastic now (previously one of my least cared for of the group.) Yu's personality is surprisingly super gay fun and I'm really excited for her and Ayumu's dynamic in particular. They're so cute. Seriously feel like I'm gonna ship them hard.
I also really like Rina's initial personality in this. Not only is she bad at expressing emotions through her face, but she also seems bad at expressing them through words too. I feel like this is gonna be much more interesting than her already being cutesy and genki like in the promo stuff and SIFAS.
When Karin was first shown, I had mixed feelings. At first I was like oh god I'm gay and she's beautiful. But the whole sexuality flaunting thing kind of put me off for several reasons I don't really wanna get into explaining. I really didn't know how to feel. I started liking her a little more during SIFAS, when she competed against Muse in DDR and lost... started feeling like I was getting a glimpse of her real personality without the whole sexy idol persona. Although not much has happened in the anime with her yet, she's giving me Nozomi vibes and I love it. I actually think if I had gone into this without previous knowledge of the characters, I'd be betting she'd become my fave for sure.
My list has gone from Kasumi > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Karin > Ai > Setsuna > Ayumu > Shizuku to Yuu > Ayumu > Kasumi / Karin > Rina > Kanata / Emma > Ai > Setsuna > Shizuku
Still biased a bit towards characters that have shown up more in the first two eps, so it'll undoubtedly change. But It's really interesting how much the characters I already felt I had good placements for changed so much.
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Edit for episode 3, because I didn't post this fast enough. Student council speedrun was fantastic. Yu continues to be incredibly gay. I wonder how this episode will affect the ships people will gravitate towards. LL has always been a fairly monoship fandom, heavily gravitating towards specific pairs. Of course that's largely the fault of canon itself, often pushing and developing single ships. Well, I suppose we saw a big change with Aqours, though, especially with season two. But even then, the ships tended to stay at least between girls of the same year (aside from my rarepair, shout-out to YohaRiko.) Now, I wonder. From the very beginning, before Yu even had a name, it felt like they were really pushing the shippy stuff @ the viewer. I wonder if that’s still gonna be the angle. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I really want to see more YuAyu rather than YuSetsu, but I can't really be mad at more gay content unless they try to make it a DEEP story and then fail to resolve it but haha they'd NEVER do that, I'm sure!!
As for the others... I'm guessing they're gonna push RinAi, KarinEmma, YuuKasu, and maybe YuuShizu? My original guesses were that AiKarin would be a thing, evoking NozoEli v3. But I guess that'd be too predictable a third time. KarinEmma sounds like it could be cute and sweet, RinAi feels like it has adorable potential, and YuKasu vs. YuAyu sounds like it could have some good comedic rival-y potential, given they don't make Kasumi super serious about it and make it really angsty. Not that a cute idol show would ever do such a thing haha!!!!!
Higurashi Gou
Also started Higurashi. I doubt many people know this, but I used to be a major Higurashi fan before I got into Touhou. It was my main "fandom" I guess, even though there wasn't really that much of a fandom to interact with comparatively. Anyway, despite that, I didn't think I'd get into this remake super hard... but I'm really loving it so far. The art style is really pretty and eye candy, and it turns out it's a direct continuation of the story rather than a remake. Very excited to see where it's going, and also to see a lot of my baby Rena again.
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An interesting difference to me as I'm rewatching are my feelings for Keiichi. While I don't hate him, over the years I've really grown tired of the generic male leads (especially in harem anime) like him. Of course, he's definitely not AS generic as they come, or maybe perhaps that's just my bias from when I used to really like him. The me back then found him unique enough to stand beside the girls. Nowadays, I definitely can't say the same. At least he doesn't grate on my nerves as much as most other harem anime protags do, however. I feel like despite lacking the quirks that make the girls so likeable and unique, he still has something going for him... perhaps the fact he's framed as inherently different from everyone else, because he comes from the city, and the way he acts a bit more realistically to the scary things that are happening. Although those things are obviously explained away later, at least for now I still accept him for what he is, old bias or not.
Genshin Impact
Been playing Genshin Impact religiously and loved every second of it. Though I've caught up with the main story content, so sadly it's slowed down. I'd never heard of this game before it came out, so I was absolutely wowed that such a game was f2p. I've heard a lot of people criticizing it because they added gacha in at the last minute, and I definitely understand being annoyed through the pov of someone who was anticipating it. But part of me is still really thankful that the game is free at all. I suppose that full but paid 60 dollar game would still be a better experience, but because of my non-existent budget situation, I may not have ended up playing it at all.
Aside from the arguably shitty monetization practices, however, the game is fantastic. It really is as similar to BoTW as people have mentioned, and I really appreciate that. BoTW, from a gameplay standpoint, is absolutely my favorite game. It's exactly what I want from any given game. So I really appreciated this. The story and characters of Genshin are also really interesting. I really like Qiqi, Venti, Fischl, and Xingqiu, among others. I spent a while rerolling for Qiqi or Venti 5*s, and eventually got an account with Qiqi. Venti on the other hand I've been trying to roll for but sadly haven't gotten. I have 1 roll left before the banner ends, so hopefully.. My friends whaled him for me. I swear I tried to stop them! I owe them my soul...
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HoloLive, Pikamee & Vtubing
I briefly started getting into HoloLive a little while ago. After the Aloe stuff, I started worrying a bit about how the company handles these situations as well as the girls' freedoms and how much of their donation money they actually get.. (I made a post about it a while back.) After a while my worries died down a bit, but then came back full force with the Coco and Haachama situation. After that and one too many uncomfortable sexual jokes, I decided to just distance myself from HL. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed their personalities, but it was making me feel uncomfortable more often than not.
I told myself it’s fine, I’ve got Pikamee if I ever feel like watching vtubers again. And then like a week later... Well, it’s not really something I wanna talk about here, but she made some posts on twitter that made me too uncomfortable to continue watching her either.
On a much lighter note... A friend of mine showed us how to use prprlive and facerig to use the Touhou CB Live2D models, and Asa and I played around with Mokou, Kaguya, and Lyrica’s. It was quite fun, and I do look forward to using the Kaguya one for private streams on one of my servers. I’ve actually always wanted to try out vtubing stuff myself, but not really publicly. Of course, the costs for getting a model drawn and made specifically for me are too much for something I’m not really committing to, so this is perfect. I’m excited~
Touhou Cannonball & Kagura Thoughts
It’s been a long time since I talked about Touhou CB on my blog, and I’m pretty sure I left things on a pretty bad note. Mainly dissatisfied with Mokou’s portrayal for pretty shallow reasons on my part, despite they game having just started and having a lot of room to grow. And grow it did. While I quit pretty early in because of that, Asa decided to take over my account. She realized that it was pretty easy to upgrade any given character you had to a 5* without having to rely much on the gacha. She ended up playing a lot with the goal of upgrading everyone we had. I came back to it around July and actually had a lot of fun with it. The cast had gotten much bigger and we really enjoyed playing on multiplayer. It wasn't the best game ever from a gameplay standpoint, but it definitely had it's charm. The announcement of its death, although unsurprising, came at the worst time. Asa and I actually cried a little when we saw the announcement, ngl. The game had such good, wholesome, Touhouy vibes to it. Nonetheless, we made the most out of the last month or so after the announcement. We played a LOT of multiplayer and had a lot of really cute and good interactions with other players. Near the end, we realized that Lyrica was the only character from the normal banner we were missing, so we grinded like crazy (mostly Asa) to try to get her... we ended up getting a number of 5*s but none Lyrica... she eluded us to the very end. It was quite sad, but how hard we worked for it still felt satisfying somehow. We were able to max out our multiplayer level and complete a ton of goals we wouldn’t have otherwise.
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So after this bittersweet experience with Touhou gacha, and all the scummy things I've been hearing about Lost Word, I've been thinking like... I'm done with Touhou gacha, at least for now. Don't wanna hear anything else about it for a good while. And then the 25th anniversary hits and they announce Kagura. Ugh. Please, give me a break. Needless to say, I'm gonna have to give it a try. Touhou is my life, I love rhythm games, I love Touhou music, and I love character collecting games. And I've been waiting for something to replace SIF gameplay in my heart for a long time. I'd banked my hopes on SIFAS but it's really barely a rhythm game so.... at least now that I've gone through CB's death and seen how cruddy LW is, I'll have lower standards and not get my hopes up too high.
If you got this far, thanks for reading my rambles and have a good day~
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Weekly Media Roundup
-Encanto (Movie) - Still been playing this soundtrack on loop.
-Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (Movie) - Rewatched one of my favorite Dreamworks films, the beautiful animation and lovely OST really holds up.
-Pokémon Sword (Video Game) - Said a lot about this one last time, While I enjoyed the game I’m left pretty disappointed at the lack of content.
-Ranking of Kings (Anime) - This show has been bonkers so far and I’m really enjoying it. Love that all the characters have more depth than they originally seem to, and that they keep introducing new, strange aspects to the fantasy world. The protagonists are both super lovable too, I can see why this got anime of the year for a lot of people.
-Project Runway (TV) - I mostly just skip to the outfits tbh.
-Arcane (Animation)- While I don’t think I was impressed as many others seem (ie; calling the show the best animation of the year) with Arcane, I do get the hype as I have way more good things to say about the show than bad. The animation was incredibly unique and they did some great stuff with it, and I appreciated how tight the writing was-there was never a decision that felt unnecessary or out of character, the plot flowed in a very organic way. While I appreciate the lesbians it was really the father-daughter relationships that stole the show here, and the story parallels with Vander/Silco and Vi/Jinx were heartbreaking and excellently done. I think it has some pacing issues at times, and the large cast prevents us from really getting a lot of time with any individual character, but overall I’m impressed. Also, I’m just a sucker for the “Evil Guy but a Loving Parent” trope.
-The Witcher (TV) - Don’t have a lot to say about this one at the moment, making my way through season 2. I’ve loved a lot of the monster designs (and Yen’s outfits) so far, but boy could the story use some levity. I was so pleased when Jaskier came back for this reason as his and Yen’s interactions were a godsend, but it seems he’s already gone again. :(
-Genshin Impact (Video Game) - After over a year of waiting for a switch port I finally gave in and just downloaded the game to my PC. I had a feeling I would love it and, yeah, I’m really enjoying it so far. The World is huge and pretty, the character designs are dope, and I’m loving that all the NPCs have their own names and little things going on, it’s very charming. I’m not the gambling type and don’t plan to put much, if any money into the game, but the free content seems plenty so far.
-The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Video Game) - Yup.
Listening to: Encanto OST, Somebody Loves You by Betty Who, I think I Just Died by Guiano, Not Evil by Tiffany Haddish, Willow by Taylor Swift, Again by Crusher-P, Meet me In The Woods by Lord Huron, Starboy by The Weekend, The Interrogation Song by Ty Burrell, Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! by ABBA
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horanggae · 3 years
bonjour my dear aera! /(=・ x ・=)\
(don’t worry about sflr! I also take a lot of time to reply back ╥_╥.)
I loved the songs you wrote!! you picked some ballads and also catchy songs, but the way you described aurora and candlelight was so cute to me, i really loved your choice of words (yesterday I watched the color coded for aurora and that song is really something else<3, i really recommend watching it!).
oh you speak so kindly of me and my choices! thank u my deary aera <3. oh your friend is right! it is really draggy but it has a good plot and I really like to learn a lot about law systems all around the world, mmm, a summary? law school involves a group of first year law students and the murder of one of their professor’s, but at the same time nobody knows who killed him? (he was murdered on the school while doing a practice trial with students) and there’s a lot of unsolved business (that’s what hooks you from the beginning??) between students, professors, prosecutors and people involved in the law faculty. I believe the coolest thing about the series is how they apply the law and teach you about its articles! // I don’t know how to play genshin but my sister has been playing all summer! (I think video games are only for smart people like wonwoo haha).
oh I just opened the good reads link for the book you recommend me and I’m really looking forward to reading it! I think this is something that will help me to live a better life and to gain more focus on important things! I used to watched bones too when I was younger!! it’s really good!! I just added hospital playlist to my list, I’ll try to watch it this month but I must say I’m really slow when it comes to online series. You’re a hp fan!! I really enjoy that franchise! may I know what’s your Hogwarts house? Are you perhaps a Ravenclaw? / I haven’t seen good manager but I’ll search for a website to see it! and for friends, I have seen it during all my lifetime and I think I have seen all episodes without wanting too lol, oh I have that same style of watching series! It takes me a while to start / finish any series. Ah! we save some common pastimes! you seem out a of book! star gazing sounds so pretty but I don’t think I have ever done that :(
anyways! thank u for your detailed answers (I take them as recommendations too!), for next time, based on your hobbies, I would love to know:
fav painting?
if u could travel anywhere in the world, what museum would you visit?
do u dream on living abroad? if so, where and why?
based on your journaling hobby, what made u start one?
what languages do you speak? / what languages would you like to learn?
that’s all for today! hope you’re doing great and eating good meals<3
– f. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
hello luv ❤️
yeah aurora is sooo good!! I'm gonna check out the lyrics for it later at night! Yeah I was really interested in law school and its plot; it seems really interesting having the students, professors & the investigators working together! I might start from where I left off again soon! Genshin is the only game I play tbh and ahskdkd naw doesn't require much brain work! It's just for me to pass the time! Take your time to read though as it's meant to be read at your own pace!
Bones hands down will be my all time favorite as I kinda grew up with it ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I hope you enjoy hospitals playlist as much as I did! It's okay, I've a bad habit of watching things half way too then months later, forgetting the plot and rewatching it from the beginning only to yet again stop watching (like good manager, I'm almost done but hehe) (´ . .̫ . `)
Yeah I'm a huge fan of hp! I love luna & the weasley twins the most ahdkdjfl. I'm a slytherin/slythedor mix! Hbu? Feels like you'd be a ravenclaw or hufflepuff mix! I've always wanted to do stargazing, I suddenly remembered I did once by chance at the rooftop in the city; the city lights drowned out most of the stars but it was still a nice experience!
fave painting is minghao's MY I artwork from his & gyu's art exhibition in 2018!
definitely the louvre!! I've heard and seen great things through the screen and by word of mouth from my college lecturers who have visited it before. My favourite architect, im pei, designed louvre's architecture and yes I'm biased towards it (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
I used to want to live abroad in the US (back when US are tooting their own horns and people were blindly looking up at them in awe), now, not anymore. I'm content where I am but at the same time not? I haven't thought about it tbh; the govt takes good care of the citizens here.
I've MULTIPLE journals that are incomplete, not even half way done and only one of them is filled. ㅠ ㅠ I started bc I wanted to cultivate good habits as a person but unfortunately failing countless of times. HOWEVER, I kinda succeeded now though hehe, for the past month I've been doing it pretty consistently! Weekends are usually for short and concise writing into a 3 ring journal that I'll decorate, while on a daily basis is a pocket journal that is meant for detailed thoughts!! I guess my drive for this boils down to me appreciating minghao's outlook on life and how he lives with the part and parcel of life!
I'm trilingual! English, Chinese & a dialect (if I reveal my dialect, it will be very obvious as to where my I'm from hehe) I'm better than in my dialect than my mother tongue (Chinese); i feel like I can't hold a proper basic conversation if my life depends on it ㅠ ㅠ I can listen well but not read or speak fluently imo ahskdmfl.
I felt like I rambled a lot and just regurgitating everything out (´ . .̫ . `) hope the answers weren't too naggy for you! I just have a lot to say to you <3 AND BACK TO YOU, I wanna know your answers regarding the questions you asked me! Oh yeah ps, did you attend caratland today!! (✷‿✷)
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