#moot games!!
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en-gelic · 11 months ago
this is superr cute omg!!! use this and this to do it!! i lowkey look like i'm haunting someone w my weird bg to match sunghoon's theme BUT PLS, I'M LOVING MEMORABILIA RN ESPP THE 02Z UNIT OMG
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tagging ! @07sleepykatz @cholexc @sincerelyrki @miudollie @flwrstqr @jlheon @jongocat @hyeinism @kyoaeri @zhounauts @cupidhoons @lcvclywon (srry for the tags ><)
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orikiys · 1 year ago
your moots as seventeen songs??
LOVE YOU MY VAL BE MINE ❤️ ( definitely not me bing reading voicemails series ) you’re the one that can cure me now
lmaooo ily too? tysm bby! i’m glad u liked it :D
let’s get on w it!
@aravrs reminds me of diamond days because that was her fav song from the album! i loved the sos but after she told abt diamond days i listened to it and now it reminds me of her >< ARA THE SONG RECS I LOVEE
@haneagerr reminds me of heaven’s cloud! that song is my literal fav. it reminds me of her soft, cute and cuddly self i wanna squish her and hide her in my pocket? 😍‼️
@jisungsdaydreamer though i haven’t talked to her a lot i feel like 7PM by bss fits her well! it’s a pretty song with AMAZING vocals just like her amazing writing 🤩
@blue-jisungs this was a hard one since i can’t choose between two buutt i finally came to conclusion 👏 2 minus 1! i literally cannot shut up abt that song and i will continue to do so. SHUA AND VERNON SONG IS SO AXIE OMGSKSKS LIKE HOW I EXPLAIN? if 2 + 2 = 4 then this should sum up!
@wheeboo okay she definitely reminds me of ready to love! as i said before this song is too sweet for my heart but i love it no matter what! rania = ready to love! r and r! omgksk
@slytherinshua reminds me of left and right my first ever svt song! it’s such a huge moodchanger?? so bright and like you can dance to it on the spot?? this is so zanna coded ‼️
@hotteoki reminds me of clap from all the crackhead convos we’ve had so far! another banger right here 👏👏 surprises me with her so beautiful ( funny asf ) memes that i can’t stop laughing 😄😄
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misswifi · 3 months ago
Tag game🎉
Tag your moots and ask them where they got the idea for their tumblr accounts name!
For my name it was a nickname I was giving back in middleschool! One of our teacher had a system where we worked with 'wifi' eachtime we talked in class we lost a bar of the "wifi" (was a weird joke and we never held count on that) All the kids usually joked if they needed 'wifi' , they would borrow mine if they wanted to talk more. (I was incredibly shy in middle school, I only talked to like 3 people at school;^;)
They called me Ms. Wifi because of that. I just thought it would be funny if I put 'miss' instead of 'ms' because of my terrible actual wifi connection I have at home lol.
That's my story! Now moots, only if you guys want to, tell us your story.
Tags-> @slipping-lately @firequeenofficial @noagskryf @twinklstarrrr @halfbakedspuds @polterwasteist @rokushi-san @mygedagtes +anyone that sees this and wants to do this as well
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hello moots, siblings, and internet strangers, I have a silly 4 u >:3
This might be kinda long-winded, sorry abt that, and keep in mind that this is all in good fun, and mostly just an excuse 2 post abt out OCs! :3
So my good friend @141n3 is giving up swearing 4 lent, of course I insist on being a little shit abt it :3(all in good fun of course), so I convinced soul(another friend) 2 make a deal with me that is I get this 2 10,000 notes he will get a Tumblr blog, u may recall that I have promised 2 post Hunting Drones lore if he gets a blog, u may see where this is going.
Fuck ton of Latin swears↓
faex deodamnatus cunne filius canis fututus et mori in igni futuere futue te ipsi ede faecam morde meum globes Te futueo et caballum tuum Irrumator Leno Flocci non faccio Mentula Meretrix Bovis stercus Es stultior asino Es scortum obscenus vilis Es mundus excrementi Globos meos lambe Es stercus Moecha Putida Podex perfectus es Futue te ipsum Stercorem pro cerebro habes Caput tuum in ano est Perite Impudens es leno Vacca stulta Tu scronium es Caput stercoris Obesus porcus Matris futuor
★UPDATE: I have acquired an art sample from soul (see link under tags).
★UPDATE: I forgot 2 give y'all an example of my art(that'll be under the tags as well)
★UPDATE: I just realized, I don't think Soul knows 'bout my nonhumanity... uhhhh, coming out I guess?????
★UPDATE: I've decided 2 add more goals (link under the tags w/ the others)
(no deadline/set end date)
(if u reblog pls tag @141n3 /nf)
Mutual pile:3↓
@russ14n-r0ul3tt3 @raeprise @purse-moneychurch @stuck-in-a-forest @eddiecorn @your-average-art-dealer @divinetgirl @atiredangel @corpseamdis @fox-radio @marleydoesinfactmoo @theindescribable1 @motherofthemuzzled @maybenotthebestnonhumanthere @peters-not-pan @mango-dot-yum @st4rrypr1ncecass @fallenmeat-thing @sashathegirl @itsmischa @saturncon @lil-astral-dreamer @neekstheanxiouscat @beanthebugboi @suburbanwhitetrashchrist @g-dsyndr-me @siilytwiztstr4w @toastlemons @cayden2222 @kirathewhitewolf @pocketsizedking @ieatwalls404 @frankiefridayyy @crittertangles @ironwoodcollective @lifenconcepts @etherealjellyfishenby @wewillbeseen-butnotbeheard @verybabydoll @callbackpingg @twisterino10 @hellodimond @poprostuprzestan @felixisfruity @justa-opossum @acethemace16 @lilpippo @sashathegirliepop @mistlost @constantlyconfusedcat @campdeathwood @kitsuneechoes @discpawz @systemcanid @little-sharky-pup-boy @agoofylittlebean @krasnymay @the-transmasc-therian-dumbass @planetahmane @starcrossedparade @therianboyswag @smilepilled @tangerinedre3mer @thelittlefirepup @lost-child-the-artist @latransmyo @river-billcipherfanbillcipherfan @trevor-star-messgenger @rattoroni @sollareclipse @snowberryanchors @that-weird-dog @frogs-r-awesome-444 @lilyflowers69 @usateii @elopingkittie @lavina-arts @starkinvs @graveoficarus @theinkbunny @cherishedverses @im-too-emotionally-involved @were-bastard @onesarcasticturnip @wiingdings @blackkittiesinabox @fullflowerking @deadcrowcalling @141n3
★link 2 art sample from soul↓
★some of my art↓
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★more goals↓
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goldenjuniper · 8 months ago
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back on tumblr to say that i am obsessed with Zagreus Hadesgame . here is him sitting down for once
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ebi-skycotl · 1 month ago
I'm curious, what languages do my mutuals know?
I speak both English and German, and I know some very basic phrases of Finnish, Spanish, and French.
Tag your mutuals!!
@serene-sky-kid @halcyon-xxy @plutonium-sky @ari-skycotl @arsolitaforever @beigetiger @ejsuperstar
If I forgot you, I'm sorry, and don't be afraid to join in regardless <3
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twospiritstooprideful · 1 year ago
Gender, Sexuality, Romantic Attraction Tagging Game
How do: You put your gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction down with a line break between them—but, here's the catch, don't use any labels! So, for example, this, "Gender? Agender Sexuality? Lesbian Romantic Attraction? Demiromantic" would be this: "Gender? I hardly know 'er! Sexuality? Girl-kisser Romantic Attraction? My friends, I think"
So, here's mine!
Gender? Yours, fool Sexuality? Yes Romantic Attraction? Only if I know you well enough
TAGS (under the cut, and don't feel obligated to do it!) (and obviously those who I have not tagged can participate too)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt @gloriousvermin @midnight-thedyke @littlebookworm69 @runwiththerain @cybercerealkiller @ishouldsleepbut @ssavinggrace @i-love-your-father @us-costco-official @scifikode @i-am-an-arson-enthusiast
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bellisima-writes · 3 months ago
10 People I'd Like to Know Better
Thanks for the tags @gaiaseyes451 and @beerok23!💜!💜
last song: Gloria by the Lumineers
favourite colour: Red, like a deep luscious red that you know would taste good if you licked it. Don't act innocent, you know exactly what I mean by that. Red is a color that you just know tastes good.
last book: I am currently trying to read the Witcher series (per @lickthecowhappy's suggestion) so I am at the start of the Last Wish
last movie: Moana 2 (I have young kidsssss)
last TV show: My oldest is almost 10 which means she stays up late. Which also means I have so little time to watch adult things. So we've been watching the Office with her. I think I want to watch the Good Place with her next tho (I've never watched it!)
sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet followed very, very closely by spicy. Habanero maple syrup is one of my favorite things on the planet.
last thing i searched online: How to explain a 10 year career hiatus in a cover letter (looking to return to work since having kids. It's been an interesting experience so far).
current obsession: Have not moved on from Good Omens, but recently realized that my obsession may be more in my own little connected universe of fics that I wrote rather than the actual canon at this point😳. I'm sure once we get that first glimpse of red and white hair that will change very quickly.
looking forward to: Going back to work and having a more established adult life again, honestly. I've been so lucky to be home with my kids while they are young, but I am ready. And figuring out how my newfound passion for writing is going to fit into that new life of mine. Another big year of change over here for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to how the growing pains are going to make way for something beautiful beyond.
ten people i’d like to know better:
@addledmongoose, @di-42, @afrenchwriter, @haemey, @eybefioro, @alwaystuesday, @katspause, @alphacentaurinebula, @shadesofecclescakes, @ochre-sunflower and whoever wants to do it (but also feel free to ignore!)
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paganprankster · 5 months ago
Has anyone else seen the trailer for Homicipher on Steam? it's a female-targeted language deciphering and exploration ADV based on the concept of "romance with horror men." once i read romance w horror men and saw the romance options... IM SOLD. IM BUYING IT. IMMEDIATELY
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I am going feral
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kynibyou · 5 months ago
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does anyone else have other people’s selfships so ingrained in ur brain that every time you consume content or happen upon their f/o, you automatically go “oh that’s oomf’s partner!”
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hexcii · 6 months ago
HI CAN I KISS FAE SUN'S RAYS??? (I saw the puffed up beast drawing and I 🥺🥺🥺 ngl zoned in on his rays lol) they look so delicate and texture wise, it reminds me of soft gummies ahshahshahs and are Moon's antennas sensitive? Cuz if so, I'll spare really, really gentle kissies 🙏🏻
Okay bye akfjowkfkwkkf (usually really nervous to ask but um yes okay thank you)
HI STARRIE!!!!!! 🩷🩷🩷💐💐
Of course you can! He’d be more than happy to let you <33
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They’re a little bit sensitive so be careful! But they’re definitely not as sensitive as either of their antennae
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Have fun with that >;))
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en-gelic · 1 year ago
thank you for the tag eires <333
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animal place plant
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character season hobby
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colour drink
my pinterest really doesn't make me look good rn >~<
tagging: @i57berry @cholexc and everyone else who wants to join!
how well does pinterest know you?
search up these things on Pinterest and chhose the first option!
animal, place, plant, character, season, hobby, color, and drink!
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tagging:@leaderwon @ynsvnte @jaeyunluvr @glitterjay @okwonyos @okwonyo @fakeuwus +anyone who wants to join! 🫶🏻
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orikiys · 1 year ago
list your moots as skz songs!!
also i love ur works sm babes ❤️
FINALLY OKAY *cracks knuckles* let’s goo, i am an avid sappy song listener so many of these might be related to it!
@aravrs she is so streetlight by binnie coded! like the song screams her 🤩🤩 she has always reminded me of binnie in some or the other way so yess. YOU ARE MY CHANGBIN 🫵 ILY
@haneagerr VOLCANO this song was written for her. yes. jisung wrote it for her guys, it’s time i told y’all the truth anw 😄 the song is filled with angst and she is my daily dose of angst dump ( i dump most my angst fics on her 😄 )
@hotteoki okay so my lovely skits is for sure super bowl don’t tell me otherwise ‼️ for as long as i’ve know her super bowl fits her personality so good 😍😍😍 super biwl is such a banger and so is skits personality 🤩 girlie pop is amazing!!
@jisungsdaydreamer DREAMY AHH okay so she reminds me of sunshine! the song sounds so soft and it always reminds of dreams! sunshine was my first skz song and when i read dreamy’s works it always reminds me of it!
@blue-jisungs axie reminds me of limbo by minho! there’s a story behind it? so when i started texting her on dc i was listening to limbo and from the start to the end of the song i was texting her that’s why ig whenever i listen to limbo it reminds me of her?
@wheeboo rania reminds of case 143! she is so full of love and creativity im jealous 😍 she is such a sweet person honestly 🤗🤗
@slytherinshua zanna is DLC ! it’s such a free spirited song and everytime i text her i feel so genuinely happy 🤩🤩 teach me ur ways girlie pls
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cas-is-queer · 2 months ago
Rb and tag your mutuals. No reason, just to let them know you appreciate them.
Moots <3
@imasillygooose @mat-of-superwholock @furious-poetry-review @why-am-i-a-moth @breadbut3d @doctahpants @raspberrydee @disasterhals @priincessboy @spacecurlsandbowties @reyah-song @drop-of-infinity @chilly-shark @tangerinejuice @lilgayboy475 @codex-arcene @bananaterracotta-pie @icarianstars @alltoowellsscarf @jodie-whittakers-suspenders @blogurlnotfound
Holy shit there's a lot of you <3 love you guys. Not to get sappy on main but y'all make this hellsite (affectionate) a really great place to be, and I've found a great sense of community with you all. Much love <3 -Cas
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kiropng · 4 months ago
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any night in the woods fans...?
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shewolfofvilnius · 5 months ago
sorry for folks who followed me for other stuff but this is my brain for at LEAST the next month (or twenty)
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