#moonside OCs
moonsideneon · 1 year
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Auret Magylax!
6'3" (ish)
Auret is a knight of the Magylax Guard, fighting to protect the islands from strange creatures that appear suddenly called "Tall Tales". He'd rather not have to fight for his life on the daily, but someone has to do it. The years of this have taken their toll on him.
In combat hes a skilled wild mage and swordsman, able to dispatch enemies with ease- though his hand lends a gentle touch as well, able to teach complex magic to even children. Hes kind and caring, but doesnt like getting attached to people. If you manage to stick around and hold your own he might just fall for you-
I plan on eventually getting a full story down that involves him and about 7 other characters, all about a set of islands plagued by monsters that appear out of nowhere. Your character wakes up there with no idea how they got there, why what looked to be a dinosaur tried to attack you, and why the hot furry thinks this is normal. VN adjacent but i dont have the skills (currently) to flesh one out LOL
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starocide · 1 year
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I meant to post her here before but I forgot to. Funny oc
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beanieblaise · 9 months
departure fic pt 1 release!
hi all i finally started writing my AU porky + kaylin fic and posted the first part on ao3! you can find it here :>
some notes on pattykay and 'departure', for the curious --
'departure', as i'm calling it for now, is a prequel series to gga, focused mostly on kaylin and patty (fem AU!porky) set in an AU of onett in the late 2010s. it is written solely by myself.
for the time placement: i feel like the time this AU takes place in doesn't really matter beyond the way the characters speak and treat each other (particularly kaylin, patty, and nestor)? however it is a departure from EB's setting itself so i think it's worth mentioning.
characters are aged up. the chosen four are all 18 because i don't feel comfortable with some of the aspects of GGA later on happening to young/mid teenagers. also i like reimagining the four as adults bc it's kinda cool as long as you're not being a creep abt it tbh.
patty is the name porky has in this fic/AU, because i feel like canon!porky's home life was bad enough in EB without literally being named porky lol. as such 'porky' was a mean nickname given to patty in gym class.
ness's full name is nestor for about the same reasons as patty being renamed, except ness is less cruel (and used as a nickname in the narrative and otherwise)
i've posted art of kaylin before. this is the same kaylin as in 'departure', we'll get there as to why she's big and fluffy and pink later :)
patty and kaylin are on the fringes of their breakup as of 'departure'. it's a mutual breakup, and they're still friends. for now.
hey! later CWs for this fic WILL include:
nonconsensual bodyswapping
romantic strife
may be rb'd with additions later idk i wrote all this in one sitting, i need lunch
edisnoom ot emoclew, my friends!
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vampireopossum · 1 year
moonside disturbia amv
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Meet My OCs
welcome back to Meet My OC, a series where i talk about my OC characters and explain them in detail: who they are, what they do, and what makes them tick. Featured today is Chia, from my WIP "White Candy".
Name: Chia Xailan (formerly Ailan Zhuxi) Nicknames/Titles: Lady of Glass; The Saint Date of Birth: August 22nd, 3940 Age: 44 WIP: White Candy Role: Main lead
Character Quote: "I’ve come to terms with the blood that stains hands. There’s no need for you to dirty yours.” (I've updated my Other two MMO posts with a character Quote; going forward, I'll include these.)
Background & personality: who are they?
Chia is a orphan who was adopted by the Maidenhood of Glass. Her parents, Zang and Liela Zhuzi, were killed in a gang war- an all-too-common occurrence in many Cities on Sunside and Moonside of Belarix. Chia stands around 5'8 with a slender build, with white hair and blue/gray eyes. Being adopted into the Maidenhood meant that while she did play with toy blocks and such- she also played with sharp weaponry. Death was just another facet of life, and the Maidenhood taught her that it was a mercy. The maidenhood lets all of their children lead a semi-normal life until they come of age. then they hold a test to see who is worthy and who isn't. It only has one singular rule: Survive the night. only then do they become a Maiden of glass.
Ailan became a expert with knives very quickly. she loved cards, and her caretaker taught her card tricks when she was young- tricks that translated well into knife throwing. of course, she was trained in other skills, namely swordsmanship and archery. she excelled in both After the Test, she quickly rose through the ranks by taking requests and completing them with ruthless efficiency: Without qualm or hesitation. By 35, She had attained the rank directly below the High Maiden. Ailan's very serious and well-mannered despite all the killing she's done- she doesn't enjoy it, it's just another necessity to her. she retired at the age of 41 after she was tasked with killing Clarence and Shi Caspa, and couldn't bring herself to take in and raise their daughter, knowing that she would have to train and potentially kill them. they reunited- unbeknownst to Marie caspa, at the White Rabbit inn as Barmaids.
Chia picked up Card tricks again after she became a barmaid, and she's quite good at entertaining the patrons of the White rabbit inn- be it Mercenary groups or Families or anything inbetween. she's also good at chess- hundreds of games against Matthew(her boss) later.
Put bluntly, Chia doesnt know how to talk to a man. she also thinks it's too late to start a relationship, nevermind the fact that being in one would be nothing but detrimental to her. She's not interested. She's married to her weapons.
Chia's relationship segment is short because she has no parents, no siblings, and her caretaker isnt really a parental figure. She has alot of friends, though she hasn't talked to any of them in at least three years, or at least the ones from the Maidenhood. Marie is akin to a little sister to her and Matthew is a employer- and a drinking buddy. He's cute enough to fuck, and that's about it.
Other Miscellaneous facts:
She prefers Wine over Beer
she hates sparkling things(soda, sparkling water)
her favorite food is Warabimochi
She's slightly homophobic(she would not like Tira and Lilli.)
Taglist: @jakkon-and-rose-topic @aesthetic-writer18 @the-golden-comet @ominous-feychild @emilynotfound @wyked-ao3
Lemme know if you want to be tagged in future things/want to be taken off the tag list. Cheers!
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
cicatrix .⋆☁︎:・꧂
chapter eight. keep. [new 5/3] ✩
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18+ only | rocket x f!oc | 8/25+ | wip | word count: pending. masterlist, notes, & moodboard | chapter eight. keep.
the monster dreams. pearl makes a den. see below for warnings & notes.
“You said that Arete meant excellence.” She makes another small noise, shifting in her half of the blankets. He hesitates, then tugs at the soft quilts around himself. He should probably throw them off. Act like nothing’s wrong — tell her to get her ass into bed. He could keep himself busy — distract himself with tinkering. His brain is still skittering in his head like a little animal in an electrified cage, but he thinks maybe he can rig up a nonfiring practice-cannon for her, get her set up for some target practice as soon as they get moonside. “Arete is the personification of excellence, yes. She’s the idea of someone… fully realizing the height of their potential. Or — uhm. A thing that perfectly fulfills its intended function.” He doesn’t know why that hurts. His thoughts are still rattling in his skull: ricocheting, rippling with echoes of his memories. Maybe it’s the part where he knows that people and objects are interchangeable for Wyndham. Maybe it’s the ghost of everyone who’s ever called him a thing. Maybe it’s just that he knows he’s infinite lightyears away from any definition of excellence — scrabbly and horrifying and sewn-together and scarred, hiding under his own goddamn flight control console next to a gorgeous fuckin’ girl he’d just mauled a few rotations ago. The Monster manages a pathetic little attempt at a snort. “Well, guess he fucked that up with me.”
read more on ao3 | masterlist, notes, & moodboard
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okay, we're reaching the next phase. an agreement has more-or-less been established. hang on with me till chapter eleven or so and we'll start moving into real plot i promise??? (okay don't hold me to that)
WARNINGS for chapter eight: references to canonical medical trauma. as usual, rocket’s a degenerate.
a story about scars. two survivors learn about themselves, each other, hope, and the universe. a freakish little monster visits the high evolutionary’s bride on her wedding night. an adventure of intergalactic proportions ensues. aka raccoons make plans; the universe laughs.
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fluff ✮ | spice ✩ | some smut ❤︎‬ | much smut ❤︎‬❤︎‬
taglist ♡ @evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @glow-autumz ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @suicidalshitstick ♡ @pretty-chips
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silbeni · 6 months
Ryoma and gadzooks slap tbh. Sick oc, would like to see infodump on the stand if you're ok with doing that
TY!!! :3 IM glad you like them💥
Wanted to save this for when I made drawings of everything but I'm bored so heeeere we go
So, Gadzooks primary power is to convert anything (People, objects, MEMORIES) into film. Anything that is turned into film goes into what I'm calling Gadzooks' film world. The film world is pretty much a copy of Morioh but a. Lot stranger. I have yet to draw it so I'm not gonna talk about it much? But it's very surreal. Earthbound moonside vibes.
When The film is cut, whatever the film was made out of will be cut too. I'm unsure yet what this means for people? Initially I thought It would simply (harmlessly) sever whatever limbs or pieces were cut.... But now I'm not too sure about that? I'm more thinking it can cause harm, but it's like depriving it of oxygen? Like cutting blood circulation. If separated for too long it will die 😦.
Besides making things into film, Gadzooks (and thus Ryoma) can go into movies/recordings as well as interact with photos/drawings. I've already talked about this, but Ryoma interacts with a picture of Kira. And it goes wrong because of course it does.
Ummmmmmm I knowwwww I'm missing stuff.. I think besides taking objects out of movies, (like evil shadow) perhaps it can also summon people? Gadzooks siccing Micheal Myers on Kira ansbajs. I'm not sure if I'll keep that,,, I can't think of much use for it plus I think it would take a huge amount of effort.
OOOOOO also whenever Gadzooks plays a film (of someone or whatever) it'll project a flat .. well projection of it. It just works like a regular projector skshsj yah.
Gadzooks also appears gigantic like Ryoma in the film world (whenever they're in it) you can see a bit of that here
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katyspersonal · 2 years
I think I didn't send you an ask yet so here !
10, 13, and 24 for now !! :D
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
10. Your favorite ost?
Oh, this is definitely Living Failures! It was the very first Bloodborne OC I've ever heard though. A friend that played From's games shared it with me and back then I didn't pick instant interest in the game (unlike how when I've heard Micolash's theme...), but the music was AMAZING. It was the coolest videogame soundtrack I've heard in years, and I sat until 5 AM that night listening to that track on repeat. Because it got me so hyped I've lost all sleep, that's why!!! Still remains my favorite track, just... absolutely unrivaled buildup, beautiful instruments, and of course, AAAAAAAVEEEEE AAAAVEEEEE STEEEEELAAAAAAR. When I was obsessed with that track back then I of course could not appreciate the lore significance and how well in conveyed the absolute reverence, anguish, yearning and desperation for salvation from the 'stars', so now I love it even more. It is one of the best tracks in the game, it didn't need to be attached to an epic battle to be epic.
13. A cut content you would have wanted in the game?
God, how this is even a question? Of course, OF COURSE, what else it can be other than...... ARCHIBALD'S [EXAGERRATED LIP-LICKING]-
sdfhfhsghfsd okay okay but seriously now xD There is... a lot of stuff. Almost all cut content of Bloodborne is removed in such an elegant fashion that you can sort of still discover how probable it is it upon vague clues... as if it wasn't removed, but hidden (Rom gurl what you doin THIS time). The perfect example is Annalise's unborn baby whose mention was patched out very early after launch, but you can still conclude it from how both Annalise and Arianna lose melanin in their hair and from that bloody trail leading to Annalise's under skirt area.
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(patched out and only saved via screenshots)
However, it is for THIS reason why a lot of cut content of Bloodborne is BETTER stay cut - because it creates a more challenging lore riddle! Isn't it more fun to deduce a lore bit using your own observation and analytical skills, instead of just being told what happened exactly? From Annalise's unborn baby to 'if there is Flora would not there be a counterpart named Fauna?', things better stay untouched and create a mystery!
But there is a different kind of cut content as well, and I am talking about…
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( x )
I owe this discovery to @val-of-the-north , and also I believe @nymerias-wrath confirmed this detail (she tends to know absolutely EVERYTHING about cut or patched out content so I'd recommend asking her for any clarification you ever need). It sounds like such a good idea! I presume the lake refers to the one Rom is guarding, and again, a bird chirped to me that you'd end up in the upside-down Byrgenwerth. (I really need to gather more solid sources now that I am talking about it...) I still adopt it in my ideas and make it so that Moonside Lake used to be the portal into the rest of Byrgenwerth (and that's how Edgar found Micolash), but Micolash 'closed' it when Edgar had dick brain moment and spilled him the truth just because he was a simp -_- And sent some of the Shadows he had serving him as Mergo's "dad" as a bonus loool.
Not to mention I fucking L O V E Micolash's cut dialogue soooooOOOOOOO fucking MUCH. Just… everything about it. I am, in fact, not all too happy about how we only meet him in the "end" of his way, already fully insane and gone, when cut dialogue suggests he STILL has a struggle left within him, between his human side and 'madman that only cares for higher plane' side (Adeline moment). It was just… so tragic. Like… I get that after everything player been through, meeting him SHOULD have been a comic relief moment so the player recharges and still has emotional energy to care about plot's culmination… There was just no room for the 'betrayal sequence' I suppose? …except there was, and I think the devs could have elaborated Nightmare of Mensis more, make us see Micolash as a friend NPC that we go back to during Nightmare questlines, someone that grows on us to the point we see him as Doll v.2 (maybe he could even level us up too, or give us special benefits in exchange of Insight). So, instead of recharging player emotionally with hilarity (or annoyance, depends on how you feel towards Micolash's "battle"), we could have been recharged by the fake sense of peace and comfort, see him as someone interested in freeing Mergo just as much… and then HAHA LOOSER GOTCHAAAAAA. The only good thing about the decision to make him more plain is that 'traitor' is the fact that betrayal sequence is THE ultimate imba of Tumblr sexymen, and if he did betray us, he'd have even STRONGER grasp on the simps. o_o hoooo boy… There'd be NO survivors....
24. Share a fond memories.
I presume this must refer to fandomry? Because every single moment of playing Bloodborne is already a good memory. xD Hmmm... I already mentioned that time when I got an anon ask on my 'formal' blog, saying 'can we get random alfred hcs'? I felt extremely honoured that someone wanted ME to share the ideas about a character they liked, especially when back then I was just an awkward asocial lore person in the fandom and didn't pose myself as a writer upon request, or just a writer. It is because I cherish that moment of trust so much I avoid saying unflattering things about Alfred despite having grievances with the character. x) It was just such a good memory that I never get tired of bringing it back!
I also have a very good memory of a certain day. That day I was able to catch my coworker stealing money from the cash register (!) and attempting to frame me (!!!), using nothing but my amazing detective skills, so I was already pretty hyped. I was ranting to Val about it in a VC over phone on my way home. And imagine how much more joy and unhinged happiness I felt, when during VC I opened Tumblr and saw the ask celebrating that 'finally good Doll takes are picking up and people are giving her a justice instead of seeing her as gross sexual object and then claiming to love her'. I am paraphrasing but you must recall that one because you clearly got an ask from the same person xD Just... one "victory" layered upon another, and I've felt such intense mania and CHEER, that the raw power of emotions made that day a blinding, bright spot somewhere in the record of my life. This is what happens to a mf when they barely ever feel real happiness and just pretend to look alive. Maybe it was not a big deal in retrospective, but it made me feel DRUNK in happiness. ...so drunk that my response was not very nice and more like 'HAHAHAHA MFKING LOOOOOSERS WHO IS THE BEST LORE PERSON NOW HUH FUCK YOU ALL I AM FUCKIN BALLIN'' that I still feel a bit guilty about ^^"" But it was one of my best memories nonetheless.
Out of a bit more personal stuff, I'd say that you and @heraldofcrow are a very fond memory, and also @jarognieva . You guys sticked with me through everything, even when I started to genuinely spiral to my worst and fully embraced the prospect of you all being sick of me, you still chose to stay mutuals. Seeing you grow from a shy user to someone with very elaborate ideas and a lot of passion was an absolute delight. And I've got to see how much your art improved over time, and how Crow started to draw. I am just glad that I got to at least see you guys get better and make more friends and improve your skills.... (and seeing how much I rotted Crow's brain with overly specific lore bits when I saw her insane theory ramblings about Vilebloods AHAHAHAHAHA.) Like... just watching you guys was a great experience, getting to talk with you and to exchange the ideas is even more than I could have asked for, but I am very thankful.
Also, of course, my version of Rom getting FANART. I cried pathetic unloved kid happy tears all three times I received it. Two drawings were done by Saintmic and another one was done by someone else who is, eh, a NOT fond memory now, really.
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Though honestly, Saintmic was a very good fandom memory as well. I once posted a very creepy, weird remark on Micolash as a character and how he'd corrupt people with his cultist brainwashing..... and after some time I got a reblog from him with even WORSE (/pos) take. I was so surprised to see someone having an idea more disturbing than mine. And it happened later too, when I proposed the idea of Micolash not harming fertile females specifically because of his gross obsession with women and birth, and he added that in fact it was more likely that he just used women for rituals (especially their menstrual blood) when men were just cattle. I am dead serious. The creativity and lore just... increased so much as we were exchanging ideas, my lore got so much better, I actually owe my ultra super fantastic and elaborate portrayal of Micolash to him as inspiration and someone giving ideas and honestly knowing Micolash's very soul. Honestly, you can play a game of 'guess how much of my Micolash lore I owe that guy' and you will lose because you probably not estimate big enough. Ya'll just don't know what it feels like to be a weirdo, to feel avoided and shunned even by fellow Micolash simps for "disturbing" and "not sexy" ideas, to question whether I am just spoiling a beloved character with my monkey brain and then meet someone who just hits a blunt and goes all: 'I smell weakness'.
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Basically I've found my Stitch yeah. When you get 'the creepy kid' side-effect in the autism drawbacks fortune wheel, you learn to cherish such things </3
Thank you for the ask!!!
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schmafs · 6 years
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dont lose your head
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h3m0cyt3 · 4 years
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empatheticampersand · 6 years
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Self care is making a shit tonne of transformers ocs. 
EDIT: Caved and made a Powerpoint because I love them all so much and couldn’t fit all their info on the ref sheets. 
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starocide · 9 months
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Late bday sketch posting for them :)
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beanieblaise · 9 months
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!edisnooM ot emocleW
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psibluscout · 6 years
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if fourside and moonside had flags
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spiritwaker95 · 6 years
What Lies Beneath
“The moon is lovely tonight, is it not?”
The woman had asked him this the moment he had stepped foot onto the balcony. She had yet to turn her back away from him, instead choosing to continue to gaze out across the waters.
“Yes, it truly is.” He took to her side, intertwining his callused fingers with her slender ones.
“The way it reflects off the water is simply breathtaking.” She smiled as she turned to look his way. “Have you ever wondered what may lie beneath, though?”
“Beneath the water?”
“Yes. Mother would tell me stories of how there existed pools of water which held portals to faraway lands beneath their surfaces. Some speak of one such place that leads to where nightmares are captured so that the world may slumber peacefully.” She returned to gazing towards the moon, a gentle sigh releasing from her lips. “I would love to visit such a place some day.”
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “If such a place exists, I will find it for you and show you.”
“You promise?”
“I swear on my life.”
She leaned forward, their lips connecting for a moment. “I’ll hold you to it.”
“Aa.... Aah...”
The man in the chair raised his arm, his staff pointing to beyond the ledge and towards the lake. He spoke no words save his soft cries.
The Hunter walked up to the edge, peering down towards the waters below. Directly beneath the balcony lay an off-colour patch of water, simmering almost as though reflecting the light of the moon. Still the man gestured, to which the Hunter surmised words: “What you seek lies beneath the waves.”
Mismatched eyes raised themselves to take in the pale moon that hung above. A saddened smile took residence upon his lips. “We found it, Emmy.”
With that, Cyril stepped off the edge.
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