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inkly-heart · 11 months ago
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newspringhope · 1 year ago
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Is there anymore series with this kind of monstrous transformation?
Edit: To people saying limbus company and project moon, I already know about that series! It’s literally in this meme with the pianist!
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arradraws · 2 years ago
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N-no... Not... ...
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shimada-death · 1 year ago
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Fear & hunger termina
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laugtherhyena · 2 years ago
Fuck you *categorizes your moonscorches*
Earlier today i was chatting with my friends and it made me think a lot about the moonscorched forms of the termina cast and what they represent, the conversation itself was about Daan and Elise's relationship and how i personally don't think we can use Stitches as an accurate way to read her character due to moonscorch.
Because the moonscorch forms are at their core a distorted version of someone, however the way in which they're distorted tends to vary a lot between characters to the point that in order to understand what way that is you need to know who they were as humans, which is something we can't do with Elise since she's a background character who we never interact or see when she was alive.
This made me want to look into and try to categories the termina participants moonscorch forms in the way i think the distortion potrays them as, which it's not accurate to them as people in most cases.
-Daan: "This isn't who i am"
There's nothing about Pocketcat that resembles Daan aside from his physical appearance and a couple odd lines (of which i feel like may happen because he is a fresh new body for Pocketcat? So he still has a few of Daan's memories and mannerisms but those will likely fade away the longer he stays in that body) because he's just a creature who took over his body, Pocketcat is not Daan and Daan is not Pocketcat. I personally don't even count this as a moonscorch form, but sources tend to group him with the others, so i might as well add him in this list.
-Abella and Marcoh: "This isn't who i am, but what the world percieves me as"
To look at the Chaugnar and conclude that Abella is a rude and violent person is just straight up wrong. Abella as a person is kind, sweet and caring, but not only is her profession something uncommon for women to have in that time period but she actively works for an organization that values her skills and not her as a person.
It's easy to percive her as something she isn't judging solely by appearance and/or an abridged description of her character. This is what the Chaugnar is, it's Abella being potrayed as the mindless brute she doesn't want to be seen as.
The same thing happens with Marcoh, his background, his connection to mobsters, his reputation as a street boxer, all of those things can paint the image of Marcoh as a dangerous and violent man when in reality he is genuinely a good person at heart.
-Levi, Marina and Olivia: "This isn't who i want to be"
These the most upsetting form of moonscorch in my opinion because the distress and agony the characters are going through it's incredibly apparent.
Levi despises wars, they took so much away from him and gave nothing but trauma and addiction in return. He hates being associate with them which is why Weeping scope cries as he relentlessly scratches the gun on his head, it's Levi desperately trying separate himself from wars and violence, unfortunately to no avail.
Following her father's footsteps is not something Marina wants nor does she feel like she has to, the idea that her life has been decided from the moment she was born by someone else is something she hates. Marina's moonscorch is her being forced into this role and being controled by another person, a parasite that has logged itself onto her body and now gives her orders on everything she has to do.
This last one may be a little more of a stretch, i don't know Olivia as well as i know the other two, but her moonscorch being a giant machine that continuously poisons you through the fight makes me think about how much Olivia hates feeling like she's a bother to others and that a group would do better without her to "slow them down". There's also the fact that she's a botanist and machines are pretty much the polar opposite of the nature she cares so much about.
-Tanaka and Henryk: "This is who i need to be"
Judgement is pretty much the embodiment of Tanaka's feelings about how as the head of his family and their main source of income he needs to keeping going regardless of his mental of physical state, it doesn't matter if he's hurt or exhausted he needs to continue working, he has to, the grind never stops! Because this is what he thinks will make him the perfect eldest son.
Now this other one is heavily tied with my personal interpretation of Henryk's character; which is a man who, coming from a career that's usually not seen as very "manly", wants to fit in and conform with society's expectations of how a man is supposed to be because he hates the feeling of rejection.
That's why the Gentleman is, well, a gentleman. It's the kind of person Henryk feels like he needs to be. He's big, strong and moreover he's a leader, the mayor or Prehevil, it makes me think a lot about how men are expected to grow into strong leading figures just for the sake of being a guy.
-Samarie and O'saa: "This is who i should be"
Truth be told O'saa is one of the characters in this game i know the least about, so i had to get some help from my friend Marco on this and at the end of the day we thought this category was the best to describe his moonscorch. O'saa doesn't live by anyone else's rules, be it the government, the gods, he doesn't even follow the rules of the yellow mages, the Mastermind may be a manifestation of his ego as in if he isn't following them then he surely must be above all of these forces? Hard to say.
Now Samarie is a weird one, i don't really know where to start? So i think I'll do it by the name lf her moonscorch form, Dysmorphia, which is when someone obsseses over one or more aspects of their body that they consider a flaw. From her lines i get the feeling that Samarie really doesn't like herself that much and reading her mind mostly shows her calling herself a fool or a fucking idiot, so it's plausible that this dislike towards herself also applies to physical appearance and not just her as a person.
My friend once pointed out that Dysmorphia looks like the opposite of Samarie and while he said it in a joke manner i do feel like there's some logic behind it; Samarie has long hair but Dysmorphia has none, Samarie is skinny and bony while Dysmorphia is big and round, Samarie is always with a tired and kinda sad expression while Dysmorphoria apears to be smiling. It could be that Samarie hates herself so much that she sees this monstrosity that's the opposite of her as "perfect form" of sorts? She does say that she's radiating as Dysmorphia, i guess it's food for thought.
Because really this entire section is mostly me theorizing/speculating because these two were the hardest characters for me to categorize on this.
-Karin and Caligura: "This is who i trully am"
This is one of the most interesting moonscorch categories because they're the only ones that accurately potray who these characters are despite being distortions of their human selves.
Karin is the Valkyrie, she genuinely believes she's doing a good thing with her work, that she's is imortalizing these fallen soldiers and giving them the recognition they deserve. At the same time she knows those who criticize her work have a point, she makes a living out talking about these tragedies like a vulture that feeds of a corpse on the side of the road, yet she sticks to her beliefs that what she does is good at the end of the day.
Meanwhile Caligura is undeniably a vile disgusting man, he is a monster inside and out. So seing him as a giant scrotum that stays submerged in gross sewer water does a good job at summarizing who he is as a person.
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sylvilla · 5 months ago
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graahhh (9/26/24)
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mochamoth · 2 months ago
Moonscorched OC redesign!
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As much as I did love her Moonless inspired design, her motives ans traumas changed, and her old wolf esc form no longer fit her in my eyes. I redesigned her to look more like Vinushka, the name "Fauna" adding to that. For context on my OC, Sherri, she is a zoologist and is fascinated by the wildlife of animals. She has trauma revolving around the Gods as her old village was so superstitious they tried to burn her alive. Why? They heard rumors she was involved in praying to Sylvian. Not doing rituals or spreading word. Just praying. There's more backstory, but it's irrelevant to her moonscorching.
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Like stated her appearance represents the Nature God, however it's symbolic of a few other themes. Grasping at straws of course. Her being tied and fused to the deer body represents how she was tied to the traumas and beliefs of her village. She refused to delve too deep into her religious findings due to fearing priests and church. Her nudity represents how this form isn't all bad for her. She's finally free to be one with nature, with all the animals. The antlers could maybeee represent how blinded by obsession she can get sometimes, but it's unintentional. Also while I haven't figure out a color scheme yet, the growths near her shoulders and the lower part of her abdomen are the same as those sprouting from Cocoon, near where the nub of Marina's dad starts.
Tbh I might yap more about her later, for now I am tired and still need to figure out when she would and blah blah my boring info dump.
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rbgoberian · 8 months ago
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That's not a normal mirror, Marcoh... you might not like your reflection in there.
But don't worry, you'll be safe from it... as long as you don't eat a cherry ;) 🍒
Ah, I had a hard time with this one, but it wasn't because of the moonscorched version of Marcoh... it was all the rendering. Gods, I need to use more paint brushes 😩
And now... if you are asking "why all the background is purple?''
The answer is the same as with my first two fanarts posted here: I'm just following my visions. Yep...
Maybe you have to imagine the feeling of mixing your hyperfixations.
Anyways, I'm rambling too much and I don't wanna act like Pocketcat, so see y'all on my next post!
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m0rb1dspade · 10 months ago
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Basic Agnes References
Her Toyhouse.
Moonscorch Below (Might change it??)
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meat-pvppet · 2 years ago
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moonscorches all up on ya
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jestressofnihil · 1 year ago
I think the best thing F&H gains from being this raw and unfair experience must be how the characters end up feeling real and well written even if in any other game they would feel underdeveloped.
They feel like real people because the world feels real.
It's not that they are that well written. I mean, they are well written but the game doesn't really dwell on their specific feelings and characteristics that much and they could even be a bit shallow if it wasn't because they feel like real humans.
They have a lot of character because the atmosphere makes every detail feel deeply intentional and, because of that, the existence of physical representations of their minds feel more worthy of analysis and deep thought.
I feel like they gain weight because of it.
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maverickhuntersnow · 2 years ago
the dysmorphia is radiating!
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Inspired by the METAMORPHIS fanfic on ao3, go check it out!
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bunubunss · 6 months ago
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"it's your time to bask in the sun"
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hiort · 8 months ago
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best boyfriend ever!!!
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kerschplat · 1 year ago
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laugtherhyena · 10 months ago
What is Ingrid-Elise’s Soul Type?
She has the tormented soul! And speaking of her this ask reminds me how i had an idea for her moonscorch form but never got around to finishing it back in the day so here it is
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It's a rat with a disgustingly elongated neck that makes stretching sounds when moving :)
Pestilence as in pest, which can be used to refer to an unwanted or bothersome person. Rats, especially in that time period, were considered pests as well, they're also prey to both cats and vultures.
All of this is in reference to her relationship with he parents while Pestilence's non-hostile nature mimics how she used to be as a person. Desperately clinging to her one passion as a means of comfort despite no longe being able to properly indulge in it.
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