jupitereatscrayons · 2 years
Okay so for the mutual hangout I would definitely want to go to a roller skating rink and maybe a café to get some treats! 🍪
i cannot fucking rollerskate but yeah i like cafes! :]
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pips-squeak · 2 years
Where I am from is of no importance.
I am from a boring street that’s in a normal neighborhood in an average state.
I am from a sea themed nursery that my dad painted himself
I am from a middle class family.
My childhood was not a fascinating one.
I am from stability, and heart and tolerance. I’m sorry.
So there’s not much I can say about places on a map, but
What I am from is my mom’s movie posters hung up in the living room
The soapy smell of helping wash my dad’s car
Lathering my stuffed bear in lotion so he wouldn’t have dry skin.
Rooms, though,
The rooms I am from have melancholy built into its stone
I am from the chair beside the bed in hospitals
From beside the bed in a nursing home
From the metal seats and soft tears of funerals.
I am from the wooden benches of churches and the kneeled pose of prayers that were never answered
So I have nothing to say about streets, or neighborhoods or states but.
Rooms are where my memories are, and Rooms keep my life’s story in their walls.
(taglist below)
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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crescentmoonscaped · 2 years
New url!
moonlitartist -> crescentmoonscaped
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jackiebrackettt · 2 years
If it’s not too much trouble could you add me to the tag list for Exercises in Doom?
yeah absolutely! tysm :]
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jaymesdoodles · 2 years
Maybe a Randal Jade perhaps? 👉👈
- totally not @/moonlitartist
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here he is!! I loved drawing the guy
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solardrink · 2 years
i see them around ^_^ they seem like a stand up person
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pixiecaps · 2 years
Moonlitartist? <- totally not the user in question
hello anon that is definitely not 🙅‍♀️ moon. they are super nice i love interacting with them. he gave me a boba the other day and that was crazy cus i fucking love boba how did he know that idk but it was very funny to me
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rosysugarr · 2 years
Moonlitartist 👉👈
I don't know moon's pronouns oh no. but Moon seems super cool! The only reason I don't follow back is because I try not to follow minors generally-- I've kinda failed at that given not everyone has their ages listed publicly, but I do go looking, since I figure yall don't want some strange adult following your daily shit and all. Still! You seem cool, Moon, I SWEAR it's not personal that we aren't moots ok. You're just baby.
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jupitereatscrayons · 2 years
Jupiter!!! How are you doing?
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help i want to draw my ocs but i cant arghhhhhh
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pips-squeak · 2 years
The Lights In The Church
There are holes in my head.
Places where memories have been carved out
And jagged edges where I’ve taken the cleaver to my own brain.
A holy cross is one;
Among the trinkets that are left at my feet
Of my past.
It used to sit in my head.
And it wasn’t festering upon anything but
I knew it was there.
It bothered me.
Never sitting still in its place
It kept pushing.
And with the silver branding me
And the weight of the metal stifling
It was a needy thing,
God’s wish.
And eventually I expected it to pay its dues.
But it didn’t.
It did the equivalent of laughing at me
And I think my head was a little too happy in
Expelling the belief.
So the lights went out in the church,
And the strings that attached me to it were
(taglist under cut)
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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“Moonlit Irises” available at Joie-Gallery #chinoiseriechic #chinoiseriestyle #moonlitart #iris #irislove #irislover #heronart #heronlove #heronarts #moonlitartistic (at Buffalo Bayou Park)
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pips-squeak · 2 years
Under The Same Sun
Under The Same Sun character list
Maya: 13, African American, jaunty, a nature person.
Benji: 15, Asian, has a tendency to wear all black,
Tag Line
Two friends sit in a field of corn and decide to play hide and seek when the sun is at its brightest.
(MAYA and BENJI sit in a field surrounded by high stalks of corn, laughing with each other. The lights shine very bright on the entire stage to mimic the sun at around 2PM. The scene starts as if the two friends have been talking for a while in that spot.)
Scene 1
It isn’t fair though! Ms. Alretta is the devil herself, I swear.
(MAYA tries not to laugh at him.)
I mean, yeah, she can be a little mean but…
No, no, no don’t start with that ‘Oh well maybe if you did your work and studied more’ no! She’s awful and I hate her.
(BENJI fake pouts.)
That was not, in fact, what I was going to say but yeah, fine. Maybe you should do your work and study more. And don’t make that face at me.
(BENJI flops onto the grass on his back, moving his arm to cover his eyes.)
Fuck, it’s bright. I forgot my sunglasses, too.
(MAYA lightly slaps his arm.)
You know you should’nt curse like that. Besides, I’m enjoying the sun. Apparently it’s supposed to rain for a few days straight next week.
Thank god, I hate this heat. I’m not made for 90 degree weather.
(MAYA rolls her eyes at him and pauses.)
Yknow, I think we should play a game.
(BENJI raises an eyebrow at her.)
A game? What, like eye spy?
No, stupid, like hide and seek. This is the literal perfect place for it.
(Both MAYA and BENJI stand up, and BENJI sighs.)
God, this is stupid. Okay, fine. You wanna count?
(BENJI slowly sneaks behind MAYA as she covers her eyes and he disappears into the mass of corn stalks.)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
(BENJI comes out of the corn to be downstage right, takes a glance at MAYA while she’s still counting, and goes back into the corn.)
6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ready or not here I come!
(MAYA opens her eyes and turns around, listening for Benji’s footsteps. She doesn’t hear anything.)
(MAYA turns to where she heard BENJI’s voice.)
(As MAYA starts to push through the stalks of corn, the lights on the stage are progressively getting brighter. MAYA has a hand over her eyes to try and help her vision.)
Marco? God, it’s bright. Marco!
(No one responds, and the stage is eerily quiet.)
Benji, I'm not tall enough for this! At least give me a hint!
(Still, no one answers, and MAYA’s mood visibly drops.)
(MAYA pushes through the corn stalks while almost frantic. She’s now yelling.)
Benji! Why is it so bright? Benji!
(The lights brighten so much to the point where it’s difficult for the audience to see the stage. MAYA is now running through the corn stalks, and trips.)
Ow! Benji, this isn’t funny. I’m being serious!
(MAYA gets up from the ground, and staggers to downstage center, almost entirely covering her eyes because of the lights.)
(The lights dim enough so that the audience can see the stage again, and MAYA is still shading her eyes, facing the audience. She takes another few steps forward so the audience can see the bloody footprints coming from her shoes that have made a trail behind her. Her hands are dripping with fresh blood.)
(taglist below)
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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pips-squeak · 2 years
It’s Just Around The Corner
There was a thumping. It had been going on for a few days, getting progressively louder. But it was just a thumping, and this was an old house. You weren’t too worried, and you only had to be at home when you were sleeping or getting ready for work.
Nothing was out of place. Nothing else seemed weird in your home. The thumping was starting to be annoying, though, even more than it was chilling. Whenever you were trying to rest and relax, there it was. But it was fine. You had headphones, and you could always go and sleepover at a friend’s if it got worse.
Besides, it wasn’t constant. It would stop for a few hours, and then continue for a bit. Start and stop, start and stop. It was fine, nothing you couldn’t handle.
At some point, though, the thumping became so loud it was hard to sleep. There was almost a vibration in the walls from it (or maybe it was the floors), and you even got a complaint from neighbors to turn the music down.
You weren’t playing music.
When you began to become worried, your friends came over and the thumping didn’t start again until they left.
They told you to get more sleep. Maybe they were right, for when you turned the corner to leave the kitchen sometimes you thought you saw something across the hall, and shadows under the door when you turned off the light.
The thumping wasn’t getting any louder, but it was constant now, and it was getting harder to tune out.
But it was fine. It wasn’t affecting you, and it was fine.
The figure that you thought you saw was a pale white. It wasn’t a question of whether it was there anymore. It looked… humanoid, you thought, but it was slightly smaller than you, and very thin skin stretched over its visible ribs. You hadn’t seen it’s face yet. You hoped you wouldn’t have to.
But you carried on with your life. What more could you do? So you slept (or did your best) and you ate and you showered. Showering was always the scary part of your day, though, because you had seen too many movies of people being murdered while their back was turned.
But the thing, whatever it was, hadn’t approached you. Yet. And you felt that if it wanted to hurt you it would have done it by now, so you got in the shower like normal.
The thumping continued, but really, that had become commonplace, and you couldn’t hear it over the roar of the water. It was the little glimpses of it behind doors and it sitting at the bottom of the stairs that scared you now.
So you showered. And at first the thumping was quiet, slow and methodical. Like it was contemplating. You thought it was coming from above you. This was normal. At the very least, you thought the thing was being considerate recently, not being as loud when you slept or when you were trying to relax, learning your schedule.
But as you were washing your hair, the thumping got louder, more aggressive. It was definitely above you. Your eyes glanced up at the ceiling, peering through the suds that were getting into your eyes. The bathroom door was shut and locked, you were fine. You were fine.
And then it was on you.
(tag list below. happy halloween :))
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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pips-squeak · 2 years
The Whistler (gore, body horror tw)
It was 2006. A humid summer night. A crying woman in a courthouse, a young man, and a smile full of false innocence. He was accused of rape, but a man with money never payed for his crimes.
As the young man was heading home, he whistled at a petite woman as she walked by. She clutched her bag a bit tighter, steps becoming a bit quicker. Her hands went clammy, and the young man chuckled as she glanced over her shoulder more than once as she hurried away.
The young man continued to walk, unburdened.
And when he was home, twisting the lock, shrugging his jacket off, a creature was able to slip into his house. Maybe he didn’t lock his door fast enough. Maybe a window was left open. Anyhow, the creature was there. And it wasn’t the creature's first time seeing him. No, it saw the man grinning when the judge let him free. It saw him whistle. It saw him.
It wasn’t quite human. Calling the thing human would be generous. It had stripes like a tiger’s, and wings like a ravens. It had the sharp teeth and the dark plumage, beady eyes and sharp talons coated in dried blood. It was as large as a man, and much stronger than one.
And it was in his house. Hiding in a closet among his coats. The lights went off gradually throughout the house, until the only lamp left in the bedroom was dark.
The young man closed his eyes, just on the verge of dreaming.
Then there was a knock. On his bedroom door. A knock. Loud and clear. A rapping.
The young man felt sweat coat his neck, and chest, and his forehead.
There was no voice. Just raspy breathing outside his door. Then nothing. And the young man slowly calmed, blaming it on the busy day and lack of sleep, and closed his eyes again.
He awoke once more to see the thing leaning above him.
He was frozen. He couldn’t physically move. The thing had its head bowed, looking him in the eye. It rasped, “You think you can hurt others and move on, hm? You think you can change them and walk away?” The creature made a noise similar to a whistle. It sounded like a twisted sort of mocking.
The thing brought one of its claws up, scraping the jaw of the young man. He shook his head, frantic. The young man wasn’t dumb. He knew why the thing was here.
“Look-”, the young man started. “No.” Answered the creature, resting a claw on his lips.
Glancing down with its eyes that resembled coal, it took an interest in the man’s hands. The creature lifted one of his arms by the wrist, and then a horrible, ripping sound was made. The man made out to scream only to realize his mouth would not come apart.
Blood gushed from the stub where his hand used to be, and the creature’s mouth with deadly teeth turned up in a grin.
“So you can never touch a woman again!” It sang, as it ripped off the other.
The man’s chest went up and down with great severity, staring down in abject horror as the creature loomed and grinned above him, looking like every villain in a children’s movie and every creature you think you see in the dark.
Well, this one is real.
Then, without another word, just a short lived anger in its eyes, which slowly became satisfaction, the creature spread its wings, and flew out the man’s bedroom, and out of his house to wherever it waits for the next person to hurt another.
The young man never whistled again, and if anyone asked about his hands, he would only respond with “The Whistler”.
(taglist below)
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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pips-squeak · 2 years
A Fire
A dying woman,
At a stake
An unjust for her crimes
But there
is a certain kind of
born from a known ending
and consequence of the heart
I don’t think she was meant
to live in this life
A soul too big
and boisterous
for the color of skin
she possessed and the time she was born
In order to rise from its own
a phoenix first must burn.
So I will see you in another life.
and flourish.
*bolded is a quote from Octavia Butler
(taglist below)
@indecisiveaesthetic @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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pips-squeak · 2 years
A Specific Kind Of Paradise
Throughout my life, I’ve always had nightmares.
A monster in my closet, in my ears
Either way, my dreams were never happy.
I think one day, though, my brain took pity
In my sleep, I imagined paradise.
Hot sand around me, a sun that warmed me
I decided I didn’t want to leave.
Every night I tried to go back to it.
It was light at the end of the tunnel
Brighter than reality ever was.
There was no one else on the beach with me.
A kind of safe haven my home wasn’t
No yelling or screaming, no blood on walls
A specific absence of violence.
But soon, the beach would seem to twist on me.
Sometimes the sand would appear brown, and cold
It felt like the hardwood floors of my house.
And my paradise would be corrupted.
My parents seeping into my haven
Because I’m not supposed to be happy,
According to them. According to them.
(taglist below cut)
@indecisiveaesthetic @idkjustgowithitok @cupsmp @moonlitartist @violexides @dog55teeth @cavern-of-shenanigans
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