#moon of termina
lifepaint · 3 months
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Another old drawing, with a bunch of Zelda villains owo
Who is your favourite one? owo
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newspringhope · 1 year
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Is there anymore series with this kind of monstrous transformation?
Edit: To people saying limbus company and project moon, I already know about that series! It’s literally in this meme with the pianist!
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cyberroses · 5 months
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bunubunss · 2 months
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talks with the moon ₊˚⊹⋆
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n64retro · 5 months
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It's the end of Termina. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Nintendo EAD Nintendo 64 2000
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abatilus · 5 months
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Termina Company or something :3
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gabycantart · 2 months
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Something I drew in my sketchbook but then really like. Also just been drawing some fanart for fear and hunger termina and another game unrelated ._.
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dailyperkele · 8 months
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DAY 4 - Smoke in the moonlight
A "snake" sitting atop snakes.. uh.
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salems-lots · 8 months
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book club (only one reading)
plus silly little moonscorched doodle (they find each other again)
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moarar · 2 months
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videogamesskies · 5 months
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Majora's Mask (2000) (N64)
This one is a special one :)
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hiort · 1 year
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shes a busy girl she got stuff to do
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kheprriverse · 11 months
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Look familiar? Bounty Hunter and magic user turned Deity, Ko'jin. Later dubbed as the "Fierce Deity."
Other outfits are a wip. I was gonna wait until they were done but couldn't resist sharing what I was working on for a week.
Masterpost | Lineup | Ko-fi - More info under the cut! This one’s gonna be a pretty long one and the last half below will have the text on the image (coz tumblr’s probably gonna eat the quality) plus some notes sprinkled in.
Plus a look at the Moon Serpent, a common form Ko'jin takes. I'd like to think the Moon Serpent is more commonly known by his followers than the man himself. There are others he takes, like the Silver Wolf, but the dragon is the one most associated with him.
He's relatively unknown after the war before Skyloft's ascent, his image having been completely removed from history. The few traces of him by OOT/MM would be oral tradition, specifically through family members as bedtime stories and legends to tell. Stories about a curious serpent and a powerful artifact.
After the events of MM, the Moon Serpent becomes active again and the festivals dedicated to it return.
Text on the image + extra notes:
Ko’jin, Bounty hunter chosen by Goddess Farore.
“Ko’jin” is not his real name. Once a mortal becomes a god, they abandon their original name. He was never given a proper one again aside from nicknames by worshippers and other deities. Ko’jin is a nickname given to him by his future wife when they first met.
He wears facepaint which is mixed with magic to bolster strength and speed. And later he would get tattoos that did the same [seen later].
Before becoming a god he was a bounty hunter [and popular at that, often being the favorite of a neighboring town]. He would take commission to hunt down monsters many others refused to go near.
Ko’jin has a strong affinity for magic [he uses it practically every day] and often imbues the edges of his sword with darkness magic. Though, the element given to his sword can still vary depending on what or who he’s fighting.
His undersuit and white tunic are much more protective than the brass chainmail, which instead is used more for artistic liberty than function.
“Early Days Moon Serpent”
Ko’jin’s god form was often a dragon for the ease of guiding lost spirits to the afterlife [he’s a judgement god with a very strong connection to the dead and guiding those spirits became his secondary function].
[During the first war with Demise] Soldiers often saw this form as the “Spirit of Courage” and their protector. They worshipped him and gave him gifts in hopes that he’d watch over him [and guide them to a better afterlife if they were to fall in battle (that secondary function). He basically became a huge symbol for soldiers specifically and I feel like this would feed the “War God” title he was given way later on despite not actually being a War God.]
In many ancient artifacts [ones that could be found at least], the Moon Serpent would be as either a two-headed serpent or two separate beings with their horns crossed. [There’s going to be a lot of “two’s” with him. Two swords, two lives, etc. in depictions of him the two heads/bodies of the serpent would be called “the Body” and “the Spirit”. Later on he’s split into two to be sealed away in a similar theme. “Two lives” refers to the before and after his sealing as he loses his memory of his “past life” and becomes a new person (hence a different appearance). I can see Hylia having foresaw a lot of this tbh.]
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vnynv · 1 year
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the solitary soul / moonscorching
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n64retro · 4 months
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Moon's Tear
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laugtherhyena · 2 months
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At last, the updated ref post of the man who starte it all. I'm so glad me and the gang made a whole little funger cast, I'm enjoying John much more now that he has other people to hunt down interact with :]
Character story
The silent Bohemian night reigns with an underlying uneasiness to it. You can't help but feel as if something sinister lurks in the horizon, just beyond where your eyes can reach..
In an attempt to ignore the chill underneath your skin, you reminisce about what has led you to this point in life…
For your childhood and teenage years you worked in a large factory alongside many other children, the smoke of the machinery and cluttered atmosphere made you yearn for nature, running off to the woods in the middle of the night to marvel at its beauty under the comforting glow of the moon.
You admired the animals that made up its ecosystem, perhaps what you wanted was to be like them; living under Vinushka’s domain free from the shackles of society, hunting to survive…
It was a fun activity and you had a real knack for it, your boss would even give you some extra shillings for hunting down the pests that lurked in the shadows of the factory. But what enticed you wasn't the money but the thrill of the hunt, soon enough you became more and more convinced that this was what you were put on this earth to do.
You had a couple friends in the facility, four boys around your age that had each other's back through thick and thin. When you came of age you suggested to them the idea of robbing the boss’s office and escaping with the money in search of a brand new life. While some were skeptical, the heist was ultimately a success and you all embarked on the first train to Rondon, feeling the breeze against your long hair, you had the feeling your life was finally going to begin.
Of course, that money couldn't keep you all afloat forever, but you had a plan. It was time to finally dedicate your time into doing what you loved the most…
Buy a rifle (Gain gun proficiency, Gain Rifle .303 Mk I and ×6 .303 Ammo)
Buy a trench gun (Gain gun proficiency, 12-gauge Trench gun and ×6 12-gauge shells)
After much consideration you and the boys decided to put the money at hand into buying yourselves an old shack in the woods alongside the essentials and the remainder of the shillings was spent into tools to aid in your survival. While your friends went on to work on lumber, you opted for the path of a hunter.
You had a natural proficiency with firearms and the joy of the hunt made you feel as if you were exactly where you should be. The boys would spend the day chopping down trees and attempting to sell the wood in the city while you skinned and butchered the fruits of your labor, the meat became your everyday meals while the pelts were sold at a high price around the marketplace.
After a while your friends slowly switched gears as they asked you to teach them your ways, soon enough you became a fierce group of hunters and the income increased significantly. You had never thought of how fun it was to share your passion with the people you loved, surrounded by your closest friends, the hunt became even more glorious.
With financial stability being no longer an issue, you decided to dedicate your time into upgrading your hunting skills…
Learning more about traps (Gain trapcraft)
You went on to learn about tools that could aid in your hunts, traps that could hinder wild beasts much stronger than any man. Allowing you to aim for much more fearsome creatures than you could have only dream of shooting down.
That spring, you hunted down a bear and your best friend made a beautiful head mount out of the mighty beast.
Learning more about firearms (Gain gunslinger)
You studied your trusty weapon from top to bottom. Not only were you able to fix you and your friend's guns whenever they started malfunctioning but also became a much more fearsome hunter, capable of reloading a barrel in a matter of seconds and shooting down even the most wary of animals without making your presence known.
You began bringing a lot more kills back with you from the hunts.
Over time the small shack was revamped into a large cottage, decorated with head mounts and fur carpet, beautiful prizes from your many hunts. The place was cozy and full of life, a home that soon welcomed your best friend's wife and child. A healthy little boy you swore to care for as if you were family, an honorary uncle of sorts.
Joyful years went by before tragedy swooped in and steadily took away everything you treasured. Misery began during a hunt where you were far too cocky, underestimating the strength of the prey which led to your stomach being pierced by the startled deer’s antlers. Your injuries left you bedridden and far too injured to be drafted when the great war began.
A terrible curse disguised as a blessing as you watched your dear friends march to war, you hoped and prayed that their skills would be enough to keep them alive in the battlefield, but as the conflict worsened each and every single one of them returned to you in a wooden coffin.
You tried to remain strong for your late friend’s little boy, you brought him to the woods and taught him how to hunt just as you did for his father, but soon that spark of happiness was ripped from your grasp as well. His grieving mother figured the best for them would be to move away and start over. You loathe that woman for taking away the only thing you had left of your beloved friend, but you didn't blame her.
You gifted the boy his father's rifle and waved goodbye to them from the station before returning to the mausoleum you could no longer call home.
Haunted by the loss of the only people you ever cared for, you searched for ways to drown out the sound of your sorrows…
Leave the cottage (Gain bury the trauma)
With the savings you had in hand you decided to travel around the country to try getting your mind away from the pain, you visited museums, chapels, libraries and all kinds of tourist locations yet the source of your suffering never left your mind.
You longed to return home, but home was no longer the place you held fond memories of. A depressing shadow of what it once was, much like yourself.
Focus on the hunt (Gain killing intent)
You intended to silence the painful reminders with the sound of gunshots in the distance. Grief turned into anger you took out on the habitants of the forest, the carnage reigned long enough for the animals to begin avoiding you. The hunt was no longer fun, the woods became just as empty as the cottage that brought you so much pain.
At the end of the day, nothing worked. Your heart swelled in a constant burning pain fueled by the emptiness of the cottage and the memories of what it once was that haunted your every step. With no one by your side, you turned to religion in a last ditch effort to cope with all the loss you had suffered. Although you thrived in Vinushka's domain, you were drawn to the writings about the trickster moon good like a moth to a flame.
You swiftly became obsessed with the mysteries surrounding the old god's doings and dedicated all your time into devoting yourself to him, in the dead of the night, you prayed for guidance under his glistening light. To be given a new purpose in life, reborn under his gaze for something much greater.
Eventually, Rher answered your desperate calls. You were blessed with a vivid dream, a glimpse into his jubilee of cosmic proportions. Termina will soon be upon that wretched old town and you would not miss your chance of appeasing your beloved deity.
With a new hunt on the horizon, how did you prepare?
Pray to the moon god (Gain +3 Rher affinity)
Stock up on medical goods (Gain ×2 blue vial and cloth fragments)
Stock up on food (Gain ×2 dried meat and moldy bread)
You settled on the place your dream led you to, the rooms of the old hotel were small and tainted with the stench of mold, but none of that matters.
You're here, and soon will his servants, blessings and the god of the moon himself. It was challenging to fall asleep with all the excitement pumping through your veins…
Character skills
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