#moon master list
moonpascaltoo · 5 months
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all the moon knight boys stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
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moon knight one
moon knight three
@laaundromat         ☼ building love         Steven has unconsciously set himself up on a date with his crush.
@storiesforallfandoms         ☼ how things are         now that they’ve learned how to share the body, they must come to terms with the fact that they also have to share their wife
@little-worm-grant         ☼ uncomplicated         Deep down you knew Jake wouldn’t be calling if he didn’t think he needed you. Or maybe that’s what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.
@mccn-bcys         ☼ just a touch of your hand part 2 part 3         when you turn eighteen, an ink stain appears on your skin wherever your soulmate touches you for the first time. the boys each are dealing with their stain in their own way.     ☼ sensual pleasure?         your friends take you to the museum but you never were interested in the history. Until your friend introduces you to a cute gift-shoppist who gives you little history lessons. Suddenly, a ring sparks becomes a little more than a cool item he showed you.
@missdictatorme         ☼ open my eyes         Jake and Steven were more than happy when you agreed to be in a relationship with them, but Marc barely fronts when you're near. Will he warm up to you over time?     ☼ third ones the charm part 2         Jake Lockley was fine. Really. Marc and Steven are happy with their girlfriend and he's okay staying in the shadows. He's used to staying in the shadows. He managed to stay hidden from the boys for years, but lately something makes him take control more and more. Or rather, someone makes him take control more and more.     ☼ the thin line         Steven and Marc are literally glowing with happiness since they were in a relationship with you. Jake is mostly annoyed and is constantly trying to make you leave. Marc and Steven are having none of it.         ☼ forget me not         You and the boys (uhm…) decided to break up after the fights became more and more frequent in your relationship. Marc was mostly disappointed, Steven was sad and Jake… Jake was bitter. And angry. So when you send them a text weeks after the break up to ask them to collect their remaining stuff from your apartment, maybe Jake isn’t happy when he sees you might have moved on.
@wysteria-clad         ☼ our little thing         you have a specific thing with each of them. It's not like you don't do it with other two, but you do enjoy a little act of intimacy that is special to each of them.
@m00nsbaby         ☼ the already over series         ☼ weightless         The feeling of being trapped goes beyond the ankle bracelet that keeps him tied to the bed.
@bruhstories         ☼ canonic jar         marc is exasperated by you, but he needs to behave because you're steven's girlfriend.
@eyelessfaces         ☼ formal wear
@bensolosbluesaber         ☼ the jake problem part 2         Jake hates you. Like really hates you, which wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t dating Steven and Marc. But maybe, just maybe, Jake doesn’t hate you.
@starryeyedstories         ☼ talk deity to me         You’re an Egyptologist invited to the museum to give a talk to a group of school kids, and Steven might have a bit of a crush on you.
@juneknight         ☼ dozing         A man falls asleep on you during your bus ride to work. 
@januaryembrs         ☼ i should have been there         Marc had always carried her with him, since they were small kids playing pirates in the yard, before things got messed up by grown up feelings and burdens. It's not until he sees her twenty years later, he realizes he should have saved her.
@redeyerhaenyra         ☼ sleeping beauty         After having sex with Jake, you both fall asleep in your flat. Only, it's not Jake that wakes up, it's Steven.
@writefightandflightclub         ☼ shadow of a doubt         marc was first. steven was second. khonshu’s never going to love you. …and you’re wondering if jake will ever get there at all.     ☼ no fish were harmed in the making of this meet cute     You have a dilemma. You don’t want to sell the man any more fish. But you do want him to keep coming back to your shop
@bits-and-babs         ☼ chocolate         After weeks of pining for your coworker Steven Grant, sharing chocolate over a late shift causes sparks to fly.     ☼ bumpy ride         The handsome man who you see on your commute to work every day is always on your mind.
@spctrsgf         ☼ cake
@thatsthewrongwallcraig         ☼ a night at the museum         After asking you out, Steven invites you to a private tour of the National Art Gallery.
@thatredheadwriter         ☼ on the mat         You’re Marc and Steven’s ‘guy in the chair’ for lack of a better term, helping them with all things techy. When you get injured trying to help on a mission, Marc decides you need to learn how to take care of yourself so it doesn’t happen again. Gym training with Marc turns into something else entirely.     ☼ mine         The suit, the suit is amazing. Honestly it is. But you can’t help but be the slightest bit annoyed when it erases the marks you leave all over him. Lucky for you, Steven’s more than happy to let you have another go.         ☼ outnumbered         You’re Layla’s adoptive sister, and Marc’s former lover. Being reunited with both of them stirs up some old feelings, but that gets pushed to the backburner when you’re severely injured during a fight. But things tend to boil over when they’re left too long, so what happens when you have some time alone with Marc.
@ivystoryweaver         ☼ spectre series         Marc Spector and his alters Steven and Jake have lost the love of their lives. They each try to move on, in their own way, but getting over you is the hardest thing they've ever faced. Marc starts to see you everywhere - he's haunted by your memory. No, literally, why are you sitting on the end of his bed? He believes in ancient deities, seeing how Jake still serves one as Moon Knight. But ghosts?
@asimplearchivist         ☼ first kiss         there was no possible way that you could have romantic feelings for steven. right?         ☼ sad ending         you and jake enjoy having movie nights, but he has the habit of spoiling the endings for you. this time is different, though.     ☼ speed dating         you're down in the dumps about the disheartening lack of prospective romantic partners interested in initiating a long-term relationship with you. your ever-helpful coworker amy decides to give you (and a highly interested would-be suitor) a nudge in the right direction—just not in the way you might expect.     ☼ is that my shirt?         you and the boys have a set of rules. jake doesn’t like it when you break them.
@luc-k-y         ☼ stop looking at me like that part 2         ☼ anything for you
@campingwiththecharmings         ☼ insomnia         Steven can't sleep and you, uh, help him out.
@peterthepark         ☼ each time you fall in love         you play mercenaries with marc. you play lovers with jake. you play house with steven. you suppose romance comes in all forms of their differing love for you.
@ofstarsandvibranium         ☼ to the rescue         showing up on Stevens date from the first episode
@oddballwriter         ☼ unexpected addition         Steven and Marc know about Jake's existence and they have been trying to get used to him and get to know him, and during a mission where they need help they found out Jake has been having like a long term relationship with the reader (who is Sekhmet's avatar)
@sailorkamino         ☼ hospital bed confessions         As long as Jake can remember he's only had Marc and Steven to protect - then you came into the picture. Jake is scared to admit just how much you mean to him until you're injured, then he can no longer hide his feelings.
@angel-of-the-moons         ☼ a rose under the moon         You've waited your whole life to meet your soulmate. You just didn't know your soulmate was so close by, all this time. But...How the hell can you handle being thrown into a world full of gods and magic? You're just a shopkeeper! Why is your heart being tugged by three different threads?
@psithurista         ☼ stuck             You stop by Steven’s place one night after work. Somebody else answers his door.
@reallyrallyauthor         ☼ the coffee incident part 2 part 3         No coffee in the morning leads to a mystery for Marc, an apology from Jake, and guilt from Steven.     ☼ paying your debt         Moon Knight saved your life, and now you're Marc Spector's glorified assistant. But when you pick him up one night after a fight, you get to feel the suit first hand, and what he keeps underneath it.         ☼ free lunch         You're teaching Steven how to drive, but he’s so tense that you absolutely have to get him to relax first     ☼ cupcake man         Jake helps his favorite bartender out w/ a problem they can’t solve themselves (which I like to imagine is Jake’s #1 all-time favorite hobby)    
☼ bad girl           Jake has a smoking kink, and a way for you to indulge him without consequences.         ☼ a friend         You and Marc Spector have a purely physical relationship. Both operating in society’s gray area, you try to avoid conflicts of interest. But when you’re hired to steal an artifact from a London museum, you wonder if even Marc himself knows all of his secrets.         ☼ museum date             Marc gets set up on a blind date at an art museum         ☼ slow songs             Your friend, Marc, pretends to be your boyfriend at a wedding, but is it pretend?         ☼ here we go series
@bit-dodgy-innit         ☼ the shape of youniverse         A full blown AU of forging a life and family with a post-Khonshu Moon Boys that’s as heartfelt as it is filth.
@the-little-ewok         ☼ tilt part 2 part 3 part 4         Steven Grant wants to tell you the truth about why he missed your date, but it isn't Steven you meet... 
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cardboardheartss · 4 months
Nara Smith D1 Chart Analysis + Astrocatoraphy
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Firstly Nara is a Sharavana Nakshatra/Moon native. Which actually explains why she is soo beautiful! Mainly her eyes, her eyes are the 1st thing you could possibly notice about Nara along with her cute bunny smile too!
Nara has her Dhanishtha Uranus, Shravana Neptune, Shravana Moon and obviously a Shravana Ascendant. Nara has a capricorn (Vedic) stellium which actually makes sense because her bone strucutre is really prominent and her body type is lean. Saturn aslo rules the skin too and Nara has openly spoken about her skin condition eczema (twinnie lol).
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Naras Uranus is sextile her Jyeshtha Chiron (11H), this could mean Nara has had unfortunate problems with friendships and this had probably made her transform to better/worse, and worse in a sense of her building her guard up and being more careful on picking friends. This 11H placement could possibly also represent the immense hate she receives on social media but she is able to control herself and not let her emotions get to her.
Nara has a 2H lilith in Shatabhisha at 10 degrees, and that is a Capricorn degree! Nara loves her money to be quite honest, and remeber Capricorn is ruled by saturn, saturn is the time/age lord. Nara married Lucky Blue Smith, who is 3 years older than her. Her Purva Phalguni Venus is in her 8H, which represents peoples finances and it is common for SOME but NOT ALL 8H venus to marry into money.
Nara’s Venus is also sextile her Swati MC (10H), this makes because when she uploads her video she always dresses up to the T! Her outfits look like they cost a lot of money, and also the cutlery and plating she uses seem to have quite expensive pricing.
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Nara’s Chitra Mercury in the 10H at 3 degrees (cancer degree) made me giggle lol! Nara is also known for speaking in a really soft and soothing voice! The 10H represents fame and what things one could be known for based off the planets and Nara has her Mercury, the sign of communication. Andd i am certain we all have seen the “Nara Smith Style” trend going on, and people literally mimic her voice and her actions too!
Now for her 6H placements! Overall, the 6H represents diets, routines, work andd hygiene. Nara has her Ardra Jupiter and Rahu in this cusp! SHE WAS BORN TO DO THIS!! Firstly one thing we obviously have to point out is… have you not noticed how clean and well edited Nara’s videos are?
+another thing i would like to point out is how Gemini rules over Mercury, and her Mercury is in her 10H, andd people on social media mimic the same voice tone and actions she does in her videos.
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She is percise, and i blame that on her Hasta (Virgo) Sun lol! Nara uploads videos EVERYDAY and she is cooking, which can mean it is in fact her daily routine at times though… i mean a fan posted a picture of her standing in line at Shake Shack lol! Her Jupiter, planet of luck, she will obviously gain a lot from this and she really is good at what she does… it almost seems natural if you ask me!
Nara has her Hasta Sun in the 9H. One thing i would have to point out is her possible or proven devotion to her religions. Her Sun is squaring her Jupiter, and we all had seen the discourse about her religion and that had unfortunately led her to get a hate train, and it some how made her lose support as well.
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Damn! She has another Capricorn degree in her Sun, with the Saturn degree there, it could represent that people who mess with her do in fact get their karma, and people did. Majority of users on social media are in full support of Nara now!
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Nara’s Purva Ashadha Mars at 16 degrees (Cancer degree) is in her 12H, with that Water + Fire sign combination in MARS… i would avoid angering Nara because she could possibly get really scary. Her Maternal ancestors are there for 1000% and trust they will also go ham on you too if you mess with their baby lol. Now for Mula Ketu in this 12H as well, this could Nara really extroverted/introverted around those closest to her.
Nara also has her Ketu trine Venus, and this could mean that she has a lot of luck in terms of gaining an intrest in occult practices/astrology OR she could already have an intrest in it and is not overly sharing it with the public.
Overall, Nara is one extremely down-to-earth women. She knows how to create a business and is also a great mom, and she was born to be one too! thanks to her lucky Rohini POF and Vertex!
For Naras Astrocatoraphy lines, she has the Chiron line passing right through her home country Germany! In her Tropical natal chart, Nara has a Sagittarius 11H Chiron, which once again points out how Nara could have grown up being excluded for being half-black or coming from an interracial relationship andd as well as being an African too!
Her Saturn line, which in her Natal chart is in the 5H in Gemini could also mean this delayed her opportunity of finding friends or this could also show that she had trouble learning the language quickly but she eventually got the hang of it!
Nara has her Moon line passing through South Africa, in her Natal Chart its 1H Aquarius Moon at 9 degrees (Sagittarius) . This could mean she feels quite detacthed or not South African enough because she had to emigrate when she was younger! but i hope she knows we support her fully over her this side lol! <3
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Welp! Thats it for Nara Smith for nowww!
Thank you for reading!
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List of posted works on tumblr (crossed platform to Ao3 )
Currently accepting requests and commissions for the current fandoms
Current Fandoms I write for are: Elden Ring, Moon Knight, Baldur's Gate 3, Identity V
If you wish to see more or c*mmisson me here is a link to my Carrd and my Ko-Fi! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! <3
this post is last updated: 9/17
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Moon Knight Masterlist
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Baldur's Gate 3:
Link to all tags with Astarion x Reader-related stories
Now On Ao3
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Identity V Masterlist
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Coupling (Ramattra x Tenno!Reader)
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 8 months
the father [solar lunacy] the son [you move to dayshift but aren't paid any more, go figure] and the holy spirit [i see you, sundrop!]
#random thoughts#fnaf#solar lunacy because it's what people think of when they think about iconic sun and moon fics (and for good reason)#(bamsara is a master at subtext and creating little scenes that all build up to a beautiful picture)#dayshift go figure because god. the corporate bullshit. the domestic bullshit. THE VIRUS BULLSHIT.#and also because it features my all-time favorite original character (drumroll please)#dundundundundun RILEY GREENE OF I SEE YOU SUNDROP FAME#god what didn't i see you sundrop do right. the characterization. the slow build up of dread throughout the entire fic. riley greene.#IT IS 106 CHAPTERS NOT INCLUDING A POSSIBLE FUTURE EPILOGUE#god sorry to the other two fics on my list but reading i see you sundrop broke my brain a little#the scenes with riley's mother. THE SCENES WITH RILEY'S MOTHER OH MY GOD#you can tell a fic is good when it gets you to give a shit about an oc that hard#their CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??? WHICH IN TURN FED DIRECTLY INTO WILLIAM AFTON'S DEMISE?????#I AM DEAD. I AM DECEASED.#im rereading solar lunacy rn if you can't tell lol i went on a spree#fucking love the concept of sun not being completely isolated from moon and his illness god fuck#solar lunacy 🤝 i see you sundrop: we're gonna have some wild fucking takes on moon's illness in relation to sun#me: oh god thank god some good fucking food#and OBIWAN??? OF DAYSHIFT GO FIGURE FAME???#best oc side character i think. i want to see him and sun just go at it for an hour shooting the shit#don't really have much else to say on dayshift go figure right now cuz its on SUCH a cliffhanger#that's kind of taking over my mind rn idkwettl#i could go on for hours about i see you sundrop though. that fic grabbed me by the throat and threw me down the stairs#binged that shit in two days#sun mentions having a crush on riley once and it's never mentioned again and that kind of fucks actually#the other two are romance fic and they're REALLY GOOD AT IT OH MY GOD#solar lunacy. just in general. makes me blush so hard it's not funny#OH SPEAKING OF BLUSHING#THE MC IN DAYSHIFT GO FIGURE KEEPS GETTING FLUSTERED IT'S SO CUTE#dayshift go figure is more of a typical 'i am in love and refuse to acknowledge it' fic it's so adorable
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boredzillenial · 1 year
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Writing Masterlist
🥰 : fluff , 🥵: NSFW
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🌙 MoonKnight Bingo🌙
🎃 Fawktober 2023 🦇
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Series: all 🥵
A Gift Horse and His Mouth: Doctor Strange x afab!reader (Word count: 3k)
You came to Kamar-taj for help with your mental health. Little did you know your dreams would work against you and make things a lot more complicated.
Yes Sir: Part II to "A Gift Horse and His Mouth" (Word count: 2.8k)
Dealing with the aftermath of your dream Stephen has an idea on how to work through some issues.
Attitude Adjustment: William Tell x afab!reader (Word Count: 3k)
A friend of your fathers pays you an unexpected visit you aren’t likely to forget.
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🥵Bad Bet: William Tell x F!reader (Word count: 2.6K)
William beats you in a poker tournament, but you just can’t accept defeat, not yet…
🥵 Sweet Relief: Laurent LeClair X F!reader (Word Count: 1.1K)
Laurent finds you during a difficult time of the month, he wants to help you feel better.
🥵 Stronger Than I Look: Steven Grant X curvy f!reader (Word Count: 2k)
You and your coworker Steven are doing inventory late at night. Being a bigger girl you hadn’t worked up the courage to make a move. But an artifact hidden amongst the trinkets in stock changes things.
🥵 A Simple Arrangement: Jonathan Levy X f!reader (Word count: 1.3k)
Jonathan wakes you in the night for some much needed relief.
🥰 That Damn Smile: Matt Murdock fluff x afab!reader (Word Count: 1.6k)
You’re new to Hells Kitchen and there’s a stranger who’s caught your eye, but you’re not sure if you’ve caught his.
🥰Giftshop Steven: Steven Grant with gn!reader (Word count: 1.4k)
Steven comes to your rescue in the crowded museum.
🥵Caught: Marc Spector x afab!reader (Word Count: 1k)
You get bored while housesitting for Marc and are caught in a rather compromised position.
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🥰 Drunken Confession: GN!reader X Miguel O’Hara (Word Count: 517)
You snoop around Miguel's office and confess to the "empty" room.
🥵Blue Jones Thots: just some HC and a quick drabble on this very unstable man. gn!reader (WC on drabble: 552)
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What I will and won’t write
Messy masterlist for Kinktober 2023 here
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freelancearsonist · 8 months
It’s ✨sinful sunday✨
fill my inbox with all your thoughts/thots and we can be depraved together 😈
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sunnydbeam · 2 years
List of my current AUs in order to get organized:
In The Other Side/Bad Dream - Default AU: (basically all my Sun, Moon, Eclipse and Glitch posts tagged with "ITOS stuff" & "Bad Dream AU")
Mer!AU: Introduction
Nightmare!AU: Introduction / comic 1 / comic 2
Skatepark!AU: (Content tagged with "Skatepark!AU")
Cursed Lake/mechaMer!AU: Introduction
The links to those tags don't show all the posts anyway, huh...
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stardancerluv · 2 years
Prince Paul - Master List
Thank you for all the ❤️ & feedback on this story! Want to be tagged…please, let me know!
Prince Paul, juggles his mother, life as a prince, getting engaged before he even has a chance to meet the girl, and he constantly asked to prove himself as a man to not only his mother but Russia as well. Unceremoniously, he is sent away. He is barely wed when this takes place. He is away from all he knows and takes comfort in. His life changes forever.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Warning: This is an AU take on Prince Paul with a fem!reader. It will contain some supernatural elements to it. I wanted to have a bit of fun with this character. I hope you enjoy it!
I use the second wife in the movie as a face claim for reader in the collages but I will try to let you use as much of your imagination as possible when reading. There will be time-period and Russian aristocracy drama.
There will be…fluff, angst, eventually smut and all that my supernatural AU calls for.
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moonpascaltoo · 5 months
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all the moon knight boys stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
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moon knight two
moon knight three
@so-easy-to-love-me     ☼ mirrors part 2         When things heat up between you and your roommate after you return home a bit tipsy, you learn that there´s more to Steven Grant than meets the eye.     ☼ whatever you do, don’t try to imagine         ☼ marc imagine
@oswildin         ☼ good day         You and Steven work at the museum together, little did he know you had a crush on the man. After getting yourself into trouble, you and Steven are both punished with an evening in inventory.         ☼ take on me part 2         You end up on an accidental date with Steven, but it ends up being the best date you could’ve asked for. It leads into more, but things aren’t as simple as they appear. With adoration strong for the man, you take a chance on him.
@mgparker         ☼ comback to me         Mark leaves on a mission for Khonshu while you deal with a confrontation of your own. Unfortunately, this particular foe is aware of your specific skill set and uses your weakest spot to deliver a fatal wound. Laying there defenseless and abandoned, your final desire is to speak to the love of your life one last time.     ☼ should’ve listened         your tendency to put your loved ones above you puts you in what would’ve been a deadly situation, had you not been an avatar of the goddess of the sun.
@starryevermore         ☼ more hearts than mine         marc and jake have made it clear that they don’t like you. but your heart is not the only one being broken by their actions and the consequences that follow.      ☼ not what he thinks part 2         steven overhears something, but he doesn’t understand what he heard. 
@spacecowboyhotch         ☼ proper date         steven gains some knowledge about how he and reader met…and some about himself.         ☼ the honey girl         sometimes the meddling of old men pays off.         ☼ unlikely         a look into how marc and reader met.
@moonlight-prose         ☼ kiss me once         dating steven grant came with its challenges. between being a superhero, sharing the body with a man you hardly knew, and his forgetfulness, you felt dizzy. so when your date goes awry, you take matters into your own hands.
@loud-mouth-loser         ☼ not him         you’ve been steven’s best friend for a while and have had a crush on him as long as you’ve known him. unfortunately, his eyes are on layla, his alter’s wife. let's just say, you’re not the only one put off by this. this is a story of how you and marc bond over your sorrows.
@sarahghetti         ☼ can you pretend to be my boyfriend         the boys pretend to be your boyfriend in order to save you from a creepy stranger.     ☼ direction to perfection         one day, your vigilante lifestyle leads to you to crossing paths with a moon-serving weirdo in white bandages. jake promises that he won't get in the way, but there's something about his smirk that has your spidey-sense tingling, and what do you know—he sets a building on fire. it's not supposed to be romantic.     ☼ all echoes in my mind         marc falls victim to his own self-doubt. you get caught in the crossfire.
@popquizhot-shot         ☼ magic             you were married to Jake and after the events of moonknight, the boys get to know of jake and of you. Steven adores you but Marc just sees you as a friend. Right?
@runa-falls         ☼ friendly favors part 2 part 3         ☼ request
@soft-girl-musings         ☼ salt and pepper         Marc, are you familiar with the term "silver fox"?         ☼ stranger danger         There's safety in numbers, do you want mine? (too soon?)
@romanarose         ☼ misunderstanding         When the boys come home early and see boxes all packed and furniture on the street, Marc jumps to the worst option. Clearly, you're leaving him.
@primosworld         ☼ blueberry pancakes         You’re frustrated with Jake not being apart of your relationship so you take matters into your own hands.
@projectionistwrites         ☼ imploding the mirage         You’ve been escaping into yourself more and more often, and the boys are starting to notice. How are you supposed to explain to them that you don’t want to live in the moment, when the version of your life inside your head is so much better than reality on the outside?     ☼ for science         In which the Moon Knight alter system presents a unique opportunity to settle the nature versus nurture debate, once and for all...
@heartthrobin         ☼ press your tulips to mine         Steven's apartment has become overrun with more bouquets of flowers than any one man could ever find use for, but they would continue to pile up as long as the pretty girl at the flower shop continued to melt him with that syrupy smile each time he walked in.     ☼ my bleeding dream, my shadow in the light         you were convinced, no: you were sure, that Jake Lockley couldn't stand the sight of you. then why was he consistently banging at your door in the middle of the night, dripping in blood and begging to be stitched up?
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction         ☼ what you like         Marc gets in his head about being with you, Steven talks him through it.         ☼ let’s get out of here         You've met your Dad's best friend before.         ☼ embrace         The reader is dating them but is kind of scared of Jake (is very quiet and weary around him, doesn't like his physical touch) because he was cold and mean to her when they first met (he wanted to "protect" Steven) but now all he wants is to hold and love her. The opportunity finally arrives when she's sick and needs his help. (He forcefully fronts bc he's not letting this opportunity go to waste)
@bibli0thecary         ☼ in the stars         steven finds it hard to believe that you’re gone, while marc is forced to live with endless regret, and jake continues to blame himself for everything.     ☼ no one can hurt you         they would never bring you into the face of danger, but what if danger comes preying on you? 
@ichorai         ☼ dlz             jake lockley wasn't your husband. steven and marc were. jake was just... he was just there. a ghost living in your house.     ☼ love dog         your neighbor was delusional. he cried a lot, spoke of nonsensical happenings, and always appeared somewhat lost. you found yourself to be rather fond of him.     ☼ i was just a kid         khonshu wanted you dead. marc just wanted you.
@foli-vora         ☼ there’s always tomorrow         Steven needed a wingman. Or maybe he already had one, he just didn’t know it.
@petertingle-yipyip         ☼ so long london         Dating Steven was always a bit of a gamble. So when a beautiful woman comes to town claiming your boyfriend as her husband, you find a whole new side to the man you love.
@peterman-spideyparker         ☼ celebrate             The boys realize that they've never celebrated your birthday with you, despite being with you for well over a year and you celebrating their birthday. When they find out when it is, nothing will stop them from giving you a birthday for the record books.
@freelancearsonist         ☼ wingman         ☼ oh, bollocks         reader is a teacher, au where steven got promoted to tour guide and is living his Best Life, lots of fluff and pining.     ☼ check me out         librarian by day stripper by night, marc and jake are steven’s wingmen and biggest fans     ☼ we need to talk about steven
@pulchritudinousrogers         ☼ missed date         Set before the events of Moon Knight, you work in the museum like Steven and have been crushing on each other for a while but neither of you have even approached each other. Marc steps in to help Steven out, but things don’t go well.
@marc-spectorr         ☼ the morning after         as steven watches you sleep, he starts to wonder whether you deserve to be with a man as broken as he is.
@foreverinadais         ☼ the break up         in which y/n is going through a break-up with the moon boys and happens to be serving when one of them is on a date.
@howaboutcastiel         ☼ not my intention         They notice she gets anxious and startled very easily, but when they bring it up she always brushes them off so they don't pry. They don’t know she's previously been in an abusive relationship. And maybe they're at an office party and some guy comes to her when she's alone and the boys get jealous since it's obvious he's trying to flirt with their girl.
@pinchofhoney         ☼ just one word         You may not be aware of their existence having only met Steven, but no Marc Spector alter will let anything happen to you.
@marvelsswansong         ☼ clumsy         you're extremely clumsy. Steven worries. Marc finds it amusing. Jake gets protective. But they all love you for it nonetheless.
@astroboots and @thirstworldproblemss     ☼ red flags         Sweet as he is, dating Steven means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way. 
@grantspectortrash         ☼ suited and booted part 2 part 3         you live across the hall from Steven. For whatever reason, he has to use your shower before going to a work event. You get the pleasure of seeing him in a suit.
@mknightgrant         ☼ silence         You should’ve stopped asking questions.
@mkfluffluv         ☼ a future without you         marc lost you to the snap and after 5 years of dealing with his grief by maiming people, he finally gets you back.     ☼ keep the secret?         marc and steven had gotten themselves sick. luckily for them, they have a wonderful and loving partner who’s willing to take care of them(you). unbeknownst to you, another person is taking care of them in their own way. (yes it’s jake.)         ☼ smells like lemongrass and sleep part 2         for a long time steven had thought his feelings had gone unnoticed. but he was wrong.
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cardboardheartss · 4 months
Uma Jammeh (S11 Love Island Contestant)
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disclaimer : this is for entertainment purposes only and i used tarot cards to get an estimate of her birth time… if you don’t agree with this technique please kindly scroll by and keep your twitter fingers to yourself!🌹💢
Uma is an estimated Pisces ascendant, hence why she is able to tract in so much attention and has also surprisingly gained a lot of public favor too! +she’s really pretty as well, hence why people are saying “the bombshell is finally bombshelling”
Her Leo Sun in her 6H, I’m sure this interpretation sounds a bit weird but we all know that the 6H represents routines and things we do on our bodies. The Sun in this house, could give her the tendency to want to tan herself, and she seems to enjoy it.
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This placement could also make her have/create a social media account that is truly aesthetically appealing, and where she shows herself enjoying life and traveling around too!
Uma has her Rahu, Jupiter, Moon & Venus in her 5H! She is the definition of a lover girl! She is the type to nurture her husband/partner and will also value communication about her and her partners emotions, instead of bottling them up.
Her moon in cancer along with her positive aspects shows that she could have a possible balanced relationship with her mother too!
Her mercury in Virgo also makes sense because Uma knows how to talk really well… and also probably read people well, which is why she is able to keep the conversation going with the people in the Love Island Villa.
> her earth mercury also gives her that deep / scrunchy voice as well!!
+ Uma has her 7H Vertex square her MC… i personally believe that with this aspect she should’ve avoided finding love through the public eye because it could possibly not work out that very well.
+ Her 7H planets have better aspects with her 5H planets, as i had mentioned before she should try find a partner who is able to express their emotions, a “soft” partner. She should rather meet a partner while participating in hobbies and activities she enjoys, so in that sense they have similar interests. Or even her mom can pick her partner too… because we all know moms know the best lol!😹
Uma has her Mars in Sagittarius…. fire signs in astrology also represents ✋🏻 people, and mars represents the boyfriend. So there is a POSSIBILITY that her type leans towards the ✋🏻 man too!
(btw… not saying it’s true or anything… it’s just an interpretation… don’t take it to heart)
She has Chiron in Sagittarius in the 10H… I hope she’s careful whilst on this show because this could mean she could deal with some issues from the public eye.
Finally, Uma has her Aquarius Neptune and Uranus in her 12H, she could possibly be really intuitive and is quick to sense the vibes around her, which i why she mentioned that she wanted to chat with EVERYONE in the villa so she can just ses them out.
+ She could also have a cute and quirky weirdness too her as well! She could also rebel against traditions and do things herself!
Thank you for reading!! And don’t forget to watch Love Island S11 on ITV2 or Dailymotion lol!
I’ll do Mimi’s chart nexttt!!😉
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Master List
Stuff that I'm proud of that I'd like to share with newcomers!
I barely used tumblr "seriously" until last year, and fully intend to do so going forward &lt;3
Moon Knight
Catch me thinking about what Steven does with his postcards
Steven taming werewolf!Jack &lt;3
Jack being afraid of his other half
Werewolf in London? (Steven meeting Jack for the first time)
The Morning After (sequel)
Scarab (MKtober #4)
Me gushing over MK for the first time
Game time with Steven
Cold days in Steven's flat
Jake and Cassian
Moon Boys and Spider-Man
Marc and Jake bonding &lt;3
Phase 4 thoughts
Moon Boys and Lego games
Sleeping in the mindscape
Moon Boys and watching Andor
Marc's T&C reaction
Law and Order
Falling in love with Munch at the beginning &lt;3
First thoughts
Hearing LMAO explained >.&lt;
A good Unstabler and Tutuola moment
Detective Munch in uniform
Cragen undercover
Star Wars
Blind Loyalty
Just watched Umbara
Poe Dameron my love
My poor clone children
Tech promo pic
After I watched S1 of Bad Batch
Bad Batch thoughts
Echoing Words
Diego Luna being adorable
What happened after Scarif
Cassian and Marc
Cassian and Andor
I finished Andor
Clone Conspiracy (Spoilers)
Truth and Consequences
They don't break
They didn't have to kill Gregor
When Cody defects
Tech lives
I ship Kallus and Zeb?
Mayday lives
Tech lives pt 2
Benoit Blanc
Marta Cabrera getting a phone call
I'm sorry but the little whimper...
Father figure Benoit Blanc <3
The Last Of Us
A day turned into a week
Frank doesn't know how to shoot
Destiny 2
Tribute to Lance Reddick
Stardew Valley
Helping Hand
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Marvel One Shots - Canon Adjacent - Moon Boys x Reader
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Key: 🥰 Fluff 😭Angst 🍆Smut 🍑WLW smut 🌑Dark 🩸Violence 🌶 Suggestive
This evening has been so very nice 🥰🍆
Moon Knight boys x PlusSize!Reader (as a gift for @yarnforbrains)
Unconventional Alterations 🥰
Steven Grant x colleague reader (plus special guest stars) - part of my 1K follower celebration
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yeahwhatdidisay · 2 years
Stories Master Lists
A nice and neat place for links to all of my ongoing stories and one shots. Nicely separated by fandom because I'm a stickler for organization. (FYI all chapters have links to first, previous, and next chapters on them as well so if I forget to update the master list you can check the most recent chapters to see if I've updated.) [AO3 dashboard Link]
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The Body Series: Book 1: [Ch. 1] [Ch. 2] [Ch. 3] [Ch. 4] [Ch. 5] [Ch. 6]
[Ch. 7] [Ch. 8] [Ch. 9] [Ch. 10] [Ch. 11] [Ch. 12]
[Ch. 13]
Book 2: [coming soon]
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One Shots: - The Hereafter - Closed Wounds, Open Scars (Prequel to The Hereafter)
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Antes de Dejarte Ir (Before I Let You Go) (ongoing but on hold for the time being) [Click on image for original mater list]
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kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
question! do u still have the pastebin of banned words for sos awl? the link seems to not work anymore
WHOOPS yeah it expired after 30 days. the list of banned words was updated in september, i still have the old one too so here’s permanent links to both
the update was to fix the issue of stuff like “cassie” being banned for containing “ass” but i noticed there’s more random banned words on the updated list that have nothing to do with that, like a bunch of words related to the funny rock number
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moonhoures · 1 year
HELLO MY MOON 🌙🩵 i hope you’re having a lovely week, darling!
LANA MY BELOVED!!!!!!! HI!!!!!! i’m actually abt to start my week vacation from work so i’m having a great day! i hope you’re having a wonderful week as well ☺️🫶🏻💖
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garpen · 2 months
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Gotham Twitter AU Pt. 24
Bernard learns the truth about his in-laws.
There are a solid nine of you whose handles I've recognized bc yall be so active with my au and everytime I see yall like/reply/reblog I go 😚 to you in my head.
Gonna watch Fly Me to The Moon tonight with the sibling woop woop.
I'm excited about tomorrow's update, because I ranted about Shrek for a lot of it.
<<Part 23<< Master List >>Part 25>>
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