#monty and foxy show headcanons
tsamsheadcanons · 16 days
Puppet acts polyphobic because she doesn’t want to admit that she wants a relationship with both Sun and Foxy
Fight me on this, I adore PuppetShow to no end
This ship is so interesting, i wanna hear more
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
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POV you found a notepad and wanted to get the autographs of your favorite characters
Font names and other stuff under the cut
Sun: Font name is “Luna.” You likely got his autograph by approaching him in the daycare. He's skittish and awkward sometimes with fans, so you had to be very chill and calm with your approach. As long as you maintain a normal speaking volume, give him personal space, and talk to him like a normal person, he's cool with giving autographs
Moon: Font name is “Quikhand.” Like Sun, you probably also had to go to the daycare to get his autograph. He can be a bit awkward and distant, but as long as you treat him like a normal person and aren't clingy and don't hover or insist on physical contact, he's cool with giving autographs
Frank: Font name is “CakorAyam.” No one ever knows where to find Frank, or where he is at any given point in time, so let's be real; you didn't find Frank, Frank found you. He's a guy of few words and mostly breathes at you during the whole interaction, but as long as you're kind to him, he'll be kind to you, and he'll even happily give you an autograph
Solar: Font name is “TINET.” You more than likely went to the Superstar Theater and approached him while he was working at the counter. If you treat him like a normal person, he'll give you an autograph, and he might even be content to crack some jokes or make light conversation. If you go at him like a crazy fan though, he'll send you away empty handed and tell you that you're being weird
KC: Font name is “Bree Font.” He worked at a soup kitchen, so you probably went there to see him. If you're weird in your approach, he'll tell you and ask you to stop, but if you're chill and polite, he'll give you his autograph and speak with you during his break. If he's in an especially good mood, he may even send you off with a cinnamon roll or cookie, too
Eclipse: Font name is “PP Handwriting Normal.” No one knows where Eclipse is, most of the time. Only god knows where you manage to stumble across him, but when you show up, he's probably in the middle of plotting and scheming something. He's not happy you're there, but he tries dismissing you. If you're calm and patient, and have the willpower to stand there and take the attitude he'll more than likely give you, he might give you his autograph purely to make you go away faster. If you're rude back to him, he might find some amusement in it and give you an autograph too, but that's a 50/50 shot whether he'll laugh or get annoyed
Solar Flare: Font name is “TrashHand.” You spotted him when he was on his way to the daycare to deliver satellite blueprints to Moon, so you stopped him for a moment. He was in a hurry, as blunt as ever about how important he is that he completes his task before Eclipse realizes what's up, and he finds the concept of autographs a bit strange, but he goes along with it. He doesn't really care how you behave, since he's indifferent to most things
Ruin: Font name is “We Mano Negra bta.” You found the British boy hanging out in the fazcade, tinkering with an arcade machine. As long as you're not a crazy fan about how you approach him, he's quite the social butterfly and would happily give you an autograph, but if you're weird about it, he'd either get visibly uncomfortable and leave as soon as possible, or he'd drop the sweetheart act and tell you, in a very blank, very flat tone of voice, to knock it off
Creator: Font name is “Taken by Vultures demo.” I'll be honest, I have no idea how you'd get his autograph. Firstly, you'd have to break into his lab, and doing so would probably result in death because now you've seen too much. Secondly, he has no hands or opposable thumbs as a giant brain. He'd need to be in the body of one of his little droids to even think about holding a pen and writing anything. On the off chance that you break into his lab and stroke his ego enough, he might consider letting you go, but if you say or do something he doesn't like, he'll put you 6 feet under
Bloodmoon: Font name is “5 years old.” I'm not sure about this one, either. You'd need whoever Bloodmoon was following/taking orders from present, to keep Bloodmoon from launching himself at you with murderous intent. That's assuming the person in question is nice enough to allow that, but... with the track record that Bloodmoon has of people he's decided to follow, the chance of his new master being kind is slim to none. If you don't end up in multiple pieces or smeared on the ground, you'd be very badly hurt. It's in everyone's best interest that you avoid this one at all costs
Monty: Font name is “Mind Antiks.” You likely found Monty in Gator Golf and decided to approach them there. They might be a bit skeptical of your intentions at first and assume you’re there on behalf of The Government, but with patience and gentle perseverance, you could convince them that you’re there of your own will and that you don’t intend to do anything weird or bad with their signature. As usual, treat them like a normal person, and don’t be weird or act like a crazy fan, that’d make them super uncomfortable (gonna stop repeating the “treat them like a normal person and don’t be a crazy fan” rule, because I feel like that should just be a given that no one likes it when you’re weird towards them)
Foxy: Font name is “Note this.” You likely saw him at the store when he was picking up something for FC, or while he was heading to Gator Golf. He’d be caught off guard and a little awkward at first, but probably very flattered that anyone would like him enough/think he was cool enough to want his autograph. Just,, whatever you do, be patient with the man; we all know he struggles with moving his arms
Puppet: Font name is “Domestic Manners.” You stopped by the Faz-Pad for a drink and saw Puppet there, crashing in that little corner that has the pool table. They were in the middle of watching some anime that you’d never even heard of, and although they’re slightly miffed about their show being interrupted, it’s quickly forgiven when you explain why you’ve approached them. Puppet likely didn’t think they had enough of a presence in the shows or that they couldn’t possibly be anyone’s favorite character, so they’re very flattered and more than willing to give you an autograph. If you started asking them questions about anime (whether it’s the one they’re currently watching, a different show, or anime in general), you’d probably be there all day while they happily ramble at you
FC: Font name is “Kindergarden.” FC was under Sun’s care when you found him, likely in the daycare. While it’s a little odd to go up to a kid and ask for an autograph, FC would be very excited, and he’d get the biggest ego boost from it, because this was all the proof he needed to see that he’s cool
Vegeta: Font name is “Elliot six.” Much like Frank, you do not find Vegeta, Vegeta finds you. He might be a little weird about the situation and a bit skeptical at first, but he could be convinced to give you an autograph. You might be suckered into getting him ice cream, helping him find his dog, watching some of his weird, out of pocket dance moves, or something else entirely, and he might find you again in the future, but hey. He’d be happy, and you would have unintentionally made a friend
Stitchwraith/Andrew: Font name is “Bear Butter.” You’d probably die the instant you wandered into his base, uninvited and unannounced. To be honest, I highly doubt anything you could say or do would be enough to get any form of mercy from him, let alone getting a simple autograph. He doesn’t take kindly to people poking their noses into his business, so… yeah. Hope you have a will drafted and a coffin picked out before you even try to approach him
Stitchwraith/Jake: Font name is “Endless Bummer” (in all caps). Everything I typed out for Andrew also applies here, so I don’t really need to add anything else
Lunar: Font name is “Dadhand.” Like with Sun and Moon, you probably found Lunar in the daycare and approached him there. He’s chill with fans coming in to say hi, and he’s happy to give you his autograph, provided you’re not a creepy weirdo
Earth: Font name is “Shadows into Light.” She was also in the daycare (wowie wow wow, look at all the people in the daycare, such a shocker /silly/sar) when you decided to approach her. She likes interacting with fans and it makes her very happy. She’s more than willing to give you an autograph, but you need to be especially mindful of how you act. If she’s even the tiniest bit uncomfortable around you, you’ll be booted out the door by one of her brothers
Jack: Font name is “Coffee House.” Lord knows where you stumble upon Jack, honestly. He’s probably confused about why you want him to write his name on a piece of paper, but he does it anyway, because why not. The only downside is that he might steal or break your pen
Castor: Font name is “Oil bats basic.” Astral bodies don’t typically get asked for autographs, so he’s thrown for a loop when you waltz up to him and ask him about it. While Castor grasps the concept of it, it’s just ACTUALLY doing it that confuses him, since… that’s his name. Why do you need/want it so bad? He is literally just There, he doesn’t see why you’re so invested in getting him to write his name. He’ll do it, but not before expressing how bizarre this is to him
Pollux: Font name is “A hundred miles.” Pollux doesn’t quite understand why you’d want her autograph either. Her thought process is very similar to Castor’s, but she’ll still do it. If you tell her that you want her autograph because you think she’s super cool, you might even manage to score some brownie points
Gemini: Font name is “Hathem Bosteem Free.” They’ll do it. They’re just Castor and Pollux merged together as one person, so just imagine everything I typed out for both of them, inserted here
Nebula: Font name is “Antro Vectra.” Again, this is another one where only god knows where you’d find her. Nebula doesn’t quite fully understand the concept of autographs, but I get the feeling she’d be flattered if you explained it to her and said that you wanted hers because you thought she was cool. She’d be flattered and still slightly confused, but either way, she could be convinced to do it
Taurus: Font name is “Across the road.” You…. Are not finding him on your own. Plain and simple. You’d have to get his autograph through Nebula, assuming he was feeling gracious enough to give you his autograph at all
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Now that I've gotten my Vegeta rant out of the way.
Imagine if Jack replaced Vegeta in this MAFs episode.
What would we lose?
Jack trying to find Solar cause he misses him…
Because Jack tried to find Solar in the portal before…… Jack, missing Solar, goes and messes with the Portal like he did before… to find Solar….
sees a lot of Solars from different dimensions, but none are his Solar.
Jack Meets SolarFlare. The beta before him.
Solarflare telling Jack what happens to animatronics when they die and are stuck in the in-between.
Jack contemplating their existence and purpose.
Solarflare revealing he's stuck because Eclipse is, and is trying to help these souls.
realistically I know why, cus matt wanted to voice act
But in my head canon... I like to imagine Jack did all what Vegeta did instead.
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starrydaycare · 1 month
could we have some Bloodmoon Cg headcannons please???
Yeah!! I sure can
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CG!Bloodmoon headcanons (Using he/they pronouns)! CW! This will probably have mentions of blood and death.
🥩Bloodmoon is less than docile and calm, as we all know. But he makes for a pretty good caregiver to kiddos of all ages! He does better with kids between 5-7, but can take care of you regardless.
🦴Now of course they're not super familiar with how human kids are treated... Or animatronic kids. But, he does their best. If his kiddo is human then he'll give them whatever human snacks they eat; their favorite snacks and drinks to give you is anything red. He gives you red drinks so that you feel like you're drinking blood with them :3
🥩If he managed to get an animatronic kiddo who drinks blood and whatnot like them, then they'll happily share with you! He'll teach you how they hunt, taking you around and showing you how they use their claws and teeth to rip and tear and feast!
🦴If you don't wanna do that, then they'll just play pretend with you. He's really fun to play pretend with; if you ask them, they'll say his favorite game to play with regressed you is pretend. Vampires, royalty, dinosaurs, whatever you want to pretend they'll be right beside you.
🥩The more chaotic AI, who we'll be calling the original, is really silly with you. He'll give you tickles, and swing you around in the air, and run around and wrestle with you! Though he makes sure that he doesn't hurt you with his claws or sharp teeth.
🦴The calmer AI, who we'll be calling the adaption, is far calmer. He's the responsible one out of you all, making rules and stuff. He makes sure you don't get into trouble. ... Though their definition of trouble is very loose. The adaption would very much root you on to bite and scratch.
🥩They spoil you rotten, giving you whatever you so wish to have. Only they probably stole it, so keep that in mind. They don't have money, they don't have a job.
🦴If you're their kid, then you can count yourself one of the safest people in the universe. Someone looks at you funny? Yeahhh, The Original's all claws and teeth and The Adaption's all threatening words and hushed insults, of course they'd never do anything with you around. They wouldn't want to upset you <3
🥩Long story short, they make for a pretty good caregiver! He may struggle at times with what is and isn't good for kids, but they're learning.
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asmodeus-682 · 8 months
Ship headcanons bc yes. (Eat up my lil goblins/pos)
Each category will have 2 headcanons for the ship itself and 2 for each character in said ship
Earth x Monty
1. They both love playing with each other's hair
2. Often seen having picnics in meadows
3. Monty doesn't like theatre but pretends to whenever watching musicals with Earth
4. Monty does weightlifting as a form of therapy
5. Earth knits scarves for Monty even if they don't need scarves
6. Earth admires Monty's confidence on stage
Puppet x Solar
1. They both sleep with plushies in their bed when they're not sleeping together
2. Both of them love rabbits but are also allergic
3. Puppet often needs reminding that Solar loves him or else he will panic thinking he isn't good enough
4. Puppet is clingy as fuck
5. Solar stopped drinking coffee so much because it meant he could cuddle with Puppet more often
6. Solar surprises Puppet with handmade anime figurines as a sign of love
Castor x Lunar
1. They love cuddling in pillow forts
2. Most of their dates are to cafes and libraries
3. Castor doesn't like his hair being touched unless it's Lunar touching it
4. Castor talks about how much je loves Lunar in his sleep
5. Lunar loves it when Castor tells him facts about random things
6. Similarly Lunar rants to Castor about the things he knows
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puppet-strung-moon · 1 month
Projecting my Transformers Nerdiness onto TSAMS/LAES/EAPS Characters:
Sun: I think he’d TFA Bulkhead because he’s a gentle giant and loves painting
(Old) Moon: He’d probably like Knightverse Bumblebee, simply because that BB is silly but a MENACE.
Lunar: I feel as though he’d like TFA Bumblebee because he finds him relatable at times
Eclipse: Overlord- I’M JOKING! It’s IDW Megatron due to the interesting complexity of his story
Solar: Almost any version of Ratchet because he relates sometimes to Ratchet and might even say random quotes from the docbot
Earth: Toss up between Arcee and RID15 Grimlock. She thinks Arcee is cool, likes her pink color palette and Grimlock is a silly goofy boy
Jack: His favorite would change up a lot but one of his favorite would definitely be Wreck-Gar
Dazzle: She’s a youngin’ so I feel like she’d only watch Rescue Bots and Rescue Bots Academy. I think she’d like Boulder
Monty: Swindle. I don’t think I need to elaborate.
Foxy: I think he’d like IDW Drift because Swords
FC: He’d like TFP Megatron… because he’s strong and built different
Puppet: Beast Wars BlackArachnia because she was sick of almost everyone the moment she woke up and the redemption arc
Ruin: I’m going to say KnockOut because he finds his character funny and interesting
Bloodmoon: Twin 1(Calm One) likes IDW Overlord and Twin 2 likes TFP HardShell. Both like Sunder because of Cannibalism
Killcode: He likes TFP Megatron because of his complexity as a character Dark Sun/Solstice: IDW Shockwave. I am not elaborating.
New Moon/Nexus: At first it was Thundercracker, specifically IDW but then it changed to TFA Waspinator because of relatability but he says it’s IDW Tarn to be edgy (and also relatability)
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genothesamstheoryguy · 5 months
Moon’s favourite music artist is called stellar and his favourite song of theirs is called blur.
Lunar has a lot of band shirts like Korn, slipknot and my chemical romance.
Sun has a collection of empty monster can in his room and they are stacked like a pyramid, although his cats always knock it down.
Jack paints his nails the same Color as solar, as a reminder.
Although Earth primarily wears girly clothes, he will have the most badass Tom boy outfit ever.
Eclipse always knew dazzle was around, but he didn’t bother to help them out the vents.
Dazzle tried to wear clothes, but it always to small for them to fit into it.
Monty sows, but he will never tell anyone about this, the only people who know is earth and dazzle.
Foxy and sun would drink together and just talk shit about other animatronics that aren’t from SAMS,EALS, and MGAFS and they have very strong opinions on the Freddy’s.
Before solar was killed , earth would gather the family and paint everyone’s nails and after solar died only sun and lunar would do it with her, moon was trying to do everything he could to get solar back.
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test23-24m · 9 months
Stitchwrait headcanons YIPPEEEEEEEEE!
I gave nicknames to both personalities 👍
J is the more cool headed one. Likes reading books and the Hamilton musical! (Infected!Ruin liked J better). Hates being asked too many questions at once, cause they will start feeling like they're being interrogated for their crimes. They hate that feeling.
A is the other one who tends to make decisions more quickly. Likes dinosaurs and hates people invading their personal space.
Their nicknames surely doesn't stand for Jake and Andrew, ahahaha! ☺ (lie)
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leviathansartstudio · 11 months
I have this random cute asf headcanon with Monty and Earth that, while Monty is in the ruin state he's in, he starts to pick up other hobbies like sewing! He practices making princess dresses and clothes that would fit Earth since it's nearly, if not, impossible to find clothes that actually got her because she is one tall girl
I'm so mentally ill for them istfg agsfgthn 😭
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tsamsheadcanons · 16 days
While Frank is a fan of sweeter foods, like ice cream, Francis is more of a fan of savory or salty foods, like french fries.
Love the headcanons about silly siblings
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cgarttrailsandtails · 9 months
It’s time to play my favorite game, making headcannons because I f-ing can!
We got some more l.a.e.s ones as well as a few odds and ends.
1. Earth likes making Christmas cookies for the holidays, and this year since it’s their first Christmas as a family, she got all her brothers and solar to help out.
2. They give the cookies to the children
3. Pollux is learning literally all they can about Christmas and other earthly holidays like Hanukkah, and then she proceeds to dump that information on Castor for no reason whatsoever
4. Monty is planning to bring earth on a date to an ice rink during this winter because they think she’ll like it (which she probably will)
5. Pollux now has a bunch of useless earth knowledge just because
6. Lunar often questions Castor and Pollux WHILE training, even though they both told him/them (idk what lunar goes by) not to because he’ll/they’ll lose focus and zap someone
7. Although Castor’s powers aren’t very useful for fighting, they can very well just fist fight someone and win.
8. Pollux and Castor are both a year (in human years) younger than the other astral bodies (idk how or why I came up with this, but it’s here now so)
9. Foxy has accidentally lost FC in a store right before closing and found him 30 minutes later on top of a high up shelf and guarding a mini tree
10. And finally for now, lunar and earth put up lights for Christmas in their daycare after the uranium leakage was cleaned up fully. They also spent a whole day sanitizing everything because they didn’t actually trust that the kids wouldn’t get sick.
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sabrondabrainrot · 28 days
Bring back LAES!
I'm steadily making progress on catching up on sun and moon show along with foxy and monty etc etc but it's pretty difficult when one of the main key plot lines is gone. I know a few spoilers thanks to fanfiction but I want to see the drama in person.
Here's some outfit ideas for tsams cause I'm a sucker for fashion and redesigns!
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Order is, SolarFlare - Lunar - NewMoon - Old Moon - Sunny (Solar's dimension) - Sun
closeups and more brainrot under the cut!
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Explaining my redesigns! Lunar - he's not really a redesign and more so an overdesign. I love adding tons of little details to him to really hammer home his star-ness. He's such an interesting little guy, like yes he acts childish but I can see he's really growing (SAD I CANT WATCH MORE CAUSE THE SHOW IS GONE). I saw the ep he killed Eclipse and homeboy revived. The entire time I was like "Waaahh Lunar??? Waaahhh???" but I love the drama ngl.
SolarFlare - Same as Lunar, not really a redesign I just drew him with no dirt. I really love his base design it's so neat it makes me think of like sci-fi concepts from the 80's. Something from fallout really. I think it's kind of funny Eclipse's aesthetics for SolarFlare when you compare him next to say Jack who Solar designed.
OldMoon - I just wanted to give him a sleek mad scientist cool guy suave vibe. I saw the more recent thumbnails of him with a turtle neck and idk that's just peak character design for me. I'm a simple woman put the dumb-dumb in a dark turtleneck. I want him to kind of look like the BadGuy TM (he's not actually) so he gets all edgy and hard edges and stuff.
NewMoon - I wanted to do a similar color scheme but instead he has lighter colors like more white incorporated into his fit. To give him the whole 'reborn' aesthetic. He's all like "old moon wore black well I wear white now I'm nothing like him so hah!" kinda thinking. I gave his cap a fur texture cause of that one ep he turned into a furry. I drew rounder stuff on him cause he's a big ol' softy sweety pie.
Sunny - Sunny is my headcanon of Sun from Solar's dimension. I think it's really interesting his default with no personality was theater performance and not say...doing daycare stuff? I feel like honoring the FNAF books with this design by leaning heavily into the theater performer look. I like to think in Solar's dimension Sun and Moon were originally made for theater. (so far in the show I've noticed Creator says 'they needed a daycare attendant' something like that so it comes off more like they were intended for the daycare from the start VS. Solar's dimension where Sunny's core seems to be more so for the performing arts.) I also wanted to make Sunny look different from Sun for the extra angst potential of "They're similar but not the same" so I leaned more into a blue palette for him.
Sun - I just wanted to give him big puffy everything. I took away the tutu. nothing against the tutu I just hate drawing the damn thing. I like to think Sun in main has white eyes because he's so burnt out from within. *badum tish* (eyes are the window to the soul-) I also covered him in stickers because he totally would just be covered in stickers from the kids. I also decided to give some of his rays cracks because I think he's extremely sentimental and even in a newly upgraded body (after using star power to defeat Eclipse the first time) he'd keep rays from his original body? I also put the cracks ones on the side of his face where Old Moon hit him. Why? Because it just seems like something Sun would do. I love him so.
Ok just some brainrot stuff, look away to avoid spoilers .
I love the drama.
Also, I love how every single kid vibe checks Sun and he passes every time. Francine? She loves Sun and learns from him. FC? He ONLY feels safe with Sun for a bit. Barry? He hugged Sun after gonad checking him (a right of passage for the bunny kid). Jack? I'm pretty sure he literally is just one room away from Sun at all times (he also calls Sun's cats his master???). I have yet to see Dazzle, but Dazzle 10000% loves Sun (I've seen the edits).
ALSO? When Lunar was first brought into the family the first person he hugged was Sun and then later on when Earth was in danger he ran into SUN's arms for safety/comfort. They're family your honor.
Sobbing and Crying laying on the floor over Solar's death but I think he'll be back.
Also the molten thing with Ruin? I'm excited to see more.
I don't have a youtube account to post about saving LAES but if anyone wants me to draw more LAES just to help the community please let me know. I'm planning to draw my idea of Earth next.
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seven-thewanderer · 9 months
Okay this is so random but I wanted to share it:
I drew Forkface (to which I call Forky) from the Sun and Moon Show/Monty Gator and Foxy Show (/Earth and Lunar Show? Have they appeared on Earth & Lunar's channel? I forgor)!!
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Also, since they have 2 other colorations, I drew those too!!
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But ye Forky's probably my main favorite character, if they end up evil then that will probsly make me sad, and I have silly goofy headcanons about em, like for example I imagine they're genderfluid.
But ye I love Forky they my fav
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starrydaycare · 23 days
:0 cg solarrr?? If u haven’t made head canons of him yet :3
I can do that! Yeahhh!!!
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☀️Caregiver!Solar Headcanons!
🖥️Solar is pretty good with kiddos of all ages, and doesn't really care how old his kid is, though he enjoys older kids a bit more as he can have conversations and stuff with them. 0-2? You're such a cute baby and he's holding you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. 3-5? Oh, you're getting be such a big kid! He'll get out the crayons and coloring books for you. 6-8? He can play some child-friendly video games with you, like Animal crossing and Mario Kart. 9-12? You wanna talk about your interests and watch some tv? He'll listen and watch. 13-17? He'll listen to any music you like with you.
☀️He'll always be there for you, making sure you don't feel too bad or anything. He can make sure you have anything and everything you need (and want). If you're hurting, whether mentally or physically, he's there.
🖥️If you show interest in his work, whether that be robotics or just simply doing some everyday fixes in the daycare, he'll show you it all. He enjoys explaining it, but won't force it on you, of course.
☀️He's better with less sensitive kiddos, but will learn everything he has to if you are more sensitive. He's more sarcastic and joking, and whereas he tries his best to not go too far, he might slip up on accident. Though that doesn't happen too often, and despite his sarcasm and humor, he loves you more than you can imagine and his jokes mean nothing.
🖥️(Eaps spoilers!) You know how Henry in the Eclipse and Puppet show, previously the Monty Gator and Foxy show, used to bring Charlie around the Pizza plex while he worked? Solar would do the same. Solar carries you around if you're younger, making sure your bottle/sippy cup(s) is/are clean, same with your pacifier and/or teether.
☀️If you're a little older, he'll bring crayons and coloring books, as well as some goldfish (or whatever snacks you like or can have, if you have certain safe foods or allergies) and apple juice (same as the snacks. If you need or want something else, he can do that) to make sure you're not too hungry or thirsty. Plus, if you're good he'll get you a treat afterwards!
🖥️If you're a tween/younger teen, he'll give you some money and let you go get something, but he'll watch you as you do. He doesn't want to risk you getting hurt or anything, and whereas you're older now, you still need some supervision.
☀️Of course, if you're an older teen he'll give you some money and let you go around and have fun for the day. His only rules are to answer his texts (he understands if you can't at that moment, though) and meet him back in the daycare by a certain time.
🖥️He can change you if you use diapers, and help you potty train if you want to do so. Of course, he's always making sure that you aren't uncomfortable. That'd be the last thing he wants.
☀️He's overall a really good Caregiver! He tries his best, and may mess up at times. But he really does love you and in the end he wants nothing more than the best for you <3
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baa-whatever · 2 months
So, I’m sensing a pattern here. When anons come into your inbox complaining about other people’s “crazy nonsensical” opinions, assume it’s a bad faith interpretation putting words in people’s mouths. Because this is the second time this has happened.
I've seen some anons on here on those sun and moon show confession blogs where they say they hate earth for this and that. Or other characters. Most of the time I see people hating Earth, Eclipse, Monty or Moon....and then talk about foxy/sun ship as if it's the best thing ever when it's really just their own headcanons they made up for it. Security Breach fandom is right there people, don't try to force it in the Sun and Moon Show and stop making up lies about them being homophobic or whatever just because YOUR ship isn't canon in the original dimension.
Anyway, you'd be surprised by how many people keep making fun of Earth or something it's weird and I don't get the hate. Even the characters pointed it out a couple times in the show.
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Can I request some fluffy and romantic headcanons for Frank/Forkface with an affectionate female reader with she/her pronouns?
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Omg I just love writing fluff especially for Forkface!
Also, sorry anon that this took so long! :") Though I hope you happy with the finish!
×❢ About my work ❢×
just sweet sweet fluff, Frank uses he/him and they/them pronouns, no pronouns mentioned for the reader, tho they it's female!, might be a bit out of character, i loved writing this!
Fandom(s): The Sun and Moon Show / Monty Gator and Foxy Show
Character(s): Frank/Forkface, You | The Reader | (Y/N)
Ship(s): Frank x Reader
Form: Headcanons
[The artwork isn't mine! It belongs to its rightful artist!]
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𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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• Okay, so Frank loves it when you're touching him! He always leans into your touches and trust me if he could purr, he loudly would!
• He seems always so touch starved which can come from that people usually find him weird or creepy and doesn't really approaching him
• If you're a human, he just loves your hands! They feel so warm and he loves it! He would easily just fall asleep under them
• They love gentle, loving touches! Caress his face, rub his hand, kiss him around, really, he just loves it all!
• He isn't really used to this kind of attention, but he isn't complaining tho. It literally kills them when you stop. He's just so needy for your sweet touches, but can you blame him?
• We know that Frank isn't really a talkative animatronic, so he'll mostly just breath out a "Touch... Please?" or poke you gently with his nose
• Good for you, he can be quite affectionate aswell!
• He's so cuddly, like he'll do anything just to feel you! He just loves to hold you close and feeling you against him!
• Sometimes when they see you sleeping, they'll take a moment to memorise your beautiful features as they slowly start to caress you
• He's also a gentle and a very attentive partner! He won't touch you if you don't feel comfortable with it
• Isn't really a 'going out guy', he'll more likely stay at his place and enjoy the peace
• Tho don't worry, regardless he can be still romantic !
• Just ignore the fact that every loving word and touch you send him, it makes his fans inside him go faster and louder
• "Look at you, Frank" You kindly spoke as you caressed their cheek. They leaned into your small hands as you continued. "I love you so much" you told them and they seriously felt like their system is going to crash right now and here. Everytime when you said those 3 little words to them, they can't help but wanting to kiss you and show you how much they adore you. But instead they just start to rub your arms gently. They felt like if you start to touch them once more, their insides won't be able to do anything, but restart. He always felt like he could just melt away from your touches. Oh and that sweet, caring tone you spook with him! Seriously, if he could purr he would do it all the time between your hands. He loves you too, so, so much!
• we love Frank! <3
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