#montrose harbor
pedestrianlens · 1 month
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urbs-in-horto · 1 year
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fountainbliss · 3 months
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Chicago 6.11.2024
Montrose Beach
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thatndginger · 5 months
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I'm still exhausted all the time (yay 50 hour workweeks) but I've finally had a bit of my creative spark return this week. So have a few page spreads from the Idiot's Guide to Moressau that I polished up over the last few days.
Two more sections to go (this whole thing would go a lot quicker if I wasn't making up 90% of it as I go :P)
Transcript under the cut.
First image:
The Idiot's Guide to Moressau
Provided Courtesy of Portia Beckham and The Pack
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Shopping That Won’t Bankrupt You If you want to find some shopping that’s reasonably priced and not forced to keep up a bright and happy facade for the city’s ‘image’, then you’re going to want to check out the street markets. All local, usually handmade, and you’re far less likely to run into a stuck-up asshole. The really good ones don’t advertise their existence, you just have to know. Best practice: check the Arts or Lonewood districts on a weekend evening. You’ll find something that makes the entire trip worth it. Guaranteed.
Not in the mood for a stall crawl? There are a ton of unique stores around Moressau worth your time. But like most things, you’ll have to put in a little footwork for them. My personal suggestions are The Salt Well - a secondhand store covering three stories in the Arts - and Thistle & Rue - a local artist co-op that never fails to lighten my wallet with every visit.
Local Food Worth Your Time Moressau is far from an haute cuisine destination, but since you’re here you’re better off checking out some of the local offerings than settling for fast food. Trust me. Check out Jax’s Diner down in the industrial side of town. Open twenty-four-seven and the best breakfast plate you’ll ever eat in your life. Or if you want something fishy The Queen’s Catch on the Old Wharf is by far the best place to sample some of the sea’s bounty. Finally, if you’re looking for somewhere with both good booze and good food, you can’t go wrong with Island Goat or the Salt Beard Tavern. Just don’t ask to try the chef’s special at the tavern. Trust me.
The Historical and Creepy Look. All of Moressau is creepy. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. It’s dark and gloomy and you’re just as likely to get mauled by a creep as you are to get scared by a dumpster rat. If you don’t know what you’re doing, stick to the shit all the brochures tout. You’re less likely to die that way. There’s museums and tour guides for all of you nerds, too. That tour of Augustus Laroche’s mansion is actually pretty fun. They have paid actors and everything, but frown on self-guided tours outside of the usual routes. Just FYI.
I’ve heard of some walking tours that have popped up recently that seem safe, if you’re into that kind of thing. Word to the wise, though: avoid anything that mentions the Montrose Syndicate. They aren’t dead, and they don’t like being talked about. Whoever started that tour is going to end up at the bottom of the bay sooner or later.
Seaside Attractions (And Then Some) This is another one the brochures can handle for you. The boardwalk and lighthouse are safe enough, and there are parts of the preserved old wharves that aren’t too bad either. They were made with old shipwreck lumber. The founders were thrifty and morbid like that. Stick to the North Docks and Downtown if you want to explore more of Moressau’s seaside attractions. The Old Docks aren’t the safest place anymore, day or night. If you’re up for a bit of a hike, check out the original lighthouse just north of the city. It was abandoned in favor of the new lighthouse in the early 1900's, but whatever they made it with keeps it standing, even if the rocks around it have eroded away. It’s not as fun since the city took out the bridge connecting the lighthouse to land, but you’re brave (and stupid) you can still make it across the gap. Ask me how I know.
For some modern entertainment - or modern-ish - it’s worth it to check out Saltshock, the amusement park right off Harbor Boardwalk. It’s got some of those old wooden rollercoasters that are actually terrifying. The modern steel coasters have nothing on those rickety old things. The prices aren’t too bad, but definitely don’t bother buying any souvenirs there. That’s where they get you.
Oh, and since you’ll be in the area, keep an eye on the street art. I know a guy who paints some really cool murals around the Docks and Southside neighborhoods. Some of them disappear pretty quickly, since he never asks permission to decorate someone’s wall. He says there’s an internet group or something dedicated to finding his latest work. He’s usually full of shit, though, so I’ll believe it when I see it. Maybe he’s right. His art is good. So keep an eye out for anything signed “W S”.
Third Image:
If your entire reason for coming to Moressau is to meet a vampire then I have two questions for you: What the hell is wrong with you, and why bother coming here at all? Statistically, there is at least one vampire in or near where you live now. Chances are that if you’re only here to be a bloodbag, you won’t listen to my advice, so I’m going to write this for those of you who want to avoid some unpleasant new scars around the neck region.
How to Spot a Vampire Let’s get something straight right now. Vampires don’t sparkle. They aren’t incredibly pale. They aren’t indestructible. A freshly-fed vampire isn’t much different from a human actually. Warm to the touch - never hot - and no paler than the average person, just without the heartbeat that makes a human…. human.
That said, there are some tell-tale aspects of a vampire that are impossible to hide. You’ll know a vampire as soon as they open their mouth. Their fangs don’t do that stupid retraction thing like some movies claim. Vampires also have reflective eyes, like most supernaturals. A vampire’s eyes don’t glow, they aren’t blood red, they’re just eyes. But they’ll shine in the passing light of a car or a camera flash, that’s for certain. Lastly, vampires lack both a shadow and a reflection.
A vampire who hasn’t fed in a few days will have a chill to them like any other dead body. But a hungry vampire is faster, stronger, and much easier to piss off. A hungry vampire is more likely to drink you down to the last drop, too.
Where to Find a Vampire Typically, vampires can only come out at night. They tend to burn to a crisp within an hour if they’re exposed to full sunlight. It’s not a pretty sight. Luckily for the vampires of Moressau, the sun only comes out about 30 days of the year, so they can be out at nearly any time. Most of them keep to the night hours though. They’re nocturnal creatures by nature. They also tend to hang out in the Midnight Quarter. There are some vampires who’ve lived there since the city was founded, and if you’re looking for ‘night life’ then the Midnight Quarter is exactly where you want to be. Don’t let your guard down for a second there. The only places where regulations on vampire feeding are enforced are donation centers, and even those are iffy. Sure, the city says they oversee vampire parlors to ‘ensure safe conditions for both mundanes and supernaturals’ but they’re lying through their teeth.
Not all vampire parlors and clubs are terrible. Just most of them. Club Nomad caters primarily to vampires, but they’ll welcome anyone looking for a night out. The bouncers there are better than most about keeping an eye on the crowds. If you want exclusivity, then L’Sourire en Sang run by the Société de Keres is as old and exclusive as you can get. They’re pretty strict about who they let in - mundane and vampire both - but I’ve heard that almost every human visitor has left alive.
Last but not least, there’s Cameo. It hasn’t been around very long, but it’s already pissed off all the old, mouldy vampires in the city so it has my vote of confidence. I heard it’s run by a new coalition in town called the Strix Assembly, and they’re very concerned about keeping their bloodbags alive and well. Pampered, even. They don’t mind the occasional shifter or supernatural drifting through, either.
Finding Good Mosquito Repellent Vampires might be some of the deadliest supernaturals out there, but lucky for us mortals there are some tried and true ways to keep them off your neck. Or kill one, if you need to.
First, sunlight. We’ve covered this. Keep up.
Second, rowan wood. I don’t know what it is about rowan specifically, but it’ll burn any vampire who touches it. They hate the smell of it too, if you’re in the market for new cologne.
Vampires have an aversion to garlic, but it’s not going to stop a determined one. Pepper spray is useful if you can make a quick getaway. Don’t bother with religious iconography or silver unless you want to be laughed at before you die.
And finally… I talk a lot of shit, but most vampires are just like everyone else. Common sense and a nice attitude will go a long way. This guide is so you know how to handle the dangerous ones.
Shapeshifter taglist: @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec
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oughtnots · 1 year
10 first lines, tagged by @lieutenant-catboy-little !! <3
Rules: ‘share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.’
Next Job, gen, T, beef + montrose chat about what comes next
"They've left Emerich in his workroom for now."
2. only forward, always forward, Crozier/Fitzjames, T, fitzjames is dead and the survivors cannibalize him
"It was not the first time that Francis had wished for a doctor for James."
3. Blood on the Concrete, Hickey/Tozer, E, hickey runs a fight club and convinces them to rob a museum
"Sol doesn’t see the blow coming until it hits him."
4. Without Desperation, Collins/Goodsir, T, sci fi--goodsir is the scientist brought to an alien planet, collins is his diver tour guide
"The rush of cool air as Harry Goodsir fits the helmet over his head makes him wince."
5. Hitting Aces, Harry/Kim, T, kim's pinball backstory becomes relevant to the current investigation
It is morning in the Greater Revachol Industrial Harbor."
6. An Abundance of Good Blood, Aziraphale/Crowley, T, adam goes missing after aziraphale and crowley share an ill-discussed kiss
"Anthony J. Crowley did not, as a rule, receive post."
7. what we have left, Pilkington/Tozer, M, tozer can see the mutineers' souls
"He thinks it's his imagination at first."
8. As Bullet Speaks to Gun, Crozier/Fitzjames + Jopson/Little, T, hickey is court-martialed after the expedition is rescued
"The room was dark and smelled of dried lavender."
9. Bring Me Your Garden, Neil/Eva, T, neil's illness worsens while he and eva try to navigate whatever lies between them
"It gets worse."
10. Drama: Lamp and Light, gen, T, a sonnet from the perspective of drama
"The disco lights drip silver-curtained rain; The man is old and broken on the stage."
i think a lot of people have already been tagged for this but i'll tag @explorersaremadeofhope, @hereforthenuances, and @blue-bismuth :)
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cloud-etudes · 1 year
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Montrose Harbor, Chicago - May 2023
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89degree · 2 years
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3 versions of this image of Montrose harbor on a sub-zero morning before it wax frozen over. #chicago #montroseharbor #cityscape #uptown #on1 #winter #originaltumblrphotographers #lakemichigan (at Montrose Harbor, Chicago's Lakefront) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSTjA3pnJg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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broccoligoddess · 2 years
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Montrose Harbor in Chicago
October 2022
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spxrx · 2 years
One of the first songs I produced. Written about one of my favorite places in Chicago
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pedestrianlens · 1 month
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urbs-in-horto · 2 years
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Montrose Harbor and Beach fill project completed.
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oldtvlover · 2 years
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Cast: Richard Jordan as Joseph Armagh Ray Bolger as R.J. Squibbs Peter Donat as Clair Montrose Charles Durning as Ed Healey Celeste Holm as Sister Angela Harvey Jason as Harry Zieff Joanna Pettet as Katherine Hennessey Beverly D'Angelo as Miss Emmy and many more 
Story: (aka Chapter I) Joseph Francis Xavier Armagh and his two younger siblings Sean and Mary escape a ship on the harbor of New York. The situation ashore is problematic, jobs are scarce and food equally scarce. Aboard the ship their mother has died from disease, but they have a hope; their father is in Philadelphia awaiting them. The siblings run away, and discovers their father to be dead to, and young teenager Joseph places his siblings in an Orphanage while he himself goes to make money, become rich and get them out of poverty. The first episode follows Joseph for a few years through a series of struggles, and how he starts earning his first dollars and setting off into speculation in oil, together with his new-won friend, the Lebanese Haroun Al-Zieff (later: Harry Seff). The beginnings of a true rags-to-riches-story. —Lars-Toralf Storstrand (from IMDB again) CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS set the template for future TV miniseries such as ROOTS and THE BASTARD, gathering together a cast of beloved veterans and intriguing newcomers in a historical fiction designed to keep audiences coming back for the next installment. Taylor Caldwell's 1972 best seller gets the sprawling treatment, broadcast over 8 weekly installments, from Sept 30-Nov 25 1976, exactly two months of gripping melodrama. We open with the teenaged Joseph Armagh watching his ailing mother die as their ship sits in New York Harbor in 1857, forced to return to Ireland due to America's intolerance for the Irish. With his younger brother and sister, Joseph secretly departs the vessel by night into the water, only to find their father's home in Philadelphia, he too deceased from pneumonia. Now determined to keep his promise to his mother to always look after his siblings, Joseph leaves them safely in the care of an orphanage run by Sister Angela (Celeste Holm), as the boy mines during the week while building a personal nest egg running liquor on Sundays for R.J. Squibbs (Ray Bolger). Four years later, at the dawn of the Civil War, the now adult Joseph (Richard Jordan) is ready to 'borrow' an investment from Squibbs to form his own company in Titusville with the help of companion Harry Zieff (Harvey Jason) and wealthy entrepreneur (and fellow Irishman) Ed Healey (Charles Durning). Ann Sothern and Neville Brand get little more than cameos, Vic Morrow again in unsympathetic mode, Joanna Pettet, Barbara Parkins, and newcomer Beverly D'Angelo (in a literally smashing debut performance) providing eye candy galore. Veteran scene stealer John Carradine kicks things off as Father Hale, whose attempts to comfort young Joseph in the wake of his mother's death are met with steely determination, a fine though brief character study for an actor so often reduced to low budget roles at this stage of his lengthy career. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: We mainly start with Joseph and his way to get rich and more. He takes every job he can get, even dirty one just to be paid well. Joseph wants to be the one who makes the rules and so he learns from anyone possible, in each field like oil and others. Even with reading books provided by a wealthy woman, he chooses his life and not the other way around. At the end, he goes out for another great adventure during the Civil War and it includes rifles, a lot of those.  More then tomorrow!
Chapter II Additional cast: Pernell Roberts as Colonel Elbert Braithwaite Robert Vaughn as Charles Desmond Story: A few years of successful gun running and Joseph Armagh becomes a partner in the oil company of Ed Healey. (from IMDB again) The second chapter of CAPTAINS AND THE KINGS picks up at the start of the Civil War, Joseph Armagh (Richard Jordan) joining Clair Montrose (Peter Donat) in a spot of gun running with Colonel Elbert Braithwaite (Pernell Roberts), who cannot resist the generous graft for his certification. A year away and Joseph is back in the arms of the beautiful Martinique (Barbara Parkins), while his second hand man Harry (Harvey Jason) finds himself falling for Ed Healey's ward Miss Emmy (Beverly D'Angelo). His oil speculations are coveted by Healey so eventually the two agree to partner up, Joseph to receive one third of the profit for his efforts to consolidate the refineries, to the delight of railroad baron Charles Desmond (Robert Vaughn). Blair Brown is introduced as Healey's real life daughter Elizabeth, just returned from boarding school, sparking off a series of lustful events that leave the principals dazed and confused. - by kevinolzak on IMDB Thoughts: Well, Joseph has learned a lot and bargains hard to get what he wants, no matter what. His little siblings are still at the orphanage where Mrs. Hennessey takes care of them as well. He loves Martinique but this woman has many secrets but protects him if needed. Harry falls in love with Miss Emmy and they make out in Joseph's room. Harry can flee but Joseph and Emmy are caught by Strickland (Joe Kapp) and Healey. Healey seems to believe them but he's not certain here. Wonder how it will go on. 
Chapter III Additional cast: Patty Duke (Astin) as Bernadette Hennessey Blair Brown as Elizabeth Healey Katherine Crawford as Mary Armagh David Huffman as Sean Armagh George Gaynes as Orestes Bradley Vic Morrow as Tom Hennessey Story: When Elizabeth Healey fails in her attempts to seduce Joseph, she decides to seduce the next attractive man she meets - Tom Hennessey. Tom becomes a senator and Elizabeth tells him she is pregnant with his child. She proposes a plan where Tom will use his political influence to create a false marriage record for her and a friend, Everett Wickersham who has been killed in the war. At a family dinner Ed shares the news of Elizabeth's marriage, the unfortunate death of Everett Wickersham, and the expected baby. He drinks to excess, collapses and dies. Ed's will is extremely generous to everyone - Emmy and Martinique are now both rich women. Martinique announces that she will go to Europe and Emmy marries Harry. Joseph receives 75% of Ed's estate and Elizabeth receives 25% with instructions that Joseph will invest her money for her. Joseph has built his own mansion in Green Hills and proposes to Elizabeth, but she says it's too late. Sean and Mary move into Joseph's new home, but Mary expresses her desire to become a nun and Sean becomes a union organizer. On her deathbed, Katherine Hennessey asks Joseph to marry her daughter, Bernadette and he agrees. (taken from here now) Thoughts: So, good bye to Ed Healey and Joseph has reached his goal, yet his siblings, Sean and Mary are not happy with his lifestyle. Mary decides to stay at the monastery whereas Sean is working against his brother. However, Joseph has too many women at his hand and when he finally makes a decision to wed Elizabeth it's too late. He knew he was in love with Katherine but couldn't say, yet the conflict between him and her husband will escalate for sure. It will be interesting. I have to admit it got me hooked.
Chapter IV Additional cast: Henry Fonda as Sen. Enfield Bassett Richard (T.) Herd as Talmadge Story: Joseph quarrels with Sean over the labor union issue and with Mary over her desire to leave and enter a nunnery. He rages about their lack of gratitude for all the sacrifices he has made in his life to provide for them. He says that Sean can go to Hell and Mary can go to Jesus and severs all ties with both of them. Alone in his big house, he now wants a family of his own and proposes marriage to Bernadette Hennessey. She understands that he does not love her, but hopes that will change once they have children. Sean organizes a strike against Joseph's company and when the militia are called in to intervene, violence erupts and many of the strikers are killed. Years pass and Joseph and Bernadette now have 4 children, Rory, Kevin, Anne-Marie, and Brian. Elizabeth Healey has married Tom Hennessey and Joseph vows to destroy him. Joseph uses his money and influence to expose Tom's involvement in a corruption scandal and he is politically ruined. Sean is falsely accused of an attack on the railroad and is sentenced to hang when he is wrongly convicted. Behind the scenes, Joseph intervenes to prove Sean's innocence - to protect the family name. He begins telling others of his plan to make his son Rory the first Irish Catholic President. (taken from here again) Thoughts: Joseph in his rage cuts all family ties to his siblings but then starts a family of his own, yet without love. Soon he has four kids and well, set his plan in action to make his eldest Rory the first Irish Catholic President - and even get him a future wife, the daughter of his friend Desmond. Oh boy, that might backfire one day. Never mind, he manages to ruin his own father-in-law but deep down, he was always in love with Elizabeh Healey. Oh my, what a complicated relationship will begin. It cannot end good. 
So, I’ll stop here. The remaining four chapters will be posted soon. I think this might be better since it’s way too long anyway. There’s enough to read for you now.
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mangxakorado · 1 month
“People of all faiths are coming together to stop what’s happening in Gaza,” said Shelo, 41, a documentary filmmaker whose parents were born in the region now held by Israel. “At this point, it transcends faith. This isn’t just a religious issue or a moral issue. It’s a human issue. Whatever your faith is, whatever your belief system is, you can look at what’s happening and know that it’s wrong and that you want to stop it.”
The Coalition to March on the DNC, the umbrella organization coordinating the various marches and protests, is composed of more than 150 groups, each with its own causes, whether immigration, reproductive health care or LGBTQ rights. But as a whole, the groups have united to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and to stand up for Palestinians. . . .
. . . “We want to make it very clear that the Palestinians are suffering with the enabling of aid by this administration embedded with our tax dollars,” said Tarek Khalil, a board member of the Chicago chapter of American Muslims for Palestine. “We’re not letting Kamala Harris off the hook just because she’s vice president and she can lay claim to the fact that she’s beholden to the president’s agenda.”
American Muslims for Palestine is arranging to bring demonstrators from mosques around the Chicago metropolitan area and beyond. While AMP marchers will be at all the week’s demonstrations, the group is co-sponsoring its own march on Wednesday (Aug. 21) at Union Park alongside the Coalition for Justice in Palestine.
The main two marches will take place Monday and Thursday.
Jewish organizations such as Jewish Voice for Peace will join in as well, as will members of the anti-Zionist Jewish congregation Tzedek Chicago, which is also sponsoring a rally on Sunday.
The American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization, is planning an interfaith vigil for Gaza at the Montrose Beach Harbor on Lake Michigan on Tuesday.
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xaracosmia · 5 months
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name / alias: mio age: 24 pronouns: he/they/it ooc contact: ensemblestars on twt other characters in xc: emiliano montrose, tooth fairy, jacob, jeremy fitzgerald
name: nezha age: n/a ( immortal, late-twenties in appearance ) pronouns: he / any series: lego monkie kid canon point: post-canon / post-the emperor’s wrath app triggers: a lot of things idk, war, end of the world scenarios, kind of your run-of-the-mill action cartoon nonsense, childbirth mention in the background, self-sacrifice / mention of suicide
personality: nezha’s best described as a tight-ass. he’s stern, serious, strict, and is bound by his honor when he gives it. he leaves little wiggle room for his mind to be changed on matters once he’s decided something is the way it is, and can even be rather short-tempered if you insist on doing things wrong in front of him. though, he does have a tad more patience for people who are new to things and need guidance in their life. he’s a stubborn bitch, rather prideful, and most of all—he hates being patronized.
something your muse struggles with: doing anything aside from his sense of duty
your muse’s greatest strength: his sense of duty ( facepalm )
history / background:
nezha wasn’t born like normal children are. well, he was, but he didn’t look like a normal baby. first of all, babies don’t stay in the womb for three years and some change. second of all, they don’t look like giant meatballs either when they come out. his father had thought him to be a demon, and after cutting the ball apart, nezha appeared as a fully realized child. he could walk, speak, and do the things that any child could, and would later be taken in by an immortal as a student.
during his years as a student, nezha would find that the powers he controlled were not just beyond his control, but also annoying to some of the other powerful beings of the world. in particular, the east dragon of the sea—ao guang. though, to be fair, he was being a jackass and sent people to claim sacrifices so of course nezha was going to beat the scouts into the ground. in retaliation, ao guang would send his son ao bing to fight with nezha as well, and despite going easy on the great dragon, nezha would kill him.
along with the other dragon kings, ao guang gathered to report nezha’s behavior to the jade emperor, and also threatened to flood his home in retribution for his actions. knowing that he was in the wrong ( and also wanting to save the people of his village ), nezha offered himself up to die to pay for what he did.
his death was short-lived however. nezha’s mother would build him a shrine that would house his soul, and his teacher would use the roots of a lotus to construct a new body for nezha. despite the shrine having been burnt down by nezha’s father out of anger, he would still come back to life with his new body, harboring a newfound hatred for his dad. nezha’s mentor would give him the wind-and-fire wheels and his fire-tipped spear.
at some point down the line though nezha ends up forgiving his father for the transgressions set upon him, and became a member of the celestial court. he is responsible as being the grand marshal of the celestial realm’s heavenly forces, and spends his days on guard against great evils.
…great evils and a several-times over immortal monkey that’s a pain in his ass.
powers / abilities:
taoist magic - as a heavenly deity and a student of a great taoist master, nezha is capable of using certain kinds of magical arts. in particular, he is skilled in creating barriers for defense and in creating seals to lock away powerful and important items, such as the map leading to the rings of the samadhi fire. trying to break these seals with force generally create a kickback that causes harm to whoever breaks them.
lotus petals - nezha can summon and use lotus petals as a means of fighting and utility. items he owns can morph into the petals and can be directed by him, able to pierce and explode on impact. he uses this to summon his items and to teleport long distances.
pyrokinesis - nezha can make and control flames. usually pink in color, nezha can also make them into multiple colors, and he’s even able to breathe them.
war form - nezha’s powers are kept under lock and key for the most part. when he fights all out however, he dons a stronger war form. typically larger in size, nezha’s war form has three heads and six arms.
inherent abilities:
super strength - as a result from being a heavenly deity
super speed - also as a result from being a heavenly deity
immortality - guys you won’t believe where he got this from
items / weapons:
wind-fire wheels - a pair of magical wheels used by nezha to traverse at the speed of wind. they are generally used for flight, and he accelerates himself further using jets of flame from them. nezha can adjust the size of the rings to power up things he attaches it to.
spear - a red spear tipped with a golden point. it is heavenly in nature, holding a great power to it. nezha’s capable of igniting it during fights.
armillary sash - a powerful magical sash that hangs around nezha’s shoulders. he can use this to elongate and ensnare others.
monowheel - a really cool mech that nezha can ride in like a motorcycle.
starting ability: taoist magic
starting item: wind-fire wheels
tip: he is so fucking mad
discord id: third.lotus.prince
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Tips for Effective Mold Removal in Basements and Crawlspaces
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Mold in basements and crawlspaces can be a persistent problem due to the typically high humidity and low ventilation in these areas. Effective mold removal in these spaces requires a combination of thorough cleaning, moisture control, and preventive measures. Here are some practical tips to tackle mold in basements and crawlspaces effectively:
1. Identify and Address Moisture Sources
Fix Leaks: Inspect for any water leaks from pipes, walls, or foundations and repair them promptly.
Manage Humidity: Use dehumidifiers to maintain a low humidity level (ideally between 30-50%).
Improve Ventilation: Ensure adequate air circulation with vents or fans.
2. Protective Gear and Safety
Wear Protective Gear: Use gloves, goggles, and N95 masks or respirators to protect against mold spores.
Ensure Good Ventilation: When cleaning, ventilate the area well to avoid inhaling fumes from cleaning agents.
3. Cleaning and Removing Mold
Dry the Area: Before cleaning, ensure the space is dry. Use fans or dehumidifiers to dry out the area.
Non-Porous Surfaces: Clean non-porous surfaces with water and detergent. Avoid using bleach as it may not penetrate surfaces to kill mold roots.
Porous Materials: Porous materials like insulation, drywall, or carpeting that are mold-infested should be discarded as they can harbor mold deep within.
4. HEPA Vacuuming
After drying and cleaning, use a HEPA vacuum to remove any remaining mold spores. This is particularly effective on surfaces where mold spores may have settled.
5. Use Mold Inhibitors
Apply mold inhibitors to cleaned surfaces to prevent mold regrowth. Ensure that the products used are safe and suitable for indoor environments.
6. Regular Inspections and Maintenance
Regularly inspect basements and crawlspaces for signs of moisture or mold.
Keep the area clean and dry. Regular cleaning can prevent mold spores from accumulating.
7. Control Indoor Climate
Use air conditioners and/or dehumidifiers to keep a stable and low humidity level.
In colder climates, insulate pipes to prevent condensation.
8. Seal and Waterproof
Consider waterproofing your basement to prevent water seepage.
Seal any cracks or openings to prevent moisture from entering.
9. Consider Professional Help
For extensive mold problems or if the mold returns repeatedly, consider hiring a professional mold remediation service. They can identify and address hidden mold sources and provide more thorough removal.
10. Natural Mold Removal Solutions
For milder mold issues, natural solutions like vinegar or baking soda can be effective and are less toxic than commercial mold removers.
By following these tips, you can effectively tackle mold issues in your basement or crawlspace. Remember, the key to controlling mold is moisture management. Keeping these areas dry and well-ventilated is crucial for preventing mold growth.
Find Silver Quality Water Damage Clean Up and Mold Remediation
Silver Quality Water Damage Clean Up and Mold Remediation
2504 Teasley St, La Crescenta-Montrose, CA 91214
6QJ8+WP La Crescenta-Montrose, Los Angeles, CA
(310) 421-9476
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christinamac1 · 1 year
Floating for Peace on the Golden Rule
By Robert C. Koehler, 20 Sept 23, http://commonwonders.com/floating-for-peace-on-the-golden-rule/— It’s 10 p.m. at Montrose Harbor in Chicago. Kiko and Tamar help me step from the dock into the wobbly rowboat. Kiko rows us out to the Golden Rule and I climb aboard in wonder. Oh my God! This is it – the 30-foot, anti-nuke sailboat with a history going back almost seven decades . . . back to the…
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