#monster tugs
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sketch-pencilpoint · 4 months ago
Now the final of these posts. The tugs. Obviously there isn't gauges for tugs, however there are significant size differences and different purposes for tugs. Now for most of them the only real difference is size, speed and agility but I'll still point things out. Also if some colours are off it's on purpose as some star fleet members opted to have their fur repainted to a new colour.
So, here we go.
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Ten cents is a switcher. Any fan of the show knows this means that he is the smallest type of tug. In terms of beast, this remains acurate. This also means that Tc is very agile and flexible compared to other tugs. In general, switchers are light and easier to move, and in general are faster. They also have rather sharp claws, due to the fact they can't rely on their strength to defend themselves. Other notes is the back legs are fin like and weak on land and waterproof fur.
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Warrior is one of many harbour tugs in the series, as they are the most common type with 6 characters being labelled as harbour tugs. They are big and strong, not too fast or agile but not too slow or clumsy (in general anyway). Alongside that harbour tugs's claws are less sharp than switchers, since they are strong enough that they dont need them. In every other way, though, they remain identical to the switchers aside from their size and claws.
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O.J is also technically a harbour tug. This makes him the same as the other harbour tugs with one key difference, his paddles. O.J. is generally referred to as a paddle boat tug, due to his side paddles that allow him to move, since he was built before tugs were made with propellers. This means that as a best he has 2 large fins on the sides of his tail and body, which helps keep him afloat.
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Top hat is a railway tug. This means he has a neck that can extended, which still remains the same. Afterall whats a railway tug with no neck? A harbour tug. He is also a lot taller than the others, having longer legs. One slightly odd detail though is his back legs more closely resemble that of the engines. While this was confusing as to why, some workmen came up with the theory as to why this could be the case. It was imagined that in a realm where the beasts were the norm, railway tugs may have been bred to help with other railway works, so evolved to have stronger back legs to allow easier land travel to help with tasks like shunting and small, short deliveries.
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Visual example of his neck
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Hercules is an ocean going tug. This means he is absolutely massive. He is made for ocean travel, therefore has much stronger limbs than the others. He also has thicker fur to keep him warmer on longer journeys. Most of his lenth is in his tail, allowing for stronger strokes in the water. His claws are also blunt, as ocean going tugs are so massive they tend to just eat whatever they hunt whole rather than dragging them to the surface. This is at priced with the fact that he is naturally the worst on land due to his sheer size alone.
This is usually when this would end, but there is one more tug I wish to cover.
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This is Seafoam, one of my tugs ocs and an ice breaker tug. Ice breakers are built to break and transport ice, so they have thick, fluffy fur to keep them warm. This is combined with sharp claws on both their front and back legs, which allows the ice to be broken apart more easily. Their back legs are also stronger and larger than the other types, (aside from the railway tug of course) to allow them to be able to easily kick away ice if they become surrounded.
Please ask about him I want to talk about him
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tagzpite · 8 months ago
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chimera odysseus!!!!
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n7keidence · 1 year ago
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i will befriend this little worm grandpa no matter what
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months ago
Omg Exorcists hunting like Ospreys
They dive and go sploosh in the water then fly back out no problem
Vaggie shows this once and Charlie, a no wing haver, is amazed by her gfs ability to fly out of water very much “but??? Wings in water meant to be no bueno??”
the one thing vaggie misses from heaven: Dive Bomb Fishing
XD no but, imagine Vaggie spending ages hunting around the city for a swimming pool big enough to show off to her girlfriend in. Up in heaven there was beaches and bright sparkling bodies of water, but hell is overcrowded and....
Vaggie: "How hard is it to find a body of water in hell that DOESN''T already have a dead body floating in it!?"
Angel Dust: "I dunno toots. Probs as hard as a long throbbing-"
Vaggie: "Shut up and keep looking or die."
she finally finds one and gets SO giddy about it, same as when she was excited to show the hotel commercial to Charlie, dragging her gf over to the edge of the one sanitary pool in hell like
Vaggie: (hopping up and down) "Are you ready for the surprise?"
Charlie: "I, think so??"
Vaggie: "Good!"
Vaggie: (hugs gf) (hops back again) (Grins)
Charlie: "Vaggie wh- pffthaha! You're really excited about this 'super cool angel trick thing' aren't you?"
Vaggie: "You have no idea."
Vaggie: "Now hold this taxidermized fish for me."
Charlie: "Hold the what."
it's a fair question. clean swimming pools aren't the only thing it's tricky to find in hell
Vaggie: "Fish!"
Vaggie: "There's not a lot of fish options down here but we're gonna pretend it's a salmon. Or was one, in a past life."
Charlie: "Do I have to- I mean, is me holding it CRUCIAL to the surprise..?"
Vaggie: "You can throw it in the pool soon don't worry."
Charlie: "If it's in the pool Vaggie I don't think I'm going in that water."
Vaggie: "That's perfect! Just get ready to throw."
Vaggie starts stretching her wings
meanwhile poor Charlie wants to SO MUCH to be supportive about the angel thing after how not great that revelation started out so she's nodding and smiling and not instantly yeeting the horror fish and internally doing math equations trying to figure this out so she can be extra super happy about it
Vaggie: (twirling spear) "Ok babe, I'm gonna fly up real high, and when you see me wave you toss the abomination fish into the pool. Right?"
Charlie: "OK!!! Fly wave throw fish, got it!"
Charlie was ready for anything she was PREPARED
she was NOT prepared to see her girlfriend plummet through the air and dive smack dead into a pool at what looks like literal break-neck speed
Charlie: "VAGGIE!?!?!?"
Angel Dust: "Mmm not bad. 10 outta 10 for looking like she's gotta death wish. Slaaaaay!"
Charlie: "IS SHE OKAY?!"
Husk: "0 out of fucking 10. That shit looks wet as fuck."
Angel Dust: "Wuh luh wuh LOVE when thing get-"
Husk: "20 out of 10 if she drowns you."
Niffty: "Wheee! Me next!!!!!!""
Cherri Bomb: "Booo! 2 out of 10! It wasn't even a canon ball."
Niffty: "Did her spine snap? Is she-" (giggles) "Dead~?"
Alastor: "I'm SORRY to say it dearest but I SINCERELY doubt it! In fact it seems she is just about to surface, and NOT as a far more flatteringly corpse, ha ha!"
Vaggie's head pop back beaming and shaking water from her face
Vaggie: "Charlie! I got it!"
Charlie: "Not the question I'm asking! Wait, got what?"
Vaggie: (laughing) "Look!"
cue big wing flaps, Vaggie spraying everyone who isn't Charlie with water as she wings back up out of the pool and lifts her spear to show off...
Vaggie: "I got the fish!"
....the stuffed abomination skewered triumphantly on her heavenly spear
Charlie: "You- you caught it!?"
Vaggie: "On the first try! First try in years and-"
Vaggie: "I did!"
Charlie: "NO WAY!"
Vaggie: "Yeah!"
Charlie: "HOLY FUCK-"
Charlie, who has NEVER seen a diving bird irl before and whose is mind actually honestly BLOWN, cheering and jumping around and grabbing each of their sopping wet friends in turn to shake them and point at her gf, who
Charlie: "-just did that whatever that was she did that IT WAS AMAZING she went ZOOM like NYOOM and SPLOOSH and wOW-!"
Vaggie: (puffing up) "If there was real fish in that pool, we'd be having some for dinner tonight."
Charlie: "WOW!!"
Alastor: (dripping) (grinning tightly) "How. Delightful."
Alastor: "Oho~"
Vaggie: "What're you laughing at?"
Charlie: "-went WAY HIGH UP THERE and then she DOVE-"
Alastor: "Why at your cruel fate of course! Prepare to be MORTALLY embarrassed in front your partner's parent, my dear~"
Vaggie: "Are you kidding? Fishing is best skill I have."
Husk: (soaked) "That's not. Fucking. Fishing."
Vaggie: "Don't be bitter just because you can't do it, Husk."
Angel Dust: (also dripping) "Both of ya are nuts."
Cherri Bomb: (sadly holding up soggy bomb) "You could get a whole school of fish with one stick of dynamite. I'm just saying."
Niffty: "I wanna be the fish! SKEWER ME!"
Vaggie: "No offence Nif but, pass."
Niffty: "RRG!" (kicks her in the shins) "Stupid sport fishing lesbian!"
Vaggie: "Stupid good at sport fishing lesbian, you mean."
Vaggie: "No way!"
Charlie: "YES!! And IM gonna film it!!!"
Angel Dust: "An' we're all goin' home. Have fun with your gay nature docu-thingy."
Vaggie: "Have fun missing out on the fishing losers!"
Charlie: (hugging her) "This is so COOL! How do your wings even work after getting wet!? That's amazing!"
Vaggie: "It's what the daily preening is for, babe."
Angel Dust: (distantly) "Gaaaaaay...!"
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pupholez · 2 months ago
thinking about a partner haunting you after they pass away to make sure you never move on.....
thinking about them only having enough energy to linger at first but not really show signs of their presence, where maybe you just feel them a little or maybe dream of them but can't see them or interact... untilll you decide it's been enough time and you've done enough progress to start trying to date again. or at least get out and meet new people. and then suddenly your ghostly lover has a newly found energy at it's disposal and rage. who cares how long it's been? you're theirs. always. you were just going to do it right in front of them? fuck that.
that's when you start to notice things are weird. you can't find your keys before your date, can't find the cute underwear you laid out, can't find your phone to even let them know. but that's only the beginning- then comes the sleep paralysis. days spent too exhausted to hang out with anyone because all your nights are spent waking up petrified, feeling uncomfortably full and sensitive but unable to do anything but lay there and feel the invisible intrusions and let the out the littlest moans. you start to joke with your friends that you're in a friends with benefits relationship with your sleep paralysis demon. this only angers your poltergeist lover more however for daring to imply anyone else knew how to make you feel that good but them. so that night they made sure you knew.
when you woke up this time, it felt different. you could open your eyes, but everything was still dark. you were on your back. your assailant was already inside of you, as per usual, but had it blindfolded you? it was pitch black. next thing you realized is it was cold. like, uncomfortably cold. then it was what you heard. wind. leaves rustling. were you... before you had time to process it, you felt abruptly empty. was it over? could you move? you blinked a couple times and tried to move your toes when you felt the intrusion again. but this time, it hurt. this wasn't you were used to. then again. then again. it felt like pencils were being shoved inside of your poor hole, but you still couldn't move, still couldn't look down to see what was happening. and again. and again. and again. you counted twelve. you were crying now from the pain and confusion. you were entirely helpless to seemingly nothing in front of you. after the twelth, everything seemed to stop for a moment aside from the whispers of wind that almost sounded like moans if you listened hard enough. all you could do was lay there with your thoughts and feel it.
eventually you wake back up not even realizing you'd fallen asleep. the sun's coming up. you can move again. you hurt. you turn your head and see your clothes neatly stacked next to you, along with your phone and keys. you feel an uncomfortable sting and you look down. are those..? you reach down and touch, only to be met with something soft and velvety. appalled and confused, you yank it out and realize in horror what was inside of you.
you were holding crushed flowers in your hands.
frantically, you pull everything out of you only to realize it was an entire bouquet.
a familiar bouquet.
you bought this bouquet two days ago.
you sit up, and for the first time fully realize where you are.
at your feet is the gravestone you've visited a million times. only something catches your eye. on top of the stone, newly scratched in, simply said,
"mine. always."
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muppet-facts · 2 months ago
Muppet Fact #1319
Gonzo has given Tug Monster the Gonzo Medal for discovering the world's weirdest act. Said act was Whilamena and a Giant Carrot as a dance team.
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Little Muppet Monsters. "Gonzo's Talent Hunt." Unaired. Information from Muppet Wiki. https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Gonzo%27s_Talent_Hunt.
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gummybuggy · 5 months ago
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Was rewatching monster house and I gained some inspiration for an idea...
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killerhybrid · 7 months ago
Here is a very late birthday gift to @projectanimations ! Sorry it took so long but I hope you all enjoy. This is their favorite two characters who are fighting for their attention. Alfred from ttte and Zebedee from Tugs. Both belong to their respective creators. Hope you love it Project sorry for how late it is!
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Alfred: I know you'd love to spend a day with me darling!~
Zebedee: you silver tongue son of a- *horn*
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sketch-pencilpoint · 2 months ago
I'm genuinely sorry for not posting anything for a while. Things have been a bit draining recently. I've decided to show of the pup designs I've gotten so far since I did them a while ago. Not giving any parents or paring away fully though ;)
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Tagging the parents though. Who belongs to who is the question
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divine-motion · 15 days ago
it's kinda funny that there's this genre of hornyposting tha tends to be tagged armored core 6 or has people insisting "combat stims that put the pilot in heat is a staple of the mecha genre" (it isn't) when armored core 6 is - and let's all be so honest with ourselves here - a deeply unhorny game. and let's be clear here i'm not saying people who are horny about it are """pornbrained""" or whatever. it's just that Walter distinctly strikes me as someone with erectile dysfunction and it's funny that he has become the template for entirely imagined ideas of what tropes there are in mecha
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fabianvtugsart · 1 year ago
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Lillie and Hercules :]
Such a lovely couple :>
And yes it's based on A Monster in Paris
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 3 months ago
i know in my heart that, when given the opportunity of corporeality, John likes having his horns pulled on. i know this deep in my soul. Arthur tugged on one of his horns one day to get his attention and now any time John thinks about it he flusters.
my scientific evidence you ask? it came to me in a vision. next question
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citrine-elephant · 2 months ago
strange idea from a sad reality, but
was watching a thing about orcas in captivity. highly highly inhumane. cases like tilikum, who lashed out and killed three people. whether he meant to or not.
the idea of a highly intelligent creature being kidnapped and forced to do tricks for the entertainment of the furless land creatures.
a little whump idea for leon, of course. say it's umbrella, or another group down the line of bioterrorist enthusiasts.
to train their circus lion, this weapon. all of this hard work put into breaking him down and forcing him in line.
leon never really does completely fall for this, as hard as he's beaten down past rock bottom. he sure as hell isn't going to be the weapon they want him to be, but if a few humiliating party tricks keeps him alive, then...
a few drops of spilled blood. not his own. but through his teeth. they wanted a weapon. they'll get one.
or, leon's captured, tortured and experimented on. the brainwashing doesn't work and he kills quite a few of his handlers. deemed "defective" but not put down.
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finalgirlsamwinchester · 11 months ago
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1.01, "Pilot" | Chuck Palahniuk, "Fight Club"
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killerhybrid · 4 months ago
With Halloween being yesterday, what do all your ocs and the celestial brothers do for halloween?
John and Delta happily go looking for candy apples John keeping a close eye on Delta. The narrow gauges, Blaze, Leaflet and Azul, are partying and enjoying the night, singing songs. The submarines have no idea what Halloween is but enjoy the treats that get dropped into the water. Tenebris happily wanders around in search of people to trick and scare.
The Celestials enjoy the Halloween festivals that pop up around their territory. Going to enjoy the food, the people dressing up and the time to dance with people. Sun coos at the children's adorable costumes, Moon enjoys spooking people, Eclipse is judging adult costumes and Solstice is just enjoying seeing people have a good time.
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lunarfeat21 · 5 months ago
Not me attempting to design a water monster Zak:
Your normal unassuming Zak vs Whatever this is
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This is tame to whatever I see as a kid (this is nightmare fuel)
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