#monster f/o's
selfshipcorner · 1 year
I started this account mainly just for me but since I've started gaining followers I thought I should show the tag system! This will be updated as time goes on.
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Tags for f/o imagine reblogs (original imagines will be tagged as "f/o imagines")
Yearning (most imagines will be here)
Sleep imagines
Morning imagines
Kiss imagines
Chaotic imagines
Dance imagines
Summer imagines
Birthday imagine
Villain f/o's
Monster f/o's
Grumpy f/o's
Shy f/o's
Tags for miscellaneous things (none of them will have stuff from my f/o's source material for now)
Asks (for f/o ask games)
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considermymarbleslost · 3 months
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I went out and goofed around on that Dungeon Meshi high. Acted a bit silly and MADE AN ENTIRE SELF INSERT WITH A CHARACTER CHART AND MONSTER SPECIES PAGE. Don’t ask me how long it took me to edit all of this because I did ALL OF IT sadly by myself. THE POWER OF PHOTOSHOP AND THE EYEDROPPER TOOL COMPELS YOU🪄
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cureships · 4 months
imagine saying something related to your F/O’s special interest or hyperfixation and they start excitedly rambling to you about it while you get to sit there listening to them like
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months
"this is a horror."
To you.
To me it's a love story.
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 3 months
you wanna love a scary entity so bad. you wanna encounter a creature with an unnatural and clearly otherworldly appearance and make a connection with them sooo bad. you wanna meet a being with twisted body proportions and a weirdly constructed face and give them a kiss soooooo bad. you wanna interact with an entity that just naturally acts weird and out of place without any actual malicious intent soooooooooo bad. you wanna befriend this entity. you wanna take care of them. you wanna love them. you wanna have them take care of you. you wanna have a connection with them soooooooooooooooooo bad.
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wayward-souls-ships · 18 days
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The Beast takes over his new lantern bearer.
tag list: @deishubait @kylilah @catships777 @heart-shaped-reagent-vial @tylersbucklebunnie @dragons-and-dilection @bobmckenzie
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dandydiary · 19 days
imagine your f/o collecting things!
this could be something simple like trading cards or stamps, or maybe its something odd and more personalised to their tastes. lucky you, you always have a go-to gift idea to give your f/o something new for their collection.
where do they keep the collection? is it big or small? how long have they been collecting this thing? what do they collect? (and please feel free to elaborate in the tags because i LOVE hearing about other peoples’ f/os and their quirks).💖
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meowzahzzz · 2 years
bowser headcanons ft. gn reader  ( ♡ )
bowser fans. monster fuckers. how are we feeling are we feeling fed. i am
to say bowser doesn’t quite understand healthy ways of expressing his feelings... is an extreme understatement.
bowser has this romanticized yet very callous conception of love. you do anything for love and it’s justified, so on and so forth.
this is why his kidnapping peach thing persists.
i want to say his “love” for peach isn’t... really love. he believes it to be love, but his feelings towards her aren’t the sort. this isn’t to say he’s abusive to her (the most he’s done is kidnap her and the whole situation lost it’s “distressing” impact Long ago). rather that bowser confuses his emotions a lot, and rather than think about it too hard, he just goes with whatever’s easiest.
~ pre-relationship
when you come in, bowser’s infatuation with peach is thrown out the window.
peach is grateful she’s not the apple of bowser’s eye anymore, but she does worry about you being his now.
i don’t imagine his attempts at “kidnapping” end well. either you kick his ass and tell him to go to therapy or peach comes to the rescue with mario (and they also tell him to go to therapy).
bowser, surprisingly (or maybe not-so surprisingly), takes it to heart. and he starts to realize his thing for peach wasn’t... what he thought it was.
he used to just kidnap her over and over again, try to win her over and over again; her rejection didn’t faze him, but he was almost expecting the triumphant feeling of Love (whatever that could possibly be) to just... show up during these attempts.
of course he’s a rough and crude turtle kaiju king, but there is a softness under that shell.
bowser, at first, tries not to think too hard about it. rejection didn’t really sting the way this did before.
he’s embarrassed to hell and back, refusing to speak on it and when it’s brought up by kamek (”quit moping about the rejection, your highness”) he gets red in the face and his body stiffens like he’s turned to a statue, his voice loud and cracked (”I’M NOT MOPING, SHUT UP *tearing up*”)
when he is eventually forced to face his embarrassment and the stinging pain of rejection, he tries to think of ways to legitimately apologize. and if that works out, he definitely plans on winning you over.
and speaking of that apology, he definitely tries to chicken out at first. he’s so embarrassed. he’s the koopa king, for pete’s sake! he’s the leader of his army, he’s a ruler to be feared! yet he cowers at the thought that you’ll send him back with his tail between his legs.
he apologizes in person, despite how many times he begged to just send a note or something and kamek would have to hit him on the head with his staff (”i didn’t raise you to apologize over a note, your highness.”).
you can tell he’s genuinely sorry. there’s shame in his expression; he can’t quite look you in the hand, he fiddles with his hands, and he coughs when the words don’t quite want to come out. but when he apologizes, he does mean it.
it probably takes a bit for you to forgive him because he did come on rather strong. but he’s overjoyed when you do forgive him (he’ll probably jump in the air with excitement before going back to his “tough cool guy” act where he’s like ‘yeah i knew you’d forgive me’ *goes back home to cry tears of joy*)
you two start off as friends. and something bowser finds odd is that, despite his own feelings (as strong as they’ve started to grow), he’s... okay with that. just that.
there’s no urgency. he can just enjoy your company, flustered as it may make him.
there’s a side to bowser you, nor have the others (peach, mario, etc.), have seen before. nobody ever quite believed he was as one-dimensionally villainous as he tried to come off as, but bowser would’ve been damned to have exposed it.
he still wears his spiked shell, but it’s as though he’s coming out of hiding around you.
his voice, while still gruff, isn’t so performative; there’s no outrageous evil plans or self-conceptions of grandeur, just mundane (maybe even domestic) conversation.
of course he still wants to look cool in front of you, but he doesn’t have to cover up who he is inside either.
he doesn’t care what you want to do or what you talk about, you have this attention either way. and you can’t help but feel that... you like his attention.
there’s a gentleness he shows you that nobody else gets to see, and it’s so evident in the reactions you get from the others just by talking about your... “hang-outs” together.
he’s an absolute gentleman, of course. kamek can excuse kidnapping, but he draws the line at being ungentlemanly.
opening doors for you, holding out a chair for you, being a subtle protector when he thinks things are gonna go south, etc.
you’re a person bowser values and he’s so new to these feelings he has, and he wants to protect them as much as he wants to protect you.
to say you have certain feelings about him as well is very much an understatement.
even when you can’t specifically name it, you feel that he sees you like you hang all the stars in the sky. you’re one of the only people who have gotten a genuine laugh out of him, let alone a smile. and it’s his gentle nature specifically towards you that just makes you melt.
at first, the thought seems ridiculous, liking bowser, the koopa king of all evil, like... like that! but you think of it again, of how you’ve been friends and all the times you’ve spent together, and you feel as though you’ve been wrapped with warm ribbons, heat rising to your cheeks. it’s undeniable.
he definitely confesses to you first. a hopeless romantic at heart, he shows up at your doorstep, all fancily dressed with a mushroom and flower bouquet in hand, asking if you’d want to go on a date---with him.
his cheeks are flushed, and he stares at the floor, unable to look at you in fear he’ll find disgust on your face.
but wide-eyed and flustered yourself, you accept.
and when he looks up, there’s this... almost this shock on his face at first, mouth slightly agape, like something he never, ever could’ve expected to happen---just happened.
it doesn’t take long for him to widely grin and laugh as he picks you up into the air and holds you close to him, the bouquet sadly getting a bit crushed while he holds you in this embrace.
~ relationship
bowser is the happiest and luckiest koopa in the land. undoubtedly.
even with your relationship’s ups and downs, it’s like he’s always in the honeymoon phase.
most of his “evil schemes” are reduced to mischivieous pranks which you, and his koopalings, often participate in.
speaking of the koopalings, you have to get along with them. bowser jr, wendy, roy---all of them.
those children are his heart, and to see you not only get along with them, but be nurturing to them... his heart grows twice its size.
part of why he was so obsessed with peach was because he felt as though they needed a “mother” in their lives. he may be the king of evil and all, but he never wanted to be a failure of a father to his kids.
whether you’re aware of it or not, you helped him realize that... he wasn’t failing his kids, they didn’t “need” someone else to fix his mess. he was a good enough father on his own. and it’s only a plus to have you around, too.
bowser loves domestic stuff, he craves it. baking pies, hanging around with the koopalings---any of the most normal, mundane activities become a dream when he’s doing them with you.
he would also really like for you to join him when he and the others go kart racing, golfing, etc. if you aren’t already.
he loves the competition, loves rallying up his new family together (you included) so they can go kick that red hat wearing plumber’s ass! ...and his green brother too, i guess.
he’s just become a happier guy in general.
mario certainly appreciates it, actually being able to befriend the king koopa.
and peach likes being able to not be someone’s strange obsession, and she also considers you to be a good friend.
daisy LOVES it at first because she thinks there’s drama, but then you reveal everyone’s happy and there’s no conflict, she’s like oh... okay i guess. 😐
luigi is frightened by bowser, no surprise there, but he’s happy for you! luigi’s a bit of a hopeless romantic himself so he finds the things you and bowser do endearing, even if it is hard thinking of bowser being sweet.
you two are the cutest motherfuckers ever. in the mushroom kingdom. in the galaxy. im so jealous
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gummy-sharks666 · 6 months
Sigh…. Sorry followers but I couldn’t help but make this drunk sketch of Aires getting impaled on his alien bf’s dick again…..
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v1-kisser · 6 months
People with robot / nonhuman f/os. Hello (shakes your hand)
You have to remember that the longer you spend with them, the more human traits they'll pick up. If there's tic or quirk that you have, a gesture you often make when you talk... They'll start doing it, too. Even if it's totally unlike them. That's what happens... when u love someone....
A few examples:
If they're made of metal or don't have hair of any sorts, imagine them raking fingers over their "scalp" when they're stressed or deep in thought.
Scratching behind ears that they don't have, picking at non existent nails, rubbing their eyes when it's time to rest even though they don't get sleepy
Mimicking common human vocalizations (Hums, stutters, filler words like "uh" "well" "so")
If they have a very professional or robotic way of speaking (or they just aren't 100% fluent in human language), shortening some of the words in their vocabulary (Don't know -> Dunno, etc) and using more contractions/casual words.
Building on that, using figures of speech and expressions that you use! Maybe they end up making up the most bizarre metaphors that really only make sense to them. (If you stop and ask them what tf they're on about, do they get embarrassed and say "Nevermind" ? Do they try to explain?)
I just think it's important. And adorable. So. Yeah you should consider it. Feel free to add on!!!!!!!!!
pro/comship dni thank you.
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gummysharksafterdark · 3 months
Need alien f/o to mate with me….. need him to fill me with his clutch….
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
Oh, you think he's evil? You think he's a monster?
You're right, and I'm his favorite.
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 1 month
i need to fuck an ugly monster and when i say that i dont mean ones that could pass as human but just have non socially attractive facial features, i mean i wanna fuck an ugly monster period. i wanna fuck a thing made out of exposed flesh. i wanna fuck that beast with multiple varying sizes of limbs that protrude out of every random surface of its body you can possibly think of. i wanna fuck a creature with fully impossible body proportions, like overgrown arms with a small short torso or a 2 inch wide neck with a head weighing like 60 pounds. i wanna fuck a thing that either has weirdly shaped genitals or doesnt have any but i can use other parts of its strange and mismatched body instead. please entities that are nearly out of my range of comprehension, hit me UP
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selfship-quotes · 4 months
selfshippers with F/O(s) so big they can fit you in the palm of their hand ♡
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wayward-souls-ships · 13 days
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Oh how the gentle wind beckons through the leaves as autumn colors fall… 🍁
tag list: @heart-shaped-reagent-vial @deishubait @kylilah @catships777 @bobmckenzie @dragons-and-dilection @mutareadastra @nonesenseships
@amalthea-wolfwood @wisp-herr
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selfship-polycule · 7 months
being the only human in a monster polycule must be so much fun. you often wonder how they ended up falling for you, a human. you don't have big claws or huge wings or skin harder than steel, but they're still head over heels for you. your monster F/Os always get overprotective of you, you're their little protege. you're also cuddle-sized and make the best hugs. and the way you cup their head with those cute little hands.... they also love how easy it is to pick you up and bring you around!! just monsters F/Os having so much love for their human!
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